#oh but what's the point of having a shadow banned blog if not for stroking my ego this late at night
dollya-robinprotector · 9 months
The sweetest, sweetest feeling
Is knowing full well that I draw better, understand anatomy better, and improving faster than them...
Sweet, sweet feeling, making me try harder, learn better, and practice with such high determination.
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ladynightmare913 · 4 years
Red Rose, Blood Moon
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Welcome to Chapter 7! This is an original inspired by the tale of  Red Riding Hood. I would like to say a special thank you to my best friend and co-author Olivia ( @asunshinepuff ​ )for joining me on in writing this world onto paper. 
CW: There is a brief mention of implied intercourse. You have been warned!
This story contains only original characters created by Olivia and myself. For those of you who want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask to me or Olivia on her blog. If you have any questions, theories, or curiosities about any of our characters or how the story will progress, send them to the ask box!
Now without further adieu!
Chapter 7: The Necklace
The hunters lead Rosabella and Bardolph to their village. The hunter hurriedly ushered Rosabella into his home, leading her up the stairs and into the room where his wife rested. Rosabella lifted the back of her hand to her nose, the room smelled foul. The scent of rotting herbs overwhelmed her. She looked over to the woman who was bed ridden.
The woman was deathly pale, her skin was clammy, her eyes were sunken and when she tried to speak, her voice croaked. Rosabella looked at the hunter who stared at his wife in silent grief at the state of her. “How long has she been like this?”
“Months, it wasn’t this bad at first. But it got worse over time, she says it feels like someone is stabbing her on her back.” 
Rosabella’s eyes scanned over the room, lowering her hand, she followed the scent of rotten herbs. She suspected the cause of his wife’s sudden illness. “What do you smell?” Rosabella asked the men. 
They looked amongst themselves, some sniffed the air. Shaking their heads. The hunter spoke. “Nothing.” 
Rosabella merely nodded, “I see,” she crouched down to her knees, bending over to look under the bed. She smirked when she found what she was looking for. She stood back up with an object in hand. Turning to the hunters, she opened her gloved palm, showing a dark purple pouch covered in markings. 
“This is the cause of your wife’s illness.” She spoke. 
The hunters all frowned, trying to get a closer look at the small pouch. “What is it?” 
“It’s a witch’s pouch. A witch can hex anyone with it from a great distance. It’s filled with cursed and rotten herbs like Voodoo Lily. Those flowers smell awful, and over time, can cause extreme pain.” Rosabella paused, looking amongst the hunters. “Someone cursed your wife.” 
The hunter frowned, the others began to mutter to themselves. Rosabella pushed past them, walking to the fireplace down stairs. She tossed the pouch into the burning flames. “Your wife should recover soon.”
“Who would do this to her?” The hunter asked.
Rosabella only gave a sympathetic glance. “It could be anyone, someone in the village could hold a grudge against your wife, and went to see a witch to get this pouch. I suggest you track down who might have done this.” 
The hunters nodded in agreement, a weak call from upstarts startled them, the hunter who’s name was called on their wife’s lips raced upstairs. She was already starting to recover.  
The hunters gave the huntress many thanks, Rosabella bashfully accepted their kind words. Bardolph whistled. “My lady, you truly are a maiden of many talents.” He grinned.  
“Why thank you Bardolph, but my talents are the product of years of study and experience. I still have much to learn.”  
“But of course.” He bowed his head. 
Rosabella rolled her eyes, catching sight of a woman walking towards then. She was a short woman with brown eyes, which widened at the sight of Bardolph. “You, don’t I-”
“Bonjour my lady, I am Bardolph Sinclair,” He grabs her hand, a smirk on his lips. “Au chanté mademoiselle.”
The woman flushed, “My word monsieur, you are too bold.”  
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Rosabella chuckled, quickly taking her leave when Bardolph called after her. 
Rosabella ignored him. Looking up at the moon, she deemed that it would be hours before she needed to return to the inn. She decided to go for a stroll in the woods. She’ll come back for Bardolph after. 
The night air was crisp and cool, Rosabella breathed in the fresh air. Twirling slowly as she gazed upon at the moon. A smile graced her face. Looking down, she stopped. An inaudible gasp escaped her. A fawn walked towards her, its nose twitching as it sniffed the air. Rosabella slowly crouched down, offering her hand. A bright smile on her face.
The fawn trotted over to her happily, licking her face, Rosabella laughed in joy. 
“Oh what a sweet thing you are!” She spoke softly, gently stroking it’s head. The fawn began to suckle her hand. 
“Oh little fawn, I have no milk to give you,” Rosabella looked over the fawn, her eyes scanning the forest, “Where is your mother?” 
A twig snapped, Rosabella gasped, turning quickly. Her heart raced, she hadn’t heard anyone following her. She searched for anyone hiding in the shadows, sniffing the air, she frowned. This scent, it was familiar. Where had she smelled it before? 
She wasn’t given a chance to ponder on her questions, the fawn trotted away from her, its tail wagging happily. “Wait I-” The fawn didn’t stop, only jumping into the brush. Rosabella humed in thought. Perhaps the fawn head it’s mother calling for it. Taking a deep breath, Rosabella continued her walk. 
She returned to the village when the moon was making its final light in the sky. Rosabella followed Bardolph’s scent, which was mostly ash and earth. But his scent was everywhere, so Rosabella decided to wait outside of the hunter’s home. 
The scent of ashe and earth reached Rosabella before Bardolph walked towards her briskly. Rosabella’s brows rose as she leaned on the wall of the house, her arms crossed. His lips were swollen, his hair was a mess, a dark purple bruise lined his collarbone, and looked out of breath. He was tucking in his shirt. A musky scent lingered on him, and the scent of the woman from earlier. Her nose crinkled. 
“Have an eventful night Bardolph?” She raised a quizzical brow. He responded with a weak laugh. 
“Why don’t we just head on back to the inn, hmm?” He smiled before he walked ahead. 
Rosabella shook her head as she walked silently behind him. Glaring at his head. He seemed to notice, he looked back at her. 
“Surely you can understand a man has needs Mademoiselle.” He chuckled awkwardly. 
Rosabella didn’t dignify him with a response, only raising an unimpressed brow. Bardolph sigh, about to turn around his eyes, caught the necklace on her neck. He frowned. 
“Where did you get that?” His eyes narrowed. 
“Get what?” Rosabella frowned in return. 
“That necklace.” He pointed to her chest. 
Rosabella eyed him skeptically, her hand gently grasped her necklace. Her fingers tracing over the gold antlers and ruby, “It was found on me as a babe. I do not know where it comes from. I like to believe it was my mother’s.” 
Bardolph stared at the necklace for a long while, “I had not noticed it before,” he muttered. He cleared his throat, seeming to come back to himself. “Forgive me, it’s just. I have only ever seen that necklace once before. It was thought to have been missing.” 
Rosabella looked at her necklace. Why would it have thought to be missing, unless… 
“Do you know this necklace?” Her eyes tracked every move he made. Maybe, just maybe, he would know where it came from, it may even lead her to her family. 
“No, but even if I did, it’s probably a fake.” He shrugged and continued on his way. 
Rosabella frowned. That was, quite rude. Rather insulting actually, to insinuate that her own mother left her a cheap copy of an original necklace. But, Red hadn’t said anything about it. Her head tilted as she walked, deep in thought. If what Red said was true, about him being older than that sixty year old man, which she sincerely doubted, he might know about her necklace. 
Red had said he was a traveler, he might have answers for her. Answers that might lead her to learning about her past. And if Bardolph’s reaction to it was anything to go by, it was indeed something travelers knew about, since he too was a traveler. But again, why hadn’t Red said anything about it?
Rosabella froze, the back of her hair stood on end, she felt as though someone was watching her. She looked around behind her, but there was no one there. Taking a breath she faced forward once more and paused, Bardolph was watching her from the window of the inn. She exhaled slowly. Why did Bardolph alarm her so?
The next day, Bardolph was nowhere to be found, and so Rosabella was alone in the carriage, not that she minded. She was relieved actually. It took another two days before they finally reached Paris. There Rosabella hugged the old man goodbye and went about her way back to her village. 
When she was about to enter the gate, she could hear a loud gasp and was suddenly enveloped with a near bone crushing hug. Rosabella laughed in joy. Cassandra pulled away with a smile and her own laughter, Felis was smiling. 
 “Where have you been? We’ve looked for you for days! I tried to track you with my magic but-”
“Let’s just say Royce has forever banned us from the kitchen.” Felis interjected. 
Cassandra elbowed Felis in his stomach, muttering about how he was a traitor. Rosabella laughed, overjoyed to hear their familiar bickering. A loud yipping raced toward her, looking down she saw Nox running straight at her.
“Nox!” Her arms opened wide as the Russian Sable jumped into her waiting arms. “Oh Nox, you have no idea how much I missed you.” 
Nox licked her cheek, giving her wet kisses as he walked over her arm to take his rightful place on her neck. Rosabella chuckled while Cassandra smiled at her sister, Lumi was perched on her shoulder. Rosabella hugged Cassandra once more, she spoke, “Oh Cassandra, I have so much to tell you.” 
Cassandra nodded. “Tell me everything.” 
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