anabelle-reid · 9 years
‘❊’ for my character’s inner monologue after your character stormed off in anger and my character missed their opportunity to try and make them stay.
Belle couldn’t believe what Jane had said to her, but she could also barely believe what she’d said in return. She’d never had such a fit of anger, but things had built up and now Brendan had seemingly disappeared and everything seemed to be going wrong. Jane’s fight had been the tip of the iceberg, and now as Belle sat alone in the store, she regretted everything that she’d said to her friend. She’d missed her opportunity to make her stay, she’d missed her opportunity to keep her best friend.
Belle had really never seen Jane so angry, and the words they’d exchanged really did hurt. They’d cut deep, and Belle felt so awful. As she lay on the couch of her office, face down, Belle allowed herself five more minutes to wallow before she stood up, smoothed down her clothes and hair and headed off into the night to find her friend and make up with her. There was no way that Belle was going to let their friendship go over a stupid argument.
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climbingchaton-blog · 9 years
‘★’ for my muse walking on yours half naked in a changing room
Brendan had just finished his act, one in which he was performing a new routine in front of a few different ringleaders. The leader told them all to go get changed so they could discuss the new routine without everyone smelling like sweat. Brendan had been the last one to have a shower, he had found himself sat on the bench within the changing rooms.
The other guys called for him to hurry up. Brendan rolled his eyes as the water dripped onto his face. He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist. As he went to get changed, he heard the doors click open. He assumed someone must have forgot something.
“Charlie? Are you in here?” Brendan paused, that was a girl’s voice. Before he had time to react, Brendan turned around and saw Jane round the corner of the lockers. She looked at him and quickly turned back around with a small noise escaping her lips. “I’m sorry! I thought they were empty!” Jane squeaked as she froze.
“It’s uh, alright. I guess.” Brendan said awkwardly as he watched her. But she wasn’t leaving. Brendan coughed, as though to nudge her along, but that did nothing. He was just about to ask if she was going to leave when she spoke up. “Have you seen Charlie?” She asked suddenly. Brendan tilted his head.
Charlie... Oh. Scar. “He should be outside, with the other ringleaders.” Brendan said pointing to the door, although he was pretty sure she couldn’t see him pointing. “Thanks Brendan.” And with that, Jane rushed out of the changing rooms. Brendan sighed and turned back to his locker, wondering why she seemed to desperate to find him.
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‘◊’ for a sticky note left on your character’s fridge in the morning by my muse.
For yet another moment Zachariah looked down at the woman in front of him and he reached out to carefully push a strand of hair which was covering her face behind her ear. There was no doubt, Jane would have one hell of a hangover as soon as she was waking up, which was the main reason why Zachariah didn’t intend on staying any longer. He had gotten her home safely, even been nice enough to leave a glass of water and painkillers on her nightstand for the next morning, but staying to see if she was alive tomorrow? Nope.
As quietly as possible Zachariah left the room and closed the door behind him. His first thought was leaving as though nothing happened. His second was yelling at him how much of a horrible idea it was. It would only end in her spamming him with texts and phone calls or completely ignoring him. Both, he had to admit, things he didn’t quite want. So he left a note taped to her fridge; a place in which she hopefully wouldn’t be able to miss it.
“Morning, Sleeping Beauty! Before you’re wondering: No, we didn’t. We’re besties, remember? We went drinking, you complained a lot about your love life and took me painfully serious on me buying you all your drinks. I brought you home and made sure you didn’t have to reenact The Exorcist. Call me if you’re dead, I might be nice enough to play your saviour once again.”
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“Song…please…sing me to sleep so I can…leave this world in peace…”
Yuna’s eyes lit up with guilt and pain and everything under the cloud of sadness she could think of as she held Jane in her lap, shaking a little under the pressure and helplessness she felt. Out of all this magic she had, she couldn’t bring things back to life or repair their wounds. She could only create and destroy–and kill. She swallowed slightly, letting Jane get these words out that she was trying to find. 
“Song…please…sing me to sleep so I can…leave this world in peace…” Jane smiled sadly and that’s when Yuna’s tears dripped and flowed freely. Her breathing was ragged, and Yuna shook her head. 
“I can’t,” she choked after trying to sing a note or two, and she just couldn’t. Yuna knew that she was failing Jane, even in her last moments with her. “Janey, I’m sorry, please, don’t–”
Jane lifted her hand and smiled happily this time, shaking her head. “Don’t be. Just sing.” 
After a second of trying to suck it up, she rocked in her spot as she sang to Jane. “Goodbye my Jane, it’s hard to die… When the birds are singing in the sky, and spring is in the air… Pretty girls like you are everywhere… just think of me and I’ll be there…  We had joy.. we had f-fun, we had seasons in the sun… but the hills we had climbed were just seasons out of t..time…”
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‘❣’ for my character suddenly being joined in the bathe by yours
Vivian leaned her head back, shutting her eyes as the heat slowly started to take the tension from her body. It had been a long day. The sort of day which left every muscle tense in your body, your thoughts clouded with things you didn’t want to ponder about any longer and your heart painfully heavy. The kind of day which could only be saved by a bubble bath and a huge glass of red wine. So that was where she was now; spread in the bathtub and an entire bottle of red wine next to her.
For a few minutes she just laid there, enjoying the silence and the simplicity of the moment. She could hear the clicking sound of a door getting opened, but instead of looking up she simply couldn’t be bothered. Maybe it was her cat. Maybe it was a friend she had given the keys to. Whoever it was would surely disappear as soon as they saw her… or… apparently not.
Before she could really do anything about it, Vivian could feel a brush of air on her skin and someone setting their foot in the bathtub. Reflexively Vivian pushed herself up into a sitting position, her eyes opening in surprise as the person actually dared to lower themself into the hot water and widening at the realisation who it was. Jane?! 
Truth be told, Vivian wasn’t sure whether or not she should be genuinely concerned, confused or amused. Probably a bit of it all. “You do realise that I am not my brother, don’t you?” she asked, a smirk playing on her lips. Grinning Jane turned her head to look over her shoulder and at the other female. She didn’t seem at all impressed by the lack of awkwardness coming from Vivian. Most likely because she knew the Xavier confidence already thanks to Charlie. 
“Your brother can be a bit of an arsehole,” Jane explained as though it should be obvious, causing Vivian to burst out into laughter. “So what? He’s too blind to realise you like him so you figured as repayment you would sneak up on his sister?” If that wasn’t out of character, Vivian didn’t know what was. Charlie really seemed to have found his way under the woman’s skin, if she went that crazy for him.
“You’ve got balls, Jane Porter. I’ll give you that.”
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anabelle-reid · 9 years
13. “I wish…I wasn’t… dying… There’s still so much that I wanted…to do with you….”
Belle knew this was the end. Her heart was slowing, her vision was blurring in and out of focus. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and let go, but the hand that gripped hers so painfully, as if she were trying to keep Belle alive by her mere presence, kept her awake for now. There were things that needed to be said and things that needed to be done. “Jane,” she whispered, her voice as cracked and broken as if she hadn’t drank for a week, but it was merely the thought of what she had to say. “Jane...take care of everything for me. The kittens, you k-keep them...” she broke off, coughing violently. 
After a moment, she continued, albeit slower and with my caution. “I’m s-sorry we never spent more time together. I wish....I wasn’t....dying,” Belle paused as Jane’s protests split the air. She wasn’t dying, Jane was trying to argue. But Belle knew. She knew this was it. “There’s still so much that I wanted...to do with you...take this..” she pressed a slightly crumpled sheet of paper into Jane’s hand. It was a kind of bucket list, full of activities she’d wanted to do, places she’d wanted to go, books to read. “Live for me,” she whispered, giving her friend’s hand a gentle squeeze. “You were my closest friend,” Belle finished, before closing her eyes and giving in to the angels waiting to carry her away.
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44. “You look stupid.”
It was only about half an hour more until the Monkey’s Man would celebrate his debut. The great performance tent was filled with hundreds of people, the animals were already waiting backstage to be set free into the circus ring and everything was set and ready to start… well, almost everything. The Monkey’s Man himself was still missing and Zachariah had of course, offered to be the one breaking the news to the female part of the act - Jane Porter.
With a wide grin on his lips he had told her and watched how the excitement on her face was suddenly replaced by panic. How was she supposed to do this alone? The people wanted to see Jason and not her! She never in her life had performed before, how was one doing that? Soon enough Zachariah was groaning about all the questions she was asking him and yet letting him no time to answer.
He had figured, that he’d like her reaction, that he’d have his greatest fun seeing her flip out, but no! It was bothering him more than her “I’ll tell you what’s right and what’s wrong” side, which seemed impossible until now.
“Jane!”, he called in a deep, yet loud voice and instantly the female stopped in her monologue and stared at him. “Calm down! Fuck that jungle kid! That’s your chance to take over the entire act. If you’re better now alone than monkey boy can ever be, than this performance will soon be yours and he’ll use that mop on his head to clean!”
Out of big eyes Jane stared at him and he expected to hear another “How are you so rude?” or “How dare you saying this about him?” but instead he got a whisper. “Do you think I could do that good?”, she asked quietly and for a second she truly seemed shy. Zachariah nodded with a seriousness, which quickly was replaced by one of his legendary smirks: “We’ve to do something about that costume though. You look stupid.”
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climbingchaton-blog · 9 years
21. “Please don’t leave me here.”
There was a darkness that set on the room, it created horrible shadows which loomed over Brendan. It swallowed him whole, as the shadows usually did. He found himself shoving through the maze of props and painted scenery. His breath quickened, he had no idea how he had gotten himself trapped in this tent.
But it all folded in on him. Brendan had no idea which turn could take him to the exit, or whether an exit even existed in the room. Through the curves and cardboard figures, Brendan saw a light. He stormed towards it, his breath quickening as he finally rounded a corner and saw a brunette girl drawing under a light. She looked up from the paper and stared at him. “Jane?” Brendan asked, the desperation fluttered through his voice.
But he had called it from the shadows, she could not have seen him. She hadn’t seen him. He watched as she gasped and scrambled back from the light, he could hear the footsteps and rushed breaths. Brendan jumped forward with desperation. “No! Please don’t leave me in here!” Brendan’s voice was like the meow of a cat, but strangled.  
Brendan turned to the floor where he saw a crumpled up piece of paper under his foot. He moved it and looked at the drawing. It was one of him. Brendan gasped as he turned to look around in the shadows again. “Jane?!” He called out again, but this time he heard footsteps.
She stepped into the light with him, and although he towered over her he felt so small. Insignificant. “Help me?” He asked quietly as a hand ran through his hair. Jane smiled and nodded, that was all he needed for relief to flow through his body.
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