#oh and speaking of yr-related rants
kingjasnah · 4 years
actually. actually let’s talk about diversity in fantasy let’s give that a go. im mad and im gonna be that way for a while
don’t want to read all this? fair. tldr: fantasy writers who rely not only on the medieval europe model but also hide behind historical accuracy in 2020 (fuck it, from ‘95 onwards) are lazy and unimaginative and should be held accountable no matter how many white 20 year old dudes jerk off to whatever power fantasy is embedded in the plot. so lets chat about that lads. (slightly) drunk rant under the cut
now prelim shit: we know fantasy is used both as escapism and as a way to deal with various traumas via magical metaphor. staples of the genre. even if jk rowling busted out the laziest and at times offensive metaphor for ww2 and racism ive ever seen, she still adhered to time and true tropes. whatever.
so why have we, in this post game of thrones era, become insanely obsessed with realism? i can hear sixty 20-something year old men crying at me rn like oh ohh oh its based off the war of roses oh wahh all medieval fantasy fiction is based off england and the crusades anyway so women should get raped and people of color should be demonized its not racism its xenophobia and also gay people dont exist and disabled people are systematically killed off and if we stretch the magic fixes mental illness thing a LITTLE further we have straight up eugenics.
we all know where the england but myth thing came from. now the thing about tolkien is that while i will always absolutely love lotr, looking at the LAZY state of fantasy? damn i kinda wish he hadn’t revolutionized the genre. the bitch was still racist. he still didnt give a shit abt women (eowyn was just a vehicle to show how much he fucking hated macbeth anyone holding jrrt up as a feminist icon for that needs to sit the fuck down and explain to me why i can count the woman speaking roles in lotr, a story with a name and fleshed out backstory for every minor character, on one hand but thats! another post). he had something to say abt class with sam i’ll give him that but he is still 100% NOT what we need to hold our standards to in 2020. 
i dont want to talk about old school fantasy, like 80s early 90s cause theres literally no point. its sexist, racist, ableist for sure, this we know. david eddings (not even that old school tbh) can rise from the grave and explain himself to me personally and i still wont forgive him for ehlana. 
so let’s talk historical accuracy. quick question. who the FUCK gives a shit? WHO is this elusive got fan who’s out here like blehh actually??? this method of iron production is TOTALLY anachronistic of the time. ummm these vegetables in this fictional world were NOT native to english soil so how are they here? cause i know this is the classic argument but ive never actually met someone who cared about the lack of dysentery as much as they care abt the women getting raped on screen/page. 
god forbid you have to worldbuild for a second god forbid you can’t rely on the idea of fantasy readers already have in their head god forbid you have an original idea god forbid you spend more than two seconds thinking about ur setting (oh i should mention i dont....really blame GoT for its setting cause of how long ago it was og written but trust me i sure as hell blame grrm for writing a 13 yr old giving ‘consent’ to sex with a grown man within the first couple of chapters) 
If we accept the basic premise of fantasy as escapism, and i AM drunk so i will NOT be finding fuckin. quotes and shit for this but come on tolkien said it himself and as much as i’ll drag him he crafted the simplest and most powerful fantasy metaphors on the board rn. But if we know its escapism. If we know. then who is it escapism for? certainly not for me, the gay brown woman who busted through all of GoT in 10th grade. 
modern fantasy lit used as an excuse for that white male power fantasy is literally disgusting. calling historical accuracy is so fucking dumb ESPECIALLY cause we, as ppl in the 21st  century, KNOW women have been consistently written out of the story. poc ppl, gay and trans ppl, anyone with a god forbid disability has been WRITTEN out of history as we know it, INCLUDING the fucking war of the roses so HOW can we hold up testimony we know is flawed to support our FICTIONAL. STORY. just to??? support the white power fantasy?? literally noah fence but if you are a white guy who felt really empowered by every time jim butcher described a woman tell me: how do you think that’ll hold up in classic HisToRiCaL fantasy. you think thats a fucking noble pursuit? or are you grima wormtongue out here. 
(side note: jim butcher stop writing challenge i dont need to know abt every woman on page’s nipples. anyone who hides behind subgenre like that? ‘ohhh its a noir story thats why hes sexualizing everyone’ shut the fuck up an author isnt possessed by a fuckin muse and compelled to bust out 500k they have agency and they have choice and they MADE the choice to reserve said will for none of their female characters)
which brings me to point 2: target audience and BOY is the alcohol hitting me rn but WHO is this for? this isnt the fucking 80s we know poc and other marginalized folk read fantasy FOR the escapism. on god ive had a cosmere focused blog for nearly three years and. im just gonna say it im interacted with A LOT of yall and ive managed to talk to VERY few white straight ppl as compared to everyone else. 
like....who deserves to see the metaphor on homophobia or racism. joanne rowling? the bitch who literally tried to sell us happy slaves and the disgusting aids metaphor and the worst case of antisemitic stereotypes i ever saw in an nyt bestseller? yall think that was for US? or was it for the white guilt crowd. 
literally white people can find any book about them that they can relate to. but hmmm maybe theres a reason gay women care so much about stormlight archive’s jasnah kholin, a brown woman who’s heavily coded as wlw. or kaladin, the FIRST fantasy protag ive ever seen with clinical depression. hmm i wonder why a bunch of millennials are vibing all of a sudden. im not saying sanderson is perfect--but its the best ive seen from a white author tbh
maybe theres a reason a lot of poc vibe with a literary way to express trauma, and maybe thats why i specifically get so pissed when its not done well. theres a REASON books about outcasts pushing through and claiming their own lives are popular with people who arent white and straight and able bodied. Junot Diaz had a point. maybe lets STOP catering to those assholes who think theyre joseph campbell’s wet dream personified. ive lost respect SO many authors who are objectively talented. pat rothfuss can write so beautifully that ive cried to bits of name of the wind but literally i will never pick that series up again (not just because of the felurian. women in general tbh. mostly the felurian ngl) cause 1) i personally KNEW men whod jerk off to that shit and 2) there was no need for it there was no plot reason for ANY of that shit 
so like obviously thers an issue with authors of color specifically not getting recognized for fantasy and genre work but on god??????? im still mostly mad at the legions of white authors churning out the same medieval england chosen one books year after fucking year. have an original thought maybe. also im sorry that you as an author lack the basic empathy needed to examine the way that women? or any group of people that youre explicitly writing about see the world and would specifically see YOUR made up world. 
yes your fantasy should be diverse, but more than that it should be kind. if you as a writer cant respect groups of people who deserve it....what the hell are you doing in a genre that traditionally is about finding ways to express injustice through metaphor? tolkien’s hero was sam. fantasy was NEVER about the privileged. yall know who you are so stop acting so fucking entitled. peace out. 
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kxlebcross · 4 years
hippity hoppity here goes the long ass rant about my cousin
for context - i was a kid when i started liking kpop, like 13-14 yrs old? i was still collecting plushies, reading magazines for young teens, enjoying some music and playing sims. yes, i may have had my emo episode back then with some heavy music too, and that never went well with my mum’s older sister and her heavily religious husband, but oh boi, the worst was my cousin. she is 6 yrs older than me and that was around the time she started picking out an university to go to, so the focus HAD to be on her, the important future student and her boyfriend and this and that... she was always going on about going to art school and she was really fucking talented so she had all chances to be a really great artist, getting married to her boyfriend, wanting a family and all her future, while i was just a middle school kid dressing in all black, who suddenly started enjoying some fun kpop song on their otherwise heavy metal/rock music playlist.
when she find out, she was GIVING ME HELL for it. do you remember 2013 kpop? adtoy by 2pm, ringa linga by gd & taeyang, gentleman by psy or fantastic baby by bigbang? i fucking loved those songs. i was a kid in a really bad place in life after moving 2 countries away from the place where i was born, from all my friends, my school, my life... listen, it’s 10 years hitting this year since my mother decided about moving and i’m still not over it, so just imagine, how bad i must’ve felt back then, when it wasn’t even a year after the move? i was a devastated little kid who found a little joy in some fun, jumpy kpop tones in contrast to the usual heavy music i was listening to usually (do you remember the oldest bring me the horizon songs, all the screaming and anger? think of it as my regular playlist, my mother hated it haha). i was never a diehard fan, never had posters of idols on my walls, i only have like 2 merch pieces (and those aren’t even original cuz we were poor and could never afford it, so i looked up the merch online and my mum had a similar thing done in a local, cheaper workshop for my birthday one time, please don’t judge me for that) and it was just music for me, as well as the english, american, japanese, polish and hungarian music was just music too. 
and i got terrible shit for it from my cousin, who pretty much criticized everything about me: my clothes (we were poor, i was mostly dressing out of second hand shops and surprise - her hand-me-downs), my shitty phone (and old samsung model i got for my 9th or 10th bday), my taste in books (i really REALLY loved king’s books to which one of my classmates introduced me back then), my inability to perfectly speak the language (though i was raised in a bilingual household, the main language in my house was hungarian, and i was a stubborn kid who rarely ever wanted to speak polish at home, so when we moved i could barely speak the language, had to take extra classes every day in school for almost the entire first school year i spent here because i had to learn to write and speak properly), but the biggest shit i always got for kpop, that it’s garbage, that i don’t even understand it, it’s just shitty party music with extra steps... i resented her for that A LOT, which probably had smth to do with the age difference too, but hey, whatever. i always closed up when we visited them and my mum was understanding about it, she pretty much allowed me to just hang around the place and listen to my music, play on my phone or just read a book, and my aunt hated it - but it was at least peaceful, i occasionally got the kpop jab from my cousin which i shrugged off, but that was it... until one time i spoke up.
i can’t remember what it was about - but we were all having lunch and it was easter or christmas maybe, and at a certain point i got called out for something, maybe using my phone under the table? anyway, i spoke up about treating me like shit because i was already 15 by that and i had a big fucking mouth and no tolerance for their bullshit after listening to it for two years, which ended in my mother almost going into a shock after hearing my vicious remark, my aunt’s husband going into a raging fit and my aunt telling my mum that she’s a terrible mother and raised a terrible kid. we left after that and i didn’t return to them in the following years - i just heard from the grapevine that my cousin ended up dropping out of college because “it was just too tiring and too much”, broke up with her boyfriend and then was just sleeping around with some random dudes, and generally just misrailed her life and had to move back in with her parents who were devastated after all their hopes about my cousin went to hell.
i haven’t seen them for years - we sort of reconciled a few years later when my mother forced me to do it; my cousin probably forgot by then whatever shit she was giving me earlier and we hanged out a bit, caught up and shit... i’m pretty sure it was only because she was to get married to her boyfriend and wanted the whole family there? not important. 
the boyfriend is a pretty awful person imo tbh - he has some nationalist tendencies, not once spoke up in a very homophobic and derogatory way about all kind of lgbtq+ people, which in the end resulted in me removing him from all my social medias, because miss me with that nationalism babe. anyway, they got married and moved into their own place and into the family spotlight again, while i finished school and then years after their wedding my mum announced very proudly that i finished school with good grades and got into university - which immediately stirred the shit in the old shit bucket our relations were. my own fucking aunt dared saying that i’ll never succeed in life and will drop out than her own daughter would because i’m not made for a successful life. she never said it to my face - said it to my mother, who gave up a job she loved just so she could send me half a country away from my home so i could study where i wanted. i mean, i have my own issues with my mother too but i can’t not admire her sacrifices she made for me - so that sort off hit it off again with me and i once again burned bridges with them when moving out 3 years ago. seen them maybe two times since then? i mean, i never tried reaching out to them - they only ever got some happy birthdays and merry christmases on facebook, because my mother insisted i do that. they never called or wrote back, not for my birthday, not for christmas, not for anything else. i only found out in the last few months that on that christmas 2 yrs ago, which i spent alone, they were asked by my mum to please invite me over at least for a coffee. they never even called and my mum was heartbroken over it, because she was literal thousands of kilometres away, working and counted on her sister to invite me... my mum’s friends, basically strangers, ended up inviting me over for a christmas dinner in the end. i spent a family holiday with people i’ve literally seen five times in my life and they were more than joyful to have me in their company and they even got me a present, while my technically closes family couldn’t even spare a phone call.
now i’m 23 and my cousin is closing on 30 - and she’s suddenly overcome with that kpop obsession she has, spamming both instagram and facebook with mv links, fantaken photos, band-related posts and news articles, all heart emojis and “OmG i LoVe ThEm” kind of bullshit captions, she’s intensely drooling over certain members she’s posting a lot about, i’m seeing at least 15 posts daily about her bad drawings of members of the band.... listen.... if an artist doesn’t practice for 7+ yrs, the skills they had just start to fade away even if they were really talented (trust me, i know it from my own experiences, i used to know how to draw, sing and play a few instruments when i was young but then i stopped practicing and now the most i can draw in a stickman, i can’t play any instruments for shit and i’m a low average in singing too), but she thinks she’s some motherfucking superstar of drawing portraits (trust me, shes NOT) and keeps spamming all those pics and posts and shit.... and just seeing that sort of brought the memories back, of her treating me like shit over a thing she’s now obsessed with and i’m just sitting here like.... gag.
i could absolutely understand being a fan and being a group stan but there is a certain limit after which being a fan turns into that gross, twisted thing. do you know all those memes that go along the lines of “i don’t hate kpop because of the music, i hate kpop over the r*tarded fans it has”? that’s a whole ass mood. i’m sure that everyone who’s at least interested in kpop heard of the insane psychofan part of the fanbase.... and she’s turning into it. she’s fucking drooling over some famous strangers while she’s like... 30. and has a husband. would it be so hard for her to “keep it in her pants”? i’m super NOT interested in seeing all that crazy fan shit she’s pulling and honestly she’s grossing me out and you know people like her are the reason i can’t even fucking enjoy kpop anymore the way i did earlier - because it’s being fucking pushed down my god damned throat every-fucking-where i look. just calm the very fuck down, please. behave like a god fucking damned adult. 
0 notes
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How do I talk to my dad about paying insurance for a car?
I'm a high school senior, preping to head off to a 4-yr. I'm trying my best to save my family money; for example: -AP classes and tests for college credit -Scholarship searching -Spending only $100 on clothes for the last 2 years -Watching my utility/electric use by not watching TV (except the Olympics!) -Taking spring/summer college classes for transferable credit (in fact, I could have graduated and received my HS diploma at the end of my Jr. year). -Getting decent grades (had a 4.2gpa this past year, my Fr. and Soph. years were not that good) So, if you add it up, I think it would be a few thousand $ that would have been otherwise spent on tuition, some amount of utility bills, and some amount on clothing. For my senior year, I plan on doing a lot of extracurricular activities so I can get into a decent university, my plan is UC Davis. I'm a cross-country runner for my HS, I plan on doing a hospital volunteer program, I am in my HS's Mock Trial team. So, I would be out and about for most of the week going to different activities. I feel I need a way of transportation instead of relying on my brother and parents. Speaking of which, my brother has a car because he goes to a community college (and for that reason, he is mature?). Now the problem: my dad feels that I am too young for a car and does not feel that I am responsible and mature enough to handle one alone without supervision. My mom is willing to buy a car for me, with a reasonable price range. But my dad does not want to pay for car insurance. My parents are divorced, and I do most of the communication between them, especially when it comes down to needing money. I have brought up the aspect of working part-time. But my parents tell me that I should focus on school. My dad tells me I should focus on school instead of a car, but I need that car so I can get to where I need to be. My dad works from 9am-7pm, so I have no way of getting to 5pm practice or getting to school at 6am unless I rely on my dad. I understand how much stress my dad goes through supporting 4 children, two of which are about to go to college... It hurts when I have to ask him for money, even to pay for SATs and AP tests... Although essential, they still cost a lot of money, and money is tight now. With $65 per college app and college apps coming up in November, I'm going to be applying to nearly 10 schools, so over half a thousand dollars thrown away as my dad states it when I asked him to pay for my second SAT. My dad will pay for my academic needs, but he won't be happy about it. It feel as though my academic potential is being held back by how much money we have. I feel bad when I succeed now, basically. So I try my best to save money, like I gave examples of above. But now, I am only 1 step away from getting being independent, transportation-wise. All I need is my dad to agree to pay for my car insurance, which is probably about $200/month. Is that selfish of me? If not, how do I talk him into paying that $200/month, or to show him that I am mature enough to drive myself around? By the way, this was a long rant because I have been thinking and stressing about this all summer.""
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hi there, im 19 and need to get short term car insurance for about 1 week. every insurer ive tried wont insure me until im over 21. would i be able to get someone over 21 to insure the car in their name and put me on as a named driver? thanks""
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I've been looking around at quotes for ages now but can't seem to find any cheap insurance companies that give cheap insurance to young drivers and it's pi**ing me off because i'm not the type of young driver to get excited and show off and then cause a crash. I passed my test a few weeks ago and i'm 18, 19 in december. I heard about those trackers my cousins got one but he isn't allowed to drive past 11 o clock or else his premium will increase and i'll sometimes need to drive past that time.""
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Hi i may be purchasing a car this evening. Can any1 tell me how i get it back do i need some sort of cover note? I am 19 and was a named driver on my uncles insurance on my previous car. Now don't have a car but buyin this one tonight its only 10mins drive. will i be ok or not ?
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I purchased a years worth of student health insurance (aetna/chickering), but I am graduating right now..(late December). What happens now ? Will my insurance be canceled or will be cut if the unthinkable happens and the clinic tries to verify my insurance ?""
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2000 mustang gt. Added cold air intake, exhaust kit, engine headers, aftermarket gps and backup cam, and aftermarket rims. Would an insurance company cover these?""
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How much does plow insurance cost?
I'm about to turn 15 and I'm looking to buy a truck to fix up. I know plow trucks are much cheaper than one that Has never plowed jut because of the wear and tear on the front end tranny and engine. If I were to buy a plow truck I'd plow with is. I am aware of most of the other costs buy I'm looking to know how much liability insurance for plowing for cost me?
Is it true you get a car insurance break when you turn 25 years old?
I haven't seen anything official, and I suppose I can ask my agent. But I was curious if anybody else has received any sort of rate change when they turned 25. Does it depend on the insurance company?""
Would my car insurance be expensive?
Where can i get car insurance for under 2000 for my 17 year old son?
just passed his test
Around how much do you think I will need to pay for car insurance?
I'm moving out on my own. I'm 18, female, have had my license for 2 years, no tickets, no suspensions, no accidents. I'm going to be living in Los Angeles, driving a car probably from 1990-95. I know you can't give me an EXACT number, but around how much monthly do you think?""
How do I get general liability ins. for a business ?
I've tried to get small business general liability insurance but my field (custom fireplace mantel construction / installation ) is not listed , so I cannot get any quotes . I am licensed in my state but cannot pursue without ins.""
Insurance on a Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon.?
Would someone like please tell me how much insurance would run me on 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX wagon? I know that its not cheap, which I'm ok with. I just figured that it would be a little cheaper being that its a wagon, and I would also like to get a heads up b4 I talk to the insurance company P.S. If you have just an RS Impreza or a normal WRX you can also let me know how much that runs too. Either one is fine.. Thanks guys!""
Does anyone know of any ortho dental insurance (cheap or reasonable) in Texas? ?
I need braces... I have Blue Cross Insurance but ortho isnt incuded in my plan. I am with Blue Cross through my job. I am so upset! I need this done. Or is there a place where I can get them for really cheap? (Braces)? Thanx for your help.
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male. My GPA in high school was 3.4. No criminal record. I'm going to be driving my mom's Honda Accord 2005. She only got into 2-3 accidents ever. She has Farmers Insurance. They never respond when my parents ask them how much insurance would cost me so I figured I should ask someone here for an estimate.
What ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
what ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
Car insurance for a road-trip? HELP!?
My friends and I are going on a road trip for 5 weeks from San Francisco to New York and are thinking of buying a car for the duration that we're there. Obviously we'll need car insurance, however how would we go about it when we aren't American nationals and don't have an address there? We do have full British driving licences. ANY help would be much appreciated.""
Insurance and childbirth?
i might be moving to oregon but im on my insurance blue cross of california.. does anyone know if they charge more to give birth out of state?
AAA student discount for car insurance-- EMERGENCY question?
Hi. I just graduated high school, and my insurance want to know my grades for my senior year for a discount on car insurance. Truth is, my grade is B average, but my attendance for the whole year is: 129 Absent and 158 Tardies. DOES they also look at my attendance too? and does it matter as much as my grades? PLease helppp!!!""
What are the recommended coverage i should have for auto insurance?
i don't know anything about auto insurance, so im trying to figured out what i should include in my policy, not just standard, but recommended coverage, so that if anything happen the insurance company can't say this or that doesn't covered...im a person that rather be safe than sorry later... so far i have statefarm in Florida, and here are my coverage and limit so far: liability bodily injury 10/20, property damage 25 per accident. no-fault coverage comprehensive collision uninsured motorist bodily injury 10/20 is there anything else i need to add or missing? is there different between the personal injury protection and no-fault coverage? is my limit enough? my friend has 50/100 limit and pays much lower premium than me (about 40% less).""
How much are you paying for car insurance a month?
""Learner drivers, what litre is your car and how much do you pay insurance?""
Learner drivers, what litre is your car and how much do you pay insurance?""
Life insurance question?
If someone were to get life insurance in their twenties, how would that benefit them later in life when their old?""
Allstate insurance in NY- Question
Hi. I live in New York City and we have a leased 2007 Lexus es350, leased 2008 lexus gs350 and a leased 2007 Mercedes Benz e350, all using allstate insurance. I am under my parent's policy. I am very curious to know how much the insurance would cost for the lexus es350, because soon I'll be paying for it once I get out of school and have the ability to do so, since that's my car. I am 17 years old, turning 18 in November. I have had my unrestricted driver's license since December 2007. I also took driver's education, and we receive an insurance discount for taking driver's ed. No accidents or moving violations. Approximately how much does it cost now, and how much will it cost in about 2-3 years from now if all these conditions remain the same? Thanks""
Insurance in college?
My mom tells me that you have to go to college directly after high school in order to stay on your parents' insurance plan or you get taken off and have to work full-time to get insurance. However, my question is if you get a job after high school and get insurance for yourself and then decide to go back to school a year later can you get back on their plan.""
Auto Insurance quote...please help!?!?!?
My sisters insurance..we live in CA by the way..has 2 cars insured. Her total premium for 6 months is 541 but we pay 114 a month. How did they get that monthly payment? If she was to add me to her policy the premium would go up 2 $740. My question is how much would the monthly payment turn out to be????
Should i carry collision insurance on my 2006 silverado?
Should i carry collision insurance on my 2006 silverado?
""Buying new car over weekend, But need insurance?""
Ok so I am most likely buying a used car tomorrow. This will be my first car as I am 16 and need something to drive to my job yada yada yada. Anyway, tomorrows a Saturday and my insurance company is closed and my parents need to add me to their policy. Since we are not trading in a car, we dont have a policy to carry over to the new one which I know some insurance companies do. Also, I have Farmers insurance so I am not sure what their policies are over this sorta thing. Any help is appreciated. Especially if you have farmers insurance or have had this kind of problem with them.""
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best cheap car insurance in texas
""Is 4,800 a good insurance quote these days for a 17 year old?""
those days of insurance being 2,500 have gone last year. i cant get lower than 4.8k""
How do insurance companys notify you when your insurance goes up?
i was in fender bender yesterday (not that much damage but basically ran into the back of a lady that stopped immediatley infront of me) but was under my grandmothers insurances at the time and driving her vehicle. people have been telling me that my insurance will go up now though, Im under my parents insurance, so will the insurance company send a letter to my house like tomorrow? or when insurance bill comes the next time to be paid it will be a little higher? Will it state why? Thanks""
Help solve my High Car Insurance problem...?
Thanks everyone for your valuable opinions. I just purchased an '07 black Toyota Yaris with about 24 k miles. I am a 20 yr old male living in Texas. Well my insurance went sky high from my last vehichle, an old '90 clunker Geo. It went from like 100 and something to like 350! I have Farmers Insurance. What are my options on things to do??? The title of the car is in my name. I pretty much do not have any credit. My mom happened to mention something about changing the title over into her or my grandma's name...and then she could add me as a driver to her insurance. I really don't know, the situation is very confusing. Please help me know my options, I can't afford this! P.S. All insurance companies will charge me about the same givin my age, etc.""
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance?
Me and my girlfriend are new drivers and are looking for cheap car insurance on our first car, what is the best place to go just so we can legally drive?""
Best car insurance for new drivers?
My fiance and I pay about $200 for car insurance and thats just ppl. I just got my license, im eighteen. He has had his license for two years and he is twenty. We are paying car payments on a 2000 ford explorer and we need full coverage but its really not affordable. What is a really good car insurance company? Please and thank you!""
17 year old car insurance?
Ive got a car and should (hopefully!) be passing my test soon but for reasons to complicated to list here lol I will only be able to drive it 2 weeks in easter time, 2 weeks in christmas time, 5 weeks around august and 4 days every 5 weeks, so by my bad maths thats just over 100 days. Are there any insurance companies for a 17 year old that you can get a fixed amount of days insurance, it seems such a waste to pay for 365 days if im only going to be able to use it for just under a third of the time. I read about some companies doing 60 or 90 days for young drivers but that might have been me mis-reading it, anyone hear about anything like that? Ive tried lowering the amount of miles on quotes but that hasnt reduced the price by much at all. I was hoping for quite a substantial saving. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.""
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Can you get in trouble for letting someone drive your car without insurance?
I own a car. I just bought it. I don't have the title in my name yet, nor is there any insurance on the vehicle in any ones name. If I let someone else drive my car and they get pulled over, who is liable? Will the person driving the car get in trouble for driving without insurance or will I get in trouble for allowing someone else driving it knowing its not insured nor is the title in my name?""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I'm planning to get a car this September. - The car will have a maximum of 1.4L engine and will probably be a VW Golf/Polo, Ford Focus or a Vauxhall Corsa. - I will be 20 years old and will have been holding a driving license for 1.5 years. - I am planning to use the car at University (Nottingham) and have off road parking space. I am a medical student. - I have not been insured on any car before, hence don't have any no claims, but parents have loads and I'll be getting them as first driver. So, how much would I be expecting to pay for a year? Please don't suggest comparison sites.""
My own car insurance..?
im buying a car and going on my own insurance. is it true i cant still be under my parents insurance with out it being registered in their name???
What is a good affordable health insurance?
That is no more than $120 monthly. Thanks in advanced
Can we get car insurance for some days????????....?
i had car insurance and just expired ... now i want to sell the car so i dont need any futher insurance..like 6 months to 1 year . but i need couple of days 5-6 to sell my car...can you help out.........how can i get insurance for sometime......
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
Cheapest way to buy new glasses without insurance?
I recently broke my glasses that ive had for two years. I am currently in a predicament that does not permit me to spend alot of money on a new pair and to make matters more complicated, i do not have any insurance. I cannot apply for medicaid so that is not an option either. I need a fast alternative or some ideas as to how I could go about buying a new pair preferably under $100. I constructed a plan of buying my own frames and having the lenses filled but all the optical offices i called do not allow that method, they prefer you to buy their glasses. Thanks (:""
Question about insurance?
Okay So i have two insurance companies that im covered by... One for my car and one for my motorcycle. If I get a speeding ticket are you supposed to report it to both companies or just the insurance that i got the ticket on?
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
Proof of insurance.?
I feel like an idiot asking this question but what do i bring to prove proof of insurance? is it possible to send the latest copy of my health insurance bill? or is there a specific piece of paper?
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking to get a motorcycle in the future and I know it takes time and money, but most people do not ride in the winter (NJ), so my question is, can I cancel my motorcycle insurance during winter months, so I am not paying all year round? Also, are there any reprocussions to doing this? Thanks.""
Is high risk homeowner's insurance necessary in Florida?
I am expecting to move to South Florida soon with work and am concerned about the coastal location and buying a home. I plan to purchase a home eventually, but I am told that it is a high risk state because of hurricanes, and my insurance is going to be very expensive no matter what part of the state I am in. In addition to this I was also told that I probably will not have flood insurance offered. Is it true that I will have to have a higher risk premium on my insurance bill and have to be subject to floods anyway?""
Can anyone suggest me a auto insurance company?
i have japan based luxury car. my friend saying pay insurance in a good company. so i am searching company? thank you.
Question about car insurance and car shop.. Need help.?
I just got into an accident my whole front bumper is totally gone. Im wondering is it possible for the shop and the insurance to put a new bumper but not the oem bumper i want a new body kit? I have full coverage my car is a 2009 toyota corolla S.
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.""
""Car insurance with 6 point,?""
cheapest car insurance with 6 points, please help. any car insurance which check record of last 3 or 4 year and NOT 5 years.""
best cheap car insurance in texas
best cheap car insurance in texas
""If I am under my wife's health insurance plan, do i need to get my own insurance under Obamacare?""
Currently, my kids and I are under my wife's health insurance plan. I heard that if we stay under her plans, we will be penalized once this Obamacare goes into effect.""
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Insurance for unregistered cars?
I have a few unregistered cars in a garage- one is a show car that I trailer to shows, 2 are just cars I love but I dont drive, and 1 is a race car I occaisonally race. These cars are covered by insurance when I trailer them (add-on policy to trailer insurance), and the race car is covered when i race it (Race insurance with the group I work with)... however, I realize none of them are insured while they sit in my garage against damage or theft. What kind of insurance do I get just to protect these cars while they are sitting on my property? Thanks!""
Switching Car Insurance?
Next year when I get married my fiance and I are going to start a new car insurance policy. However - I currently have co-signed the car I own with my mom. She is the primary owner, but my name is on everything too and I make all the payments myself. How will that work with the car insurance? Does it matter that I am not the primary owner? Does it need to be insured under her name?""
Car insurance in new york?
if i hold a junior driver licence in new york do i need to have insurance if i drive my moms car? also if i do does my mom insurance go uo? i am 16 with a jr driver licence! http://1proxyweb.cn/car-insurance.html
Why are my car insurance quotes so high for male 17 (UK)?
i have looked on a couple of comparison websites (compare the market, go compare, confused) and have found that the cheapest for provisional licence is 900 from collingwood, but then when i change to full licence the cheapest is 3000 from ecar. none of my friends have to pay this much for a full licence and some of them even hae better cars than me. i am trying to insure a clio campus 2002 1.2""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 yr old in oregon?
i get my license in a few months, what am i looking @ for insurance costs. oregon, age 16, adding to parents insurance, state farm insurance, good grades, drivers ed, a car with no crashes but alot of milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. around how much will my insurance per month cost?""
Getting car insurance on a learner's permit?
i'm 22, living at home but my parents don't want me on their policy and won't let me drive their cars. so i've got to get my own - my question is, how do i get car ...show more""
How much would auto insurance be per month for a young married couple (25 year olds)...?
...no wrecks, no moving violations, great credit... we have 2 cars (1 new that we're still paying for and 1 old that's paid off). I know I can get an online quote, but ...show more""
Insurance Question!Can ya help?
If i have a 2002 isuzu rodeo with 100k miles on it and i pay $150/month for insurance, how much would my insurance go up or if even at all, if i got a 2001 Audi A6 with 100k miles on it? Plus do you think thats a good car trade :)""
How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?
I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?""
Where can I find cheap young male car insurance on any car?
I'm a 17 year old driver who has just passed my test and when i go to quote myself on any car its either unquotable or something like 20,000 a year or something stupid even with immobilizers trackers parked in a garage etc and when i put my mum as the main driver (she has 5 year NCD) it only dropped like 200 so i don't understand how people are getting it below 10000 let alone 2000. I haven't bought a car yet but could somebody tell me what is the up most cheapest car to insure and all the combinations that make it cheaper. Once more annoying is that I live in a pretty nicer area so you wouldn't think it would cost as much compared to other people but they seem to get theirs cheaper.""
Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?
I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)""
Car insurance -- will it get on cheaper when I move from Los Angeles to Colorado?
Or is it a myth that it's based on where you live? I currently pay about $100 a month, I think.""
Trying to get cheaper auto insurance?
I live in NYC where auto insurance is extremely high. I wanted to know if mom and pop auto insurance companies are cheaper than top named auto insurance companies like Allstate, state farm, etc. The top auto insurance companies are giving me really high quotes. I see a lot of small business insurance companies in the neighborhood. I wonder if they will give me a lower quote and are they just as good as allstate or state farm, etc.? Thanks.""
How much would a Jeep Wrangler cost to insure compared to a Honda Civic?
How much would a 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost to insure compared to a 2004 Honda Civic? It would only be liability insurance, and I live in South Jersey.""
I could be pregnant... with no health insurance!!! what I do????
I am not sure, But maybe I am Pregnant... I do not have health insurance... I was thinking on buying a policy but would they accept me pregnant??? Someone knows about a cheap health insurance??? I believe it will be cheaper than paying like 9,000 for the hospital right???""
Insurance cost on Audi TT 16yr?
I currently drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee (2002) to and from school but im in need of something that gets better gas mileage... I am currently very interested in an Audi TT because it is an inexpensive fun looking car and gets approx 28mpg. I am looking for around a 2000-2002 model Hard Top. How much would insurance cost for a 16yr Male Good Student while driving an Audi TT? Is there a huge difference between that and driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee? Thank You
Question about car insurance?
1. How long does it take to get insurance? Can we go in and apply for it tommorrow and have it when we walk out? Or is there a waiting period? How long until you are legally covered? 2. If you get insurance on a car you are going to sell/trade in - can you switch over your insurance to cover the new car? Or how does that work? Problem is, our truck isn't insured right now but we're planning on buying a new car in the next month or 2.. will that make things more difficult for us? - first time insurance buyer""
Who does the cheapest car insurance?
Who does the cheapest car insurance?
""Should I wait until after I turn 25 next month to buy a car, since insurance will be cheaper?""
Basically, I'm wondering if I should wait until I'm 25 to buy a car, since then the insurance would be cheaper when I have to insure the car. Or does it really matter?""
""I got into an accident using another person's car, do I get the insurance?""
I was using my friend's car with his permission. Somehow I got into a small accident, which I hit my friends car while taking reverse in a petrol pump. Do my or my friend's insurance company cover the expenses?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a blind 17 year old driver?
Whats a good/affordable motorcyle insurance company?
I want to buy a Yamaha R6 but the premiums for a bike are ridiculous.. cheapest ive found was through progressive for 900$/month... thats more than my leased car payment and car insurance a month... anyone? thanks.
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best cheap car insurance in texas
0 notes
Sorry for a long rant. Before getting started, little background of the whole situation first:I've known this girl (23F, let's name her Katie) for past 2.5 yrs.I first met her through one of my close friend, Mark, as Katie is Mark's cousin at Vegas.I live in west coast and Katie lives in New York.My friend Mark, frankly doesn't care if I get into a relationship with Katie or not (if it ever happens). More on this later.For my entire life I was not the most outgoing or talkative person and I get even more quiet and awkward especially when I meet someone new.However I somehow dated 5 girls up to date.I am not the best when it comes to storytelling but I will try my best and here it goes.Story goes back to Thanksgiving weekend of 2015. My friend Mark and I decided to go over to Vegas to have fun over the weekend. Mark also told me that his cousin (Katie) happens to be over at Vegas as well and we can all chill and hangout together. When I first met Katie, we just clicked really well. Within the first hour I met her, we've were talking like we knew each other for at least several months. This was really surprising to me as this have never happened with anyone before in my life. Basically, we got to know each other bit more and quickly became good friends over the weekend. After the Thanksgiving weekend she went back to where she goes to school in New York. Since the Thanksgiving weekend, we've been talking to each other almost every day non stop for 2-3+ months. We got to know each other quite a bit and I felt like it was part of my daily life to talk to her every day.In early 2016, I felt like she started to have feelings for me because we would started to get on a phone call quite often and talk at least for 10 minutes and normally averaging around 30 minutes. Some nights we would get on the phone at night and she falls asleep on the phone. All was well during this time... but I never really wanted to start have a feelings for her at the time. I genuinely liked her as a close friend and honestly speaking I would date her if I had any given chance. However, knowing that Katie is Mark's cousin, I thought it wouldn't be a good idea if I started a relationship with this girl because I was afraid if something went wrong it would make my friendship awkward or something.After all that and because I've been single for quite some time, I started to look for girls to date in my area. I did end up dating someone around my area and eventually Katie heard about my news as well. Since then, way she responds to my texts weren't the same anymore and the frequency of our chat has decreased significantly (for obvious reasons).But then, my relationship with this girl didn't last so long and we quickly broke up after 5 weeks. Immediately after this happened, I got to talk to my friend Mark about the whole situation. Mark and I somehow got into a conversation about Katie and he was basically telling me that even if I dated Katie, he seriously wouldn't care. At that moment I felt like I made the biggest mistake and regret not making the move on Katie instead. But oh well, things already happened and there was really nothing I can do about this whole situation anyway. Ever since summer of 2016, we haven't really talked to each other a whole lot. We did text each other every now and then but our conversation was lukewarm and it was definitely not the same anymore.Fast forward to early 2017, things pretty much stayed the same between us. Nothing special, just saying hi to each other every few months or so. In March, I was planning on going to Vegas for a weekend trip with my friends but wasn't 100% sure about the date. But then all of the sudden Katie tells me that she's going to Vegas again for her birthday weekend and telling me that I should come. So I told her that I coincidentally happened to have a trip planned out to Vegas at the same weekend and I would be able to meet her.I finally saw her for the second time since 2015. Although Katie and I weren't the same as before, but we still had some good vibes between us. Things weren't awkward and we still carried on conversations pretty well. During this trip, I didn't wanted to make any risky move on her because I thought the timing was too premature and should focus on getting her interest back. So the whole weekend, I we just chilled and did some catch up and that was about it. There weren't any significant progress between us but overall things went fairly well and I thought it was a good place to call it good.Another fast forward to today, we've been talking to each other bit more frequently than we did before, but of course, nowhere near as much as we did when we first met. But then, in this coming August I have some personal/job related stuff to take care of in New York, so I will be flying out there for about 4 days. Of course I told Katie about this and she was telling me that I should come at some specific week of August, as she will be in town. Now, I still have feelings for Katie and I believe this is like the last chance I have to make this work with her. I am getting really nervous and don't know what I should do to make this right. Any help or advice would be appreciated!Thank you for reading this unorganized abomination of story.tl;dr - I met a girl 2.5 yrs ago and she had feelings for me when we first met but I ended up dating some other girl at the time and she was bit turned off by that. Fast forward to today I regret what I did back then and I still have feelings for her but am not sure if she still has any feelings for me. And now I am seeing her again in 1 month and what should I do to make the right move on her and not mess it up? via /r/dating_advice
0 notes