#oh god the coloured texts keep discolouring themselevs
rykno-j · 10 months
MORE J/JK THOUGHTS based off the episodes we have right now, hope you guys don't mind
ive had these for awhile but finally decided to sit down and actually find the photos and whatnot i wna use
since there are pictures i'll put it all under the cut in case it gets too long.. (presently, after doing up the whole post: YES, IT DID, IT GOT QUITE LONG)
Thought 1:
i noticed how it went from:
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"We're the strongest, after all."
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"We are the strongest."
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"S/atoru had become the 'strongest'. "
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"Don't worry, I'm the strongest."
just the concept of g/ojo loosing his friend, his counterpart, someone he once considered to be as strong as him. gone, now he's alone at the top, alone as the "strongest". g/ojo might be all smiles and silly but i think deep down he's lonely and he longs for the relationship he had with g/eto
Thought 2:
Also more on words. The opening of j/jk season 2:
my thoughts are in brackets
(i'll take apart certain lyrics i wna use here. i got the translated version from G/oogle)
Verse 1:
"These days will fade away
Even though I’ve come to know the scent of you being different from mine"
(like yes, they were different, but they grew together)
"Any prayer, any word
Could bring us closer, but they couldn’t reach you"
"Just like a silent love
In the summery colors along my cheeks,"
End of chorus:
"The words to curse you have been stuck in the back of my throat 'We’ll meet again, right?' in an unvoiced voice"
(this part especially, reminds me of j/jk 0 where s/uguru laughs and says that s/atoru should've at least cursed him in his final moments.)
Verse 2:
"A time to reminisce, a portrait of us who were nobody yet
No matter what, we could have shared it"
(how they used to be just students, and that they were supposed to grow strong together, how they were supposed to share that power together at the top)
"Little by little, since that day
The curse of me being different from you is growing bigger"
(this shows the distance between them started to grow, where s/atoru became the strongest and left s/uguru behind. also i love how its described as a 'curse' that they are different. it's such a spot-on word choice)
"The sorrow behind your smile
I failed to notice it, with all my regret"
(s/atoru's regret that he never noticed his friend's pain)
"To you, a flower that blooms but falls without bearing fruit
I say goodbye"
(the flower here probably referenced to s/uguru and how he unfortunately went down the path of evil) AGEHGSDG IT'S SO SAD OMG
The ending part:
"Like star grains in an infinitely expanding galaxy
Spilling through the gaps between my fingers"
(like how s/atoru is the strongest yet everything slips from his fingers. r/iko's life, his childhood with s/uguru)
Thought 2.1:
Now i have a few things to say about the ending song as well.
Verse 1, opening line:
"Before my good will breaks down
I should have told you everything"
(i rly feel like if s/uguru confided in s/atoru for company it could have been different. or if s/atoru was there when y/uki talked to s/uguru)
"Nothing to look for, swaying love
Concealing it and living on"
"I couldn’t go anywhere today
Sleeping, sleeping, to the brand-new morning
Loneliness under crying"
(remembering when s/uguru said his life was a cycle of "exorcise" and "absorb", it's like everyday is repeated.) also his loneliness now that s/atoru is all the way on top
"I have no use for yesterday
So the moon is dark, twisting light
Where shall I go tomorrow"
Verse 2:
"Wishing but unable to change my feelings
Just the form falls apart"
"Counting the days from the loneliness
I was drowning in one tear"
(s/uguru struggling in his despair and having no one by his side)
"If it’s worthless then just destroy it
I’ll live freely in my song"
"This is the only place
I want to touch you here
It can be a silly story"
i really think the opening and ending suit this arc really well. its almost as if the opening was s/atoru's POV and the ending was s/uguru's POV
Thought 3:
How s/uguru used to be s/atoru's moral compass.
-"j/ujutsu sorcerers exist to protect non-j/ujutsu sorcerers." (the basketball scene)
-"there has to be a reason to kill people, especially for j/ujutsu sorcerers." (when s/atoru asked if they should just kill everyone in the organisation)
But then he did a complete swap, cue the street scene where they yelled at each other. and by "they" i mean mostly s/atoru yelling at s/uguru, trying to understand why, why his friend chose that path.
and cue the dictatorship and the killing of someone in the organisation to establish that power over others (non-sorcerers)
Thought 4:
How g/ojo as a teacher is always trying to let his students have fun. After the inter-school thing and the curses attacked on day 1, he still insisted that they carry on with day 2
and he even slipped a baseball paper in the drawing box
The way i see it is that he wants the students to have fun and enjoy their youth in the way that he could not, since it was practically stolen from him
Also the fact that he wants to raise his students to be just as strong as him, maybe so he won't stand alone at the top?
G/ojo might be the strongest, but being alone at the top, he's bound to get lonely
That's all, those are most of my thought i have for s/atoru and s/uguru, i have a whole bunch more but these are those that i remember for now. their whole arc was a mass ocean of "what if"s, and it breaks my heart in so many ways to think of scenarios in which everything. was. different.
if anything else strikes i'll just do another post
arghsgdhs im sorry this is so long i just had alot to say ahhh- i'm WAYY too attached to these characters, i swear its beyond healthy levels
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