hide-in-imagination · 8 hours
No se si soy solo yo pero So High school de tay me recuerda a simbar, en especial esa parte que dice “you know how to ball” “i know aristotle” pq ambar puede patinar y simon escribe musica no se si me doy a entender sjdkwks
ksnjd yo igual pensé un poco en Simbar pero es que yo asocio todo a Simbar, así que 😂😂
"I'll drink what you think and I'm high from smokin' your jokes all damn night" (Simón sí o sí haría bromas todo el tiempo para hacerla reír)
"Get my car door, isn't that sweet? Then pull me to the backseat, No one's ever had me, not like you" (Simón es el tipo de chico que te abriría la puerta del auto (y lo de llevarla al asiento trasero, pues...🙊))
"Brand-new, full throttle, Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto, It's true, swear, scout's honor, You knew what you wanted and, boy, you got her" (Simón creyó en ella aun cuando todos le decían que se olvidara y al final todo resultó como él predijo <3)
"I feel like laughin' in the middle of practice, Do that impression you did of your dad again, I'm hearing voices like a madman" (De nuevo Ámbar tan feliz que no podría evitar reírse sola :'))
Básicamente, todo suena muy dulce y por eso me hace pensar en Simbar jajaja
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Following the other anon ask, I have a similar story for the quieres saber de qué tengo ganas scene. I was watching it in French and Ambar goes saying "dis-moi que tu meures pas d'envie de chanter avec moi" which translates to " tell me you're not dying to sing with me" My mother, passing by, understood "dis-moi que tu meures pas d'envie de COUCHER avec moi" --> Tell me you're not dying to have sex with me. My mother's face qsdfghjk
Ok but, being 100% honest, you could change the original dialogue, put that one in, and the scene would have the exact same meaning. No one would notice the difference Is2g 
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This is one of those times when it becomes painfully obvious that I've never been in love because the mental gymnastics you all do when you're in love is something I can't even phantom, like, this is a whole new level of stupid I can't even reach with imagination.
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Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority”
and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person”
and they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.
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Oh no, I dug my own grave, I can't get out of this now skjdnfk
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Can I ask how is your best friend to lovers is gonna be set up? Like, are they gonna be childhood friends, or maybe they become friends in Soy Luna universe and they become besties (which I'd love btw bc I hate Luna).... Idk, how is it gonna be?
Hi! Well, some years ago I wrote this oneshot called 'Misery Loves Company' and I mentioned in the author notes that I imagined that, after the events of said oneshot, the story could go two different ways: as a Best Friends to Lovers AU or as a Fake Relationship AU. So I'm basically taking that oneshot as the starting point for both ♡
(Feel free to talk to me about your hatred of Luna because same, anon, same)
But now your question's got me thinking- what if they had met before? I don't know if to the point of calling each other childhood friends, but if Ámbar went to their summer house in Cancún often enough, she and Simón could've crossed paths at some point. Huh. Imagine the possibilities. What if little Ámbar had a crush but she never saw that boy again until OH MY he shows up in the Roller years later? Or what if Little Simón had a crush and same thing happened? That's cute.
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I'm rereading your catalogue for the 546443 time so lemme just ask.... Light on or lights off? Ps: You write amazing amut
Hi! Thank you so much for rereading💕💕 It means a lot.
Also, thank you for saying I write amazing smut. It was a real challenge for me and I'm still not sure if I'm at the level I wish to achieve, so every encouragement counts 💕
Now for your question... would it be cheating if I suggest a mid point between the two? hahah. Like, lights off but the nightstand lamp is on, so there's a bit of warm luminescence but not much, kind of like candlelight. I think that looks romantic. Or, if it's during the day, the lights could be off and the drapes closed over the windows, but there's a bit of sunlight filtering through the spaces in the drapes, so again, not complete darkness, but just enough light to see your partner and have a nice intimate atmosphere ♡
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The Great Man Theory of Choujin X
In Crime and Punishment, the 1866 novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky the main character Raskolnikov schemes to murder and rob an elderly pawnbroker. The reason he wants to murder this pawnbroker is not just because he is in debt, but to prove his theory of mankind. For Raskolnikov, all men are divided into two categories: ordinary and extraordinary. The ordinary man has to live in submission and has no right to transgress the law because he is ordinary. On the contrary, extraordinary men have the right to commit any crime and to transgress the law in any way. We have seen this ethical argument play out again and again in Choujin X in the past few chapters of Choujin X, so I think it's time to take a closer look under the cut.
In Raskolnikov's view extraordinary men are extaordinary they are men who have the gift or talent to alter the world. It is the extraordinary men who forge civilizations to new heights of achievements. Therefore it is the extraordinary man who has the inner right to decide whether to overstep any law or any obstacle that stands in the way of the practical fulfillment of his ideas.
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Sato, Tokio's mentor refers to great men of history in a similiar way, as if they were some kind of oppressed class who the laws that protected the masses only hindered.
Choujin, by Sato's viewpoint have the right to transgress the law because the law is made to regulate the masses, that is ordinary humans and not Choujin. By drawing a line between those without superpowers who are in the majority, and those with powers who are in the minority, Sato is dividing humans and Choujin into two separate categories and saying Choujin are inherently superior and have the right to transgress. That he has the right to transgress, because he has a power he was born with.
"I simply hinted that an extaordinary man has the right... that is not the official right, but an inner right to decide in his own conscience to overstep... certain obstacles, and in only case it is essential for the practical fulfillment of his idea (sometimes, perhaps, of benefit to the whole of humanity.) .... I maintain that if the discoveries of Kepler and Newton could not have been made known except by sacrificing the lives of one, a dozen, a hundred or more men, Newton would have had that right, would indeed have been duty-bound to eliminate the dozen or the hundred men for the sake of making his discovery known to all of humanity. But it does not follow from that Newton had a right to murder people right and left and to steal every day in the market. Then, I remember, I maintained in my article that all... well, legislators and leaders of men, such as Lycrugus, Napoleon, and so on were all without exception crimminals [...] in fact many of these benfactors and leaders of humanity were guilty of terrible carnage."
What Raskolnikov is describing here fits the description of the Nietzschian Ubermensch to a T, and in fact it was Crime and Punishment that served as an inspiration for Nietzsche's philosophy.
However, Raskolnikov in the book is far from the Nietzschian ideal. He's described as perpetually gloomy, overly anxious, constantly sick, he's incredibly in debt, barely leaves his house, faints at the drop of a hat. He's no crimminal genius either as when he finally pulls off the crime that he spends the first third of the book plotting he (1) makes a mistake and has to kill a witness, (2) doesn't even rob the pawn broker just grabs a bunch of her stuff and runs (3) takes all the jewlery he took and buries it under a rock and never touches it again.
Clearly, we're working with a crimminal mastermind here.
"A hundred thousand good deeds could be done and helped, on that old woman's money which will be buried in a monastery! Hundreds, thousands, perhaps, might be set on the right path, dozens of families saved from destitution, from ruin, from vice. Kill her, take her money, and with the help of it devote oneself to the service of humanity and the good of all. What do you think, would not one tiny crime be wiped out by thousands of good deeds?"
Raskolnikov's logic is that he will commit one crime and then use the money for the betterment of humanity, only to axe murder a defenseless old lady, a defenseless simpleton, and bury that money under a rock. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned here.
Charity is just Raskolnikov's justification, his true motive for his crime is to prove his great man theory, and that he's capable of being one of those extraordinary individuals that can change the world by having the werewithal to commit a murder. Raskolnikov wants to divide humanity into superior and inferior, extraordinary and ordinary, and he wants to be in the superior category.
"Thank you, but tell me this. How do you distinguish those extraordinary people from the ordinary ones? Are there signs at their births? I feel there ought to be more exactitude, more external definition. Excuse the natural anxiety of practical law-abiding citizens, but couldn't they adopt a special uniform, for instance, couldn't they wear something, be branded in some way? For you know if confusion arises and a member of one category imagines he belongs to the other, begins 'eliminating obstacles" as you so happily express then..."
In the story the police officer who is hunting Raskolnikov begins easily pointing out the many flaws in Rask's theory of dividing people into two discrete categories. Fortunately for Sato, in Choujin X he has something that is determined for him at birth that he thinks marks him above the laws and restrictions of ordinary people.
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Sato's argument is not that they're going to save more people by taking the route that they're doing, but rather because they are born as Choujin they have an inherent superiority to other people that makes it so the rules don't apply ot them. Having superpowers apparently gives you a moral imperative no matter what those powers are.
Before going further onto the scene I want to remind you that Tokyo Ghoul Ishida's previous work is one of the few works that has ever gruesomely depicted what an evil thing torture is onscreen. It leaves permanent scars in both the main character, and everyone the main character goes onto hurt after the fact.
Jack Bauer Syndrome: Hollywood's Depiction of the National Security Law opens like this.
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This "ends justify the means" ideology, or "right to transgress for the greater good" is an idea soaked in our culture, it doesn't just show up in Crime and Punishment and Choujin X. After justifying himself this way, Sato then proceeds to do something which is more or less just torture.
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After Palma (willingly cooperating I might add) slices both of her arms up to try to raise a witness from the dead, Sato then orders her neck to be cut open so she can continue to bleed more, in spite of Azuma and later Tokio's protests. The only one who seems to call out his ethical higher viewpoint before he starts torturing her is Azuma.
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Now, let's say that everything didn't go Sato's way. If Palma just died, or if she'd chaosified and hurt or even killed everyone in the room would Sato have faced any sort of consequence whatsoever? Was he willing to take responsibility if things went wrong? Would have he willingly gone to prison for murdering a person who still has civil rights even if she's currently their prisoner?
I doubt it.
You would think someone with a higher moral imperative, would also hold themselves to that same ethical standard. However, for Sato freedom from restraints under the law also seems to mean freedom from consequences. If Palma had died here, then I doubt Sato would have faced any legal consequences for his actions or have had his power restricted in any way. So, isn't it lucky that everything just happened to work out?
Choujin X seems in part to be deconstructing this very Jack Bauery "It's okay to torture people because that was the only way to stop the ticking bomb and save everyone, and the ends justify the means every single time" kind of logic, with it's discussion of fate, prophecies and Yamato Mori, and Sora Shihouin's role in history.
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The bird that Tokio talks to is the first character to put the suggestion that maybe none of the prophecies true, they're only true because people have faith in them because they want to think there's a sure thing in life.
Sora's absolute confidence in her prophecies and the ideas of a pre-determined future, lead her to committ atrocities in the name of averting future disasters she is absolutely sure is going to happen.
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What's 200,000 deaths if Sora was averting the millions of dead she saw in her visions?
From a simple, utilitarian trolley problem perspective if you were to ask most people on the street "Would it be okay to sacrifice 200,000 people if it saved ten million" they'd say yes just based on the numbers. Partially because the human mind cannot even comprehend death on that scale.
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However, the problem with utilitarianism nothing is definite. The ends do not justify the means if the means themselves are uncertain. It's easy to say it's okay to sacrifice 200,000 for 10,000,000 but there was no saying for sure that ten million were actually going to die.
Sora saw one thing. Mado saw another thing. For all we know they could have both been wrong. There's no indication that Choujin X takes place in a deterministic universe with a fixed future, especially since there are multiple seers having different visions which would imply the opposite of that. That there's not one predetermined fate. Sora went and killed those people on the hypothetical possibility that there MIGHT be a disaster in the future she was trying to avert.
Sora was Jack Bauering all over the continent of Anitise. She had to torture those people, otherwise the bomb was going to go off. That only happens in fiction though, becaues study after study after study shows up torture and abuse in prison does not in fact save the day. For the most part it doesn't even happen under dire circumtsances, it happens because guards, police, and authorities are give too much power under the people they keep imprisoned. It's not an ethically dubious way of attaining information to save the day, it's just a common, everyday, abuse of power.
Sora believes just as Sato does, that having power gave her the inherent right to transgress.
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Sato is beginning to more and more hint that the power that Choujins have give them the right to transgress. In a sick way Sora began to mirror Queem in her actions later on in life.
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They both became opium addicts. They both fought and fought and fought until they lost the ability to maintain their human form. They both invaded someone else's sovereign territory, instigated a war, and then committed genocide.
Most of all they both believe in their own superiority. While Queem believed in Choujin Supremacy seeing himself as a conqueror and a warlord, Sora has a savior complex, invading foreign territories under the dubious reasoning of "saving them" and committing atrocities that look like modern-day religious crusades.
Why did both of them do what they did?
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Because they believed the power they had gave them the right to transgress, and because other people who believed the same went along with their actions and helped them.
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Holii, como crees que Simon y los valente reaccionen si Ambar le dce que esta embarazada, obviamente Ambar le dijo a Simon primero en privado. Tambien digamos como que esto paso por accidente pq es como finales de la temporada 3
Mal sdkjfnks
O sea, estamos hablando de una chica que apenas tiene 19 años. Técnicamente es mayor de edad, pero para mí, y para los demás adultos, todavía cuenta como adolescente. Y los dos tienen recursos como para acceder a anticonceptivos y cuentan con un montón de información en internet, así que no habría justificación para un embarazo accidental, a menos que tuvieran muuuucha mala suerte. Todo el mundo estaría como "Pero ¿ustedes son idiotas??" Tipo, ¿cómo tan irresponsables???
Quizás a Ámbar la tratarían más suave porque ya tendría suficientes problemas, pero a Simón lo harían mierda sdkjfn. Su mamá volaría desde México solo para pegarle, no estoy bromeando sdkfn.
Los únicos que quizás estarían felices serían Alfredo, porque en sus tiempos las niñas se casaban a esa edad, o incluso más jóvenes, y tenían hijos, así que él no lo encontraría tan raro, y Mónica solo por ser Mónica. A sus ojos, un hije nunca podría ser algo malo, por muy inoportuno que fuese.
Obvio que con el tiempo ya la gente lo aceptaría y serían positivos porque no les quedaría de otra, pero ¿en primera instancia? Sería un desastre sjdkfn.
Simón sí la apoyaría desde un principio, obvio, pero estaría muerto de miedo, por obvias razones, y confundido (porque se cuidaron entonces ¿cómo??), y abrumado, y se sentiría muy mal consigo mismo por no tener ningún recurso económico qué aportar, onda, el pobre vive de mesero, ¿qué futuro le puede dar a su future hije y a Ámbar así??
Como dije, un desastre sdkjfn. Pero eventualmente estaría todo bien. Luna le prometió la mitad de la fortuna a Ámbar después de todo, así que con eso se podrían mantener, y la Roller Band tendría que recibir un contrato con una disquera y ahí Simón se sentiría menos miserable😅
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OMG I meant to say cruel summer but yess I have been trying to fantasize about how cruel summer will endddddd
A meteor strikes the Earth and everyone dies ♡
sdfkjn just kidding, it will be fine, I promise😂
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The fact that I was writing and I had to pause to listen to "How Did It End?" because I felt like it was perfect for the scene........
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You know what? I see a lot of people praising your dominant Simón, and I love him too, but I haven't seen anyone point out that he is... I don't know if ashamed is the right word, but it's funny reading things like "Ambar melted under his touch and he threw decorum out the window" or "in the nights where the excitement and haze of arousal shredded all shame and sense" like, you'd think he's thinking about the kinkiest kink of the kinks, but he's just talking about doggy 🤣🤣. I don't know, it's cute. His romantic side can't fathom the thought of not being face to face or going to a love hotel, but he's dominant side wins sometimes. I wonder how far he could take it before he's romantic side intervenes and be like... What are you doing, you dirty dog? 🤣🤣
HAHAHAH Exactly! You get it! 😂
Anything beyond missionary and romantically staring into each other's eyes seems like too much for him 😂😂 At least at first; he's been relaxing a bit with time. But he definitely had this idea, prior to Ámbar, of like, you know, soft loving, 'making love', so whenever it gets rougher and it's more about the pleasure than the feelings he's like "Is this okay? Am I using Ámbar? Am I objectifying her too much? I should be more respectful than this. But she seems to enjoy it. And goddd, it feels good." 🤣🤣
Basically, as always, he's trying very hard to be good. You know, a good person, a good boyfriend-- respectful, kind, caring-- and he's still figuring out what classifies as 'good' in the sexual aspect of their relationship skdjfn. Which, you know, it's perfectly okay! It's about two people, after all, and about getting to know each other, so let's not bully him too much for feeling 'ashamed'-- They just started this relationship and it's their first time being with someone that they love, so they'll learn each other's limits together❤️
(I mean, if he had just straight up bent her over, pulled her hair, and spit in her mouth like 'yeah bitch, take it', I don't know about you, but I wouldn't believe it, like, that's not Simón skdjn. IT HAS TO BE IN CHARACTHER, GUYS!!)
'I wonder how far he could take it before his romantic side intervenes', yeah, I wonder too🤔 Because it also comes down to personal preference, and I'm pretty sure he's not into BDSM, so he would never go that far skjdfn. Then again, everyone's got a different definition of 'far'-- Some people like being slapped and choked, others would call that violence, some people like to be humiliated or called a 'whore' or a 'slut', others would walk away immediately if that happened. So yeah, I don't know, what do you consider far? Pet play? Blood play? Piss kink?
(Simón would do neither of those btw ksjdfn)
I don't think Ámbar would like getting slapped or choked. Maybe spanking? Maybe Simón could tie her to the bed, play with the control that would give him, add some toys into the mix like a vibrator-- I feel like that's as far as they would get 😂 But again, not immediately, I think they'd have to date for at least a year sdjkfn.
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this might be my favourite reaction to ttpd
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TAYLOR SWIFT Lead single music videos + close-up shots
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