thefrogdalorian · 7 months
Din is absolutely a dorito, the real question is what flavor?
- officer-tk593
Excellent question for which the answer is vital for humanity as a whole, I think. So thank you for asking it @officer-tk593!
I know that Doritos flavours vary around the world, so others may have differing opinions, but going off UK options:
I feel like Din is Cool Original. Dependable. Timeless. Steady. Works well with anything. Not plain, don't get it twisted. A subtle flavour that is underrated, but you would miss and feel the absence of if it wasn't there. That's Din's role in the Star Wars galaxy, much like how this flavour of Doritos fits into our world.
Bonus visual:
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(Graphic design is my passion)
I hope that made sense. Would love to know everyone else's thoughts, particularly if you have different flavours to choose from... 👀
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misscampacyn · 2 years
Warrior: Chapter 3
Character Name: Lura (She/Her)
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Chapter 3: <previous
Cara looks over at Din and tells him to join Fett, she and Fennec would shoot out the gunners.
Din walked back to Slave I and looked over the ridge following his sister’s every move.
“She’s a patient one,” points out Boba.
Din nods.
“I’d have killed him if it weren’t for you stopping me,” admits Boba.
“We needed him,” says Din.
“For now,” says Boba.
“Lura knows how to defend herself. She is the best fighter I know,” says Din.
They both look on as Lura fights off the Shydopp pirates.  
“It is strange seeing her out of her armor,” says Din.
Boba stared at Lura fighting figure. She was exactly what he imagined a Mandalorian warrior looked like when his father told him stories all those years ago.
“You like her,” comments Din.
“Never met a female Mandalorian.” says Boba.
“A warrior,” corrects Din.
Meanwhile Lura had fought off the last pirate but was devastated to see more approaching. Without a weapon she stood straight and readied her fist to fight off more pirates. But before they approached, TIE fighters exited the refinery and opened fire at the pirates. Lura with groan sat next to Mayfeld.
“Never thought I'd be happy to see stormtroopers,” says Mayfeld saluting a couple.
Once they got dismissed from the cargo shipment bay, they walked to the terminal located in the mess hall.  
“Okay I'll get the coordinates, I'll be back,” says Mayfeld walking into the area but pauses after seeing a familiar face. So, he returns to Lura, “Shit I can’t that Valin Hess,” says Mayfeld.
“Who?” asks Lura confused, looking over his shoulder.
“Valin Hess, my ex-commander,” says Mayfeld.
“Will he recognize you?” asks Lura.
“Probably look we’ll find another way. Come on, let’s go,” says Mayfeld starting to walk away.
Lura stops him and pulls him back, “We can’t” says Lura.
“That was the only way,” says Mayfeld.
“Give me the data stick,” says Lura reaching her hand out.
“It needs to scan your face, let’s go,” says Mayfeld.
Mayfeld hands her the stick, she swiftly turns and walks to the machine and with her helmet on and allows the machine to scan it. The machine blared ERROR and in a rapid motion Lura removed the stormtrooper helmet, exposing her bare face. Her neatly braided brown hair is wrapped twice around her head, her nervous deep brown eyes scan the buttons she presses to collect the coordinates.  Once she is finished, she collects the data stick and turns to walk back to Mayfeld. But Valin Hess stops her, she freezes the helmet she clutched in her hand.
“Trooper, pay attention when your superior addresses you,” snaps Hess.
Lura turns and looks at the man.
“What is your designation?” he asks.
Lura had no idea what to say. She was exposed, this stranger was staring at her bare face. “Transport crew,” she answers.
Hess frowns, “what?”
“My designation is transport co-pilot,” says Lura more confidently.  
“No what your TK number?” says Hess.
Lura stalled, “My TK number is...”
Mayfeld saw the interaction and rushed to rescue the Mandalorian.
“This is my commanding officer TK593, sir,” says Mayfield “I’m imperial combat assault transport lieutenant TK 111 sir. I’m afraid you’ll have to speak up to her vessel lost pressure in Taanab,” he continues.
Understanding Hess raises his voice and sounds out, “What Is Your Name Officer?”
Lura raises her eyebrows acting confused. Mayfeld notices her cue to add another lie
“We call her brown eyes, sir,” says Mayfeld.  
Mayfeld starts to lead Lura out the mess hall, but Hess stops them, Inviting them both to a drink. Mayfeld had tried to play it cool, but he needed to get things off his chest. He brings up Burnnn Konn and how many died without cause. Lura held her breath and shook her head trying to get Mayfeld to stop talking. But once Mayfeld sees the recognition come across Hess's face, Mayfeld shoots Hess straight in the forehead. Lura pauses and collects a blaster sitting on the table. Mayfield collects Lura’s helmet and hands it to her.
“You did what you had to do. I didn’t see your face,” he says sternly.
Lura collects the helmet and slips it over her head. She moved over the window kicking it open and slipped through after Mayfeld. Both walked on the ledge trying to reach the ladder to the roof.  
Cara and Fennec did what they were there to do. They cleared off the gunners in the roof top. While Boba and Din approached the pair. Once Mayfeld and Lura were in Slave I. Mayfeld asked Din to hand him the rifle. He shot at the rhydonium causing a big explosion. Din and Lura looked at Mayfeld who shrugged, “we got to sleep at night.”
Din shut the hatch and Boba lands back on the ridge to wait for Fennec and Cara. Din hands Lura her armor, but Lura does not reach for it.  
Noticing her hesitation, “Are you alright?” asks Boba.
Lura says noting but collects the armor from Din’s hand and leaves to Boba’s room to replace her armor. Once finished she walked out to sit in the cargo hold but Din stopped her by grabbing her arm.
“What happened in there? Did Mayfeld do something? Are you hurt?” asks Din.
Lura pulls her arm away from Din’s grasp and walks back in Boba’s room. Din nervously paces the cargo hold wanting to know what happened and why Lura was acting unusually. Once Lura had calmed down, she walks out in her copper painted Beskar and ignores her brother and Boba. Mayfeld sees Lura and walks out of the ship to meet Cara and Fennec who just arrived. Din follows closely behind his sister.
“It’s nice to see you in your armor,” Mayfeld comments.
Lura nods at Mayfeld having found a new respect for the ex-Imp. Lura looks at Cara, “It’s a shame Mayfled didn’t make it in that explosion,” she says off handedly.
Mayfeld frowns at her words, but Cara knows exactly what is happening.  
“Shame,” says Cara.
Mayfeld finally understood, “Wait you’re letting me go? Seriously?” he asks.
Cara and Lura say nothing as he starts to walk away. Once he is gone all four enter Slave I and sit in the cargo hold.  Although Lura ignored him before Din is still concerned with the difference in her body language. He observes as she fumbles with her bracers.  
“Lura can I... can I speak with you?” asks Din.
Lura looks at her brother saying nothing she stands and follows Din to the cockpit where Boba sits piloting the ship. Confused Lura asks, “Din what do you want?”
Boba places the ship on autopilot and turns his seat to look at the siblings. Din looks at Boba hoping his presence will make you talk.
“What happened in the refinery?” asks Din again.
“I got the coordinates to the light cruiser,” says Lura.
“Were you injured?” asks Boba.
“No” says Lura.
“tell me what happened what took you two so long? Did Mayfeld do something?” asks Din.
“I did what I had to do to get the kid back,” says Lura.
“And what’s that little warrior?” asks Boba.
Lura sighs defeated; she couldn’t keep secrets from Din. He was too good at reading her, since she was a child. She grabs her helmet and takes it off. Both Din and Boba close their eyes beneath their helmet.
“Lura what are you doing?” asks Din.
“I took the helmet off in front of stormtroopers, I’m not... I’m not a Mandalorian anymore,” she says.  
“Cyar’ika, you will always be a Mandalorian,” comforts Boba.
Lura nervously waited for Din’s response, she remembered his reaction to Bo Katan and Koska taking off their helmets.
“Din, please,” she begs. Tears now flowing down her face. She hadn’t cried in years since her father had died. Boba shifted at the sound of her broken voice, but Din did not move. “Just look at me, I've already broken the creed,” she reasons.
Boba opens his eyes and feels his heart shatter at looking at Lura’s tear-stained face. When Din finally opens his eyes and looks at his sister, he steps closer to her. “Don’t cry Lura, it will be alright,” says Din. He approaches his sister and gently places his helmeted forehead on to hers, a Keldabe Kiss. Lura sniffles and reaches her hand up to wipe her eyes, Din grabs her hand and holds it gently.
“You will always be a Mandalorian to me, you were the first person to talk to me after my parents died. You are the reason I take such pride in being a Mandalorian. You will always be my sister and if you decide never to put that helmet on you will still be one of the greatest Mandalorian warriors,” conforts Din.
Lura smiles and more tears fall from her eyes at her brother’s words. “The moment my father walked in with you I knew you were my brother, forever,” she says.
Din in tears behind his black visor clears his throat and squishes her hand gently, reassuring her.
“If anyone tells you you’re not a Mandalorian. I’ll make them wish they were never born,” says Boba.
Lura looks over her brother’s shoulder and smiles at Boba. “Thank you, both of you. I was afraid of what you would think. Since I was born, I've been a Mandalorian.” she says.
Din turns to look at Boba, who steps closer to Lura and places his gloved hand on her cheek and wipes some tears away. Din decides to step out of the cockpit leaving the pair alone.
Boba places his other hand on her other cheek and wipes the tears. His hands are now framing his face.  
“You’re strong,” says Boba.
“Please take your helmet off,” begs Lura.
Once he removed his helmet, Lura places one hand on his cheek and swipes her thumb over his lips, Boba smiles and kisses her thumb. Lura smiles and chuckles.  
“I saw you fight those pirates,” says Boba.
Lura nods.
“You’re a Mandalorian, you fought like one,” says Boba.
“You say you aren’t a Mandalorian but fight like one too,” says Lura.  
Boba smiles at her words and is about to say something, but before he could say anything the monitor beeped signaling, they were exiting hyperspace. And they have located a Lambda class imperial shuttle.
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