mitfaedreland-blog · 7 years
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Send ✿ for a happy memory.
Juleaften, 1985.
København, Danmark.
I hope it is not my imagination, but… the brilliant lights flickering on and off in the cold winter seemed to have shone brighter that night. They had a reason to, after all. It was in my residence, when they all were present. Dining with me, talking with each other, as if the blood and grief from the past had never happened. Laughter, grinning, joy. Everyone’s eyes shone so brilliantly. Nobody filled with grudges as one of them unveiled the almond in the risalamande and won the marzipan pig. Who knew our history, would think it unbelievable. There they were, all of them, in what finally seemed to me like a true Christmas’ Eve… one frequented with their family.
After our feast, we all gathered around the Juletræ, and held hands together. I held tight to the hands of my siblings, like a child holds the hand of their parent. I have missed them so much, and I felt deeply ashamed for my attitudes in the past. The fact they were there, holding my hands, as if I could finally atone for my sins, with them as witnesses, almost made me tear up. And then, me and my entire family, we began to sing Christmas carols and songs, during the peaceful, snowy night, while circling the tree. After so many years of disunity, finally we have attained the harmony that we all so desired for so long, and happiness passed from one to another.
In the end of our singing, we gifted each other with many presents, though, before we opened them, I clearly remember myself saying… that “the dearest gift given to me this Christmas’ Eve, was the chance of seeing my entire family reunited again. I love all of you, from the depths of my heart.” And I sincerely hope they believed it, because it is the truth. After our presents were given, and opened, we stood awake for the entire night, drinking, eating, telling jokes, and just overall enjoying each other’s presences. I had gotten little sleep from around 4 am until 7 am, and woke up with a terrible headache, but, I’m sure of this…
That was the happiest day of my life. Until now.
@ofofredogro @polstjarna
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mitfaedreland-blog · 7 years
“you look like a dried, shrivelled raisin.”
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[ and let us join the insult game ]
You look like an æbleskive that went wrong.
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