anecdoche-98 · 6 years
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I promised that I would make a post so here I am.
This is one page from my latest statistics class. I finished an assignment for my history class and I started on my draft for my research paper for COM 102.
Overall it was a fairly good work day. I got some stuff done, but I still have a bunch to do tomorrow. I went to a yoga class this morning which was really nice and I'm going again tomorrow morning too
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
10 tips to increase your motivation for study
Motivation is one of the biggest issues for students and it is always great to find a few things that can keep you feeling inspired. Here are my top ten ideas:
start small - set yourself a challenge to work for five to ten minutes. Yes, just five minutes can be enough to get started! If you can get through that five minutes, you will start breaking down that feeling of disinterest and begin to get more into working. A fantastic application that will keep you from using your phone and on a time limit of between 10 minutes and two hours is Forest! However, here are some free alternatives.
plan tomorrow today - I find planning my day - or at least writing down a couple of tasks - before bed is extremely beneficial. In the morning I wake up with intent and get see my main priorities. They don’t have to full-fledged plans or written nicely in my planner but even just small reminders on a post-it note are enough for me to feel more organised.
give yourself a bit of structure - as mentioned, having a plan is a great way to start the day. You might use a planner, a bullet journal or a free printable from me to organise! Set yourself up with 3 key things to finish or do during the day. Give yourself a goal and a reward upon completion. Put time limits on tasks and use a schedule to stay on track.
utilise a studygram/studyblr - basically, the communities on Tumblr and Instagram act as amazing accountability partners! I am constantly motivated by my blog and being able to share my day to day life on Instagram or Snapchat. I definitely have become incredibly motivated and disciplined because of these two communities. If you’re thinking about starting a studyblr, read this. If you’re thinking about starting a studygram, read this. If you already have either, here is how you can use it to further motivate yourself!
set up an inspiring workplace - dedicating a space to work, and only work, is a great way to build a mindset of motivation which kicks in when you sit down. This Pinterest board has loads of inspiration for setups and organisation! You can also add a cute plant, a bright study lamp and some motivational printables for added encouragement!
externalise your short and long-term goals - by making a verbal or written commitment to your goals, you are much more likely to take steps to follow them through. You might want to have a really productive week catching up on all your work, improve your GPA or pass your semester with flying colours. At the start of each week think of the ways you can put your goals into actions. Then at the end of the week reflect on how you did. Track your progress and keep up your motivation by seeing things get a step closer each time!
listen to some music - putting on my favourite songs always put me in a better mindset and feeling more positive. Before a study session or during a break, I will sometimes put on a few songs I’m loving and take a moment to refocus.
don’t force it - if you’re feeling unmotivated to study, try doing something else for a short amount of time. Avoid things that could distract you like browsing Facebook or Instagram. Instead, try tidying your bedroom, organising your upcoming week, read a chapter of a book, or get a drink of water. Alternatively, make an action plan for what you need to do with your next few tasks. That way you’re still making progress with your work but aren’t sitting feeling too unmotivated to actually study.
find some inspiration - there is no shortage of amazing people with incredible stories of success! Podcasts such as The Daily Boost, The Tony Robbins Podcast and The School of Greatness are great examples. Ted Talks are often incredibly insightful and motivating! Search for quotes or stories from your favourite people!
change your mindset - one of the biggest challenges in motivation is adjusting your own perspective. For instance, instead of thinking “I am terrible at this” think “How can I learn this differently to really understand?”. “I made a mistake” think “What can I take away from making this mistake?”. “It isn’t perfect” think “These perfectionist tendencies are only making this more difficult, I can be content with my work”. Having a more positive outcome to each situation should help boost your confidence and motivation!
I hope these few tips are useful and help improve your motivation! If it helps, I would love to hear about it :-)
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
Wow, I Haven't Posted
I haven't posted in over a month, so my bad y'all. I meant to find a new challenge to do and then I never did. I definitely want to get back into posting because it definitely helped to to keep on track with my school work.
I think that I'll try to make a post later today about the work that I've done maybe during my break from posting or just what I've actually worked on/done today.
My posts during my 100 days of productivity challenge were super long and kind of time consuming to make so I think that I'm going to try to shorten my posts. If y'all really like my long posts let me know, but if you don't really care that's cool too.
I feel a bit bad for not posting but I think the time away was a but nice. It made me appreciate how productive I actually was when I was posting regularly.
I'll be back later today with a new post about the work I've done.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
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100/100 days of productivity
Today was a really interesting day. I'm super excited because today is day 100 of my challenge! I'm really proud of myself for actually making it this far and actually committing! It's been crazy watching my blog grow because of the challenge.
Today was a pretty regular Tuesday. I was a little bit late to the gym for my session on a stationary bike but I still got a pretty good workout in.
I had an exam I accounting and I don't think that I did super great, but definitely passing. Stats was great because we got our class can results back and I got a 97%! I'm so happy. I studied so hard and it really paid off. Stats has definitely become my fact class because it's really interesting and I really want to learn the material.
I went back to the gym after class and did arms and abs. It was a pretty good session.
When I got home I prepped dinner and then I went to work. I didn't really get much homework, but I finished the little bit that I got. I also copied my notes from my legal pad into my notebook.
After work I didn't really have much to do so I prepped my bags for tomorrow. It was really nice to know that I had all of my school work done and that I didn't have to spend my night stressing over school. I really love that I've actually been on top of things. I think that that's something that I've learned from this challenge.
Overall it's been a really good day. I feel like I got some good work done and I feel really ready for my day tomorrow. Happy productivity challenge y'all.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
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99/100 days of productivity
Today was an okay day. I didn't go to the gym this morning because I was so exhausted.
I had all of my usual classes and everything went really smoothly. I really only had homework from my finance class and it didn't take too long to finish.
After class I went to the gym and I had my usual leg day and it was pretty good. I'm really excited to see how my body changes this semester. I can't wait to keep getting stronger and more fit. I have some goal that I want to accomplish and I'm really excited to work towards them.
When I got home I did my homework and then made dinner. It was a really chill night. I really want it to be the weekend soon because I really want to sleep in again.
Overall it was a good day. I really hope that the rest of the week resembles today. I'm really happy that I finished my finance homework the day that I got it and I hope that I'll keep that up.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
Sunday Funday
98/100 days of productivity
Today was a really nice day. I went to church as usual and my friends and I were totally wiped out from last night.
The sermon this morning was about prayer. We moved all throughout the text but a major point/ take away for me way that we need to be in constant conversation with God, rather than having a bit of prayer time each day. I think that its a really interesting concept and its definitely something that I need to work on. It has been something that has been on my heart for  little while now. it was just nice to have something speak to me like that.
After church I went to my brothers house to hang out with him, my sister, and my nephew. It was a pretty chill afternoon. It always seems like a super long afternoon because there isn't much to do with my nephew because he’s only 7 months. Babies don't do much.
When I got home from my brothers I ate dinner and I didn't really do much after that. I just had a pretty chill night which was nice. I’ve had some pretty eventful couple of nights this past weekend so it’s nice to have a quiet night to end my weekend.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
Saturdays are for Concerts
97/100 days of productivity
Today was a super good day. I started my day by sleeping in and it was glorious. I love sleeping in when it’s well deserved.
I didn't have much homework to do this weekend but I finished what I had left. All that I has to do was to take some notes for my history class. I only had to look over one event so it was super easy and I finished really quickly.
I ended my night in the best way possible. My friend Ricky took me to a bar are we met up with some friends to watch our friends’ band play. It was totally amazing. I’m so happy that I actually got to go. The band played for like 3 hours and they were totally amazing. It was so cool to hang out with my friends like that. I got home around 1:30am. It was a little bit earlier than I thought I would get home but I’m not mad.
Overall today was dope. I had such a good day and my night was so cool. I definitely hope that I get to do more stuff like this.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
Fridays are the Best Days of the Week
96/100 days of productivity
Today was a pretty good day. I usually tend to be a really big fan of Fridays.
I started my day off with my morning shift at work which was exhausting because I was out late last night. When I got home from work and just at a really chill time at home. I meant to get some work done but I just got a little bit sidetracked doing some random stuff at home. I got all of the work that I wanted to do at work done which was really nice. I took 4 different quizzes at work in like 2 hours. I'm glad that I got all those done because they're not due until Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday I'm glad that I finished them all as soon as I could.
After work I went to an event at my church for a creative team that I'm on. We had a guest speaker and some guests worship leaders and it was a really nice night.
After that my friend Ricky and I went to a bar nearby to go hang out with some other friends. It was really nice to hang out with some people and just chill for the evening. I got home pretty late but I'm fine with that because I had a good time. Ricky always tells me that I work too hard and that I should have more fun like this more often.
Overall it was a pretty good day. I'm really proud of myself for all the work that I got done and it leaves me in a really good place for the rest of the work that I have to do this weekend. I feel like I've been really on top of all my school work lately which is an absolutely amazing feeling. I have a feeling that really good things are going to be happening the semester.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
Not Sure What To Do
Y’all I am current in day 96 of my 100 days of productivity challenge and I’m not sure what to do when it’s over. I’m not sure if I’m going to restart and do a while new productivity challenge or if I’ll doing something new. 
So if anyone wants to let me know of any studyblr challenges, let me know. I think that it could be really fun to try something new but I also might just do more of the same. I’ll do some searching of things that I could do, but whos to say if I’ll find anything.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
Crossover Thursday
95/100 days of productivity
Today was a pretty interesting day. It started out pretty rough, but by the end of the day it was pretty good.
I woke up extremely tired, and I was late for the gym. I usually want to wake up at 6am and then leave my house at 7am, but today I got out of bed at 7am. so that was cool. I was 15 minutes late but I still went to the gym. I was swimming at it was a little awkward because for a little while there was no one in the pool but me and I felt so bad for the lifeguard. Being a lifeguard is the worst. I did it in high school and I will never do it again or recommend it to anyone.
I went to my accounting class and it always feels like such a long class. I don't really find it interesting so it just feels like a long boring class. I’m glad that its my last accounting class ever. After that I have stats which I find to be 100 times better. I was super nervous for stats but I really like it. I think I like it because it’s so new to me and I like learning new things. My professor is a little odd but I really like her. I’m excited to learn new things and I have a lot of drive to do well.
I skipped the gym after class because I was so tired. I just didn't really want to overwork myself too much. Going to the gym twice a day is a lot but I have a lot that I want to do. I want to compete in a triathlon and I want to get stronger and more toned.
I went to work and I got a little bit of work done. I did everything that I wanted to get done at work. I work 4 hour shifts and I feel like I should be able more done but the house that I work in has an energy that absolutely prohibits getting any relevant work done. So what ever work I can get done there, I’m pretty proud of myself for it.
After work I had my church’s Young Adults gathering/night. it was a really good message focused in Psalms 139. Its a really good passage and I think that I might want to do my own study through Psalms. It seems like it could be a fun time. After it was over I hung out with my friends Ricky and Jon just chatting for a little while. It was really nice to hang out and chat with them. I haven't been on the best of terms with Jon for a little bit, but we’ve been getting better. I’m pretty glad about that because I just don't really feel like being on not great terms with anyone.
Overall today turned out to be a good day. It started out pretty rough, but it got a whole bunch better when I went to stats. It was a it rough at work because my boss was late and then I was late to Young Adults but that's nothing new. its all fine, I’m not mad about my day.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
a list of small study tips
these are small things you can add to your day to be 10% more productive with the estimated time it’ll take! these are things i do (or try to do) most days. they’re small enough to feel manageable, and i for sure don’t use all of them but i find that when i use at least 2-3 in a day i feel a lot better about the material.
retype notes in google docs (10-15 min/1 hour lecture)
Utilize pomodoro technique for at least one subject (25 min work/5 min break. total 30 min)
Look over notes before class (5 min)
Look over notes after class (5 min)
Make notecard summary after class (i find this one especially useful for calculus!) (10 min/notecard)
Explain short concept to a friend (10 min max)
write down to-do list of tasks (5 min)
Go over concepts in your head on your walk to class (absolute FAVORITE because of my daily calculus quizzes within the first 10 minutes of class) (as long as your walk is!)
i hope these are helpful, i need to learn more small tips myself too 😊
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
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94/100 days of productivity
Today was a pretty good day to get stuff done. Very long but I got stuff done.
My day started a little bit earlier than my usual Wednesday schedule. I had to be at work at 6 a.m. that was so dumb. After work I had marketing and finance those classes were are super easy. My afternoon classes are American history and com 102. I feel like all of my classes went by super quick today and that was really nice because I don't think I could have handled it if they were long.
After class I went to the gym and today was leg day. I feel really good after the workout that I had today. When I got home I felt like properly sore from how it was working out but I feel better now while I'm writing this which is a good thing I think. I'm really hoping that this semester I can really make some good progress in my lifting.
I got home from school around 5:30 and then immediately made dinner. did it wasn't anything special but I still like cooking I think it's really nice and a good way to kind of take a break from a day of hard work. After dinner I got started on some homework and that's pretty much it for my day.
Overall today was a pretty good day. Feel like I got some good work done and I did some important homework and I'm pretty proud. I didn't finish everything but I would have liked to but I definitely did the most important stuff. Nothing is too until Monday so there's still whole bunch of time until I have to be finished with all my work.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
— E.E. Cummings
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
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93/100 days of productivity
Today was a pretty okay day for the most part.
My work out in the morning wasn't great but it wasn't horrible. I did a preset workout on a stationary bike and it wasn't great. I didn't really feel like it was making me push myself and I didn't even go as far as I usually have in past workouts. But at least now I know that I need something more to push myself.
Classes were pretty chill. Accounting was nothing special. We finished chapter 13 and moved to chapter 14. In stats we finally had our exam. I think that it went pretty well. I might have gotten a couple wrong. It I also might have gotten them all right. And there was some extra credit, so I could have done really well. I don't want to get my hopes up and then get disappointed if I don't get a good grade.
A really wonderful thing that happened in class today was that a dude who's in both of my classes today got a service dog. So it's super dope for him to actually have a service dog because they can be a great help to people. He's a veteran so I hope that he's doing well. But I really love dogs so now I get to see a dog for couple hours and I get to set next to him during my stats class. I really love service dogs because they're so smart and I'm so impressed with them.
I had a little bit of accounting homework and I finished it at work. I'm really glad that I got my homework done today. I did all of the homework that I got on Monday the same day too and it's a super satisfying feeling to get it all done in the same day and to not have anything fall over into the next day.
Overall today was a good day. I got all of my work done, I feel good about my exam, and I got to see/sit next to a dog today. I'm seriously so excited that I get to see this dog every week. I really hole that I keep up with the habit of doing and finishing my work the same day that I get it.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
Mondays Are So Much
92/100 days of productivity
Mondays are honestly such gross days. My days was finally and all, but Mondays are just not great.
I had a pretty good swim this morning at they gym which was really nice. I got to the gym a little bit later because I had to drop my dad off at the train station but it all worked out. I spent a little less time in the pool but I pushed myself a little bit harder.
My first two morning classes were pretty easy. Nothing really happens in those classes. My third class was pretty boring but that's because it's a history lecture. My COM 102 was actually really good. We're starting a research paper and I decided that I want to do it on sharks. I met with a librarian who's been helping our class and she really loved my progress so far. She also told my professor that she liked what I was doing at the end of class so I had a long conversation with about sharks with this lovely librarian and my professor. I was super nervous about if my ideas would work for the project and I definitely think that it's going to be great.
I went back to the gym after class and it was leg day. It was actually a really good work out. I feel like properly sore from my workout. Like I could feel it when I was walking upstairs at home.
I had a little bit of homework from class and I finished it pretty quick. I have my stats exam tomorrow and I'm very nervous. I really hope that I do well and I spent a ton of time this past weekend studying. I'll probably spend some time tomorrow morning studying before the exam.
Overall it was a good day. I'm really happy about my COM class. Like I feel like I'm in a much better place with my research project and I feel really good starting into it.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
It's The Superbowl, Y'all
91/100 days of productivity
Today was pretty much like any other Sunday. I went to church and hung out with a friend.
I was volunteering in the nursery and it was really fun because my nephew was there and he's absolutely adorable. It's so amazing to be able to see him grow and get bigger.
After church I drive a friend home and it was really nice because we haven't really gotten a chance to have deep talks for a while and it was really nice to chat with her.
It was also the Superbowl. I watched the game with some friends and I've never really cared about football but it was fun to hang out with people. After the game was over, I spent an hour or so talking with my friend Ricky. We always end up having super long chats. It's really fun and we always have really good and in-depth conversations.
Overall it was a cool day. I'm really glad that I got to spend so much time today with people that I love.
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anecdoche-98 · 6 years
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90/100 days of productivity
Today was a pretty good day. I woke up and had a pretty easy start to my day which was nice.
The first thing that I did today was paint my calendar. I always buy a really simple and minimalistic desk calendar and then I like to decorate it myself. I always try to decorate my calendar in some way to reflect the month. I’m not really a big fan of Valentines day so I didn't really want to decorate my calendar for valentines day. I decided to take it in a bit of a different direction with red poppies. I know that I’m not the best painter, but I think that watercolor is fun so I’m just gonna keep doing what I want.
I spent a whole bunch more time today studying for stats. I finished all of my suggested problems and I feel like I did pretty good. I didn't use my notes to help me find the answers so that makes me feel like I have a really good understanding of the material. I want to spend sometime tomorrow going over our past quizzes because I feel like that will be good practice to see what the exam questions might be like.
Overall, it was a good day. I feel like I’ve gotten some really good work done. I’ve really appreciated having this long weekend so that I could just take all of my studying at a really nice pace. Going back to school on Monday is going to be such a bummer, but I’m the one who wanted to get a degree. Gotta do what ya gotta do.
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