#Felis Marin
polyphonial-old · 2 years
where's that one corey post abt shoulders when u need it
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felikatze · 1 year
ig i liked prime but my main complaint would absolutely be how it sidelines actually interesting characters in favor of more generic fighting. like in s1 shadow obviously but in s2 nine is relegated to background technobabble mostly and the scenes he has ARE impactful for his character development but he really only comes back in ep7. and shadow is AGAIN sidelined for basically no reason. he has ep1 to Exposition and comes back ALSO only for the season finale. and rusty has great development at the beginning of the season with the pirates and black rose that really capitalizes on where she left off at s1, but then she's also stuck in the pirate dimension and can, AGAIN, only come back for the finale.
anyway yeah can we have less fight scenes actually. it felt like CONSTANTLY characters had to run off and buy time so only sonic can do something actually relevant. it really slows down the pacing of the actually good moments and the chaos council fights are the least fun part about them. i honestly feel the chaos council works best when they're not talking to sonic at all. their best scenes are all just bickering with each other, because they play off each other well, but terribly off anyone else. also the baby is the worst one. no competition.
chaos sonic is the MOST fun antagonist of the season. and he is here for. two episodes. yeah okay.
anyway. yeah. sonic prime is good and i like it but a lot of characters r one note and get too much screentime for how bland they are and the actually cool characters get a scene here and there and only converge to make the finale good.
considering the finale i do hope it hones in on the dramatic elements. like obvs how's the finale gonna affect sonic, how does sonic facing comeupance for his mistakes affect his dynamic with shadow, can shadow interact with LITERALLY ANYBODY besides sonic. like ever.
i will say dread was amazing this season. no complaints. he gets a decent amount of focus but he's actually fun in how horrid he is and only gets worse. he's like that bitch from lord of the rings. my precious type beat. fantastic. why the fuck did they cut the dread v knux fight though that would've been actually cool.
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firewalker · 9 months
Dobbiamo parlare di gatti
Sono sicuro che c'è un padrone o una padrona di gatto o gatti tra chi mi segue, e forse questo post non sarà di suo gradimento. La faccio breve.
TL;DR: non fate uscire il gatto da casa, tenetelo dentro.
Versione lunga.
Su Nature Communications è stata pubblicata una revisione della letteratura riguardante l'impatto del gatto domestico (Felis catus) sul regno animale. L'articolo è stato riassunto da Fanpage in italiano. Le revisioni sono pubblicazioni scientifiche che cercano di fare il punto sulla conoscenza attuale di un dato argomento. Gli studiosi hanno esaminato 533 studi precedenti e hanno identificato oltre 2000 specie animali predate dai gatti in tutto il mondo (per la precisione 2084).
Mettendo insieme tutti i dati, i risultati sono questi:
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Se pensate che i gatti servano per catturare i topi, ebbene sbagliate. La prima preda, in assoluto, del micio è un uccello, non un mammifero. In tutto il mondo, i gatti fanno strage di uccelli, quando va bene i mammiferi sono la seconda scelta, globalmente sono la terza (preferiscono i rettili). E tra i mammiferi, si specifica nell'articolo, non ci sono solo topi e ratti, ma anche mammiferi di grandi dimensioni, perché al gatto non è che interessi poi tanto se deve catturare un animale o può cibarsi di una carcassa: anche fosse un toro non gli farebbe schifo.
Eh, ma tanto, cosa vuoi che sia? Il gatto ha sempre portato un regalino, è la loro natura
Sì, certo, è la loro natura. Assassina. Altro grafico tratto dallo studio:
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Al gatto non frega niente se quella che ha puntato è una specie comune o è in via di estinzione. Consideriamo che globalmente le specie predate a basso rischio sono il 75%, aggiungiamo un 10% di specie incerte (che non significa che siano a basso rischio, significa che non sono state valutate con certezza, ma consideriamole ottimisticamente). Abbiamo quindi che il gatto risulta un fattore di rischio di estinzione per il 15% delle specie predate. Considerando le 2000 specie complessive circa, abbiamo quindi 300 specie minacciate dal gatto domestico. E non è un problema solo dell'Australia, ma anche dell'Europa (che magari non arriva al 15%, ma di poco)
Il gatto domestico è nella lista delle 100 specie invasive più dannose al mondo, e c'è un motivo. Interessante notare anche la taglia della preda del gatto:
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La maggior parte delle prede è intorno ai 5 kg (quanto pesa il vostro gatto?), ma come dicevo prima non si salvano nemmeno i bovini, o anche gli emu, le tartarughe marine o anfibi giganti come la rana toro: i gatti sono anche spazzini.
Quando guardate il vostro gatto e pensate che è così carino, ricordatevi che il suo fascino è quello di Ted Bundy.
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utouchmycookie · 2 years
I was briefly considering redoing a very old Percy Jackson fic I found that was terribly written but had a great plot. It was my own, to clarify, and from the era of Wattpad that was filled with ---line breaks--- and naming these dots: •. The era that I remember for having an account called Leo and the Whale Watchers that would call out, "WHALE" in the comments whenever this -_- emoticon showed up in a fic they were reading.
Anyways. This fic was probably eight-ish years old, and since then I have learned many things. I am using that knowledge here. FYI: I am not assuming anyone here doesn't know biology, I am just putting it here so anyone who doesn't has access to it without research.
Taxonomical Ranks are used to assess relatedness and group species together. From most vague to most specific we have: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. Scientific names are always Genus species. For reference, the taxonomy of a human is Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primate, Hominidae, Homo sapien.
This is all to say, I have officially made a list of what Oceanic Animals would actually be the equivalent of, based on behavior and phylogeny (def.: relatedness of distant species based on most recent common ancestor), as someone studying to become an ethologist (def.: a scientist who studies animal behavior) and mammalogist (def.: a scientist who studies mammals). Gotta be flexible in this career field, Individuals.
Without further ado:
Dogs - Pinnipeds! Seals/Sea Lion/Walruses
Phylogeny: Like all marine mammals, Pinnipeds shared a land mammal ancestor that went back into the water. Pinnipeds are thought to share an ancestral species in the Carnivora order that diverged into modern day weasel-like creatures aside from the Pinnipeds.
Behavior: Pinnipeds have been used to help with an assortment of tasks for generations. Although they've never been tamed (def.: consistently willing to work with humans) in any larger amount than small, captive populations (def.: a group of individuals of the same species generally isolated from others of the species for whatever reason), they've shown willingness to work with humans and intelligence akin to that of their fellow "higher order" carnivorous mammals like dogs. However, they are more social than cats or bears.
Cats - Octopi
Phylogeny: These guys are very distantly related. Very distantly related. They only share a Kingdom - Animalia. However, octopi being invertebrates hardly makes them unintelligent.
Behavior: All types of cats are related at the Family level, and although we're mainly focusing on Felis catus - the domesticated cat - all cats are pretty behaviorally similar. They're mostly independent (although Felis catus, like all other cats, will often have overlapping territory - but territory differs wildly from home range despite their interchangeable usage by media - and lions lives in prides), they love boxes, they are attracted to catnip, and they're aggressive ambush predators. Octopi are individualistic, will fit through anything bigger than their beak, love to mess with humans, and are aggressive predators.
Horses - Whales
Phylogeny: These guys are probably way more related than you realized. Both are mammals, and although they are different Orders, that's more a matter of evolution than lack of relatedness. The most recent true terrestrial ancestor of all modern whale species (which, btw, include both baleen - Sub-Order: Mysticete - and toothed whales - Sub-Order: Odontocete -, and the Odontocete Family of Dolphins - Delphinidae - include Orcas/Killer Whales) was an Artiodactyla, which is the still existent Order horses (Family: Equidae) fall under.
Behavior: Horses have very high emotional intelligence and a distinct hierarchical system due to their very sociable nature that's incredibly similar to whales. For one, both species are matriarchal - or led by elder females - and both have a distinct male leader who seems to be in charge of breeding (in general. Animal groups tend to be far more complex than people give them credit for). Both tend to be migratory.
Birds - Turtles
Phylogeny: I'm going to blow. Your. Minds. Based on genetic comparisons... There is actually only one marine species on here more closely related than these two. Genetic comparisons have shown that scientists made a crazy mistake due to basing phylogeny in phenotypes (def.: physical appearance). The fossil record indicates after amphibians came lizards, and snakes are variations of lizards that have slowly speciated in their own direction. Meanwhile, turtles (including tortoises - all tortoises are turtles, not all turtles are tortoises) and crocodiles/alligators/caimans speciated in another direction, with a more recent common ancestor to bird than to lizards.
Behavior: I've never owned a bird, but I know a bit about them. However, no one has studied sea turtle behavior outside of egg-laying much yet, but I can see a sea turtle having a likeness to them.
Reptiles - Fish
Phylogeny: We just covered Bird/Reptile relatedness, and while we're going backwards here... Fish are more related to reptiles than sharks.
Behavior: I imagine owning a fish in the sea is rather like owning a reptile on land. Especially since while most of my icthy-based knowledge is freshwater, I do know there are a species of fish found in coral reefs who farm, and reptiles just give me a similar vibe.
Ferrets - Otters
Phylogeny: Full-disclosure, these guys are super related. Both are in the Family Mustelidae, and in the Sub-Family of weasels. By taxonomic standards, their relatedness is akin to that of a human and gorilla, or dog and wolf. Btw, they are thought to share a more recent common ancestor with Pinnipeds than bears, but because they both evolved from that common ancestor that is thought to still be in a more bear-like form, we leave it at that.
Behavior: Otters and ferrets are similar in the ways dogs and wolves are similar.
Goats - Sharks
Phylogeny: Okay. They're more related than cats and octopi at least?
Behavior: Everyone calls sharks sea-puppies, but like... Goats are very puppy-like. Can confirm, 10/10. I stand by my decision here.
Cows - Sting- and Manta Rays
Phylogeny: See above.
Behavior: Cows are grass puppies, especially when they're calves. They hang out, love scratches...
A Phylogenetic Tree I drew to show relatedness:
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dan6085 · 2 months
### Top 25 Animals with the Highest World Population
This list covers the animals with the highest populations globally, including estimated numbers and key details about their habitats and significance.
1. **Ants (Formicidae)**
- **Estimated Population:** 10 quadrillion
- **Details:** Found almost everywhere on Earth, ants are social insects that play crucial roles in ecosystems, including soil aeration and pest control.
2. **Humans (Homo sapiens)**
- **Estimated Population:** 8 billion
- **Details:** Humans are the most widespread species, inhabiting every continent and significantly altering environments and ecosystems.
3. **Krill (Euphausiacea)**
- **Estimated Population:** Several hundred trillion
- **Details:** Key component of marine food webs, particularly in the Southern Ocean, krill are crucial for the diet of many larger marine animals.
4. **Copepods (Subclass Copepoda)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of trillions
- **Details:** Tiny crustaceans found in nearly all aquatic environments, playing a major role in the oceanic food chain.
5. **Bacteria (Domain Bacteria)**
- **Estimated Population:** Quintillions
- **Details:** Microscopic organisms found in every habitat on Earth, essential for nutrient cycling, decomposition, and many biogeochemical processes.
6. **Termites (Infraorder Isoptera)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of trillions
- **Details:** Social insects crucial for breaking down cellulose in dead plant material, significantly impacting soil structure and fertility.
7. **Domestic Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus)**
- **Estimated Population:** 25 billion
- **Details:** Widely bred for meat and eggs, chickens are the most numerous bird species and play a significant role in agriculture.
8. **Grasshoppers (Suborder Caelifera)**
- **Estimated Population:** Tens of trillions
- **Details:** Found worldwide, grasshoppers are important in many food webs and can significantly impact agriculture during swarming events.
9. **Mice (Mus musculus)**
- **Estimated Population:** Over 7 billion
- **Details:** Common in various habitats, mice are significant for scientific research and can be agricultural pests.
10. **Rats (Rattus)**
- **Estimated Population:** Billions
- **Details:** Found globally, especially in urban areas, rats are known for their adaptability and can be significant pests and disease vectors.
11. **Domestic Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)**
- **Estimated Population:** Over 900 million
- **Details:** Domesticated for companionship, work, and various roles, dogs are widespread and diverse in breeds.
12. **Domestic Cats (Felis catus)**
- **Estimated Population:** Over 600 million
- **Details:** Popular pets worldwide, cats are also known for their roles in controlling pests.
13. **Pigeons (Columba livia domestica)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of millions
- **Details:** Common in urban areas, pigeons have adapted well to human environments and are often used in racing and as pets.
14. **House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of millions
- **Details:** Found in many urban and rural areas, house sparrows are highly adaptable and thrive around human habitation.
15. **Domestic Cattle (Bos taurus)**
- **Estimated Population:** 1.5 billion
- **Details:** Essential for meat, milk, and leather production, cattle are widespread in agriculture.
16. **Sheep (Ovis aries)**
- **Estimated Population:** Over 1 billion
- **Details:** Raised for wool, meat, and milk, sheep are important in many cultures and agricultural systems.
17. **Goats (Capra hircus)**
- **Estimated Population:** Nearly 1 billion
- **Details:** Valued for their milk, meat, and ability to graze on diverse vegetation, goats are widely kept in various environments.
18. **Pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus)**
- **Estimated Population:** Over 1 billion
- **Details:** Raised primarily for meat, pigs are important in agriculture and have a significant role in various cuisines.
19. **Domestic Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of millions
- **Details:** Kept for their meat, eggs, and feathers, domestic ducks are important in various agricultural settings.
20. **Honeybees (Apis mellifera)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of billions
- **Details:** Crucial for pollination and honey production, honeybees are vital for agriculture and ecosystems.
21. **Mosquitoes (Family Culicidae)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of trillions
- **Details:** Found globally, mosquitoes are vectors for many diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus.
22. **Antelope (Various species)**
- **Estimated Population:** Tens of millions
- **Details:** Found in Africa and parts of Asia, antelopes are important for their roles in ecosystems and as game animals.
23. **Flies (Order Diptera)**
- **Estimated Population:** Quadrillions
- **Details:** Found in nearly every habitat, flies play roles in pollination, decomposition, and as disease vectors.
24. **Cockroaches (Order Blattodea)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of billions
- **Details:** Highly adaptable insects, cockroaches are found in various environments and are often associated with human habitation.
25. **Earthworms (Class Oligochaeta)**
- **Estimated Population:** Hundreds of billions
- **Details:** Essential for soil health, earthworms aerate the soil and decompose organic matter, contributing to nutrient cycling.
These animals represent a wide range of species, each playing unique roles in their ecosystems and often interacting with human activities. Their populations reflect their adaptability and ecological importance.
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fardell24b · 9 months
5th January 2024 Writings
Excerpt from: The Enterprise Wasn’t There
“No one has seen anything unusual.”
Kirk could see that he was holding something back. “You have found something, just not unusual?”
“Yes, sir,” Sulu reported. “A visiting child is wandering the countryside, but we’re unsure whether that has anything to do with the energy reading.”
Words: 46
Excerpt from: On An Alien Beach
“Yes. Surfing came to Trill late last century,” Barnes answered. “Our oceans may be purple, but they work the same as Earth’s.”
“Sounds good,” Boimler said.
“So, surfing,” Mariner said as she came up to them.
Words: 36
Excerpt from: Spider Quinn
She swung down in front of one of them. “Hello!”
“SpiderGirl! I didn’t do anything!” a blonde girl said.
“Then why did you run?”
“There have been rumors going around school about you.”
“Really?” SpiderGirl asked. She could think of one source right off the bat.
“Yes,” the girl answered, looking away. “That you’re taking out your frustrations on the people of Lawndale.”
“Well. I’m not,” SpiderGirl retorted. “If I’m frustrated, it’s that people are getting murdered and the police are unable to do anything about it.”
“Oh. But I’m sure that they are doing something. Whether it’s enough is another thing.”
“I’m sure they aren’t.”
“I guess,” the girl said.
“Right. Be safe,” SpiderGirl said as she shot a webline.
“What? I have to keep patrolling.”
“Could you take me somewhere?” the girl asked.
“Why?” SpiderGirl asked with curiosity.
“I’m running a little late,” the girl admitted.
“Sure. But where?”
“A friend’s place. It’s not far.”
“Hang on to me then,” SpiderGirl directed.
The girl nodded and threw her hands around the superhero.
SpiderGirl found it different than when she had done it with Brittany Taylor two weeks earlier and not not just because it was in the daytime. The girl was silent, whereas Brittany had chatted with her a little.
“Here we are,” SpiderGirl said, when they had reached their destination, a relatively small house in one of Lawndale’s older subdivisions four blocks away.
“Thanks,” the girl said,
“You’re welcome,” SpiderGirl said. “But what is your name?”
“I guess I know you’re SpiderGirl,” the girl murmered.
“Yes,” SpiderGirl said impatiently.
“You can call me Feli,” the girl said with a smile. “It’s short for Felicia.”
“Thanks,” SpiderGirl said in a cheerful tone, before swinging away.
‘Weird,’ SpiderGirl commented as she headed back towards the downtown, keeping an eye on the streets below on the way.
It was just after sunset when SpiderGirl arrived back at the red brick house in Glen Oaks Lane. She saw that her mother and sister were home. She still wasn’t sure what to make of that girl.
Lawndale Sun-Herald
Wednesday, December 16, 1999
Is Lawndale High Performing Well?
Quinn arrived at school early. She wanted to be ready to help those three students. Even though she had not slept much and had spent most of the night patrolling and had rescued two women from muggers just after sunrise. That and the thought of that girl was still filling her mind at times.
Words: 411
Total: 493
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animala2z · 2 years
Maine Coon Cat Breed Size, Price, Lifespan & Special Info
The Maine Coon is a strain of a large domesticated cat. It is one of the oldest natural types in North America. The beginning of tension in Maine state, which is the accepted state cat.
The breed was popular at cat shows in the late 19th century but became reality when the long-haired types were introduced from overseas in the early 20th century.
The Maine Coon has since made a comeback and is now the third most popular pedigree cat in the world.
The Maine Coon is a large and social cat, which may be why its character is associated with that of the “gentle giant”.
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KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Felidae
GENUS: Felis
SPECIES: Felis Catus
BREED: Maine Coon
A lot of myths surround the origin of the Maine Coon, from the belief that he is the result of a cross between a cat and a raccoon – biologically impossible – to the fictional belief that he was one of the French cats sent to Maine by Marie Antoinette.
His intention was to flee to France. More likely, the cats descended from a mix of short-haired domestic cats already in this country and long-haired exotic cats brought home by New England sailors as souvenirs.
Some even say that the Vikings may have brought longhaired cats with them when they touched the shores of the Americas a thousand years ago and that there is actually a similarity between the Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest Cat.
Wherever they came from, the cats were seen as domestic and farm workers, highly prized for their mousing talents.
The cat named Maine Coon was first mentioned in 1861, in reference to a black and white specimen named Captain Jenks of the Horse Marine. It was not uncommon to see Maine Coons at the then-new and popular events called Cat Shows held in Boston and New York.
In 1895, a Maine Coon, a brown tabby named Kosi, won the Best Cat award at the Madison Square Garden Show.
Today, Maine Coons are among the most popular pedigree cats. They rank third among the breeds registered by the Cat Fanciers Association.
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metodologica · 2 years
Los gatos distinguen entre el habla dirigida a ellos y a los humanos
Un pequeño estudio descubrió que los gatos pueden cambiar su comportamiento cuando escuchan la voz de su dueño hablando en un tono dirigido a ellos, los gatos, pero no cuando escuchan la voz de un extraño o la voz de su dueño dirigida a otra persona.
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Se sabe que el tono humano varía según a quién se dirija el discurso, como cuando se habla con bebés y perros. Se ha demostrado en estudios anteriores que el tono del habla humana cambia cuando se dirige a los gatos, pero se sabe menos sobre cómo reaccionan los gatos ante esto.
Charlotte de Mouzon y sus colegas de la Université Paris Nanterre (Nanterre, Francia) investigaron cómo reaccionaban 16 gatos a las voces pregrabadas tanto de su dueño como de un extraño al decir frases en tonos dirigidos a gatos y adultos humanos.
Los autores investigaron tres condiciones, con la primera condición cambiando la voz del hablante de la voz de un extraño a la voz del dueño del gato. La segunda y tercera condiciones cambiaron el tono utilizado (dirigido al gato o dirigido al adulto) para la voz del dueño del gato o de un extraño, respectivamente. Los autores registraron y calificaron la intensidad del comportamiento de los gatos que reaccionaban al audio, comprobando comportamientos como el reposo, el movimiento de las orejas, la dilatación de las pupilas y el movimiento de la cola, entre otros.
En la primera condición, 10 de los 16 gatos mostraron una disminución en la intensidad del comportamiento cuando escucharon tres clips de audio de la voz de un extraño llamándolos por su nombre. Sin embargo, al escuchar la voz de su dueño, la intensidad de su comportamiento aumentó significativamente nuevamente. Los gatos mostraron comportamientos como girar las orejas hacia los altavoces, aumentar el movimiento alrededor de la habitación y dilatar las pupilas al escuchar la voz de sus dueños. Los autores sugieren que el rebote repentino en el comportamiento indica que los gatos pueden discriminar la voz de su dueño de la de un extraño.
En la segunda condición, 10 gatos (8 de los cuales eran los mismos de la primera condición) redujeron su comportamiento cuando escucharon el audio de su dueño en un tono dirigido por un adulto, pero aumentaron significativamente su comportamiento cuando escucharon el tono dirigido por el gato de su dueño. . El cambio en la intensidad del comportamiento no se encontró en la tercera condición cuando un extraño hablaba en un tono dirigido por un adulto y dirigido por un gato.
Los autores observaron que los gatos pueden distinguir cuando su dueño habla en un tono dirigido a un gato en comparación con un tono dirigido a un adulto, pero no reaccionaron de manera diferente cuando un extraño cambia de tono.
Es posible que el pequeño tamaño de muestra utilizado en este estudio no represente todo el comportamiento de los gatos, pero los autores proponen que investigaciones futuras podrían investigar si sus hallazgos pueden replicarse en gatos más socializados que están acostumbrados a interactuar con extraños.
Los autores sugieren que sus hallazgos aportan una nueva dimensión a las relaciones entre gatos y humanos, y que la comunicación entre gatos se basa potencialmente en la experiencia de la voz del hablante. Concluyen que las relaciones uno a uno son importantes para que los gatos y los humanos formen vínculos fuertes.
Charlotte de Mouzon, Marine Gonthier, Gérard Leboucher. Discrimination of cat-directed speech from human-directed speech in a population of indoor companion cats (Felis catus). Animal Cognition, 2022; DOI: 10.1007/s10071-022-01674-w
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touristbree · 2 years
Spikemuth Shipping: Teams
I’ve already introduced Dory, I can ramble about her in a post:
Marnie’s team’s feelings about Dory:
Snickers (Morpeko) likes Dory because she makes Marnie happy and reminds her to take breaks.
Feli (Liepard) is sorta distant from the rest of Marnie’s team, but is protective of all of them, including Marnie. She’s a little suspicious about Dory at first but warms up to her overtime… but is still suspicious
Impy (Morgrem) likes Dory, especially stealing food from her.
Jessie (Scraggy) once hit Dory in the gut.
No thoughts on Croagunk
Mittens is a Litten that Dory gifted Marnie because Litten and Marnie have the same energy.
Dory’s team’s feelings about Marnie:
Elton (Hoennian Zigzagoon) absolutely loves Marnie because she makes Dory happy and gives great head scratches. If Elton was ever separated from Dory, he’d go with Marnie next.
Mercury (Galarian Zigzagoon) loves Marnie because she gives him the chance to battle to his heart’s content. Dory doesn’t battle all that much so Marnie let’s him train a lot, even joining her team sometimes.
Starr (Spritzee) loves everyone.
Morpeko likes Marnie a little more than Dory, and is probably the only one who can make Morpeko enter Full-Belly mode.
Pink (Sylveon) used to watch Dory and Marine’s budding relationship like a personal soap opera, but kinda ignores them now that “The Story Is Over”.
Lucy (Helioptile) likes her just fine.
Kiki (Silicobra) finds her hard to attach to, literally.
Ramona (Furfrou) was a gift from Marnie and she hates Marnie because Marnie’s all fancy and clean while Ramona refuses to take a bath.
Lennon (Hisuian Zorua) is scared of modern technology and Marnie helps Dory raise him like he’s their child.
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ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Red Rose, Blood Moon
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Greetings and welcome to Chapter 13! I apologize for the long wait but, reality got in the way of my story weaving. I have been doing much self-reflecting and I wasn't content with how it portrayed me. But after much deliberation, I decided to change the appearance of my blog until it showed what I felt is my reflection and made me happy. But do not worry, I have returned and links have been updated on the Masterlist.
This is an original story inspired by the tale of Red Riding Hood. As always, I would like to a special thank you to my best friend Olivia (@asunshinepuff ) for joining me in writing this world onto paper.
CW: This chapter contains a brief mention of gore, gruesome descriptions, creatures, fire, and things you can imagine in your nightmares! You have your warning!
This story contains only original characters created by Olivia and myself. For those who want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask to me or Olivia on her blog. If you have any questions, theories, or curiosities about any of our characters or how the story will progress, send them to the ask box!
Now without further Adieu!
Chapter 13: A Burning Night
The group gathered their belongings and traveled to the port of the river. The ferry they managed to secure passage from was not the most pleasant looking. The lumber was mellow and dull. It was fairly large, able to carry a hefty number of passengers, including a few horses.
Felis grumbled as they boarded the boat. Making comments here and there, saying his ship was far superior and making the occasional snarky remark. He would not allow the comparison of his “child” to this wreck of a boat, thank you very much. Who on top of it all, most probably had an inadequate captain. Cassandra simply rolled her eyes each time with a shake of her head, agreeing occasionally with Felis in order to finally get him to stop grumbling.
Rosabella walked behind the bickering couple, ensuring that neither Felis nor Cassandra was lost in the crowd. She would occasionally look behind her, not trusting Red to fade away into the crowd the moment she got distracted. She looked ahead, it made her uneasy, the way he would lag behind, and every time she turned to look at him, he would be looking right back. As if he was rather unimpressed that her consistent need to check on him was an offense.
Still, she supposed, Red still hadn’t made any mention of what occurred in the springs, to which was eternally grateful, she doubted she could live with the embarrassment. She would be mortified if anyone knew. Reluctantly, Rosabella hasn’t omitted to acknowledge that he has been acting like a gentleman about it. Now Rosabella prayed that it would remain that way.
Once they boarded the ship, along with their horses, there were few cabins so Cassandra and Rosabella would share one. Felis and Red would loiter about on deck. The ferry took sail just before the sun began to rise. Felis took to friendly conversation with fellow passengers, trying to get more intel about the missing persons and if anyone else had seen strange creatures. Red took to watching from afar. After getting a few hours of sleep, Cassandra and Rosabella joined the men when meals were offered.
The meal was noisy, but none of the lot weren’t used to it. Picking up a few choice words from the fellow passengers about mysterious figures walking in the woods at night. They would never respond to anyone’s calls.
“The strangest thing about them, I swear is their eyes. Glowing red they were.” One traveler revealed, “Twisted looking things, I bet it be another form of those thirsty bloodsuckers.”
“Do you mean the Night Stalkers?” Rosabella offered. She knew many creatures that feasted on human blood.
“I mean Vampires.” The man corrected gruffly. Unease when she spoke to him with ease. “You don’t suppose they moved into France do you?” he asked the other men.
“Oh, they’re already here.” One man commented. Some men choked on their food. Rosabella thought it best to not say anything. Felis and Cassandra’s silence was answer enough. Red scoffed. Sapphire eyes followed him as he rose from his seat before he left. After the meal, Rosabella searched for Red. She found him leaning against the wall, staring out to the water. She didn’t bother to announce her presence, she knew he would have heard her approaching long before he saw her.
“Will you not sleep?” She asks softly, stepping closer.
“Not if I can help it.” Only his eyes moved to look at her. “I don’t trust others, so I don’t sleep.”
“Surely you don’t doubt that we could keep watch while you slept?” She inquired.
His head tightly towards her, his eyes were scrutinizing her. “Is there something you needed?”
Rosabella did her best not to feel affronted at his shift in tone. She sighed deeply, she extended her arm, his cloak in her hands. “I simply wanted to return this to you.” Though she doubted he needed it, she could feel the heat burning off of him from where she stood.
His gaze relaxed, wordlessly accepting his cloak, and put it on before he carried on looking out to the river.
“And to thank you, for not saying anything about what happened.” She said sincerely, he didn’t say anything in response.
Rosabella placed her hands behind her as she leaned back to the wall. She was a respectable distance away from him. Looking out to the river, they stayed there in silence, and snow began to fall.
“Have you encountered vampires before?” Rosabella spoke gently.
“Yes.” He shifted, crossing a leg over the other.
“When?” She asked.
“Not that many years ago. Contrary to what people believe, vampires are not an old race. They’re new.”
“Really?” Her eyes blinked in bewilderment. “How do you know?”
“I’ve traveled far, I’ve met creatures older than myself. Vampires are young compared to the rest of us.”
She frowned at that. “Most people say they are terrifying, creatures of seduction and immense power.”
“I know of more powerful and terrifying creatures, Vampires are just overgrown mosquitoes. Vampires are entitled children, who play with their food. Get offended when their food supply fights back. ” He chuckled dryly.
“Do they fight you?”
“No, they didn’t stick around long enough to find out. They usually avoid us.” He looked to Rosabella.
“Us?” She leaned forward, her head faced towards him.
“The other old creatures and I. The oldest vampire would only be roughly three hundred years old.”
“I heard of wolves and vampires fighting each other. Is that true?”
“Yes. The vampires have no qualms about fighting any wolf that isn’t me.”
“Sounds like you don’t like them,” Rosabella nodded slowly, looking back to the water, “the other wolves.”
“To be frank, I don’t like anyone. Why would I make them the exception?” He eyed her skeptically.
“Because they are your kin?” She offered with sincere eyes.
“They are not my kin. I want nothing to do with them.” He replied coldly.
Disconcerted, she paused. “I would give anything to have kin,” she leaned back to the wall, her eyes solemn, “It’s the only thing I have ever wanted more than anything in my whole life. To not be alone.”
Red frowned, “What about your grandmother?”
“She adopted me.”
Red said nothing, only gazing down at her with an assessing gaze. “What about your friend Cassandra? She-”
“Will marry Felis. They will have a family. They will want to live their lives, and I will not interfere. Cassandra wouldn’t let me, but it wouldn't be right if I did.” She interrupted, her head turned to look at Red. “And I will be left to my own devices, they would never mean to leave me, but it is to be expected.”
“You sound like you’ve resigned yourself from finding your own pair.” He assessed. “Which is strange for women your age. You seem certain of it.”
“I am. I am something that men would find improper of a wife, and when they learn the truth,” she paused, looking back to the river, “I don't even know what I am. No one knows. I suppose that is why I have been searching for my kin for years, hoping that they would have answers.”
Rosabella looked down. They stayed silent for a long moment, staring out at the river. Red’s lips parted to speak before Rosabella interrupted.
“Goodnight Red.” She stepped away from the wall, walking to her cabin. Nox looked back to Red from his perch on her shoulders, ears perked up. Red stared out to the river. Rosabella went to bed, Nox curled beside her.
A monstrous roar resonated in the chill of the air. A scream. A struggle, and the sound of glass shattering to the ground. Flames spread across the ferry. Rosabella woke to the smell of smoke. Her sapphire eyes wide at the state of their cabin. Cassandra was already out of bed and standing, Lumi clung tightly to Cassandra’s arm as she hurriedly gathered what she could.
Rosabella was quick to her feet, Nox curled tightly on her shoulders, chirping as the women escaped their burning room and froze at the sight of the ship, Rosabella recoiled at the stench of burning flesh and the agonized screams of the ferrymen as they fell into the water. Stricken at the sight of the men, the women pushed themselves to flee. They came across Felis, whose eyes locked onto Cassandra. The pirate rushed spotting them over the sea of panicked passengers and rushed towards them.
“Cassandra!” His frantic eyes, his hand gently cupping her cheek. “Are you alright?”
Cassandra gives a meek smile, eyes softening briefly at the frantic look in his eyes, raising her hand to his on her cheek. “I’m alright. There’s no need to fuss, but we need to go.” Grasping the pirate’s hand, she pulled him along to find a way off this burning ferry.
“Where’s Red?” Rosabella called out as followed the couple.
“I don’t know, I ran to look for you when I saw the flames,” Felis responded.
Rosabella glared at Felis’ head. “You left him alone?!”
“Well excuse me for coming to your aid and leaving a grown man alone for a minute!” Felis replied as he turned a corner.
“And you didn’t think for one moment that leaving the Father of Werewolves to his own devices was a bad idea?!”
“To his own devices?! This wreck of a boat is in flames! I doubt he could do anything in this chaos!” The pirate retorted.
“When this is over, remind me to slap him, Cassandra,” Rosabella said.
Cassandra grinned. “Will do.”
The group turned at the final corner, stopping when their path was blocked by the creatures from back at the hot springs in Mirstone, in flames. Rosabella blanched.
“What are those things?!” Felis sneered at the smell of burning flesh. “They smell like fish vomit.”
“Fish vomit?” Cassandra asked in confusion. Looking back and forth at the burning creatures and the pirate.
“How did they even get on the ferry?” Rosabella muttered to herself.
“Don’t know,” Cassandra grimaced. “I hate that they're on fire, and they reek of dark magic!”
“We should probably abandon ship now,” Red spoke from behind the group. Catching the three off guard.
Rosabella sighed in relief. “Where were you?” She asked as Red walked toward them.
“Helping passengers and horses off.”
“By helping, do you mean throwing them overboard,” Felis interjected.
“Do you recommend they stay on the ferry and burn?” Red glance at the pirate.
“Alright, right now is not the time for this!” Cassandra yelled as she leaned over the railing, frowning. “They took all the lifeboats!”
“Oh great, now what are we going to do?” Felis exclaimed with a slight roll of his eyes.
Red looked at Rosabella. “I really hope you know how to swim.”
“What?” Her brows creased in confusion.
Red moves his arm under Rosabella’s legs and the other supporting her back, then lifts her with ease. Her eyes widened in shock. Red turns quickly and tosses her overboard. Rosabella let out a small yelp as she fell into the freezing water.
Red turned to look at the pirate and sorceress. Cassandra immediately backed away from the wolf.
“Don’t you dare. I’ll throw myself off, thank you.” Cassandra glared as she climbed over the railing, and jumped into the river.
Felis turned to Red. “After you.”
“Ladies first.” Red smirked as he pushed Felis off, Red climbing over just as the creatures reached where they stood.
The group swam until they reached shore, and watched as the ferry sunk below the freezing river.
“It’s f-freezing.” Felis stuttered out as he shivered as he stomped out of the water, his arms crossed as he sat on a log.
“It’s the m-middle of winter, w-what were you e-expecting?!” Cassandra retorted, rubbing her arms as she walked towards the shivering pirate. Lumi swimming close behind her, and shaking off his fur once he reached dry land.
“Cassandra, p-please light a fire.” Rosabella looked at her sister while she soothed the horses that reached the shoreline before they did. Nox curled tightly on her shoulders for warmth.
The sorceress nodded before walking to the log Felis sat on. “Felis, I need your seat.”
“Find your own log.”
“Do you want to warm up or not?” She gave a pointed look.
Felis grumbled as he rose from his seat and watched as Cassandra crouched down, placing her hand above the wood, after a few brief seconds it ignited into bright purple flames.
Red walked out from the river and didn’t stop until he reached the trees.
“Where’s he going?” Rosabella asked her comrades.
“Probably to get away from the horses. They smell.” Felis answered
Gypsy gave an offended nicker. Felis stuck his tongue out.
“Leave him be for now. Handling one man-child is enough.” Cassandra teased, pulling her hand away from the fire as she stood up.
Rosabella sighed, taking a seat next to the burning log, warming her hands and petting Nox’s head. Cassandra sat close to the pirate. Lumi began snarling at Felis, who in turn hissed right back at the little ermine. Rolling her eyes, Cassandra scolds the two, prompting them to behave.
“Are you my fiancé or my child?” Cassandra inquired.
“At this current moment, probably your child.”
They sat in silence for a long while, finally warm and dry. Red still had not returned. The silence ended at the sound of grumbling. Cassandra, Rosabella, and a few horses all turned to look at the pirate.
“... What? I’m hungry. Swimming works up an appetite.” Felis admitted.
“Definitely a child.” Cassandra sighed as she rubbed her temple.
Rosabella smiled softly as she rose to her feet. “While I’ll go find us something to eat, I’ll look for Red.”
“Can we have venison?” Felis asked, Cassandra elbowed him.
Rosabella laughed softly as she walked into the woods. Nox happily trotting behind her. Both woman and sable walked for a long while, finding a few berries and mushrooms that weren’t poisonous. But no deer. Rosabella hummed in thought, she looked down to Nox.
“Well it looks like I’ll have to hunt as a wolf now won’t I?”
Nox gave a chirp, Rosabella accepted it as affirmation. With nothing much left to pick from bushes, Rosabella shifted into a wolf. She was far larger than any of the horses back at the campfire. Nox quickly climbed onto the wolf’s back, and off they went in search of food.
It didn’t take long for the she-wolf to find a wandering stag. Nor did it take long for her to claim her prize. Carrying the dead stag in her jaws, she trotted back to camp. Nox chirping happily on her head.
Nearing the clearing of the forest, Rosabella turned back to her human form but froze when caught Red’s scent. Her eyes darted to the blonde man, who stood beside a large oak tree. There he stood, eyes wide.
“You’re a wolf?”
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@waltzintherain @spookypotato @purple-amaranthe
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felikatze · 1 year
i've already seen barry/gadget ship content godspeed
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scottbcrowley2 · 6 years
Larry Stone: Mariners face challenge in how to part with Ichiro, Felix Hernandez - Tue, 19 Mar 2019 PST
Much about the start to this Mariners season is a bit off kilter. But that stands to reason, I suppose, in a year of such seismic change and philosophical recalibration. Larry Stone: Mariners face challenge in how to part with Ichiro, Felix Hernandez - Tue, 19 Mar 2019 PST
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
The cat (Felis catus) is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal.[1][2] It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family.[4] A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter ranges freely and avoids human contact.[5] Domestic cats are valued by humans for companionship and their ability to hunt rodents. About 60 cat breeds are recognized by various cat registries.[6]
Anonymous said: Sheep (Ovis aries) are quadrupedal, ruminant mammals typically kept as livestock. Like all ruminants, sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. Although the name sheep applies to many species in the genus Ovis, in everyday usage it almost always refers to Ovis aries. Numbering a little over one billion, domestic sheep are also the most numerous species of sheep. An adult female is referred to as a ewe (/juː/), an intact male as a ram, occasionally a tup, a castrated male as a wether, and a young sheep as a lamb.
Anonymous said: The horse (Equus ferus caballus)[2][3] is a domesticated odd-toed ungulate mammal. It belongs to the taxonomic family Equidae and is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature, Eohippus, into the large, single-toed animal of today. Humans began domesticating horses around 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BC. Horses in the subspecies caballus are domesticated, although some domesticated populations live in the wild as feral horses. These feral populations are not true wild horses, as this term is used to describe horses that have never been domesticated, such as the endangered Przewalski's horse, a separate subspecies, and the only remaining true wild horse. There is an extensive, specialized vocabulary used to describe equine-related concepts, covering everything from anatomy to life stages, size, colors, markings, breeds, locomotion, and behavior.
Anonymous said: Whales are a widely distributed and diverse group of fully aquatic placental marine mammals. They are an informal grouping within the infraorder Cetacea, usually excluding dolphins and porpoises. Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to the order Cetartiodactyla, which consists of even-toed ungulates. Their closest living relatives are the hippopotamuses, having diverged about 40 million years ago. The two parvorders of whales, baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti), are thought to have split apart around 34 million years ago. Whales consist of eight extant families: Balaenopteridae (the rorquals), Balaenidae (right whales), Cetotheriidae (the pygmy right whale), Eschrichtiidae (the grey whale), Monodontidae (belugas and narwhals), Physeteridae (the sperm whale), Kogiidae (the dwarf and pygmy sperm whale), and Ziphiidae (the beaked whales).
Anonymous said: The kangaroo is a marsupial from the family Macropodidae (macropods, meaning "large foot"). In common use the term is used to describe the largest species from this family, the red kangaroo, as well as the antilopine kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo, and western grey kangaroo.[1] Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia and New Guinea. The Australian government estimates that 34.3 million kangaroos lived within the commercial harvest areas of Australia in 2011, up from 25.1 million one year earlier.[2]
Anonymous said: Otters are carnivorous mammals in the subfamily Lutrinae. The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates. Lutrinae is a branch of the Mustelidae family, which also includes weasels, badgers, mink, and wolverines, among other animals.
Anonymous said: Duck is the common name for numerous species in the waterfowl family Anatidae which also includes swans and geese. Ducks are divided among several subfamilies in the family Anatidae; they do not represent a monophyletic group (the group of all descendants of a single common ancestral species) but a form taxon, since swans and geese are not considered ducks. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.
Anonymous said: The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), sometimes referred to as the duck-billed platypus, is a semiaquatic, egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. The platypus is the sole living representative of its family (Ornithorhynchidae) and genus (Ornithorhynchus), though a number of related species appear in the fossil record.
Anonymous said:hope you enjoyed my animal facts 😌
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kyasarinkishinuma · 4 years
elo feli! thank u for having ur ask box open~ may i request a match-up? im filipina, INFP-T, dancer, has pet cats, likes scarfs&oversized attires, mom attitude, loves bitter coffee, has fluffy cheeks, cuddlebug, sum say i resemble stitch (lilo&stitch) & rapunzel (tangled), often gets lost in thoughts, polite, luvs theatre, loud but also quiet, likes gummies and late night snacks, clingy, aaaand interested in nature and psychology! thank u so much, feli! i hope u have a great day everyday 💛
Hey there! Thank you for the kind words 💖 Here's your match-up!
I match you with... Jotaro Kujo!
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I feel like the first thing that would get you two to talk is your common love for nature (in Jotaro's case, particularly marine biology). I wouldn't be surprised if you spotted him picking up some shells along the shore practically every day. That would pique your curiosity and, in his case, he'd eventually notice you're often on the beach.
One day, while you two are on the beach, minding your own business, it suddenly starts pouring rain. You invite, and insist (mom side activated), that Jotaro takes shelter under your umbrella. Despite his annoyance, he accepts, not exactly wanting his uniform to get too wet. You take the opportunity to ask him about his shell pickings, and that's how you two find common ground; nature.
From there on, you two will interact a bit everytime you see each other to the beach. Eventually, Jotaro invites you to go to a coffee shop with him. You're delighted. You love coffee! (He argues that tea is better.)
On one hand, you annoy Jotaro slightly. On the other hand, you're also quite endearing. Your mom attitude in particular annoys him, but... He doesn't stop you. Sometimes, he does appreciate that you look after him. But he won't admit that to your face.
He finds it really cute when you stare off, lost in your thoughts. It gives him a moment to breathe and to appreciate some silence, too. The fact that you're polite also makes you a lot less obnoxious that other people he knows.
You get to know each other gradually. You bring him to your place someday to meet your cats and to watch theatre with you. (He finds it interesting.) Once you two are closer, you start stealing some of his clothes because they're so big on you. This annoys him, but in a good way.
By the way, blame his school uniform for your first kiss. He was trying to tug the jacket off of you when he accidentally pulled a bit too hard, throwing you against his chest. You stare up at him, and him, down at you. And then, bam. He leans down and kisses you.
Despite his usual Jotaro attitude, you love each other very much. He'll let you cuddle him, despite his grumbles (he's secretly touch-starved), and he'll smirk whenever you eat gummies, finding it childish of you. He'll pretend not to want any when you offer them, but if you insist, he'll yield. (He secretly loves it when you steal his clothes. He finds you adorable in them.)
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freebird-sparrow · 4 years
"Commadore Felis being flirted on by a giant Marine. Just when I thought I saw everything..."
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wings-of-starlightt · 4 years
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Stars in the Forest ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
The marine foam bubbled like snow on the edge of the sand. The warmness of the sun gently brushed against her wings. It was an interesting place, with interesting words. The sea had so many secrets buried in its waves, secrets of love and pain. She could hear some of them when she desired to share them. Her arrival had not been planned, her forest had opened up here. Whispers of unknown language got her curious, it wasn't long before she found the source of them.
Plants, beloved floral friends that spoke languages of other lands. Of course, she had to sneak in, listening to their words, it took her a while to get some of the messages. They talked about their carer, a human out of many. Nasty creatures those could be. Feli thought, how could someone find species of these. The wood of the house was painted white, she had gone in during the night. A sleeping body in the bed while she glowed in the darkness.
Treasure, there were little treasures everywhere. It always got the best of her, that part of her heritage. A candy that was taken away only to return the wrapper completely closed. Another time, it was silly things, a button from a jacket or even a pair of misplaced glasses. No one seemed to be using them, they belonged to her.
Golden dust appeared everywhere each morning, in the corners and coating the cobwebs of certain places. It was proof she was there, telling the human that she was to be treated with respect. Her latest escape was the statue of a beautiful goddess. It had the most darling jewel. It was just hanging over a mug. Her arms wrapped around... And she went down with a thud. She groaned to herself, trying to fly out of there... Unaware of the shadow that was being cast over her as she dragged the statue.
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