#Lumi the Ermine
ladynightmare913 · 3 years
Red Rose, Blood Moon
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Greetings and welcome to Chapter 13! I apologize for the long wait but, reality got in the way of my story weaving. I have been doing much self-reflecting and I wasn't content with how it portrayed me. But after much deliberation, I decided to change the appearance of my blog until it showed what I felt is my reflection and made me happy. But do not worry, I have returned and links have been updated on the Masterlist.
This is an original story inspired by the tale of Red Riding Hood. As always, I would like to a special thank you to my best friend Olivia (@asunshinepuff ) for joining me in writing this world onto paper.
CW: This chapter contains a brief mention of gore, gruesome descriptions, creatures, fire, and things you can imagine in your nightmares! You have your warning!
This story contains only original characters created by Olivia and myself. For those who want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask to me or Olivia on her blog. If you have any questions, theories, or curiosities about any of our characters or how the story will progress, send them to the ask box!
Now without further Adieu!
Chapter 13: A Burning Night
The group gathered their belongings and traveled to the port of the river. The ferry they managed to secure passage from was not the most pleasant looking. The lumber was mellow and dull. It was fairly large, able to carry a hefty number of passengers, including a few horses.
Felis grumbled as they boarded the boat. Making comments here and there, saying his ship was far superior and making the occasional snarky remark. He would not allow the comparison of his “child” to this wreck of a boat, thank you very much. Who on top of it all, most probably had an inadequate captain. Cassandra simply rolled her eyes each time with a shake of her head, agreeing occasionally with Felis in order to finally get him to stop grumbling.
Rosabella walked behind the bickering couple, ensuring that neither Felis nor Cassandra was lost in the crowd. She would occasionally look behind her, not trusting Red to fade away into the crowd the moment she got distracted. She looked ahead, it made her uneasy, the way he would lag behind, and every time she turned to look at him, he would be looking right back. As if he was rather unimpressed that her consistent need to check on him was an offense.
Still, she supposed, Red still hadn’t made any mention of what occurred in the springs, to which was eternally grateful, she doubted she could live with the embarrassment. She would be mortified if anyone knew. Reluctantly, Rosabella hasn’t omitted to acknowledge that he has been acting like a gentleman about it. Now Rosabella prayed that it would remain that way.
Once they boarded the ship, along with their horses, there were few cabins so Cassandra and Rosabella would share one. Felis and Red would loiter about on deck. The ferry took sail just before the sun began to rise. Felis took to friendly conversation with fellow passengers, trying to get more intel about the missing persons and if anyone else had seen strange creatures. Red took to watching from afar. After getting a few hours of sleep, Cassandra and Rosabella joined the men when meals were offered.
The meal was noisy, but none of the lot weren’t used to it. Picking up a few choice words from the fellow passengers about mysterious figures walking in the woods at night. They would never respond to anyone’s calls.
“The strangest thing about them, I swear is their eyes. Glowing red they were.” One traveler revealed, “Twisted looking things, I bet it be another form of those thirsty bloodsuckers.”
“Do you mean the Night Stalkers?” Rosabella offered. She knew many creatures that feasted on human blood.
“I mean Vampires.” The man corrected gruffly. Unease when she spoke to him with ease. “You don’t suppose they moved into France do you?” he asked the other men.
“Oh, they’re already here.” One man commented. Some men choked on their food. Rosabella thought it best to not say anything. Felis and Cassandra’s silence was answer enough. Red scoffed. Sapphire eyes followed him as he rose from his seat before he left. After the meal, Rosabella searched for Red. She found him leaning against the wall, staring out to the water. She didn’t bother to announce her presence, she knew he would have heard her approaching long before he saw her.
“Will you not sleep?” She asks softly, stepping closer.
“Not if I can help it.” Only his eyes moved to look at her. “I don’t trust others, so I don’t sleep.”
“Surely you don’t doubt that we could keep watch while you slept?” She inquired.
His head tightly towards her, his eyes were scrutinizing her. “Is there something you needed?”
Rosabella did her best not to feel affronted at his shift in tone. She sighed deeply, she extended her arm, his cloak in her hands. “I simply wanted to return this to you.” Though she doubted he needed it, she could feel the heat burning off of him from where she stood.
His gaze relaxed, wordlessly accepting his cloak, and put it on before he carried on looking out to the river.
“And to thank you, for not saying anything about what happened.” She said sincerely, he didn’t say anything in response.
Rosabella placed her hands behind her as she leaned back to the wall. She was a respectable distance away from him. Looking out to the river, they stayed there in silence, and snow began to fall.
“Have you encountered vampires before?” Rosabella spoke gently.
“Yes.” He shifted, crossing a leg over the other.
“When?” She asked.
“Not that many years ago. Contrary to what people believe, vampires are not an old race. They’re new.”
“Really?” Her eyes blinked in bewilderment. “How do you know?”
“I’ve traveled far, I’ve met creatures older than myself. Vampires are young compared to the rest of us.”
She frowned at that. “Most people say they are terrifying, creatures of seduction and immense power.”
“I know of more powerful and terrifying creatures, Vampires are just overgrown mosquitoes. Vampires are entitled children, who play with their food. Get offended when their food supply fights back. ” He chuckled dryly.
“Do they fight you?”
“No, they didn’t stick around long enough to find out. They usually avoid us.” He looked to Rosabella.
“Us?” She leaned forward, her head faced towards him.
“The other old creatures and I. The oldest vampire would only be roughly three hundred years old.”
“I heard of wolves and vampires fighting each other. Is that true?”
“Yes. The vampires have no qualms about fighting any wolf that isn’t me.”
“Sounds like you don’t like them,” Rosabella nodded slowly, looking back to the water, “the other wolves.”
“To be frank, I don’t like anyone. Why would I make them the exception?” He eyed her skeptically.
“Because they are your kin?” She offered with sincere eyes.
“They are not my kin. I want nothing to do with them.” He replied coldly.
Disconcerted, she paused. “I would give anything to have kin,” she leaned back to the wall, her eyes solemn, “It’s the only thing I have ever wanted more than anything in my whole life. To not be alone.”
Red frowned, “What about your grandmother?”
“She adopted me.”
Red said nothing, only gazing down at her with an assessing gaze. “What about your friend Cassandra? She-”
“Will marry Felis. They will have a family. They will want to live their lives, and I will not interfere. Cassandra wouldn’t let me, but it wouldn't be right if I did.” She interrupted, her head turned to look at Red. “And I will be left to my own devices, they would never mean to leave me, but it is to be expected.”
“You sound like you’ve resigned yourself from finding your own pair.” He assessed. “Which is strange for women your age. You seem certain of it.”
“I am. I am something that men would find improper of a wife, and when they learn the truth,” she paused, looking back to the river, “I don't even know what I am. No one knows. I suppose that is why I have been searching for my kin for years, hoping that they would have answers.”
Rosabella looked down. They stayed silent for a long moment, staring out at the river. Red’s lips parted to speak before Rosabella interrupted.
“Goodnight Red.” She stepped away from the wall, walking to her cabin. Nox looked back to Red from his perch on her shoulders, ears perked up. Red stared out to the river. Rosabella went to bed, Nox curled beside her.
A monstrous roar resonated in the chill of the air. A scream. A struggle, and the sound of glass shattering to the ground. Flames spread across the ferry. Rosabella woke to the smell of smoke. Her sapphire eyes wide at the state of their cabin. Cassandra was already out of bed and standing, Lumi clung tightly to Cassandra’s arm as she hurriedly gathered what she could.
Rosabella was quick to her feet, Nox curled tightly on her shoulders, chirping as the women escaped their burning room and froze at the sight of the ship, Rosabella recoiled at the stench of burning flesh and the agonized screams of the ferrymen as they fell into the water. Stricken at the sight of the men, the women pushed themselves to flee. They came across Felis, whose eyes locked onto Cassandra. The pirate rushed spotting them over the sea of panicked passengers and rushed towards them.
“Cassandra!” His frantic eyes, his hand gently cupping her cheek. “Are you alright?”
Cassandra gives a meek smile, eyes softening briefly at the frantic look in his eyes, raising her hand to his on her cheek. “I’m alright. There’s no need to fuss, but we need to go.” Grasping the pirate’s hand, she pulled him along to find a way off this burning ferry.
“Where’s Red?” Rosabella called out as followed the couple.
“I don’t know, I ran to look for you when I saw the flames,” Felis responded.
Rosabella glared at Felis’ head. “You left him alone?!”
“Well excuse me for coming to your aid and leaving a grown man alone for a minute!” Felis replied as he turned a corner.
“And you didn’t think for one moment that leaving the Father of Werewolves to his own devices was a bad idea?!”
“To his own devices?! This wreck of a boat is in flames! I doubt he could do anything in this chaos!” The pirate retorted.
“When this is over, remind me to slap him, Cassandra,” Rosabella said.
Cassandra grinned. “Will do.”
The group turned at the final corner, stopping when their path was blocked by the creatures from back at the hot springs in Mirstone, in flames. Rosabella blanched.
“What are those things?!” Felis sneered at the smell of burning flesh. “They smell like fish vomit.”
“Fish vomit?” Cassandra asked in confusion. Looking back and forth at the burning creatures and the pirate.
“How did they even get on the ferry?” Rosabella muttered to herself.
“Don’t know,” Cassandra grimaced. “I hate that they're on fire, and they reek of dark magic!”
“We should probably abandon ship now,” Red spoke from behind the group. Catching the three off guard.
Rosabella sighed in relief. “Where were you?” She asked as Red walked toward them.
“Helping passengers and horses off.”
“By helping, do you mean throwing them overboard,” Felis interjected.
“Do you recommend they stay on the ferry and burn?” Red glance at the pirate.
“Alright, right now is not the time for this!” Cassandra yelled as she leaned over the railing, frowning. “They took all the lifeboats!”
“Oh great, now what are we going to do?” Felis exclaimed with a slight roll of his eyes.
Red looked at Rosabella. “I really hope you know how to swim.”
“What?” Her brows creased in confusion.
Red moves his arm under Rosabella’s legs and the other supporting her back, then lifts her with ease. Her eyes widened in shock. Red turns quickly and tosses her overboard. Rosabella let out a small yelp as she fell into the freezing water.
Red turned to look at the pirate and sorceress. Cassandra immediately backed away from the wolf.
“Don’t you dare. I’ll throw myself off, thank you.” Cassandra glared as she climbed over the railing, and jumped into the river.
Felis turned to Red. “After you.”
“Ladies first.” Red smirked as he pushed Felis off, Red climbing over just as the creatures reached where they stood.
The group swam until they reached shore, and watched as the ferry sunk below the freezing river.
“It’s f-freezing.” Felis stuttered out as he shivered as he stomped out of the water, his arms crossed as he sat on a log.
“It’s the m-middle of winter, w-what were you e-expecting?!” Cassandra retorted, rubbing her arms as she walked towards the shivering pirate. Lumi swimming close behind her, and shaking off his fur once he reached dry land.
“Cassandra, p-please light a fire.” Rosabella looked at her sister while she soothed the horses that reached the shoreline before they did. Nox curled tightly on her shoulders for warmth.
The sorceress nodded before walking to the log Felis sat on. “Felis, I need your seat.”
“Find your own log.”
“Do you want to warm up or not?” She gave a pointed look.
Felis grumbled as he rose from his seat and watched as Cassandra crouched down, placing her hand above the wood, after a few brief seconds it ignited into bright purple flames.
Red walked out from the river and didn’t stop until he reached the trees.
“Where’s he going?” Rosabella asked her comrades.
“Probably to get away from the horses. They smell.” Felis answered
Gypsy gave an offended nicker. Felis stuck his tongue out.
“Leave him be for now. Handling one man-child is enough.” Cassandra teased, pulling her hand away from the fire as she stood up.
Rosabella sighed, taking a seat next to the burning log, warming her hands and petting Nox’s head. Cassandra sat close to the pirate. Lumi began snarling at Felis, who in turn hissed right back at the little ermine. Rolling her eyes, Cassandra scolds the two, prompting them to behave.
“Are you my fiancé or my child?” Cassandra inquired.
“At this current moment, probably your child.”
They sat in silence for a long while, finally warm and dry. Red still had not returned. The silence ended at the sound of grumbling. Cassandra, Rosabella, and a few horses all turned to look at the pirate.
“... What? I’m hungry. Swimming works up an appetite.” Felis admitted.
“Definitely a child.” Cassandra sighed as she rubbed her temple.
Rosabella smiled softly as she rose to her feet. “While I’ll go find us something to eat, I’ll look for Red.”
“Can we have venison?” Felis asked, Cassandra elbowed him.
Rosabella laughed softly as she walked into the woods. Nox happily trotting behind her. Both woman and sable walked for a long while, finding a few berries and mushrooms that weren’t poisonous. But no deer. Rosabella hummed in thought, she looked down to Nox.
“Well it looks like I’ll have to hunt as a wolf now won’t I?”
Nox gave a chirp, Rosabella accepted it as affirmation. With nothing much left to pick from bushes, Rosabella shifted into a wolf. She was far larger than any of the horses back at the campfire. Nox quickly climbed onto the wolf’s back, and off they went in search of food.
It didn’t take long for the she-wolf to find a wandering stag. Nor did it take long for her to claim her prize. Carrying the dead stag in her jaws, she trotted back to camp. Nox chirping happily on her head.
Nearing the clearing of the forest, Rosabella turned back to her human form but froze when caught Red’s scent. Her eyes darted to the blonde man, who stood beside a large oak tree. There he stood, eyes wide.
“You’re a wolf?”
Tag List: Let me know if you wish to be added!
@waltzintherain @spookypotato @purple-amaranthe
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sapphire-and-ice · 5 years
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anyway i made my moomin oc purely to draw him with @residentcryptids literal trash gremlin
his names Lumi and he’s whatever joxter is but based on ermines not a cat creature uwu, doesn’t trust people, likes to play it safe. his hair and fur changes pale in wintertime, like ermines do)
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247reader · 7 years
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Taysikuu by Siamesa
My latest D&D character, Täysikuu (Tizzy), an ice-focused wizard in a more steampunk-ish setting.  Also her familiar, an ermine named Lumi.
(Yes, I name things by translating nouns into foreign languages.  At least they’re cool nouns.)
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ladynightmare913 · 4 years
Red Rose, Blood Moon
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Welcome to Chapter 12! This is an Original Story inspired by the tale of Red Riding Hood. I would like to say a special thank to my best friend and co-author Olivia ( @asunshinepuff​​ ) for joining me on writing this world onto paper. 
CW: This chapter contains a brief mention of nudity, blood, corpses, and weapons, and something that you can only imagine in your nightmares. You have your warning!
This story contains only original characters created by Olivia and myself. For those of you who want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask to me or Olivia on her blog. If you have any questions, theories, or curiosities about any of our characters or how the story will progress, send them to the ask box! 
Now without Further Adieu!
Chapter 12: The Creature
Rosabella, Cassandra, and Felis all stared at Red as he gave his recount over the centuries. Cassandra sat on the farthest chair away from Red, eyes in suspicion. Felis stood behind her, leaning on the wall, a silent guard. Rosabella sat on the small trunk at the foot of the bed. Red sat by the fireplace, looking into the flames as he spoke. He spoke of the witch who cursed him, Bardolph’s transformation into the first bitten werewolf, living up in the snowy mountain, and the golden doe. His weapons had been taken, and locked into the chest that Rosabella sat on. At the end of his tale, Felis cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the women. 
“Rosabella, Cassandra, a word please.” He walked to the opposite far side of the large room. The two women follow close behind. Felis opens his mouth to speak but Cassandra beats him to it.
“I don’t trust him.” She says in a hushed tone. Eyeing Red in clear skepticism.
“You don’t trust anybody. The only person you ever trusted wasn’t even a person. It was an ermine.” Rosabella retorted as she gave Cassandra a reproachful eye. 
“Actually, the only person I’ve ever trusted at first was you.” Cassandra admits looking to Rosabella, “However, I see your point.”
Red scoffed in the distance. The trio ignored him, Felis spoke. 
“I am still wrapping my head around the fact that there is someone actually older than I am.” he looked between the women. 
“He tells about the witch who caused all this mess and that’s what you paid attention to?” Cassandra raises her eyebrows. 
“You must admit that he looks well for being 1,000 years old.”  
“I’m not admitting that.” She shakes her head, in effort to try and keep focus on the tale and situation at hand. “Alright well, what do you both suppose we do then? Our options are slim and we’re running out of time.”
“Pardon me, but he’s the father of all werewolves, even if we wanted to kill to him, we don’t even know if we could.” Felis said, looking between the women.
Rosabella frowned, she hissed, “We are not killing him, we wouldn’t be any better than those wolves who killed hundreds of people.” 
“I can hear you.” Red’s voice broke through their hushed tone. “I’m a wolf, I have stronger senses than humans. I would appreciate it if you didn’t decide to kill me.”
The group of three looked amongst themselves awkwardly before dispersing. They approach the wolf. 
“Is Red even your real name?”
The wolf merely looked away to the farthest wall. “It’s because I wore a red hood. I still do.” 
“So all those wolves we’ve fought, are they your descendants?” 
Red glared at the blonde woman. “They most certainly are not my descendants. I never sired any child. Nor have I lain with anyone.”   
Felis looked at Red in surprise. “Wait, seriously? You’ve never been with anyone? For a thousand years?”
Red looked at Felis with an indignant expression. “I was cursed by a woman who was to be my wife. I bit an innocent man and turned him into a monster. Given what happened to Bardolph when I bit him, do you really think I would risk siring more monsters like me?” He raised a brow expectantly at the pirate. 
“No, I suppose not.” Felis answered. 
“Besides, I had no interest in pursuing a mate.” He looked away. “I am not human anymore, I am a beast and such activities are of no interest to me.” 
Felis nodded his head understanding, Cassandra and Rosabella only looked between the two men in confusion. Cassandra spoke. “Now that we have confirmed that Bardolph is in fact a werewolf, we need to stop him.” 
“And how do you plan to do that? He nearly killed me when in his first year with the curse.”  
Cassandra looks off in thought, “Silver kills their kind. We pierce his heart with a silver dagger or arrow.” Red frowned at that. 
“We’ve tracked him to this village.” Felis explained.
“He’s not here, that I can assure you.” Red spoke curtly. 
“Well then where is he headed?” Cassandra asked, looking back to Red.
“He’s heading north,” Rosabella said at last, “his path is north, all the villages with victims were all recent. The first victim we came across was days old.”  
Red stood from his seat, towering over them. “Then I’m going north. I will not let him escape this time.” He moved to the door.
“We’re coming with you.” Rosabella blocked his path. “I still have no explanation as to how I failed to identify him as a werewolf.”  
“I don’t see how you could have, I am the only one to bear the curse mark-”
“That’s no excuse, I am coming with you like it or not.” She spoke firmly.
“I don’t like it, but I can’t stop you, just like you can’t stop me.” He moved to open the door, Rosabella closed it shut.
Felis sighed. “So I suppose this makes us allies for now?” He looked between all three of them, “I’ll go tell the innkeeper that we are leaving. Now. In the middle of the night. Because we cannot wait until morning.” He said sarcastically.
Gathering their horses, and one for Red, they rode out to the next village, past the snowy mountain Red had lived in for the past thousand years. Red said he scented the scent of something faul carried on the wind coming from a nearby village. Bardolph’s scent was coming from that direction as well. They reached the village of Mirstone in two days, near noon. They settled themselves into an inn that had hot springs. 
“We’ll search the town, we’ll meet back at the inn by nightfall.” Rosabella looked over the group. Red begrudgingly agreed. They each went in seperate directions, Rosabella took to the vendors in the open air markets. 
“I haven’t seen any man with that description.” A woman with brown eyes answered Rosabella. 
Rosabella’s shoulders fell, she had been searching for hours, yet not a single person had been able to tell her anything about Bardolph. Nox looked up to Rose, sitting down very much like how a dog would, ears perked up. She sighed. 
“But some have been going missing.” The woman admitted, looking around as if she might be heard. 
“Who?” Rosabella stepped closer. The woman hesitantly answered, leaning closer as she spoke in a low whisper. 
“ A young man went missing a few days ago, and two others before that. No one has seen them for weeks.” 
Missing?  “Thank you.”  
The woman quickly made her way across the path.  Nox hopped onto a barrel, then to her shoulders. Rosabella brought her hand to her chin, resting her arm on the other hand. Rosabella brows furrowed in thought. That didn’t sound at all like how Bardolph would strike, and it was men. Not women. With a sigh, Rosabella decided to return to the inn, she was exhausted. 
Nox chirped happily as she walked back. Stepping into the inn, the elderly innkeeper smiled. A petite woman with grey hair and grey eyes behind round spectacles. 
“Welcome back Miss. Will you be taking a bath in our springs?” She asked gently.
Rosabella paused, Nox looked at the old woman, sniffing the air. She probably should take a bath, they had traveled for days and the last time she bathed was at Erinna home. She frowned. She really needed a bath. 
“Yes that would be lovely thank you.” She answered, the old woman nodded her head.  
“It’s cleared out by now, you shouldn’t be disturbed. The men go to another spring.”  
Rosabella accepted the drying cloths given to her, then quickly went to her room to gather her soap and a bathrobe. Nox walked excitedly beside her, as she walked to a door with the word women on it. The door opened to a wooden hallway with an opening to the hot spring. Leaving her bathrobe on a wooden bench in the hallway, she walked from wooden floors to smooth warm stone to the steaming hot springs. Leaving the drying cloth on a nearby rock, wearing nothing but the gold antler and ruby necklace. Nox jumped onto a large rock and jumped into the hotspring. His nose peeking from the water he swam towards Rosabella, ears twitching.  
The night sky twinkled as the stars shined their light down to the earth below. The winter air had no effect on Rosabella as she reached for her bar of soap, beginning to lather her long hair. Lost in thought, she pondered over what little clues she had found. Hopefully the others had better luck than she did. She sighed, sinking into the overly warm water. 
Nox nose dived to try to reach the bottom of the spring. Rosabella peaked an eye open underwater, seeing Nox swimming about with ease. Her hair floating to the surface, the red streaks in her hair shimmering underwater from the light coming from the warm glow of the lanterns on the surface. Rosabella blew a bubble, then rose to the surface, taking a deep breath. Her eyes catch the sight of something small and white falling. She lifted her hand from the water, catching it. It melted in her warm hand. It was snowing. 
A loud crash of cracking wood startled Rosabella and Nox. Her head snapping to the sound, her eyes widen in shock. There was Red, on the ground laying next to the splintered wood of the fence, glaring in the direction of where he came from. His teeth were barred as she snarled at whoever threw him through the wall.  The shape of a staggering man walked through the hole in the fence. 
The man reeked of the stench of wolf and death. Nox growled as he climbed out of the spring. Rosabella gasped at the sight of the man, he didn’t look human at all. Half his face elongated like that of a wolf, one eye was a beedy red, the other had lost its color. Patches of fur grew on his arms and legs, the remaining skin was red from irritation. His legs looked like the ones from the hind legs of a canine, and his feet were elongated, with clawed toes at each end. It was absolutely hideous to look at. 
Red rose to his feet, his arms were spread open, preparing for another attack. Rosabella stood. 
“Red!” She exclaimed, the shock not entirely gone. 
Red turned his head to look at her, his eyes widened at the sight of her, his eyes quickly snapping away from her bare body. “Rosabella!” He said in an alarmed taut tone.
Rosabella frowned at his reaction, she paled in realization, sinking into the water, her arms wrapping around her. Her eyes searching for the drying cloth she left on a boulder. Her eyes landed on Nox standing on his hand legs, holding the drying cloth in his mouth. 
The man, or creature, stalked towards Red, lunging for his throat. Red easily dodged, punching the thing right in its elongated jaw. The creature whimpered, then retaliated by biting Red’s forearm. Red growled menacingly at it, his other arm reaching for the scruff of the creature's neck. The creature let go of his hand, and rammed its head into Red’s. 
Red’s eyes flashed gold, ignoring the pain in favor of pushing it back, reaching for his sword. The creature knocked it out of his hands as it crashed its entire body into Red’s. The sword clattering to the ground. Red was pinned underneath the creature on top of him, its mouth snapping its fanged human teeth at him, Red kept the things' jaws as far away as he could. The monster’s weight crushing him, Red’s fangs gleamed as he growled. 
The sound of metal piercing flesh resonated in the night air, the creature fell limp in his arms. He pushed it off of himself. Rosabella stood behind the creature, her eyes wide at the sight of its twitching corpse. Panting for breath, trembling as she clutched Red’s sword tightly. Her hair dripping to the ground, shivering from the cold, her drying cloth doing nothing to keep her warm. The creature’s red beady eye dimed. 
She felt something warm placed on her shoulders, warmth enveloping her body. Her eyes blinked slowly, coming out of her daze. Firm yet gentle hands pried the bloody sword that she stabbed the creature’s heart with from her hands. She turned to look at Red. He wiped the blade clean, he kept his eyes down, refusing to meet her gaze. 
“What was that thing?” She spoke in a breathy whisper. His eyes lifted to hers, refusing to look anywhere else but her face.  
“I don’t know.”  He answered courtly. 
The gleam of something shiny caught his eye, unintentionally looking down to the gold antler and ruby necklace on her neck. He grew silent. She watched him with dazed eyes. 
A gasp reached their ears, Red and Rosabella looked to the old innkeeper, who looked in horror at the chaos before her old eyes. She looked at the two youths before her, standing awfully close to each other.
“What in heaven’s name happened?” She asked meekly, carefully stepping over the rubble.
Rosabella flushed in embarrassment, “I apologize for the mess but,” she pointed to the corpse lying just a few feet away from them, the old gasped in horror at the sight of the monster, “we had a bit of a situation.” 
The old woman muttered something about having to make quick repairs to the wall. “Red?” Rosabella called softly. 
Red looked back to her eyes, “You should go inside. Unless you plan to catch a cold,” then left her in the springs. Rosabella watched him leave, tilting her head in puzzlement. The warm cloth on her shoulder sagged, hand quickly catching the top two ends. The cloth was lined with black bur, and the fabric was warm and soft on her fingertips, and wine red. Her eyes snapped back to where Red had stood. He wasn’t wearing his cloak. Her heartbeat ringing loudly in her ears. He left her his cloak. 
In a daze, Rosabella returned to her room, put on clean clothes and her red cloak, combed her hair and Nox’s fur. She folded Red’s cloak gently and put it to the side as she waited for Cassandra and Felis to return. She wondered if they too came across that creature. In the end, Cassandra and Felis returned, the four of them gathered to speak over anything they found. 
Cassandra looked exhausted as she sat beside the fireplace, Lumi situated in her lap as she looked up at the group, and she was a bit envious of Rosabella managing to get a bath, Felis leaned on the wall, the dim light from the fireplace not helping the shadows under his eyes, and Red looked awake as ever. He was probably used to staying awake days at a time Rosabella mused.  
“All I managed to find out is that people have been going missing.” Cassandra began the report with a sigh.
“And most of the people gone missing, are young men, sometimes women.” Felis continued. 
Rosabella contemplated that. “I heard the same thing, but Red and I were attacked by something I’ve never seen before.” 
Red didn’t bother to comment. Felis seemed to awaken a bit more. “What did you see?”
“It looked like a man, but it had patches of fur all over its body. And its face was distorted, half of it was elongated like a wolf’s, and its legs were like a dog’s. Its hands were clawed. It smelled like death.”  Rosabella’s face grew grim.
“Sounds like something out of a nightmare…” Cassandra whispered with a wince.
“I have never heard of such a creature.” Felis pushed himself off the wall. 
“Whatever it was, it was strong, Red struggled to fight it off.” Rosabella explained, Red snorted. “I managed to slay the creature with his sword. Piercing its heart.” 
Felis looked to Red, “Was it the curse gone wrong?” 
Red shook his head. “It’s not my curse, I couldn’t recognize it. Any other wolf I came across I instantly could feel the curse, and they would either pissed their pants like a pup in excitement at meeting me, or run away in terror. There is no in between.” 
“Where would something like that even come from?” Cassandra mused, watching as the ermine jumped from her lap and perched himself on her shoulder.
“The north.” Red drew the attention of the others, the room was silent for a long moment.
“How do you know?” Rosabella asked him. 
“The scent of magic was heavy, and it smelled like the dirt from the northern forest I once traveled through years ago.” Red explained, his eyes narrowed as he looked to Rosabella. 
“That’s a long way for it to travel, you need a boat just to travel up river.” 
Felis gave a somber sigh. “I miss my ship.” 
Cassandra softly laughed under her breath momentarily. “It would be useful right about now, but it’d be too big to fit on the river.” 
“Bardolph is a wolf who is running around murdering women, there are people who have gone missing, a strange creature that has no semblance of self consciousness given that it didn’t respond to pain, is ridiculously strong that it threw Red through a wooden wall, somehow came from the north that you need to travel by the river to get here, looks like what might by the wolf curse, and Red cannot recognize them.”  Rosabella listed, her eyes darting as her thoughts raced. “I don’t know how to make sense of all this.” 
Cassandra stays silent, mentally running through Rosabella’s list once again. She couldn’t make sense of it either. An obvious connection was evident, though Red’s description of the scent of magic struck out to her the most. Felis walked towards Cassandra’s seat, placing a hand to her shoulder.
“That’s not all.” Red countered. “When I returned for the creature's corpse, half of its face matched the description of one of the missing men.” 
The air in the room chilled, Rosabella felt sick. The missing man was this creature and he came from somewhere up in the northern forest? Felis cleared his throat. “I take it we have our heading.”  
Rosabella and Red stood. “We’re going north.” 
Tag List: Let me know if you wish to be added!
@violetatapiamills​ @spookypotato​ @purple-amaranthe​ 
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ladynightmare913 · 4 years
Red Rose, Blood Moon
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Welcome to Chapter 7! This is an original inspired by the tale of  Red Riding Hood. I would like to say a special thank you to my best friend and co-author Olivia ( @asunshinepuff ​ )for joining me on in writing this world onto paper. 
CW: There is a brief mention of implied intercourse. You have been warned!
This story contains only original characters created by Olivia and myself. For those of you who want to be tagged, feel free to send an ask to me or Olivia on her blog. If you have any questions, theories, or curiosities about any of our characters or how the story will progress, send them to the ask box!
Now without further adieu!
Chapter 7: The Necklace
The hunters lead Rosabella and Bardolph to their village. The hunter hurriedly ushered Rosabella into his home, leading her up the stairs and into the room where his wife rested. Rosabella lifted the back of her hand to her nose, the room smelled foul. The scent of rotting herbs overwhelmed her. She looked over to the woman who was bed ridden.
The woman was deathly pale, her skin was clammy, her eyes were sunken and when she tried to speak, her voice croaked. Rosabella looked at the hunter who stared at his wife in silent grief at the state of her. “How long has she been like this?”
“Months, it wasn’t this bad at first. But it got worse over time, she says it feels like someone is stabbing her on her back.” 
Rosabella’s eyes scanned over the room, lowering her hand, she followed the scent of rotten herbs. She suspected the cause of his wife’s sudden illness. “What do you smell?” Rosabella asked the men. 
They looked amongst themselves, some sniffed the air. Shaking their heads. The hunter spoke. “Nothing.” 
Rosabella merely nodded, “I see,” she crouched down to her knees, bending over to look under the bed. She smirked when she found what she was looking for. She stood back up with an object in hand. Turning to the hunters, she opened her gloved palm, showing a dark purple pouch covered in markings. 
“This is the cause of your wife’s illness.” She spoke. 
The hunters all frowned, trying to get a closer look at the small pouch. “What is it?” 
“It’s a witch’s pouch. A witch can hex anyone with it from a great distance. It’s filled with cursed and rotten herbs like Voodoo Lily. Those flowers smell awful, and over time, can cause extreme pain.” Rosabella paused, looking amongst the hunters. “Someone cursed your wife.” 
The hunter frowned, the others began to mutter to themselves. Rosabella pushed past them, walking to the fireplace down stairs. She tossed the pouch into the burning flames. “Your wife should recover soon.”
“Who would do this to her?” The hunter asked.
Rosabella only gave a sympathetic glance. “It could be anyone, someone in the village could hold a grudge against your wife, and went to see a witch to get this pouch. I suggest you track down who might have done this.” 
The hunters nodded in agreement, a weak call from upstarts startled them, the hunter who’s name was called on their wife’s lips raced upstairs. She was already starting to recover.  
The hunters gave the huntress many thanks, Rosabella bashfully accepted their kind words. Bardolph whistled. “My lady, you truly are a maiden of many talents.” He grinned.  
“Why thank you Bardolph, but my talents are the product of years of study and experience. I still have much to learn.”  
“But of course.” He bowed his head. 
Rosabella rolled her eyes, catching sight of a woman walking towards then. She was a short woman with brown eyes, which widened at the sight of Bardolph. “You, don’t I-”
“Bonjour my lady, I am Bardolph Sinclair,” He grabs her hand, a smirk on his lips. “Au chanté mademoiselle.”
The woman flushed, “My word monsieur, you are too bold.”  
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Rosabella chuckled, quickly taking her leave when Bardolph called after her. 
Rosabella ignored him. Looking up at the moon, she deemed that it would be hours before she needed to return to the inn. She decided to go for a stroll in the woods. She’ll come back for Bardolph after. 
The night air was crisp and cool, Rosabella breathed in the fresh air. Twirling slowly as she gazed upon at the moon. A smile graced her face. Looking down, she stopped. An inaudible gasp escaped her. A fawn walked towards her, its nose twitching as it sniffed the air. Rosabella slowly crouched down, offering her hand. A bright smile on her face.
The fawn trotted over to her happily, licking her face, Rosabella laughed in joy. 
“Oh what a sweet thing you are!” She spoke softly, gently stroking it’s head. The fawn began to suckle her hand. 
“Oh little fawn, I have no milk to give you,” Rosabella looked over the fawn, her eyes scanning the forest, “Where is your mother?” 
A twig snapped, Rosabella gasped, turning quickly. Her heart raced, she hadn’t heard anyone following her. She searched for anyone hiding in the shadows, sniffing the air, she frowned. This scent, it was familiar. Where had she smelled it before? 
She wasn’t given a chance to ponder on her questions, the fawn trotted away from her, its tail wagging happily. “Wait I-” The fawn didn’t stop, only jumping into the brush. Rosabella humed in thought. Perhaps the fawn head it’s mother calling for it. Taking a deep breath, Rosabella continued her walk. 
She returned to the village when the moon was making its final light in the sky. Rosabella followed Bardolph’s scent, which was mostly ash and earth. But his scent was everywhere, so Rosabella decided to wait outside of the hunter’s home. 
The scent of ashe and earth reached Rosabella before Bardolph walked towards her briskly. Rosabella’s brows rose as she leaned on the wall of the house, her arms crossed. His lips were swollen, his hair was a mess, a dark purple bruise lined his collarbone, and looked out of breath. He was tucking in his shirt. A musky scent lingered on him, and the scent of the woman from earlier. Her nose crinkled. 
“Have an eventful night Bardolph?” She raised a quizzical brow. He responded with a weak laugh. 
“Why don’t we just head on back to the inn, hmm?” He smiled before he walked ahead. 
Rosabella shook her head as she walked silently behind him. Glaring at his head. He seemed to notice, he looked back at her. 
“Surely you can understand a man has needs Mademoiselle.” He chuckled awkwardly. 
Rosabella didn’t dignify him with a response, only raising an unimpressed brow. Bardolph sigh, about to turn around his eyes, caught the necklace on her neck. He frowned. 
“Where did you get that?” His eyes narrowed. 
“Get what?” Rosabella frowned in return. 
“That necklace.” He pointed to her chest. 
Rosabella eyed him skeptically, her hand gently grasped her necklace. Her fingers tracing over the gold antlers and ruby, “It was found on me as a babe. I do not know where it comes from. I like to believe it was my mother’s.” 
Bardolph stared at the necklace for a long while, “I had not noticed it before,” he muttered. He cleared his throat, seeming to come back to himself. “Forgive me, it’s just. I have only ever seen that necklace once before. It was thought to have been missing.” 
Rosabella looked at her necklace. Why would it have thought to be missing, unless… 
“Do you know this necklace?” Her eyes tracked every move he made. Maybe, just maybe, he would know where it came from, it may even lead her to her family. 
“No, but even if I did, it’s probably a fake.” He shrugged and continued on his way. 
Rosabella frowned. That was, quite rude. Rather insulting actually, to insinuate that her own mother left her a cheap copy of an original necklace. But, Red hadn’t said anything about it. Her head tilted as she walked, deep in thought. If what Red said was true, about him being older than that sixty year old man, which she sincerely doubted, he might know about her necklace. 
Red had said he was a traveler, he might have answers for her. Answers that might lead her to learning about her past. And if Bardolph’s reaction to it was anything to go by, it was indeed something travelers knew about, since he too was a traveler. But again, why hadn’t Red said anything about it?
Rosabella froze, the back of her hair stood on end, she felt as though someone was watching her. She looked around behind her, but there was no one there. Taking a breath she faced forward once more and paused, Bardolph was watching her from the window of the inn. She exhaled slowly. Why did Bardolph alarm her so?
The next day, Bardolph was nowhere to be found, and so Rosabella was alone in the carriage, not that she minded. She was relieved actually. It took another two days before they finally reached Paris. There Rosabella hugged the old man goodbye and went about her way back to her village. 
When she was about to enter the gate, she could hear a loud gasp and was suddenly enveloped with a near bone crushing hug. Rosabella laughed in joy. Cassandra pulled away with a smile and her own laughter, Felis was smiling. 
 “Where have you been? We’ve looked for you for days! I tried to track you with my magic but-”
“Let’s just say Royce has forever banned us from the kitchen.” Felis interjected. 
Cassandra elbowed Felis in his stomach, muttering about how he was a traitor. Rosabella laughed, overjoyed to hear their familiar bickering. A loud yipping raced toward her, looking down she saw Nox running straight at her.
“Nox!” Her arms opened wide as the Russian Sable jumped into her waiting arms. “Oh Nox, you have no idea how much I missed you.” 
Nox licked her cheek, giving her wet kisses as he walked over her arm to take his rightful place on her neck. Rosabella chuckled while Cassandra smiled at her sister, Lumi was perched on her shoulder. Rosabella hugged Cassandra once more, she spoke, “Oh Cassandra, I have so much to tell you.” 
Cassandra nodded. “Tell me everything.” 
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ladynightmare913 · 4 years
Red Rose, Blood Moon
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Welcome to Chapter 3! This is an original story inspired by the tale of Red Riding Hood. I would like to say thank you to my dear best friend and co-author Olivia ( @asunshinepuff​ ) for joining me in writing this world into paper. I cannot thank her enough for giving me the courage to share this story with you all. 
This story contains only original characters created by Olivia and myself. For those who want to be tagged to follow along this adventure, let me know! If you have any curiosities, theories, or questions, feel free to ask me or Olivia on her blog. We each have our respective characters, so if you happen to have questions about any of these characters, simply send an ask. Note that I will be not taking credit for any of Olivia’s original characters, so if you send me an ask pertaining to one of her characters, it will be no trouble and I will simply direct your ask to her blog. 
Chapter 3: The Pirate, The Sorcerer, and The Hunter
It had rained the night before, the earth was wet and the mud clung thickly to the boots of those who traveled on dirt roads. The sound of clopping hoof beats was the only thing you could hear in the still night. Three cloaked figures rode on horseback, one leading the two others. It had taken nearly three days to reach the village of Ludrel. Rain began to pour heavily, the light from the village guided them in the rain, not that they would’ve needed it. 
A knock on the door three times. A village man opens the door slightly. Glaring. 
Their faces were hidden by the hoods of their cloak. “We were informed that this has been plagued by a monster?” A male voice spoke. 
The man looks taken back, he glances to the other cloaked figures. He quickly opens the door. “Do come in.”  
The hooded figures say nothing as they walk into the small house.  The village man closes the door. A petite woman stood by the fireplace and a small boy no older than five was playing with a wooden toy horse on a rug.
“This is my wife,” he looks at the cloak figures. The child stared in amazement. The wife moved to her kitchen, silently grabbing three wooden bowls from the cupboard, then walked to the fireplace where a large pot sat. She sat there for a moment before she took the bowls to the table.  
“You must be hungry from your journey, please sit.” She smiles as she backs away to stand next to her husband. 
“Thank you.” Wordlessly, they all sit at the table and accept the bowl after a silent moment. The boy, emboldened by his mother’s calm, walked to the cloaked figure in red. Hearing the small pitter of feet approaching behind them. They look down to the small boy. The child’s head tilted in curiosity, his head tilted up to look at their face, from his angel he could see the figure’s face clearly. The hood caste a shadow over their face, but he saw two pairs of eyes gazing down at him. The boy touches the cloak.
“It’s dry!” He says in wonder. 
“It’s enchanted, my cloak will keep dry in the harshest rain, and warm from the cold, and it cannot tear.” 
The boy looks back to the cloak in amazement. The boy’s father only frowned at the sound of the red hooded figure’s voice. “What is this?! You’re a woman?!” 
The man reaches forward to the woman in red, his reaches for the hood before a black mass of fur bursts out from inside the hood and swipes its clawed paws, snarling at the man. The man staggers back, nursing his hand as he looks to his attacker. He was confused at first, it was a large creature. Nearly the size of the man’s arm, he glared at the furry beast that continued to glare at the disgruntled man.
“Nox.” The woman in red says softly. The furry beast calms, turning its head to look at the woman, before jumping from her neck to land on the table. It’s pointed ears perking up. Now that the village man took a better look at the creature, it wore a bright red collar with intricate gold designs, a Russian sable, who he has hunted many a time, but he had never seen one kept as a pet. Nor so large. The sable had no qualms of baring its teeth at him. The boy only gasps in amazement. 
“He’s yours?!” He asks with bright eyes. The hooded woman merely nods. 
“Didn’t know they sent a woman to do a man’s job. They’ve sent you to your deaths.” 
“Then why haven’t you killed the monster? Surely you are a man.”  The woman says nothing more.
“Could you tell us a bit more about what exactly has been causing trouble in your village?” The male voice spoke.
The mother quickly pulled her son away, she had also been amazed at the details of the cloak. She gently grips her husband’s arm, her eyes pleading. “Tell them...” 
With an exasperated sigh, the man spoke at last. “It’s a bloody grim.” 
“Are you certain? It could just be a black dog. There may be another cause for their sudden deaths.” The dark purple cloak finally spoke. “Has it ever been spotted in the daylight?”
The man turns to the one who wore a dark purple cloak, another female voice , he doesn’t comment this time. “It’s a grim! A big black dog that whenever someone sees it, they die that same night!”
“Well, it could be that the dog is a grim, but there has to be another reason for their sudden deaths. Grim’s don’t typically attack humans, they’re an omen.” The woman muses. 
“If not a grim then what the bloody hell is it?!” The man shouts. 
“That is what we will find out. Until then, be careful. You should all sleep for the remainder of tonight.”
“And what are you three going to do?” The man snaps.
“To look for the creature of course.” The male voice spoke. Without a word, the trio of hoods rise from their seats. The young mother quickly went up the staircase, carrying her son in arms. 
“Mama I don’t want to sleep.” 
“Hush. It’s past your bedtime, now sleep.” The mother tucks him into bed with a good night kiss before she closes the door. The boy sighed. He lays down to sleep when he hears voices outside his window, he scrambles to the windowsill, looking below. The three hooded figures stood in a circle. He couldn’t make out what they were saying, only that each went in opposite directions. The large black sable from before following after the red cloak dutifully. The boy’s shoulders slumped, exhaling a sigh as he lays back down to bed. 
He awoke hours later, the whispers returned. He bolted upright to peer out the window, it had stopped raining and there were only two out of the three cloaks. The one with a dark purple cloak and a dark green. The one who wore red was nowhere to be seen. He quickly left the window to his bedroom door, and silently made his way downstairs. He went to the back door and left the safety of home. He shivered in the freezing air, but he must ignore the cold if he wants to hear what they’re whispering about. 
He crouched down as he hid behind a barrel, straining his ears to listen.  
“ … werewolf?” 
“I don’t believe so…shifter… ” 
“ … I have a bad feeling…” 
 “ …  be careful.”
“I’ll look for…” 
The two went their separate ways again. The boy groaned, he needed to get closer if he wanted to know what they were talking about. He decides to follow the one in the dark green cloak. The boy struggled to keep sight of the man, but after many twists and turns, the boy stood on an empty road, the man was nowhere to be found.  
Pouting, the boy kicks a pebble in frustration. The boy, with great reluctance, decides to return home. He turns back. He truly wanted to know what the three cloaks were going to do. He found it strange, how come they could walk around at night while he could not? He hears something behind them. 
Blinking, the boy turns to his left. There was nothing there. He continues on. A growl vibrates in the air. The boy’s  mind screamed at him to run, to hide, to find someplace to hide, to call for someone, but his body would not obey his commands. Instead, he slowly turns his head. The blood rushing to his ears. His blood became colder than the freezing air. A large, monstrous thing with beady red eyes and large fangs, He runs. 
The creature gives chase. The boy dares not look back. The wet smack of the mud on his boots overpowers the sounds of his panting breath, he can practically feel the creature gaining on him. His eyes dart at a turn, his body instinctively following his line of sight and makes the turn. Not realizing that he was only running further away from the village, and into the forest.  
Low branches scratch against his cheeks, he stumbles as he tries to look around for a place to hide. The creature roars behind him, the child darts to his right just as the beast pounces to where he once stood. The boy runs, and runs, until he could run no more, a wall of stone staring him down. 
He was trapped.  
A growl emanates behind him. The child whimpers as he flinches, his shoulders hunched up tightly, his eyes wide in terror. Silent tears trek down his face. The creature was massive, with grey fur, beady red eyes, and a long thin tail swaying menacingly behind it. It must have been at least three heads taller than the fiver year old boy. Nearly the size of his mother. The creatures crouched down to pounce, the boy lifted  his arms to shield himself, huddled to the ground. 
“Mamá…” The boy whimpers. 
The creature leaps into the air, claws stretching for the boy. He shut his eyes, waiting for his inevitable death. 
A loud resounding thud of something large tumbling to the ground reached his ears. A plaintive whimper escapes the creature, a sharp growl answers it. The boy opens his eyes and gasps. 
The monster was on the ground on its side, trying to get up. His eyes dart up to his savoir, and his heart nearly stops. His savoir, was another creature that looked like a black wolf. Only this wolf was HUGE. It towered over the creature, snapping its jaws at the monster. The beast was taller than his father. 
The ears of the wolf flicked towards the boy, sapphire blue eyes gazed down at him. The boy tensed, his body pressed against the boulder behind him. The wolf’s ear twitched when the monster fell to the ground once again. The wolf growled before turning to the boy.  
It stepped forward. The boy’s heart beat faster. The wolf stood before the child. The boy couldn’t move. The wolf opened its mouth. The boy shuts his eyes again. He felt something pull on the back of his collar, his feet were not on the ground. 
He opened his eyes in shock, the wolf placed him on its back. The boy clenched on its soft fur tightly. The wolf turned back to the creature, giving another growl for good measure before it ran off.  
The boy looked behind him to see the creature standing once more and began to chase them. The boy gasps and pressed himself against the wolf’s back. The wolf paused in its sprint, lifting its head. And howled. It was clear and broke the silent night. The wolf lowered its head and began to once more. 
The boy looked back, the wolf was fast. They were so far away from the creature in only a few seconds. The boy nearly looks away when bright purple flames erupt, surrounding the monster. The dark purple cloak and dark green cloak jump into the ring of fire. 
“Oh joy, shapeshifters…” The male voice says.
The wolf didn’t look back. It ran up a hill, only there did it turn to look down to the forest. The purple flames were impossible to miss. The boy lifted himself up to sit so he could try to look closer. 
The wolf huffs before it turns away, the boy pouts. All sense of danger had long left the boy. He only felt sleepy all of a sudden. He laid down on the wolf, his eyes began to droop. 
When he opened his eyes, the woman in the red cloak stood over him, her hands were covered in black gloves, gently holding the covers. The boy frowned, his hands felt something soft, and the room was familiar. He sat up quickly in shock, he was in his room! His toys were littered across the floor, his cloak hung on the rack, and his stuffed dog rested beside him. All the while, the woman remained frozen. She was going to tuck him in. Wordlessly the boy slowly laid back into bed. 
The woman smiled, a gentle chuckle left her lips. His eyes began to droop once more. The woman brushed his hair back before placing a feather light kiss on his forehead. He closed his eyes, and just like that. She was gone. 
“William! Breakfast!” His mother called. 
The boy groaned as he rose from the warmth of his bed. Getting up in the morning was a crime. Especially in the bitter cold air. He stumbled his way down the stairs, periodically falling asleep on his porridge. The mother wiped the boy’s face with a wet rag to chase away the sleep. 
With his mind now clear from the morning fog, William began to remember the eventful night he had. He played with his food. There was a monster, don’t tell mama he had snuck out, there was running and chasing. And a wolf. With blue eyes. William rubbed his eyes. Where had the red cloaked woman gone? He only saw the purple and green cloaks. Then the wolf saved him. Did wolves save people? Father said that wolves were evil. Had it all been just a dream? William shook his head. No, it was too real. He felt the cold, the terror and the soft from the wolf. He had felt the intense heat from the purple flames. Purple, the flames must’ve come from the woman in purple!
“William take this to your father, he’s outside talking to the nice people who visited last night. Go on now.” 
The child did remember. With a yawn he accepts the small pouch from his mother as she puts his cloak on him. He leaves his seat and goes outside to search for his father.  He didn’t have to search long, his father was just outside of the house. The boy simply pulled on his father’s shirt and wordlessly handed him the pouch. 
“Thank you again, truly.” William’s father spoke. 
“It was our pleasure.” The one in purple answered. 
The boy had walked to the porch, sitting on the stairs. He watched them converse as a small little white creature he had never seen before pops out from the purple woman’s hood. The creature had round ears, a black tipped tail and looked to be about the size of his father’s hand. The black creature he saw yesterday that belonged to the woman in red, Nox, he remembers its name. The little white creature ran up to Nox after being placed down on the ground, and they both began to play. The boy watched in amusement. 
A shadow cast over him. He stared at the shadow in confusion before he looked up to see who had cast it. Sapphire eyes gazed down at him. The same eyes as the wolf. William’s eyes widened. 
“You’re the wolf!” The boy exclaims softly. 
The woman only smiles, bringing a gloved finger to her lips. She looks to the two small creatures playing. “We rescued them too. The little white one was just a babe. His name is Lumi. He’s an ermine.” 
William looks to the creatures. Eyes darting to keep up with the quick creatures. 
“Lumi.” The woman in purple calls. The ermine stops his play and scurries to her, hopping into her hands as she bends down to pick him up.  
The woman in red looks at the small boy. “Goodbye William.” 
The three cloaks all mount their horses. Dark green went to a dark grey and black horse with light grey spots, and a black mane. Dark purple went to the horse that was a chestnut brown with a light brown mane, placing the little ermine in her small compartment. And Red lifted Nox from the ground to her a small compartment strapped to her horse. Red mounted her large black and white horse with a long white mane. Nox pops his head out from the and seemed to wink at William. They made their way out of the village. 
William stood and ran as far as the gate, he waved his arm. “Thank you!”
They all waved back. And they were gone. 
“What a strange group they are.” His father said. “Women hunting down monsters, what is the world coming too?”
William only smiled. If only his father knew, just exactly what women were capable of. That purple flames and a wolf with sapphire eyes had saved him. 
“I want to be like them, and Mama.” 
“What?!” The father stared at his son.
William only looked determined. “I want to help people.” 
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