#oh for those who might not recall from some of the other tanwen posts
ibrithir-was-here · 4 years
The Tale of Tanwen Part 3
Hello! Finally back to Tanwen after taking a detour into the Mai Squared stuff, but today we’re finally gonna catch up to our poorly reincarnated Heroine, who, when we last left off, had been swayed by Feanor’s influence/regained memories to renew the Oath to reclaim the Silmarils...
Thankfully, (depending on the point of view) it proves much harder for a young elleth not even come into full maturity, to gain hold of the most precious object in the Blessed Lands, than it perhaps would have for Feanor himself, in full possession of his cunning and ability. And despite her plans and plots, Tanwen does not suceed in regaining the last known Silmaril from the brow of her other great-grandfather. And now, the suspicions of her parents that something is not well with their child has been confirmed...
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As have the suspicions of the Valar. Many souls have passed thru Mandos’s Halls, and as wise and great as he is, he is not all-seeing, nor all-present. Long had he allowed the spirit of Feanor to dwell apart, locked in his own misery and anger, refusing all attempts to aid him in moving on from his own inner rage. But now, looking into the eyes of this child, wracked from within with a fury far older and deeper then one so young to the world ought to have, the Judge of the Dead questions for the first time if leaving the Spirit of Fire to his own devices for so long was wise. Something has gone amiss, and as Mandos and Vaire return to the Halls in search of Feanor, his youngest descendent is left in the care of Namo.
For the Lord of Dreams knows that much healing can be found in sleep, as well as much knowledge gained from thoughts freed to wander in dreams. If there is an answer to be found for the young elleth’s sudden state of imbalance, he is certain it can be found with the aid of the spells of sleep that are his to call upon. 
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And in enchanted slumber, the spirit of Tanwen Faelach wakes to a world between worlds, a place of mist and shadow, a world that those bound in the Halls of Mandos know well.  For as Sleep is the Brother of Death, so one who is caught between the two might easily find themselves walking those shrouded halls, even more so for one for whom part of their soul should , be rights, be residing there still...
There is no sound at first, nor any sight to be seen nor touch to be felt. And the spirit that names it self Faelach trembles to be so suddenly alone, void of all companionship but themselves. There is no way to tell time in this border place, no way to tell if they have wandered in this mist for hours, or days, or simply stood in one place for an eternity, as the mist rolls around them. Finally, tears that do not truly exist come to eyes that are no longer truly there to shed them, and a cry for their father comes from a throat that can no longer make sound--
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And that cry is answered.  In dreams, as in death, the eyes of the soul may look upon the face of one who would be utterly unknown to them in life and yet know them perfectly. And thus did the souls of Finwe and Faelach know eachother for what they were, though the soul of his son wore a different face, and the father of Tanwen Faelach sat beside her in the Gardens of Lorien, her still hand held in his. But for a moment, in the dream state in which they met, neither of these things mattered to two souls lost together in the mists between life and death.
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And that’s part three! There’s gonna be two more parts to this in total I think, so keep your eye out! Im so, so crazy glad that you all have liked my art and stories so much and I hope I can continue to make stuff you’ll all enjoy!
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