laceratedphoenix · 4 years
@ofscarsandmobs​ gets a plotted starter
The night was a blur after he had gotten off the stage after the band had finished performing at the small venue. The man was unfamiliar that he had met backstage as they were loading things back into the van. But he had seemed nice enough. Drinks were poured at a bar not far from the hotel he was supposed to be at, ready to hit the road the next day. From there, it went black. 
Much like his currently dreary surroundings as lavender eyes flickered open, his head splitting. It was dark, but he could feel stone against his back and when he reached out, he could feel brick of a wall. 
Malik sat up, pinching his nose as he tried to gain his bearings and try to look around. There was a dim light across the large room that seemed to frame a door. And after he had gotten up and strolled over to it, bronze fingers wrapped around the knob and tried to turn it.
It was locked. 
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“Hello?” He called out as he knocked on the door. “Door’s stuck. Can someone let me out?” 
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hyotenhyakkaso · 4 years
Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure?
Jou is very insecure about his body because of several reasons. ones of which I wont get into because its a bit of a sensitive topic. I might if enough people want me to? 
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But he’s very insecure. Mainly because of his scars, he thinks they’re ugly and that whoever sees them shouldn’t for stupid reasons he made up. Until the s/o in question comforts him, he will probably be covered as much as possible. He hates even taking his shirt off in the pool. 
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toeiyugimutou · 4 years
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Yugi misses his towering boyfriend @ofscarsandmobs
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blue-eyes-set-free · 4 years
Knocking on the door to Tozokou’s office, Kisara trying to keep her breathing under control so the panic in her voice would be less obvious. She turned the knob and strode in, words flying out a mile a minute.
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“Tozo, did you make plans for Ryou after school? He wasn’t waiting for me when I got back from my conference...” Her voice stopped short when her brain processed the image of Ryou sitting at Tozo’s desk, safe and sound.
“Ryou... did... did you forget I was going to pick you up from school?” 
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ofscarsandmobs liked for a starter!
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“Welcome to the clinic! How may I help you today?”
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“I think you grabbed the wrong bag.” (my Ryou muse to your muse? o: )
Bakura berated himself for being far too unaware of his surroundings as he blinked, confused. What was he looking at...? Or more accurately, who? The child’s eyes narrowed as he took his bag back, pushing the almost-identical one back at the boy.
“My bad.” A sarcastic lilt ran through his tone, an unnecessary but old habit.
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thiefkingyall · 5 years
Continued from: [x]
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Dammit- this, this look-a-like again? “I don’t owe you shit.” He said matter-of-factly. “I don’t remember shaking on that deal at all, therefore, it doesn’t count.”
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“Oh come on, is that any way to treat a guest? You offered-- do you often back out of things so easily?” he rests his chin on ringed knuckles with a devious smirk. It was so easy to rile him up-- and boy was he a sucker for getting a good reaction~
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@ofscarsandmobs has an incredible TKB and Ryou AU and deserves way more love. Also her art is amazing. Give her a follow!
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rwhalzili-a · 5 years
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     @ofscarsandmobs​ said: [[Also for your boi can you get uhhhhhh 2A]]       || More Expressions ||
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     “Not my fault humans die when they are stabbed.”
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laceratedphoenix · 4 years
@ofscarsandmobs​ cont
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“And that outfit hurts like a hangover,” he countered smoothly, his eyes flickering over the older man dully. “Yet, you do not see me bitching about it.” 
There was a part of him that knew he should be worried, or at least somewhat afraid of the other. Yet, there was no indication in it within the former crime lord’s casual posture. 
Arms folded as he looked at him calmly. 
“I honestly don’t know either. You could call anyone else. Yet, I’m the one that shows. Curious, that.” 
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alluringtombkeeper · 5 years
Starter for || @ofscarsandmobs
the following morning Ishizu began her normal morning routine.  She hummed and picked up her phone to check in.
[text:] Good Morning, This is Ishizu, I hope you are feeling better.
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toeiyugimutou · 5 years
An advertisement in the paper had caught Yugi's attention while he downed a glass of coffee at the game store counter. A babysitter was needed for a little boy, and the address was within walking distance! With Atem, his brother, being around to help with the store, Yugi often had nothing to do anymore except send the shadows he controlled to check for any issues with the arcade games. He was bored.
After running the idea by his older brother, Yugi called the number listed on the ad. He had experience with kids after all. It was hard to avoid them being the King of Games.
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drizzlinggold · 4 years
Continuation for @ofscarsandmobs:
The excruciating long, dreary day at the office had almost forced Tozokou to put an extra blip in his step as he began the trek back home. With a stark black umbrella he held in one hand, and the suitcase in the other he was thoroughly shielded from the onslaught of dripping rain from above. He walked his way quickly towards the cross-stop attempting to make it before the sign flashed to stop. However, his feet were just not fast enough. “Ah, hell.” He uttered a curse under his breath slowing down to a mere focused walk. However, something had caught his eye just as he made his way closer. A rather odd, and familiar set of large curly hair, the young thorn in his side every time he passed by that one bakery- Of course. After dealing with assholes all day in the office, of course he would have to run into another one. Through the hazy rain he noticed the younger one did not seem to be holding an umbrella and the force fo the rain was beginning to affect the gravity of his hair. And not to mention there seemed to be an air of- what was that? Defeat? Coming from the boy’s energy. Tozokou scoffed. With all the shit this kid threw at him on the daily was he truly about to swallow his pride and reduce his rain coverage for this snot-nosed brat? “Hey, dingus. Do you not pay attention to the weather forecast?” Bakura said, hanging the umbrella over the both of them as they waited for the sign to turn green. “You ought to remember an umbrella next time. You’re going to catch a cold, then who’s going to make fun of me whenever I try to order a coffee?”
Great. This was just great! Absolutely, one hundred percent, the greatest thing that could ever happen in the history of great things that happened! Except it wasn’t. It really, really, really wasn’t. First, he had been stuck with a triple shift due to the fact his bum ass coworkers couldn’t be bothered to pull their asses out of bed on an already gloomy day. Second, the unfavorable weather had an unusual amount of customers pooling in for a warm coffee. Which was fine if they weren’t all cold, soggy, and grumpy as all hell. Atem was sure he had enough human spit on his face to walk into a science center and become an exhibit for dna samples. Third, when he had finally managed to hang up his apron and skidaddle on out the door,  a treacherous downpour happened in the middle of his walk home. 
So here he stood, pink uniform button up sticking to his skin and hair sopping wet. Tiny droplets of rain rolled down his uncharacteristically bitter expression. The familiar, trademark service smile had been washed away alongside his supposedly waterproof eyeliner. Black streams trickled down his cheeks as he stared dead ahead, bright ruby eyes dulled down to barely simmering embers. He glared daggers at the stop light across the crosswalk, waiting for tyrannical red to turn to righteous green. Atem’s arms were folded over his chest, fingers gripping his shoulders as he shivered and jittered. He was cold. He was wet. He was not in the greatest of moods. Then, all of a sudden, the rain stopped. It took a moment or two for the wind blown bakery worker to notice that he was no longer getting soaked. When he finally did glance up, Atem locked his defeated ruby gaze onto a rather familiar face. It was the old geezer that occasionally stopped in for a coffee. Never in his life had Atem ever thought to be relieved to see this insufferable man, but he truly did feel as though he were about to cry. 
“Is this your way of telling me that you secretly enjoy coming to see widdol ol’ me?” Atem snorted, his voice lacking its usual cheer. “I didn’t think it’d still be raining by the time I got outta work, alright? You don’t need to give me a lecture about catching a cold. You sound like a mom.”
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blue-eyes-set-free · 5 years
From here
Kisara’s phone began to buzz the moment she stepped out of the shower and she flipped the phone over, revealing a string of texts from her love.
“Oh nooo” she groaned, realizing he was tanked.
[Text: Honey do NOT drive home, call a cab]
[Text: Ryou is in bed, I’m going to let him read a few more minutes]
[Text: Where are you?]
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abby--anderson · 4 years
Candie O:
send me ur name and im gonna make a playlist based on it 
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C - circles and squares by phuture noize
A - a rose for epona by eluveitie
N - no care by daughter 
D - die anywhere else by dm dokuro 
I - i’ll be good by jaymes young
E - eyes on fire by blue foundation 
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thiefkingyall · 4 years
💖 for Tozo >:3c
Cute Admittance Meme | Accepting:
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Oh, it was his mirror again– the one with the… son? No! Nephew. Right, right.
Eyes shift as he studies the man and before long a warm smile most unlike the usual smug one he typically wears forms across his scarred face. Taking a purposeful step towards him, he outstretches a hand to clap down on his shoulder gently and skirts closely behind him. His other hand coming around to lay flat against the front of his suit jacket–
“I’m not sure what it is about you– maybe it’s just the way you carry yourself…” his voice is low, much too close and impossibly low as he takes another step out from behind Tozo. Lidded eyes catching his in a steady gaze before he laughs and continues, “I can’t help but find your physical appearance… well, I don’t know if I’d say ‘cute’, that sounds insulting but… it’s definitely what draws me to you.” it’s then that the trademark smirk creeps back into nearly identical features and he can’t help the slight embarrassment he feels at his admittance.
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