#oh but he is a jealous embodiment of humanity's faults
ryokaidesu · 10 months
★ 尾形 / 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ★
★ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: https://the-coldest-goodbye.tumblr.com/sfw-template ★
★ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: /// ★
★ 尾形 = 𝐎𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐇𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞, 花沢 = 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 (𝐀𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲, 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲) ★
★ 𝐒/𝐎 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫. ★
★ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟏𝟕𝟔𝟕 ★
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A = Affection
★ 尾形 and His feelings towards the person does not really matter. One can be His “close comrade”, “friend” or perhaps “acquaintance”, but He would not show any form of affection. Towards the person He shares feelings with – if They would not share Them, He would simply forgot Them – He gets somewhat protective of, but is not scared to give Them a lesson by leaving Them for Their own. He believes that everyone should be independent, if not, that is Their fault.
B = Best Friend
★ 尾形 has no best friend, He is His own best friend and worst enemy. If He was to make any friends, He would probably not even try. There would be a conversation, maybe a way to help someone out for own benefit and there it would be. Mashup of memories.
C = Cuddles 
★ 尾形 tends to sleep alone and cuddles are not something He really experienced much. If there’s a cold night ahead, no chance of lighting up a fire, possibly a chance to get hypothermia – He tries to stay back, but ends up under one blanket with others. With His S/o, He’s used to being the pillow or lending His chest/shoulder as one. But only on occasion.
D = Domestic 
★ 尾形 is not family oriented, yet settling down after war is not a bad idea. He would still end up hunting alone in the woods. If His life was narrated differently, He would end up as a dentist, but that’s a different timeline. *Winks* 尾形 can clean and cook and quite well, but being the bastard He is, He would not share a bit.
E = Ending
★ 尾形 ways are nice and easy. You want to leave? Fine, fuck and enjoy Yourself. He can care less and can forget in no time. A revenge? Sorrow? Regret? And for what? He can go and live as He used to. One man army. Loner. 尾形.
F = Fiance(e)
★ 尾形, again, is not the family oriented one. Marriage seems only like a form of commitment that means ‘we have papers’ and nothing else. If He wants to be with somebody, marriage is not anything that world-shattering (in any form of good/bad) and special. He and His S/o are together and that is that, no change after marriage. Only that He should now cook for both.
G = Gentle
★ 尾形 is the typical asshole. He’s iconic for His sarcasm, irony, smirks and His hunter nature. And all these elements make Him an annoying one. So , no gentle touches or kisses around people and in the privacy of His life with His S/o? He acts dominant, cold, sometimes He does something out of the ‘尾形 Ordinary Graph Of Things He Does’.
H = Hugs 
★ 尾形 does not do hugs, but when He does, it feels like suffocating or territorial marking. He does not like Them and as with hugs, can allow such close-contact in case of Hypothermia – maybe it won't even persuade Him. His S/o must accept this. Hugging and embodiment of physical touch can piss Him. Depends on how personal it can get.
I = I L?ve You
★ 尾形 and Love. So complicated. It can take years towards a person. It does not have to come in the shape of words. He might not be seeing it in Him. The things is, Love in 尾形’s way is different. A winding road into the unknown lands. Not even He knows if He’s able to pronounce Them with emotions typical for Love.
J = Jealousy
★ 尾形 gets jealous and sportive only over someone who’s a sniper. The hunt begins and He’s eager to win it. Nothing can stop 尾形 once His precise mark stumbles upon another human being. And jealousy over His S/o? Oh, please, who would even try? Only someone who does not know Him would try. His S/o is nice and secure.
K = Kisses 
★ 尾形’s kisses – if They are present – feel bitter-sweet. Kissing His S/o neck, bones that stick out, cheeks, biting a bit. 尾形 can get into mood, but the key is time, trusting and being less of an idiot in His eyes. Special thing to note, 尾形 prefers giving kisses instead of receiving. His favourite place to be kissed is probably any place between neck and chest or hands.
L = Little ones
★ 尾形 does not care about Them. Viewing little ones as small adults, He understands They cannot be blamed much. He can take care of Them, protect Them if He must, teach Them, but He will never be the father nor brother figure for Them. Although He is quite careless, His way of ‘going on a walk’ and deep talk compensate for everything He lacks.
M = Morning
★ 尾形 is early bird, because He does not sleep much. Waking up means seeing Him already pondering about life, taking care of His gun, Himself or barely living. It is an interesting conversation full of cold and stoic expressions.
N = Night
★ 尾形 lonely nights are combination of patrolling and insomnia. Nothing much on His mind except what He must do the next day and that He cannot sleep. After war or with His S/o, He makes sure everything is at peace and in order. He explains this with a typical sentence: ‘For my own sake.’
O = Open
★ 尾形 takes time not as ‘precious’ but as ‘certainty’. People around Him learn step by step. His past, His present, His future. Major three groups of His secrets and personality. One would be shocked to learn He dislikes shiitake mushrooms, is 171 cm tall and that He hates long baths. Shocked? 尾形 seems as not only loner wolf.
P = Patience
★ 尾形 has no anger issues. It may take a good while, but people that were pissing Him off always ended up competing with Him or in the cycle ‘comes, goes, runs, escapes, meets, comes, goes,...’ again and again. Until one dies! Or Their anger passes. What definitely can piss Him off is when someone who does bad to Him suddenly poses as His friend. He would rather if They begged or ran around, instead of being fake.
Q = Quizzes
★ 尾形 remembers everything, but sometimes acts as He does not know or misheard it. To His extended utility, what He does not need or want, He simply does not mention or use. This is quite the trick up in His sleeve against Himself and others. Even His S/o. Another way to tease or annoy people with smirk and please.
R = Remember
★ 尾形 definitely likes when both He and His S/o are silent and alone together. Despite being loner, knowing His S/o is watching Him take care of His gun – in and out – and S/o asking here and there, makes Him feel good. It’s that form of shared memory where one can learn from the other and about Their favourite hobbies. It makes Him feel as if there were some pleasant family-like memories from His youth. And, His memory of killing His younger half-brother. There was something in it, something that marked Their whole bloodline, but backfired.
S = Security
★ 尾形 does not want to be the one protected by anyone, He wants to protect Himself. He does not believe in anyone except Himself, yet when a team or division works together, He joins in. As already mentioned, He tends to give space or only slight help to His S/o, so there can be a way His S/o learns and adapts even for own sake.
T = Try
★ 尾形’s effort is shown differently. He would share His food, maybe, but do not expect it. He would say something less irritating and probably tried to use more emotions in His tone of voice. As for other special dates and anniversaries, 尾形 is good where He is. But can spend money to make His S/o happier. That smile sure does something to Him. And in everyday tasks, He cleans around, That could count, no?
U = Ugly
★ 尾形 if we do not count His behaviour, what actually can be 尾形’s bad habit? There could be saké tolerance, insomnia counted in or overall PTSD from war. His distancing is part of His persona and preferences as well. Turning His back against people or forgetting Them easily can seem ruthless. Ignorant in a blizzard of occurrences, formed around and within His life.
V = Vanity
★ 尾形 is one hella concerned guy. His hair must be on top, as He likes it, even during war times! No matter who wants to kill Him or what job is meant to be done. His hair will always be stylish, so He can run His hand through, show off and look incredible as He kills.
W = Whole
★ 尾形 without His S/o would not really be incomplete, more like, used to the lonely or alone time. As the time would pass, considering He would care about His S/o, 尾形 would start feeling like there’s something out of ordinary and missing. And when it comes to divisions, He can switch between Them freely.
X = Xtra
★ 尾形 eats snow for holding own breath, to steady His mind and mark. Each kill He gets, He writes down into one notebook in His one of His inside pouches. He’s good in the tactical field and surviving in the field. And so, if 尾形 ever wanted to go and live alone, He would probably learn from a Matagi hunters.
Y = Yuck
★ 尾形 hates few people and things: 花沢 family, His parents, people, shiitake mushrooms, liars, someone making fun of His skill, dogs and His hair not being clean. That would do it for 尾形. And in partner? Definitely disrespect, invading space, bad hygiene and useless in form – cleaning, cooking (can be forgiven since He can cook for Himself and can care less),...
Z = Zzz
★ 尾形 is sleeping as any other soldier. Straight, gun in hands, light sleep. He does not snore and sometimes can fall into a microsleep or while He’s sitting down. His microsleep lasts for a really, really short period. He’s battling insomnia and can stay awake for two days and a few hours awake. And sleeping with His S/o? He’s the one to be the pillow for the other, occasionally.
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darkfascination · 2 years
❝ Hey,  ❞  There's the flutter of his hand in a short wave to attract the attention of the priest; the look on his face biting back a smirk.
❝  A friend (?) just asked me an interesting question.  She's looking to, uh ... ❞  Trent pauses, trying to find a word other than fuck, screw, get railed ...   
❝  She wants to have sex in a church. Don't know where, don't know with who. The only thing that's stopping her is she thinks it might go to hell over it.  What does the Lord say,  would it count as a sin?  ❞
It is less the talk of mortal intercourse that riles him, but the thought that Lux should have any presence in his most frequented place of “work” than he. Setting his jaw teeth grindingly taught, he turns in forbidding swiftness toward the speaker. Gaining a foot in height in sheer lack of restraint to hold his mortal form, Ira towers, arms spreading wide as if to call brimstone down through the stained glass portraiture. “THOU WOULD DEFILE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD WITH SUCH IRREVERENT ACTS?! VILE, PERNICIOUS FORNICATORS! FAITHLESS FETISHISTS SHALL BE CAST TO THE DEPTHS TO BURN AND WRITHE IN TORMENT!” He looms now, spittle beading his lips as it hangs with the ever present dust in the oddly reddish light that seems to rise from his skin; a palpable heat accompanying. Leaning forward so their faces were uncomfortable inches from one another he now whispers, a sound far more menacing than the deafening boom of his earlier outburst. “You tell her if she fucks in church I’ll make goddamned sure it ends in a “crime of passion””. After that he dissipates, more than likely to trade words with his frequent co-conspirator.
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certified-sloth · 3 years
Scenario: mc hating being jealous and the feeling of envy just bcuz and I quote "it's make me feel gross...and stuff"
*the brothers trying to make mc jealous by spending less time with them and hanging out with other people*
Mc unfazed: oh I didn't notice u were gone! Did u have fun atleast? Where they nice??
I'm not sure if they would really do that... but i'll try to relate it as much as I can
Sighing in frustration, he frowns deeply at your awfully fake smile.
"MC, you do realize this is all related to my line of work. Of course I'd have to deal with it, as per Diavolo's orders." He tries to explain.
"Really? Like how it was Diavolo's orders for you to keep me 'alive' for the program? That's how we started out right?"
He groans and shakes his head in disapproval. "I didn't ask you to assess me like that. Clearly, you're accusing me of something I am not guilty of."
"We need a break. Then we'll talk about this once we both clear our heads."
He concluded, as he left you alone feeling as if you've drowned from disappointment.
Of course, the 1st born was a prideful demon. There's always a limit to his patience, and you were not an exception.
He tries to explain it to you, but you wouldn't understand.
"Was I making you jealous? No! Can't you just stop jumpin' into conclusions? It makes me feel like you never trusted me..."
He does no good, but never had he done anything to try and hurt you purposely. If he did, then he's sorry.
This man is head over heels for you, and you still think he'd do something as far off to spend less time with you? Just for someone else?
The 2nd born may be a fool but he can be sensible at times.
"Then what were you doing with them?" You asked with a frown. He sighs and ruffles his hair.
"I was tryin' to ask them help with some gift for your birthday. I don't wanna ask my brothers since they're gonna scramble up ideas of their own gifts." He explained rather honestly.
You blinked, not sure if you should believe him or not. He's used these tricks on his brothers, what's the difference if it were you?
"D-don't look at me like that! I'm not lying! I wanted to surprise ya but I didn't want you to wrap your head in things that ain't true..." he stammered as he looked away with in embarrassment.
Sighing in defeat, you went to pat his head.
"I believe you... and, i'm sorry for doubting you too." You apologized and he glanced at you before letting out a chuckle.
"I mean ya ain't wrong with feelin' like this, at least now ya know how I feel when I see you with my brothers."
You laugh and nodded at his statement.
It clearly doesn't end well... you're glaring daggers at his back while he was playing a game.
He's a shut-in, sure he's still supposed to have the outside world's communication, but making you jealous? With a real person involved? Along with having to interact with them?
Now that's just not realistic. The most way he could make you jealous is to just talk about Ruri this and Ruri that. Nothing else.
You must be out of your mind to think he has the guts to pull in another normie when he already has you.
His Henry.
"I don't get why you would suddenly think someone like me can get anyone else... I mean there's my brothers, but me? I'm just not fit for that."
He frowns and hesitantly holds your hand, trying to ignore that fast pace of his heartbeat.
If it weren't for the background music from the game still viewed on the screen, you would've been able to hear his heart close to jump out.
He's been there. He's the literal avatar of envy, feeling jealous of others and what they have is his job.
So the fact that you're like this... he would've been happy that you feel jealous of someone that wants him.
But in reality, he knows how disgusting the feeling is. Instead he tries to talk you out with experiences like that.
It's a heavy feeling on your chest, as if you'd end up suffocating. Especially if the other had done nothing to assure your assumptions.
Slowly but surely, you and him end up creating a deeper bond by talking about those little moments and just end up laughing or get all embarrassed about it.
If you wish to accuse him, quit beating around the bush and tell him in a forward manner.
He doesn't read minds, but he's observant. He just wants to be sure of his conclusion as to why you seem upset with that fake smile of yours.
Your body language was enough to tell him what you were feeling, but he hopes you tell him honestly.
"Is this about the succubus I told you about the other day?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
When you didn't answer him, he took that silence as a 'yes'.
He sighs and leads you to the couch to stare at you seriously. If he wants this to be dealt with peacefully, both you and him will have to talk this out in a mature way.
"MC, she's been asking for tutoring. She has made her advances, but I declined. She was failing her grades so I had someone else to help her." He explained.
"So you didn't tutor her personally?"
"Of course not. I don't want to interact with someone who had actively showed their interest in me when they know I already have you." He assured with a smile.
He then noticed your shoulders slump slightly in relief and he chuckles at your sudden change of expression.
Tucking your hair from behind your ear, he offers to read this new book he just got from Akuzon.
He's been staring at you almost offended of your accusation.
"Darling, I am the avatar of lust, surely you realized that whatever advances I make to others are merely fake." He assured, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"You're the only one, and every word I tell you are nothing but truth." He said sincerely as you look down, feeling lost.
He knew how it was hard to be with him. You're dating the embodiment of lust itself, surely it seems as if he's not into commitment.
But he tries, because you didn't love him for his looks. If ever you were to be insecure, whether you tell him about it or not.
"Did it seem as if I were neglecting you? I'm sorry, how would you want me to make it up to you?"
He only wishes the best for you, at this point, even the avatar of lust himself is hooked.
Why are you looking at him like that as if he's done something much more horrible than yesterday?
You only frowned with how clueless he is and ended up telling him what was the matter.
He looks at you in distaste of your words. Shaking his head, he cleared that he thought you were mad at him so he decided to give you space.
"I didn't want to push in your comfort zone especially if you looked mad the other day... and the lady was the manager of the new restaurant that opened."
He smiles and picks you up. "I was asking for arrangements to take you there to cheer you up, i'm sorry."
You slowly look away, muttering an apology for misunderstanding. It's just that you've been insecure of your own capabilities.
And Beel had always assured you that there was nothing wrong.
"It's ok to be insecure MC, it's part of your humanity... from what Satan said, and I still love you this much. Please don't belittle yourself."
...ah, to think that a demon would acknowledge your self-worth more than you ever could.
Are you sure you hadn't dreamed of it instead? He hasn't even left the bed for two days.
"I'm not trying to spend less time with you, i'm sorry." He apologized sincerely.
Although he's half-asleep, he knows how you don't like feeling like this.
As he showers you with love, you clearly were stubborn to reject his advances.
He would've been mad that you didn't trust him enough to assume he was seeing others.
Nuzzling close to your neck, your back facing him as he held you close. Kissing your neck gently with soft apologies in between.
He already learned that one of you should yield in times like this. If you see him at fault, then sure, he'll accept it.
It went really bad when the both of you had stayed stubborn, he doesn't want to repeat it.
"It feels... disgusting." You whispered how you felt, taking hold of his hand as your consciousness was beginning to fail you.
You could feel him smile as he hummed softly on your neck. "I know, i'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, but don't expect too much from me." He finished, and you've heard him clearly.
But your consciousness had already slipped away before you could answer as you slowly fell into deep sleep.
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kopikokun · 4 years
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Maybe It’s The Chlorine༄ l.jn
↳ Jeno feels like he’s swimming in jealousy as he watches you and Renjun from afar.
pairing; swimmer!jeno x reader
genre; fluff
wordcount; 2265 words
Request 23: Jeno + Friends to Lovers + “Did you do something different with your hair?” (65) + “Are you jealous?” (77)
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧. | 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬.
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You don’t think being a little boastful is a bad thing.
Sure, pride is one of the seven deadly sins, in fact, if you’re not mistaken, it’s the very first one listed. You’re not sure… maybe it’s the second?
Anyway, back to your previous point.
Being a little proud is definitely not a cardinal sin. At least in your eyes it’s not. It’s basic human nature!
So, you excuse yourself when your ego inflates to roughly the size of a hot air balloon as the cutest boy in your year, Huang Renjun, offers you a compliment about your hair.
“I like it,” he says casually, smile as bright as the Sun. “You look nice with your hair like that.”
You lower your face, hiding your grin as you fiddle with the hem of your uniform. You meet his eye, showing him that ‘innocently beautiful’ face you’ve been practicing for the past week in the mirror. It’s not quite done yet, it needs a bit of refinement honestly--you haven’t been able to embody that almost angelic purity or make your eyes glimmer on the spot yet--but it’s getting there and all your efforts are proven fruitful when Renjun smiles softly.
“Really? I don’t think I look that n--”
A heavy weight befalls your shoulders, and you choke on your words at the sudden impact. The arm around your shoulder is damp, and you can feel the cold water seeping through the fabric of your top.
“Renjun!” the boy beside you greets, way louder than necessary might you add. If it weren’t for the fact that Renjun is standing right in front of you, you’d have smacked Jeno upside the head. “Coach’s waiting for you! Go and get changed, dude!”
Renjun’s eyes shift between you and Jeno, staying glued on his arm around your shoulders momentarily before he breaks out into a smile. “Sure. Sorry for being a little late.”
Jeno waves him away, laughing obnoxiously in your ear. The moment Renjun disappears into the changing rooms, you finally seize the opportunity to jab Jeno in the side with your elbow.
“Ow! Shit!” he hisses, clutching his side. He pouts at you. “Aww, why’d you do that? What if I get a cramp in the pool and drown?”
“Then drown, asshole.”
“Ouch, that hurwt my feewings,” Jeno whines, faking a cry. He wraps his arms around your shoulders from behind, caging you against him.
“Ew! You’re so gross!” You can’t help but turn a shameful shade of crimson as you feel the defined muscles of his taut body, a result of all those gruelling swim practices and competitions against your back. The skin tight material of his swimming suit isn’t making things any better either. His shoulders seem as wide as the Earth’s diameter as you’re practically engulfed by him. “Y-You’re gonna get my back drenched, dumbass!”
“Don’t worry, stinky,” he teases and you scowl at the nickname. “I wiped myself down just now.”
“Whatever, just get off me before Renjun sees,” you say, prying his beefy arms off of you.
Jeno crosses his arms, making them seem even more ridiculously muscular. You can’t help but stare. “Who cares? Let him see.”
You flush an even deeper colour. How can he say that so nonchalantly? “You’re so dumb, Jeno.”
“But you lo--”
“For somebody who was rushing me to get in the pool, you seem to be taking your sweet time, Jeno,” jokes Renjun, a hint of amusement present in his eyes as his gaze flickers between the two of you. He squeezes Jeno’s shoulder with his right hand, goggles hooked on his crooked index finger.
You can’t help but stare at Renjun’s lean body too. He’s more on the skinnier side compared to Jeno, but you know that you shouldn’t be so easily fooled by his appearance. Beneath his frame, lies almost a decade’s worth of hard-earned muscle. Oh, how you love the swim team.
Yet somehow, embarrassingly, you can’t help but compare Renjun’s body to Jeno’s, finding that you prefer the latters. Your ears grow hot again. It’s unfair to Renjun though, seeing as you have the biggest crush on Jeno. You’re not usually this humiliatingly whipped for Jeno—maybe it’s the unbearable stench of chlorine getting to you.
“Let’s go, Jeno,” says Renjun brightly, patting Jeno’s back before walking off to the pool. He sends you a little wave as he walks, and you wave back, smiling.
You really wish you had fallen for Renjun instead of Jeno. Things would be so much more simpler. You wouldn’t have to worry about a seven year friendship being sacrificed if you had.
Jeno scoffs beside you, imitating your weak wave in an exaggerated manner. “How come you don’t wave like that for me?”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t be such a baby, Jeno. Now go get to the pool before Coach whips your ass.”
Jeno smiles from ear-to-ear, raising his arm in a mock salute. “Yes, ma'am.”
You can’t stop the smile tugging at your lips, giggling at Jeno’s cute, but admittedly childish behaviour.
You’re barely two steps up the stairs of the bleachers when Jeno calls out to you, a few of the swim team turning to look at you before shaking their heads softly. “Hey!”
You turn to face Jeno, whose cheeks are dusted in pink, a catty ‘What?’ at the tip of your tongue.
“Did you do something different with your hair?”
Your breath catches in your throat, heart rate accelerating. You’d totally forgotten after all the commotion Jeno had caused.
“I like it! You look pretty!”
Some senior beside Jeno, who you faintly recall is Jaeho or Jaehyun or something (honestly, who cares right now?), nudges Jeno in the waist, a knowing smirk etched onto his lips. Jeno laughs, his cheeks growing redder.
You bite your lip in excitement, a warm sensation blossoming in your chest.
This is definitely the chlorine’s doing.
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You groan softly as you rummage through your bag, fishing out your water bottle. You frown at it. It’s empty. It’s not the bottle’s fault, really, it isn’t. You had already reminded yourself in your last period to refill it, but obviously, from the evident lack of water in the bottle, you had forgotten. It’s not the bottle’s fault but you still find yourself squeezing and stuffing it back into the depths of your bag. You slump in your seat.
“Hey, you want a sip?”
You look at Renjun who’s offering you some of his drink. A bit of his bangs fall into his eye as he tilts his head at you, an inviting smile playing at his lips.
You smile, touched that he noticed--although you weren’t being particularly discreet about it. “Sure. Thanks, Renjun.”
“It’s no big deal.”
You take a long, grateful sip,--well it’s more of a gulp really, but that’s up for debate--relishing in the feeling of the water sliding down your throat. Ironically, even though you’re surrounded by water, you’re thirsty. Maybe it’s all that thirst for Jeno you’ve been suppressing for all these years, something whispers to you and you dismiss the thought, nearly choking on Renjun’s drink.
You wipe your chin with the back of your hand, passing Renjun his drink back with a refreshed smile.
It’s sudden and you’re pleasantly surprised by the gesture when Renjun pats your head affectionately. Sort of like you’re his little sister. You’re struck with relief that you don’t like the guy.
Your gaze returns to the pool where you’re confused to find is now missing one of its swimmers.
Your eyes scan the area, sort of desperately searching for Jeno’s familiar figure. It isn’t hard to spot him due to the stark contrast between his dark swimsuit and the white, albeit a little grayish tiles that surround the pool.
You’re flustered and a tad bit unsettled to find him staring right at you, his face tense and shoulders rigid. You frown.
What’s up with him?
You pay him no mind as you huff and start a lighthearted conversation with Renjun. He’s easy to get along with and is a pretty decent guy. And maybe, you’re a little swayed since he complimented you and offered you some of his drink. What can you say? You’re easily won over.
Unbeknownst to you, you ignoring Jeno and solely focusing your attention on Renjun has the former even more aggrieved than he previously was.
He thinks you’re so absorbed in your little chat with Renjun that you haven’t noticed the way Jeno’s practically stomping up the stairs, probably creating a dent in each step. Obviously, you do notice but you brush it off as him being cranky after a swim. It wouldn’t be the first time.
You look up at Jeno who towers over you imposingly. It’s unfair how attractive he looks with little beads of water dripping down his face and his wet hair slicked back, a few stubborn strands falling forward. You resist the temptation to lick your lips. This isn’t some teen fic from 2016.
“What are you doing?”
You furrow your eyebrows at his tone, sensing his hostility. “I’m talking to Renjun, obviously.”
Jeno frowns. “Yeah, cool.” Now he’s the one to grasp Renjun’s shoulder, but instead of patting it lightly, he applies such extreme pressure that Renjun can’t help but wince. “Can I sit here?”
You scoff, gesturing to the available seat on your right. “There’s literally a seat right here—”
Renjun laughs despite feeling like his shoulder’s about to pop out of its socket. “No, no, it’s fine. Jeno seems like he’s dying to sit here.” He stands from his seat, glad to be free from Jeno’s death grip before leaving down the stairs. He sends you a small wave again, and Jeno, a cheeky grin.
You huff as Jeno falls into the seat beside you, replacing the cheery Renjun. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
“Why were you being so nasty to Renjun?”
Jeno quirks a brow at you, a silent challenge. “Why? Do you like him?”
“No, of course I don’t.” Dumbass, you think. The one I like is you.
“Then why were you being so lovey dovey with him?”
You can’t help but laugh in disbelief. What is he? A grandma? Who says lovey dovey? “No, I wasn’t.” You cross your arms, positioning your body so you’re facing Jeno head-on. “What’s up with you? Why’ve you got a stick up your ass?”
“Cause’,” he pauses, his once steady, almost interrogative voice reducing to a whisper, “cause’ you kissed him.”
You literally do a double-take. That’s how taken aback you are. “What? When did I kiss Renjun?”
“When you, uh, when you—” Jeno scratches the back of his ear, a nervous habit you’ve picked up on from all those years of silent pining. “Nevermind. Forget I said anything. It’s dumb.”
At the way his cheeks are overtaken by a pink tint is enough of a reason to pry. “Come on, Lee Jeno. Spit it out.” You smile wickedly. “Jeno,” you whine, “please?”
From the way he sneaks a glance at your pleading expression and hides his smirk behind his hand, you know he’s given in.
“You drank from his water bottle.”
Your eyebrows slowly raise as your brain short circuits. “What?”
“You know, it- it was an indirect kiss.”
A laugh is bubbling in your throat, threatening to escape if you’re not careful.
“Remember when we were in middle school and you wouldn’t let me drink from your bottle because that’d be like kissing?” he rambles, pulling on the long sleeve of his swimsuit and letting it snap back against his wrist.
“Jeno, we were kids back then.”
“And last week, you wouldn’t let me drink from your bottle because of the exact same reason?”
“Oh my God,” you snicker, “I was joking!”
“I- I know that!” he says, exasperated. “I just- Whatever! Like I said, it’s dumb.” Jeno flushes. “Don’t laugh at me!” He runs his hands down his face. “Oh my God.”
“Aw, Jeno,” you coo, coaxing another reaction out of him. “Are you jealous?”
“Yes,” he says, matter-of-fact, his face still in his hands. “Of course I’m jealous that you seemed so close with Renjun. How could I not be when I like you?”
Your laughter stops dead as Jeno’s… confession is left hanging in the air. “What?
“No, forget it,” Jeno says, getting up from his seat. “Forget I said that.”
You shake your head. “Wait, no, Jeno.” You grip his wrist, tugging at it softly, wordlessly asking him to stay. “You like me?”
Jeno swallows dryly. “Yeah, I do.” He looks at you, observing you, trying to gauge your reaction. “You can just ignore what I said if you don’t feel the same way, I don’t- I don’t want my personal feelings to ruin our friendship.” Jeno scratches the back of his ear once again. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He laughs lightly, trying to diminish the tension. “Now, it’s going to be awkward between us, huh?”
“Who said it’s going to be awkward?” You smile warmly. “And who said I don’t like you too?”
Jeno seems stunned, his eyes wide. “You like me?”
“Yeah, dumbass,” you let go of his wrist, letting your hands rest in your lap. “Don’t make me say it again.”
Jeno goes silent as he comprehends what you’ve just told him.
“So, does that mean I can drink from your bottle now?”
You hang your head. “No, obviously you can’t.” From the corner of your eye, you catch the way Jeno’s shoulders sag. “Cause’ you can just kiss me instead.”
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
Okay, but I can definitely imagine Barb/Dia doing that. It seems like quite a possibility. But wasn't dying mc's own fault though? Like,, Barbatos did warn,,, unless he knew this was gonna happen and mc was DUMB AND STUPID enough to show up to everyone like: "hi." and possibly be dumb enough to get killed. Idk lol I forgot this part.
But what you said about Beel, I really like that. I think you even mentioned belphie guilt tripping you in your yandere hcs, and trying to make you completely depend on him?? I like those possibilities. Mammon though,, too soft. Like you said, they've robbed him a lot. He could have had so much potential to be a dark character. Similarly Levi omg.
The brothers are the embodiments of the 7 deadly sins, yet, tbh, I haven't seen too much of this side of them. At least, not like how'd I expect. Leviathan, for eg. Envy. I don't recall seeing his sin playing out anywhere except in the TSL Quiz thingy. I mean, it's been toned down a lot for someone who's the literal embodiment is envy. Idk I just don't feel he's like that? As from what I found: Envy (Latin: invidia), like greed and lust, is characterized by an insatiable desire. It can be described as a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else. The struggle aroused by envy has three stages: during the first stage, the envious person attempts to lower another's reputation; in the middle stage, the envious person receives either "joy at another's misfortune"(if he succeeds in defaming the other person) or "grief at another's prosperity" (if he fails); the third stage is hatred because "sorrow causes hatred".[38]
Envy is said to be the motivation behind Cain murdering his brother, Abel, as Cain envied Abel because God favored Abel's sacrifice over Cain's.
They toned him down a little too much?? If this game has actually been inspired by demons and the 7 deadly sins, they could at least make them similar to the demons, at least in some way. I'm not that far into the game yet, but so far that I've played, I haven't seen much. As for a demon who is the embodiment of envy... I wish to see more. Levi is capable of A LOT.
Similarly, Satan. I sometimes wonder why is he even called the Avatar of Wrath when we hardly see it?? The only time I remember is him losing his calm during the whole body swap event. The fact Satan got mad at us refusing a pact actually made me think that he was the sin "wrath", but idk now. And the way it was said that "every smile is an act", I really like that concept too. But I don't think I've paid much attention to see where it played out. Sigh now Satan simps for cats like,,, please show me your dark/evil side sir.
The way you said Barb and Dia took part in a torture dungeon, I want to see more of that too. If they're demons, wouldn't they have caused SOME sort of bloodshed in a way? Especially if they're the strongest demons. Killing humans, eating them, or I even like to think doing the same to their own race. Torturing... Seems like something that every demon's blood would contain lmao, I'm not answering questions bye.
And I believe so too. The human seems like a pawn... I feel the demons would use humans for entertainment and their own purposes, while keeping up the facade of loving them. It's easy, since demons are manipulative. In that case, losing the human whether by their own hands or not would go like: "Oh well, that's unfortunate. Time for another human."
But if they REALLY did love you, I feel they'd still be manipulative. Like you said. Corrupting/spoiling the human so much to the point that they'd just HAVE to depend on them. I feel they'd also have yandere tendencies, or be "protective". Like, then I feel they really wouldn't want to let you go, despite knowing how much it can ruin your innocence.
I also don't like how everyone is after mc like "uwuwu master". The human is still a weakling despite having pacts, plus, the pacts aren't even demanding the human's soul or anything. I don't get why they let mc walk over them when they are CLEARLY much stronger? If I were a demon I'd do the opposite lmao. Making the human seem as if they are controlling me, but it's the opposite. I don't think a mere pact can change the fact that the demon's stronger,,, esp if the pact didn't demand the human's soul/life/whatever.
Also, thank you! Things got better for me :)) and also,
💫✨💕send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨
Ofc you don't have to do this, but I got this, and it really made me happy, so here ^^
Oh btw in lesson...56 I think?? Just gonna tag this as a spoiler, but where for whatever reason Satan was "Sully" and the angel Lucifer asked him whether he liked books, let me just say I haven't even played it that far yet, but Satan going, "...Every book here is precious."
It's been a while since I've thought in-depth about the whole time traveling thing tbh, but couldn't Barbatos generally see the outcomes of the world?
We went back because they wanted to know who opened it, but considering Diavolo's the ruler of hell who turned Lilith human and Barbatos is basically the ruler of time & practically the universe I believe they already knew Lilith did it since it had to be "blood related" basically.
Barbatos also knows he can stitch together timelines and get of "extra" MCs essentially, so I believe he'd take that into account. I'm not saying MC getting killed was 100% part of the plan, but that they didn't care of MC was traumatized because they knew they could bring them back if necessary.
Imo the real goal wasn't to find out who did it, but to avoid breaking the family's bonds and devotion to Diavolo. The way it worked out was incredibly convenient and "coincidentally" a huge upgrade for Diavolo that kept the status quo and made him look good (or at least better) to Belphie and Beel without making Lucifer choose.
We see that kind of repeat later when Diavolo withdraws from the play because he was worried Lucifer wouldn't be as loyal. That's also why Lucifer gets that warning from Barbatos.
I think a huge part of why Levi's characterization is like that is because not enough people like him enough to tolerate it tbh. Even Mammon and Lucifer stans complain about the other characters hogging screen time and a lot of them admit to feeling bad for other fans. Levi is pretty much always second to last popularity wise.
I think he'd actually be more liked if they focused more on the jealously instead of making almost every interaction otaku/Ruri-chan related, but it's a bit too late now. I really, really hate how they just pretend otaku culture always existed and that's all Levi ever was. Like at least make him have an obsessive personality and be hyperfixated on novels instead of talking manga in an era before Japan even existed. It's so unbelievably lazy and really takes me out of the story.
Another problem is we only really see him interact with family or people that could enact severe consequences like Diavolo & Barbatos or people protected by the exchange program. He never gets a chance to shine or be cunning. The closest we get is things like him purposefully trying to ruin Christmas for random people online in his Christmas card. I think if he genuinely got jealous of MC and some random demon he would summon lotan almost instantly.
It's especially painful knowing what we had & being so excited to get more only for all of that to get dropped.
In an early devilgram, Be You, Satan gets jealous and feels bad about not having much unique to him and Lucifer comforts him in his own way when the others make it worse. Mammon is the most empathetic though ofc. They also talk about horror movies and Mammon says he doesn't find them scary (& the way it's framed sounds honest, idk if it's a retcon or a lie,) and Satan says "I'm sure we've all witnessed plenty of real-life horrors worse than anything in the movies."
Then when Lucifer asks for a time when he was really angry Satan first casually then gleefully talks about torturing a family to death because a kid set him up to get scolded by their parents. Meanwhile the brothers act wary of him and worry about him getting out of control while Lucifer tells everyone to take cover for their own safety with a smile. Satan happily talks about them begging for their lives and says he wishes they saw it too.
Levi also says he hates hearing about people being happy, but likes hearing about the negative things. While Asmo and Mammon are freaking out he also calls Satan cool. Which shows at least a little bit of his envy for once. Satan also says just the aura of his rage is usually too much for humans which is also interesting.
But back to Diavolo and Barbatos, I don't hate how the whole torture thing isn't super open, it makes sense imo, but I would like to see hints of them hiding it. Especially if Satan or even attic Belphie was the one you could go to to learn more about it. If anyone would defy Diavolo for that it'd be them trying to bring Lucifer down with them, or even just Satan rewarding the hunt for knowledge and not understanding the human psyche fully.
Imagine if instead of a paper thin lie about being human we got a Belphie manipulating us by pretending he was locked up because he was against hurting humans and the whole exchange program was a scam? Or at least if he told us things no one else would about Diavolo that were true so we wouldn't trust him and etc. That's the angle I'm going with in my fanfiction at least, the original story is just so lazy and boring imo.
Yeah I'm not a huge fan of how they handled pacts either, especially considering they don't even get MC's soul. It's way too one-sided to the point where I don't believe someone like Satan would ever offer it, even if the first offer was a trick and he'd get your soul or something. I agree on the whole manipulation thing too, like how is it partnership if one side has complete control over the other?
Even just making it so that demons can fight against if they really don't want to do something like harming each other and having it corrupt MC would make it a million times better.
And that's so sweet, thank you! You've made my days a lot brighter too. Not much makes me happier than infodumping and complaining about Obey Me rn lol.
I really liked Satan's line there too, although I did wish he had more a reaction to everything tbh. That whole section felt a bit too easy imo though, like I kept waiting for it to all go to shit or something. I am glad they went back into more story-based chapters too. I hope they keep that trend and expand on it.
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hide-in-imagination · 6 years
“All The Time In The World”
Hi, it’s Cynthia! Like I promised here’s the sequel of my ‘What If’ one-shot that is, therefore, no longer a one-shot but a multichapter. Next chapters should be ready soon so stay tunned. Meanwhile, here are 2,6k words of fluff to fill the void of this weekend without episodes :) Enjoy!
Simón looked up from his piece of pizza and stared at Ámbar, the confusion clear on his face.
"The answer to the question you've been trying to ask for days. No, we didn't. Matteo and I."
After their rather eventful movie date —Had that really happened? It seemed like a dream— Simón had been meaning to ask Ámbar just how far had things gone with Matteo. It wasn't out of some male ego thing though. It wasn't really jealousy either, although he had to admit he would've been if it had been the case. He just thought it was something important to take into consideration when (her words, not his) they actually... you know. Simón wanted to do right by Ámbar, and if she hadn't, in fact, done it before, it meant he'd have to be extra gentle.
You're already failing miserably at it, buddy.
He hadn't been exactly gentle the other day. He hadn't been rough either but, looking back, he had totally lost grasp of his self-control, his excitement too great to think about anything else. He didn't know he had it in him, but she seemed to have the power to drive him absolutely crazy.
Since then, he had been very conscious of reigning himself in. It'd taken some effort (seriously, how could a pair of lips be so tantalizing? It was so not fair), but it had worked, and now, two weeks later, they were just enjoying a quiet evening in the loft. Pedro had gone out with Delfi and Nico was running some errands so they've had all afternoon for themselves.
Ámbar had brought some books to study for a test while Simón worked on a new song for the band. He'd been worried about keeping the noise to the minimum, but Ámbar had told him she didn't mind. Indeed, just half an hour and many chords on the guitar later, he had discovered that her concentration was flawless. Her determination really was a force to be reckoned with. He admired her for that.
At some point, he had seen her shiver, but she didn't seem to notice how she was holding herself to keep warm. He carefully put down his guitar and took off his shirt, offering it to her. She looked up from her book and smiled, gladly putting it on.
"What is it with you and the cold?"
She playfully rolled her eyes. "It's not my fault the air conditioners of the world hate me."
"Actually, we don't own one, so..."
"Well, thankfully, I have you to keep me warm."
He smiled and leaned down to give her a sweet peck on the lips.
"That's my job, never forget it."
He had returned to his guitar and started playing new arrangements, not noticing how Ámbar brought his shirt close to her nose so she could sniff his scent. She held it as firmly around her body as she could, wanting to drown in the smell of him. For the rest of the hour, she smiled behind her book.
Simón offered to quiz her at some point (he wanted to feel useful) and Ámbar gladly agreed.
"If I get it right, what do I win?" She asked, smiling flirtatiously.
"Mmm well, let's see, what would you like?" He asked, loving this game.
She made a face like she was thinking very hard. "What about a kiss?"
He lifted his eyebrows. "A kiss? Hmm, I'll have to make those questions extra hard for you then because I'm not the type of guy who just gives kisses away, you know?"
He might as well had asked her what her name was because she nailed every single question without missing a beat.
Which meant a lot of kisses.
Was he complaining? Definitely not.
Eventually, Simón had ordered a pizza (divided into four parts, each with different ingredients so Ámbar could choose one) and served some sodas. They had talked and laughed. Everything had been so... simple. There were no awkward silences, conversation flowed easily and they felt so comfortable around each other that, sometimes, they didn't even need to talk at all.
Right now she was sitting on his bed, where she had spent the last few minutes polishing her fingernails. Simón was sitting on the wooden armchair in front of her, finishing the pizza. That's when she had spoken, breaking the comfortable silence.
The sudden topic had sent him reeling. Yes, he had been meaning to ask, but he didn't think she'd be the one to bring it up. Had he been that obvious? Well, Ámbar was very observant, so he guessed he should've known.
She must have taken his silence as her cue to continue because she kept explaining.
"Matteo and I... we never really had that kind of relationship. It was more about mutual convenience than real feelings. It doesn't mean that we didn't care about each other— we did. He was like the only person in my life that knew that my life was not quite as perfect as I wanted everyone to believe. We trusted each other in some way. ... And of course, there was physical attraction, so that didn't hurt either."
Simón remembered the kisses he witnessed between them the past year and clenched his jaw.
"Yeah, that was evident."
Ámbar just gave him a look and held his left hand between hers.
"With Matteo there was attraction, yes. But it wasn't even near to what I feel for you, Simón."
A smile grew on his lips at that.
"With you, it's different. It's like you don't even need to touch me to make my heart jump. Sometimes, I just hear your voice from far away and my hands start sweating." She laughed, sounding stupid to her own ears, but to Simón it meant the world.
They smiled at each other for a moment longer and then Ámbar let go of his hand. She returned hers to her lap and looked at him attentively.
"Okay, now you tell me."
He blinked. "Tell you what?"
She rolled her eyes. "Your past experiences. Have you...?" She left the question hanging, but the meaning was implicit.
He didn't know why he hadn't guessed she'd ask that, it was only fair after all.
Kind of embarrassed, he just shook his head no.
"Does that surprise you?"
"I mean... It's just, you're older and, I don't know how girls are like back in Mexico but, I thought maybe in your high school years..."
Simón just scratched his neck nervously.
"... Are you disappointed? Would you have preferred for me to have more experience?"
Ámbar's eyes widened. "No! Not at all! Don't be silly, I could never be disappointed in you. It's just, after the other day, I... thought maybe you had."
They averted their gazes, pretty much blushing. The memory of their rendezvous was still fresh in their minds.
"That was... Actually, that was the first time I ever got that far, believe it or not," he said.
"You didn't date any girls back in Mexico?"
"No, I did. There were a few but it was never too serious. Pretty much just school crushes, not like real dating. In some cases, we would go out, smooch a little, but after a while, we'd go on separate ways. I guess I just never felt that with any of them, you know? ...Then the whole Luna thing happened and I realized maybe I'd never been that into those other girls before because I had been in love with her all along and... Well, we all know how that ended. We kissed only once, she couldn't see me as more than a friend."
She nodded her head, processing the information.
"So... What do you mean with 'a few' exactly?" She asked, a little jealous glint in her eyes.
"... Two in middle school, one in high school."
She snorted. "So just three? You made it sound like it was way more!"
"Hey, a guy has to protect his reputation!"
"What reputation? You're like the human embodiment of a teddy bear!" She laughed.
"Oh really?"
Simón got closer to her, invading her personal space to the point of making it non-existent. She instinctively leaned her body back, so he was now towering dangerously on top of her.
"So you're telling me I have no sex appeal whatsoever."
"Nope," she said, feigning indifference, but the closeness was already affecting her.
"So, if I do this..." He leaned in and slowly caressed her lips with his own. "... you feel nothing at all."
"You sure?" He whispered against her lips, his voice low, his hot breath mixing with her own.
"Y-yeah, definitely."
"What about this?"
He started slowly kissing down her neck, knowingly licking and nibbling on the spot he knew was the most sensitive.
Ámbar tried not to tremble.
Simón nuzzled her neck with the tip of his nose, light brushes that sent shivers through her system.
"Hmm... then what if I do... THIS!"
Next thing she knew, Simón was tickling her, making her bend over in laughter.
"Okay, now say I'm hot."
"Ups, wrong word," he said, and went for the spot he knew was the most ticklish, making her laugh even harder. She was crying by this point. Her stomach hurt.
"OKAY OKAY. YOU'RE HOT, STOP!" She begged.
Simón finally halted his attack, his hands leaving her and, instead, falling on either side of her body. He looked at her mockingly.
"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?"
Ámbar was trying to calm her breathing back to normal. "I h-hate you."
He smiled. "No, you don't."
Finally, her gasping stopped and her body relaxed. She became aware of the fact that she was lying on her back with him towering over her on the bed. His bed. She looked up at him. Suddenly, it was like being out of breath again.
"No, I don't," she whispered.
The air became charged. The amusement in Simón's eyes disappeared, replaced by something else, something more. Their eyes locked, and without words, they both leaned in at the same time.
The moment their lips touched, a spark shot through their bodies. It was just a caress, lips applying the smallest of pressure and then letting go, but it was enough to get them wanting more. It left their lips tingling, their nerve endings waking in anticipation. They leaned in again, kissing harder, holding onto each other tighter. Ámbar's hands went to his hair and her fingers threaded through it, pushing him closer. Simón wrapped his arms around her, pressing her flush against him.
What started delicate soon turned faster, passion taking over. Their tongues found each other and started moving in synch. Ámbar felt warm all over, getting lost in the feeling of his tongue caressing hers. She started taking off the shirt that he had lend, her but he stopped her hands.
"No, don't," he said against her lips, his voice ragged and a little breathless. "I love how you look wearing my clothes."
"Really?" She hummed. It seemed like a possessive gesture, a trait she didn't know he had. She liked it. "Okay then," she whispered and dived in again, claiming his lips as her own.
Ámbar ran her hands down his shoulders and all over his back, grabbing handfuls of the fabric of his t-shirt and pulling him as close as possible. He wasn't the only one possessive.
Simón ran the tip of his tongue through her lips, slowly before reentering her mouth, making a shiver run down her spine and a moan escape her lips. It always surprised her how passionate he could be, how easily he could make her melt. Of course she had seen his passion for music, but when they were together it was another kind of passion entirely. It was fire, he made her weak on the knees and got her curling her toes.
She was used to be the one with the initiative, the one in control, but with Simón it was different. He somehow always took over, making her putty in his hands. It scared her and thrilled her all the same due to the newness of it all, but the more time she spent with him the more she trusted that she could let herself jump: He would definitely catch her.
Simón was sliding his hands up and down her sides as he kissed her with abandon. He just couldn't get enough of her lips, of the heat of her mouth and her taste, of the way she was holding onto him like she needed an anchor to the world in order not to lose her mind. He felt the same way— Everything felt so good it was like it was a drug. Like he was high on her.
If she was his drug, he'd gladly be using for the rest of his life.
He may had told her to keep the shirt on but he still craved to feel her skin, so he slid his hands under her shirt, marveling with its softness, tracing the curve of her waist. She returned the favor by sliding her own hands under his t-shirt. Her fingers roamed the skin of his back, from his shoulder blades to the waistband of his jeans and back up.
Simón's brain was shutting down. He didn't even know what he was doing anymore, only that he never wanted this moment to end. Judging by how hard she was pressing up to him and how her nails were digging onto his back, he could tell Ámbar felt the same way.
Yeah, they really should stay like this fore—
"Hiiii, we are back. We brought you guys some— OH GOD, REALLY?"
Both sprung apart at the sound of Nico's voice, kinda disoriented. Simón looked back, over his shoulder. Nico and Pedro were standing by the door, looking at them with wide eyes. He turned back around, resting his forehead on Ámbar's shoulder and cursed under his breath.
"This really needs to stop happening," he said, making Ámbar laugh regardless of the situation.
"Guys, for god's sake, if you're gonna do stuff like this, just lock the door or something, we have no interest in watching," Pedro said, covering his eyes in an exaggerated way.
"Or, at the very least, cover yourselves. Have you no shame?" Nico added in a reprimanding tone but it was obvious he was trying not to laugh.
Both sat up quickly, Simón facing the guys and Ámbar hiding her face on his shoulder, embarrassed.
"We weren't doing anything!" He said, rolling his eyes. At least not what they thought. "And why are you here so early anyway?"
Pedro looked at him like he had grown two heads. "It's nine pm."
Simón blinked. "Really?" It'd been that long? Wow.
"Yes, really. Now, come on, I bought some pies at the shop next to Delfi's," Pedro said, showing the bags on his hands and moving towards the table along with Nico. "Although, I think you're probably more in need of a good drink. You know, to clench all that thirst."
Simón threw a cushion at him.
Ámbar's palms went up to cover her face.
While the guys arranged the table for dinner, Simón turned and grabbed Ámbar's hands, uncovering her blushing cheeks. They looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. It was a nervous giggle, but also a happy one.
"Let's go?" He asked. She nodded and he took her left hand in his, pulling her along with him.
They all sat at the table and enjoyed the pastries. Simón sent death glares at the guys, daring them to say anything else. They complied and kept their comments to themselves for Ámbar's sake, the conversation going to safe topics instead, but the minute she was gone, the teasing would be back full force, he just knew it. And god if he didn't already have enough with Luna's.
Just the other day, he had seen her at the Roller and said hi like usual. She'd quickly stopped and done a double-take, like she hadn't seen him there.
"Oh my god, Simón, I didn't recognize you with your t-shirt on!"
He made a face at her. "Ha. Ha. HA."
And that was only one of the many. How he always ended up in these situations, he didn't know. 
It didn't matter though. It was totally worth it.
Through dinner, he and Ámbar exchanged looks. They'd been interrupted in quite a heated make-out session and Simón couldn't help but wonder if it would've gone further had the guys not arrived. By the look on her face, he could tell she was thinking the same thing, but neither was really shaken or disappointed by it all.
There'd be other moments, this was only the beginning. No need to rush into things.
They had all the time in the world.
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Space Ranger Rantings
I found some old photos, laying in storage.  I asked Lindy if she brought them.  She said she didn’t (Station Three-Three).  I miss you, Matt.  Miss you Luke.  Justin. Fro-man (Alex).  And Braden (I hope all of your dreams came true).  I wish you all the best.  I miss you, guys.  I miss all of you.
Books, video games, exercise, television.  These things keep me busy.  Keep my mind off the human being that I’ve ignored for nearly a week, now.  The same human that hasn’t spoken to anyone (maybe to Lindy, when I’m asleep) except her dogs.  Caliman, and Ming.  Caliman is a black and tan Chihuahua mix, of some sort.  Ming, a Brussels Griffon mix (again, the remaining half- undecided). The enjoy nipping at one another; growling and making draw-out dog noises.  I admit, it’s entertaining.  They keep themselves company, and, create their own happiness.  I’m learning from them both.          
           So sometimes I have a beer, or two- or three, when reading.  Or when writing, or, when playing video games.  I still love watching Seinfeld.  Giddyup!  Kramer, Jerry, George, Elaine- Puddy.  Gotta support the team.  I love reading crime/mystery fiction; some horror splashed in, with a nice dousing of science fiction and fantasy.  Graphic novels are a must.  Can’t do without the classics.  Contemporary novels, though, are by far my favorite (genre may vary).  Images appear larger than they actually are.  So there’s that.  And, oh!  Sometimes I’ve been reading to Ming; she loves to listen, and I know, fuck- she gets into the stories.  
           “I find myself alone when each days through”… Johnny Cash, you rock.  But even though you think I’m nothing, I feel like a million bucks (kudos to you, Josh Homme).  Contemporary authors such as Tom Leevin.  What a great writer.  My wishes are that he still exists, somewhere on Earth, in a colony with fellow artists. Writers.  What a guy.  Matthew 16:16.  I thought that was such a brilliant way to put it.  We’re doing are best; we always have, regardless of how well we do what we should.  Oh, and by the way, fuck him.  Yeah, that ass-face.  The one who destroyed the world Earth, with his embodiment of hatred. So what, we’re all alone, when you really think about it.  No one but ourselves.  He gave in; he submitted to the forces that be- the ones that didn’t care for carelessness. Again, we don’t know what were doing. And that means in all ways.  Let it go.  There was this show once, with a princess who became… And there was this snowman who… And… Let it go.
           Yeah, I wish I had kids.  I wish I was married, above the kids.  That I had a badass sidekick, or, rather- I was a sidekick to her badass-ness. Either way would work just fine with me. But, it is what it is (and no, I’m not keeping it stoic).  I’m good with what it is; with, how things turned out, for me.  I’m… Content.  I’m still kicking, never eternally breathing in the shit off the ground where I often lay. Shit, I’m no good at riding horses. But fuck it, I keep getting back in the saddle, again (Gene Autry, you sexy beast, you).  I wear a pirate ring on my left pinky.  Pirates stand tall, against the brutal establishments who told us they were absolute.  Free Masons, carry on.  I mean, people are fucking idiots.  Moronic dumb shits.  Completely relentless in guarding their ego’s.  There not rangers, nor were they trained to become such.  Their just fucking, careless.  I feel a much better justice would be a glass bottle through the rear window of the vehicle they own, but hey- that’s just me.  Or blowing out all four of their tires.  Or breaking… A… Never mind; I’ll keep that one to meself.  
           She’s pretty.  In-shape. Strawberry blond hair (redhead). She has a few freckles around her nose and eyes, cheeks.  I bet she hates them.  I think…. Stop it, D.  Stop it now. Any possibility of what I wanted happening is in the past.  That’s it. Nothing more.  Never again.  
           Smoking Pipe tobacco is a pass time.  It tastes so amazing, when it’s fresh.  I guess they have tobacco crops on Station Three-Three.  Good for them, better for me.  I’m the one flying in space with a pain in my ass, her two immensely laughable (in a loving way) dogs, and a goddamn machine, made to look like a human (no offense, Lindy- you know I love you).  Drinking beers is so much fun.  It’s so easy to just, have like, a lot.  And guess what?  I’m on a space craft, so- no one really cares!  It’s all good, in the space hood (and there’s so many of those, its ridiculous when trying to count).  I do play the guitar to keep my mind off the stupidly sexy… The woman who’s a jerk, and… I play blues chords, and keep it to an A scale.  Sometimes I wander off into other scales, so, you know, that’s always fun.
           Five decades of plumbing.  Who fucking cares, commercial?  Oh… Wait. That’s Love it or List it.  They’re re-runs, but hey.  It works.  (Setting that kitchen into success (some words omitted due to the intake of beers)) chyeah.  Hilary is not magical; she does not have a wand.  I think Shannon understands where I’m coming from.  It’s a nice area… Who gives two dog shits?  Oh, I like cussing.  I enjoy it.  Always have, since I was just a wee little wanker.  It’s fun to make fun of English people (from the G.B.).  They’re so polite, while at the same time being so snarky (all in good elegant manner, my dears).  Dear reader, I haven’t spoken directly to you, in a fresh minute. Well, that’s all I have to say to you. Have fun with that.  Tell me more when I’m back on here, and- oh that’s right. I won’t receive your nonsensical message.  HA! Well, not ha.  It’s kind of sad to only have Lindy to speak with.  I speak with Ming.  Sometimes Caliman.  That slut I mean that woman in the room down the hall.  I probably should talk with her.  Not her fault she’s a floozy.  Ah hell; I’m way more of a floozy.  I’m just hoping she’s also… Never mind.  Better that than some irritating princess.  Fucking princesses; make me want to strum strings that make my room jostle. But another floozy, well.  I’d hit chords that made the crowd scream until their throats became hoarse, and raw.  Lose your vocal chords kinda stuff.  That’s what I want.  That would be aces, sweet tea.  A little extra help for a fellow floozy.   Because she’s move-in ready.  So am I. And what the fuck, who else besides Lindy and the dogs?  I’m not jealous.  Ming can get it if she allows her to.  So can Caliman for all I’m concerned.  Lindy you dirty robot.  I knew you were more than a bunch of mechanical bits and pieces conformed into a shapely piece of metal.  Take a walk big guy.  
           I walk down the hall towards the little lady’s room. “Hey, I wanted to ask you about.. You, and, uh.. See if you wanted to, maybe, have a beer or two, or three?”  She smiles. That’s all I need to know, for now.
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