#oh hoshizuki
letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 10/26
Today’s a Monday and Tsukiko’s class schedule involves a lot of changing classrooms. We join her just as she’s gathering her things to hurry to her next class…
Out in the hallway, someone goes “Hey,” to catch her attention and she pauses. Turning around, Tsukiko finds it’s the woman she saw with Hoshizuki-sensei on Saturday.
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“Oh good, I thought that was you!”
She then  laughs at herself and jokes about how of course it was Tsukiko, but she forgot that there was only one student in the school who was a girl. She then bemoans how the school has nothing but boys and it’s just...lacks something that way. Tsukiko can only listen, surprised at her sudden appearance and not knowing exactly what to say. She only finds her voice when Mystery Lady calls her the one flower brightening up the school, and protests that that isn’t the case, really. Mystery Lady smiles at her and chides her, saying she’s cute and should be more self-confident.
The way she says it has strong echoes of that time Hoshizuki told her the same thing...back at the Star Road…
Mystery Lady: Oh but I’m keeping you from your lesson, aren’t I? Sorry, but where’s the nurse’s office?
Tsukiko: Huh?!
Mystery Lady: (;へ;) this school is just so big I can never remember how to get anywhere.
As if she can see it written on her face that Tsukiko remembers seeing her coming out of the nurse’s office not two days ago, she explains that Kotarou came to meet her at the gate so she didn’t get lost then. He gets annoyed at the fact that she gets lost every time she comes.
Tsukiko’s not sure, but she’s finding Mystery Lady kind of adorable the longer she listens to her. And the school is kind of ridiculously large.
Mystery Lady: You think so too?! We should get Kotarou to make a map!
Tsukiko: I’m pretty sure he’d just whine that it’s a huge pain.
Mystery Lady: That’s true…
Aw, look at them bonding over discussing Hoshizuki behind his back. That’s how friendships are begun, am I right?
Tsukiko shows her the way to the nurse’s office on her way to class, and thinks to herself about how while this lady definitely looks and seems more mature than her, she still has a little bit of a childish, cute side. In that sense, she kind of reminds Tsukiko of Hoshizuki-sensei…
When the reach the hall with the nurse’s office, Mystery Lady thanks Tsukiko again and says she should get to class before all the boys get even more jealous of her for taking up her time. What? Tsukiko asks. Mystery Lady confides that she saw plenty of students stopping to look at Tsukiko as they passed. Tsukiko protests that they were most likely looking at Mystery Lady...since she’s so beautiful. Mystery Lady laughs and tells Tsukiko how she’ll gladly take the compliment from someone so cute.
That said, she still thinks the boys were looking at Tsukiko. Does she have a boyfriend?
Tsukiko: No, I don’t.
Mystery Lady: ufufu. I can see from your face that there’s someone you like, though, right?
Mystery Lady tells Tsukiko to hurry up and confess to that person, and Tsukiko feels super awkward because she still doesn’t know Mystery Lady’s relationship with Hoshizuki-sensei. Before Tsukiko can try to think of a way out of the awkward place the conversation went to, Mystery Lady spots Kanata and Suzuya looking for Tsukiko off-screen and they part ways.
Tsukiko comes away from the conversation not knowing anything new about the Mystery Lady, but well aware of the fact that she’s a warm, and friendly person. Tsukiko’s sure that around her, Hoshizuki can relax and be himself…
It occurs to her that she should have at least asked the Mystery Lady’s name.
Maybe if she stops by the nurse’s office after school she’ll still be there?
However, when Tsukiko reaches the office after school, she can hear Hoshizuki-sensei’s voice through the door.
Hoshizuki: How many times do I have to tell you, I won’t go to a matchmaking meeting!
This is followed by Mystery Lady’s voice, telling him that he’s old enough he should start thinking about these things. But Hoshizuki is firmly against the idea, and the Lady chides him sternly about being too focused on whatever happened in the past. Going on denying himself happiness like this would never have made some unnamed someone happy, he knows that right? Mystery Lady understands that he thinks he can go on by himself, but she knows that he needs someone to support him. She knows he has the bad habit of pushing himself too hard, and who is going to be by his side and hold his hand when he collapses from exhaustion?
Uh, rather heavy handed writing there, since Mystery Lady doesn’t ship Hoshizuki and Tsukiko (yet) but okay, sure.
Anyway, Hoshizuki’s not having it, and getting more belligerent by the moment. Tsukiko hovers outside the door, wondering what to do. She definitely can’t go in without making it super awkward…
Did somebody say making it super awkward?
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“Hey, Tsukiko-chan, what are you just standing there for? If you want to talk to Kota-nii, just go inside.”
And before Tsukiko can stop him, he reaches around her and opens the door.
As Tsukiko predicted, Hoshizuki and Mystery Lady freeze awkwardly. For his part, Mizushima also freezes awkwardly. Tsukiko was already frozen awkwardly. It’s an awkward party.
Mystery Lady recovers first, and warmly greets “Iku” with a “long time no see,” and a comment on how much he’s grown. Mizushima smiles back and thanks her, calling her “Koharu” and finally giving us the chance to stop calling her Mystery Lady.
Tsukiko: You know each other?
Mizushima answers with a well, yeah, and turns back to Koharu, expressing that he didn’t expect to see her there. She pouts and asks if he thinks she slacks off on the job too. Mizushima laughs and theorizes that if anything Kota-nii got that bad habit from her, after all. This finally breaks Hoshizuki out of his awkward silence, he laughs and agrees. His lack of work ethic definitely came from her.
Okay, so the three of them definitely have known each other for a long time, but Tsukiko is still confused. Just what is their relationship? But then, finally it comes to light…
Mizushima: Kota-nii could never say no to you.
Koharu: Naturally, big sister knows best, right.
Wait whaaat? So the gorgeous mystery lady was Hoshizuki-sensei’s older sister?!
Koharu laughs and says that’s right, and this is when it finally occurs to her that she never introduced herself to Tsukiko. She’s Hoshizuki Koharu, the chairman of Seigetsu Gakuen. But Tsukiko’s welcome to call her Koharu-san.
Oh, okay…
Hoshizuki explains that Koharu took over when their father stepped down… but that said, she rarely comes to the school and makes him do most of the work.
Wait, wait.
So what he’s saying is, Hoshizuki-sensei is the son of the school’s former chairman?
Mizushima laughs. Didn’t the name of the school clue her in?
Not in English it wouldn’t so allow me to explain.
Most kanji have two basic readings, the on-yomi and the kun-yomi.
Seigetsu Gakuen’s “Seigetsu” is written with the kanji for star and moon.
Sei = Star
Getsu = Moon
And lo and behold, Hoshizuki is written the same way, but using the other readings for the star and moon kanji.
Hoshi = Star
Zuki = Moon (technically it’s ‘tsuki’ but linguistically when paired in this way the ts sound often becomes a z sound in Japanese but we’re not going to get that far into it).
So basically whoever in the family founded the nerd school for nerds named after the moon and the stars decided to use the alternate reading for the name “Hoshizuki” and gave us “Seigetsu Gakuen”. Does any of that make any sense?
Probably not.
It’s kind of convoluted anyway, but as a Japanese person in Japan seeing the same Japanese kanji all over the place to refer to both the school and the school nurse, Mizushima does kind of have a point. Did she never wonder about it before?
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“Well, you’re a little slow on the uptake sometimes.”
Anyway, Hoshizuki had never brought it up because he never saw any reason to tell the students.
Well now Tsukiko knows. Koharu asks if she’s enjoying her time at the school and if she doesn’t get lonely sometimes being the only girlperson. Tsukiko says she’s fine, and that she’s enjoying her studies. Koharu’s happy to hear it, reminding Tsukiko about how she’s just said this school needed to be brightened up a bit.
There’s a funny moment where Mizushima wholeheartedly agrees and Koharu scolds him for being a shameless flirt, telling him he needs to learn how to treat girls better.
Ain��t that the truth?
Koharu: If he tries anything with you, Tsukiko-chan, you just let me know. I’ll make him pay.
Where were you in Mizushima’s route, Koharu-san?
While she’s here in this route though, she milks Tsukiko for all the blackmail info she can get. She leans in conspiratorially and asks if Kotarou has been doing his work properly. Tsukiko kind of hedges the “properly” part in her answer and Koharu looks over at her brother disapprovingly. She asks that Tsukiko look after her useless brother for her and Tsukiko stammers out an agreement because a) what else can she say? And b) she feels awkward again because the way Koharu words it sounds the same as the stock phrase people use when they support someone’s romantic relationship.
Mizushima clues in on how friendly Koharu is with Tsukiko and asks, isn’t this their first time meeting? It comes out that they a met on Saturday (actually earlier, but Saturday is the earliest Hoshizuki knows about) and ahaha oh by the way she had to ask Tsukiko for directions again today.
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“Seriously? You still don’t remember? This is your school!”
Koharu: That reminds me, can you make me a map of the school, Kotarou?
Hoshizuki: … You can handle that, Iku.
Mizushima: Why do I have to?
Koharu: (-_-) Kotarou…
Hoshizuki: Fine, fine, I’ll do it.
Seeing them talk amongst themselves like this amuses Tsukiko, who contents herself to just listen. She also admires how Koharu masterfully commands the conversation and makes the two guys seem like kids. She’s so cheerful and warm, too, Tsukiko hopes she can be like her when she gets older.
Anyway, Koharu realizes the time and says it’s time for her to be going. Hoshizuki immediately looks relieved. She points out that she wouldn’t have stayed so long if he’s just listen to what she says and Mizushima gets a kick out of this little tidbit. Tsukiko cheerily points out that Hoshizuki can be stubborn sometimes, and he tells her to leave him alone. Koharu however thinks Tsukiko has a point. She sees herself out with one last stern warning for Hoshizuki to seriously consider the matchmaking meeting.
Hoshizuki flatly tells her he refuses any matchmaking meetings. He’d also like to refuse ‘that other thing’ they talked about, if he could, because it’s too much for him.
Koharu scoffs at this, completely self-assured that she’ll get her way in the end, and heads to the door.
Tsukiko: Good-bye, I hope we can talk again soon.
Koharu: Awhn, you’re so sweet. I could just take you home with me.
Hoshizuki: Don’t abduct your own students please.*
(*translation is 100% indirectly implied)
The room is silent a moment after Koharu leaves, then…
Mizushima: You’re going to turn down the matchmaking meeting she set up?
Hoshizuki: Yeah…
Mizushima: Kota-nii, you’re not still dwelling on that, are you…?
Whatever “that” is, Hoshizuki says it has nothing to do with it, he just doesn’t feel like it. (liar) Mizushima clearly doesn’t know quite what to say, so he hands Hoshizuki what he’d been here to deliver from Haruki-sensei and makes a hasty exit.
Suddenly Tsukiko finds herself alone with Hoshizuki.
He apologizes if his sister made her uncomfortable, but Tsukiko says not to worry, she likes Koharu. Figures, Hoshizuki declares, Koharu’s nice to girls but mean to boys. Tsukiko giggles at this. So that’s why Hoshizuki-sensei and Mizushima-sensei couldn’t talk back to her.
Anyway, Tsukiko’s still a little surprised to learn he’s the son of the school’s former chairman.
He never tells anyone because it’s kind of annoying how people act when they find out. Sometimes people realize the truth from his name (unlike some Tsukikos).
Somehow this reminds Tsukiko of when she saw him coming out of the mystery room on the fifth floor and this seems like a good time to ask about it. Oh, that’s the chairman’s office, he casually informs her. He sometimes goes there to help out with his sister’s work. It only became known as the mystery room because Koharu is busy and doesn’t find time to visit the school often, so it’s locked most of the time.
Hm… Tsukiko mulls over this.
Since he’s being so amenable to answering questions, she decides to also ask about that other mystery surrounding him. Is it true he used to want to be a doctor?
She tried to ask casually, and is surprised when he stops and stares at her in surprise. For a moment she wonders if she shouldn’t have asked after all, but then he unfreezes and wonders how she knows about that. She heard a rumour from her classmates. He sighs.
It’s true, he was studying to be a doctor, but he dropped out of medical school. He hesitates, uncharacteristically looking somewhat vulnerable, then offers her a sad smile.
When he offers no reason why he dropped out, she asks, and he only tells her it’s not a very interesting story. She still wants to hear it, she says, so he sighs. She waits, thinking this might be the solution to one of the mysteries surrounding him.
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“A long time ago, there was someone I wanted more than anything to save…”
He goes on to explain that when he was growing up, there was a friend of his mother’s living in the area who had two children younger than him, a boy and a girl. At first Koharu was asked to babysit the kids, but when she was in high school, she became too busy, so that job fell to Hoshizuki-sensei. (sound familiar?)
Hoshizuki: I didn’t belong to any clubs or anything when I was in school.
Tsukiko: That sounds like you.
Hoshizuki: Hey, now.
Anyway, babysitting made him realize that he actually kind of liked taking care of people. The two kids were twins, and the girl often got sick and had to go to the hospital. He’s sure Tsukiko understands what that’s like, since she’s in a similar situation with Kanata. Tsukiko thinks about it and agrees; she does know what that feels like.
As Hoshizuki and his babysitting charges grew closer and he came to think of them as family, his urge to protect them only grew. Luckily he was lazy but still from a family of smart people and had grown up with a good education, so he decided to pursue medicine and see if he couldn’t find a cure for the girl’s illness.
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“But I was too late… and she died before I could become a doctor.”
His reason for studying medicine gone, Hoshizuki dropped out of med school and fell into a deep depression. He doesn’t remember much of what happened until Koharu and his father all but forced him to take up the school nurse position at Seigetsu Gakuen.
Tsukiko doesn’t know what to say. Hoshizuki tries to laugh a little and tells her to stop making such a sad face. But he does remind her to cherish the time she has with her own childhood friends.
Tsukiko apologizes for asking about something so painful. He shrugs and looks away, softly saying that it’s in the past.
Is it though?
Is it really?
I know what kind of game we’re in.
Tsukiko’s just as suspicious as I am. After all, he keeps turning down matchmaking meetings and didn’t Mizushima say something about the past when he found out? Does that mean… Hoshizuki was… in love with the childhood friend who died? And now he’s too caught up in her memory to move on?
Should… Should she ask?
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“He might not want to talk about it…”
“I’m curious but I can forget about it.”
“I have to know, so I’ll ask.”
You’ve been enough of a Nosy Nancy today Tsukki, let’s leave this mystery for another time. We’re taking the considerate route with the first option.
Tsukiko knows enough about his personality that she can see asking any more about this would annoy him, so she holds in the question. He knows her just as well though and…
Hoshizuki: What are you looking at me like that for? Oh, if you’re wondering about the matchmaking meetings, no comment. He then goes on to comment anyway, complaining that he’s too young to get married and Koharu should just leave him alone.
Waaait a minute, then what about what Mizushima said? You might be wondering, but the game planned for this and sends in some off-screen soccer players to bust in the door and say there’s an emergency that needs Hoshizuki-sensei’s attention! One of them fell during practice and hurt himself.
Hoshizuki and Tsukiko go straight into work-mode, with him looking after the student and her getting him the gauze and disinfectant and things he needs. They’re so busy, they completely lose any chance to continue the conversation.
Much later, Hoshizuki realizes it’s night with mild surprise. Tsukiko’s already gone for the night, and he reflects on how the office seems so much quieter when she’s not around. He wonders to himself why he told her about the past he’d tried so hard to forget. Has he gotten so used to having her near that he’s let his guard down?
Tsukiko had answered when he asked that he wasn’t the person she liked.
As for him… he was almost at his limit…
Before he can dwell on that line of thought, he closes the curtain and obscures the stars and the moon from view.
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puroresuspirit · 5 years
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~WAVE Joshi Pro Osaka Assemble ~ Young OH! OH!~, 10/12/2019 Osaka - Azalea Taisho Hall 45 in Attendance (Due to the Typhoon)
1. HIRO'e d. Hibiki [Marvelous] (11:36 - Backdrop Hold)
2. Glossy Tear Girls Team vs Glass Teenagers Team - Match 1: Himeka Arita [AWG] d. Maria [Marvelous] (7:00 Jumping Knee Attack) *First win went to Glossy Tear Girls (1-0)
2. Glossy Tear Girls Team vs Glass Teenagers Team - Match 2: Rina Shingaki [2AW] d. Momoka Hanazono [Freelance] (5:24) *(2-0) Glossy Tear Girls Team's way.
3. Glossy Tear Girls Team vs Glass Teenagers Team - Match 3: Yuu [Freelance] vs Mikoto Shindo [Marvelous] (10:00 - Time Limit Draw) *The score remained at (2-0) with Glossy Tear Girls Team in the lead.
4. Glossy Tear Girls Team vs Glass Teenagers Team - Match 4: Mei Hoshizuki [Marvelous] d. AKARI [PURE-J] (8:26) *Glass Teenagers Team get their first win (2-1).
5. Glossy Tear Girls Team vs Glass Teenagers Team - Match 5: Ayame Sasamura [2AW] d. Kurea [PURE-J] (8:10 Panda Cutter Kai) *Ayame Sasamura wins it for her team of Glossy Tear Girls (3-1).
~WAVE JOSHIPRO OSAKA ASEEMBLE - Happy Halloween WAVE 2019~ Osaka - Azalea Taisho Hall 85 in Attendance (Due to the Typhoon)
1. Yuu [Freelance] [W], Kurea [PURE-J] & Mei Hoshizuki [Marvelous] d. Hibiki [Marvelous] [L], AKARI [PURE-J] & Mikoto Shindo [Marvelous] (9:40 - Modified Cobra Twist)
2. Yumi Okha d. Ayame Sasamura [2AW] (9:55 - Running Big Boot)
3. Himeka Arita [AWG] vs Rina Shingaki [2AW] (10:00 - Time Limit Draw)
4. Yuki Miyazaki & Hirota Sakura [W] d. HIRO'e & Maria [Marvelous] [L] (14:26 Furafura Dawn)
5. Takumi Iroha [W] [Marvelous], Kaoru ITO [Diana], Miyuki Takase [AWG] d. Ryo Mizunami [L], Nagisa Nozaki & Hikaru Shida [MAKAI/AEW] (16:28 - Swanton Bomb)
0 notes
letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/20
On her lunch break, Tsukiko stops by the nurse’s office out of curiousity, but Hoshizuki isn’t there…
Despite the fact that she decided to tell Hoshizuki how she feels, these past few days there hadn’t been a single moment where they were alone together. She’s started to get the feeling he’s avoiding her, and her resolve begins to weaken.
But even so, she reminds herself, she decided she wants to be there for him. This isn’t the time to lose confidence.
As she’s walking down the hall, Mizushima approaches her. He says he has something to tell her about Kota-nii. Will he meet her after school at the rooftop gardens?
Tsukiko’s not sure what this could be about, but she agrees. As he walks away, it occurs to Tsukiko that, come to think of it, she’s still not entirely sure what Hoshizuki and Mizushima’s relationship is. Since they call each other “Iku” and “Kota-nii”, it’s definitely a long-standing relationship, and Mizushima seems to worry about Hoshizuki from time to time… Could that be what he wants to talk about? She’ll just have to wait until after class to find out.
That doesn’t stop her from being distracted by it all afternoon.
After class, she heads up to the gardens and finds Mizushima waiting for her there. She apologizes for making him wait.
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“No, don’t worry about it. Um, I’ll just get straight to the point… Tsukiko-chan, are you planning on confessing your feelings to Kota-nii?”
She wasn’t expecting that at all, but quickly gets over her surprise to answer that yes, she was.
Oh, he says with a small smile, in that case he’ll tell her this… Kota-nii is going to have his matchmaking meeting on the 23rd, next Monday. He asked Koharu, thinking it would be best if Tsukiko knew if she planned to confess.
Tsukiko: Oh. Thank you…
Mizushima: You’re welcome. There’s something else you should know…
Mizushima begins to explain to Tsukiko about how he and Hoshizuki grew up in the same neighbourhood, and their parents were friends. He tells her also that he had a twin sister named Yui, but she’s passed away now.
Tsukiko seems to recall Hoshizuki mentioning something about twins at some point, and now it clicks that he meant Mizushima and his sister.
Mizushima goes on, telling her that when they were younger, Kota-nii would often look after the Mizushima twins. He clearly thought it was a huge pain, but took good care of them anyway… which to Tsukiko seems very much like Hoshizuki.
Then Mizushima’s voice drops almost to a whisper, as he adds that his sister fell in love with Kota-nii. Yui had been born with a weak heart, and often spent time in the hospital. During those hospital stays, Mizushima and Hoshizuki would go to see her. He’s not sure if Tsukiko knows, but once upon a time Hoshizuki was studying to be a doctor. It was because he wanted to find a cure for Yui’s condition...
...but in the end, he quit his studies without finishing.
Tsukiko didn’t know about Yui, but she was aware that Hoshizuki had been studying to be a doctor in the past. Mizushima seems a bit touched to find that Kota-nii told Tsukiko even that much.
Tsukiko hesitantly asks if this means Hoshizuki reciprocated Yui’s feelings for him.
No, Hoshizuki only ever saw her as being like a younger sister, like family. He didn’t have any romantic feelings for her.
How can he be sure?
He just knows, and Yui could see the truth too. But when she knew she didn’t have much time left to live, she confessed to Hoshizuki anyway. He didn’t have to return her feelings, she just wanted him to know.
Tsukiko knows this feeling very well.
But, Mizushima goes on sadly, breaking her train of thought, Kota-nii couldn’t handle Yui’s confession and began avoiding her. Mizushima understands that it was out of fear of hurting her, and fear of their relationship until that point falling apart… In addition, that had been how he found out her condition was terminal; she had been doing her best to hide it from him until that point.
It was during this awkward period when Yui’s illness suddenly grew worse and she passed away. By the time Kota-nii got word and rushed to the hospital, it was already too late.
Hoshizuki has been living with the regret ever since then.
He couldn’t forgive himself for what he did to Yui, which is why he had come to avoid making close personal connections and declared himself undeserving of love. Mizushima hates to see him do this, though, because it’s not what Yui would have wanted. She only wanted him to know how she felt, not be bound by it for evermore. At first, when he was younger, Mizushima was also upset and blamed Kota-nii, but now that he’s older he understands both their points of view more, and more than that, wants Kota-nii to be happy.
Tsukiko thanks him for telling her, but wonders why Mizushima told her this story.
It’s because he can see Hoshizuki is different when he’s with her. And… he’s pretty sure that Hoshizuki has fallen in love with Tsukiko.
Tsukiko raises her voice in surprise.
Mizushima smiles wryly, accurately guessing that it came as a surprise to Hoshizuki too.
But, if it is true, then why the matchmaking?
That’s exactly why, Mizushima explains. It’s because he fell for Tsukiko that Hoshizuki is trying to distance himself from the truth as much as possible. He might think it’s the best choice for Tsukiko’s future, or he doesn’t want to hurt her, or he doesn’t think he deserves her… he’s that kind of idiot; the idiot who only thinks of himself and does whatever he decides without consulting with the other person.
Mizushima shakes his head. He never believed in love, thinking it was a silly fairytale, a game… but seeing Kota-nii and Tsukiko together… it made him want to believe it just a little bit. Without even realizing it themselves, they had shown him that it was possible for two people to love and support each other with no ulterior motives.
This may seem like a lofty request but… can she show him that true love exists?
Tsukiko wonders aloud if she even could.
It has to be her, he tells her. She’s the one who fell in love with Hoshizuki after all, it has to be her, or Yui’s feelings will also have been for nothing. He looks so serious, more serious than she’s ever seen him look before, that Tsukiko makes up her mind.
She’ll tell Hoshizuki how she feels. Most likely, he’ll try to avoid her, but she’ll be persistent until he has to accept how she feels.
Mizushima smiles, and comments that she sounds so strong that he’s sure she’ll do it. He asks her to please take care of Kota-nii. If anything, he feels better now that he’s told her the truth, and he hopes that Kota-nii gives in and returns her feelings. For all his faults, Kota-nii is a very, very kind person, who always treated him well, and Mizushima only wants the best for him.
Later on, back in her room, Tsukiko goes over all that Mizushima told her once more in her mind, and wonders… how did Hoshizuki really feel about Yui, in the end? Did he love her back, deep down?
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“Or, probably, he thought of her as a precious member of his family.”
“Perhaps he did love her back.”
“Maybe it was neither.”
Really, writers? You want Tsukiko to decide how Hoshizuki felt about Yui? That’s silly. Anyway, we want the first answer for added over the top romance. This isn’t a soap opera we’re writing here.
It kinda is.
Coming to the conclusion that Hoshizuki only saw Yui as a sister, Tsukiko looks up to the stars and ponders how sad it was that the two of them both loved each other but in ways that were not quite compatible. For that to have hurt Hoshizuki to the point where he didn’t want to love again and dwelled on it, only made it more sad.
She decides to try and find him tomorrow so they can talk.
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 10/24
The next day is Saturday, so there’s no classes, but Tsukiko heads to the school anyway so she can stop by the nurse’s office and check in on Hoshizuki-sensei…
It’s chilly today, and there’s the definite feel of autumn in the air. When she gets to the office she wants a cup of tea. Tsukiko giggles to herself at this thought. She can already hear Hoshizuki calling her tea terrible.
She hopes he’s feeling better. It suddenly occurs to her that he might have even taken the day off...which would make her feel both relieved and a little sad at the same time since then she couldn’t see him.
Just as Tsukiko enters the hall with the nurse’s office, the door opens and she sees Hoshizuki-sensei walk out with the mysterious and pretty lady she met the previous month.
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I wonder…
Could her character design be a hint as to her true identity…?
It’s a mystery
A total conundrum if ever I saw one…
Before Tsukiko quite realizes what she’s doing she hides before they can spot her.
Mystery Lady: Now Kotarou, make sure you take care of yourself.
Hoshizuki: I will. Sorry to have caused trouble for you.
She laughs and says it really was trouble but she doesn't mind. He’s always been like that, after all.
“Always?” Tsukiko thinks to herself. So they’ve known each other for a long time, then…
The woman then goes on to say, with a warm tone to her voice, that she likes that about him, if she’s honest. Hoshizuki just gives her a wry, gee, thanks. From where she’s listening, Tsukiko feels more and more uncomfortable. “Likes”? As in…? And she’s never heard Hoshizuki sound so comfortable with someone…
Mystery Lady: Anyway, I’m going to go home. Don’t miss me too much, okay?
Hoshizuki: Oh, wow, I like, miss you so much already. You should just stay here.
Mystery Lady: You say that sarcastically but I know you want to spend more time with me.
Hoshizuki: If you did stay, my life would be easier.
She sighs playfully and regretfully cannot grant his wish. He says he knows.
Then, for a moment, the Mystery Lady drops the playful act and grows serious. She really is sorry for making “Kotarou” work so hard he collapsed. He just laughs it off and says that doesn’t sound like her. When can she come again? Hmm… she ponders a moment, not for awhile, sorry. But she’ll try to come when she can.
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“I’ll be waiting…”
But she really should go or she’ll be late for whatever she has next. Mystery Lady looks at the time and oh dear, he’s right. She begins to hurry… right in the direction where Tsukiko is. Before she can find another place to hide, they spot her.
Mystery Lady: Oh, I remember you…
Tsukiko freezes. Up close, the lady is really, really beautiful. She looks close to Hoshizuki’s age and her face is so perfect Tsukiko almost can’t bear to look at it.
Hoshizuki: Oh, it’s you, Yahisa.
Mystery Lady: I had no idea you knew such an adorable young lady, Kotarou.
Hoshizuki: She’s a student here, of course I know her.
Mystery Lady: :D Oh yeah, good point!
Not gonna lie, I actually love our Mystery Lady.
Knowing who she is makes you love her more, but she leaves before we find that out. She bustles off and Tsukiko asks, but Hoshizuki tells her it’s none of her business. Anyway, what’s she doing here?
It stings a little that he clearly doesn’t want to tell her who the lady had been. Tsukiko lets him change the topic though and tells him she came to check up on him.
Oh, he says. He’s fine now. He took some medicine before he went to sleep last night and when he woke up the fever was gone completely. Unfortunately, now he has to catch up on all the work he didn’t get done yesterday because of it, and he has an appointment later. What a pain… He’s sorry, she came all the way to check up on him, but he can’t take the time to even have tea with her.
Tsukiko says no, that’s fine. She’s the one who came of her own volition. Hoshizuki points out that she resembles Suzuya a lot that way. Anyway, he has to go. He locks the nurse’s office and waves as he heads in the opposite direction.
With nothing left to do there, Tsukiko turns around and heads back to her dorm room.
But she still can’t help but wonder…
Just who was that mystery woman…? She called Hoshizuki-sensei ‘Kotarou’ and said she liked him… Could she be his girlfriend or maybe… his ex-girlfriend? Is that why he said he didn’t have the right to love someone back?
Tsukiko doesn’t know what to do with the jumble of feelings she has… but she does know that she doesn’t want to give up on him yet, somehow…
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/9
The day starts bright and sunny, and Tsukiko hopes the weather holds until tomorrow.
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“Hi, Yahisa.”
Hoshizuki greets Tsukiko and breaks her train of thought. He comments that she looks full of energy even though it’s so early. Tsukiko laughs and says he looks as non-energetic as usual, but isn’t he excited about tomorrow?
Tomorrow? What’s tomorrow…?
Uh… the school trip?
Oh yeah, that. He totally forgot about that.
How could he forget? Tsukiko can’t imagine forgetting something like that. She can’t wait! He looks amused and tells her to go ahead and enjoy herself.
Okay, while Hoshizuki may be pretty low-key about it, do you know who’s just as, if not more excited than Tsukiko about the school trip? I’ll give you a hint, his name starts with H and ends with ‘aruki-sensei’.
He gives a super excited run-down of the itinerary to the class, then warns everyone not to be so excited they can’t sleep and consequently oversleep and miss the bus in the morning. He tries to get Mizushima into helping explain but Mizushima’s his usual self and just complains a lot. Tsukiko expected this and finds their usual comedy routine amusing.
After class, she heads to the nurse’s office for a meeting about the health reps’ roles in the school trip. Since she was on cleaning duty and ran late, she arrives after the meeting is already over and only Hoshizuki is there. He doesn’t mind catching her up to speed but asks her to wait until he finishes making up one of the beds.
Was he sleeping on the job again?
No, he says, just a little defensively. Since she was late, he filled the time by changing the linens. Oh, in that case, she offers to help, and insists when he tries to tell her to wait while he does it. She reaches for the futon in his hands but loses her balance and topples over into him. In true otome game fashion they fall over into a heap but alas there is no CG for this. Why? Whyyyy? (actually I know why, we get a much better one later in the game BUT STILL)
Hoshizuki chides her and asks if she’s okay, but then he and she both realize how close they are in proximity to each other and are surprised into mutual silence. They’ve ended up with him on top of her, so Tsukiko couldn’t move if she wanted to. But more importantly…
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How could I move with him looking at me like that…?
Hoshizuki finds his voice first, averting his gaze and apologizing. The slightly gravelly, emotional voice that Ishida uses here is exquisite.
Tsukiko quietly tells him not to worry about it and they both finally get up. He gruffly shoos her away so he can change the sheets, and Tsukiko takes this time to calm down. She thought her heart would stop there for a moment.
As it is, her heart beats furiously all through watching him change the sheets and the brief meeting they have after he’s done.
Between that, and the excitement about the trip, Tsukiko doesn’t get any sleep that night…
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/12
The next day, Tsukiko wakes up to find she’s…
...still not better. Just the thought of getting up and getting dressed seems exhausting and she can’t quite work up the energy for it. Does she still have a fever?
There’s a knock at the door and she drags herself to her feet to answer. When she opens the door, it turns out her visitor is Hoshizuki coming to check up on her. Tsukiko knows if she admits she still doesn’t feel well he’ll make her stay in bed and miss out on the day’s activities. It’s the last day of the school trip, she wants to have fun with everyone, and… she secretly wanted to go somewhere with him…
Tsukiko: I’m feeling much better.
Hoshizuki: Liar. I can tell just from looking at you the fever hasn’t gone down.
Tsukiko murmurs an apology. At least she tried?
Hoshizuki feels her forehead and goes ‘hmm’ sympathetically. It actually feels like her temperature is higher than it was the night before. He’s sorry, but he can’t let her go out like that. She’ll have to stay behind at the hotel. Tsukiko feels her heart sink… she has the spend the whole day all by herself? That sucks.
Tsukiko: Do I really have to?
Hoshizuki: You really have to.
He tells her not to look so put out about it and she pouts that she’ll be lonely. He laughs a little and tells her she’s still a child if she thinks something like that. Tsukiko’s fever is making her feel petulant so she sulks, saying fine, whatever, she’s a child then, but she’s still going to be lonely.
He doesn’t say anything for what seems like a long moment. Tsukiko glances up at his face to see a number of mixed emotions there. Finally he gently informs her to rest easy, she won’t be all by herself. He’ll stay with her. Really?! She asks, and he answers with a soft, yeah.
Oh but wait, then she’ll feel bad for making him stay behind too.
Hoshizuki shakes his head at her. First she’s lonely, then she tries to tell him he doesn’t have to stay with her, she needs to make up her mind. In any case, it’s his job to stay with sick students.
He’s not staying because of her, he’s staying because of work.
Tsukiko berates herself inwardly for not realizing it sooner and letting her imagination get the best of her.
Unaware of the new thing bringing Tsukiko down in addition to the fever, Hoshizuki asks her if she feels up to breakfast. She says she’ll try to stomach something, so he advises her to dress warm and go to breakfast and the morning meeting, then they’ll meet up again once everyone else has left. He pats her on the head and leaves.
As Tsukiko gets ready for breakfast, her head is full of the conflicting feelings she has about the day; she’s disappointed she can’t go out with her classmates, but at the same time, some small part of her is still excited that she’ll get to spend the whole day alone with Hoshizuki.
After breakfast and the morning meeting, Tsukiko sees Kanata and Suzuya off. They want to stay with her, but as they are sirs not appearing in this game, they can’t. Tsukiko tells them to have enough fun for her too. Haruki comes over to worry over her, but he’s sure she’ll be fine if Kotarou-sensei is with her. They part ways and Tsukiko turns to find Hoshizuki is already there to escort her back to her room.
Once there, he tells her to lie down and gets her a new cold compress. They take her temperature and he scolds her, it’s high enough that he’s almost begrudgingly impressed she tried to lie and say she was fine. He doesn’t care how much she was looking forward to the school trip, what if she’d collapsed somewhere? She apologizes and he accepts it, saying it doesn’t matter now.
Hoshizuki: Here, give me your hand.
Tsukiko, thinking maybe he remembered holding her hand from the last time she got sick, gets all flustered for a moment...until he puts water and some medicine in her hand. Way to play with our feelings, writers.
Hoshizuki shushes her when she tries to apologize again and tells her he’ll come check in on her periodically, so she should get some rest.
Wait, he’s going to leave her?
Hoshizuki points out that while she may be a child still, it wouldn’t be proper for him to stay in her room with just the two of them all day.
Okay, maybe he has a point, but did he have to call her a child again?
Oh, Tsukki.
Dear, dear, Tsukki.
He’s only fooling himself at this point.
In any case, he’s promised to come back and the medicine is starting to kick in already, making her drowsy. Before he goes though, can she ask one favour? Sure, what is it?
Um… will he hold her hand?
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“Sure, if my hand will do…”
Of course it’ll do. Tsukiko reaches out from the bedcovers to carefully put her hand in his. He fondly comments on how she likes holding hands. The combination of fever and meds lulls Tsukiko into saying exactly what’s on her mind, and she tells him that she feels he might leave her if she doesn’t hold on to his hand.
Whether this means in a smaller “this moment” sense or a broader “for the rest of my life” sense is up to interpretation. (it could be both)
(can I just take a moment to gush over Ishida a moment here because oh man oh man, every line in this scene, okay game, but especially this scene is just perfection)
He laughs a little at this and guesses that means she wants him to stay there and hold her hand until she falls asleep. Yes, but if she could have her way, he’d stay even after she falls asleep. But that’s asking too much… isn’t it? He gently tells her fine, he gets it, he’ll stay for awhile, just go to sleep already.
Tsukiko closes her eyes and, comforted by the warmth of his hand around hers, drifts off to sleep…
Some time later, she wakes up and he’s still by her side. She hazily asks what time it is and he informs her it’s just past noon. Is she feeling any better?
Not really…
He takes her temperature again and sure enough, the fever is still there. She should go back to sleep. She hates to admit it, but that sounds best. After all that time she spent looking forward to the trip, and now on top of missing it, she’s making him miss it too.
He pats her head when she apologizes and reminds her that he comes along on all the school trips, so it’s not like he hasn’t been here before. He’s more sorry for her than for himself. He also blames himself for not realizing she wasn’t feeling well sooner.
(He might have noticed earlier if a certain pair of idiots hadn’t gotten him drunk, sure, but then we wouldn’t have this tender scene so cut the two drunks some slack)
Tsukiko protests that it’s her fault for not taking better care of herself. He frowns at her and says she puts others first too much. It’s okay for her to complain, or say no, or be a little selfish sometimes, you know?
He’s right… she complains openly, she was really looking forward to the trip and spending the free day walking around and seeing the sights with him. As soon as the words leave her mouth, she blushes. In response, he gives her one of his rare full smiles and suggests that in that case she should repeat a year at school so they can spend next year’s school trip together. Tsukiko giggles and calls that a nice idea. The fact that she can laugh at his joke is a good sign. If her fever goes down by the evening, he says they can maybe go for a walk at least. In the meantime, she should try to eat something for lunch. Does she feel up to it? Tsukiko says she does, but then worriedly asks if he’ll stay with her again after she eats. Bemused, he promises that he’ll come back to hold her hand after lunch.
He helps her up to eat, and afterwards, they return to her room. Just like in the morning, Hoshizuki holds Tsukiko’s hand until she falls asleep…
And here, we switch to Hoshizuki’s point of view…
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“Oh… she’s asleep, is she?”
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“*yawn* Now I’m getting sleepy… Maybe I’ll lie down for a bit.”
Oh man oh man is that ever pretty.
I love this scene.
I love this route.
Hoshizuki shifts position to get more comfortable, and is very aware of the small, warm hand within his. It occurs to him how wrong this is, they’re student and teacher, not to mention a woman and a man, how must it look for them to be lying side by side, holding hands like this? Not only that, but once he’s on his side, naturally that puts him very close to her face.
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No but really, that’s so pretty.
What a great facial expression, it conveys so much.
Okay, enough squeeing back to the story.
Hoshizuki feels so bad for Tsukiko, he saw her looking through pamphlets a lot and heard her talk about coming on this trip...only for her to have to miss it like this. Not only that, but she still has the softness of heart to feel bad about making him miss out. He keeps telling himself that she’s a child and he shouldn’t… but he finds that really sweet.
Tsukiko shifts in her sleep and her grip on his hand tightens every so slightly. This makes him smile fondly at her. There’s a lot, actually, that he finds sweet about her. How she lets her emotions show, in how she reacts, and smiles, and pouts, and defies expectations. She always seems to be living life to the fullest…
In her sleep, Tsukiko murmurs, “Hoshizuki-sensei, I’m sorry…”
Why is she apologizing, he wonders? Because she thinks she made him work more, or because she thinks he wanted to spend the day out sightseeing?
Before he realizes, he’s murmured her name and leaned forward…
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Hoshizuki gently puts his lips over hers, as if to put her worries at ease.
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Can I just say that the artist’s use of facial expressions in this scene is on point? I’m just so in love with everything about it. Look at that face. That is the face of someone who’s just realized a whole world of things and is struggling to deal with it.
Hoshizuki suddenly wants nothing more than to leave that place and forget about what he just did… but that would mean letting go of her hand.
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“What am I doing…?”
He realizes he’s falling… no, he’s fallen for her. Before he realized it, it was too late for him. But it doesn’t have to be too late for her. He still believes he doesn’t deserve to be loved by anyone, because he couldn’t face someone’s feelings for him once before.
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“If that was your first kiss… I’m so sorry…”
He thinks to himself that she can never know what happened. She can never know how he feels. Apologizing would be too easy, this way, the guilt will remind him and be his penance. He’ll use it to motivate him to keep his distance from her after the school trip is over. He’s surprised and ashamed of his own egoism. She looks so peaceful sleeping there, unawares, and the feel of her hand almost brings tears to his eyes.
He got too close.
At the very least, he’ll allow himself to sleep here, with her warm hand in his. He can tell himself then it was all a dream, a brief, happy moment before he woke up. He traces the memory of the kiss with his fingertips and closes his eyes…
Tsukiko comes slowly awake, aware only that something...vaguely… sad happened. Something sad and sweet seems to linger on her lips. She also comes aware of a faint warmth, and the feeling that if she’s not careful it’ll get away from her…
...this, she realizes is Hoshizuki’s hand, still wrapped around hers.
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Hoshizuki-sensei’s sleeping next to me…
She watches him sleep a moment, taking in what might be the first time he looked completely relaxed that she’s seen. It’s a rare sight and she wants to cherish it… because, she realizes, she truly does cherish him. She leans forward, wondering what he could be dreaming of… and is just in time to hear him murmur the words, “I’m sorry…” in his sleep.
Tsukiko watches him closely, curiously. She doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for, but for some reason it puts a pang in her heart. Before she realizes it, this propels her forward, and she gently kisses his lips, softly, so as not to wake him. If he knew, he would definitely start to avoid her.
Tsukiko wants nothing more than to always be at his side. Even if she can never tell him how she feels...she wants to be there for him… so that, at the very least, he won’t be so lonely anymore. She loves him so much, just knowing that makes her incredibly happy. With this knowledge in her heart, she falls back asleep…
The next time she wakes, she’s greeted by a sleepy Hoshizuki, who awoke before her. By the sounds of it, not too long before her, though. Is she feeling any better now?
Actually, she is. Her head feels much more clear now, thanks to him.
He’s happy to hear that, he says, and gets to his feet. His fingers brush past hers and she tries to say something, but he brusquely tells her to get a bit more sleep until dinner time. He’ll come back and wake her then.
He’s going to leave.
She knows it would be pushing it to ask him to stay, but…
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“I’m sorry you have to go…”
“I’ll stay here.”
“I wish you’d stay with me a little longer.”
This is an interesting set of choices, and if you know Hoshizuki’s character well enough, it’s easy to see how the first would be the best option.
So that’s what we’ll go with.
In response he says he understands how being alone when you’re sick is no fun and offers to ask another teacher to stay with her.
Tsukiko, still willing to be honest with herself after the little pep talk he gave her earlier, says she would prefer if he stayed. This amuses him and he calls her on it. She immediately apologizes. For a moment he turns serious and averts his gaze. She doesn’t have to apologize. But at the same time, the other students should be coming back soon and he has to help take attendance.
He leaves and Tsukiko is left alone with her thoughts.
She kissed him.
Just thinking about it makes her heart beat faster. She can never tell anyone, though.
Out in the hall, Hoshizuki dwells on the fact that he didn’t want to leave her, but being alone with her was just too much for him to deal with right now. He needs this time to sort out his feelings.
And thus begins all the real wtfery in this route but I’LL TAKE IT :D
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/10
We open today just after the students have arrived at the hotel they’re occupying for the school trip.
Haruki-sensei is trying to wrangle everyone together so he can take attendance. Next to him, Mizushima is yawning and Hoshizuki is complaining about what a pain all the preparation he’s had to do was. So basically everyone is exactly as you’d expect them to be.
Tsukiko yawns too, and reflects on how she didn’t get much sleep. That must be why she’s feeling a little under the weather, too… But she can’t let that get her down. She’s been looking so forward to this school trip, she can’t wait to make all sorts of good memories out of it!
The first night of the school trip involves everyone going out stargazing together. Tsukiko thinks it’s nice to see the sky from somewhere other than the school grounds for a change and enjoys it. The students review the 12 constellations that can be viewed in the autumn sky.
After the lesson, they go back to the hotel and Tsukiko feels a little lonely by herself. This is another one of those moments where being the only girl makes her feel left out. Because of this, she has trouble sleeping again, and when she goes out to use the bathroom later, she notices on the way back that the light in one of the teachers’ rooms is still lit. She’s pretty sure that room was supposed to be Haruki’s room… they’re still up? Figuring that maybe they’re up late planning the next day’s activities, she starts to tip toe past in an effort not to disturb them.
It doesn’t work, because Haruki finds her. What’s she doing still awake?
She admits she can’t sleep and tells him she appreciates his hard work. He asks what she means and when she explains he laughs a little and says she’s got it all wrong. But since she can’t sleep, why doesn’t she stop by their room? They have juice.
Is that okay?
Sure it’s okay, he assures her. It’s just him, Mizushima, and Hoshizuki, so not all that different from when they’re hanging out in the nurse’s office, right? He has a point, so she accepts his office and follows him into the room. There she finds that they weren’t working late into the night, they were drinking. The other two teachers welcome Tsukiko into their little circle. Mizushima asks Tsukiko to pour him a drink and Hoshizuki scolds him because that’s something he should be asking of a student.
When has that ever stopped him, though?
I mean, really.
Haruki pours Tsukiko some juice and they have a toast. Tsukiko notes that both Haruki and Mizushima instantly down their drinks while Hoshizuki sets his aside. This brings to mind an earlier conversation about how he’s not much of a drinker. Haruki complains that he’s not very good company, but Hoshizuki coolly shrugs this off and asks Tsukiko to pour him some of the juice she’s drinking.
Before she can, though, Mizushima tells her to wait.
Mizushima: >:D Hey, Haruki-sensei, you want to drink with Kota-nii, don’t you?
Haruki: Huh? O-Oh…! Yeah, yeah, I do!
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“Wh-What’re you two up to…?”
You have to ask?
The two drunks tackle Hoshizuki. Mizushima holds him down while Haruki comes at him with a full glass of sake.
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Hoshizuki tries to push Haruki away with his foot but it doesn’t work. They struggle like that while Tsukiko watches on, worried, asking just what the two drunks are up to. Then Mizushima gets impatient with how long it’s taking Haruki to get close enough to force Hoshizuki to drink and…
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Mizushima: He drank it!
Haruki: We did it!
Hoshizuki: I’ll get you for thzzzzzz…
The two drunk idiots are exceedingly proud of themselves for showing Tsukiko just what happens when Hoshizuki drinks alcohol. Tsukiko’s surprised, but once she gets over the initial shock, she just worries that he might catch cold sleeping on the floor where they left him. She grabs a nearby blanket to put over him and for a moment he opens his eyes to look up at her and sleepily murmur…
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“Yahisa, you should sleep too already.”
She says she will and starts to insist that if he’s going to sleep he should get in his futon, but trails off when he sleepily grabs for her hand. Before she can recover from this, he’s fallen back asleep. For a moment she just stares at him. He really is beautiful… Before she snaps back to reality and hurriedly excuses herself back to her room.
We don’t hear another peep from the other two teachers during this. One can only assume they’re either a) off drinking in their own little worlds, b) watching on, amused and already more aware of what’s going on between Hoshizuki and Tsukiko than even they do, or c) passed out drunk themselves.
Back in her room, Tsukiko experiences yet another sleepless night…
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/6
Today opens in the auditorium, where the students have been called for a sudden assembly. What’s up, I wonder…?
Tsukiko’s just wondering this herself when who should get up on stage to address the students, but…
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“Hello everyone, it’s nice to meet you all.”
These games were made on such a shoestring budget they didn’t even bother to give her an alternate header with her name to go with Hoshizuki’s route. If you remember, we don’t get her name prior to this scene in Naoshi or Mizushima’s routes.
Anyway, Koharu introduces herself and explains that she’s been supporting the school in the background. She had always thought her job meant staying out of sight and merely making things run smoothly, but today she has an important announcement to make, so she’s taken this opportunity to greet the students directly.
With a smile she says that it’s kind of odd timing, because her announcement is that… she’s stepping down as the chairwoman of the school. In her place, Hoshizuki Kotarou will become the new chairman of Seigetsu Gakuen.
Now then, we all saw this coming, and if you’ve played the other routes you know that if Tsukiko spends her time with Naoshi or Mizushima, then this scene comes wayyy out of left field. It also doesn’t make sense, since Hoshizuki’s decision to become chairman only really came after Tsukiko had given him that last bit of encouragement. Granted, he might have made the decision on his own, but then if he was going to make the decision anyway, Tsukiko’s help in his route is kind of a moot point. It’s like Schrodinger's chairman or something.
Personally, if I were making this story and not on a bare bones budget I’d have relegated this scene to just Hoshizuki’s route and made other little scenes to fill the gap in the other guys’ route. This is why I don’t make games I just translate them.
Anyway, to this end, in the other guys’ routes I didn’t screencap New!chairman Hoshizuki to save the surprise for this route.
Koharu invites Hoshizuki up on stage to say his piece and we get a look at Hoshizuki Kotarou looking absolutely freaking gorgeous in a black suit.
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With the slicked back and unbound hair too, Starry Sky artist you are amazing and I love you.
I also want to know what kind of surprise celebration invention Hayato and Kazuki just prevented from exploding in the background. Poor Tsubasa.
Hoshizuki takes the stand and confirms that he’s the new chairman of the school, telling everyone to settle down when the students immediately begin talking amongst themselves out of surprise. He explains that he’s taking the position so that his sister, Koharu, can achieve her dream of studying abroad.
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“So that’s how it is. In any case, I’ll kind of do my best. That seem okay with you all?”
He’ll “kind of” do his best…? Seems suspect but also sounds like the same old Hoshizuki-sensei. The students are fine with it. But wait, who’s going to be school nurse? Oh, he’s going to keep being the school nurse, too. He explains that he prefers to interact with the students personally, so he’s decided to do both jobs.
The students all cheer and shout words of encouragement. Tsukiko is happy for Hoshizuki-sensei along with them…
...but there’s a small part of her that feels this change puts more distance between them. He seems even farther and out of reach from her now. As if to only drive this feeling home, when she tries to go congratulate him personally after the assembly, she sees he’s surrounded by students and gives up. She supposes she’ll congratulate him later.
However, just as she turns to go, Hoshizuki shoos the students away and comes over to talk to her. What did she think of his speech?
She was a little surprised, but he’s Chairman Hoshizuki now, isn’t he?
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“It must be weird for the school nurse to also be the chairman.”
Tsukiko giggles and agrees that it’ll be weird to see the chairman wearing a labcoat. That’s true, but it’s the decision he’s made, and he’ll be counting on her help. Tsukiko happily says of course he can count on her, and tells him to do his best. He smiles and thanks her.
Nearby, Tsukiko hears her classmates marvel over seeing such a smile on Hoshizuki’s face. They think Yahisa must be really amazing to have that effect on people.
Hoshizuki overhears this too and tells them to scram.
Awata: See what we mean? This is the attitude we get!
It’s all in good fun though, and the boys congratulate Hoshizuki on his new position. He thanks them and then tells all of them to get moving before they’re late for class.
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 10/23
Today we join Tsukiko on her way to the first health rep meeting in awhile.
She’s kind of missed meeting with Hoshizuki-sensei, but while she was still kinda-sorta avoiding him, she was also busy with both her kyudou and student council activities. Before she realized it, she hadn’t seen him since they met in the hall on the fifth floor.
She carefully reminds herself to act normal before knocking on the door. He calls for her to come in, and she breaks off mid-greeting at the state of the office. It’s even messier than usual. Is it? He asks mildly. Tsukiko scolds him and declares they can’t have their meeting until she’s cleaned up a bit. Okay, he says, go right ahead. Tsukiko need not have reminded herself to act normal, because she retorts right back that he could help.
When he doesn’t have an immediate answer, though, she pauses and gets a good look at him. He looks tired and seems distracted. Is he feeling under the weather?
No, he answers, he’s fine.
He doesn’t sound fine…
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“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Let me take your temperature.”
“You look a little pale.”
Personally I like the option where she insists on taking his temperature, but for the purposes of his playthrough we’re just going to double check if he’s sure he’s okay.
He accuses her of worrying too much, but with much less energy than we’d expect from him.
Tsukiko frets a little inwardly. Has he really been that busy while she wasn’t around. Since he usually doesn’t let much show, if she’s noticing this much, it must be serious. He insists that she’s worrying too much and she relents without really wanting to. Instead she focuses on what she can do and begins to clean up. She wasn’t even gone that long, how did it get so messy?
Hoshizuki: :D Are you impressed?
Tsukiko: Not in a good way.
As she cleans up, Tsukiko watches him out of the corner of her eye. He really does seem run down. But if she presses him on it any more, she knows he’ll start to sulk like a child.
But she just can’t help herself, and after she’s cleaned and they’ve had their meeting, she asks one more time if he’s sure he’s okay.
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“*Yawn*... I’m just tired.”
He tells her she can head back to the dorm. He’s going to take a short nap and do some more work. Tsukiko protests that it’s late, if he’s really so tired shouldn’t he come back with her and get some proper rest? He can’t, he has work to do that needs to be finished before tomorrow. Oh… Tsukiko hesitates, is there anything she can do to help? Hoshizuki tells her he appreciates the offer but no, he can handle it himself.
Okay… Tsukiko hates to do it, but she excuses herself. She returns to her room, changes out of her uniform, and then heads down to the cafeteria, distracted all the way. She’s certain that he wasn’t feeling well, he just wouldn’t admit it. She resolves to go and check up on him after she’s had dinner.
Back at the nurse’s office, she knocks but there’s no answer. Is he still sleeping? She lets herself in and is shocked to find him collapsed on the floor. Tsukiko runs to his side and shakes him awake. He’s warm to the touch and barely responsive. She checks and he has a fever. Worried, she tells him she’s going to find either Haruki or Mizushima and to wait there.
Given the time, she accurately guesses that Haruki and Mizushima will be in the teachers’ office and rushes there. She tells them about Hoshizuki and asks them to come back to the nurse’s office with her. They rush back and the two teachers help Hoshizuki into one of the beds while Tsukiko prepares a cold compress.
Tsukiko: He kept telling me he was fine…
Mizushima: That’s just how Kota-nii is…
Haruki tells them he’s pretty sure it’s just a slight fever, and that Hoshizuki should be fine after he’s gotten a good sleep. In any case, Tsukiko can go back to the dorm now. She hesitates though, she wants to stay by Hoshizuki’s side just a little longer. At least until he wakes up. Haruki thinks it’s a bit late, but Mizushima smiles and reminds him that Tsukiko’s the health rep, so it’s safe to leave Hoshizuki in her hands, right?
Mizushima: Besides, I’m sure he’ll be much happier to wake up to Tsukiko’s face than either of ours! :D
This seems suspect, but if Tsukiko insists, then Haruki can’t think of any reason to say no. They leave her to take care of Hoshizuki and say to call them if she needs them. Tsukiko thanks them, and as they leave, Mizushima smiles at her knowingly. He tells her he’s a little jealous, but he leaves Kota-nii in her hands.
The nurse’s office seems inordinately quiet after they’ve left. Tsukiko turns back to the bed just as Hoshizuki shifts position in his sleep and one hand flops off the bed. She reaches down to lift it back onto the mattress and his fingers close around hers.
Tsukiko freezes. Did she wake him?
She peers at his face, but he’s still sleeping. His face is twisted slightly as if in pain. Tsukiko realizes she’s missed her opportunity to let go of his hand before holding it for too long and wonders what to do. It’s basically a role reversal of the last time she came down with a fever. When she was sick as a child, having someone hold her hand made her feel warm and comfortable… could she do the same for him, now?
She squeezes his hand a little and he seems to relax. Tsukiko watches him sleep and wishes to herself that they could stay like this, his hand in hers, just a little bit longer before he wakes. If she’d known it would come to this, she wouldn’t have let him convince her to go back to the dorm before him. Why did she let him convince her she was fine?
Why can’t he… be more honest with her? Why can’t he tell her when he’s not feeling well? Or when he’s tired? Or why he smiles so sadly sometimes or why he can’t fall in love… She can’t forget the look on his face as he told her he didn’t have the right to fall in love with someone.
The longer she sits there and dwells on these questions the more it becomes clear… it’s not a little crush. She’s honestly falling for him, even though she knows she shouldn’t.
After all, he’d never love her back, right?
Hoshizuki stirs and wakes up just as this thought crosses her mind. He squints up to her and asks what’s going on. His head feels heavy… Tsukiko gently tells him it’s the fever and admonishes him for not telling her. She’s so relieved she could cry but holds back her tears.
Hoshizuki groans. That’s pretty lame for the school nurse to collapse with a fever.
Wait, didn’t he realize he had a fever?
Hoshizuki: Looks like you know me better than I know myself…
Tsukiko wonders aloud if he’s just slow on the uptake. He admits that might be true, and thanks her. She wasn’t expecting him to admit it. He smiles up at her and comments that this is the reverse of another time together, isn’t it? Does she mind staying with him while he rests a bit longer? Of course she doesn’t mind, she tells him, he can take all the time he needs.
Tsukiko then notices that they’re still holding hands. She gets embarrassed and moves to let go, but he holds tight. He averts his eyes and repeats, just a little bit longer?
“Sure…” Tsukiko agrees quietly.
She watches as he closes his eyes and in an instant has dozed off again. As always, he can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. She can’t take her eyes off him… She wishes she could get to know him better… But how? She wryly thinks to herself how she chose a difficult person to fall in love with.
Tsukiko lets her mind wander, and before she realizes, she’s dozed off herself, leaning against the bed.
When she wakes up, Hoshizuki is up and changed out of his labcoat into his sweater and is getting ready to leave. Is he feeling better? He is, thanks to her. One of the tears of relief Tsukiko had held back earlier escape her and rolls down her cheek. She apologizes and hurries to get out her handkerchief, but then Hoshizuki steps closer and reaches out to wipe it away for her.
Hoshizuki: Crybaby.
Tsukiko: Who’s fault is that?
He laughs and says he really is sorry for making her worry like that. He’ll be sure not to do it again. In any case it’s late, he’ll walk her back to the dorm. When they part ways, she reminds him to get more rest, since he doesn’t seem 100% better yet. He promises and pats her on the head… and his hand lingers. Um…?
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“You really did help me out today, Yahisa. Thank you.”
Tsukiko stammers out a you’re welcome, but can’t quite look up at him. He’s so close she suddenly doesn’t know how to act. They say good-night and she watches him head for the teacher’s dorm. (this is actually a plothole, Tsukiko’s room is supposed to be in the same building but whatever, adorable scene is adorable)
Once back in her room, Tsukiko gets ready for bed but finds she can’t sleep. The feeling of Hoshizuki’s warm, broad hand around hers won’t leave her mind…
At the same time, we get our first switch to Hoshizuki’s perspective. After parting ways with Tsukiko, the wind suddenly felt much colder. Unbeknownst to him, but just like Tsukiko, he can’t get the feeling from when they were holding hands out of his head. It wasn’t like him to ask to hold hands for longer like he did… He feels silly, even though he tells himself it was because of the fever.
Even so…
Having her hand in his did make him feel better, there’s no denying that.
It had stirred a memory he’d thought he had left far, far in the past. He’d never considered ever taking another person’s hand in his again in the future. It scared him too much.
Hoshizuki recalls Tsukiko’s tears and he knows in his heart what brought them on. He got too close to her. He let his guard down, thinking she was just a child...
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 11/2
It’s been a few days since the Halloween party and now all anyone can think about is the upcoming school trip…
Tsukiko’s so beside herself with excitement she almost forgets to do her homework. In a hurry she gathers up what she needs and ducks out to do some observations at the rooftop gardens.
The night is chilly, reminding her that it is November already. She’s surprised to find Hoshizuki-sensei up at the gardens when she gets there. He’s equally surprised to see her and asks what she’s doing up there. Upon hearing the reason for it, he chastises her not for the forgetting her homework part but the coming out alone at night part. Tsukiko apologizes, then asks what brought him up here.
He’s just thinking.
Does he mind if she does her homework next to him while he thinks?
He doesn’t.
Tsukiko settles in to do her homework, but she’s distracted by Hoshizuki and the mystery of what could be bothering him, and has trouble concentrating. What could he be thinking about? Should she ask?
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“Please tell me what you’re thinking!”
“Hoshizuki-sensei, I’m willing to listen if you want to talk about it?”
“I can’t help but wonder what you’re thinking.”
The middle option suits Tsukiko best.
She offers to listen and he turns from the stars above to look directly at her. He looks surprised for a brief moment, before he teases that she doesn’t seem very reliable. Also he’s not sure how it would look for an adult like him to ask a child like her for advice. Tsukiko doesn’t rise to the bait this time, however. She instead points out that even if he thinks she’s a child, that doesn’t mean she can’t listen.
He’s sorry, he shouldn’t have said that…
He turns back to looking up at the sky and Tsukiko joins him in doing so, homework all but forgotten. It’s a full moon tonight, and she comments on how lovely it looks… and how strong it is.
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“Where did that come from?”
Tsukiko tells him how, as she sees it, the moon is always there for them. It shines brightly, even when it’s so dark the stars are barely visible and when clouds get in its way, so that they won’t feel lonely during the night. She admires that. And looking at the moon helps her to feel more relaxed, safe in the knowledge that the moon will always be up in the sky when she looks for it, so she’s never alone. He probably thinks that sounds silly.
Hoshizuki tells her he doesn’t. He, in fact, rather likes that way of thinking.
Hearing him say he likes something she said makes Tsukiko’s heart beat a little faster. Even though she knows what he means, just hearing the words…
Hesitantly she gets to the point and tells him she wishes she could be to him what the moon is to her. When he doesn’t respond immediately she hurries to explain that she wishes he’d rely on her when he’s feeling lonely or sad. She wants him to know she’ll always be there for him… when he needs her.
Hoshizuki: You’re still just a child…
Tsukiko: Which is exactly why that’s really all I can offer to do for you.
It’s why she offered to listen… is that not enough to convince him to talk?
He’s silent for so long she begins to worry that maybe she overstepped their boundaries a little too much. Then, softly…
Hoshizuki: So…
Tsukiko: Y-Yes…?
Hoshizuki: What would you think if I became chairman?
Tsukiko’s not sure what she was expecting, but it wasn’t that. But now that she thought about it, he was the son of the former chairman and the younger brother of the current chairwoman… it could happen. Tsukiko tries to imagine what Chairman Hoshizuki Kotarou would be like… and decides with a giggle that he probably wouldn’t change much.
He sounds amused when he asks what she’s laughing at.
She explains that she’s decided no matter what job he has, he’ll always be the same Hoshizuki-sensei in her mind.
She sure came to that decision easily, he says with a good-natured sigh of exasperation. But she’s right… it’s not really that big of a deal, is it?
Tsukiko: Did something happen with Koharu-san?
Hoshizuki: Kind of. She’s decided she wants to work overseas with my father. But if she does that… she won’t be able to keep up with her work here.
That said, he’s already been handling a lot of her work… which is why he’s been so tired lately. Hearing this, Tsukiko finally has a reason for all the times he’s seemed overworked and all the times he’d left the office for hours at a time… it explains a lot of things she’d wondered about.
Tsukiko: Sorry for calling you lazy.
Hoshizuki: It’s okay, you’re still right about that.
It also explains why he overdid things and collapsed. He admits this is true, although he maintains that he didn’t mean to let it get that bad. Tsukiko chides him for not taking better care of himself and he agrees to make a better effort at it.
Still, Tsukiko steers the conversation back to the original topic. She’s surprised to hear Koharu wants to go overseas. And she asked Hoshizuki-sensei to take over as chairman? Hoshizuki smiles ruefully and says there’s no one else she can ask, really. So what’s the problem? Tsukiko asks, she thinks it’s a good idea. Hoshizuki’s not sure though, he likes his work as the school nurse, it gives him more time with the students on a personal level, and if he takes the chairman position he won’t have as much time for it.
Oh, good point. Tsukiko thinks to herself that it would also mean less time for them to spend together…
At the same time, hearing him talk about all the little everyday moments he cherishes with the students warms her heart and makes her fall for him a little more. But a little voice in the back of her head reminds her that he only started studying medicine because of someone special to him that he still thinks about to this day…
But anyway, he concludes, that’s what’s been bothering him lately. He has two options he can’t decide between; help his sister out and take the chairman position, or stay the school nurse and have more time with the students like he’s always had.
Tsukiko thinks the solution is easy though.
Oh? How so?
It’ll be hard work but...why not do both? No matter which choice he makes, he’ll regret not taking the other at some point, so he should do both. That way he can say he has no regrets, no matter what happens.
Plus, he has her to help with the nurse’s office duties, right?
Not only that, but she’s certain Haruki-sensei will be willing to help out any way he can.
Hoshizuki has no counterargument, in fact, he rather likes the idea. It’s definitely one that he would never have come up with on his own. She’s right, though, and thanks to her he’s made up his mind.
That’s great! Tsukiko tells him to make sure he asks her whenever he needs help.
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“I’m counting on you.”
He reaches out and pats her head, then adds, by the way, how’s her homework coming along?
He tells her to hurry and finish. He’ll wait with her… she’s afraid of the dark, after all, isn’t she? She admits that yes, yes she is and he laughs. She’s still just a kid after all. She pouts both at him calling her a child and at the fact that she can’t say he’s wrong in this case. Then she sneezes and he moves a little closer…
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“Are you cold? Here, wear my coat.”
If you look closely, and it’s hard to tell with the artist’s particular style, but he’s ever so slightly blushing and I love that.
She tries to protest but he insists. This spurs Tsukiko to hurry and finish her homework before he catches cold or something…
While she works we switch to Hoshizuki’s perspective. He’s made up his mind, and he appreciates how Tsukiko helped him come to a resolution. He tells himself it’s because she can look at the problem with the fresh mindset of youth. The fact that he couldn’t do that only reminds him of their age gap.
He envies her freedom.
He also thinks about how nice it felt to have someone be there for him, to listen and be supportive, and to push him gently in the right direction. But he gave up the right to have someone like that a long time go. Tsukiko had said she wanted to be like the moon, to always be there for him…
...but he doesn’t deserve to have someone like that in his life.
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 10/19
Things are pretty calm at the moment, at least until the school trip, Tsukiko doesn’t have a whole lot going on.
She hasn’t even had much chance to stop by the nurse’s office. She’s not sure how she feels about this. Ever since the school festival she hasn’t really known how to act around Hoshizuki-sensei. She’s so afraid of him realizing somehow that she does have a crush on him that without really meaning to she’s been avoiding him. Which leads to her wondering wistfully if he’s noticed, at least, that she’s not around…
She tells herself that’s doubtful, though.
Tsukiko runs into Haruki-sensei on her way back to the classroom after lunch. He calls her over and wonders if he can ask her a favour. Can she run and grab something he needs for the next class for him? He can’t find Mizushima and doesn’t have time to retrieve it himself since he’s on an errand for Hoshizuki-sensei. He hands her the key to the fifth floor storage room and a list of what he needs and runs off.
As the classrooms at Seigetsu Gakuen only go to the fourth floor, the fifth floor is quiet when Tsukiko gets up there. She turns a corner and is surprised to see Hoshizuki-sensei leaving one of the rooms. What room was it, she wonders…
Hoshizuki looks equally surprised to see her. What’s she doing up here?
She explains and then asks what brings him up here. He looks away and avoids answering. Tsukiko recalls that Haruki said he was on an errand for Hoshizuki. He must be busy. Oh yeah, he says, he did ask Naoshi to run an errand for him. He forgot?! He apologizes and distracts her with the observation that if she’s getting things for Naoshi that must mean Iku’s gone into hiding again. He’ll be sure to say something to him later.
By the way, Tsukiko peers past him, what was the room Hoshizuki just came out of…?
Sorry, he says, he has to go to the teacher’s office. He’ll see her later.
Tsukiko watches him go with the unshakeable impression that he’s hiding something from her.
But anyway, she has to get that stuff for Haruki. The mystery room Hoshizuki came out of is on her mind the whole time she gets the stuff from the storage room and takes it down to the classroom. What could it have been?
Curious, she asks her classmate Awata if he knows about a room up on the fifth floor that’s not a classroom, a storage room, or the school broadcasting room or student council office. Awata goes, ohhh, she means the Seigetsu Gakuen Mystery Room. Wait, what? Since when did this school have a mystery room? That’s right, he says, lowering his voice, the mystery room on the fifth floor where no one knows what’s inside. None of the teachers will answer when asked. Not a soul has seen the inside…
Her other classmates chime in with a story about that one time Tsubasa tried breaking in to solve the mystery and Kazuki had to stop him. This was news to Tsukiko but it’s not unreasonable to assume they hid this incident from her, or more rather, Hayato.
Speaking of mysteries, Awata saw Hoshizuki-sensei talking with a gorgeous woman earlier today. The mystery woman looked like a mature, refined lady… he sighs.
Tsukiko’s heart stops. Hoshizuki was talking with a woman…? Does it have something to do with the reason why he said he can’t fall in love?
Nashimoto: Oh, I know that lady. I’ve seen her around a lot lately.
Awata: omg really?! I would die to see her again. Yahisa, do you know anything about the mysterious beauty?!
Tsukiko: Huh? Why are you asking me?
Well, she’s close with Hoshizuki, isn’t she? Well, yeah, she’s the health rep. Well then, Nashimoto leans in, hasn’t she also heard that Hoshizuki used to want to be a doctor? No, she didn’t know that… This stings a little. Tsukiko realizes she doesn’t really know anything about Hoshizuki-sensei. They’ve spent so much time together, and yet, she barely knows anything about him at all…
Now, I beg to differ. Tsukiko knows Hoshizuki really, really well. She just doesn’t know anything about his past or his private life because he’s not exactly forthcoming about it. But that makes sense, given their teacher-student relationship. That said, it’s easy to see how Tsukiko would feel this way.
What kind of snoops are Awata and Nashimoto though? Gossipers, the lot of them. XD
But let’s milk them for as much exposition as we can. So how did Hoshizuki go from studying to be a doctor to end up a school nurse who sleeps on the job all the time? Alas, all Nashimoto knows is that something happened at some point to make him quit his studies before he could become a full-fledged doctor. (I’m assuming a school nurse only needs basic medical schooling, less than a doctor would require and possible even a medical nurse.)
The boys shrug. They figured if anyone know what that incident had been exactly, it would be Tsukiko. So if she doesn’t know… Well, it’s arguably possible that Hoshizuki just got bored of it, right? He’s that type of person.
Just as they decide this, the bell rings to start class and everyone returns to their seats. All through class, Tsukiko’s mind is occupied by the many mysteries surrounding Hoshizuki-sensei.
She really does wish she could get to know him better…
But she doesn’t know how she can. This crush is no longer a maybe, she’s falling for him and it hurts…
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 9/12
Today’s a Saturday, so it’s very quiet at Seigetsu Gakuen. What’s Tsukiko doing on campus though?
Tsukiko’s a busy girl. She had kyudou practice in the morning, and from the afternoon she came in to the nurse’s office for her medical check up. Hoshizuki’s pretty hands-off about it, leaving most of it to Tsukiko to do herself, while he sleepily sits by and asks if she’s done weighing herself yet.
Tsukiko’s at that stage some girls go through where this is a point of contention for her. She asks him to wait a moment and he keenly points out that no matter how many times she rechecks the numbers aren’t gonna change. She tells him to shush and let a girl be.
Hoshizuki: Just write whatever you want then.
Tsukiko: I am not going to lie.
She comes out and they move to measure her height. Hoshizuki apologizes (probably for not the first time) that they don’t have the means to get a female doctor to do this. Tsukiko admits it’s a little embarrassing, to which Hoshizuki shrugs and says she’s still a child so there’s nothing to worry about, really. Tsukiko takes offence at being called a child. She hates it when he does that!
Hoshizuki yawns and doesn’t take the bait. It’s the weekend he wants to sleep.
Tsukiko: You always want to sleep.
That said, he does seem more tired that usual lately…
Really? Hoshizuki asks. It must be her imagination, it’s nothing she should worry about.
That’s the wrong thing to say, really. Tsukiko thinks back on how long she’s known Hoshizuki. She only became the health rep for her class this past spring, but when she was a first-year student she often came to the nurse’s office with Kanata. That said, Hoshizuki’s always been pretty elusive, and she wishes she could get to know him better…
Hoshizuki notices her looking at him and asks what she’s making that face for. Is there something she wants to tell him or something?
Well, since he asked…
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“What do you usually do in your free time, Hoshizuki-sensei?”
“Do you have someone you like, Hoshizuki-sensei?”
“Do you know Mizushima-sensei personally, Hoshizuki-sensei?”
If you ask me, the only natural question out of these three is the first one. The last one is out of left field, the middle one is… odd coming from Tsukiko, since it’s not really in her character to ask that out of the blue. She’s a shoujo protagonist but not a romantic, per say. This is also waaayyyyy before her love epiphany. Like, wayyyyy before. Or even his. So the only question that makes sense given the flow of the scene and both characters’ personalities is the first one, but alas, that’s the choice for Naoshi’s route.
So Hoshizuki, you lazy bum, do you have a crush on anyone because we all know you don’t have a girlfriend?
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“No...I don’t. I have no need for nor the right to have someone.”
Rightfully surprised by this answer, Tsukiko asks why. He tells her ‘just because’ in that tone of voice that says not to push it. He won’t tell her? He smiles and softens his tone a little, assuring her it’s no big deal. This only serves to prove to Tsukiko that it is a big deal but he’s chosen to hide it from her.
Tsukiko: How come you won’t be more honest with me?
Hoshizuki: Why do you ask? Are you interested in me or something?
Tsukiko: Yes.
Hoshizuki: You’re more bold than I give you credit for!
Tsukiko: Wait, not like that. I mean--
Hoshizuki: I know what you really meant. Even if you did have a crush on me, I’m way too old for you and kids your age usually confuse curiosity for interest.
Tsukiko pouts. Even if he does have a point, that doesn’t detract from the fact that she wants to get to know him better. But there’s something in his expression that tells her she should let it go and she stays quiet.
The finish up Tsukiko’s medical check and Hoshizuki tells her she can go. But Tsukiko, while she may have dropped the earlier question, still hasn’t given up on getting to know him. She protests that she doesn’t want to leave yet be...because there’s still cleaning to do!
Hoshizuki gives her a sidelong glance and asks why she’s acting funny.
That stings a little. How come he’s allowed to read her but she can’t read him?
The door opens and Nashimoto pops in. Is Tsukiko’s medical check finished? Miyaji’s been looking for her, you know. She wouldn’t happen to have the key to the dojo, would she?
Oops, she does! She forgot to hand it to him before she left early to come for her medical check. She thanks Nashimoto and turns to Hoshizuki, who tells her go ahead. He can tidy up the office himself. Tsukiko offers to come back after she returns the key but he frowns at her sternly. He’s fine. She can go. He reminds her that she shouldn’t put her health rep duties ahead of the rest of her life. Her kyudou teammates, her classmates and her friends… she should cherish them while she can.
Tsukiko pauses and looks back at him. That’s a rather...heavy way of wording it.
Hoshizuki is looking off to the side, distracted by whatever prompted him to give her this advice. Eventually he turns around in his chair, putting his back to her, leaving Tsukiko with no option but to leave. The abrupt distance between them stings.
Out in the hall, Tsukiko’s just about to rush and seek out Miyaji when a lady’s voice calls out and stops her.  
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I turned around and found a beautiful lady standing behind me. Wait, since when did such a gorgeous teacher work at this school?
Our gorgeous mystery woman asks if Tsukiko knows where Kotarou...er, she means, Hoshizuki-sensei is. Tsukiko’s flustered a moment, while she’s used to hearing Haruki call Hoshizuki by his given name, this is the first time she’s heard someone else do it, let along without adding -sensei at the end. Who could this woman be?
While Tsukiko struggles to mentally come to terms with this sudden encounter, the women begins to fret, remembering it’s Saturday so what if Hoshizuki-sensei isn’t at the school? But he must be, right? Oh, dear, she should have called first…
Tsukiko tentatively informs her that Hoshizuki is in the nurse’s office.
Oh good.
So uh… where’s the nurse’s office again? This school is so big, she always forgets where things are.
She kind of has a point. Tsukiko points out the door to the nurse’s office, since she just came from there and it’s not far.
The woman thanks Tsukiko for her kindness and excuses herself. Tsukiko watches her boldly walk down the hall and enter the nurse’s office without so much as a knock, growing all the more curious. How does she know Hoshizuki-sensei? They must be rather close if she came all the way to the school to see him.
For some reason that thought makes Tsukiko feel somewhat uncomfortable.
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 10/10
We join Tsukiko and her class as they’re bustling around getting ready to open their cafe for the first day of the festival…
Tsukiko’s rushing here and there helping everyone out, and just as she begins to worry she won’t have time to track down the teachers to give them their costumes, Haruki-sensei bounds in. She meets his cheerful greeting by admonishing him for being late and telling him to hurry up and change. This is the moment Mizushima chooses to slink in and he gets a lecture too.
But where’s Hoshizuki-sensei?
He didn’t sleep in did he?
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“*yawn* I’m so tired… Was I supposed to cosplay or something today…?”
Lo and behold, Sleeping Beauty arrives on cue. Tsukiko hands him his costume and the three teachers peer into their bags curious to see what Tsukiko made them. She tells them she’s quite proud of her work. Mizushima whines about his but Hoshizuki looks back up at her and casually praises her work. Haruki’s just worried he’ll be able to pull his off… Wait, Hoshizuki reconsiders, he’s not sure how to put his on...
Yeah yeah, save it for later. Tsukiko pushes them off to get changed already. There’s no time.
Her classmates join Tsukiko then, joking that only she’s capable of managing the free-spirits working at that school. By the way, Arata adds, and hands her something. This is for her. The boys got together and bought her a surprise costume to go with the ones she made.
I’m assuming bought anyway. Do you think any of these losers can sew?
I’ll admit…
Suzuya probably can.
But he’s sir-not-appearing-in-this-game, so… bought we shall assume.
Tsukiko’s touched and thanks them all for the surprise. She runs off to change at the boys’ insistence, and when she returns it’s to embarrassingly melodramatic gasps of appreciation.
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Oh. My bad.
Suzuya is a sir-appearing-in-this-game…
...in the background…
I see these games continue to throw continuity right out the window by including Yoh in the Spring cameos but what can you do?
Anyway, how smart do our teachers look? Haruki’s looking smart in his Taisho-era style, Hoshizuki looks like some laid-back poet or scholar, and I’m not entirely sure what Mizushima’s costume is supposed to be. I think it might be Imperial Navy which is a bit, could we not? But what can you do?
Also how adorable does Tsukiko look?
Hoshizuki makes a comment that uses the proverb “umako ni mo ishou” which direct-translates to “the clothes make the man”. Now, the English is basically a backhanded comment but could be taken either way, the Japanese however outright refers to the wear-er as the child of a horse so it really can only go one way and Tsukiko takes offence. That’s mean!
Mizushima laughs and tells her Hoshizuki’s just teasing her, because she looks really pretty and he knows it.
Hoshizuki: Excuse me, I was praising the costume. The wearer… well, we’ll see how she looks in about ten years or so.
You get the feeling Hoshizuki doth protest too much?
Tsukiko actually rolls with his comments after that, she’s much too self-conscious about wearing a costume to be worried about being treated like a child right now.
Hoshizuki: I guess you do look a little more like a refined lady
Tsukiko: What do you mean by a little?
Hoshizuki: You still lack charm and grace
Tsukiko: So sorry to disappoint.
Hoshizuki: You do kind of look like you’re heading to the matchmaker though.
Tsukiko: :p Maybe I will.
Matchmakers on the brain, Hoshizuki? He laughs and asks if she’ll have a matchmaking date with him and she accuses him of enjoying himself too much teasing her.
But enough awkward and not-so-awkward foreshadowing, it’s time to open the cafe! Tsukiko and the teachers are tasked with serving customers, all the cooking is left up to Suzuya, and the rest of the class is… probably slacking off. Hoshizuki and Mizushima protest this whole serving customers business but Haruki and Tsukiko talk them into it.
The cafe ends up being super busy the whole day and time flies by. When the events have ended for the day and Tsukiko finally gets some time to breath, she sits down with a grateful sigh in the nurse’s office where she and the teachers are relaxing. They’ve already (sadly) changed out of their costumes. Mizushima wants something sweet, Hoshizuki wants a nap, and Haruki can’t wait til tomorrow! :D
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“Why did I agree to this?”
(exceedingly loose translation is exceedingly loose)
They agree to not dress up in their costumes the next day, although it’s kind of a shame since Tsukiko went to all the trouble to make them. Mizushima flirtatiously offers to cosplay in private for her, and when Tsukiko dryly says she’ll pass, this gets a laugh out of Hoshizuki. Tsukiko reroutes the conversation back on track and comments on how the costumes were kind of tiring. Hoshizuki points out that it’s partly because traditional Japanese clothes force you to stand upright and be more careful about how you move.
Still, Tsukiko points out, Hoshizuki-sensei looked rather good in his kimono. The word she uses often gets translated to sexy, but has a slightly different nuance than what the word carries in English. He looked different, in a more attractive, beautiful way that made her heart beat a little faster when she looked at him.
Hoshizuki: Yahisa, were you checking me out?
Tsukiko: I-I wouldn’t go that far…!
(She was totally checking him out)
Hoshizuki: You should though. You don’t seem especially attractive no matter what you wear, so maybe you can learn how to be like me.
Wow dude, that’s harsh, even as a joke.
Hoshizuki notices this stung and frowns at her. She should be happy to be that way, being in a school full of hormonal teenage boys the way she is.
So wait, does that mean he’s concerned about her? Well yeah, he answers with a wry grin on his face. Imagine the temptation she’d be if she were actually attractive.
The subtle misogyny in scenes like this is staggering. Everytime I hit the spacebar there’s a new reason to eyeroll.
Tsukiko: Would I be a temptation for you, too?
Hoshizuki: Who knows? Don’t ask such weird questions.
You brought it up, dude, just sayin’...
Anyway, talking this much about how non-attractive she is would bring literally anyone down, so Tsukiko isn’t especially feeling any better. Hoshizuki tells her she has lots of good points too, she should focus on those.
Tsukiko: Are you just saying that to make me feel better?
Hoshizuki: Wow, suspicious much? I am capable of praising you, you know.
Tsukiko: News to me. What’s one of these supposed good points then?
Hoshizuki: :D that’s something you need to think of for yourself.
You’re worse than Kanata sometimes, you know that, Hoshizuki?
Some time later, Haruki points out that they should head back to the dorms and rest since there’s still tomorrow. Tsukiko’s a little sad the festival will be over so soon after all the hard work she put into getting ready for it. (so wear the costumes another day, silly) Haruki cheerfully reminds her to focus on the positive; they still have tomorrow.
By the way, Mizushima asks, is the Star Road still a thing?
Of course it is, Hoshizuki tells him. It wouldn’t be Seigetsu’s school festival without it. Tsukiko expresses her wish to someday walk through it with someone she loves. Hoshizuki teases her for saying something so abjectly girly. Tsukiko protests that he shouldn’t laugh at her. She walked through it with her childhood friends last year, and expects to do the same this year too…
...and while that’s fine and all, she wouldn’t mind if it weren’t a little more romantic…
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 10/9
It’s the day before the school festival, and Tsukiko’s class takes well into the evening making sure their cafe is all ready for the big day.
Once they’re all satisfied with how the classroom has transformed, Haruki sends the students home to rest before the big day.
Back in her room, Tsukiko excitedly decides to do one last check to make sure the costumes for the teachers are ready but… uh-oh. Looks like she forgot them back in the classroom. Going back to the school at night seems a little scary by herself, but she decides to hurry over and retrieve them.
However, when she gets to the classroom, she can’t find the bag with the costumes at her desk. She’s sure she left them there, though… It’s already past 8, so someone will be locking up the school soon. She has no choice but to keep searching. Where should she look next?
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(around the) classroom
Nurse’s office
Now you’d think for Hoshizuki’s route you’d choose the nurse’s office here, but nope, that takes you down the sexual harassment train that is Mizushima Iku’s route. We’re gonna keep looking around the classroom.
After all, Tsukiko’s sure she left it here…
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Now, one of the character traits that Tsukiko has across all the games, all the routes, aside from her shoujo protagonist-required naivete, her inability to remember any childhood friends besides Kanata and Suzuya, her subtle snarky moments, and her hand-holding fetish… is a marked fear of the dark.
So when the classroom suddenly plunges into darkness she rightfully begins to panic. She figures the school’s had a blackout, of all the times and when she’s in all the places, and she sinks to the floor as the fear begins to paralyze her. She hears the door open and while she can’t see it, she gets the sense that someone is approaching her. She panics further, lashing out at her would-be shadow attacker.
Hoshizuki: Ow! Don’t scratch me! D:<
He firmly tells her to calm down, it’s him. Her eyes adjust to the dark and she can see it’s really him, so she calms down. Hoshizuki sighs and demands, what are you, a cat? She’s glad he’s here but at the same time… why is he here?
Turns out he was doing the rounds and found her costumes, and at the same time, he saw her heading to the classroom. He was just catching up to her when the electricity went out. He crouches down to where she’s back to sitting on the floor again, this time in relief.
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“Now here we are, alone, the two of us in a dark classroom. You’d best be glad it was me that found you.”
Yeah, no kidding. >_>
Once the momentary relief that Hoshizuki was not a shadow-attacker passed, Tsukiko’s fear of the dark returns and she can’t find the will to speak. When he asks what’s wrong she clings to him and he gently asks, “are you scared?” Normally this is where she would expect him to tease her, but instead he lets her hide her face in his shoulder until she calms down. It’s a good thing he found her so they can wait together until the lights come back on. He pats her hair and together they wait until finally the lights come back on.
The lights bring reality crashing into Tsukiko and she realizes fully how she’s clinging to Hoshizuki-sensei. She looks up at him, just in time for him to patiently ask if she’s feeling better now.
Hoshizuki: Your face is red. You’re not coming down with another fever, are you?
lol, it’s actually believable because he’s the nurse.
He puts a hand on her forehead to check her temperature (not the forehead-to-forehead method? Of all the times to be professional…) and Tsukiko’s heart skips a beat. Still, he deems her fine and says it’s time for her to go back to the dorm, warning her to make sure she gets some sleep. He offers her a hand up and it’s really confusing if they’ve been sitting or standing this whole time from the narration but what can you do? He roundabout offers to walk her back to the dorm, which Tsukiko recognizes as him being nice since she was so scared.
As they walk across the grounds, Tsukiko looks up to the stars. Now that she’s calmed down again, she’s looking forward to the school festival tomorrow...
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 10/8
The school festival is just around the corner and Seigetsu Gakuen is abuzz with activity as the students get ready…
Tsukiko’s classmates were hard at work preparing for their cafe, and for some reason they refused any offer of help she gave, instead all but kicking her out of the classroom. She’s a little put out and wonders where she should go…
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Go back to the classroom after all.
Go check out the rear grounds maybe?
Escape to the nurse’s office.
It occurs to her that with all these students building things and making things, there’s a good chance the nurse’s office might be busy. She’ll just stop by and see if she’s needed.
When she arrives, she’s greeted with an unusual sight…
She almost doesn’t believe her eyes. This is the nurse’s office, right? Why are there so many students here? Hoshizuki notices her in the door and waves her over. Good thing she’s here, he could use her help.
As it turns out, Tsukiko was right to suspect so, because lots of students have been inflicting minor injuries on themselves and Hoshizuki’s hands are already full. The rest of the afternoon is a whirlwind of band-aids and disinfectants. Once things calm down, Tsukiko collapses into a chair, exhausted, while Hoshizuki mutters about how everyone should be more careful because honestly!
Tsukiko giggles. She’s never seen him work so hard before.
Uncharacteristically this is met with silence. Tsukiko feels bad for a moment. Did… did she make him angry, saying that? Before she can work up the courage to look over at him to check, he slumps against her shoulder… fast asleep. Man he falls asleep fast. She tries to wake him but to no avail, so she figures he must really be tired and lets him sleep.
Tsukiko peers down and thinks to herself that he really is good-looking. She doesn’t get to see him this up-close often, so it really strikes her in the moment. His long eyelashes and smooth skin would be the envy of a lot of girls, too. He really was pretty…
Before Tsukiko’s eyes, a single tear escapes from beneath Hoshizuki’s eyelashes to roll down his cheek.
She’s so startled, she jumps a little and that wakes him up. He yawns and eyes her blearily.
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“Hm? What are you staying at me like that for?”
After a short pause, Tsukiko tells him he was crying in his sleep. He scoffs, why would he be crying? He just yawned and made his eyes water, silly.
Tsukiko’s not convinced but says “I see” anyway. Maybe he just didn’t notice it himself. But even so, what could have been the reason behind it? Anyway, now that he’s awake, and the office isn’t so busy, she awkwardly begins to excuse herself.
Hoshizuki: Oh, wait.
Tsukiko: Yes?
Hoshizuki: Just wanted to say thanks for today.
And with that said, he closes his eyes again and goes back to sleep on the sofa.
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letsplaystarrysky · 6 years
Starry★Sky in Autumn -Hoshizuki- 9/14
Today we join Tsukiko just as classes end for the day and homeroom is about to begin. Usually homeroom is over quickly, but today the topic is a bit special…
...because today they’re going to decide what the class will do for the school festival!
Haruki is all gung-ho about it, but Mizushima and some of the students are not that into it… or really, they’re acting the part to toy with Haruki.
Once they get back on track, Haruki informs the class that the school festival will be held on October 10th and 11th, and they need to decide what they’re going to do. The students have actually already decided...they want to have a cafe, since super chef supreme Suzuya can do all the cooking. Not only that, but lots of girls will definitely come from other schools once they hear that Suzuya is cooking.
Hey wait a minute, Kanata jumps to Suzuya’s defence. They can’t leave him to do all the work, that’s not fair!
Haruki agrees. What are the rest of you non-cooking losers going to do to participate?
Okay, fine. What about if they made it a cosplay cafe?
Haruki likes this idea. What kind of cosplay?
He starts imagining things like heroes and other characters. Mizushima thinks that’s childish and says the only acceptable cosplay is a maid cafe. Maids? You mean like crossdressing? No, silly, why crossdress when they have a real girl to dress up like a maid.
Pfft. You buncha nerds.
Tsukiko’s not sure how she feels about this.
Mizushima is almost on board with the idea except he doesn’t like the thought of other boys drooling over her. Maybe Haruki-sensei should crossdress. He’s small enough they could easily find his size.
Haruki: DX HELL NO.
While they’re all trying to convince Haruki to do it, the door opens and Hoshizuki pokes his head in to comment on how this class is always so noisy.
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Judging you.
Haruki leaps at the chance to have someone on his side and pleads with Hoshizuki to tell everyone to listen to him.
Hoshizuki: Hey you guys, just kinda listen to what he says alright?
Class: okayyyy
Haruki: Kotarou-sensei you just totally said ‘kinda listen’ didn’t you!!
Hoshizuki evades the issue with practiced ease and hands Haruki his attendance list. What kind of homeroom teacher forgets that sort of thing? Hoshizuki sighs and says that he’s handed it off now, he’s gonna leave.
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“Wait just a moment, Hoshizuki-sensei.”
Uh-oh, Mizushima has that look in his eye. Hoshizuki is immediately suspicious and asks what he’s up to. Mizushima laughs and turns to the class, asking hey guys, wouldn’t they like to see Hoshizuki try out some cosplay?
Hoshizuki: wtf?
Haruki explains that the class decided on doing a cosplay cafe for the school festival and the teachers have to cosplay. Hoshizuki gets straight to the point and asks what the point of that is when they have a Tsukiko to dress up. Tsukiko practically cuts him off to say that she’s too embarrassed and doesn’t want to. It’s actually cute how with everyone else she kind of hems and haws and tries to weasel out of it a bit but with Hoshizuki she’s not afraid to come out and say no directly.
Hoshizuki: That’s a shame. Well, I don’t mind it.
Every single person in the room: (・□・)?!?!
The boys start flipping right out because everyone knows Hoshizuki is the most beautiful teacher in the school. You might think that’s me saying that but no, it’s a near-direct translation of one of Nashimoto’s lines.
Haruki and Mizushima exchange glances. That was unexpected…
Tsukiko’s just reminded that she really never knows what’s going on in Hoshizuki’s head.
Unbothered by any of the excitement he’s whipped up, Hoshizuki asks who’s making the costumes. Mizushima sets gender equality back about thirty years or so by insisting Tsukiko makes the costumes because he finds girls who sew hawt or something. The boys and Haruki think a feminine touch is a good idea and ask her to do it as well, so Tsukiko agrees. Hoshizuki laughs at her because he’s well aware of how much extra work it’s going to be for her. Tsukiko threatens to make his costume extra embarrassing in retaliation.
This is Hoshizuki’s cue to make a hasty exit to escape her wrath.
Once he’s gone they do a bit more planning as a class before the conversation topic turns to the yearly Star Road event. Arata swears he’s definitely going to walk through it with his girlfriend.
Nashimoto: Shouldn’t you say that after you’ve actually got a girlfriend?
And Arata sounds about to cry because it’s true.
Tsukiko listens to this and being the romantic she is, she understands how Arata feels. There’s a mini urban legend at the school about how walking through the Star Road path set up in the courtyard during the school festival with the person you like will make your love come true. It’s popular not just with the Seigetsu Gakuen students, but also with the people in the area who come to visit the festival. Last year she just walked through with Kanata and Suzuya, but this year, it would be nice if she had someone special to walk through with…
That said, it’s probably not going to happen. As a member of the Student Council, she’s going to be one of the people running the Star Road, as well as being busy with her class’ cosplay cafe. She can already see she won’t have the time.
After homeroom is over, Tsukiko stays behind to try and think of what kind of costumes to make. Some of her classmates have hung back to help her decide. The ideas thrown about are…
Traditional Japanese clothes, because they would suit Hoshizuki-sensei best.
Iku-chan-sensei was really into the maid idea, but a butler costume would also look good.
Dressing Naoshi in a girl’s uniform would be hilarious, or any kind of school uniform, really.
These are all good ideas…
Which will you decide on, Tsukiko?
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School Uniforms
Traditional Japanese
Seeing the teachers in old-school styles seems interesting to her, so Tsukiko decides on traditional Japanese clothes. Her classmates think this is a great idea, and together they all discuss what kind of clothes to go for and what kind of decorations they should get for the classroom to go with it.
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