#oh fuck i forgot bdubs woops
modernsuperhero · 1 year
Deity Influence in Limited Life
Be they Watchers or Listeners, here’s a list of things I either headcanon/theorize as direct deity intervention or are explicitly canon (at least to Martyn’s POV) as deity intervention in this season of Limited Life:
Grian never being Boogeyman. Grian is not supposed to be playing the game - why should he get to have what he wants? Of course they’re not going to allow him extra time when they’re actively trying to yank him out... and speaking of-
Grian’s AFK coma. While I like to interpret it in-universe as Grian being ill, or at least appearing to be gravely ill and as unconscious as a Watcher can be, it’s canon that his absent body was the result of the Watchers pulling him away from what ‘anchors’ him in the games, since they don’t want him there.
Jimmy’s perma-death. The canary curse is explicitly canon now - and as many of us know now, he was dead before he hit the ground. Jimmy was a dead man walking due to dying to Etho’s boogeyman kill with less than two hours. It should have perma-killed him then, but while Grian knew it was a boogey kill and gave Etho his extra 30 minutes, he did NOT remove Jimmy’s last hour. Jimmy was shifting on the sky bridge - in-universe, I believe the Watchers pushed him to make up for the death Grian was trying to avoid.
The border not protecting those outside of it. “Here’s the thing about being beyond the veil - we’re already dead.” Grian knows how this game works, since he both IRL and canonically made them. He also knows the rules are to stay WITHIN the border - he was breaking them for the protection they granted him and his allies (first the Bad Boys, then the Nosy Neighbors). But, it didn’t protect them! He broke a rule, and thus similarly to Jimmy’s death, I believed he and his allies were penalized for it.
BigB’s brief invisibility to Scott. Scott is HATED by the Watchers for bending the rules of the game as much as he can. He refused the Boogeyman Curse in Last Life, divorced and chose is own soulmate in Double Life, and rushed his Boogeyman kill in the first episode of Limited Life. On top of that, he’s managed to (technically) win 2/3 games. Of course they wouldn’t want him to win another - and while ultimately it meant nothing because Scott just permakilled BigB the moment the invisibility was gone, I think the fact that it was BigB, a former Evo member, was interesting.
Bdubs’ lack of recording. Whether he ends up posting a supercut or not, one thing is for sure - for the duration of this season, he was unwatched. In fact, the only way he could be observed was through other people... you could even phrase it as you could only find out was he was doing by hearing it through the grapevine...
And of course, whatever the FUCK happened at the end of Martyn’s last video. I have so many questions. Cherri and Martyn, I fucking applaud you.
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