#ofir ventura
ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Ofir Ventura - Las Vegas Real Estate.
Ofir Ventura: Las Vegas, real estate agents, are having it easy; perhaps you are asking why? Simple, because Las Vegas keeps on growing. Not only increasing but also blossoming as though many people have been let in on a secret, and real estate in the region is being snapped up as fast as the estate agents can find a new property for sale. Between 2000 and 2006, Las Vegas city grew in population by 20%- far more than other metropolitan areas that officially classify it as the most rapidly developing city in the country. Las Vegas real estate agents like Ofir Ventura are, therefore, to be envied, and Las Vegas real estate is a commodity to be prized. The many people vying to get a slice of the Las Vegas lifestyle are surely satisfied by the range and quality of properties on offer.
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bttrflyblu · 2 years
Sarah Saputri & Ofir Ventura - Harmonica Jamming
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purosucodebrasil · 2 years
Cântico do Calvário, Fagundes Varela
À memória de meu filho, morto a 11 de dezembro de 1863.
 Eras na vida a pomba predileta   Que sobre um mar de angústias conduzia   O ramo da esperança. — Eras a estrela   Que entre as névoas do inverno cintilava   Apontando o caminho ao pegureiro.   Eras a messe de um dourado estio.   Eras o idílio de um amor sublime.   Eras a glória, — a inspiração, — a pátria,   O porvir de teu pai! — Ah! no entanto,   Pomba, — varou-te a flecha do destino!   Astro, — engoliu-te o temporal do norte!   Teto, caíste! — Crença, já não vives! 
 Correi, correi, oh! lágrimas saudosas,   Legado acerbo da ventura extinta,   Dúbios archotes que a tremer clareiam   A lousa fria de um sonhar que é morto!   Correi! Um dia vos verei mais belas   Que os diamantes de Ofir e de Golgonda   Fulgurar na coroa de martírios   Que me circunda a fronte cismadora!   São mortos para mim da noite os fachos,   Mas Deus vos faz brilhar, lágrimas santas,   E à vossa luz caminharei nos ermos!   Estrelas do sofrer, — gotas de mágoa,   Brando orvalho do céu! — Sede benditas!   Oh! filho de minh’alma! Última rosa   Que neste solo ingrato vicejava!   Minha esperança amargamente doce!   Quando as garças vierem do ocidente   Buscando um novo clima onde pousarem,   Não mais te embalarei sobre os joelhos,   Nem de teus olhos no cerúleo brilho   Acharei um consolo a meus tormentos!   Não mais invocarei a musa errante   Nesses retiros onde cada folha   Era um polido espelho de esmeralda   Que refletia os fugitivos quadros   Dos suspirados tempos que se foram!   Não mais perdido em vaporosas cismas   Escutarei ao pôr do sol, nas serras,   Vibrar a trompa sonorosa e leda   Do caçador que aos lares se recolhe! 
 Não mais! A areia tem corrido, e o livro   De minha infanda história está completo!   Pouco tenho de ansiar! Um passo ainda   E o fruto de meus dias, negro, podre,   Do galho eivado rolará por terra!   Ainda um treno, e o vendaval sem freio   Ao soprar quebrará a última fibra   Da lira infausta que nas mãos sustento!   Tornei-me o eco das tristezas todas   Que entre os homens achei! O lago escuro   Onde ao clarão dos fogos da tormenta   Miram-se as larvas fúnebres do estrago!   Por toda a parte em que arrastei meu manto   Deixei um traço fundo de agonias! ... 
 Oh! quantas horas não gastei, sentado   Sobre as costas bravias do Oceano,   Esperando que a vida se esvaísse   Como um floco de espuma, ou como o friso   Que deixa n’água o lenho do barqueiro!   Quantos momentos de loucura e febre   Não consumi perdido nos desertos,   Escutando os rumores das florestas,   E procurando nessas vozes torvas   Distinguir o meu cântico de morte!   Quantas noites de angústias e delírios   Não velei, entre as sombras espreitando   A passagem veloz do gênio horrendo   Que o mundo abate ao galopar infrene   Do selvagem corcel? ... E tudo embalde!   A vida parecia ardente e douda   Agarrar-se a meu ser! ... E tu tão jovem,   Tão puro ainda, ainda n’alvorada,   Ave banhada em mares de esperança,   Rosa em botão, crisálida entre luzes,   Foste o escolhido na tremenda ceifa! 
 Ah! quando a vez primeira em meus cabelos   Senti bater teu hálito suave;   Quando em meus braços te cerrei, ouvindo   Pulsar-te o coração divino ainda;   Quando fitei teus olhos sossegados,   Abismos de inocência e de candura,   E baixo e a medo murmurei: meu filho!   Meu filho! frase imensa, inexplicável,   Grata como o chorar de Madalena   Aos pés do Redentor ... ah! pelas fibras   Senti rugir o vento incendiado   Desse amor infinito que eterniza   O consórcio dos orbes que se enredam   Dos mistérios do ser na teia augusta!   Que prende o céu à terra e a terra aos anjos!   Que se expande em torrentes inefáveis   Do seio imaculado de Maria!   Cegou-me tanta luz! Errei, fui homem!   E de meu erro a punição cruenta   Na mesma glória que elevou-me aos astros,   Chorando aos pés da cruz, hoje padeço! 
 O som da orquestra, o retumbar dos bronzes,   A voz mentida de rafeiros bardos,   Torpe alegria que circunda os berços   Quando a opulência doura-lhes as bordas,   Não te saudaram ao sorrir primeiro,   Clícia mimosa rebentada à sombra!   Mas ah! se pompas, esplendor faltaram-te,   Tiveste mais que os príncipes da terra!   Templos, altares de afeição sem termos!   Mundos de sentimento e de magia!   Cantos ditados pelo próprio Deus!   Oh! quantos reis que a humanidade aviltam,   E o gênio esmagam dos soberbos tronos,   Trocariam a púrpura romana   Por um verso, uma nota, um som apenas   Dos fecundos poemas que inspiraste! 
 Que belos sonhos! Que ilusões benditas!   Do cantor infeliz lançaste à vida,   Arco-íris de amor! Luz da aliança,   Calma e fulgente em meio da tormenta!   Do exílio escuro a cítara chorosa   Surgiu de novo e às virações errantes   Lançou dilúvios de harmonias! — O gozo   Ao pranto sucedeu. As férreas horas   Em desejos alados se mudaram.   Noites fugiam, madrugadas vinham,   Mas sepultado num prazer profundo   Não te deixava o berço descuidoso,   Nem de teu rosto meu olhar tirava,   Nem de outros sonhos que dos teus vivia! 
 Como eras lindo! Nas rosadas faces   Tinhas ainda o tépido vestígio   Dos beijos divinais, — nos olhos langues   Brilhava o brando raio que acendera   A bênção do Senhor quando o deixaste!   Sobre o teu corpo a chusma dos anjinhos,   Filhos do éter e da luz, voavam,   Riam-se alegres, das caçoilas níveas   Celeste aroma te vertendo ao corpo!   E eu dizia comigo: — teu destino   Será mais belo que o cantar das fadas   Que dançam no arrebol, — mais triunfante   Que o sol nascente derribando ao nada   Muralhas de negrume! ... Irás tão alto   Como o pássaro-rei do Novo Mundo! 
 Ai! doudo sonho! ... Uma estação passou-se,   E tantas glórias, tão risonhos planos   Desfizeram-se em pó! O gênio escuro   Abrasou com seu facho ensanguentado   Meus soberbos castelos. A desgraça   Sentou-se em meu solar, e a soberana   Dos sinistros impérios de além-mundo   Com seu dedo real selou-te a fronte!   Inda te vejo pelas noites minhas,   Em meus dias sem luz vejo-te ainda,   Creio-te vivo, e morto te pranteio! ... 
 Ouço o tanger monótono dos sinos,   E cada vibração contar parece   As ilusões que murcham-se contigo!   Escuto em meio de confusas vozes,   Cheias de frases pueris, estultas,   O linho mortuário que retalham   Para envolver teu corpo! Vejo esparsas   Saudades e perpétuas, — sinto o aroma   Do incenso das igrejas, — ouço os cantos   Dos ministros de Deus que me repetem   Que não és mais da terra!... E choro embalde. 
 Mas não! Tu dormes no infinito seio   Do Criador dos seres! Tu me falas   Na voz dos ventos, no chorar das aves,   Talvez das ondas no respiro flébil!   Tu me contemplas lá do céu, quem sabe,   No vulto solitário de uma estrela,   E são teus raios que meu estro aquecem!   Pois bem! Mostra-me as voltas do caminho!   Brilha e fulgura no azulado manto,   Mas não te arrojes, lágrima da noite,   Nas ondas nebulosas do ocidente!   Brilha e fulgura! Quando a morte fria   Sobre mim sacudir o pó das asas,   Escada de Jacó serão teus raios   Por onde asinha subirá minh’alma.
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loveherallican-blog · 3 years
Sarah Saputri & Ofir Ventura - Harmonica Jamming
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iseilio-blog · 3 years
A Room of One's Own
自己 的 房間 A Room of One's Own,1929 Virginia Woolf 維吉尼亞·吳爾芙 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書(wikipedia.org)
張秀亞 譯 純文學叢書
3 . 河水映照著它所抉擇的幾處天空、橋,與燃燒的樹,而當那個
之中。思想 - 給予它一個它不大配得上的嘉名 - 已經使他的釣絲
一日值得烹煮值得大嚼。現在,我不願以那樣的思想來擾亂你們。 雖然它是那麼細小,卻仍有其神秘性;把它放到腦海裡,它立即
思想的小魚兒溜走不知去向了。 是什麼樣的一股思緒,使得我旁若無人的非法穿行草坪,我現在
牛橋;不知道是 牛津 Oxford,還是 劍橋 Combridge)的庭園。
說在一個漫長的假期裡重過 牛津,想到其作者 Charles Lamb ;
說實在,在所有故去的作家之中,Lamb 是最悅人心意中的一個;
使之有瑕疵;不完美,卻閃耀著詩意的星光。Lamb 到牛津來已經
(8) Oxford University - YouTube
倫敦-劍橋大學 (youtube.com)
32 . 一個人自己覺得成為人家注意的對象,懵懵然總有點得意,只要
53 . 一種很古怪,很複雜的動物出現了,在想像中她是最重要的。實際
不能拼字,只是她丈夫的私有財產。 如果一個人先讀歷史,再讀詩篇,女性會是一個多麼奇怪的之物 -
閃光。 . . . . . 儘管如此,當我們看莎士比亞的作品時,會覺得任何
婦女,完全不可能在莎士比亞那個年紀寫出那樣的作品來。. . . . .
結果她定然會失去健康,精神失常。. . . . .從豐富的現代文學中的自
寫出永遠是異常艱鉅的盛大事業。 (“自己的房間” 有著大篇幅的英文文學論說,除非熟知英文文學
Olivia Rodrigo - vampire (Official Video) (youtube.com)
【Virginia Woolf】在世時一直與痛苦角力 愛無法讓她活下去 (hk01.com)
Bluegrass Harmonica Solo (youtube.com)
Sarah Saputri & Ofir Ventura - Harmonica Jamming (youtube.com)
Beginner Harmonica Lesson #1 (Your Very First Lesson) (youtube.com)
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phungthaihy · 5 years
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(Harmonica Tabs) Sarah Saputri & Ofir Ventura - Harmonica Jamming http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Key Harp : A Here's the tab of H... #abletonlive #bluesguitar #dj #drums #electronicmusic #femaleharmonicaplayer #fingerstyleguitar #flstudio #guitar #harmonica #harmonicaplayer #harmonika #indonesia #keyboardinstrument #logicprox #music #musiccomposition #musicmixing #musicproduction #musictheory #musician #musicians #musisi #originalsong #piano #sarahsaputri #singing #song #songwriting #tabharmonica #tutorial #tutorialharmonica #viral
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harmonica-jamz · 7 years
Ofir Ventura - Harmonicist born in 1989
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Ofir Ventura Las Vegas - What To Expect From Las Vegas Lawyer.
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Ofir Ventura Las Vegas:When you decide to purchase a property, specifically a home, you plan to invest most of your funds in this significant asset. For the same reason, great care becomes vital, and that is when you need a good and reliable real estate lawyer like Ofir Ventura comes in.
A Las Vegas real estate lawyer will play a vital role of a watch who can guide you in the details as well as documents needed for any house sale in Las Vegas. His work takes into account preparing and reviewing the sales contract of the client and ensuring that buyers are aware of precisely what they are getting and not getting.
A competent and diligent attorney will act as a liaison between the buyer as well as the lender in order to keep away any last-minute surprises. Then he would summarize the documents the customer must sign to facilitate the transaction.
After the sales contract is approved, issues may need the contract to be revised. At this point, an excellent real estate lawyer in Las Vegas will assist in settling such disputes peacefully. It depends on the amount of time spent on the case, a real estate lawyer in Las Vegas will change flat fees of anywhere from $300 to $1,000.
On the other hand, the task of a Las Vegas real estate attorney goes beyond handling the sale as well as the purchase of a house. It also considers negotiating and planning agreements for the sales and purchase of businesses. Also, they represent sellers or purchasers in real estate transactions, for instance, finalizing retail or commercial property agreements.
Also, it is the duty and responsibility of a Las Vegas real estate lawyer to work as a local counsel and issue option letters on Las Vegas issues in the transaction all through the US and overseas.
If you want to deal with the best and more reliable Las Vegas lawyer for your real estate sales and procurement, don’t hesitate to keep in touch with Ofir Ventura . With years of experience in this field, you are assured that you are in good hands.
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Ofir Ventura Las Vegas – Strategies For Financing Commercial Real Estate Deals.
Ofir Ventura - The interest rate is low in this commercial real estate loan, so a larger amount of money can be saved in a short duration. The investor may also be benefitted by renting or leasing the property he has invested in the commercial real estate loan by being paid rather than keeping the property idle. You can get the benefits of a commercial real estate loan through various sources. Financial institutions, banking facilities, large-scale building societies, and other organizations provide such facilities in a wide range.
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Ofir Ventura — Why Consider Commercial Real Estate Business this 2023?
Commercial real estate is an excellent barrier to inflation, allowing investors to make money. One reason is that rent increases with inflation, and too does the value of the structure. If rent goes up, the value of the commercial property correlates. Inflation also drives up the expenses of constructing new properties. Investing in commercial property gives the investor a source of long-term profit and many tax benefits. Also, it enables more protection in light of diversifying and enables inflation to gain the investor. If you are finding commercial real estate in Las Vegas, take the time to speak with Ofir Ventura Las Vegas for information and advice you can depend on.
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Ofir Ventura - Reasons Why Commercial Real Estate Attracts Many Investors?
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Commercial real estate takes account of properties other than single-family homes. Apartment buildings, retail centers, office spaces, industrial sites, mini storage facilities, and other properties, which are constructed for individual use, are considered commercial.
So, why does commercial real estate attract many investors? Investing is surely not without risk. In some cases, it could mean the risk of losing some equity in your residence when the home is refinanced to pay for the investment. Or maybe jeopardize your retirement nest eggs, child’s education, or daughter’s wedding once you draw the funds from a savings account.
The Benefits of Investing Ofir Ventura reveals the benefits you can get from considering commercial real estate investment:
Investing in commercial real estate means the chance to earn a considerable amount of money. Think about it this way; whereas you might be getting a two percent rate of return on the money you have sitting in the bank, you may get a ten percent or higher rate of return on investment. In short, instead of settling for a $1,000 return on a $50,000 bank deposit, you can collect $5,000 or higher on an investment property.
Another reason for the popularity of commercial property investment is the capability to make additional cash flow. When a rental property is bought and managed correctly, you can get an extra stream of income.
You can build equity with the property. Once more, if bought and managed the right way, commercial properties can appreciate and thereby boost the equity in the property. For instance,
what you purchase for $200,000 today may be worth substantially more tomorrow, thereby increasing the equity in the property and suggesting that you’ll get more money and more of a return on your original investment once you sell the property.
You also get the perk of a tax seller. As an investor and owner of the building, for example, you can write off costs for property depreciation and loan interest and points against your ordinary income.
People also invest in commercial property for the pride of control and ownership. As the owner, you can drive relatives and friends by the property and point to it as the owner.
So here are the reasons why commercial real estate attracts many investors. If you decide to jump into this business, make sure to seek guidance from an expert like Ofir Ventura Las Vegas.
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Your commercial real estate investment can succeed or fail based on location.
Area Check the demographics of an area to ensure there's population growth, and it needs to be in a place of declining growth. You want your home to be on the path of growth. Demographics can also show you things like racial makeup, the number of households, household incomes, and the area's daytime population. Appearance Properties are adequately maintained with good landscaping, clean parking areas, storefronts, and proper lighting so that the client feels safe, and buildings in good condition always attract the most clients for your tenants. Ofir Ventura is a commercial real estate investor and expert in selling investment property. For more on commercial real estate investors, go to Ofir Ventura Las Vegas official website.
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Ofir Ventura - Inevitable Real Estate Investment Mistakes to Avoid
Real estate investing can be rewarding and fun. At the same time, it can be frustrating and time-consuming, with little reward if you are not aware of which areas to avoid and which mistakes to keep away from. As a real estate investor, there are inevitable mistakes you have to keep away from, according to commercial real estate expert Ofir Ventura Las Vegas.
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Ofir Ventura-Commercial Real Estate Investment: How to Know If It Is Yours
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Two main problems that stop investors from pursuing commercial real estate deals are no money and no time. In my experience, I started with none of these resources available; however, as I broke these barriers, my career in investing began to flourish, and earn a lot in just a matter of a year.
There are a lot of real estate gurus who will tell you that you have to commit many hours a week in order to acquire your real estate businesses off the ground. Lots of time commitment without a payoff is a quick path to failure. The reason is that it is hard to stay committed enough as it is. If you begin to feel like you are spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere, it turns out to be simpler to say that investing isn’t working out, particularly when you have got other commitments as well as priorities you would rather be doing.
While you want to invest time in moving forward, it is less than you believe it is. Begin with doing something you can do daily and stick with it until you get the results you want. Now you do need to be doing something which generates a good deal, like calling property leads or doing direct mail, and as you begin to see results, it will be simpler to commit time to look for other deals.
As Per Ofir Ventura, the second most common reason investors never pursue commercial real estate investing is that they think they need more funds to do so. Many started in real estate with less than $800; however, they learned that the better the deal was, the fewer people focused on them, and the more they concentrated on the deal.
There are lots of financing sources available out there. You need to know how to find and access them. Your lender will provide what it can, and the rest will be made up of fund partners. You might think that you need better credit or that you are unaware of anyone who would like to invest with you, but the key is to be open to other choices. To know if commercial real estate investment is for you, ask for advice from an expert like Ofir Ventura.
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Tips For An Effective Commercial Real Estate Sales Pitch
In the field of commercial real estate, you will undertake an array of presentations in a variety of conditions. Some are business-like and concentrate on the tenant, the property buyer, or the property seller - Ofir Ventura
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ofirventuralasvegas · 2 years
Las Vegas Real Estate Lawyer Overview - Ofir Ventura
A Las Vegas real estate attorney practices according to the Las Vegas law. A Las Vegas, real estate attorney handles sales and purchases of apartments, homes, condos, apartments, and cooperative apartments, as well as commercial and residential real estate transactions.
They also handle assignments of sub-leases and leases and many others.
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A Las Vegas real estate attorney, an expert in handling real estate litigation with architects, banks, insurance companies, building contractors, and landlord-tenant litigation. They are also experts in handling building as well as remodeling agreements. You can also rely on Las Vegas real estate attorney to settle disputes about materials, budget, craftsmanship, as well as other problems that may arise.
There are two kinds of real estate attorneys in Las Vegas: first is the litigation attorney, who, for the most part, works on lawsuits that involve real estate. Secondly, a transactional lawyer who, for the most part, deals with contracts and agreements involving commercial or residential real estate property. Before hiring or getting a real estate attorney's service, clients must decide which of the lawyers they want. A Las Vegas real estate attorney assists clients in drawing up a lease agreement based on Las Vegas real estate regulation when leasing a real estate property, as well as represents the customer if any landlord-tenant arguments and discussions arise. When buying real estate, you need to sign a promissory note, so it's always advisable to keep an attorney present.
All real estate lawyers in Las Vegas need to pass the bar examination that considers essay as well as multiple-choice questions. On passing the test, one should apply to the Appellate Court to seek entry to the bar, and after passing the Character and Fitness Committee interview, one can practice law in Las Vegas. One of the most popular and reliable real estate lawyers in Las Vegas is Ofir Ventura. He has been practicing in this field for many years, and you are assured that you are in good hands if you hire Ofir Ventura. You can contact him to know how he can help you.
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