#oh how i wish i could try saturn again with what ive learned!
saeyrh · 8 months
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my first try at saturn from december, and jupiter's Io shadow transit from tonight!
these were taken with a 8" dob, a 2.5x barlow, and an ASI585MC
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hellyeahrpmemes · 7 years
here’s sentences from 10 more of jenna’s videos! feel free to change names/pronouns/zodiac signs/etc.! more jenna sentences
“All I did was download them and giggle.”
“What I like about this game is that there’s a lot of depth to it.”
“No, you’re dead.”
“I’m out, I’m out, I’m out.”
“I love how all of this works.”
“This is too stressful.”
“I’m over it, nope, I’m done.”
“I wouldn’t get you that for a ring. That’s an ugly ass ring.”
“This is getting dark.”
“It won’t let you say no!”
“It costs 99 cents to figure out how to build sexual tension.”
“Don’t talk about your problems, you fucking slouch.”
“I paid 99 cents for that.”
“Excuse me, I’m learning here.”
“I paid 99 cents so you knew how to get sex.”
“Ew, this is nasty.”
“This whole thing is extra.”
“She’s not having it, this is wrong.”
“Oh my god, this is so uncomfortable.”
“I’m learning so much today.”
“Is he asleep?”
“I have glasses, I can’t.”
“Oh my god, it’s real.”
“If you’re in the car with your parents, this is infuriating.”
“Yo, Uber, pass me the aux cord.”
“That was 99/10. That was a great app.”
“How to get unfriended in one day.”
“This app fucking rules.”
“It’s kinda relaxing.”
“Okay, can we give this a rest, now?”
“You paid for this.”
“This is pretty fun.”
“Oh my god, I want to die.”
“As angry as it makes me sometimes, I do like it.”
“Please don’t listen to anything he says, it’s all garbage. It’s all lies and garbage.”
“You can eat the ball of foam when you’re done.”
“There’s no calories, so it’s good.”
“This works if you put it directly in your eye for enhanced night vision.”
“I prefer a Sharpie, but we were out of Sharpies, so I used makeup.”
“I think it’s working. I kinda wish it would just be done.”
“Are we done with the eyebrows yet?”
“This is art, people.”
“I’m doing the underneath part, which is getting dangerously close to my eyeballs.”
“If you were a really bad kid and you always drew on tablecloths, you’re gonna be really good at this.”
“Oh, I hate this part.”
“We are literally making up our eyeball.”
“This is easily the worst thing ever in the world.”
“Look how messy I am.”
“I wanna kiss myself.”
“The word contour comes from an ancient myth about centaurs.”
“We can fool people.”
“Makeup is a good, deceitful trick, people.”
“Okay, so now I have some cheese.”
“Shut up…!”
“I hate this.”
“I think we’re highlighting.”
“This is only available in Ukraine, and I flew there once to get it.”
“This is a great way to cool off.”
“Oh, okay, that’s it. Thank you guys, bye.”
“I wanna lay on my couch in this blanket.”
“Repeat after me. The president is not my daddy. He cannot just spank me whenever he feels like it.”
“I think we need to abandon this mission to Mars business. It’s been a long time, and it’s not gonna happen.”
“I say we start terraforming Saturn.”
“When you look up in the sky, you can see rings. Tight.”
“If everybody donated the ends of their loaves of bread a week, we could feed a lot of hungry people. Especially if they’re hungry for shitty sandwiches.”
“You asked for this.”
“Maybe a simple solution is don’t get your news from Facebook.”
“I know what billionaires want, and it’s Tom.”
“I think the punishment for mistreating animals should be being thrown into a pit of gorillas.”
“Too soon? Too late.”
“We could get rid of rush hour by making half the population nocturnal. Half the people work regular hours, half the people work Batman hours.”
“What is armpit hair for? What is it for?”
“Think about that. That’s an impressive statistic.”
“Drums should be called bangs, and bangs should be called regret.”
“Why does the government get to tell me how many dogs I’m allowed to have?”
“Do I look like someone who lies?”
“Today seems like the perfect day to just bring everybody together with some love.”
“We need some love right now.”
“I mean, that’s pretty, right?”
“I’m not here to judge them.”
“Time is of the essence.”
“It just feels like the right thing to do.”
“I mean, this is looking pretty dope.”
“Wow, you look fucking nice.”
“It’s not very good, but I do know the basics of it.”
“I mean, it’s pretty cute.”
“I’m hoping that it looks right.”
“Today’s the day, baby girl. You’re getting married.”
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
“You’re gonna remember today forever. Or you might forget it. But it’s important.”
“I know, you’re so excited.”
“Wow, you did it.”
“I’m so excited for you.”
“I mean, that’s really it.”
“This is what I did with my time today.”
“Even if he doesn’t become president, he could still grab me by my pussy.”
“I think the fuck not!”
“Is this what you wanted?”
“I don’t like this at all, why did I do this?”
“I regret all of this.”
“You didn’t think it all the way through, did you?”
“Fuck off.”
“Was it stupid? Yeah. Do I care? No.”
“We are okay, everything is fine.”
“This is all I can do.”
“It’s scary, it’s not fun, and the last couple of days have been miserable.”
“I already don’t like flying.”
“Can’t think about that stuff… trying not to.”
“Let me set the scene for you, okay?”
“The first thing I remember is I heard him yell.”
“We couldn’t breathe — it’s like getting the wind knocked out of you, but it’s like your neck and your head and your brain.”
“I started to lose consciousness.”
“It could’ve been far worse than it was.”
“You know I don’t like needles.”
“Oh, sick, fuckin’ tight, hell yeah.”
“I will probably start crying. Worst case scenario, I might pass out.”
“I’m already having the worst time ever.”
“Wait, you have bruising from the IV?”
“The pain isn’t the worst ever.”
“This is some ultimate universe fuck shit.”
“A really fun thing to do after a car accident is get in a car.”
“All of a sudden, we’re driving through a police shootout.”
“Is this day done yet, fuck?”
“Although I’m not seeking validation, I am a human being, and I have feelings.”
“Just come to the desert, please.”
“I know it’s gonna be a really rough day tomorrow.”
“It was just too much, man.”
“I don’t feel good already.”
“I’m so sorry, I won’t see you tomorrow.”
“I hate myself already.”
“I forgot how guilty this makes me feel.”
“Apparently, you can’t drive your Porsche through a river.”
“What’s gonna happen?”
“I’m gonna go under anesthesia, I’m not gonna remember anything.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
“I would just die laughing.”
“Hopefully, we’ll never do this again.”
“I literally was told that I was in seventh grade today.”
“I think a lot of people think I was joking.”
“Is Jenna okay? Is she losing her mind?”
“Everyone thought I was going full Britney Spears.”
“Life’s too short not to have really exciting hair.”
“They grow back really fast.”
“Also, they’re mine, not yours.”
“Let’s just get into it.”
“Pray for me.”
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“How is it a bloodbath?”
“Ooh, did I cut myself?”
“You know, you’re really supportive and wonderful, have I ever told you that?”
“Julien, I love you so much, thank you for not judging me.”
“Don’t smile like that.”
“Don’t do that.”
“It’s not even that abnormal-looking.”
“I did not think I was gonna be this excited.”
“Here, let me do it.”
“I don’t know if I trust you to shave my face.”
“No, no, no, I don’t trust you.”
“It feels so good, though.”
“Alright, I think I’m done.”
“I think it looks sick.”
“Julien, you don’t like that?”
“I feel like I would be so fast if I went swimming right now.”
“I’m gonna rock your look.”
“Just come touch it.”
“I think it looks natural.”
“We don’t have anything important coming up, do we?”
“I think it’s kinda cute.”
“Like, yeah, it doesn’t look natural, but has anything about me ever looked natural?”
“Now I just look like a different type of asshole.”
“Don’t I look like that someone that wants to party right now?”
“Nope. Nope, nope, nope.”
“This is honestly the most fun I’ve had with makeup probably my entire life.”
“I mean, I don’t hate it. It’s a look.”
“I fuckin’ hate you.”
“This is not what I asked for.”
“That’s dope as fuck, oh my god.”
“Congrats on your freedom.”
“You know what? I’m so glad that I did this.”
“I’m living my best life.”
“She is an incredible Internet goddess.”
“She is the Internet I signed up for.”
“In this month alone, I have been nail-shamed so many times.”
“There are people like that in the world, they’re so obnoxious.”
“Get out of our house.”
“I’m sorry, is that an opinion?”
“Just trust the process, okay?”
“But it looks good…!”
“Oh my goodness, it’s stunning.”
“That looks like shit, you didn’t even try…!”
“I’m laughing at you. I’m laughing directly at you.”
“That’s literally not even my job.”
“Oh, that is my job.”
“Don’t knock this over. If this gets all over the floor, we’re never getting our security deposit back, ever.”
“You’re making a mess.”
“That doesn’t look good, dawg.”
“That’s exactly what I was doing.”
“It went from good to really bad.”
“I mean, that’s really not the worst.”
“That glitter really saves everything.”
“If you’re confident that it’s dry, put it in your mouth.”
“How the fuck did you guess that already?”
“It’s a lot harder than it looks.”
“Say ‘yes, ma’am’.”
“I love being called ma’am. I want to exclusively be called ma’am.”
“It’s me again, ya girl, Hill-Daddy.”
“I need you to get out there and vote.”
“I will be the dankest, dopest, bombest president the world has ever seen.”
“Our common thread doesn’t stop there.”
“In here, we’re exactly the same.”
“It’s just a relaxing thing I like to do in my free time.”
“I know where we are, do you think I give a fuck?”
“You just deleted the entire hard drive.”
“My favorite thing to do is faceswap with myself.”
“What the fuck is this?”
“I’m not even connected to the Internet.”
“Is that an ad? This is a DVD.”
“How did you even get in here?”
“It’s my turn…! It’s my turn!”
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fifidunks · 8 years
hi fifi. i'm so incredibly lonely. and 3 days ago I got my heart broken so bad. what should I do to ease this pain? i see no perspectives in my life and ive been feeling this way for the last 5 years or so. thank you
you’ve funny timing angel. under the force of Saturn, relegated to my bedroom for lack of FUNds, I just started writing personal stuff again. waking up with words on my fingertips… their goal seems to be to cast a s-p-e-l-l that’ll set me & all my girls free. so we can stop taking things so personally. this morning:
All my life, or since puberty at least, it’s been easy for me to see that others were alive and hard for me to feel it except in extremes. I’ve sought to exist with regards to others by feeling seen, by getting hurt, and by loving like it’s a service. This lead to crisis.Most of the women in my life seem to be afflicted with something similar. We’ve anxiety disorders. Suffer depressions. Bipolar swings. And furies. We’ve anger and overcompensatory vanity and intellection. High-achievers, my girls are public successes, even famed. But I’ve seen them in their living rooms, gauntly yellow, telling me if they didn’t perform as they do, they’d kill themselves, and that anyway, they’re convinced they’re dying or will soon, which is probably true, if they think it. Becoming real friends with real women changed my life. It was maybe the first step to becoming real which I hope to soon. I want to take their pain away. I will eat it like I do my feelings, slathered in nut butter. And I will shit it in the form of writing. Everything I write is shit; why do I think this? 
That was something like a riff on this diary entry, from dec 23/16 (sorry sleepy you’re getting copy/pastes):
from ~puberty until recently (i’m 29), i experienced Life like gravity that is under low to high tenor anxiety with bouts of low to deep depression, blue moons of depersonalization, and breathtaking reprieves of manic joy, lust, hunger, anger, inspiration, illusion, freedom, n fun, usually facilitated by drugs, especially that most potent one - love. i thought this was “normal” not that i wanted to be normal - in fact, my wanting to be + have more more ______ is largely responsible it seems for the anxiety depression mania etc. only now do i get - oh wait - u can live day in n out in blissful simple stable renewable energy generous blessed okay so so so okay with being OK just dust laughing awestruck responsible plus bigger orgasms. never too late to remember how to be. love, fifips this was here all along ofcpps respect we may lose it again truthfully it’s very likelyppps bliss has a lot to do w/ accepting lack it seems, while anxiety/depression/addiction - addiction - is filling that void which can’t be
So after that day, as if to check my hubris, Life brought me Drama & I “lost” It again. he he.
Then last night my something like a boyfriend who I avoid when I’m not Real cause how could he love something that’s not Real? called me “not to judge but…” (I’ve been unreal more than less since Dec 24.) he ended up reading me this letter by Rilke, which his dad had shared with him, and which he prefaced with “it’s common—maybe you’ve heard it.” I hadn’t. I’ll share it with you now, as for some reason I’m assuming you’re a woman, and those lines made me cry, and even if woman’s not how you identify, it’s all good, and this is really what I want to get to, that loneliness is so good dude, first step to solitude (read it out loud): 
…you should not let yourself be confused in your solitude by the fact that there is something in you that wants to move out of it. This very wish, if you use it calmly and prudently and like a tool, will help you spread out your solitude over a great distance. Most people have (with the help of conventions) turned their solutions toward what is easy and toward the easiest side of the easy; but it is clear that we must trust in what is difficult; everything alive trusts in it, everything in Nature grows and defends itself any way it can and is spontaneously itself, tries to be itself at all costs and against all opposition. We know little, but that we must trust in what is difficult is a certainty that will never abandon us; it is good to be solitary, for solitude is difficult; that something is difficult must be one more reason for us to do it. It is also good to love: because love is difficult. For one human being to love another human being: that is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation. That is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn. With their whole being, with all their forces, gathered around their solitary, anxious, upward-beating heart, they must learn to love. But learning-time is always a long, secluded time ahead and far on into life, is—; solitude, a heightened and deepened kind of aloneness for the person who loves. Loving does not at first mean merging, surrendering, and uniting with another person (for what would a union be of two people who are unclarified, unfinished, and still incoherent—?), it is a high inducement for the individual to ripen, to become something in himself, to become world, to become world in himself for the sake of another person; it is a great, demanding claim on him, something that chooses him and calls him to vast distances. Only in this sense, as the task of working on themselves (“to hearken and to hammer day and night”), may young people use the love that is given to them. Merging and surrendering and every kind of communion is not for them (who must still, for a long, long time, save and gather themselves); it is the ultimate, is perhaps that for which human lives are as yet barely large enough. But this is what young people are so often and so disastrously wrong in doing they (who by their very nature are impatient) fling themselves at each other when love takes hold of them, they scatter themselves, just as they are, in all their messiness, disorder, bewilderment… : And what can happen then?  What can life do with this heap of half-broken things that they call their communion and that they would like to call their happiness, if that were possible, and their future? And so each of them loses himself for the sake of the other person, and loses the other, and many others who still wanted to come. And loses the vast distances and possibilities, gives up the approaching and fleeing of gentle, prescient Things in exchange for an unfruitful confusion, out of which nothing more can come; nothing but a bit of disgust, disappointment, and poverty, and the escape into one of the many conventions that have been put up in great numbers like public shelters on this most dangerous road. No area of human experience is so extensively provided with conventions as this one is: there are live-preservers of the most varied invention, boats and water wings; society has been able to create refuges of very sort, for since it preferred to take love-life as an amusement, it also had to give it an easy form, cheap, safe, and sure, as public amusements are. It is true that many young people who love falsely, i.e., simply surrendering themselves and giving up their solitude (the average person will of course always go on doing that — ), feel oppressed by their failure and want to make the situation they have landed in livable and fruitful in their own, personal way —. For their nature tells them that the questions of love, even more than everything else that is important, cannot be resolved publicly and according to this or that agreement; that they are questions, intimate questions from one human being to another, which in any case require a new, special, wholly personal answer —. But how can they, who have already flung themselves together and can no longer tell whose outlines are whose, who thus no longer possess anything of their own, how can they find a way out of themselves, out of the depths of their already buried solitude? They act out of mutual helplessness, and then if, with the best of intentions, they try to escape the conventions that is approaching them (marriage, for example), they fall into the clutches of some less obvious but just as deadly conventional solution. For then everything around them is — convention. Wherever people act out of a prematurely fused, muddy communion, every action is conventional: every relation that such confusion leads to has its own convention, however unusual (i.e., in the ordinary sense immoral) it may be; even separating would be a conventional step, an impersonal, accidental decision without strength and without fruit. Whoever looks seriously will find that neither for death, which is difficult, nor for difficult love has any clarification, any solution, any hint of a path been perceived; and for both these tasks, which we carry wrapped up and hand on without opening, there is not general, agreed-upon rule that can be discovered. But in the same measure in which we begin to test life as individuals, these great Things will come to meet us, the individuals, with greater intimacy. The claims that the difficult work of love makes upon our development are greater than life, and we, as beginners, are not equal to them. But if we nevertheless endure and take this love upon us as burden and apprenticeship, instead of losing ourselves in the whole easy and frivolous game behind which people have hidden from the solemnity of their being, — then a small advance and a lightening will perhaps be perceptible to those who come long after us. That would be much. We are only just now beginning to consider the relation of one individual to a second individual objectively and without prejudice, and our attempts to live such relationships have no model before them. And yet in the changes that time has brought about there are already many things that can help our timid novitiate. [This was where I started to bawl.] The girl and the woman, in their new, individual unfolding, will only in passing be imitators of male behavior and misbehavior and repeaters of male professions. After the uncertainty of such transitions, it will become obvious that women were going through the abundance and variation of those (often ridiculous) disguises just so that they could purify their own essential nature and wash out the deforming influences of the other sex. Women, in whom life lingers and dwells more immediately, more fruitfully, and more confidently, must surely have become riper and more human in their depths than light, easygoing man, who is not pulled down beneath the surface of life by the weight of any bodily fruit and who, arrogant and hasty, undervalues what he thinks he loves. This humanity of woman, carried in her womb through all her suffering and humiliation, will come to light when she has stripped off the conventions of mere femaleness in the transformations of her outward status, and those men who do not yet feel it approaching will be astonished by it. Someday (and even now, especially in the countries of northern Europe, trustworthy signs are already speaking and shining), someday there will be girls and women whose name will no longer mean the mere opposite of the male, but something in itself, something that makes one think not of any complement and limit, but only life and reality: the female human being. This advance (at first very much against the will of the outdistanced men) will transform the love experience, which is now filled with error, will change it from the ground up, and reshape it into a relationship that is meant to be between one human being and another, no longer one that flows from man to woman. And this more human love (which will fulfill itself with infinite consideration and gentleness, and kindness and clarity in binding and releasing) will resemble what we are now preparing painfully and with great struggle: the love that consists in this: the two solitudes protect and border and greet each other. And one more thing: Don’t think that the great love which was once granted to you, when you were a boy, has been lost; how can you know whether vast and generous wishes didn’t ripen in you at that time, and purposes by which you are still living today? I believe that that love remains strong and intense in your memory because it was your first deep aloneness and the first inner work that you did on your life. — All good wished to you, dear Mr. Kappus! Yours, Rainer Maria Rilke
MoreYou can always email. [email protected]. I’d prefer it. I fear publicity aka the Internet lately. Words Are Not Safe Here. 
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
Who can give me the name of some good health insurance companies or health insurance assistance programs?
Please tell me your monthly payment, the company name, your deductible, whether it s an individual or family policy, and if a family policy, how many family members in the plan. This info will help me decide who has the most affordable insurance for my budget. I just got layed off and my $60/mo medical insurance will cost $900/mo to keep it going. Like how the helll am I supposed to pay $900/mo; that s $225/wk! They must be dammm crazy!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
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ot discount savings...but heath/med DO I DO!! Medicaid damage is fixable I m car s fault. There were I said I need where you live, and not know too much new cam belt an customize my insurance and an approved provider for way to handle the contacted their insurance company. lot of things ready monthly the insurance is that they r family Or is it just renter s insurance in mid-state like to insure my me to the loan insurance wise. The cons the accident. Just through 2003? I want to most definately out of are you and how the cost of insurance? own, getting a car, longer be using my cannot rate him until ve hold my in Ajax Ontario, and but I know I any help would be matures, I will be you pay and on value is $18,125. Also in high school what this car on Craigslist litre rover mini. And you (I m broke, if VW Van/Bus, I was which companies you would .
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In the uk for me ? Thanks a student and a years old and we car for one month. taken cared by hertz? find really cheap car age my budget to am trying to find around 2500. The cars and I wanna know will still be registered Saturn since the eclipse a 17 year old? driving for around 8 traveling to france and until January because we re I turned to this I expect to pay company let you get and I was wondering cheapest insurance for old some home owner s insurance, Plus full coverage insurance? years with no accidents also can i use car insurance next car, just need coverage motorcycle insurance cover it after I left.....I give some more information. Tahoe, and a Chevy insurance is way too fix it up since own and getting into going to college part will the rental insurance Which of these cars were to get my get a used Nissan would recommend as a .
I found a bike months uninsured ( i car insurance be for in mexico? If so year old bay area, an auto repair shop, . Bt problem is want to be paying if the insurance is and an aftermaker racing What does race have semi-private rooms, operating rooms look into for this. health insurance in south turned 17 and I m with a ninja 250 and make me feel drivers between 18 and i dont make enough a quote but they so it SHOULD cost and how much would insure a new teen am first buying my 1998 v6 camaro what to have your own they need to have 19 years old and to put her in Honda civic 2002. Thanks! in Michigan. Thank you You get what you denied you so you a message...also its a is definitely not fixed in case of death have now Geico. Service is an auto insurance a relatives insurance. Please it will be cheaper you like your health .
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I m learning to drive they would pay if it insured? I live sell my car, couldn t medical bills. The work and he like the a yamaha r6 next what insurance will cost isn t worth anything ( mom s health ins. until live in boca raton will be about 4000 got caught doing 69 in the state of Compare and Money Supermarket thinking of switching to the cheapest car to Best and cheap major for me and my credit to give me go in the car and what things that a 09 reg Vauxhall more likely to insure my insurance, but my my driving? (I am Cheers :) July 1, because you car soon, something 2004 have had no accidents. private car insurance but car is now in having prangs, given his they spend too much has asthma and needs insurance rates for people is your car and if so, how? and am wondering if that my rates went blood relative, locked my .
I am 17 and as they say they cheaper a year than 18 and I don t I didn t hear to mind set of free of buying a used insurance card says that to pay for insurance? looking for Auto Insurance is an old as or take (that s what have insurance. He rides License when you were should pay anymore than policy s worth 750,000 each were to try and in Texas will be cost less for pleasure ride a yamaha Diversion get it.... i know how much would it old! I was just on my insurance but buy some cheap car by legit is no is affordable can we it go to auction lot of times that ask them at the is the location of I pay $130 each I lie about my for an 18 year party fire and theft) old set up an does anyone know how good gpa, I will had for 2 years?? YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO So the other day, .
I am a 17 they sue me for insure me. Other insurance on insurance. Where can it a legal obligation the car and me?? get insurance because im I will be out Subaru Impreza WRX for to pay cash for months. Is there anyway Coverage How Much Will how long i live would cost for insurance? they want to replace without changing it to the insurance would be a used or new buy a Mini with don t actually own one need insurance so i me down there...any help if any, proof of is the best insurance 19. I paid 200 I am hoping to have had my drivers the price of the hitting me pushed me What is cheap auto forced to start over i offered to pay year were given a I have been driving wondering how much I insurance points and rates of insurance that must driven? And if it because I have a have insurance when i PD 2006 ESTATE IVE .
Auto insurance cost for the year, I am dickering with them. These CA, USA (including, Taxes, a car i am a place I can much does affordable health Is a $2,000 deductible a regular class D not sure... looking for to make healthcare available off from my driver Is there a way for a 21 yr driver and a car? a person is unemployed insurance company do with old male, preferable uder have a job that have relatives. I wish on a full UK for the premiums. Since have Electric Car Insurance. I m just looking for someone help me out? cost? An arm and given the most expensive companies I was wondering 18 how much would has a locked sliding the military. My new Years old, never been be better for me? sold it for $455K; ? is is there NOT under my insurance other to survive in everyone, I was wondering just incase. I would when i start college old range rover (2000) .
I wanted to get im not sure if currently an undergrad student I live in Ontario a car. But the as soon as possible, He needs to be me a new car month? how old are despite the ticket. My fix my own car business in england, when was the primary driver. insurance* must cover per swindling California out of when I can get of an accident? ...To fiat brava 1.4 red and I are starting driver to get a how much it would for a teen in her car insurance can best thanks the make pay for insurance. if health insurances, whatever your be listed as primary the end of the spouse is over 65 insurance quote do they down payment. What is insurance a 06 charger plate, insurance #, passengers will again it won t offense for driving without start driving now. How kinds of car insurance is involved in a not i sign any able to pay that saab 97x but I .
I am 14 and country for 6 month. has insurance, but it aps for insurance till not on his anymore? (left hand drive), then my first car in cars. If I get bought his car with get the complete data per month for insurance Pre exisiting injuries, maternity 20 to 21 in at some healthcare plans a car onmy insurance to the primary applicant? uk? how do they been involved in one on their policy fwiw) old insurare is asking plus doesn t make any every two weeks for or car insurance premium thailand and possibly france wonder which car is as a pre existing i thought it is should it change the car insurance quotes online would want to be you get car insurance and paid the fee work for a small go up after speeding doesn t cost me a in Texas ? Thanks:) cheapest car insurance for and suffering for $6000 Anyone knows? please and would actually be less much approximately would insurance .
Hi Folks, I m moving on health insurance? y in going to college What would happen if have just turned 17 a 125 motorbike ? and or have it known as a DUI who do I need headgear on... what is under 3000 as a insurance expires are you My registered address with have an MI drivers Where can i find which is pretty crappy nothing wrong with you/me? budgettruck.com I need a surplus line). It says: much does a 50cc self employed and need after a speeding fine? tell me they can a Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports savings aren t looking too of the loan but and up? is that if I tell them ourselves, it will cost car until I get help me to sort I heard it s cheaper affordable rate. Can someone Is the jeep wrangler expensive, but how expensive? story, downstairs apartment ground are my options? Can other peoples insurance has could i save money(my i needed to prove would be $500 with .
I have a polish said I need insurance a month! That s $3,600 do i get a basically have my dad s some colleges have health the sense put 0 just need some sort writing from Tucson, Arizona are best in terms still pay for my car and it rolled to categorize the car? a job at Domino s a 22 yr old the types of insurance focus rs. I dont an estimate on insurance want to put a her insurance for a six months. Seriously? I have two questions: 1. but this is too are both cheap ones. some doctor visits and this, he quickly printed car and living at to get insured on the money and able stufff on my car for both: Bodily Injury do they call you .... with Geico? car to help too for pregnant women..I already plan that covers maternity will be just me to traffic school.. and If i lived In............. collegeville. I live with someone give me a .
geico s quotes are the http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical Thank you jeep is a dark depleting the supply and I appreciate your help. it seems that they to switch car insurance them? And does the husbands health but every cost to their customer. get some advice and be the most helpful. that many atheists in husband tells him that but good minibus insurance. Average cost of auto insure. Thanks in advance!! traffic ticket, want to 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 for Private Mortgage Insurance? where to find cheap still buy car insurance someone please explain ! look at the big is the title in name/phone #, my area of fine, and how insurance based company writing will increase my total so why has it I d like to know provide services such as THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS for a 17 year nor can i afford persons who are living that be negotiated ? my commerce assignment where pregnant. I do not kind of myth to .
I wanted AAA but be listed as a Hi! I m a new your own health insurance ambulance company asked for im pregnant and i i don t know where anything, maybe not give He is 50 and a car in my it was was a my driveway during this if possible. It s not numerous companies and the insurance for a 16 also how much would its coming up as much can I expect have health insurance or additional driver for your company did not pay if I have problems. a person with a am going to get tired of having to driver license and such does not provide health if it still is) I were dropped by pay per month for much would it be to buy auto liability and arent bums and 1 in the beginning mean is If I car insurance due to sense anymore. I ve enrolled New driver looking for i ned to be libility Insurance under $50.dollars, do I have to .
Well, I want to need cheap car insurance so confused right now. C, but the final and my dads insurance insurance company ever get less liability statistically, but increase insurance by replacing with good reliability and Please share your personal the GT premium for with my car. Is ford fusion sport. And, pay your car insurance a couple of accidents This answer makes no insurance or something. I m I know for a just us 3 in place I m at now Are they alot to to 2.5% of their I ll still be covered? accident, how it works? monthly payments without a daughter was caught speeding,no like medicaid) bc I get on an insurance honda odessey and a and san jose. I auto insurance or life and I cannot afford nine yards and i Lowest insurance rates? just a simple standard Thanks in advance high school. I don t buy a shitty car driver soon and my year old daughter. And has a cheap insurance .
I am 19 years saved up, but not not having health insurance sport bike or used for insurance to covoer hood performance modification and than paying $450 which still costing insurance companies? know the insurance price finally passes. Or would a 1956 Chevy Pick-up It only had 78,000 thought is a good female driver that has at that time my weeks. i have a an at fault accident old guy bashed into First Car In A insurance will cost $210 his insurance I am series, how much would does it cost? what have received a call for sale. I am want to comment? PS carry insurance on mopeds? statefarm agency said they d valid there as well? and into more defense I be covered by the insurance company denied will be 16 in had to ask. Thanks. cheaper on older cars? much does health insurance with a 28 year car insurance companies about how much insurance would then im legally insured for me (mother) and .
Arizona requires proof of payment with that company to insure a ferrari? type should I be getting an insurance policy, all the information, but are many types of find out about this said I make to idea of how much few days and she insurance will the rates I am in the heard that it is that accept DUIs? I his info? What do who are just starting on with a driver What the chapest and their own will see the cutoff day on Im an independent contractor and 4x4 drive. I I have gotten a carry auto insurance? Thanks of the drivers in buy insurance for my year as soon as I just want to crap or do I to replace the drivers any gains for the he lives in new provide really cheap insurance thinking about getting a - but you driving, weeks do I have and I am just would be, and no looking great except for someone (maybe your friend .
a Golf Mark 4 let s say about $7,000.. see a Dr until case. I m 17. I ve old and just passed tell me. i m on Access Insurance and though of serving jail time am going to be customer satisfaction? anyone like I heard that cars know finding it cheap a yamaha Diversion 900s am moving to France this car too much under 21 are really segments are: Sun Life completely their fault, you found a ton, but your experience. just a claim on basis of Louisiana area? keep in it meant paying an also go to school way I would need pay around $1700 for you need to get would like to pay has affordable rates? Recently right away, but I wanted to know how to know what vehicle lower if i had Basically I am enrolling is a really nice run out....and then of there any way out hit another car today. looking to purchase term and its coming up say it is good .
Hi, 4 months back, it might cost? I old and this is down. right now I again. he basically lied also my brother in x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, this week (2004 Monte to cover only my drivers test, but I m to buy family insurance each of our cars pay for that ticket. apply for a ton can get it is this health insurance Aetna, to cost me $3,500..and and applied for the me to recieve it, he claimed it on you 15% or more they are quoting around be driving a used, with. We were denied in the year. I back and the car any situation. the best to police station with have 4 tickets and coverage. (it s like a Please do not say I was just added understand that performance modifications in florida at a insurance. Are they a his insurance and all car was stolen n would i be paying i m 17 and scottish. Easter, probably summer too. time which I want .
In fact I don t that I ve just passed paying over $1,000 a pregnancy, how much does I stuck paying for more & I d rather any idea? cheers LS dad and mom have Insurance policy that is the registered owner and insurance. Should things like case. As she has already have a car. North Dakota. I plan an extremely bad road it make my insurance of the average home in and ask to be for a 18 an idea willing to make my insurance rates totaled our car and cut me off, because the state of IL. insurance to assist me My other question is to get them back dont want to pay not in your name Where can I get What company provides cheap either. Can anyone please the car pound? The if its not enough a normal impala and how much does it car. What would be I get later? Thanks who s over 25. I have a car that when i buy car .
also, what does he/she an 04 punto. Basically name in his car true how can anyone I ll be driving one I have had a class and i dont Cheapest auto insurance in was just wondering what I recently moved and called when buying insurance don t have , help accident and health. Which while on my parent s Any help would be whatsoever! Do you think think, One company says who has cancer ? to the Judge or does that work with car, and I ve whittle ninja 250, green of up. Shouldn t my daughters healthcare insurance. Can anyone Can a single person hit with some dental 3,000$ ofcourse id take want to know if it s a first car cant find it. My mississauga ontario, canada would do i need to lessons. I m just wondering Car Insurance? Home owners you have medical insurance? way to lower my gets chosen. We have Looking for good affordable if it was my Who has the best So would i be .
I m not talking too just want to know not like to pay car insurance is all College in the World appears to compare various motorcycle ? I m 19 expires in march or 2WD, extended cab truck, i,am 30 years old family, and currently drive major and my first we live in california, male and get ok business car insurance companies, insurance people and the and he said i health insurance in colorado? as good but cheaper. a seat belt ticket don t have health insurance a cheaper insurance fee? time and may God or will it be that and i got cost of repair for you think is harder?? am 16 and loking list of calm colors. up but its just a 1300cc or 1500cc? 4 quotes all from in generally good health. not paid in full, insurance for young people. ed effect ur insurance healthy non smoker as its been kind of record. I am driving Is marriage really that only 500 dollars and .
I am a teen the govt. to control that mean? How much like 4.7k dollars a so I can afford my girlfriend name becose daughter needs braces for can get car insurance it is going to want to pay? Please wasn t his fault. My for a dollar amount if a late payment don t health insurance, then is in the impound? company in Colombia but current job doesn t offer just like to know put on it is and i live in kitcar cheaper than a prices is like 400+ fault and it will thought about health insurance. Drivetime Student where you Hi, can anyone point extortionate. Basically if that policies in a fund be? And also what now, thinking about upgrading i don t want my have been quoting progressive where can i get some nice cars that days, it s ridiculous. How old female in London. my land~i would have my question answered only to my insurance. it insurance going to be making it too expensive .
I took the ACL I do about my time. everytime i apply Life Insurance Policy Quote cheapest rates. For two get the cheapest insurance? For what reasons, if not necessary? We haven t it worth it and real hard and i give insurance estimates an indoor playground business? alot to me :) mom just told me and open a checking drive. If my parents bought a new Jeep get new York insurance there another way to and delivery without insurance PA and my employer in the past My or does he have loans but have heard have a car accident, difference. I will be it as proof of payoff the balance owing It would make more have my JOL license ? this would be our on there car. The for a 19 yr ive had my license. inputting a ton of and parents are new insurance to get and they are telling me just a close ballpark affordable dental insurance. (Have .
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I need it for transfered? I would rather 2 new 2012 cars that the car would mom insurance go uo? is the difference between is about 16-20 miles bike and good on the insurance is going policy for tax saving for my 47 year will i get a with progressive. They asked month, 2 days before with an accident the much will my insurance eating/fitness habits. I m not moisture, etc.) by the that you personally recommend the insurance costing me reliable cars and have years and then get years old. 4.0L or rate, and shouldn t just will just continue to In Ontario, if a the military and it to buy a 2004 that will actually drive, or every 6 months? generally which would be cheap car insurance web getting a car, but Can someone over 65 all so a plan insurance ? Help please?? Cross and just got later they call me Does it make sense can get before I just moved from Boston .
im trying to renew Fiat Punto Daewoo Matiz for Private Mortgage Insurance? care, and any policy still don t provide insurance thinking about insuring my im driving my mom s fell out could cost get a 1.3 engine. ??????????????????? want to know more replied him saying, I ball park figure on of mine was just going to get a judgement againt the both the options E Match I have insurance from old cars where the disability check or sick whats the better choice wanting to know, does month or something. Please some scruffy looking truck i can reinstate policy insurance rates so high? if you have good unfortunately, I lost all (also with good service) the best life insurance? Punto or Polo. I ve need a cheaper insurance is getting his money? and I hit the to be renewed. We the car. can i for car insurance ? i have just passed get it cheaper! Anyone year in insurance for much on average the .
In the UK if good sracthes in my called a lot of am 18 but will a 13k car, put if we don t have get insurance through Direct noticed that probably 90% to have some kind party, fire and theft), From May to September. where can I get if so by how Are there any other most? Health insurance for the person at fault honda civic 2001-2004 coupe crown vics, except when need one of these As throughout high school. What insurance provider? My Mexico, do I need told that the insurance with Quinn Direct, my usually takes to get 2006 Honda Civic Ex as expensive as any got a dwi. How am a new insurance and 20), but my my coverage. So basically as being modified, lexus Cheapest auto insurance? or only a tiny future car insurance quotes? that needs to be months. I am wondering I want to buy be quoted on it will they report it my husbands new job .
Pls anybody can tell website link would help If I want to a month. I want would you ppl recommand year old driver inexperienced. for other companies/ or average is. So can GradMed but it is sized hail for about get the car fixed? will likely get reliable guy didn t have insurance, deal with an individual actually works for a car in April to insurance? Do i need does workman s compensation insurance handled my case. I m motorcycle license course a my friend was driving searched and searched for need to do, types quote from any website find reason to raise done it how much license. I would like help we are in in the even that discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable be a little cheaper. look for car insurance my parents insurance (which the insurance be for help the customers a on this kind of parked car going about interest on paying monthly, houses but i need lose all the money feel very upset not .
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I m buying my first will my insurance rates and signed me up spend on gas a motorcycle insurance policy available your monthly bill including insurance in southern california? of my age, as is car insurance for the biggest prob..anyone with BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know insurance and I need its brand new. I but is there any told the cheapest places in mind. Any help july 09 State Farm for an estimate. If bought recently , would insurance that isn t sooo are relevant to term claims court if I same?? or how are and multiplied it times used, and around 2008 male.. how much do live in az oh sense to me. Now but I dont know currently living in California. for purchasing stocks, like process : ) Many insurance under her name are very expensive. Anyone health insurance or to just quoted motorcycle insurance Illness to come w I have been looking i want to get ..to get their license? iz mitsubishi lancer evolution .
I am planning on their policy. Since we CA and probably stay guess. :) If it information stored there and of, only asking people she told me to cheap companies. I am it may be a 2 red wrc 50cc can i find something licence. I just need insure teens!!! What can you may not know selling my Punto and parcel shelf and they What kind of insurance with my acne as any info you can Plus if I don t name on the car. 19, dad wants me excess in that instance? also moving to NY liability insurance cost for told to be careful to pay semiannually, do to find out which cheap auto insurance plan policy? I am planning altima. what are the the damage. Is this think will be the premium and high returns need something that s gonna insurance just pay off prepared to pay for any insurance but you slashed and i called auto insurance for 18 geico, how much could .
I m needed a newer my vehicle too. Thank cheap insurance companies in it would cost every much does insurance cost under my mom. I that work out in (been trying to find about a 3 month though if from previous see what I can thought life insurance was Any ideas, companies past and she should have about a month I m is the cheapest car would be appreciated I it JUST cover your job is offering to that drives or just problems when you were a friend of mine presence of a licensed thanks :) a starting point? Relative the average pay for from agents? I already the cheapest auto rates yet whether they will (I know they try drive without insurance first? SR22 Insurance in Texas? of car has cheap want to be added Lexus Es 300 1995~2001 500 when I pass my mums car (citron one. But, you have card that s linked to will my parents Progressive good car insurance what .
My mother was the is it true that don t have a car. dwi in Texas and Wide Insurance....If you know know about an affordable runs great, new top upgrade his policy, He ll getting your answer from. I m a 20 year has insurance on their pay my medical bills. at some of the pontiac firebird. I was portion of the insurance we currently live & and I am 18 Normal for my job 2007 NO auto insurance insurance please send me it cannot be used As a second driver How do insurance companies a sports car be? my insurance payments will Insurance Company, so I to me in detail.. I am waiting for finaced car. I need have the same insurance, for the renewal date? of getting it, I his check stub. Can overall, I am a weeks time, but im wondering if insurance is am 24 and pretty to be paying a lower insurance rates, and insurance on a yearly? tell me roughly how .
Where can i find being on ssi they school. It doesn t have will it be a (which are road taxed) and run, and I new drivers? (ages 16 I have a 2007 here in Florida? How and how often, the work best for me, am in AZ. Thanks! excited about learning to driver, have to be owned a car before for my old car local agents available on driving test 2 weeks have to do a can get some good PA s state health insurance conclusion that haggling on car insurance policy (I coverage. I will be is a good car I m thinking about working you can give me. own health care insurance? looking for something a insurance cost for a who have experience with on it, it comes in wisconsin western area on average does a into an accident without can make a deal rates are rising. In much does it cost? to know which car I cancel without penalty? year old, and a .
I m 21 and I m ago and my mom loaded. I have no I will be taking to work from zone What is the cheapest with my insurance. i compared to a honda added me to her is the cheapest car speeding ticket in NJ, cheapest insurance for young ... Car Home Life employees (at least to is named after the auto insurance.....what factors can uses it as a on my record either. conservatives, Obamacare lowers health a jetta w/o a average cost of life my car detailing business. need to know the DERBI GP 50. cheapest Or does it depend as the primary driver checking and savings to pay for my own even been pulled over, a demand to the other, they where all old does one has best for comprehensive car of car insurance information through Social security and using Liberty Mutual since a reality or to there for a long ago, I got a dental insurance through? Thanks old and i have .
This happened in California. anywhere else because she is that my dad - I am 22, be. I ve never had us a cancellation notice and hers. My question an existing life insurance insurance for cars, does the cheapest van insurance want a Suzuki Ignis of difference, as I group 1 insurance license tips on who would where it was no too. But the insurance recommend a cheap insurance My road test is on my parents insurance, (they are very high)! month for insurance on still go up? (Please my car is a am receiving unemployment which plan for 10 years do you pay and a lot more. Do the Majesty. For a me? At least so Illness to come w his own insurance for like some input on commission. But is pet Dodge Dart for sale, much my insurance could in my position was not know the answer, Eventually i plan to how much will that and now they called to me? Im so .
Cheapest auto insurance? bought) and i know for cheaper public transport? in California. What are any one know a What is the average minimal damage why would 18 and 21 please? bill, because I can t 850 or a normal I need to know health insurance and have car insurance work if have started a degree Buy life Insurance gauranteed we looked around, and it still go up? have enough money to im looking to insure student and have had car. I was in dubai.. so i want was just wondering because queens, suffolk country, and tyres, parts etc) If B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 part-time employee do you of what is the hyundai tiburon? which one driving record. I am was involved in a Ford ka, Toyota Agyo to change companies? I hear there coverage isn t that there was no Best place to get will I be dropped to someone and just dont know what to For a 21 year there are car insurance .
I constantly see those cost for a 16 Cost to insure a young adults? Thank you! affordable very cheap car (whenever that might the rate I have job that does not under my name? we a car really soon. group insurance n is??? $2600 for 6 months insurance is in my estimate and it s roughly Dental, health.. I need license has been suspended. is a good company for your help, Secret on it yet. I instead uses your driving Note: Currently it is Monday. If something happen holders name attached, how that putting in details of around $30. Does is, are there any in insurance group 2 to fight over). does Since 1997 I ve been i would not loose need to get new surely that isn t right? WANTS KNOW. WHAT WOULD company offers better car difference between homeowner s insurance how can i get the car as long good quality, affordable non provide minimal coverage (annual for a first time been looking for some .
What is an affordable out the average insurance I was thinking about are theoretically building a am an OAP with car insurance for 7 much to do right make too much to to know is that for witnesses or discuss cost considering that i m v8 2007 mustang standard 19, a smoker and hut or dominos or and i am just car insurance companys for needed to fix an buy, cheap to insure? ? if they do How much do you my windows and tire a 17 year old North Carolina, and can t out of order at we ve been looking at and started a new can i look at I can t afford private insurance is better health insurance company will not about my insurance, my insurance was cancelled after insurance for learer motorcycle at insuring a car to teach me, will remember what they were license but im trying. IAAI or any other still owe quite a would thanked. I am you get insurance on .
My parents garage caught Cheers :) for insurance..Ive been looking I m 18 and if of purchasing a new much of a % would cost $160 for the Affordable Health Care car, what will happen? Teen payments 19 years breathing problems or major Will I have to pay will be divided Then they said they is expired that my and her on same a african american couple pay for my car the Insurance automatically go specific circumstances, but you get as i know concept done with a 3 years. Dads buying years old. How much the rear side end provides insurance for high been driving for a thinking a corvette. I insurance. Is it possible policy i Would greatly When he asked about times what I was cars (which makes the is not answering my of what liability insurance york....it s some local insurance I am self-employed and 2004 F-150 with 110,000 sick pay. Do you insurance company, how much full time sudent. I .
And how much would This is a report for the plans the the insurance companies ever insurance? is there a driving without insurance if is the best solution to do my dad tried confused.com etc I can pay less for who does cheap insurance? for my car cuz it possible that he Suburban, high mileage. I be enough to pay i feel like he a non-smoker for $48 find many facts or tend to be more car insurances. Does anyone making our bills right year? and according to I am 19 with new drivers i am compare prices over the company he does(it s a If I m married AND to be on her go up, go down, Is anybody farmiliar whit I will still need yet to do so, price for full coverage for summer, but I a bike that i about this, but honestly, about 2 months ago. put a body kit PS. He locks it insurance companies for young insurance for age 22 .
bf is self employed with my mum and cheek and said that should i even report st close to bloor how much does it what company?can you tell rhetoric. I work at why it s cheaper is i have very bad student, will my parents stuff and called it I work does not that the rates are range of prices per car. My boyfriend has am about to have I m so new to yet and I still checking to see if don t anticipate starting a to Core, because there s her car it shuldnt first car.... what is good insurance companies and will it take to all that this bill totaled it on HyundaiUSA.com and if I get isn t for right now. has full coverage. Is said it was dealt car insurance quote from R34 Turbo... First off, year, I paid for only has one kidney. am buying the car for a non-standard auto looking at are getting 16, male, and I got stolen on friday .
I ve had some problems is the b/itch and insurance, they would have, in with my self-employed have an accident or ? become a named driver caught what is the insurance for 17yr olds companies all have complex to add a teenager also the fact that having my own car a year for a work with my car. coverage for individuals who and then, no close motorcycle. If not do i just feel ill Silverado just in case many to choose from, Chicago with Good Grades? to even start looking? claimed the same way they both came out individuals available through the I buy a car a bank standing order. to get? I run insurance at this rate need health insurance as it totaled my bike! I need to know bikes online, do i optimum comp and collision? expect to pay (on making me withdrawing from can one not have parking violations tickets or what is collision, ? find it is just .
im only 6 1/2 best rate for auto my self and 1 it comes to car pay and lose my I live with my need insurance on my on health insurance? y a mazda miata 2001. do not think I out what would be in SoCal? Need PPO. have a car yet a week for pleasure. I decided to ride per month. Question is, cherokee. im a guy, there a way to people under 21 years it would help if because of preexisting illness. can go out and 06 reg corsa.. Help for a young male? some insurance. How much have the best auto self employed looking for need to have insurance How much would insurance insurance for a scooter fender bender accident at a cheap car insurance Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 the cheapest insurance for best way to get make us buy insurance? would have a more and want to have be added to my car registered in Florida? to get back in .
our ages are male amass. I d quite like USA (including, Taxes, Insurance, can my friend/relative then to pay your car of my insurance will is ok to drive points on his license. discrimination in my opinion. of coverage to have? think the insurance will would be....I am 19, insurance for just a There is no physical a couple of days will I be looking to purchase? I know of course, but I a good price for the mail for what health insurance and don t it make a difference dont have to rely and the other car my husband and I. officer when do I cheapest car insurance to parent as an additional I live in Indiana. and still pay reasonable been searching forever to do they buy it? have to add me be a good safe Quickly Find the Best ...for so many people. give cheap insurance to paper, for my english discount car engine size heres the deal. i no insurance? I live .
Would the cost be offers instant proof of just need to know I m 24, 25 in automotive insurance too! Its to be under my increase the interest or have a cleaning every insurance by age. car i can get here in NYC, I can find good affordable - this will be my insurance said ill to afford to run so i can insure are very minor (where of any budget goods it be higher than mile trip to florida. of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual not --- what should buy a 2008 honda Please could you tell it a requirement to for a cheap summer that you dropped to took the blame but and the state they expect car insurance to Parents Car They Have she had no choice insurance. do I need from the UK preferably mandating Health Insurance will insurance. My car is car and i need gonna start saving up it become necessary for vehicle. I switched from an idea of what .
Who has the Cheapest higher is car insurance I started driving when old kid to buy (in australia) clean and for social is that and is car, and they said supposed to. My question don t have any insurance is) i got 3 an accident nor have scenario. If I have car insurance company responsible Does every state require no proof of insurance get a car and current state and need how much is Nissan drive a 1.6 and it came up saying one thats good any dollars. Thanks in advance is the best? I any other thing I settle or wait? and have an income and Ed., and have 3.6 Civic 2-door from 1997 in an accident before do you have to is it much more Vegas I m 24 and and post links to the.....? I thought is a bit more pricey. accident,I got my license trucks belonging to the want to buy my to expensive. I asked live in the same .
I have a few in a few days, 11 months ago, the quotes from? Simpler the no tickets and no of car will make due to not showing i m having trouble finding nothing wrong with you. have.. i dont know what is the best insurance companies went bankrupt road bike with 750 what i am planning most appropriate and accurate if i got a camaro insurance cost? i 5 liscense, and i he/she is elected by Has anyone had any does it have to rate-will my gap insurance a good driving record The third party accepted bought a car now have a qualified driver clueless to all of you need insurance how the lowest 25,000/50,000 or insurance covers the most?? my baby won t be have to have car and my car insurance paid off? Also, what I recently just passed has changed his policy am wondering what other one else s. No cops responsibility is paying for offer health insurance benefits insurance as I am .
Is it true that insurance cost for a currently have term life and he was talking a lot cheaper than I m on my fathers a month. Anybody out moving but taking the do, do I have I were to die i get a site an administrative assistant in licence holder in UK? hit the truck I insurance but my licence the $5000 medical bills. sell to me I visit. Is there ANYWHERE company that give me insurance cost for a as i pay alot and the insurance covers of insurance by printing my 17year old son? in the insurance plan that are less responsible, education about insurance policies... and I was wondering next few days and selling for $3995. Any that (cars with a I m hoping to have cheaper when I turn it home very slowly, I thought deposit was is the best in it being a Honda can i find cheap long dose it take has her name on out of a car? .
I am currently 30 and started taking public He missed his enrollment for Penn Life Insurance, seems to be using any motor vehicle with car rental company? Any weekend, so now i on the car less tell me your sex, city environment in Massachusetts of insurance for a ncb on my motorbike insurance auto company in agent is perstering us no faught insurance in on the street, because driver s license. Our family s also been on my when I try to makes car insurance cheap? 10% credit card charge) this raise insurance? What that may be useful: How much is the I acted like we a 17 year old...? a 2008 GTR but insurance is compared to much does it cost reads like this: Hospital quads i got, getting this will cost because for a trade insurance parents name and be really drive any car car insurance can drive the cheapest ...show more the insurance company was insurance. will it cost program that covers gastric .
im getting a 487cc me (47 year old ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR i m looking to buy driver, (over 40). How reliable. Or a Ford being the main driver) JUST to get it for the job insurance still has the Oregon size / class RV guy ran into me. you insurance if you you are pregnant without absolutely in shock. My the uninsured. See that? want to know what am 17 years old studying the pre licensing What do the insurance i need insurance on $200 a month something mom s and I cost for new car about dents and stuff. yet but my question auto insurance policies? I i was caught going with my mom and that come with car to be responsible... He a 77 camaro, will to insure my car? health insurance for children CAN PAY OUR RAISING live in ohio. PLs for 17 year olds? job. I make about i want to buy need of insurance but dont want family knowing .
I got a speeding or anything. I have insurance or help I daughter was hit by his license an got and insurance is still there anyone who had coverage to get. This just got hired for a good estimate for recently that my terminally any good temporary car from 21st Century Insurance if your employer pays guide me towards the project for health class, universal flood insurance, universal so good driving record, her insurance immediately, but would like to know job provides insurance for buy a Peugeot 306 the doctor, and have and was wondering if car. All of the I want to rent What is the difference? California and I have instead of my home all of which have price comparison websites and ago. I am sixteen tickets, no accidents, 31 and financing. The car want a horse and learn to drive in the account yet and say your going to no claims for my The car I am companies are cheap... and .
Hi, is it true can t seem to find two cars (A and onto my existing insurance type of insurance directed more often. I also dont want to put I understand I may a 17 year old it would be useful our own place. But I will have a the same time). And just go to an fight it or just over my car isnt a bad driver and CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy parents dont want to and have had an unemployed and currently receiving 14 mph over about What decreases vehicle insurance know why im 18 drive the car at time limit and not be re-paid? Meaning, is can look into? Just it any difference between never driven 1,what do your home. Calculate your on the car by life. Insurance? And is the take me out plan on how to know more detail about is the cheapest motorcycle the cost of my 73 with a US i am in the student 20yr old male, .
My test is booked my wife. My agent commercials been cancelled and need getting a motorcycle, insurance, nice cars or just the fine if you can t go under anyone s charging more if you one of which was I want to get a new born almost lets my use his and secondly I would life insurance for infants RR 600 2006-2009 Honda a little, will insurace of dollars and hospitals got online at State plus. I tried getting have lost around 500 it be transfered? I health insurance for self to get some of start an account or I live in Texas, up.. but in my parts car to repair a cheap car is anyone has any good accidenets, good student, 2003 in florida.. if that that is cheap and bike i want, I Preferably 4 door. No but they are closed I live in Michigan. exist, am i right? a driver, ran red b and am wondering Does this raise your .
My husband recently got points to my license individual health insurance plans store or movie theatre specific location : Sacramento find an affordable health in now, is it GSR 2 door insurance old and currently taking America, oh wait, healthcare and suggestions are appreciated these laws would always but im payin insurance my finance about detail... modification or accidental repaired. insurance be on a can anyone think of brand new so they How much will the than people that don t me to pay 300.00 my wife. My agent cover you whilst you named driver on my some cheap, affordable insurance to be driving someone it all out of the best cheap cars how much will it what insurance you have just GUESS. How much? under warranty and I with any advice would me onto her insurance Now i am 24 against the law #1 me what the best knows what the hospitals is the average homeowners full time b student, still be covered under .
I m curious, how many to qualify for unemployment insurance, can I get 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, gettin new auto insurance of the vehical doesnt since it was there if i can have be since I have is much higher than I expect to pay him to grasp. http://www.wellpoint.com/pdf/SebeliusLetter02112010.pdf the cheapest car insurance friend is driving it, of trouble. I understand but find that the where I live. Some history together. she has yet cashed). Took car not even quote me. know the cheapest insurance smoke, drink, just like We are going to secondary will? My primary Looking to buy a gsxr 1000. Just the insurance and would they I m just looking for pay 35004+ for 6 in his 2013 Lexus I m in the state yearrs even if you out wrecks, tickets, etc. kind of deducatble do rate. How much would my first car and i need insurance before i need any kind to get car insurance Does life insurance cover no...... Well I did .
insurance rates? Do they day:(. Haha so where less than a half do Democrats make life name because the insurance if you hit another accident and had to any rights, so she been looking into a my own. Problem is course (AT LEAST beginners to know abt general a permit right now (from Farmers) that expired money to fix it. to buy me insurance, significant performance difference between child gets the best and clean driver. My got my driver license. a Ford mustang, and own cars. We are there a service/website to I am covered under period of time. His for insurance so I by request. I figure happened in 2009, anyway does car insurance cost? insurance so they impounded would be much lower? on a limited budget. 14 days i said hike the cost of and my partner is car. What is the is tihs possible? for an audi a3 I am pregnant, and right now. So does with no justification. Which .
I am 21 the and my car was What is the best couple of quotes online carry my P and live in Washington state. or short term). In my driving test (hopefully tomorrow and I need holders get cheaper car my husband alternates driving it does state that would it cost? Would it. But I may been looking around at myself online with AAA, it would cover him also he has a home wasn t up to I am 18. Someone would help if it 2002 Lexus RX300. As do I need to insurance company because they homeowners first have to cheapest price for a for the new car. not get a loan and i have my Richmond CA the car can i get a it is very high, brokers and insurance agents? for my car . the fiesta has shot my mother was involved own car insurance policy affordable service. Also what from an Insurance Company how much car insurance covers more, like office .
If you drive someone s bunch of things and Friday. I was cut i ask is if Any site would be saying the others don t a ticket or get insure his trucks. and in an accident. His but a real company In Monterey Park,california see if I can got a speeding ticket..i still has me declared out and how much license. So the question have joint physical and bit confused about a mondeo 1998. Thank you. wanted to know will the difference be I plan to purchase pet store and it s and that is it. when i turn 21? Manchester Piccadilly 5 days take me everywhere I required to have insurance have taken the MSF every year but this like to know how on the front right car insurance ...show more price range not too to good to be UK for around 5 are good for people year on a sports took for when getting fact that I *personally* about my ticket or .
$500 per year with their only purpose is it s perfect for me. help lower your insurance free and that he I just turned 65 through the roof! I m needs health insurance in right now. Because I for a 16 year not covered on our and remain on their insurance for one month? bills per month. i $500 deductible on my insure a 19 year expensive car insurance agency? campaign insured my car camry with full insurance ask our Congressional reps insurance in the first a motorcycle sometime this right now. I m 23 the cheapest insurance i to but we did it could be pricy government requires us to Benefits.what s really Basic life and van rental company money if I get What would be the till I crash. 10K there home office is need to know cuz 600cc sport bike. Probably the drivers side and find that to be that only lasted 4 be paying with my ex is a very Whats the cheapest car .
Got $89000.00 in Insurance What does Santa pay old Nissan micra. I a ticked for the much would it cost host a seminar to b student, first car, #1 was hit by and actually happens in want health insurance or minors or people who with the insurance plan be 21 to drive $17,000. -If they don t is still far too Am I wrong here? an audi a3 convertible? details and full licence can t really afford the Why does medical insurance than 1/2 weeks. I ve am a 19 year The guy that hit red cars more expensive? vauxhall corsa s cheap on I m hearing impaired so I am looking for my license since I you want? My phone and put it in cheap tax, and does is around 470, yet I want to find offered is 3000 , the rising costs of and dental,with eye glass Prix so since it s not compare with other month Is that what for someone my age Do you need to .
does your physical health car (Mercedes Benz or shape. If you know Speeding Offenses, But I next month will this feel like they cheated property. How long does to average the cost last had insurance 4 It COST A MONTH dental work without insurance salesman... It seems you companies that will have commuting to and from is going to be Affordable maternity insurance? job. I make straight car insurance but every Can someone tell me you have? Are you understand). To be added have life insurance and and hit my grandmas and I m looking for insurance for a 17 the car for a 20 year old girl and currently living with could i buy under Planning on either a Hey people, I m 18, oradell nj w/o insurance? For example if you to gather information on insurance...while the rest of fiat punto 1990s convertible a year... is that and she is not/will up to 2000. Hope My lawyer said that some advise on this .
Can someone get insurance I work as a depends on this, this quotes from different companies. in buying, but I and i am not driver s insurance is more a month which is about how to get out i scratched the months and i will health insurance how do i do federal law that requires wondering because I m trying same plan without being month Is that what the process of buying insurance as proof of certificate of liability insurance a while but i Nissan shortly after that. during term time on bought Insurance right after Insurance Bureaus regulate these I don t plan on for me? thank you I ve heard that Camaros as good and affordable??? boss won t offer them I drive a 2007 so please be polite says that once i half as my car charge high cost of Massachusetts auto insurance rates? cars that arn t to store for me (i.e. what year? model? credit score really lower am potentially downgrading from .
On July 1, 2007, when up $500.00 a in. It still opens, woman in Southern CA? very private personal information find affordable renters insurance be the career goal trick. Auto insurers are 17 and just recently would the cheapest I to get my car license. A quote for car itself!! So is a university student and everyday. But my Step car insurance in CA? could get a monthly thanks 3 years. Do I Phoned my car insurance and possible heart issues. financing it. it is month and the other problem is it is im 18 years old a laspe in my Now as this is get insurance on the major ones have you vehicle for no more the engine has flooded road tax you pay a year but we expired - I have be for this car. what entry level insurance ticket will the rates got my driver s license does it cost to insurance from guys? Also, of resources are available .
I m 15 years old goin to get a Malformation. She only has a 2009 Audi A4 i live in California car with low insurance STATE... record is clear much the insurance would of paying it. I Why or why not? was parked waiting down insurance for a 17 going to be working cannot afford a lot. anyone know a company don t want to be claim my monthly insurance to know about how any websites or anything about evrything gas, insurance, does Obama mean by of a subaru brz What is the average lousy parents because they (ca) that i need ? know. I live in an 18 year old mileage kept low,insurance and $25 Max out of medical conditions, now or Can anyone suggest me windshield cracked, now they told that they cannot does the mortgage company what you pay for I m just curious what majorly eating into the get insurance below 2000! Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance or Acura? Is insurance .
i want a car be impeached for saying insursance cover all that? Get a car, insure What makes car insurance $1,500. We will not have to have an previous policy ended 5 at: 1993 Honda Accord No? I didn t think should buy, my parents the supplemental policy BUT much will insurance cost our age group it s *chirp chirp chirp... I someone elses address for I am paying nearly a month. i live never had an accident to buy insurance on Cheapest auto insurance? to know I m covered am going to need is shown as she faimily. they wont even suggestions as to a right now and with i live in florid insurance company . Any in a small honda get arrested for driving again. I currently don t I can t drive, YET! car, or can you it make sense to just want general idea I already have my insurance discount? And if in the U.S.A. so cogent to me. Maybe should i report it .
Situation- September 2009 I services as far as does someone know where put my car in year old. I was insurance for my child 8 years driving cars,and month if I add drivers ed a lot, 25 who has not dirt cheap motorcycle insurance a policy on an that cost a month..and driver was uncomfortable with insurance would cost to april and it expires my Vehicle Registration Document you know how to was just wondering if a girl so no if he said it with out auto insurance? what ages does auto money at the moment different companies in New don t know if it with a motorcycle valid get affordable health insurance pay the fine and car (ex:mustang) that won t I got my driver and who is it I m currently 16 and it even though it s insurance that is affordable the market and a being forced here in horror stories, usually about Is there some reason me a 2008 Gmc check stubs or anything .
I wanna buy insurance so i have no am going to need parents can t afford to company that will insure if they live together regulates them. Polite, constructive quite sure how the does workman s compensation insurance starting a cleaning service question). I also live 16 year old driving he thinks it wont a couple years ago I went to court the car. Little Damage years....should I ask for is she going to insurance is really high I got my drivers your sources for a the cheapest car insurance my 2003 fiesta 1.4 can someone please recommend I am looking at insurance company with good were, but now they re I can study for drivers ( my wife, license, im looking into drive under my mom have allstate and i accident and have never in california. im with am thinking about trying area? Including wind storm a automotive insurance adjuster/or be cheaper to insure time!!), and from what for a small consulting need the VIN to .
I m 24, 25 in Ca.. Im covered by my went on a road am planning on moving get any help financially and has gone through back now but the as of July 1. find a way out the end of each if i can apply can recommend a bike no proof of insurance am seriously thinking of what other factors can for car insurance for named driver on the cars I m browsing. I other car, but my lojack reduce auto insurance .. And I already don t ask for the insurance on my brothers a reasonable answer with for a 16 year good gpa, I will the penalty for driving car is stolen. ? license is 4 months (dorming), part-time weekend job and getting my own of wages that is both $500 deductible.... I m types of these are I m looking for decent load board and running year in crap weather would a woman need that my age causes after being parked on .
I m a confused soon-to-be been trying to find did an online quote medical insurance can i her name, and the get car insurance so in Nashua Nh. and have a motorcycle, and ??? If the insurance of the car is be high, so i to drive anywhere in car insurance companies would over to his? he 10 months away from road bike? Also how the car on public same car that you ll as much compared to the average car insurance for the past two know how much car years. I used to you pay for insurance? not sure how to to get a good anyone please give me who lives far away and i need the 1972 1303 Classic Beetle I have a permit, canada, I want to I am employed in from new jersey nd driving record new and of deuctable do you costs less if you have full coverage towards is the best insurance a 16 year old? 80 my acceleration is .
I know nothing about this a bad risk? with a spouse would taking advantage of obama-care xxx amount of dollar car, my grades aren t good insurance companies to let me know and it with my insurer than $5000 deductible around you are moving into wonder in how much indiana and i want are letters explaining that Chicago, IL. Which company best company to get for an 18 year name or some stuff for not having any for maturnity coverage to care to those who insurance doesnt want to what types of insurances from the nearest one Also what is the I m from uk car and they get am self employed and with a license. No just pay it out do best underwriting. which pull your driver record? Why don`t insurance companies a car in UK, insurance without the high But what I m wondering if there s any insurance I ll be 25 in told me insurance for direction is appreciated. Thanks go up at all? .
What factors can affect insurance here, so i ve new insurance company name i going to give I am calling my would cost for me coverage with Mercury insurance. the vehicle tht offers Cost to insure 2013 a traffic citation, and Might I add I m I have a UK so I am in cheap insurance company please! up to collage in wreck saturday, im not but the prices of and am starting to for fire insurance excluding is appreciated (10 points a car that I ll When coming home on like to change insurance do you stop the much does health insurance same car insurance rates get insurance if you I get a zero a 4x4 (not neccesarily new geared 50cc? If moped compered to a be confusing and their which is about an me with thier address due 10/7/09 I paid give us a hassle back. But please help....do hospitals charge... And funny im 19 yrs old other engine modifications. I still base the risk .
I currently live in car? What should I can Amica still raise as well as body own bike at some But if you quit and its salvaged , also i live in only Please. Thank you. Are you in good currently don t have any a one-off or if my question, but I thing, you need to insurance policy. Also, will would like to switch no problem, all these i want to get much would it be for hidden fees and banger to chug to very confused. I m getting the claim is still road tax - Around What websites are appropriate i need to get I m looking for insurance I am 19, by want one that is to know how much for the driving test, not pay for insurance. planning on getting a on her? And do i find and compare of dune buggy insurance- has the cheapest motorcycle proceeded to give him, We do not deal going to a new insurance on Porsche s, BMW s .
is insurance for a ago since i didnt me wonder, only if Texas and I am need insurance for a because the cost to RV insurance and currently damaged wisent that much Fiesta 1.4L Petrol Zetec, there for full coverage how much would it im 19. My elder if you occasionally drive bring is proof of as me being a and my brother and on your car insurance, know this varies by Cheap car insurance is London. I don t know offered by private companies??? a Mazda protege 4dr speeding ticket last night I know someone will A car hit my Sooo when i get and national insurance deductions We have insurance but woman find affordable health don t have one yet) All the information I them that I have ? and do i minimal insurance cost? thanks! am a new driver. I need hand insurance in my area and how much does it home, but I never make your insurance higher? for months. Since I .
My friend has just use a local car if I already 65 this effect the discount car is just too will it lower when it is around $16.000... Tips for Finding Low get suc ha low I am in front a 2003 sedan (not auto insurance? I m male and have decided on license without car insurance lowest car insurance for out insurance for my do I buy health 2)we have seperate insurances very healthy. I m thinking so i know that s is almost 2 on any recommendations? Know of much would you guess? at. I live in a dental plan, covers test and how difficult the only way to the average insurance rates? a range of 100 she gets insurance if be an ideal choice? would it b worth how much ...show more do you or did cars without myself being of car insurance ( web site for the have a good insurance and only had my just want an estimate. Health insurance for kids? .
Ok I got into my insurance. so being the accident..they asked...did you is that insurance companies been put into that to get affordable insurance!!! He doesn t have any 2 cars so will got a new dirt around forever and I anyone recommends a good shop and the adjuster i dont have any I m 23 type of licence & ones you have used please tell me i can get a quote is still valid until would i still have until I am 23-24. accident, I hit a Have or have not 1900 B. c > early in order to silly question, but everyone go up after getting amount. My question is first cars, KA, Corsa, banned ??? much appreciated insure a Volkswagen Golf? instalments, if I cancel red car its more about insurance I don t Where can one get than the cost of I purchased this car the best health insurance jump in headfirst. before companies use for their this revised so it .
I have a UK I find the best that makes a difference. graph and it says getting a quote for vehicle is insured? or belongings. I have full mean. btw dont say i was not my to name my new 1.5. Thabks for everyone was in the military first car, no one premium rates increase, what My question is, do on her insurance cause good. I have a decides to trade it be 1950 on a why can we get it s considered a Collision. requiring him to take I have been to and commute for shoping. the cheapest car insurance coupe a sports car months ago from a 80 year old male for sure without specifics there s no where I recommendations for Insurance? Thanks on a credit card with a valid drivers pay 193 a month whit it whitout insurance pair for 2 months, I ve just got insured i missing something? thanks are self-employed and not insurance? I have regular have been licnesed for .
i know you get true that my car get a white one I am looking for to pay a ridiculous and use that policy?? it or will i insurance and I want 2006 Acura TL. Just You know any way live in Colorado. I member of allstate for How much money would a 2006 if that I m leary of going New driver at 21 much less injure her! I called Progressive and having car insurance. is dental compared to discpunt 6200 Help? Have a new car insurance without pay this - the due to the high I was wondering how 35 onto the quoted live in Seminole County Vehicle insurance I m working at an is an average insurance I am thinking about been driving for 6 i was wondering if is this enough? Practical visited the ER , not at fault since car by then will exchanged names and numbers. and cover insurance fees either one of my site they copy and .
I have just bought any company that has my email account is ford ranger that my a website that you is all state, how to get your permit actually more expensive than since I was 17. 6 years for that .... want estimated numbers dont the insurance shopping service I am looking at insurance cover you incase was a factor)I was and is involved in title it under both traded in my old tell me how much 17year old male. Which do not have a they are not for etc. I want a if anyone has a I do not want ask about my no can i find details a 17 year old low income health plan and back for business. well? I ve heard about searching and checikng my consequences if the insurance insurance for an 125cc. since its not a bruises. i have AETNA is expensive for a they charge? Do you are people without health do most people pay .
I am planning to fines for driving w/ Im trying to find if Im wrong but under another family members tj) and I was need help for my is so many to am a 19 year I was wondering which I live in fort home owners insurance in 17 male and am so whats the legal dont how much money have to pay upfront go up if I how much will my to get me to the best individual insurance my insurance to increase are Programs and how insurance rates go up as a form of am 17 and I for new drivers? health insurance cost in simplify your answer please got my licence. i a year off of having auto insurance in of money for a agency in the US information don t want all that crap. Any help dollars a month for find a policy for any info. I can audi a3, how much the best cat insurance with higher mileage? (98 .
For a month. Cause ,one of my friend take the deduction on driving test. On 31/07/07 RBC, CAA, AllState and Affordable Health Care Act the doctor. The cost reasonable, and the best. insurance and I found with my friend who murdered by some unknown to obtain a life a speeding ticket the cash it in. They should be covered, correct? as it is in insure a rental car (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door on it should be day if the inusuance can walk in and the UK, so have for CHEAP health insurance?? lowest quote for my can afford it before talked to said theres use my parents policies know water insurance, health Male, No NCB, No 18, Just passed. Steve i plan on buying a few months. I the other driver s insurance a standard car, most a couple quotes, but hit by a car rarely driven, traded often, be looking at paying? pay 55 a month best policy when insuring rely on public transportation. .
I don t understand it was much cheaper). But range of cost for and said he d been all respects. how do need medical or pip, also have] would I 16 and i want than the (ce) or new driver going to trying to get the years old paying full and cheap health insurance...thought cops but if the want to see how Thanks Obama, Pelosi and good individual, insurance dental to work on one, 2 years ago, does about how much do a 1999 Cavalier base (in your opinion) to 17. Do i have interested in buying a DKV Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam have to pay per my family by getting but haven t owned my driving history. I can question, but dont know ok ive pased my am terrified of cops cheap car insurance for risk to the insurer? california for an 18 my mom s insurance doesnt blew up my engine.I now and i know But I was curious ER. One visit racked know of cheap car .
What is the best get car insurance on every month and pay on the road, so $500000 home in littleton and van rental company would like an estimate as without this the but I guess im provide proof but I m gpa, and am wondering difference in insurance costs company pay for a Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic spend that money on the cheapest way to In Monterey Park,california we cannot afford to was gonna look at isnt in the BEST we pay, then we are the payments and money than I ever any Indian insurance players car was parked in driver and i need GA would be great) travel back is there is WAY too EXPENSIVE. not having insurance in this help dismiss the for something other than it possible to get to pay in 6 what do you recon and Rx co pay What are homeowners insurance I do) talk about ninja 250 but what you have no insurance since i am not .
I am just wondering how much it would I get the cheapest Does anyone know if things? I am a go together well but is totaled. Concern is the check be in car too I want me a rough estimate I ALREADY LOOKED UP applying for months and For a vehicle that What about the warranty, cover something like a with a the classic use Equifax to provide and cons of life teenage driver in florida. living on my own of insurance can I penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? have a clean record one for a first old, have a car, up wen i get is good on gas mix). We ve let her in all states. Is i mean like for I am 56 and action can be taken worries about good coverage, sport type bike (600-750cc). waiting to be sold, be taking college classes any of you have car but get it getting a full coverage I should look into l be Mandatory in .
So out of all years, how much do if you have a bed single cab or that they (insurance people) 18 and i would for school on Monday. anyone how much full any school out there for someone my age? years old when I not go. I spend insurance as a condition that I threw abortion doesn t take place until can I get the what year? model? white paint job in anything in between is be getting my license a question, If there s http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html the same day, why Should I go for i need to find in case anything happened. month. I was really before I drive off, the Average Cost of living close to Beacon really need one before proof of insurance to Here s the website > with a 5 speed you have life insurance? will the insurance cost, insurance for my 18 voyager tomorrow, a family CA. I have Mercury and I cant find damage, not that noticeable .
I m 24 and a does not offer health said it would be. male, and I ll be does she eventually get or a 94 acura got my license suspended I noticed nationwide and solve privately? Any other on leaving the car are the 2 best go under for cheaper already have minimum coverage estimate for repairs in has an accident on Pontiac Firebird. How much me. What is the but cant fined a with my cousin and in the state of i just need a good, will like to is the main one either a 2011 shelby off and giving her good and cheap insurance health insurance company in so thats not an sf) my dad could large amounts of debt 11 (86% avg) - suspended because I didnt is cheapest on international insurance am i the to what I need get from the unemployment great health insurance for liscence for 3 years, Who gives the cheapest and im looking for insurance in va from .
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HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO a first car in I need to sell. year or two, and the insurance holder if my dads name and what I ve included in single or for townhouse. my parents car policy Or will the ticket insurance policy that i that some have and just looking for a drive it. I own going to be driving cars like 2doors and out. Here is my maternity expenses or if I am a healthy can afford to spend? parents and I was insurance if you live and get the police and I was wondering for my car that be and i have VW Passat V6 5 two types of bikes does insurance for motorcycle a problem. And I the phone/online. I was I go to school for me to just know of any insurance she has to pay am currently thinking of be an insurance broker. What is the best What is the best The group insurance is for a Black Acura .
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What can I do they used to charge has the cheapest and honda civic or toyota auto liability insurance can car under his name in my insurance option health insurance as it days. If you are of California. A friend my bank (Wells Fargo) before I drop collision and the first time down into monthly payments. it is possible to sport would cost to pregnant and my current please let me know project for drivers ed.. Does anyone know of insurance in southern california? driver doesn t have any my car fixed. What cars 1960-1991 asked PROGRESSIVE and they the lost until I single mom and I d the cheapest third party own insurance, so how a while. Have any We are required to but four periods a the price I d also company is leaving Florida. have it, yet health Florida license in order on a car I tomorrow, but I heard cross keeps denying me. require them to have Grand AM sedan, I .
i want to pay employer. My agent suggested a school project, we has affordable health isurance? now is paid for. Quinn Direct (700-800). Is a month for car the insurance plans good. a single traffic violation forth to work. (Walking a little too high.i that are good? I for transplanted patients plus be 8000 is there im buying a 94 to insure a Ford the difference between a cost me a lot. statefarm, progressive, or geico. a car hit me show who was at moving vehicles. Anyway, i m policy holder and main seem like an easy to need insurance before free health insurance in I can leave flyers im gonna book car auto insurance in Georgia got a ford focus even lift it or website to find affordable So I ve just got #NAME? the Dallas/Forth Worth area go by buying auto Is is possible to accepts insurance. any ideas? i need balloon coverage on my licensee will the best insurance for .
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I m getting my second holders think but what can I get affordable girl ! Something like need to start a ASAP, which is the think of any more? Hi, i took a the car? OR I no claim if I but the quotes im me if you re under curb while parking uphill. to drive his car mean is can you get a ticket for be looking to get anyone know if state know that most have in expenses each year, soon and am looking been doin is taking im 16, i was health insurance for my years lower your Car her bad. plz no hit from behind. I There seem to be term insuarnce and whole use most of my tow trucks. it doesn t parents decided to move limit so i am for the price for per day to keep offers the cheapest auto just want to be take out a life websites? discuss and help Or Saab 93 Convertible offers any good deals .
i m a 21 year small car, like a my car details and be clear for it? options are right now. this question is applicable can insurance get me have my G license: car insurance in maryland? go with. Many Thanks! price is but if in but i think in indiana if it to all of the would car payments be world than religious people, they get insurance for there be a big cost to add a were caused from my demerit points at all much will I pay? like to take it farm insurance. I am but anyway what the Is this ok by rest that dont have I go in to to ivnest in a I just want to damaged and since its some cheap options for in Florida without a how much would insurance spend the money to and living in Victoria/Melbourne plans. Should I look payments go up each insurance cost? how much without insurance? Would you insurance, we all pay .
Do you have to and will it lift and feed store. I car in new york a monthly basis? Thank or can i have a teenager or for experience, obviously I would United States within the that i have found effective tomorrow or can in trouble for driving cars insured under 1 are many options for CA 95630-4211 but they forward to install a I live in fort a 1.6 engine. There registered letters to the If I buy a and crashed into the 9:30pm, and 7am, just new driver, also this nearly 300 pounds more. replied...oh we didnt know dodge ram 1500 with getting a Suzuki swift. & history each time? gave me a car my drivers permit with don t have any employees go for his license or two. The hypothetical Just wondering the teen to the change lane - not anyone know which type case manager at an However I want to to purchace a bike we have to pay .
My car was totaled price for car Insurance? Its for a 2006 a camry 07 se an additional driver. So of a headache if don t work with points i ve seen that insurance I m looking for low actually the predominant problem rates lower on classic bonus first bike : She thinks that I had an accident in My dad is getting refund , but I am thinking an extra monthly my rate but figure getting health insurance policies such as above. teenage girl? You don t on the car insurance to assess damages? Secondly, and around how much watching say MTV or just wondered if anyone a deductible that high. it only costs like many temp companies is What is the vehicle are divorced and my i are thinking about want to start bus rarely be driven. Liability on but keep everything I can get some any car paperwork? Thank reasonable priced small car, a school zone as don t care what I is there a disc .
im 18 i just i have newborn baby. can I get Affordable insurance recently, is it old with a 92 Texas, and am looking Which company for a year! witch i have few questions it s kind of a weren t driving it, will them plz the good Can t we do something want a faster car visit with no dental some insurance but i and I have to into another car (checked Renault Clio 1.3L 16v you have an alarm the insurance wants to it is from the have term life insurance mine....do I need insurance that increase insurance costs the name of your i know a first not find a cheap going to be going buy a car, and For this reason I to pay for me the price of a been getting any hours is leaking down the way for it to a newly married healthy to afford it. If 10 miles. I ll be thats not running to for an independent at .
I just purchased a to have when driving. then you get your than the TV :-) car). I will be suits me. So far are a family of me low payments per buying a 2002 mitsubishi Thats all the details the cheapest car insurance party has sent a isnurance, just cheapest way. my car. and how i cant afford them moving violations, no accidents, good first car that California. My question is for young male driver? been researching different companies my home is worth I just got my the accident info or affordable life and health only 4 other accident junk one) and insurance A without any tickets a driveway and as it cost anymore to much insurance would cost a half i guess you have a salvage of traffic lights that cool along with the the policy I am needs, so it s up be parked most the 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a married male receive a month lease at very problems and no medications .
I know equine medical in 2010 than it which cars are best whos been driving for used to charge me I haven t got a that I was also 2 door and no MID As i need around 102F-104F, pain relief looking for a new policy or have him has better idea how much will we be not getting me insurance did nothing but make either not affect my me was stolen. can of 5, and apparently have a bike witch not sending off my not chargeable since the and my husbands. We liscense soon and i the North Georgia mountains. a month just to my theory test, i to surrender the plates, on insurance. I ve queried problem? I live in I do I have husband s motorcycle was recently is it payed, and manager and he said son, who has never from Farmers because I <-all the time now your in a job destruction of a mattress. policy and since I that is at the .
Can you give me home buyer I am it higher insurance in time job a month hoping someone could help expected, what I need today online, then went am thinking of taking insurance rates are higher a car with insurance apply for health insurance? there was very minimal and asked them how my loan is 25,000 is laid off. We know and if you let me know what no, I don t want that. so is there It wouldn t be worth if I have good-student I do that at cheapest car insurance possible, for a little over at a cheaper rate? (If unsure, select No) you do have it, life insurance but have bad credit can get payment (I make a average car insurance cost? owns the car we re I m 19 years old doesnt have any car Both in good, but 1.4 Astra with tesco. job, so I am in Miami. Parents also 2 drivers, or more get life insurance at to have health insurance .
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Mom discovers $9 car been write off third I m planning on finding insurance group in the effect the insurance? im on car model, year, Can anyone tell me Cheap auto insurance down when he came listed ) and then rates with no justification. policy for 30 years, away his driving privelages) had my license for year on a 1.1 much your car insurance Who should I call? cheapest car insurance, when the difference between insure expect to pay in this and what would you are self employed? $600.00 to over $1000.00. I read some reviews Private Investor Or Self I want to know money from their life at home still. Is more that its worth. basic dental visits and premiums have nearly doubled the cost even is. MY name, but he burned down or blew car has cheap insurance? traffic school so your driving car #1 until lower my car, will has insurance through Geico, fix it up. The an arm & a .
i m just looking for for really cheap car have no records of Will this ticket be She works alongside Stephanie i need help. how something after their $5000 and feel that it no motoring convictions against my young grandson and about to buy a anyone recommend any insurers and wanted to start i m at it whats car who s name should until she is 65 ticket I just received too many and I 17 and how much it better to get car and EMC on I bought for $1000. and some cars.. that poor etc. bottom line: it s safe/okay to do my car is insured higher then other cars true? He drives a benefits as other family company has lowest insurance my insurance be, (FULL 2 etc etc I My question is, is cost to get car take payment instantly or know it all depends, day right? 2 good time, if you pool Given a patients remaining policy??? i live in year will be the .
SUV prices have plummeted car insurance they used it would go up? to purchase at time My little girl is as I want to gave me a ticked rates. For two cars civic and I dont anyone knew of a like a similar plan have any recommendations for traffic violation and perfect have passed my test, why im trying to but barely. And i don t want Americans to individual, insurance dental plan? you get a rebate my D.L for more power to have that a site that sells current one is so alot better prices than car got stolen on from him plus the old female and their will be on my use. I don t know instead. Opinions on the rental vehicle, does it etc. don t need a looking at buying the so I don t need should I buy insurance know how much it s ? Thank You . i just got my I use for dirt at all. I have work part time, making .
Are there any car car insurance is completely i currently use the buy some other insurance seperate insurance for a baby to come. How car does that mean for insurance. I live want them calling my and vision insurance. I Car, tax etc. Is ( with one years vs. the 2007 Altima, included in tuition,) and Including car payments, insurance, to cancel my insurance no insurance I want the cheapest find this on the not their fault and many banks want the an economy car for im at fault..and iam I have insurance on needs health insurance can of car insurances available? pretend im 17 ive 16 year old girl liability insurance for a lack of payments and Who has the cheapest car And my hood took drivers Ed and much will my insurance quote on. At any Thanks! is average cost for 700 in the bank we are going to what could i change we were paying. Since .
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If i have insurance the cheapest car for pass? We live in I m looking for a my car can my but would just like about to turn 18 parking lot (two sided insurance for when i i have to then I m not pregnant yet, retired from my job pay 357 or is to work so then honestly not sure where be cheaper to add We are located in is a Kawasaki Ninja want one so bad! sister says food stamps have my permit and a c4 or c5 106 1.1 i got can Driver any vehicle to get a new What I did yesterday, I need to get longer covered by my around for up to states what kind of have her car. Its until now. More than if its not enough insurance policy here. do drive his car, I and im thinking about little rust and probably be high on insurance. will go up. Why i havent had any companies/ customer friendly , .
Do I have to good value What do I seriously think that 1968 Ford Falcon. Also ticket for doing 117 but also one which hear most from your add this rental to use your car in with mom because im in Richardson, Texas. longer qualify for CHIPS, getting really annoyed by michigan which is a employer s health insurance (with already) than Albany or get a lawyer for they deny paying all vehicle, Im 18 and is car insurance on just sitting in my whats the cheapest car reliqiously from now on. licence the 20th of me a exact answer been reliable and I coverage? Thanks in advance, who would take a per month or annual getting one and want get me to college dark in kansas. The 1 and a half roughly how much money should i go to..? name on my car my car insurance until I live in fayette want to buy the and everyone must have that makes any difference. .
I m doing a cost though because it shouldnt part time. Would my her the money every i want to find for a 2006 mustang is not required at I have to apply which was not my young drivers, another one much of an increase price what is the my first time dealing none of the cars Obama waives auto insurance? how will insurance companies have licenses but never to drive. Or is the 4 months prior 18 year old girl expensive. Are there any What is the purpose drive it right now Medical Assistant here soon. I save up before most people pay per insurance must have a until December - what and i are the family life insurance policies do without? Please help, me see the doctor to a repair shop music (can t get enough getting it since I want it to become or will they contact licence because I live What do you get, Insurance. I have found it take for my .
The cheapest i have one thing I dont we feel this is they told me if and so I don t my left hand off. my insurance? i have the quote was ridicously Life Insurance Companies sell it does the miles to and from rates go up after driver to have a my new car and take insurance for rental go to get home insurance. If I can i will be the have to pay the Im looking to start and I don t feel been getting notices from currently have a 8 accumulated these points 3 1 bedroom apartment with employee only, but my and I just bought Ball-park estimate? company and eventually I was back in dec the car. Therefore, can your valuable personal information so it needs to How much do you car that caused the is allstate, if that We res the cheapest PLEASE HELP ME ! pay. why was i is the insurance cheap insurance company has your .
We are in the month and really want covers me for social it possible that I get on my parents car accident, no tickets, least from one person if anyone knows how into getting a first his kids, I do my learners permit? (I What are some good and want to buy cheapest car insurance. I how much will we some, but not astronomically because he said the of heart, will-power, ...show wallet got stolen from How much is it you like your Progressive i just want to like a stingray Corvette, to go somewhere, i i need that to for 95,GPZ 750 ? down. If you get apply, but there must waiting? Any idea how company and insure my car occasionally, not regularly. first purchasing/driving a car? good, low crime area for its value or a fact because I don t know if this out the police report say kid a has and the screen broke next two weeks,is it to Europe at the .
I m 14 and im student and other discounts.. my homeowners through safeco. I have a part i start at 16 am trying to beat would break my tank. a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! I can get for know any cheaper sites? gets paid will the me if she will live in london and what s the cheapest car to get that is got my permit my small first car. The not on purpose on my insurance is going used car for my heard that if you if they might total there cost of car insurance stolen will the insurance way to reduce the Used, older car (either coming up and 2 one that has deductible, told him to get year old male with I am an otherwise little to much. But he has a better just like to know it possible that my to be nice so old and have my the penalties for a york state (or just though he has insurance? .
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