#oh ! i really want to add soo-i here somewhere that would be fun !!!! 21:56.
evanescentdawn · 2 years
i really want to (21:31) write a seo yul fic, but it’s hard *thinking* about to write. i mean. i probs could make something with jin buyeon/naksu, but i don’t want to write that right now! ahhhhhh, i just remembered this brief idea of jang uk + seo yul + their childhood. honestly forget what the idea was supposed to be but it was something something something thoughts dhdjdjdjkdkd.
anyways: to think about jang uk + seo yul’s bond because i deeply love it. it’s so good !!!! like sobs they care abt each other so much and really interesting how different they are. like how they think and stuff. hey. you know. what would be fun. if I wrote a fic about jang uk and his quest to find a master — like jang uk, how his god what was it called again. his gate of something was closed. and seo yul and dang-gu who were practicing/learning magic. and how jang uk felt — BUT THATS ABOUT UKIE. NOT SEO YUL.
do u see my problem, now. my issue. i just wanna !! write a !!! seo yul !!! fic !!! okay what if I make it au. you know like fantasy still, but set in different fantasy. i am really liking the idea of crown prince & seo yul going on a quest together. more like seo yul going on a quest and meets crown prince. omg seo yul going a quest that has do with his family + idk a coming….what was it called again. Urgh. like the whole Becoming An Adult Quest. it would be really interesting! (edit: finally remembered. it was coming of age. that’s the phrase I was looking for LMAO)
seeing seo yul out in the world — for the first time — and wondering what kind was his parents, and his family. and how this seo yul would brave this quest. what kind of quest is it, even. you know. hhhhhhhhhh, i do like the idea of meeting naksu. like in canon, where she’s just a kid like him living in solitude and they meet. it’d be so 🥺 especially considering the whole thing of his family dealing in her father’s death which she finds out later on.
i really just should plan out what kind of Quest this is. but just thinking: ooooh, hey what if. like seo yul was doing the quest and got injured and naksu saw him and helped him. after all, she wasn’t an assassin who had closed her heart entirely then — and she helps him. seo yul stays with her in her lil home before he has to go back to the quest. (which again what the fck is it, i really need to think about it. but urgh. i am not familiar with this kind of genre. well, whatever. it’s cool. i can research that shit)
also no! i have Not forgotten about the crown prince. i did think before Maybe he’s like on his own quest but that was boring for me. so like what if there’s a whole thing going in the palace. like. mmmh. a rebellion? his mother getting involved with evil….hhhhhhh. so jin mu. go won’s master and who has always stood by his side, but things lately have gone down the drain: it turns out that jin mu and his mother had conspired/made deal with the devils and are dabbling with dark magic, and idk it’s causing the life of the people. go won’s world crumbles down.
he runs away(?) idk
i haven’t figured it all out yet. but REALLY liking this go won meeting seo yul and u know it would be fun to throw naksu in the fun. young naksu, brain full of only revenge, who has had Barely any human interactions. go won, the crown prince, petty and haunty and insufferable but heart in right place. and seo yul !!! follower of the Rules, the golden boy, on a quest and dealing with family problems idk. BECOMING FRIENDS. SAVING THE WORLD.
such a fun trio !!!! *heart eyes* i can already see their interactions and it’s so lovely.
but ! also ! it feels So Wrong to not have jang uk anywhere in the story because in my mind — eventually he and naksu’s paths cross and they have epic romance because I’m otp trash. so like idk. oh like he’s still the late king’s son but this time….it’s not the soul swap thing that happens but jang gang…? god what was his not-father’s name. i don’t remember. wait. what if hmmmmm. i still want park jin involved in jang uk’s life and have their whole Awful Thing. hey wait what if…. urgh, the thoughts r Not connecting. anyways so basically: there is something happening abt jang uk’s birth and stuff and idk he can’t do magic…? or there’s a seal on it. but HE doesn’t know it. no one tells him. he just knows that he’s the only who doesn’t have ability to Magic. which is, yeah. but as our trio gets tangled with all this stuff that’s going on —
park dang-gu and jang uk, dear friends of seo yul, get a whiff of it and obvs go in concern for their friend. and well. jang uk. finds the truth of his birth or smth.
idk, not really feeling jang uk’s background rn. whatever. i can think of it later. this is about seo yul, first most anyways.
wow! this was certainly a journey ahahaha. I’m glad to have found a fic I can Work on abt seo yul because really needed that. i mean. i did have that time travel idea — well. it’s not really an idea but more like a vague concept of seo yul being the one to go back in time. which would be interesting explore. like seo yul being so unhinged. i Need that. anyways, yeah. 21:56
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safyresky · 8 years
92 Truths
I’M SO MAD I WANTED TO BE THE DOUBLE TAGGER BUT @mellomadness BEAT ME TO IT?????? I was originally tagged by @thewayhistoryiswritten. They tagged the whole fam so now I am gonna just sneak in here and be the TRIPPLE TAGGER B)
This one is really long?? So if you’re not about people oversharing on the internet then just skip down using “J” or blacklist long post, cause that’s what I’ll tag this as :)
(I would put a read more but half the people who tagged me use mobile and those don’t show up on mobile so...my apologies!)
Anyway let’s get to it, shall we?
[1] drink: hot chocolate. for those keeping up with my roll up the rim #struggles, 15/15 have NOT won. 
[2] phone call: Richard, my lovely bf who couldn’t remember the cereal my sister wanted
[3] text message: my sister who has no idea what food I have at home and is staying until Sunday and needs to eat
[4] song you listened to: One of the songs off the Steven Universe music playlist I have on soundcloud
[5] time you cried: Watching Moana last week it just gets me EVERY TIME the powerful I AM MOANA!!!!! I JUST YES. YES YOU ARE. YOU ARE AND I AM A WRECK
[6] dated someone twice: Nope
[7] been cheated on: In a way yes but also no.
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
[9] lost someone special: Yes.
[10] been depressed: low key all of last year? it was a struggle. and not like diagnosed depressed just...feeling sad ALL the TIME and WORTHLESS and people would tell me you’re great and I just wouldn’t believe them b/c it didn’t feel like I was great at all. I couldn’t even write about my shitty frosty children I just....couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but think about how shitty things were going and how much I wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep and forget about life
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: I have never gotten drunk to the point of throw up but hey, tomorrow is paddy’s day and my sister wants me to get “turnt” and “wasted” so we’ll see if I go over my comfortable drunk limit of 5 alcohols. Will keep you posted!
[12] Blue
[13] Light blue
[14] Orange (Were you expecting more blue?? Hehe)
[15] made new friends: Yes!
[16] fallen out of love: No, I’ve just made my relationship STRONGER
[17] laughed until you cried: Oh my god yes I live in a house with 3 other immature young adults who are stressed to the max you would be surprISED how often one of us laughing until we cry happens
[18] found out someone was talking about you: Not in bad ways!
[19] met someone who changed you: I don’t think so, though my current friends may have effected my humour just a tad ;)
[20] found out who your true friends are: Yeah, actually! A lot of realizations happened this year let me tell you *side eyes my shitty pal who makes things about herself constantly*
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: I mean Richard is my facebook friend so...yes? We’ve been dating for 5 years though so idk how much that counts?? Cause he’s my SO???
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them I know well enough, I don’t add total strangers
[23] do you have any pets: My cat! Cinnamon! He’s so cute and such an affectionate lil bud for being a stray a year ago like what a cat I love him s o  m u c h he’s so sILLY
[24] do you want to change your name: I love my name very much. It can be spunky (Dani), elegant (Ella), and a mix of them both (Daniella!)
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: I turned 21 and...I actually can’t recall?? I think Richard and I went out to dinner and OH NOW I REMEMBER!
We went to the Works and he surprised me with all of my good friends being there and then we went home and he got me an ICE CREAM CAKE and my housemates put my gifts in a suitcase b/c we had no wrapping stuffs welcome to Student Life my guys
[26] what time did you wake up: At 7AM today b/c I had an 8:30
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: I was messaging Ana bean and making my bed because my sister wanted to sleep and my sheets had just finished washing
[28] name something you cannot wait for: Summer! I have a job, I’m staying in Kingston, I’M GONNA PLANT SHIT!!!! IT’S gonna be gr8!!
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: In February for reading week!
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish my parents hadn't struggled so much when I was younger, b/c then I would have had decent RESP’s and wouldn’t owe the government so much money for school Dx
[31] what are you listening to right now: The chatter of nearby people eating lunch (I forgot my headphones today I’m real upset)
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: You know, I see soo many people in one shift that one of them was probably named Tom tbh
[34] most visited website: this blue hellhole 
[35] elementary: St Herbert down the street from home. Everyone made fun of it and called it St Hubert’s, like the chicken place?? It bugged me as a kid now I’m like lmao yeah too bad they don’t have good chicken there
[36] high school: St Joe’s near my house! Commonly known as St Joe’s Hoes b/c there was a prostitute ring in the bathrooms in the 90s apparently??? And also everyone wore their kilts really high up. Those got banned. I was bitter I loved the kilt it was very warm
[37] college: Queen’s U! 
[38] hair colour: It is Chestnut brown, according to Laurentian pencil crayons (it’s dark brown enough that my boyfriend thought it was black for the first year and a half we knew each other hahaha)
[39] long or short hair: I like it longer because then I can put it up a lot?? Though mid-length is usually my go to
[40] do you have a crush on someone: Does my boyfriend count. B/c if so then hecka yes
[41] what do you like about yourself?: My eyebrows SLAY. I like that I have managed to build up my patience so much. I like that I’m super creative and helpful and I like that I try to be as supportive as possible and usually pals are like ye u are supportive which does me a GOOD right in the heart!! I am being a HELP!!
[42] piercings: just my ears!! i’ve always wanted a nose piercing ha but I wouldn’t go through with it, my pain tolerance is exactly 0
[43] blood type: No idea!
[44] nickname: Dani
[45] relationship status: In a relationship with the most WONDERFUL FLUFF EVER Richard is really gr8 okay I could talk about him for days what a guy
[46] zodiac sign: Libra
[47] pronouns: She/her
[48] fav tv show: Steven Universe
[49] tattoos: none. if I got one it would be a shooting star somewhere inconspicuous 
[50] right or left handed: right handed! for most things. I do use my left hand for odd things, like using a fork w/ a knife
FIRST… [51] surgery: wisdom teeth when I get them out this summer
[52] piercing: My ears when I was 2 months old or so
[53] best friend: PLEASE DO NOT AS ME THIS I HAVE MANY MANY BIFFERS (Richard, AJ, Ana, Jess, Athena...)
[54] sport: skiing 
[55] vacation: Mexico when I was 7! Maybe younger, I can’t recall. 
[56] pair of trainers: I just have converse?? Do they count??
[57] eating: Timbits
[58] drinking: Just finished a hot chocolate
[59] i’m about to: Finish a seminar response and then scream internally until I can go home
[60] listening to: People talking, still (there’s a lot of repeat questions here)
[61] waiting for: Class time
[62] want: A nap or two, a raise at work
[63] get married: One of these days! I keep asking Richard if we can just go to the courthouse and ELOPE but he keeps saying “yes let’s do that before we get married just go to a courthouse and wait on the big fancy ceremony until we can afford it!! He’s very set on being able to have a place for ourselves and such before hand which I agree with. But I still really wanna run to the courthouse one day and just fucking do it man)
[64] career: a writer with fame to rival that of J.K. Rowling, for instance, or the archaeologist who discovers Atlantis!
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: Hugs! I’m a really cuddly fuck but I love giving Richard kisses ALL OVER HIS FACE he gets soo happy!!
[66] lips or eyes: Eyes
[67] shorter or taller: Taller so I look cute when I attempt to be the big spoon, and so I can fit under the chin of my SO for MAXIMUM HUG
[68] older or younger: Older (irony b/c Richard is exactly 9 months older than me)
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: Both? Both. Both is good.
[71] sensitive or loud: Both? Both. Both is good.
[72] hook up or relationship: Relationship b/c I am not into the sex thing that much, occasionally yes but also not with a stranger?? I don;t look at someone like “I wanna tap that” usually my thought is “They’re pretty” or “I love their jacket” or “HOW DID THEY EYELINER???? THAT GOOD???” (Like ANA’S EYELINER OMG YOU ARE A MASTER AT THE EYELINER ANA PLEASE TEACH ME UR WAYS).
The only instance of “I wanna tap that” occurs like once in a full moon or two when I stare at Richard a v long time and thing HE IS SO WONDERFUL AND LOVELY I LOVE HIM LET’S GO RIGHT NOW INTO THE BED (TMI alert my guys, haha whoops)
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant, though I can be a shit disturber, ask AJ. And Ana. And my other housemates, especially Richard. I can be a nuisance and have been confirmed to be an occasional menace >:)
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? Nope
[75] drank hard liquor? It depends on your definition? Sometimes I have a liqueur with my Dad but idk if it counts as hard liquor, it’s usually a Bailey’s
[77] turned someone down: In the most passive way possible. Fun fact: I once “friend-zoned” Richard, ha
[78] sex on first date? Heck no, I gotta know a guy or gal REALLY WELL before being like YES LET US ENGAGE IN COITUS, That is something I share with someone I trust fully and completely, not random people I meet on the first date (do people actually do that??) 
[79] broken someone’s heart? Probably?? I dunno
[80] had your own heart broken? Omg yes when I was a lil pre-high schooler, dear me
[81] been arrested? HA no
[82] cried when someone died? Heck yes! real people, fictional characters...I’m a mess
[83] fallen for a friend: Every crush I have ever had began with a friendship so yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? Usually, yes!! I had a bad bout of thinking nothing would turn out right the past year but I’m back in the swing of thinking “It’ll be okay, you can do it”
[85] miracles? I think yes
[86] love at first sight? Love at first sight is a MYTH. Love takes time, patience. Love takes getting to know someone really well and knowing how you work with them and how they work with you. Love takes a lot and if love at first sight is a thing, it’s more like the IDEA of a person, not who they really really are.
[87] santa claus? For real, yes, I actually do b/c when I had lost my belief already, there was one year where my siblings (who had been naughty) weren’t on the christmas party lists at my parents work for gifts, and I was. So yeah. I have a solid belief in Santa make fun all you want idgaf 
[89] angels? Very much so. Ethereal angels and angels here I meet that have a profound impact on my life
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: I HAVE MANY but in no order, Richard, AJ, Jess, Ana, Athena... 
[91] eye colour: Brown
[92] favourite movie: Moana, Grease, Atlantis, El Dorado. Those are my top four. I think.
GOOD GRIEF THIS WAS A LONG ONE I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY AJ, YOU TOO MELLO. @divinitycas here is a third tag because yolo?? I guess??? Anyone else who likes to overshare on the internet please, be my guest!!! AND THEN TAG ME I LOVE LEARNING ABOUT OTHERS!!
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