#off too bed tomorrow i bring even gayer stuff
rodolfoparras · 7 months
Thinking about how easily Price owes up to his mistakes, how he profusely apologizes when he unintentionally hurts someone close to him, how he’d grovel at your feet, literally kneel if he did something wrong, apologizes profusely slipping past his lips only every stopping as he takes your cock down his throat, showing you just how sorry he is instead of using words
Price who wants to make sure you know how sorry he is, who goes out of his way to plan something to make up for what he’d said and how he’d acted, who gets all dressed up, cooks some dinner makes some dessert, dresses up in his pretty lingerie only for the flimsy fabric to land on the floor, with Price’s naked form perched on your lap and riding your cock, trying desperately to apologize for his earlier behavior but mind too far gone to form words
If you’re not up for resolving it in bed he’d offer to resolve it during a training session instead, allowing you to pin him down to the padded floor, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace as you glare down at his form before you’re pulling down your shorts, enough to free your cock before pressing the tip to his lips, watching the way they turn shine from pre before you slip into his mouth
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 4 years
Truth or Dare? 1/3 probably
much of the details about him in this fic is from things b has said in interviews, on periscope, twitch, twitter... see if you can guess what is true vs details/things i made up. other things, like most of his friends being girls (at least as a kid and teen) i don't think he's ever stated outright but i consider so damn obvious as you learn about him eg the bullying, his best friend in 8th grade was a girl. hopefully, all the things i remember him saying he's actually said and i didn't dream it/imagine it haha. also i love this fic so fucking much if i may say so. one of my faves, to be a braggart. in this universe, he never got introduced to spence or ryan, hence no mentions of them or panic! and him going off to arizona for cosmetology
tag list @greatheromuffinpalace @paypoulterer1 @anyh0w @anobsessioncalled @panicsinning @queerbrendon @prettyoddfiction @iwriteficsnottragediesladies @uriellybrendon @pageoftheclouds @brendonuriesbubblyass @ier0-must-die @itriedallthenamesiwantedaretaken @xfoxtalynx @spacesams00 @satanspuppet-x @1-800-hallelujah @ryrostan @tacobelltylerr @urie-dreams [just message me to be added or taken off the tag list]
You're watching Aladdin with Brendon, after Alice in Wonderland but before Bambi because you don't want to wind up crying yet. He's totally like Flower and Bambi. Loves flowers, flirty and doe-eyed, for starters. He's an Aladdin too, and is singing along with you as you're cuddled up on your bed with him, him absentmindedly playing with, brushing your hair. He stopped styling it a while ago, but you love having your hair played with, scalp massaged, neck too, as much as he does... Even that has arousal spreading, tickling over you.
You don't have class tomorrow, but he has a cosmetology one in the morning. He's still excited about not having someone telling him to get to bed though, and you're too relaxed, and uh... you like how you feel around him too much, how simple things, touches kind of turn you on, to suggest he get to sleep or leave your room. Besides, your roommate went home for the weekend. And these blankets and pajamas are comfy. You wind up getting into A Whole New World though: dramatic actions and singing, batting lashes at each other, giggling, pretending the bed is a magic carpet like the dorks you two are...
You offer your lap for his head to get pets in once the song ends... You love touching his hair. Watching his lashes, eyes, lips in the television light. Hearing his breathing deepening, his sighs, a couple mmms when you stroke the nape of his neck, tug his hair, scritch his scalp. You've only known him a couple months, but... whoo boy. Too bad he's gayer than the day is long. And kind of has a boyfriend from his program, George. Well, a friend with benefits.
“Truth or dare, B?” you ask when the movie ends, but neither of you move.
“'M sleepy from all those pets, y/n, so for once, I'm going with truth.”
“Were you like this as a kid? Was it musicals and wanting to do cosmetology and stuff back then too? Like not being... being... different. From how boys were supposed to be.”
He chuckles. “Pretty much. Did skateboarding for years, and some soccer, but that was pretty much the extent of the manly shit. Well, the heavy metal too. And lots of people did pot. But mostly the kind of things people thought boys shouldn't do. Most of my friends were girls. Still are. Liked making people laugh, entertaining them. Gymnastics, dance; just messing around not pro. Did sets for the drama kids in high school. I fit in with some guys, mostly chill stoner or art types, guys who weren't straight, but not many. Sometimes I had to fake it to get by with guys, if it even worked. But mostly stuff like the dress up box.”
“What'd you dress up as?”
“Different musical roles, like Maria and Cosette, Jean Valjean. I remember being about five and wrapping curtains around myself like a dress and singing Sound of Music. Cheerleader with the miniskirt and all from my older sister Kara. Uh... pirate, cowboy, or cowgirl. Elvis, Carly Simon, Gwen. Wanted to sound like her so bad. Beyonce. David Bowie in Labyrinth, without a proper wig though. And a few of the personas he had different eras too. Jareth was mixed up in a crush on him. Like I wasn't sure how much I wanted to play that role versus liked David... At twelve, with Jessica Alba, that was a lot clearer. Make up too, some wigs. Lots of my mom's clothes. I'm sure you can tell on that last one.” He still wears women's jeans now. And hoodies, shirts, a couple pairs of sneakers...
“Oh, a weird flower boy version of Rambo,” he laughs. “Like the headband, but my mom's blouse and jeans, a bouquet of flowers, heels, dad's sunglasses... Still have a picture of that one. And we have lots of home movies of stuff. Me being a lounge singer with a feather boa and gold dress... seducing my mom. Oh, shit, can't believe I just admitted that aloud. Anyway, there was firefighter, seamstress, servant, scuba diver, vet... Vampire, fairy, witch. Playing a mom or sister in plays, like sometimes one of my sisters would be the dad, I'd be the mom, or we'd be three sisters. Or they'd be the mom and dad and I'd be their baby. I remember one where I was pregnant—pillow and doll baby, haha—and Kyla was the pirate doctor helping me deliver on the ship. Or the damsel in distress being rescued by them. Or kidnapped by them. Or we had to save our mom, the queen, from a dragon or evil king.”
They were imaginative too! You're picturing them, little Brendon in these outfits, roles. So cute, and silly, and did you say cute? He must've been adorable, playful and an entertainer back then, too. He's done an open mic a few times and sings and plays at parties with friends. You've seen him do it last Saturday, nervous but eager to sing and play guitar, or keyboard. He said that music was his favourite hobby, that he loves doing it, especially for people, but you had no idea how deep it went.
“Me in my sister's gymnastic leotard, but over my shorts because she didn't want it so close to my crotch.”
The crotch part makes you think of it: if he wears... uh, panties too? The thought makes you flush and feel embarrassed. You haven't seen him in a dress or skirt either, but he used to wear those. You wonder if he still does and you just haven't seen it. You think they'd suit him for some reason. The lavender hoodie, the pink sneakers, plus a miniskirt? Denim, or black. God, you bet that he'd look even better, draw you to him more.
“Wish we had dress up stuff to play with here, B. Bet it was fun. And I bet you looked so cute.”
He gets up, but it's to turn on the lamp; the tv had gone dark. He bats his lashes. “Oh, I did.”
You both laugh as you throw a pillow at him. “Goofball. Don't ever let me tell you you still look cute, then. And that I actually would want to see you with a dress up box.”
“Truth or dare?” he asks. You'd forgotten how this started.
“Truth?” Neither is a safe bet, so you just go with what he went with to even it out.
“Would you want to see me dressed up? Like... in things here... of yours?”
Your breath catches. Are you that obvious? You nod, asking “Truth or dare?”
He grins. “Whattaya think, y/n? Dare.”
“M-maybe... uh... a skirt? On you, I mean?”
“That can be arranged.” He practically bounces over to your closet, sorts through, deciding on a long soft blue and lilac hippieish flowery one that goes to your ankles, a purple plaid one that comes to your knees but would be two to three inches shorter on him, and your denim one that's so short it would be a mini on him. You wear it with black tights or other pants it's so short. Really, he picked most of them; you only have two others. He holds them out one by one, then places them over his hips: “Which one would fit me best?”
You get flustered, because you want to see the denim one most, but worry it would be too short for him. The plaid one? It gives “naughty schoolgirl” vibes to boys and men, older pervs included, so you don't wear it much, even though it reminds you of a newly formed coven of witches stuck at a Catholic school for some reason (you blame The Craft). You wonder what'd look like on him. You bet he's worn skirt school uniforms before, and that he'd get cheesy with it, calling you Miss and asking hammily but flirtatiously about extra credit, asking you to teach him, maybe bending over... which not going to lie, you do want if it got sexily funny, but you know it couldn't mean anything.
He grins. "Warning ya, my legs are really hairy, so you might wanna go with the longest one. What can I say, I've got Jewish legs."
You snort. "Guess I've got Jewish legs too: my hair is a light brown, but there's lots of it below my knees. I stopped shaving now that it's November." You can't help wondering if he's dressed up for Hallowe'en in a girl's costume, or in drag, and what he'd look like; even some guys who are kind of sexist and homophobic do that for Hallowe'en, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary even outside of the gay bar you and he were let into a few times, because George knew the bouncer. Both of your first one, bar or gay bar.
"Oh, I bet I've got more than you," he jokes, and slides his pant leg up a bit, doing a "banananana" strip tease music thing, shaking his leg, making you both giggle.
"Go with the shortest one, B. Bet you'd look super sexy," you reply, hammily winking.
"No peeking!" he admonishes teasingly, hiding behind your closet door, but he pops his booty out and sways it before hiding again. His jeans quickly get flung towards you to him laughing, "Hey, you ever see that British film The Full Monty?"
"It's kinda tight on my ass, but loose on my hips. What can I say? I bring the booty. But your hips are more womanly than mine, alas," he sighs dramatically. “And your thighs are damn. Um. At least it covers my underwear. Pretty much.” He peeks out, excited. "Ready? I just wanna make sure you're prepared for my hairy ass legs, oh and my stunningly gorgeous ass."
"Pshaw, I know that that booty brings all the boys to your yard, you tramp." He's really a tease at that bar. Both guys his age and kind of older, but only one creep. He always drinks for free, gets you drinks too, and you alternately keep close and watch from afar and let him do his thing with said boys. He only talks with most, often dances, but if he likes the guy, the dancing goes beyond pg territory, kissing too, and he even went home with one of them.
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queen-shade · 7 years
I Got the Rank Part 2 (Jared Kleinman x Reader SMUT)
Warnings: smutty af again, cursing A/N: Here is part 2 for the anon that requested it! This was my first time writing full on smut, so I hope you like it! Don't be shy to request something! I will literally write anything! __________________________________________________ The next day was awkward as hell. You were sitting across from him with your other friends around you at lunch. You and Jared were mostly silent, which sent a huge question mark to your friend group. You two are usually the ones who don’t shut up. Zoe turned to you. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve barely said a word this entire time.” “Me? Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.” Connor had also noticed that you were unusually quiet. “Thinking about what?” You looked at Connor then at Jared who stared back. “Just… stuff. It’s not a big deal. Just continue with your conversation, please.” Connor saw that. He saw the look you gave Jared just now and now he knows that something happened yesterday. He decided to leave it alone for right now. __________________________________________________ You were driving over to the Murphy’s because they decided to have a little get together with your group of friends. When you got out, Alana and Zoe came out and practically dragged you to Zoe’s room. “Guys, what the hell?” “What happened yesterday between you and Jared?” “Nothing, Zo. I already told all of you that I’m fine.” “(Y/N), you were being quiet and distant all day.” “Look, it doesn’t matter. I just came here because I want to have a good time, okay?” “No, if there is even a small riff between you and somebody else, ESPECIALLY if that person is Jared, then our whole friend group is doomed to fall apart. You and Jared have to talk out whatever’s bothering you.” “First of all, when was the last time you saw Jared Kleinman talk about his feelings? Second, it’s not a big deal, okay? We just… did stuff.” Alana sat down on the bed next to you. “Stuff?” You nervously looked at the two of them and stared at the floor. Alana tried again. “(Y/N), what stuff did you do?” You visibly cringed at what their reaction might be when you told them. You took a deep breath and stared at the Zoe. “I may have… sucked his dick to prove a point.” The two girls squealed and tackled you. You laughed at them because this was not what you were expecting. Zoe said, “I can’t believe you did that! Who knew you were actually capable of doing something that wasn’t for a grade.” “Funny, that’s kinda what Jared said. That’s sort of the whole reason why it happened.” While you three were talking in Zoe’s room, little did you know that Evan and Connor were giving Jared a talk of their own. Jared had just finished explaining what happened. “And now, I feel like a dick head who isn’t repaying her back and she’s still leaving me on the fence about getting together.” Connor was throwing up a baseball and catching it. “We all know that you’ve liked her for a long time, just tell her.” “I did… sort of.” “Well, make sure she KNOWS that you want to be with her for her.” “Of course I want to be with her for her. Why would that even be in question?” Connor gave him a look like he was stupid. “Let’s see. She sucks your dick and all of the sudden you want to get together? You gotta make sure she knows.” “God. Fine, I will. Can we stop talking about this now? I feel at least 2% gayer than I did when I walked in here.” After the talks, you all sat in the living room drinking the champagne the Murphy’s left behind. With all that happened yesterday, you needed a drink. Having done this many times before, you knew your limit. However, Jared may not. He was straight up looney bin central after his fourth glass. He was hanging all over everyone and quite frankly, annoying the shit out of Connor. You and Evan laughed when he passed out in Connor’s lap and Connor shoved him to the floor. You got up and picked him up with the best of your ability, letting him lean on you. “Okay, he’s way too drunk to drive. I’ll take care of him.” “I’m sure you will.” You glared at Zoe who was nonchalantly sipping her drink. Evan and Connor hid their smiles as best as they could. “So, you all know. Fantastic.” “We aren’t gonna let anything come in between you guys. Especially not when you two obviously have feelings for each other.” You understood Zoe’s concern, but for some reason it was starting a fire in the pit in your stomach. What if you find out that the only reason Jared wants to be with you is because of your body? You wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of pain. Not when you’ve liked him for so long and he probably will never reciprocate the feelings. “I’ll see you guys at school.” They all waved goodbye as you struggled getting Jared into your backseat. You drove him home and let him flop onto his bed. You put two pills and a glass of water on his bedside table as he was just murmuring to himself. You helped him get under the covers and tucked him in. “Heyyy.” “Hi Jared.” “H-how come I didn’t knnnooowww t-that a pretty girl w-was putting me into bed?” “Get some sleep.” “W-wait, I gotta t-tell yyyyoooouuuu something.” “What?” You leaned close to him when he motioned you to. You had seen this kind of thing in movies where one of the characters is super drunk and they accidentally make a huge love confession. Sadly, that is not what you got. What you got was Jared passing out immediately. Just your luck. You got up and drove over to your house. You were most definitely going to check on him tomorrow morning. His parents were out of town for the weekend, so he won’t get caught. With being hungover. You just wanted to go over there to make sure he didn’t need anything. Sure, you were pining for the guy, but that didn’t stop you from worrying about his well-being. __________________________________________________ You knocked on the door and a groggy Jared opened it. He hadn’t put on his glasses yet, his eyes had bags underneath them, and he had a serious case of bedhead. It was really cute. “What?” “Good morning to you too. Is this how you treat all the people who take care of you after your drunken adventures?” “Can you please stop yelling?” You smirked and talked a bit louder. “YOU MEAN LIKE THIS!?” He put his hands on his head and groaned. “I actually hate you.” “Sure you do. Now sit down, I’ll make you breakfast. Did you take the pills I gave you?” “Yeah. They don’t help.” “You gotta give them a minute, Jared.” He was fiddling with his glass of water and just watched you work your way around HIS kitchen. It was really domestic and he actually kind of liked it.? He always admired how well you took care of yourself and others. Even if the ‘others’ had made a dumb mistake by getting drunk the night before. Jared might actually go insane with your low cut shirt and black skinny jeans that hugged your hips and ass just right. You had basically been cleaning his entire house, much to his disapproval. “You know, you don’t have to clean? I’m supposed to do it.” “You and I both know that you suck at cleaning and would do the bare minimum. Besides, I like cleaning and helping your parents.” “You really like making me feel like an ass, don’t you?” You were bent over trying to pick something off the floor, giving him the best view he had ever seen. He took another sip of his water and tried looking at whatever was on the tv and tried not to get a boner. It didn’t help that your shampoo smelled like heaven to him. Ever since you had done… you know, he was starting to see you in a different light. Everything you did drove him crazy. He always had a tiny crush on you, but that tiny crush was expanding by the hour and he wasn’t sure on how to go about it. He wanted to feel your lips against his. He wanted to keep running his hands through your hair. He wanted to go on dates and bring you flowers and all that other cliché gay shit that you see in the movies. He wanted to make you feel special and to spoil you. He never intended on you doing what you did, but he’s glad it happened. It made him realize just how helplessly in love with you he actually was. After you had just finished cleaning and giving him one hell of a show, he had decided that he needed to let you know now. He sat his glass on the side table and walked over to you. You had just put the vacuum cleaner away and turned around. He put his hands on your hips and brought you closer. You were surprised and before you could say anything, he said, “Please don’t hate me for doing this.” He kissed you. Hard. Your lips were so soft against his. He wanted more. He needed more. But he restrained himself and pulled away. You stood there, not knowing how to respond. He looked you in the eyes, trying to find any sign for him to continue, he found none. You desperately wanted to kiss him again, but you steeled yourself. You needed to know if he wanted you for you or for your body. “What was that for?” “(Y/N), I’m crazy for you. Seriously, you have no idea what you’ve been doing to me all morning.” “Jared… we can’t.” “Why not? No one is here except for us.” “I want to, but…” You trailed off and faced away from him. He didn’t understand. You just said you wanted to, so what was the issue? “Do you want me for me?” “Of cour-” “I mean it, Jared. Do you want me for me? I can only go through with this if you tell me the truth. I need to know if you’re only doing this because you want sex or if you want me.” Jared rubbed the back of his neck. “Both? Listen, (Y/N), I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since Thursday. I don’t know, but seeing you do that, it gave me a completely different view of you. I know it seems like I just want you because you gave me a blowjob, but please let me show you that I want more than just that. Let me spoil you, (Y/N).” You thought about what he said. Could he really feel the same way? You were unsure, but you couldn't deny how bad you wanted him. You decided ‘fuck it’ was the best solution and crashed your lips onto his. He deepened the kiss and grabbed your ass. He lifted you up and laid you down on the couch and hovered over you. He began kissing his way down to your neck, determined to find your sweet spot. You moaned into his ear and he bit down on the spot. God you drove him mad. You gasped when he lifted from your neck and rested his forehead against yours. You giggled. “You definitely left a mark.” “Now we can match.” His hands were now at the hem of your shirt. “We can stop any time you want.” “I don't want to stop.” He felt all along your torso and soon found your breasts. You lifted up to take your shirt off and threw it on the floor. He reached behind your back and unhooked your bra with no effort at all. He tossed it with your other clothes. “Wow, how did you do that? I can't even do it that well.” “I have no idea.” He kissed you again as you chuckled and grabbed your breasts. He kneaded them in his palms. You moaned into his mouth when he pinched your nipple. You arched your back into him and pressed your body against his. He smiled against your lips and grinded into you. You moaned again and started to breathe heavily. “Jared, how many times have you done this?” “This is the first time.” “You're surprisingly good at this.” “Well, porn is a good learning method.” He licked your nipple and pinched the other one. You couldn't help but watch him. He was so attractive when he was dominant. You liked the fact that he could make you feel this way and he doesn't have to try. He looked up and made eye contact with you while he was sucking on your breast. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back. “Don't look at me like that. I might lose all self control.” You looked back down and he stared up at you again, causing you to run your hands through his hair. Fuck he was really cute and in this moment, he was all yours. His hands shifted behind you and tugged you close to his body. His lips were red and swollen and his hair was a mess. He was breathing hard against your shoulder. He began kissing your neck again and listened to your moans, making him even harder. You reached down to stroke him through his boxers. Jared had never actually put on pants this morning. Thank God for that. He stopped your hand by grabbing your wrist and looking at you. “(Y/N), let me repay you. This is about you.” “Jared, you don't have to, I'm perfectly f-” He cut you off by kissing you and and tugging your jeans open. You shimmied them off with your underwear. You were now completely bare under him. You were really glad his parents weren't home. He began feeling your thighs and the lower part of your stomach. You were so wet, you were sure he could feel it against his thigh. He got close to your center but would shy away from it, teasing you. “Jared, please touch me.” He smiled against your lips as he gave you another kiss. He lifted off of you and got in front of the couch, bringing your legs with him. They were closed in front of him and you were shaking with anticipation. He kissed your knees and calves. “We can stop if you're too nervous.” “I'm fine. Please keep going for the love of god.” He chuckled and set both hands on your legs. He spread them apart and gazed at your entrance. You didn't know someone could look so hot doing that. Jared began kissing your thighs, but you were starting to get impatient. You needed his tongue on you now. He began licking your clit in small circles and you have never felt so overcome with pleasure before. You leaned back against the couch and ran your hands through his hair. “You’re so wet, (Y/N). You're seriously driving me crazy.” “You think I'm driving you crazy? Try being in my position.” “I was two days ago.” You lightly smacked his shoulder, causing him to hum against your clit. That made you moan and writhe underneath him. He inserted a finger into you and threw your head back. “Oh my god, Jared, don't stop.” His other hand reached up and pinched your nipple. He was doing anything he could to keep you in your euphoria. You were moaning his name and it sent electric shocks straight to his cock. He couldn't believe he was making you feel this good. He inserted another finger and sped up his movements. His tongue moved up and down your clit faster and he made sure to really flick it every time. You were getting so close. Your legs began moving and arching and that only encouraged him. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. He plunged it deep into you and and you cried out. Now his fingers were on your clit, rubbing it as fast as he could. He even began to pinch your nipple a little bit harder. Just then, your phone vibrated next to you. You glanced at the screen and saw that Evan was calling you. Now? You looked to Jared who momentarily stopped. “Answer it.” “Are you crazy? I was just about t-” “Just answer it.” You swiped the green call button across the screen. When you opened your mouth to answer, Jared inserted two fingers into you. “Hey EvAN.” You squeezed your eyes closed, trying not to moan. You glared at Jared who was going to town on your clit. You were definitely breathing hard into the receiver. Hopefully Evan will ignore it. Evan was talking to you about the homework for your English assignment and you, honestly, couldn't care less at the moment. He was freaking out because he had not started it yet. “Evan… p-please st-ah-op freaking ah-out. You still h-have all day t-today and tomorrow.” You gripped Jared’s hair, making moan against your pussy. You let out an involuntary moan. “Uh, (Y/N), what was that?” “N-nothing! I'm just exercising. I think I just pulled a muscle.” Just then you heard laughing coming from his side of the call. You could hear Connor’s voice. “Yeah, exercising, sure. Are you with Kleinman right now?” Jared pinched your nipple again and you hung up the phone. You moaned his name. “I hate you.” “Sure you do.” “Jared, please make me cum. I need to cum.” He did as you asked and just like that, he kicked himself to hyper speed mode. He added three fingers into you and thrusted them as fast as he could. He sucked on your clit repeatedly and played with your nipple. You couldn't stop moaning. You were getting so close, you could feel the burn in the pit of your stomach. Just when you thought he had been giving you his all, his tongue somehow seemed to move faster and applied more pressure. “Oh my fucking god, Jared. You're gonna make me cum!” He kept thrusting his fingers inside of you. They were so deep and felt so good. You wondered how his cock would feel. “Jared! Jared! I'm cumming!” He licked your clit and kept moving his fingers as you tipped over the edge in ecstasy. You had to push his hands out of you once your orgasm washed away. He sat up and looked at you with a smile. You lazily smiled back. “More.” “What?” “I need more.” “That was fast.” You needed to know how he felt inside of you and you weren't just talking his tongue or fingers. You needed him now. You weren't sure how much longer you would last. Even if you and Jared don't get together, at least you would lose your virginity to someone you trusted. “Jared, I want you inside of me.” “Are you sure?” “I've never been more sure in my life. Please, I need you.” You had laid back against the couch and spread yourself in front of him. You saw his pupils dilate and his tongue dart out to lick his lips. You began touching yourself and moaned his name. He palmed himself through his boxers as he watched you. You went to lift up his shirt when he gazed down at the floor. “What's wrong?” “I'm not… I'm not really that fit.” This had been the first time, Jared ever showed any sign of insecurity around you. You cupped his cheeks as you kissed him. You moved one of your hands to palm him. “Jared, I want you. All of you. I care more about what's on the inside rather than the outside. Now, come over here and fuck me.” “I have never been one to deny a lady.” He kissed you and took off his shirt. You ran your hands up and down his torso and felt his soft skin under your fingertips. You took off his boxers as he circled your clit with his finger. “You see what you do to me? That was all you.” He grinned as he kissed you more passionately. Your bodies were moving against each other. “Wait. I don't have protection.” “I'm on the pill.” “Fuck, so does that mean…” “I want you to cum inside of me.” He moaned into your neck as he rubbed his hard length through your folds. He kissed you as slipped inside of you, stretching you around him. He stayed still, hoping that he wasn't hurting you. You relaxed when he laced your fingers with his and gave you a cute smile. You let out a shaky breath and moved your hips. He took that as his cue to start thrusting. His cock felt so nice moving in out of you. You moaned with each thrust. He started sucking on your nipple and thrusted faster. You could feel yourself getting close to the edge already. He was so big and filled you. “Faster!” He thrusted into you faster. In fact, his hips were slamming against yours. The sounds and the feelings were about to send you over the edge. He thrusted even faster and you screamed out his name. He kissed you until you calmed down. He watched as the wave of pleasure over you. He flipped you so that he was sitting underneath you and you were on top. You sunk down on him and began moving your hips. He wanted to watch you bounce on his cock. You rested your hands on his knees and leaned back. He watched his cock slip in and out of your pussy and moaned. He couldn’t take much more and grabbed your hips. He began thrusting up into you, making you scream. He was thrusting at lighting speed and began fingering your clit with his thumb. “Fuck, Jared! Don't stop!” He turned you around on his cock so you could lean back against him. His arm reached around to keep fingering your clit. His began whispering in your ear, “I love it when you bounce on my cock like that. Fuck. You wanna cum for me, don't you?” All you could do was stare him and nod your head. You loved his dirty talking. It made you get closer and closer to orgasm. “You like it when I fuck you like this? Hmm? You can't take much more, can you?” “Jared, I wanna cum on your cock.” And just like that, he thrusted into you so hard and fast, you had no control over your body. You were moaning like crazy and that only encouraged him. He fingered you as fast as he could and you could feel the pressure start to increase. “I'm so close! I'm gonna cum again!” “Cum for me, (Y/N).” His voice was deep and breathy and it sent you right to orgasm. You could feel his thrusting speed up and his cock began twitching inside of you. His hand that was fingering you came up to your jaw and applied pressure. He forced you to look at him. “I'm gonna cum for you. Fuck fuck fuck!” You felt him tense up inside of you. His moans and the his load spilling inside of you sent you into utter ecstasy. You kissed his cheek as his hand fell from your face. He was breathing hard. Now it was his turn to give you a lazy smile. You sat there on his lap, trying to catch your breath. You reached for your clothes and began dressing. When you bent over, Jared slapped your ass, leaving a red mark. “Wanted to do that since this morning.” You smiled at him. After you both had your clothes on, you went into his kitchen made two sandwiches for the both of you. Once you sat down, he popped in a movie and cuddled up next to you. The movie was extremely boring, but you tried to follow along anyways. Jared, however, was not interested in it at all. He had been staring at you since he finished his sandwich. “You're really cute, you know that?” You didn't respond. “Are we not going to talk about this?” You shrugged. “There's nothing to talk about.” “C’mon, (Y/N), I know you felt what I did.” “I don't know what you're talking about.” “Why are you beating around the bush about this?” “Because I don't want to get hurt! Jared, I like you a lot! Way more than a friend should and you were talking about how you saw me in a different light right after I gave you a blowjob. And I… I won't be able to live with dating you if you just want sex.” “I told you I wanted to spoil you. I gave you my all because I wanted to never forget that this happened. After you blew me, all the little things you do for me drive me crazy. Like you taking care of me after getting drunk or you cooking me food. (Y/N), I want to be with you. I want to go on fun dates with you and make you laugh. I want to be able to fuck you whenever I want and make you feel good. I want nothing more than to be the reason you wake up with a smile on your face. I mean that. I am utterly and helplessly in love with you.” “I'm in love with you too.” You two sat there making out for the longest time. It was now dark outside and your parents would probably be freaking out that you weren't home. Your phone buzzed again, making Jared groan. It was Evan again. You swiped to answer it. “Hello?” You heard Connor’s voice on the receiver again. “Are you and Kleinman done fucking yet?” You heard your friends laughter and it slightly irritated you. Jared smirked at you and pushed you back down on the couch. He began kissing your neck, making you laugh. “Actually, we were just about to start up again.” You moaned very loudly into the phone. “Ooh god! Jared, fuck me! Yes!” Your friends screamed on the other side of the call and hung up. You rolled your eyes and tossed your phone onto the floor, giggling. Jared didn't stop kissing your neck. He looked up at you. “I'm ready to go again if you are.” “My parents…” “They'll be fine. Besides, I think getting someone else to get you off is a lot better than having to do it by yourself.” “You make a valid point. Do your worst.” And that night was indeed filled with many laughs and many orgasms. And the next day was filled with many death glares from your friends for scarring them, but you didn't care as long as Jared was by your side enduring the glares too.
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