#oh gosh if all this ends up being horribly inaccurate I will be SO embarrassed 😂 already am tbh :’D
artsy-dreamer · 1 year
For the fictional friendships ask: Asahi and Nishinoya; 1, 3, 5, and 13?
My boys!! I love them 💛💛 Thanks so much for the ask!! And sorry it took me so long to answer ;-; I kinda had a lot going on…
…ok I’m still very behind on Haikyuu, so I don’t know a whole lot about them yet… won’t stop me from making an attempt though XD Their friendship makes me happy 😊
When I think they became friends (if canon already hasn't showed how they became friends)
I’m kinda leaning toward them meeting at volleyball club in Noya’s first year of high school- simple as that, a libero and his ace bonding over their shared interests and becoming a powerful team together 😊 I have to wonder if maybe Noya was drawn to Asahi because he saw a bit of himself in the guy- from what I’ve heard, Noya himself was quite the anxious little guy when he was younger, so I can definitely see him wanting to be the kind of friend he needed back then 🥺 And with Noya’s friendly demeanor and his efforts to include Asahi in conversations and invite him to hang out on weekends, show interest in his other hobbies and nudge him out of his comfort zone and all that, it’s only natural that they’d grow closer and develop the strong bond they have now- I love how despite their age difference, they seem to treat each other as equals and look up to each other, it’s really sweet :’)
3. A random headcanon I have of them
Somehow I ended up with the headcanon that Noya is prone to headaches, and I just love the idea of Asahi being a good comfort to Noya when he’s not feeling well- gives him temple massages, makes sure he’s getting enough water to drink and all that :’) And one time, there was some construction taking place close to where Noya lives, and it was giving him headaches and making them harder to get rid of, so sometimes Asahi would let Noya stay over at his place where it was quieter and rest until he felt better- maybe he even cuddled with Noya until he fell asleep :’) I love the idea of Noya learning that cuddling has scientifically proven health benefits, and just latching onto that fact and constantly using it as an excuse because the dude LOVES him some cuddles XD
5. A scene I wish we had of them
…tfw I don’t know all their scenes yet XD But judging from these questions, I’m guessing canon hasn’t shown how they met, so I’d love to see that… but other than that? I love me a good hug scene, so I’ll go with that XD if they had a canon hug scene i probably would’ve seen dozens of redraws already lol
I just wanna see Noya make a running start and jump up to hug his buddy, and Asahi is standing there with his arms wrapped around Noya while his tiny little legs dangle off the ground XD That’d be so cute, lol
13. What I think would have happened if they never met
From what I’ve heard, they don’t seem to have *quite* as much of a deep fated connection as some other pairs in Haikyuu? Like, they’re in each other’s lives and they care a lot about each other but they’re not completely floundering on their own either :’D So I guess their friendship is kind of like that one post about double chocolate chip cookies- it may not be necessary for them to exist, but I sure wouldn’t want to live in a world without them! 😊💕💕 I suppose they’d be fine, but their lives just wouldn’t be as enriched as they could be? I mean, Noya does have other good buddies that he has a lot of fun with, but like… since he had more anxiety when he was younger, maybe Asahi would get him in a way that others might not, and if they’d never met, Noya might not have that connection with someone he could relate to in his life 😔 Same with Asahi- while he has other good friends in the volleyball club too, Noya seems to be the one he clicks with the most :’) And without him around, maybe it would’ve taken a bit longer for Asahi to come back to volleyball club- I just love how the reason Noya so adamantly refused to play without Asahi is because he didn’t want the guy thinking they could get by without him 🥺 It warms my heart how well Noya understands Asahi and how supportive he is of him!! Always pushing him to do his best because he knows he has it in him!! I’m just really glad they DID meet, because they have such a wonderful friendship and they make each other’s lives brighter… they are a package deal your honor 💛
ok that was a lot… can you tell I’ve been itching to gush about Haikyuu or XD So thanks for the excuse! 💕
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ladylazuli97 · 7 years
We Protected Each Other  -  A Mystery Pearl fanfiction
Sheena dropped her sword ‘cause of her opponent's heavy blow. This made her deconcentrate, and fell in her attempt to get safe. She lifted her head and found the tip of the enemy sword a few inches from her nose.
"I guess you won this time," Sheena said with a smile. Pearl laughed, moving her sword away from Sheena's face. She threw herself on her girlfriend and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
"That was very good," said Pearl. "You've improved a lot"
"I was a little slow, just say it," Sheena replied
"Just a little, in the end. Your grip should be firmer, and don't lose your sword. But seriously, you learned fast"
"I have a great coach"
Sheena put her hand on Perla's cheek. She immediately blushed.
"I love when you get nervous," Sheena said. "You look adorable"
She came slowly to kiss Pearl, but they were interrupted by a voice. "Hey girls!"
Sheena and Pearl looked up at the steps of the Sky Arena, and saw Amethyst, who had a mocking expression on her face. "What? I interrupt something?" She asked, laughing.
"We just finished training today," Pearl replied, her face completely blue.
"C'mon, P! You girls, been coming out months, you shouldn't be so nervous anymore. Anyway, Steven and Connie brought pizza and some movies, and they don't want to start without you, girls"
"In a moment!" Sheena said, smiling at Amethyst
"Sure... Well, I'll go tell them. I'll leave you here. Alone. Byyye"
Amethyst disappeared, and Sheena hear the sound of the warp pad.
"So..." Sheena whispered, and before Pearl did or said anything, she kissed her slowly. "You owed me that"
"I love you" Pearl said, stroking Sheena's hair.
"I love you too, dear. C'mon, we don't want to make Steven wait"
"He must be very excited. He said something 'bout the new Lonely Blade movie ... Although I still think those films show very inaccurate combat techniques ... "
"It's just a movie, it doesn't have to make sense. You said it"
"Yes, but..."
Sheena laughed, and stood, offering a hand to Pearl to help her get up. Then, she went to pick up the sword, and put it in the scabbard.
"You should retrain the sword" Pearl proposed "You know... In case you want to practice for yourself"
"Sure. I just hope I don't make a mess in the house"
"If you do, you can call me. You know I love fixing up disasters"
"You don't need that excuse to go to my house, babe"
Pearl laughed and kissed Sheena on the cheek, "Let me help you"
She set about arranging Sheena's gym bag, adjusting the sword perfectly. "I want to thank you for getting along so well with Steven," Pearl said. "He and Connie don't stop talking about how good it is to be with you"
"Oh, it's nothing," Sheena replied, taking her gym bag. "They're sweet kids"
"Yes, that's true" Pearl said, taking her girl's hand, and they walked the warp pad together.
The teleportation was something that Sheena still didn't get used to, it was really strange to travel that way, but when your girlfriend is an alien, strange things are common.
In less than a minute, they were in the temple, or rather, Steven's house. Steven, Connie, Amethyst, and Garnet were sitting in front of the television, though it was still off.
"Pearl, Sheena!" Steven exclaimed "Come on, we're going to watch the movie"
"Hi everyone," Sheena greeted, leaving her bag on the couch.
"How about training, girls?" Amethyst said, smiling "I thought it was going really great, right?"
Pearl blushed. Before she or Sheena could say anything, Connie ran to the side of Sheena and said "I'm dying for you to train with us! O with Stevonnie! That will be great!"
"Give me a little more time" Sheena replied "You're already an expert, you'd beat me in a second" Connie blushed. Sheena smiled, and raised her hand to give a hi-five "Human beings?"
"Human beings!"
Sheena noticed Pearl staring at her with star eyes. That little alien nerd was too cute. Gived her number to Pearl has been the best decision of his life
"C'mere" Amethyst said "I starve, and Steven will not let me open the pizza!"
"We ordered your favorite, Sheena!" Steven exclaimed.
"Thanks" Sheena said, sitting up in bed and stirring Steven's hair. "This deserves to be invited to Funland over the weekend, how about it?"
"Wow! It would be great!"
"You're amazing," whispered Pearl in Sheena's ear, hugging her, while Steven put the movie on.
Garnet turned to look at them. She smiled, and raised his thumb.
  In afternoon, Sheena and Pearl were left alone, since all the others had gone to leave Connie to her house. They talked for a while, until it was time for Sheena to go home too. Pearl offered to go with her, and Sheena agreed. Perhaps when they arrived, she could convince Pearl to spend the night with her. Pearl don't really sleep, but Sheena enjoyed her company. One of the first times Pearl stayed at Sheena's house, she had fallen asleep, and Sheena had seen a projection of what seemed to be Pearl's dreams coming out of her gem. Pearl dreamed of Sheena, both on the bike, traveling through space. The dream's Pearl looked so happy, that the real Sheena couldn't avoid hugging her girlfriend and covering her with kisses, although that meant waking her. Anyway, she hoped Pearl would say yes to staying at her house.
They were walking along the beach, on the way to Big Donut, where Sheena had parked the bike. Pearl looked out at the horizon, watching the sunset. Sheena paused for a moment.
"Is something wrong?" Pearl asked, looking at Sheena.
"No, it's just..." Sheena felt a little nervous. Oh gosh, Pearl was ... perfect "I wanted to tell you that you're beautiful"
Pearl gave a nervous laugh, and her face turned blue "I also think you are beautiful. You have made perfect every day since I met you "
Sheena took Pearl in her arms. She was so small and thin that she could lift it easily. Pearl blushed even more, if that's possible. She kissed her neck, and go to her lips. Pearl returned the kiss, holding Sheena's neck with her arms. Sheena had never known anyone to make her feel this way.
"I love you, my Pearl," Sheena said. "You have no idea how much"
"I love you much more" Pearl replied
Sheena came over to kiss Pearl again, but was interrupted by a roar. From the ocean came a monster, a corrupted gem, just like the ones that had appeared in The Great North. Sure it was some of the ones Jasper had held captive, that they ran away when Jasper herself got corrupted.
"Can we never have a walk on the beach without a monster attacking us?" Sheena said mockingly as she went down to Pearl.
The corrupted gem shook the water like a dog, and though it had no visible eyes, it turned toward them.
"Go behind those rocks!" Shouted Pearl, summoning her spear "I take charge"
"No, Pearl ..." Sheena began.
She knew that Pearl wouldn't focus on anything else until she obeyed, so she did. She stayed at a safe distance, but... Pearl needed help. Sheena had to do it! Wasn't that what she was training for? Pearl was having problems with the monster, of course! That gem was huge, and Pearl was so delicate ... She was a great warrior and everything, but we all need help now and then!
"Pearl!" Sheena shouted.
"Don't worry, I almost..." Pearl didn't finish the sentence, 'cause in that moment of distraction, the monster hit her with the claw, so strong that Pearl's body flew away, and crashed into the rock behind Sheena was.
"Pearl!" Sheena exclaimed, running along with her girlfriend. Pearl was stunned, tried to get up, but Sheena forced her to stay on the floor, pulled the sword from his gym bag and ran towards the monster. She didn't have much time. She had to get rid of the monster before Pearl could intervene. She wanted to show her that I could be of use to the team. She felt so much adrenaline that she didn't even feel nervous when she was in front of the monster.
The monster tried to attack it with its claws, but Sheena dodged, imagining that everything was juts a training session. I had to, I had to do it for Pearl. She tried to attack, but the monster was faster, and managed to make Sheena fly backwards. She felt a horrible pain in her left hand, with which she had stopped the fall, but she didn't care. She took the sword again, and tried to leave her mind blank, didn't even pay attention to the cries of Pearl. In fact, it was not very clear what happened next. It was a moment of total adrenaline, and she only concentrated on trying to keep the monster from killing her. But then it happened. She managed to fit the sword into the creature's chest, there was a poof, and the monster disappeared, leaving only a gem in the sand. Sheena dropped her sword, gasping, and went to pick up the gem, kneeling to catch her breath.
"Sheena!" she turned, and saw not only Pearl, but also Amethyst, Garnet, and Steven running toward her.
"That was amazing!" Steven exclamed, embracing her "Your first mission!"
"Did you guys... see everything?" Sheena asked, somewhat embarrassed, giving the gem to Garnet.
"Just the end" Garnet replied, bubbled the gem and sending it to the temple "We just turned in the beach to see how poofed the gem"
"You rock, S!" Amethyst shouted, pounding the air with her fist
Pearl said nothing. She knelt beside Sheena and hugged her.
"You two, let's go," said Garnet, taking Steven and Amethyst and taking them away.
Sheena and Pearl were silent for a while. Sheena felt her shoulder wet with Pearl's tears, and the pain in her left hand increased.
"You didn't have..." Pearl started, but Sheena interrupted her with a kiss. It only managed to alter Pearl more.
"I had to do it," Sheena said. "I had to protect you"
"No, you don't have to do that!" Pearl replied. "You shouldn't protect me!"
"You fought for me first. Now I had to do it for you. We help each other. We are a team, right? Is that how it works"
She put her hand on Pearl's cheek, wiped a tear whit her thumb. "Look, Pearl... I know... Well, maybe... R-Rose might never have done something like that for you." Pearl looked at her, very surprised. "But I'm not her, remember?"
Sheena feared she had gone too far. She frozes, hoping not to cause a negative reaction from Pearl.
"Sheena, you're wonderful. I love you! " Pearl exclaimed, still crying.
"My Pearl..." Sheena muttered, kissing her again.
"Oh my stars!!! Sheena!!!" Pearl completely lost her temper "Are you hurt ?! That was so dangerous! Oh, Sheena... You're bleeding!"
"What?" She raised her hand to her forehead, not knowing what to expect. But, to her relief, it was only a small wound on one eyebrow, from which only a small drop of blood flowed. Nothing to worry about. But apparently, Pearl didn't think so. "Oh my stars! Sheena! That's blood! Humans need that blood stay inside! What do we do? What…?!"
"Babe, keep calm" Sheena laughted "It's just a little blood, I'll be fine. I worry 'bout my hand. I think it's dislocated "
Pearl took her injured hand gently. He took a deep breath to calm herself, and said, "I guess it's nothing Steven can't heal. C'mon, let's go to the temple" Pearl helped her to her feet, taking the sword.
"Sure" Sheena said, brushing her hair off her face. "By the way... how does Steven's healing powers work?"
"Well... I don't know if you really want to know..."
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