ofstormsandwolves · 3 months
the older i get the less i want to know about actors/ celebs tbh.
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Chapter 2: Bonding (Sort of?)
"You need to pick a nickname!' Wind exclaimed snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, um... I'll need a bit to pick one." I scratched my chin nervously.
"If you want, I can ask Fi what your title is. She gave Wild his title since he couldn't figure out what to pick for his title." Sky offered kindly.
"Um, sure," I answered fidgeting nervously.
"Donut worry, she's pretty good at giving titles." Wild grinned at me, his scars stretching. Sky walked over to a log and sat down with the Master Sword on his lap. Wind nudged me towards one of the logs.
"Why don't you sit down and introduce yourself to everyone?" He asked excitedly.
"Introduce myself? Um, not to be rude but they already know my name. Heck, we have the same name." I gave him a sheepish grin before getting him in a headlock to ruffle his hair.
"Hey! Let go, I was trying to be nice!"
"I know, I'm just messin' with ya," I ruffled his hair one last time before letting him go. Wind huffed before dragging me over to one of the logs.
"Sit down, and tell me something about yourself! I won't leave you alone until you do!" He crossed his arms as he sat down in front of me, making the best pout face I've ever seen.
"Alright, alright! What do you want to know:?" I laughed. I watched as Wind immediately perked up.
"Why are your eyes two different colors?" He asked bouncing up and down.
"Um, I actually don't know. Apparently, I was born with one blue eye, and the other was green like this. What else?"
"Can you use magic?" Hyrule questioned his eyes bright curiosity.
"Yes, I can. It just depends on what kind of magic. I can't heal but I can cause havoc if I wanted to."
"Ooooh! Don't tell me you can cast fire magic?!" Warriors grimaced.
"Umm, actually-"
"Don'tanswer that! I don't wanna know!" Warriors shook his head groaning.
"Do you use items? Or do you use spells?" Legend asked while rubbing one of his many rings.
"I can use both. I just prefer items since it doesn't drain me as much."
"That makes sense. Conserving your energy is a good habit to have, "Legend replied with a small smirk.
"Are you hungry?" Wild asked while holding a strange rectangular object in his hands.
"Yeah, I was going to go fishing when I fell through a portal," My stomach rumbled making me blush furiously while everyone laughed. My ears are burning. Wild rolled his eyes and messed around with the slate.
"Do you like sweets?"
"Yes," Wild hummed in acknowledgment before a bright blue flashed and a pastry popped up in his hand.
"... Do I want to know how you did that?" I asked, voice filled with wonder.
"It's just Shekiah tech," Wild shrugged and handed over the pastry. I took the pastry and took a bite. The taste of blueberries and black raspberries exploded in my mouth. I swallowed the food in my mouth before scarfing down the rest of the pastry.
"Hungry much?" Wild grinned at me, pleased at my reaction
"Considering it was in the evening back home, yes I was hungry." I huffed causing strands of my brown hair to move.
"Hey Link, Fi has your title," Sky spoke up, and the whole camp went silent. I gulped nervously. Sky smiled at me before speaking.
"Welcome, Fierce Warrior!" I blinked in surprise. I thought it would be...Never mind.
"We'll call you Fierce for short, 'cuz of Warriors." Windgrinned before offering me a fist bump. I blinked in surprise before giving him a fist bump.
"Sure took you a long time," Legend commented, eyeing me. I fidgeted avoiding his graze.
"Fi was having some problems deciding his title, due to him having so many titles," Sky stated as he clapped a hand on my shoulder. I jerked forward caught off guard by his strength. So many titles? I've never had that many at all, just Hero of Termina and... Fierce Deity. My ears twitched as the bushes rustled.
"Hey, guys, we're back. Who's the new guy?" I watched as two tall people walk in view. The one upfront had brown hair and black facial tattoos. I like the wolf pelt, nice touch. I felt my eyes widen as the second man came closer. His armor looks almost the same as the Fierce Deity armor, and there were tattoos on the left side of his face. The same blue and red tattoos that FierceDeity has. Is that... The Hero of Time?
"Hi, guys!" Wind grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet with surprising force.
"This is Fierce. He's the new Link, isn't that cool?!" I blushed embarrassed and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.
"Wind, you're embarrassing him. Hi, I'm Twilight." Wind gave me a sheepish grin after letting go of my arm so I could shake his hand.
"I'm Time," I shook his hand nervously, feeling him size me up.
"Time, you're scaring him. Don't mind him." Twilight grinned at me, with a twang of a country accent in his voice. I shrugged nonchalantly.
"It would take more than that to scare me nowadays," I scoffed.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" Legend smirked. I hummed thoughtfully rubbing my chin.
"I don't know, maybe redeads?" I shot back.
"Okay, I think all of us can agree that they are absolutely terrifying," Time rolled his right eye.
TimeSkip to the Evening [no pun intended]
Everyone seems pretty nice, but how long will it last? I've never traveled with other people unless you count Tatl. I hope I don't screw anything up.
"Hey, are you okay?" I jumped in surprise when a hand tapped my shoulder. It was Four and thankfully no one else noticed.
"Yeah, just thinking."
"Okay. Do you mind if I sit next to you?"
"Go ahead, Four," I replied
"You haven't traveled with other people before, am I right?" Fourquestioned his eyes slightly purple.
"Yeah, I only traveled with a fairy when I was younger. When I got older I was on my own." I sighed through my nose.
"It's okay to be nervous, it took Hyrule, Wild, Legend, and I a while to get used to traveling in a group.
"Thank you. I'll try to remember that."
"Did you figure out where you're going to sleep?" Four questioned, glancing at me with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"No. Why?" I narrowed my eyes at Four, causing him to smirk.
"I would be careful of who you choose to sleep next to. You might end up with someone cuddling you when you wake up," He laughed at the look on my face.
"Who's on the first watch?" Warriors asked after standing up to pop his back.
"I'll do it, will you join me Fierce?" Four asked standing up.
"Sure, "I took his hand he offered me, and I stood up as he pulled. We sat underneath a tree and kept an eye out for monsters. I kept my broadsword by me but left the rest of my gear behind. I hummed softly to an old tune.
"What's tune called?" He asked softly.
"Song ofStorms," I replied
"Humming won't cause it to storm will it?" He eyed the skies cautiously.
"Only when I play my ocarina," I chuckled softly.
AFew Hours Later
I laid down next to Wind since that's where he set up my bedroll for me. Wind automatically snuggled next to me, burrowing his head into my ribs. I stiffened in surprise before forcing myself to relax and wrap my arms around Wind's small frame.
"Told you so,"
"Shut up Four!"
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ofstormsandwolves · 4 days
has anyone explained to people on tiktok that headcanoning a character as having adhd/ asd/ anything else doesn't actually make the character officially that?? they know the difference between a headcanon and canon fact, right?
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ofstormsandwolves · 10 days
something that i feel streaming services can't get their heads around is that, sometimes, i just want to watch (or rewatch) one thing. i do not want to sign up and have access to your entire catalogue! i just want to watch this one show. but you're gatekeeping it behind paywalls and refuse to release it on dvd. guess i won't be rewatching that show then! (not via you anyway!!)
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ofstormsandwolves · 3 months
it's always funny to me when somebody says they think a show absolutely sucks but then they say 'it sucked in season 1 and it just got worse and worse every season'. like... you thought season 1 sucked so you... kept watching??? could you not find the tv remote? you didn't have anything else to do that night? nothing else to watch? is your tv broken?? do you only get one channel?
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ofstormsandwolves · 2 months
is anyone else having issues with ffnet loading? i'm either getting pages not loading (ie. people's pages i frequent regularly) or it's not loading properly (ie. if i pull up a page for a fandom, the fields are all screwed up and no stories are displaying).
cleared my history of ffnet uses, but it still won't work. and it's only on fandoms i actually want to read. (as in, if i click a random one, everything loads fine).
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ofstormsandwolves · 4 months
this is such a ridiculous thing but has anybody had problems with a guest reviewer essentially spamming your fics on AO3 with comments?
I don't mean the recent weird attacks, I mean reviews that are essentially 'i liked this, when will you write more stories like this?' or 'can you write one where x happens?' etc where they leave a bunch of comments all pushing for more stories from you?
because in the past 2 weeks, i've had somebody leave 8 reviews (2 of which were this morning a minute apart) all essentially asking the same thing (will there be more of this story, which i'd already said no to when they first reviewed) and trying to pitch ideas at me, and it's like... short of turning off guest reviews, what can i do here? i know it's such a dumb problem, but they'll send sometimes 2 or 3 reviews in a day and if i ignore them they seem to just send more but i also don't really know how to reply to the ones they've sent. like i said, i already answered their first review saying that that particular story was finished but i was working on some more fics for that pairing, and it seems like that was maybe the wrong thing to say because now they keep leaving reviews asking for more stories/ trying to request i write certain stories. I wouldn't mind if it was one or two reviews saying 'this would be a cool idea!' but 8 reviews in 2 weeks is just too much...
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ofstormsandwolves · 1 year
me: i have eleventy billion things to do. do not add more things to the list.
my brain: could we... could we use a bookbinding tutorial to make new dvd cases for our dvds so they look like cute book collections?
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ofstormsandwolves · 1 year
rewatching season 2 of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, and I know the pandemic messed with Lauren Graham being able to film more as Joan, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s also why Renee Elise Goldsberry didn’t return, but I think the show really missed a trick losing the only two female characters in tech over the age of 35. 
like, they underused both Yasmeen and Cass (who was used so little i genuinely had to just look up her name) after their introduction, but even with them and Mackenzie being transferred to the fourth floor, pretty much the whole of the representation for women in tech are women in their twenties/ early thirties. Meanwhile, in season 1 you had two women in their 40s/ 50s running two different floors and being feared/ respected bosses.
idk, just would have been nice for them to introduce some older female characters to SPRQ Point.
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ofstormsandwolves · 6 months
because i'm curious but i don't wanna make a poll: has anyone who follows me ever gone to a book event of a single author (or, at least, a group of authors who wrote a single book together) like an 'evening with' or a signing type deal and gotten a free book?
because the only time i ever got a free book was when i went to this huge weekend-long book event with dozens of authors and they gave away a free book to every attendee, but all the events i've gone to where it's for a single specific author, books were only available to buy, they weren't free.
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ofstormsandwolves · 6 months
always interesting to me when I see comments online regarding hobbies where somebody feels the need to tell people 'don't buy [cheaper version more people can afford], buy [expensive version that's only worth it if you do the hobby loads or you're trying to make it a side hustle]'.
like... have people forgotten that sometimes people just do things for fun? not everybody can afford the really expensive craft materials, or the £1500 camera, or the super niche machinery that you need a garage to store it in, because it's literally just a hobby so they can't justify the cost/find the money...
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ofstormsandwolves · 1 year
deciding to finally interact with the fandom of a show you've enjoyed alone so that you can share your fic and walking into a very intense environment...
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ofstormsandwolves · 1 year
it would be a shame if someone were to hook me up with a way to watch parenthood for free in the uk...
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ofstormsandwolves · 1 year
one of the funniest things to me is watching people complain about random things they don't like popping up on their social media feeds by commenting on the random things they don't like popping up on their social media feeds.
like... my dude. the algorithm thinks you like these things because you're engaging in them.
if everyone who commented on stuff on social media just to complain about it sat for a moment and contemplated NOT leaving a ranting comment on that post, maybe the algorithm wouldn't keep showing them more content like that.
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ofstormsandwolves · 1 year
don't you just love it when you get told you can cancel an appointment online (so quick! so easy!) only to then find out that you can't cancel that particular appointment online for some weird reason so you have to phone. but when you phone you can't get through to anyone! so you can't cancel at all! yay!!
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ofstormsandwolves · 1 year
just realised that hockey moms is at over 50k words. uh.... how did that happen exactly?? 😂😂
(Update: just checked AO3 and there are only 3 zoey x joan fics over 50k. one is hockey moms and the other two are @hereidinathoreauwrites fics. good company to be in)
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