#oh also she wears a wolf pelt cape
dailypearldoodles · 2 years
if you'd like something more challenging, maybe a wolf pearl with human tilly?
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Day 259
Oh this one really tickled me. I was thinking that Tilly would be an old lady and like, really motherly, but I also wanted her to be a warrior and she has her fair share of battle wounds and stitches. She's also really big. She big lady. Like, Luisa size. She's also maybe like semi immortal? Her husband has died of old age and all her kids have grown up and moved out, so she's just chillin in her cottage.
Pearl, I decided to base her off of those more brownish wolves. She got either separated or abandoned by her pack when she was still an adolescent, and Tilly found her and took care of her. She's also cursed to cause misfortune to those around her. That doesn't deter Tilly tho. The red bandana that she wears used to be Tilly's :D
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
Snippet of this good Ganon linked universe thing where Wild and Ganon (goes by G) are besties and the chain panics
Being back on the road is a pleasing feeling for the trio, the wind in their hair and the sun shining down on their skin. Much to Links confusion, no animals scamper past them, nor do birds fly over head. Link hums a small song to himself, trying to calm his ever growing nerves.
there’s something strange about this day. A strange feeling in Links chest that puts him on edge. “Is everything alright?” G asks. Link sighs. “I don’t feel well. Something’s wrong.” He says. Zelda frowns deeply “Oh, Link if you were feeling sick you should have said so! It’s not too late to turn back to the stable, let’s go.” She says, already turning Frosting around. “No, no! Not as in sick, but as in something’s wrong out there.” He gestures widely to the wilderness. “Something’s wrong. We haven’t seen any animals all day. Not even a crow!” He points out. “Now that you mention it, it is strangely silent…” Zelda says, peaking around the bushes and trees. “Not even a squirrel.” G frowns. Zelda clutches her hands on the purple reins of her horse. “I feel a strange presence, but I can’t feel where from.”
As if on cue, the sound of chatter fills the strange empty silence. Zelda, Link and G all exchange glances, and silently agree to hop off their horses and investigate. No use bringing them into danger and paying a visit to Malanya. (The first time they had accidentally lost a horse G wouldn’t stop crying. That bokoblin got a lucky hit on Muffin. G was hysterical the whole way there. Muffin and them slept outside the stable together that night.)
Slowly walking through the brush, Link is once again met with concern as not even a bug nor snail wonders about. What scared all the critters away…?
Getting closer, they can see it’s a group of... eight? Sure, people are traveling more often nowadays, but never in groups as large as this. G is immediately suspicious, and places a hand on the hilt of their scimitar. They look over to Link, who nods and draws his shield, just to be safe. “I’ll handle this.” G whispers. He walks out. “Excuse me, travelers.” They step up, eying them all. There’s a brunet, one with what appears to be a wolf pelt (Wolfie wouldn’t like him), the oldest looking one with one eye, a pink haired one, a blue scarfed one (strange, no one wears that vibrant of a blue except for Zelda and Link), one with a white cape thingy, one with a multi colored tunic, and a child with a bright blue tunic (he swears him and Link saw a similar tunic before).
As soon as they speak, all swords are drawn. They step back and draw their scimitar, and Link steps out of the brush with a hand on the hilt of the master sword, not yet pulling it. Deep down G knows, there's almost no way out of this. They're outnumbered, three to eight. But even so, they're not scared. If this is how they die, then this is how they die. They've escaped death many times, and they know Link feels the same. Although leaving behind Zelda would pain them, they know she's strong. She'll be able to handle it. "Who are you?" Zelda demands, also stepping out of the bushes, glaring daggers right at this group. "Is that... Ganondorf?" The youngest one mutters to the pink haired one, who shrugs, but keeps a white knuckled grip on his sword. One thing G is proud of, it's their exceptional hearing, and they heard that. "How do you know my name?" He questions, hoping they don't hear the waver in their voice. The only people who called them that are Link, Zelda and Urbosa. And even that was always when chiding them for doing something stupid! They've always introduced themselves as G, even the yiga call them G! What in the world are these people?
The oldest one of them, although clearly on guard, raises his hands up as a sign of peace. "My apologies, me and my brothers have been rather jumpy as of late." He apologizes, though his sharp eyes that remain on G at all times as if he'll go rabid any second say he's not very sorry at all. "What do you want." Zelda asks through gritted teeth. She was just as on edge as Link and them, then again who wouldn't be? A group of eight heavily armed possible yigas is enough to send most experienced warriors running, and as the seconds grow longer the idea of running  becomes more and more desirable to this ragtag trio. Could they be responsible for the disappearance of the natural wildlife here?
"We're just looking for the hero, we-" G doesn't let him finish that sentence. "What business do you have with the hero?" He demands. The youngest scoffs. "We don't have to tell you anything." He hisses, if looks could kill, G would already be dead. "Actually, I think you do." G responds, bouncing their scimitar in their hands. "I'll ask you one last time. What. Business. Do. You. Have." He asks, putting emphasis on each word. Like hell if he was going to let these weirdos harm his friend! The oldest grits their teeth, clenching and unclenching his fist. "Now now, let's not get too-" the one with the white cape tries to calm them down, but the pink haired one interrupts him with a war cry, charging and swinging his sword down on G.
Although more often then not, he curses his unusually small stature for a gerudo. But it does have one good use: speed. He nimbly dodges the swing, some of his cloak getting cut in the process. But as long as he's not injured, he'll be fine. looking back at Link, they shout out an order. "Take Zelda and go! I'll hold 'em off." They say, ignoring the blonds distressed 'haa!', they gather their wits and charge. "Wait!" Zelda cries out, struggling as Link grabs her wrist and starts to bolt, sending a weary glance back at G that screamed 'get back safely'.
Unbeknownst to them, they just made the whole situation ten times worse. That group of eight doesn't see someone getting the former princess to safety, they see one of Ganondorf's minions taking away the princess. "Don't let them get away!" The one with the blackish grey fur pelt shouts, and the two smallest are on their tails just like that. The yiga are recruiting children now, huh? Maybe they can capture and rehabilitate these kids. The one with the multi colored tunic appears to be the oldest. He looks to be about sixteen, the other in the blue tunic with a white lobster on it can't be older then twelve. But Link can think about that later, for now he must focus on getting Zelda to safety. He speeds up, taking sharp turns and hoping Zel doesn't trip up along the way.
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luimagines · 3 years
Coul I request the chain reacting to meeting the reader who is Wild's sibling? (If background is needed shrieks science and them whatever purchase did so the reader is just sorta- 15-28 )
I don't understand the second sentence but I think I can infer what you're trying to say. And even then, I came up with a backstory that more less fixes it regardless so yay!
Wild is everyone's favorite chaotic creative sibling!
And I went for older sibling because reasons and just assume that sibling! Reader is in their early twenties.
Content under the cut!
You woke up one day in Hateno village, quietly aware of the silence that echoed through your house.
You miss your brother.
Not that he was here often with his Goddess given assignment nor did he even know who you were for the first half of it.
What a day that was.
Your little brother back from the dead, scars and all and then some... but he had no idea who you were.
It hurt to say the least. But you were told it would happen once the news reached you. He would wake up one day to finish his duty but he would not remember anything regarding his past life.
Even when he found you again, after he somehow remembered you, you didn’t know where to begin.
You just knew that you were so happy to be together again after so long that you hugged him as tight as you could and told him that your door was always open.
To say you both cried is the understatement of the century. It was wet and ugly and messy and neither of you really talk about it but it felt good that day.
And while you both knew he couldn’t stay for long with his adventure being no where near complete. He did come home for the night after he set that travel medallion of his by the front door.
But that was then- before the Calamity was defeated.
Now that it’s gone- so is your brother. Again.
On a different quest this time, it seems.
You don’t understand why your baby brother of all people has to be the one to do it and you would like nothing more than to wrap him up in a blanket and shield him from anything else that comes to hurt him- but he never let you do that as a child- let alone now.
You begin the day like any other and try to get as many mundane chores done as you can before you finally try and get the stable in the back fixed up.
You noticed Link had an affinity to horses and had checked in with the nearest stable to see that he had some lodged under his name.
There’s a place at the house, darn it. Lodge them here. It just needs to be fixed.
With your goal in mind, you lose yourself to the work and the time passes effortlessly.
It’s around noon by the time you hear it.
The familiar sound of activation that gets your heart pounding in relief and unbridled joy.
You drop your hammer and run to the front of the house with the largest grin on your face. “You’re back, you Rug Rat! Come here!”
You single him out instantly amongst the group and tackle him in a hug.
He’s long stopped trying to fight on you on this and has also returned your crushing hug with one of his own. “I’m back.”
“You brought friends too.” You grin and give the group a two fingered salute. “And here I was afraid that this loner child would end up dead in a ditch somewhere and I would be none the wiser. Thank you for looking after my little brother. I’m aware he’s a handful.”
“Ok thanks.” He says.
“Little brother?” Someone from the group asks. They’re lost amongst the sea of head but you nod regardless.
“Yup. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.” You grin and put your hands on your hips, introducing yourself right after. “Any friend of Link’s is a friend of the family. Come in, come in. Make yourselves at home. It’s not much but it’s ours. Been in the family since before the calamity struck. Let me wash up a bit and then we can get some food going, yeah?”
“I’ll start up the stove.” Link says and you’re about to disagree. After all, he just got home and should rest while he can but he ahs the most unburdened smile on his face that you can’t bring yourself to deny him.
 “Alright.” You sigh and head to the back where the shower is. It’s always been small and a bit cramped and the door stopped fitting correctly about ten years ago but now that’s it’s not just you anymore, you can go around into the giving the house the TLC it deserves.
But you’re starting with the stable in the back.
When you’re finished and you’ve dried yourself off, you get into the house to find it in a delightful array of colors and chaos.
Each of the boys seemed to have made themselves completely at home in the time you were gone and you leaned against the door frame, watching them all interreact.
Your brother didn’t waste any time with getting the stove up and running. You can smell the beginning of lunch getting cooked and it appears that Link has wrangled two of the boys to be his helpers. One appears to be the youngest with bright wide eyes and a similar blue tunic to that of Links and the other looks to be  slightly more timid in the process. He’s around the same height as Link but darker hair and a long white cape still clasped around his shoulders. 
You recognize the Master Sword strapped to his back.
Making a note of that you look around the room again. Three of them have made themselves comfortable at the table. One is easily the biggest guy of the group, red and blue tattoos on his face and scar over his eye as he watches the others go about the admittedly small house. The other two look to be the same size and you’re sure you can look them in the eye if you needed to. They’re talking to both each other and the group that’s cooking. One has a wolf pelt on his shoulder with more tattoos on his face and other is a knight if you’ve ever seen one with a bright blue scarf around his neck.
You’re not one to judge your brother’s friends but you make a mental note to watch him in case he tries anything.
Two of the boys- one with pink hair and the other have the most solid brown mane of the whole group have made themselves spares and are talking quietly to each other and not making a fuss.
The final one looks to be the smallest but he’s got an older glint to his eye that recognize well. He’s wearing arguably the most color tunic of the group with those four patches sewn together. He’s tucked himself away into a corner with a book out, not interacting with either of them outright but he has been looking up and adding his two cents to the older’s conversation at the table.
They don’t notice you’re back which is a testament to how tired they all must be.
They’re an interesting bunch.
But Link did always surround himself with interesting people.
So you’re not really surprised.
“Sooo...” Pinky starts off, calling your bother’s attention. “You have an older sibling?”
“Yup!” He answers, not looking up from the pot. “They were waiting for me the whole time, and even manage to keep the house. Up keep still needs to be done but we’ve been working on it together.”
“But they’re older.”
“Yes. We’ve established this.”
You have to hold back your snort.
“You were asleep for one hundred years.” Four Patches speaks up, closing his book silently. ”Shouldn’t they... ummm...”
“Be dead?”
“Or at least really old?” Mr. Brunette hops in, trying to lessen the blow of the sentence.
“You’re like one hundred and seven teen right? Wouldn’t that put them at being one hundred and twenty something?” Wolf boy offers.
“I guess so. Yeah. They were old at some point.” Link stops stirring and you can see him try to run the numbers in his head. “I know that much. The village talks about them being really old sometimes, but I guess that was years ago because it’s only from the older folk that live here.”
“But they lived through those one hundred years, didn’t they?” Blue Baby Face speaks this time.
“That’s what they told me.”
“So....” The knight tilts his head and tries to put his hands out as if that would help answer the question. “They’re like the Old Man then? Old in their head but young on the outside.”
“You can say that, yeah.” You say and take extreme satisfaction at the way most of the jump at your voice. “Unlike Link, I was alive the whole time he was asleep. I’ve got grandkids in Lurelin and they visit from time to time but someone had to at least keep the house up and running, might as well have been me.”
“I...” Link starts as he takes the food off the burner. “I never asked you how you stayed young, did I?”
“Oh.” He looks away and deflates a little. Link looks a little disappointed with himself and that won’t stand in this house.
“I didn’t realize it was that important. And I’m going to assume you’ve explained most of the situation Rug Rat.” You laugh a little with a raised eyebrow. “You can blame Purah. You know she wanted to find a way to keep the old from aging, right? It’s why she’s in the body of a little kid again. But when she tried the second formula she realized that if she tried it on herself that it might as well but poof her back into a baby and she wanted to contact Robbie but he’s too far and too old to make that trip. I volunteered.”
“It still didn’t really work, I was transformed into a teenager instead of a child- a horrible time to exist really. But I suppose it was a blessing in disguise. By the time this one-” You step into the house fully and ruffle Link’s hair. “-came back, it left us with the same age gap as before. So in the end I can’t complain.”
“Why’d you volunteer?” Cape guy leans on the wall. “There’s only so many times you can test it, right? Who’s to say it wouldn’t have been worse?”
“Yeah, what if it did transform you into a baby again and you forgot everything?” Four Patches stands up and comes to stand by the table, putting his book on top of it. 
“I wanted to take the risk.” you shrug and pull your brother into a hug. “Is it a crime to want to see my baby brother again not matter the cost?”
“Get off.” He whines.
You laugh but do as he asks. “It was never said when he’d be back. Only that he would. I was willing to buy as much time as needed to be there for him.”
“I didn’t remember you...” He mutters to himself.
“You now, don’t you?” You punch him gently. “We’ve talked about this. It’s ok. I knew it was going to happen. It wasn’t going to stop me. Ganon himself couldn’t properly get rid of me. I’m not leaving your side anytime soon.”
He smiles and turns to hug you.
“Now where’s your wolf friend?” You ask. “Are you still traveling together? There’s something I wanted to give him.”
Wolf Pelt shimmies in his seat for a second but you don’t think much of it.
Link shakes his head. “Not right now but he has been coming by every now and then.”
“Well it’s good he’s still around to look after you then in my stead.”
“We have a horse though.” Link tilts his head up to grin at you. “It’s not the same but her name is Epona.”
Familiarity stabs you in the heart and you know it’s something that Link even remember even if he lives another one hundred years.
He was too little when she passed.
“...Like dad’s old horse. Can I see her?” You say with a light constriction in your throat. “How crazy would it be if they looked alike?”
“Dad had a horse?”
“You wouldn’t remember her, you were too little. I barely remember her as it is but yes, he did.” You take a step back and motion back towards the door. “Maybe after lunch you show me. We can bring her to the back and measure up how the stable is. I’ve been fixing it up.”
“Really!?” Link blinks, an excited glint appearing in his eyes.
“Yes. That’s what I was doing when you first came in. But let’s eat first.” You put your hand to the small of his back and push him gently in the direction of the table. “And then you can tell me about your friends and this new adventure of yours.”
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rallis-fatalis · 3 years
Rallis shivered in her sleep as she snoozed curled up into a tight warm ball on her bed. Her blanket coiled around her but did little to keep her cozy. Her teeth chattered from the cold, which soon woke her with a startled yelp as she bit her lip in her sleep. Rallis shuddered and tried to curl in on herself even farther. She was absolutely freezing! She could even see frost on her breath, something she had never experienced before. Why was she so cold? It was starting to make her feel sick and slow.
The door across the room opened up, letting in a pale grey light. In came an older man dressed in robes of white, the attire of a druid. His mane of white hair and beard matched his robes, though they did not sport the stains of green like that smeared across his clothing. He was carrying a stack of blankets when he noticed Rallis.
“Rallis, you are shivering! Are you sick?” He put a hand to the dragon’s forehead. She was icy to the touch, so it wasn’t a fever that ailed her.
She mumbled a quiet no. “I cold Uncle Cake.”
The druid in question, ‘Uncle Cake,’ or Kaqemeex rather, hefted the pile of blankets over to Rallis. “It is indeed cold. That is why I brought these new blankets. It is going to be much colder now that winter is here. There is even snow outside already!”
Rallis sniffled and grabbed two blankets off the pile to hide under. “What is snow?” she asked.
“You don’t know what snow is?” Kaqemeex said in surprise. “Hmm no I guess you wouldn’t seeing as how you lived underground your whole life. Snow is cold and white. It is frozen water that falls from the sky in winter. It is also very soft and fun to play with.” He added the last comment with a smile.
Rallis’ eyes grew wide in excitement over this mysterious substance she had never heard of before. “I see snow?”
“We can go outside to see. But if you are cold inside, you will be very cold outside. You need to be warm first. Let’s see if I can find you some better clothes.”
The druid searched through his drawers for something Rallis could wear. Some thick socks? No, not on those three clawed toes. His wool gloves? He’d rather not an old present be ripped at the fingers from dragon claws. Definitely not his prestigious herblore mastery cape. His spare clothes were far too big for the short thin dragon, and his extra winter wools were even bigger than his normal attire. He’d have to carry Rallis out like a pig in a blanket! Or rather a dragon in a blanket.
While Kaqemeex sifted through his clothes, Rallis was feeling much warmer now that she was under an entire mountain of blankets. She was ready to go outside and see snow, clothing or not! She took a blanket and tied it around her waist, giving her shredded robe bottom a much thicker extra layer. She did that once more and was left with a kilt of fluff. She happily curled her tail into the blanket skirt and away from the chilly air. Next she tied a third blanket around her torso in a similar manner as her robe bottom, and a fourth and final blanket around her neck like a cloak. She could hardly move with all the extra layers wrapped around her, but she was warm and ready to explore.
“Snow!” Rallis chirped.
Kaqemeex looked over from the mess he was making and laughed. “Well I suppose that’s one way to do it! Snow is very cold. You have nothing on your feet or head. If you start to feel bad, you tell me.”
Rallis waddled over to the door. Kaqemeex couldn’t help but snicker. She looked so ridiculous! He held the door open for his dragon in a blanket, and Rallis couldn’t hide her wonder as she gazed upon the outside world. Taverley was a very green place, with lots of various plants and nature growing all around, even up the sides of the buildings. But now most of the green was covered with white. The dull morning rays made the white world glitter all around her. Rallis gasped in awe as she stepped outside. Immediately upon setting foot outside, something cold crunched under her foot. She yelped and jumped back. The floor was so cold!
“It’s okay,” Kaqemeex assured. “That is snow.”
Rallis looked down at the frozen white crumbling off the bottom of her foot. “Snow?” She grabbed a fistful of snow off the ground and smiled at the frozen fluff. “Snow!” The dragon screamed giddily and ran off as fast as she could.
All of Taverley was covered in snow! There was snow on the roofs! There was snow on the tree branches! There was snow everywhere! A huge pile of the stuff accumulated near Sanfew’s house, the older man undoubtedly being diligent in his endeavor to keep the walkways clear. Rallis leapt into the pile without a second thought and disappeared with a fwumph. She poked her now snow-covered head out and laughed. She burst out of the pile in an explosion of powder and ran to the river. A thin layer of ice rest on the surface of the water and snow piled along the banks before melting and floating down stream. Rallis grabbed a pile of snow and dropped it into the water to see what would happen. It slowly dissolved as it flowed away. She smiled and got a bigger pile to drop into the river. It went a little farther this time. She ran off again and shoveled an entire cape-blanket full into the water. It plopped in with a splash and shattered some of the nearby ice. She screeched with joy as she watched the ice flow away.
Kaqemeex stood under the awning of his house and watched Rallis with a wide smile. Young people didn’t usually traverse Taverley often, and the few young adults that did live in the area were rather serious, no doubt due to Sanfew’s strict training. It was a very missed sight, watching child-like wonder grace the town once more. He found himself remembering when he was younger, playing in the snow with his parents for the first time. That memory gave him an idea.
“Rallis! Come here!”
Rallis cocked her head and ran over, but not before tripping on her blanket skirt and face-planting into the slushy path. Kaqemeex winced and started to run over, but Rallis shook the muddy slushy snow off and smiled as she grabbed a wad of wet earth and held it up proudly. “Mud AND snow! Good!!!”
“Haha yes it is! Now come here!”
She bounced over excitedly. “Rallis, do you want to do something fun?”
Rallis’ eyes shone with excitement and ears perked up in joy. “Fun?!”
“Yes, fun. We need to find a lot of snow! Can you do that?”
“Lot of snow! Lot of snow! Yes, yes, lot of snow!”
The end of town closer to White Wolf Mountain was buried in a deep layer of snow. It seemed no one cared to shovel it away with how far from anyone’s home or areas of work it was. Rallis flopped onto the snow piles. “Shmow!” her muffled voice called out.
“Excellent. Now watch this.”
Rallis pulled her head out of the snow just in time to watch Kaqemeex hold his arms out and fall backwards into the snow. She watched in confusion as he flailed his arms and legs across the snow over and over until it started to pile up in a pattern around him. Soon he stood up, carefully not to step where he had been laying, brushed the snow off his robes, and held his hands out to the indent he made in the snow with pride. “It’s a snow icyene!”
Rallis admired the shape thoughtfully. “What is I-seen?”
“Oh, right, you wouldn’t know. They are humans with big feathery wings!” Kaqemeex pointed to the tiny feathered wings hiding under Rallis’ blanket cloak. “Feathery!”
She admired the angelic outline better and decided she wanted to make one of her own. She flopped down just like Kaqemeex had and flailed around. Unfortunately, she was quite a bit more messy in her execution, and when she got up to admire her work, it looked more like some warped devil than an icyene, especially with the added indentations of horns and a tail. Nevertheless, she held her arms out proudly. “I-seen!”
Kaqemeex rubbed the snow clinging to her horns. “Yes it is. Good job. Do you want to see something else?”
“Yes! Yes!” Rallis jumped up and down excitedly.
“Watch this.” Kaqemeex bent down and grabbed a wad of snow in his hands. He pressed it together into a ball shape and showed Rallis. “This is a snowball. Snow-ball.”
“Snowball,” Rallis repeated.
“They are very good for throwing,” Kaqemeex continued. “Like this!” He threw the snowball against the side of a storage shed and it exploded into a rain of white poofage. Rallis squealed happily and grabbed some snow to do the same. She threw her snow and it crumbled before impact.
“Make it tighter,” Kaqemeex instructed. “Like this.” He showed her the motions until she had made herself a perfectly round firm ball of snow. She threw it against the shed as hard as she could and it exploded into a flurry just like Kaqemeex’s. Rallis screeched happily and did it again and again and again.
Eventually, Jatix came out to see what all the commotion was about. He saw them pelting his shed with snow. “Hey! You’re making a mess over there! You better shovel all that away after!”
Rallis pouted and gripped her snowball. “Shush!” She threw her snowball straight at Jatix. It burst into a powdery explosion against his face, dyeing his brown beard white. Kaqemeex covered his mouth, both in disbelief that Rallis had just done that and also to hide the childish giggle forming in his throat. Rallis howled with laughter at her precise hit.
Jatix wiped the snow off his face and formed a snowball in kind. “Oh you think that’s funny?! Let’s see how you like it!” He threw his snowball right at Rallis, pelting her in the snout and ceasing her laughter. Rallis glared back with a smile and grabbed two snowballs to retaliate with. The first hit Jatix in the side but the second he dodged. It flew by him and hit someone else. Not far behind him, Tegid was out tearing the ice off the hang of his roof before they turned into real problems. He thought perhaps snow slid off the roof and hit his shoulder, but to his not-surprise it was Rallis with a snowball.
“Really, dragon?!” He shouted. “You trying to make my life harder?! Well then won’t you hate this when you learn--.” Tegid grabbed some snow and wedged a small definitely-not-dangerous piece of ice into the newly made snowball. “That I’m the best snowball fighter in all of Asgarnia!”
Tegid joined Jatix’s side while Kaqemeex backed up Rallis and the two began a proper snowball war. The sound of laughter and snowballs splatting against the sides of houses rang as the enlistment call for the other druids, and soon nearly the whole town was pitted against each other in a friendly battle. By the time the sun began to heat the snow and turn to either a slushy paste or a hardened crunch, most of the druids were down for the count back inside and snowballs painted the once clear walkways and house perimeters. Rallis was snuggled up on her ‘snow I-seen’ next to Kaqemeex, ready to fall asleep from both the cold and exhaustion of play. Kaqemeex went to pick Rallis up and take her back inside to sleep somewhere warm when the sound of footsteps crunching on the snow came his way. He looked over to see Sanfew, usual scowl etched across his face. His red face stood out against all the white. He looked around at the mess, the slushy walkways, the snow-pelted windows and walls, the neatly shoveled snow piles toppled over, all the hard work he had done from the night before and that morning just gone to waste. Kaqemeex could see Sanfew take a breath, a prelude to the shouting that would likely cause an avalanche. Kaqemeex grabbed Rallis and ran back to his house, slamming the door shut before Sanfew could get started.
Once the shouting began, the remaining druids lazing around in the snow scrambled up in a hurry to grab a shovel and get to work, and one could swear there was an ominous rumbling tumbling sound from the peak of White Wolf Mountain.
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