#oh big man…….. happy birthday babe. what a year. a fucking comeback of a year.
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August 3rd, 1963 // Downey, California, USA
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mermaidsneedwater · 4 years
he cheated on you
⇒ jaebeom
“Y/N, stop can we please talk about this?”
“I have nothing to say to you.” You continued packing your stuff up in the suitcase, preparing to leave.
You’d confronted Jaebeom about his affair with one of the staff on tour with him and his refusal to deny its existence was enough to let you know that it was true. Your blood boiled as you watched him shift uncomfortably at the confrontation. You just needed to leave.
“You have to understand, on tour... it gets rough. You’re in a foreign place with just your members and staff. Every night I was in different city and I just missed you so much.” Jaebeom said, his head hanging low. “I knew it was a mistake and I never should’ve let it happen.”
Continuing to pack, you spoke as tears threatened to spill out, “You’re right. You shouldn’t have. If you were going to accidentally slip your dick into somebody else, you should’ve broken up with me so that I wouldn’t waste the last six months of my life waiting for you like an idiot!”
“Baby, please. I’m begging you. Don’t go, I know I fucked up, but I-I don’t exist without you.” Jaebeom sunk to his knees, his head bowing down.
You had never seen Jaebeom like this, so distraught, so desperate. It almost broke your heart, but the minute he decided to betray you like this all bets were off. How could you be with someone you couldn’t trust?
Zipping you your suitcase you rolled it towards the door, “Well you really should’ve thought of that before you cheated on me.”
⇒ mark
You giggled as you walked the hallways of the JYP building, making your way to the GOT7 practice room. Dialing Mark’s number, you held the phone to your ear as you waited for him to pick up.
“Hello?” Mark answered.
“Hi babe, I just wanted to ask what time you’d be home. I’m making dinner tonight for your birthday!”
“Oh um, tonight we’re actually working late on the new comeback. Can we do dinner tomorrow?”
“But Mark, your birthday is today!” You frowned.
“It’s okay, really, as long as I celebrate with you I don’t care when we do the dinner.” Mark replied with ease. “Don’t wait up for me.”
He ended the phone call before you could say anything else. That was strange, he always ended his calls with I love you. Shrugging away your doubts you held the balloons and cupcake box in your hand getting ready for his surprise.
Before you could enter the practice room you heard two voices, Mark’s and another girl’s.
“Was that her?” The girl asked, unimpressed. “She’s so clingy.”
“Yeah, it’s fine though I got her off my back for the night so we can go out.” Mark replied nonchalantly, “so baby, where should we go tonight? I am the birthday boy.”
The girl giggled and you heard them kiss. Horrified, you dropped the box and balloons and bolted down the hallway. He was cheating on you!?
— later that day —
Mark pulled out his keys, slowly opening the door. After his night out, all he wanted to do was crawl into bed. As he walked around in the house, it seemed like you’d changed things around, he made a mental note to ask you about what you did. Turning on the bedroom light, he was surprised to find the bed neatly made with a note on your bedside table.
Happy Birthday Mark, this year I figured I should actually grant you your wish. Your freedom. This afternoon I went to drop off a birthday gift, but from what I overheard I realized that our relationship wasn’t what you truly wanted. At least now we can both move on with our lives and be with who we actually want to be with. Don’t bother trying to call me, I’ve changed my number. I hope now you can finally be happy, Y/N
Mark rushed to the your dresser to find all your stuff gone. He tried the bathroom and found all of his stuff as he left it, but yours had vanished. Running to the living room he turned on the lights to realize you hadn’t redecorated the apartment, you’d erased yourself from it.
Sinking to the ground he felt like a hole had been punched through his chest. What had he done?
⇒ jackson
“How could you do this to me?” You asked heartbroken. “Why did you do this to me?”
Jackson wanted to race over and scoop you up in his arms and assure you it wasn’t your fault, it was his for being so stupid. But he couldn’t. He knew that he had to give you your space.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” He said quietly. “It didn’t mean anything.”
“It means something to me!” You cried. “Of all the women in the world you just had to sleep with my best friend?!”
“You were gone, and I felt so useless after my last album tanked.” Jackson admitted. “I just wanted to feel good about myself.”
“Fuck you.” You spat out bitterly. “This wasn’t about you, it was about me. You just couldn’t live with the fact that you failed, and you had to drag me down with you. You slept with her just so you could hurt me. Well guess what? Mission accomplished. I want nothing to do with you”
And finally Jackson had stepped back to see the damage he had done. He’d absolutely wrecked the woman he claimed to love, and the effects were irreversible.
“Get out! Get out now!” You screamed at him.
⇒ jinyoung
You sat numb at the foot of your bed as Jinyoung frantically tried to explain the situation. You hadn’t meant to look at his phone, but when he was in the shower he’d gotten a text.
Thinking nothing of it you unlocked his phone to find an unknown number messaging him a picture with the caption, ‘I can’t wait to repeat what happened last week xoxo’. The picture was a selfie of some girl in her lingerie. When Jinyoung heard the thump of his phone hit the floor, he quickly ran out of the shower alarmed at what had happened. When you looked at him he knew, you’d caught him.
“Sweetheart, it’s not what it looks like.” He said calmly approaching you.
“It looks like you’ve been having fun.” You replied staring at the wall ahead of you as if it was the most interesting thing you’d ever seen.
He knelt down in front of you, slowly attempting to take your hand in his.
You jerked your hand back as if he’d burnt you. “Don’t.” You said as you gritted your teeth. “Don’t touch me.”
“Swee–Y/N, please, she’s just some fan who got my number.” His voice sounded desperate.
“You’re lying.” You looked at him, he looked taken aback when he saw that the warmth in your eyes were long gone. “Tell me the truth.”
“Okay, okay. We slept together once, and I swear I was going to end it but she was just so relentless–“
“Don’t Jinyoung.” You held up your hand, having heard enough of this bullshit you stopped him. “Stop trying to act like a victim. You’re a grown man. You wanted to have an affair and you did.”
You wiped the tear rolling down your face that you didn’t realize was there. “I’m done with you. I’m leaving now, but I’ll come get my things eventually.”
“Y/N please! Stop.” He stood up to go after you.
“I can’t even look at you right now.” You kept walking towards the front door. “Have a nice life. We’re done.”
⇒ youngjae
“What the hell is this?” You show Youngjae the article of him.
The headline reads, JYP Entertainment... Company or Matchmaking Service? GOT7’s Youngjae and TWICE’s Mina spotted holding hands.
“Y/N, you’re being so crazy.” Youngjae scoffed. “You know that this is from last week, it’s just a publicity stunt to promote our comeback.”
“Have you seen these photos Youngjae? Your holding hands, your hand is on her thigh in this one.” You remarked, “It doesn’t seem like a publicity stunt to me.”
“I can’t even talk to you right now, you’re so controlling.” He said bitterly. Walking away, he closed the bedroom door.
Was he right? Were you being crazy?
— two weeks later —
After finishing your morning targets, you were excited to head home early. Relax with the TV, maybe cook some dinner, the possiblities seem infinite.
As you entered your home you could hear moans.
“Oh yes!” A girl cries out.
What the fuck...
You can hear the creeking of the bed through the wall. You walk slowly to your bedroom to see the scene unfolding.
Youngjae and Mina screwing in your bed.
“I fucking knew it.” You said.
“Y/N oh my god!” Youngjae yelled. He struggled to get out of bed and chase after you. Putting on his sweats he caught up to you.
“You called me crazy and controlling!” You cried out. “You’re so fucking sick.”
Youngjae grabbed your arm, “Y/N, please darling.”
“Don’t call me that! Just don’t call me at all.” You yanked your arm out of his grip and continued walking out. “I can’t believe I trusted you. I knew you were cheating on me.”
⇒ bambam
It was supposed to be a fun night out. But here you were on a Saturday night, back at your house with Bambam. As you helped Bambam with the black eye Yugyeom had gifted him, the knot in your stomach grew.
You were at the club with Bambam, Yugyeom and his friend from SM Entertainment, enjoying the music and some drinks. Yugyeom couldn’t stop glaring at Bambam, his eyes fixed on him the entire night.
“Are you and Yugyeom okay?” You leaned into Bambam’s ear.
“Yeah, we’re fine. We just had a rough week.” He brushed it off, “Do you want a drink?”
“Yes please,” you nodded “you pick.”
As soon as he stood up, Yugyeom followed. “Are you getting a drink? I’ll go with you.”
You watched as the two friends walked to the bar, leaning against the counter. You watched as they conversed, the exchange seemingly getting more tense.
You turned to Yugyeom’s friend “I’m gonna go check on them.”
As you headed up to the bar, you caught the tailend of their conversation.
“I’m fucking tired of this shit Bam, if you don’t tell her, I will.” Yugyeom threatened.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bambam brushed him off.
That set Yugyeom off, he turned to Bambam and swung at his right eye.
“Oh my god! Yugyeom, what the hell!” You yelled.
Yugyeom watched as Bambam stumbled back from the impact of the punch. “This night was a bad idea. I’m leaving.”
You watched as he headed to his friend and they took off from the club.
You turned to Bambam, “Let’s go home.”
That was how you ended up tending to the big bruise on his face. No doubt JYP was going to have questions about that on Monday. Still, your mind couldn’t help but drift to what Yugyeom said, if you don’t tell her, I will.
As you finished helping Bambam, you watched him retreat to your room.
“Bam...” you started, “what was Yugyeom talking about?”
“Huh? What are you saying?” He turned around, confused.
“At the club, he said if you don’t tell her, I will. What was he talking about?”
“Oh you heard that?” Bambam replied, “He was drunk, he didn’t know what he was saying, hell, he even punched me so that should tell you how sober he was feeling.”
“Bam, he had one beer. He wasn’t drunk. Clearly whatever this is about upset him enough to take it out on you,” You pressed. “I want to know.”
“Y/N, back off. It’s none of your business.” He dismissed you. “Drop it.”
“Don’t talk to me like that,” you snapped. “I’m not some obedient housepet that you can order around. It was clearly about me and I want to know.”
“Fine, you want to know? I’ve been seeing someone behind your back.” He snapped angrily. “Yugyeom wanted me to tell you.”
And just like that, the genie had been released from the bottle. Everyone knows once it’s out, you can’t put it back in.
“What?” You were in disbelief.
As the realization he’d confessed to his sin washed over him, Bambam’s tone shifted. “Bae, I-“
As he struggled to find the words, you began to laugh. Of course he was cheating on you. It was time to finally face the fact that your relationship had been spiraling downwards for a long time.
“Are you laughing right now?” He asked, his eyebrows raised. “I can’t be-“
“No. It’s my turn to speak.” You stopped him.
As he sat on the couch you realized that this was it. This was the beginning of the end.
“This relationship has been torpedoing towards the end at 150 miles per hour, and we’ve just been prolonging it. Honestly I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out sooner, you’ve been so distant and sharp with me.”
“I-“ Bambam started.
You held up a hand signaling you didn’t want to hear it. “You were never like this, I just kept convincing myself that it was the stress. But it was you, and me. We changed.” You mused aloud. “And now here we are. Your best friend punched you in the face and I’m laughing at the fact that you’re cheating on me.”
In a sort of haze you felt your feet carry you to the door. “I need to go.”
“Wait Y/N, where are you going?” Bambam asked, his voice full of concern.
“I don’t know, I just have to leave.” You stated, as you headed out the door.
⇒ yugyeom
This was it. Now or never. You walked into the cafe, as you spotted her. The woman you thought Yugyeom was cheating on you with.
You stood behind her in line as your mind raced with questions. Who was she? How far had she gone with him? Did she love him like you? When did all this start?
“Miss? Are you ready to order?” You awoke from your daydream as you realized the woman had already ordered and it was your turn. Rushing to the register, you ordered the first thing that came to mind “Hi, can I get an Ice Choco?”
Rushing to stand next to the woman, you dropped your wallet. She knelt down to pick it up and hand it to you.
“Here you go,” she smiled.
“Oh thank you,” you nodded uncomfortably. As you reached out to take the wallet, she noticed your bracelet, an anniversary gift from Yugyeom.
“Oh hey! I have the same bracelet. My boyfriend got it for me.” She commented. “Men, of course they shop from the same places.”
“Oh yeah,” you agreed. Nervous, you fiddled with the bracelet, “So your boyfriend got it for you?”
“Yeah, he gave it to me a couple of weeks ago. We actually only started seeing each other two months prior.” She beamed.
“Oh wow, so you’re a new couple?” You asked.
“Well, I’ve known him for a pretty long time. I’m actually a backup dancer at JYP.”
Your heart sunk, you knew that this wasn’t a coincidence. “Wow that’s very cool.”
“Yeah, I’m actually supposed to be meeting him here,” she lowered her voice to a whisper “he’s in the group GOT7!”
Okay, maybe it’s not Yugyeom, maybe it’s Bambam, or Youngjae, or... As your brain tried to rationalize the situation, you couldn’t deny what you saw with your own eyes. 
Yugyeom at the door of the cafe.
As he registered the fact that you and the girl were in the same cafe talking to each other his eyes froze on you.
“Gyeomie!” The girl squealed. “I just made a friend, I think she’s a fan.”
As you watched Yugyeom swallow, he slowly walked over to you.
“Y/N,” Yugyeom started.
“Wait... you two know each other?” The girl asked.
“He’s the one who gave me my bracelet.” You answered. You took off the wretched item and placed it on the counter.
“One ice choco!” The barista called out.
“If you haven’t gotten the memo,” you said taking the drink from the counter, “we’re over.”
You uncapped the drink and threw it in his face, storming off from the cafe.
return to masterlist
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whoajeon · 8 years
valentines for my one-of-a-kind’s
yeah that makes no sense but it sounds catchy ya know?
so it’s valentine’s day, (and honesty i didn’t even realize it) which means there’s no better day to be sappy as all heck. that said, below the bar are my nauseatingly cutesy uncensored squishy gooey yucky thoughts to people i love
all the people that i have met through making this network are by far the best people i have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. although school has started to kick into gear and chats aren’t as active as normal, you’re all the high point of my day. between absurd 4 AM google hangout sessions, brainstorming stories, and being all out ridiculous what-the-fuck-are-we-saying lunitics, i honestly don’t think i could have every found a better bunch of people. you’re all such a supportive group and there is so much mutual love in every conversation. to me personally, i have you all to thank for giving me a reason to laugh, smile, rap, and get up in the morning to actually get through the day.
i hope that one day we’ll all get the chance to meet, because quite frankly, at this point in time, i don’t think i could get through life without you bunch of babes.
i love you with absolutely everything in me, from the tip of my nose all the way down to my toes~ (i’m so god damn cheesy)
who are you? oh you know: @daegukkie & @triptaech, my amazingly savage and hilarious admins. @sugaredmarbles, the model-koala who i adore severely, @nottodayjeon, the go-to-gal for the laughs of my life, @sugasweetsubs, the cotton candy cutie pie who always has lunch/dinner dates with me, @minsvga, the i’ll-text-you-back-28-hours-later chick who knows me Too Well, @fairyjeons, the life of the party who has some of the corniet jokes, and @bxebxee, beauty-guru extrodinaire and someone who listens and understands with so much care in her heart. AKA the crazy bunch who the network simply wouldn’t be the same without.
oh man. honestly i don’t even know where to begin.
i know that as of late we haven’t really been talking as much (which i blame school and my horrible text-back skills for), but you’ve played such a huge role in the past nearly year of my life. in some ways you’re kind of like this sassy older sister who loves to remind me of my goofy mistakes (you forget that you were told a birthday 4 months ago and you just won’t let it go agjoaiegj), but simultaneously one of the best friends someone could ask for.
it never ceases to amaze me how close we got to the point of sending way to expensive presents to each other. stupidly late phone conversations while walking around campus or driving home, teasing each other over the silliest things, and being a constant support. despite the distance and the inconsistent texting, i know that if i ever need you, you’ll be there (and that 197% goes the other way around, as you better damn well know).
i don’t know, i have so many thing to say but i feel like it’d end up becoming this repetitive mush of practically the same thing. but know that i love you a hell of a lot. i appreciate you so god damn much i’m honest to god tearing up right now, i hope you understand. i’m your biggest fan an i’m always cheering you on from the sidelines because i know that you’re going to go far in life and make something huge of yourself. i think i’ve said it before, but i truly do look up to you.
i love you so so so much angela :’)
ohhhh melissa. the things to be said.
for starters, can you believe that we’re coming up on knowing each other for a year? because it’s blowing my mind. from being my first ever anon, to becoming one of the closest friends i’ve ever had online.
i have to give it up to you for helping to fully pull me into this spiral of bangtan. remember the early days of fangirling? good lord. i don’t think we stopped texting for even a second during the Fire comeback. i miss that. i miss you, too (and more).
look, i have to give you the biggest thank you i can possibly muster. you have seen me at my absolute and utter worst and stuck by me. when i was in a horribly low point you helped to pull me up and out, stand me on my feet, and show me that people aren’t all rude and nasty. perhaps the thing i find most endearing about you is how you are always so happy and positive. hilarious after-work phone calls and adorable caps’d tags, you are something else entirely. and i absolutely adore you for it.
i really miss talking to you everyday and hearing about your boy troubles, random polaroid/moodboard ideas, and adventures around campus. hearing about how park jimin has offended you once again was one of the best things ever, he just loves you so much. gah, i have this big spot in my heart for you and everything you’ve done for me. can we please write letters to each other like we said we would?
i love and miss you a dozen times over melissa
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