#oh i wonder if kanata will get a summer center
yume-fanfare · 1 year
they absolutely understand summer
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twilightmalachite · 2 years
Kanata Shinkai - A Walk With Me
Author: Yuumasu
Characters: Kanata, Izumi, Shinobu, Kaoru, Souma, Shu
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Kirin
"A tiger, a shark, and a mackerel…? Ugh, I’m getting confused de gozaru~…"
Season: Summer
Location: Staff Canteen
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Kanata: Sea bass, flathead, eel~…♪ Whiting, sweetfish, marlin, tuna~…♪
Izumi: What kinda song is that? Strangely catchy…
But seriously, why are we here? How is this an OCEANS activity?
Shinobu: That would be because the Summer Fish Fair has begun here at the employee canteen!
Izumi: I’m aware. But isn’t this circle for getting in touch with sea creatures? This is completely unrelated.
Kaoru: Well, something like this once in a while can’t hurt, right? You can deepen your knowledge about seasonal fish by eating them!
Or whatever, I just tried listing some formal reasons. First of all, food tastes better when you eat together with everyone… Second of all, we can share our thoughts on it too.
Izumi: You of all people are saying this, Kao-kun? I thought being around men “grossed you out”.
Kaoru: That was uncalled for… Souma-kun, we're over here!
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Souma: Sorry for making you all wait. I contemplated for a long time on which one to eat.
Kaoru: Fair enough, the menu has quite the selection, isn’t there? Now that we’re all here, let's sit down.
Izumi: Looks like the sofa seats… Are all taken. There’s empty table seats, so should I borrow some chairs from elsewhere?
Shinobu: Heheh, I thought you’d say that, so I’ve got them borrowed already…! ♪
Izumi: How thoughtful of you, such a good boy!
Huh, Shinkai? You also brought one? We have no need for it, so go and put it back.
Kanata: No, “six” is good. Because today, we have a “guest”!
Souma: Hmm? What did you pull out of your bag… A stuffed animal?
Kanata: Nice to meet you, I’m “Mister Blue-nurse Sand Tiger”. ♪
Shinobu: A blue tiger? But it looks like a shark to me, though…?
Kanata: “Blue Nurse Sand Tiger” is indeed a “shark”. It is a “mackerel” shark.
Shinobu: A tiger, a shark, and a mackerel…? Ugh, I’m getting confused de gozaru~…
Kanata: Back in the day, “sharks” used to have been called “dragons”, too. Some sharks are named that too, as a sort of “remnant”.[1]
“Mister Blue-nurse Sand Tiger” here was given to me by Chiaki.
He happened to see it while at the “game center”. He got it for me since he thought I’d like it.
Kaoru: So that’s why you’re attached to it and carrying it around with you? Moricchi’s present must mean a lot to you, huh!
Izumi: If it means so much to you, at least give it a more refined name. Naru-kun too basically named her cat, “kitty”.[2] But you wouldn’t normally give a human the name of “human”, would you?
Kanata: A more refined “name”? I wonder what would be good, hmm…?
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Shinobu: Well, he’s white, shiro, so… Ah, how about “Shironosuke”?[3]
Souma: A fine name. It’s much like one for a Japanese boy.
Kanata: It is good, I like it. I am glad I was able to get you a nice “name”, “Shironosuke”.
All right. From now on, I will take you to all sorts of places with me, okay? …♪
Izumi: I don’t think that’s any different from his original name… What do you think, Kao-kun?
Kaoru: Ahaha, well if the guy likes it, then that’s good enough, right?
Location: ES Hallway
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1 hour later…
Kanata: Ufufu, I’m glad everyone got to “meet” you. That means you’re part of “OCEANS” now too, “Shironosuke”.
The “weather” is good today, so let's go for a swim at the “hanging garden”.
“Plushies” can't “puka puka” though, so please watch from the side instead.
Hm? Your “pectoral fins” have gotten longer... Are you growing bigger, “Shironosuke”?
(…Oh. The seam tore, and stuffing is sticking out.)
(This is bad. I have to fix up “Shironosuke”…)
Location: Dressing Room
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In the ES building's Dressing Room…
(Hmm~… I thought I could fix him from what I had learned in “home economics” class, but…)
(“Repairing “something like a “plushie” is really hard. The “seams” keep opening and even more “stuffing” falls out.)
Shu: …Oh, Kanata. It's rare to see you here.
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Kanata: Shu~…
Shu: What's gotten you so sad? That cotton… A plush?
Kanata: Mhm… I tried to “stitch” him back up, but it's not turning out right…
“Shironosuke” will turn out flat at this rate… Shu, can you fix him?
Shu: Of course. Trial and error when it comes to unfamiliar things only makes things worse. You should have asked me from the start, like you did with Shachitaro.[3]
Wait right there. It won't take long to stitch him back up.
Kanata: Understood. You remember “Shachitaro”, Shu?
Shu: Well, you visiting the handicraft room was a rare occurrence… Hrm.
He's called Shironosuke, correct? So how come he's become so dirty?
Kanata: That's because I carry him around with me. He’s all white so the “dirt” ends up standing out no matter what I do.
But no need to “worry” He gets all cleaned up with the “washing machine” and “dryer” every night.
Shu: Non! Absolutely not, Kanata, it's necessary for stuffed animals to be hand-washed.
Things like this are generally cheaply-made in the first place. It is not suited to be carried around.
Kanata: Mm, but I promised him I would take him to all sorts of places… That's unfortunate.
I'm sorry, “Shironosuke”. You'll have to "stay" back in the "room" from now on.
Shu: That's what will be best for this kid. Handle him with utmost care, as you would family.
The repair has finished. Take this as a present from me. When you leave home, let him rest on this cushion.
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Kanata: Uwah, thank you so much…♪ It’s handmade by Shu, you know~. Isn't this great, “Shironosuke”? ♪
We won't be able to “go out” together anymore, but I'll make sure to bring back plenty of “stories”, alright?
Stay put and be a good boy, okay, “Shironosuke”?…♪
The Japanese name for Kanata’s plush is “Shirowani”. Wani (鰐) means “dragon”, or “sea monster”. As sharks were literally a dragon-like sea monster, they were often called that. Same goes for crocodiles as well; the Japanese word for them is still wani (ワニ).
Arashi’s cat’s name is “Nyanko”, a portmanteau of “nyan” (meow) and “ko” (child). It’s basically the language equivalent of “kitty”, sort of like how Rei calls Koga “wanko”, or “puppy”.
The original text doesn’t reference the plushy’s tummy, and instead works off of the “shiro” from “Shirowani”, the japanese name. I decided to not localize the plushie’s name, since I think names are important.
Shachi (シャチ) means Orca.
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midnightartemis · 4 years
Chapters: 30/? Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo, Finn/Rose Tico, Poe Dameron/Rey, Poe Dameron/Finn, Poe Dameron/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Rose Tico, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Maz Kanata, Larma D'Acy, Amilyn Holdo, Snoke (Star Wars), Boba Fett, Bossk (Star Wars), Armitage Hux, Chewbacca (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abuse, Drug Use, Suicide Attempt, Star-crossed, Dreams, Alternate Universe - High School, High School, School Dances, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Foster Care, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Near Death Experiences, Multiverse, Reincarnation, Attempted Sexual Assault, Assault, Graphic Description, Teenage Drama, Horny Teenagers, Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Past Drug Use, Drug Dealing
Chapter Two
The first day, a new school. I take a deep breath. It wasn’t my first new school, but I hoped it would be the last. It was a lot to process- Maz, Holdo. Every one of my instincts told me it was too good to be,  but I trusted Holdo, and if Maz raised Holdo, I could trust her too. She was right. This was different.
I wake up early, wanting to make a good impression. I brush my teeth and shower and- Is that a razor? It takes a lot longer, but I eventually make it through my leg and armpit hair and jump out of the shower. The closet- My closet is filled with clothes of every shape and size and style and I wonder just how many girls Maz has fostered over the years.
I fish through the clothes until I find a soft dandelion yellow overall style dress and pair it with a white, faux turtleneck shirt made of incredibly stretchy, soft material. There’s a pile of shoes under the clothes, but I decide to stick with my ratty, old white converse… Well, they used to be white. I grab my bag and head downstairs, vibrating with excitement and nervousness. Maz is sitting on the back deck nursing a coffee and overlooking her garden. She’s still in purple and pink pajamas and looks up in surprise when I walk out the door. “You’re up early. Sleep well, kid?”
I nod and stare hungrily at the platter of eggs and bacon. “Yes, thank you.”
Maz notices my hunger. “Well, don’t just stand there, they’re there for you, too. Dig in.”
I quickly sit and fill my plate.
“Do you drink coffee?” I nod and she stands, fetching another cup for me. “Cream? Sugar?”
“Just plain black, please.”
“Ah, you’re one of the good ones I can tell.” Maz chuckles and I giggle, accepting the coffee from her. It smells amazing.
“How many girls have you fostered?”
Maz sits back, a pleasant speculative look in her eye. “Oh… I lose track sometimes. I’ll have to pull out the scrapbook, but I think at least twenty over the years. There was a period of time where I fostered siblings, but now I just take only children. Two people are more than enough for this house. I’ve adopted five of them.”
“Five!?” I nearly choke on my eggs.
“Yes, Amilyn is the only one I see regularly since she’s so close, they’re all spread out all over the world, but most of them call or text or send letters a lot.”
“And it’s just you? No one else?”
“Nope, no one else. I’ve had my fair share of romances,” she winks. “But I do best on my own. I prefer it, with you all for the good company of course.”
“Why do you do it?”
“Well, I know what it feels like. I was in the system once, too. Long, long before your time. I got taken in when I was sixteen by my adoptive parents. And when they died, I decided to carry on that legacy. Help others how they helped me.”
“That sounds very noble.”
Maz snorts. “Hardly. I’m a senile old woman who just wants a little company. It’s for all those-how do you kids say it- juicy government checks.” There’s a twinkle in her eye as she jokes. She takes a glance at the watch on her wrist. “Finish up, wash up. I’ll put on my grandma’s pants and we’ll get you off to school. They’ll want me to sign a bunch of stuff and I gotta get to the bar to deal with their usual incompetencies. Did she mention the bar?”
I nod through my last bite of eggs.
“You’ll never have to go there if you don’t want to, but you’re more than welcome to come by after school. Also, you should send me your number. I don’t want a minute by minute notice of where you are, but you are my responsibility, so I would like to know your general locations and plans. Fair?”
I nod. “Fair.”
There weren't a lot of places I planned on going to. I didn’t know anyone here. Though… I wouldn’t say no to exploring the downtown area.
Maz left to change and I finished my breakfast and cleaned my dishes. I searched through the cupboards until I found a set of glass Tupperware and placed the leftover eggs and bacon inside. I waited patiently on the couch, twiddling my thumbs and trying to not think about things so much. The first day of classes always made me anxious, and now my life has completely turned around in the last twenty-four hours. Maz appeared at the bottom of the stairs and I tried and failed to not smile at her “grandma pants”. For one thing, they were bright purple and covered in embroidery, and, for another, they were paired with an equally bright pink and blue top. Everything screamed hippy grandma. She grabbed a set of keys from a hook on the wall. “Alright, kid, got everything?”
I nod and follow her out the car to her small garage where there is, of course, an original bright yellow Volkswagen bug. Who is this lady and where has she been my entire life? I climb in the passenger seat and we take off down the road to the school.
My stomach does a flip at the sight of the school. There are a few cars in the parking lot, but we’re still half an hour early. Maz parks and we walk through the doors of New Republic High together. The entrance lobby is huge, surrounded by windows and filled with light from a round skylight in the ceiling. The floor is white tile and in the center of the lobby floor, there is a huge mosaic crest of a Falcon clutching a sword. A red banner flies below it inscribed with Latin: In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt.
“It means ‘In the absence of light, darkness prevails.’”
I jump at the voice and look up to see a bubbly girl with jet black hair and a cute face smiling at me. “Uh… Okay.”
“You must be Rey, I’m Rose and I get to be your student ambassador. I also help out in the office and I saw you were starting today, so I thought I would meet you at the door.” Rose sticks her hand out and I shake it. “Hi, Miss Kanata.”
“Rose…” Maz raises her eyebrows.
“Sorry. Miss Maz.” Rose’s smile doesn’t falter. “It’s the school’s motto. It’s supposed to inspire us to ‘be the good in the world’ or something.” She waves her hand through the air, brushing past the meaning. “Principal Organa is ready for you if you. She’s excited to meet you.”
Rose practically skips away and we follow her, ascending the stairs to an open door that leads to a reception area. Rose walks through the reception center and to an open door near the back. We follow her through and I find myself in a spacious office. Everything is wood and lavender, warm and inviting. Sitting at the desk is an older woman with greying hair, perfectly styled in a braided bun. She’s wearing a tailored blue dress and silver cat eyeglasses on the bridge of her nose. She takes her glasses off as we enter and stands with a smile. “Rey Niima?”
I nod and shake her hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Principal Leia Organa. And good to see you again, Maz.” Principal Organa’s smile is warm, inviting. Still, I wouldn’t want to get on her bad side. “Rose, thank you. Would you please get Maz the right paperwork and I’ll talk with Rey?”
My stomach flips with nerves again. Principal Organa gestures to the chairs in front of her desk and I sit as Rose and Maz leave. Organa puts on her glasses once more and moves to her computer. “Just a moment, let me pull up your file.”
I sit up straight, on edge as I look around the room. There are bookshelves filled with books and art. An orchid blooms on a windowsill, and I think that the window overlooks a courtyard.
“Here you are. Very impressive Rey. It says that you finished up Trigonometry and English Two, a history class, a social studies class, Earth Science, and computer programming. No language courses?”
“They didn’t exactly offer any,” I say, nervous. “I know a little bit of Spanish. One of my foster families lived in the Hispanic neighborhood of Jakku.”
“Would you like to take a placement test in Spanish?”
I shake my head. “I only know how to say a few things, not read or write.”
“We require three years of language to graduate.” She peers at me over her glasses and I sink in my seat. She turns her gaze back to her computer and clicks a few things. “We will just have to get you all caught up. You can either take an extra summer course or have two blocks of language, it’s up to you.”
“Uh…” I’m completely out of my depth. I’m not even sure if I’ll still be here in the summer, much less what a block is. “What’s a block?”
Principal Organa’s eyes soften. “We run New Republic more like a college than a high school so that you’re prepared when you go to college. It builds responsibility and trust. So, you’ll have some classes that you only have Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday. Blocks are forty-five minutes. Some of your classes may only take up one block, some two or three.”
College. I shake my head. It was a dream. “Okay. Um… I guess I’ll do two blocks of language.”
“We offer French, Spanish, Russian, and Latin.”
“Latin.” Might as well. Organa smiles.
“So, I’ll mark you down for the junior year history class- Current World Events and most juniors take Psychology unless you’d rather take Religion?” She glances at me and I shake my head. “And, P.E. That’s the basics, the rest have a little wriggle room for what you want to do here. So, tell me about yourself. What are you interested in? What are your plans for post-graduation?”
“Uh… I have no idea what I’m going to do after graduation. I like science and math… Figuring out how things work.”
“Taking things apart and putting them back together?” She asks.
I nod. “It used to get me in a lot of trouble.”
“A little bit of trouble never hurt anyone.” Principal Organa winks. “I want you to meet with our Guidance Counselor. There’s a lot of avenues for girls like you who want to go into STEM fields. For now, since your math and science grades are so high, I’m going to place you in… Pre-Calculus, Physics, and… Small engines.”
I wrinkle my eyebrows. “Small engines?”
“It’s more fun than you think. I’m no good at it, but my husband is, and I think you’ll like him.”
She barely knows me, but okay. “Okay.”
“And last, but not least, I like everyone to take at least one art class. There’s painting, drawing, photography, band, orchestra, choir, sculpture, woodworking… Are any of these peeking your interest?”
“Drawing, I guess.” I had taken a drawing class before. I wasn’t the best at it, but I wasn’t horrible either.
“Okay.” Principal Organa hit a few more buttons. I heard a printer whirl beneath her and she bent down to grab a piece of paper.
“This is your schedule,” she grabbed another sheet of paper as well and handed both to me. “And the second one is a list of all the groups and activities on campus as well as a list of emails for staff and phone numbers for any services you may or may not need during your time here. And my door is always open, Miss Niima. I’m happy to have you here. Rose will handle you from here and show you around to all of your classes.”
I walk out of Principal Organa’s office to find Maz and Rose crackling at the counter. Rose wipes away tears from her eyes and Maz grabs her bag from the counter at the sight of me. “Looks like they got you all ready to go, hun. I’ll pick you up at four unless you let me know differently. You have my number, and Rose will take good care of you.”
I’m a little sad to watch her go. And excited. And nervous. And still trying to process everything. Rose seems nice enough. I usually didn’t get a guide on the first day. Jakku’s schools were more of the ‘fend for yourself’ type. Rose waves good-bye to Maz and turns to me. “You get your schedule?”
“Yeah.” I hand the paper to her and she looks it over, growing more and more excited. “What is it?”
“Lucky for you, we have a lot of the same classes. Both STEM girls.” Rose winks and I blush uncomfortably. “Ugh, I loved small engines. Mr. Solo is so cool.”
“Is that Principal Organa’s husband?”
“Yup!” Rose bounces from around the counter. “Come on. I’ll give you a tour and show you your locker. The assembly doesn’t start for another half-hour.”
I follow her closely out into the halls and it’s completely different from earlier. I can hardly see the school seal there’s so many people rushing back and forth, talking, laughing, hugging. Rose takes my hand and before I know it I’m dragged into the chaos.
“So, you already saw the seal. We’re the Millenium Falcons, established in 1960 by the Skywalker family, of which Principal Organa is descended from. It’s a long history with a lot of drama. This is the freshman wing,” Rose pointed down a long hallway and then to the mirroring one. “And the Sophomore wing. Basically, the founder got killed by her husband and nearly got killed himself, even though he really really loved her and she was pregnant. It’s kinda sad actually. No one really knows the full story.”
Rose pushed through glass double doors and we walked into a courtyard. The sidewalk divided the green into quarters. Every inch of the courtyard was maintained and perfectly landscaped. There was even a fountain in the center. Rose gestured to the wall of the building on her right. “That side houses the gymnasium. There’s a swimming pool and a rock wall and a weight room. Oh, you’ll need to bring tennis shoes for that and stuff to shower with, but they provide a shirt and shorts. The other side,” Rose nodded to the left side of the square courtyard. “That’s where the lunchroom and the art rooms are.”
I follow Rose straight across the courtyard, trying to take it all in. It was so massive, so grand compared to everything I had never known. A pool? Really? I hope they don’t make people swim… I push the thought away. I’ll burn that bridge when I get there. Just survive the first day. We walk through an identical pair of double doors and we’re in the back of the square. It looks almost identical to the front of the building. I can see a parking lot through the windows and rolling forests beyond that. The seal is there again, and it’s crowded with students rushing around.
“Finn! Poe!” Rose dropped my hand and raced towards two guys in varsity jackets. The tall, dark one caught her and swung her into a deep kiss. They broke apart laughing and Rose gave the other a quick hug. His hair was dark and curly, a smirk on his lips. It wasn’t hard to miss the class clown. Rose waved me over. “Rey, this is Finn and Poe.” She nodded to the boy she kissed and the class clown respectively.
“Hi.” I smile and wave shyly. Finn gives me a giant grin and immediately pulls me into a bear hug. “Oh.”
“It’s great to meet you, Rey,” Finn says once he sets me down.
“Diddo.” Poe winks at me and Rose slaps his chest.
“Poe, don’t scare her away. She’s a science girl, too, and I need more girl power in those classes. I’m outnumbered and tired of it.”
“It’s okay,” I laugh. “He doesn’t scare me.”
Finn laughs. “Okay, I like her. Are you giving her the famous Rose Tico tour?”
“I’m trying to, and then I got distracted.” Rose gives Finn a quick kiss on the lips and I blush, looking away. “Save us seats at assembly?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Finn smiles, a man in love.
The people around me are bustling and loud, obnoxious teenagers. I’m suddenly grateful for my newfound friends.
Rose is gesturing down the hall on the right. “That’s the senior hall. You might go in there sometimes, especially in winter to go to lunch. They get really pissed if you’re loud during class time, but you don’t seem like the loud type.”
I smile. No, not really. Loud spaces were difficult sometimes, especially when I was as uncomfortable as I am now. Rose takes my arm and leads me down the last hall. “This is the Junior hall.”
We walk down a hall filled with blue lockers. There’s a door to a classroom about every twenty or thirty feet. Rose looks at my class schedule. “You’re locker 364, not that far from me!”
We find my locker and Rose tells me to leave my bag there. I do, after struggling with the combination for ten minutes. The end of the hall comes to a corner with a staircase and a wall of windows. Around the corner is a door marked Gymnasium. Rose lets me peek in and I can only gape at the two basketball courts, and, beyond that, a huge glass wall. There are treadmills and workout equipment on the top floor, and I get a glimpse of the pool on the first level. Rose drags me up the stairs and I’m in an identical hall as the one below us. More lockers, more classrooms. Rose points out which ones are which, but I know that I’ll forget.
We came to the area where Principal Organa’s office had been on the other side, but here it's a student lounge overlooking the courtyard. There’s a little kitchen area with a vending machine and a microwave and plenty of chairs, couches, and tables for studying. Rose is explaining something about the vending machines when an announcement comes over the speakers. “Will all students and staff please report to the auditorium for the Welcome Back Assembly? All students and staff please report to the auditorium for the assembly. Thank you.”
Rose’s eyes light up as if she lives for assemblies. Maybe she’s just excited to see Finn again. She grabs my arm and power walks me through the hall and down the stairs. We enter the auditorium through double doors and the room is buzzing with noise and excitement. Poe and Finn wave at us from the front of the room.
We join them as the lights dim and Principal Organa comes up on stage. The buzz in the room dies out and she waits for silence. “Hello, New Republic High!”
A riotous cheer echoes through the auditorium and Poe and Finn are whooping beside me. Organa raises her hands and the room quiets once more. “I hope you all had a great summer and are excited to get back to work. I only have a few announcements and then I’ll send you on your way. First, there will be absolutely NO pranks played on the cheerleaders this year, Mr. Dameron.” Her eyes are shooting lasers at Poe.
He gives her a cheerful thumbs up and leans over to me. “I’m planning on the swim team, instead.”
I giggle. Organa’s already moved on to more usual school things. Laptop roll out, schedule questions, where to look for club sign-ups. I should pay attention, but I’m still trying to process everything around me. It’s all so new and crazy. I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing, just have to get through the first day. The first week.
The assembly ends and Rose takes my hand, leading me out the side. First on the agenda, English Comp. We make our way back to my locker and she leaves me for a second to grab her own bag. The hall is filled with students rushing to classes and I cling to my bag, anxiety filling my chest. Rose touches my arm. “I’m not sure what I would do without you. It’s a lot to take in.”
Rose beams. “I got you. It’s exciting having a new friend. My sister went off to college this year, so I’ve been a bit lonely. And it all calms down after the first week. Everyone is crazy trying to figure out their schedules and where they need to be.”
We have English together, then Latin, then Math, then Physics. My stomach is rumbling by the time lunch rolls around and I find myself standing in line with Rose, staring out over the huge bustling lunchroom. “How long do we have to eat?”
“What?” Rose gives me a strange look. “Oh, it’s not timed, really. You just have to make it to your next class on time. Which is… Drawing at two. Nice. So, like, an hour.”
Lunch looks better than anything I had ever been served back on Jakku. For one, it resembles actual food. For another, I get to choose what I want to eat. Maybe I could get used to this. My stomach turns. Maybe I shouldn’t get used to this. I knew how quickly things could get taken away.
When we sit down, Poe and Finn are in the middle of arguing about football, I think. It’s all just sports talk to me. Rose leans over to me, “Don’t worry, I have no idea what they’re saying either. Are you liking your classes so far?”
“Yeah, but I think I’ll need a cart to carry all these books around.” I grin and poke at my peas.
Rose snorts. “Me too. It’s torture. Hey, we should definitely start a study group together. I saw that you have a free block with me Tuesdays and Thursdays.”
“That would be great.” A friend! I smile and dig into my chicken.
“Do you think you’re going to join any clubs or anything? There’s A Capella, chess, film…”
I shrug. “I’ve never really been a group person.” Rose gives me the saddest look. “But, I can see. What are you in?”
A giant smile breaks across Rose’s face.
“Oh, now you’ve released the beast.” Finn chuckles, making eyes across the table at his girlfriend.
“So, there’s this group I’ve been wanting to get started.” Rose’s eyes are bright and excited and I can’t help but laugh. “It’s called FEM-STEM for women in science. And we’d be part robotics team, part STEM buds, and it would really just be you and me for right now, but that’s enough to start and I, like, need a Vice President.”
“I would love, too!” There’s a flash of anxiety in my gut as I drop out of the dream for a second. “But I don’t know how long I’m staying here. It’s all so new, you know. But, I’ll definitely think about it. I just want to make sure Maz is like a sure thing. I haven’t had the greatest time with foster parents.”
I finish softly and there’s a soft oh from Rose’s lips. I look up and my eyes connect with his. Dark, brooding, intense. I gasp and look away. I look back up and he’s turned away, head in a book, scribbling, black hair falling over his eyes. I know those eyes… I know them from… Somewhere. I tune back in.
“It’s totally okay. I totally understand. I didn’t mean to bring up-”
“I’ll do it.” I force a smile. Rose squeals and pulls me into a huge hug. What is it with these people and hugs? “I have to talk to Maz first.”
“Oh, Rey. Thank you.” Rose is bouncing in her seat with excitement.
I glance back at him and he looks up at me. Something imperceptible passes across his eyes and he gathers his things to leave. The table he’s at is empty. “Who’s that?”
Poe, Finn, and Rose’s eyes track mine as I watch him leave the giant lunch hall. Poe’s face immediately darkens into anger while Rose and Finn share a knowing look and glance at Poe. Poe takes a deep breath and lets it out. “It’s fine. She’ll find out sooner or later and it may as well be from us.”
Poe’s eyes meet mine and I’m filled with a burning curiosity. He’s immediately on edge, tensed.
“I can’t believe she let him come back.” Rose mutters.
“Well, he is her son.” Finn replies softly. I glance between the three of them confused.
“What happened?”
Rose sighs. Her voice is almost a whisper like she’s telling me a secret. “That’s Ben Solo.”
“Solo?” It sounds familiar but I can’t quite find it amongst the ocean of information that’s been driven into my head today.
“Yeah, Principal Organa and Mr. Solo’s son.” Finn fills in. Suddenly, Poe slams his fist down on the table and the whole cafeteria goes quiet. He stands and walks out. My eyes go wide. Finn grabs both their trays. “I’ll go calm him down.”
The chatter starts up again as Finn leaves. My heart is racing. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up something bad. I-“
“No, Rey, it's okay. You didn’t know. You couldn’t have.” Rose’s voice is steady. Calming. “I just wouldn’t bring Ben Solo up in front of Poe again.”
“Yeah, of course.” I poke at the remaining peas on my plate, no longer hungry.
“Poe and Ben… well I think they used to be really good friends as kids. I’m not sure. I moved here in middle school. But as they grew up, well, Poe is really easy to like. And Ben, I guess, not so much. I’m a little fuzzy on the details. But I guess Ben started having a lot of mental health problems and anger issues and I think he got started down the wrong path. No one is really sure, but a lot of people say he might sell drugs or something. And Poe thinks that Ben sold Poe’s twin sister the drugs that Lily overdosed on. And it all kind of culminated at the end of last year when Ben showed up to the funeral. Poe came to school and it was so scary. I’ve never seen him so angry. And he and Ben got into a fight in the courtyard that sent both of them to the hospital. The police got involved. It was horrible. And I guess Ben got shipped off to some reform summer camp. And it’s why Poe can’t play any varsity or junior lacrosse this year.”
“Gods. That’s horrible.” Anxiety knits my stomach. Maybe I should find Poe and apologize.
“Yeah...” Rose wipes away a tear and looks at the time on her phone. “Oh! I should probably get you to your next class. I have vocal so it’s in the same wing at least.”
We discard out trays and walk out of the cafeteria and up a flight of stairs to the Art Hall as Rose called it. There were three art studios on one side of the hall and the orchestra/band room on the other side. Two double doors at the end of the hall were for the balcony seats of the auditorium. I waved goodbye to Rose and she ran off to the auditorium for vocal and for the first time today I’m alone. The classroom looks empty since I’m about ten minutes early so I go in and nearly jump out of my skin.
Ben Solo is sitting in the corner of the classroom at one of the high drawing desks eating an apple. He looks up in surprise as I enter and takes a bite. I can’t get rid of the feeling that I know him from somewhere. But where?
“Sorry… I thought it was empty.” No reply. “Is it okay if I sit in here too?”
His intense eyes regard me carefully. “It’s a free country.”
His voice is deep, gravelly, sensual almost. I… was not expecting that. I pick one of the desks almost directly across from him. He goes back to his work as I take out my schedule and club list, as well as a thick welcome packet Rose had given to me. It’s the first time today I’m able to sit and breathe and think. I let out a deep sigh. First days are the worst.
I feel a tingle on my skin like someone’s watching me and I look up only to see him look back down at his sketchbook. A strand of long black hair falls in front of his face and I catch myself wondering what it would feel like to brush it back.
What the hell, Niima? I look back down at my papers electing to ignore him. He probably just had one of those faces. Besides, if anything Rose said was true, I shouldn’t  trust this guy at all. It’s not trust, it's curiosity. Okay, well, then I shouldn’t be curious either. He’s bad enough to make funny, happy-go-lucky Poe Dameron go nuclear.
I glance back up at him and our eyes lock. I don’t know if we’re looking at each other for minutes or hours or just seconds. He moves like he wants to ask me something and the classroom door swings open breaking our trance.
A tall woman struggles through the door carrying a giant armful of drawing pads and utensils. I rush to help her, taking some of her things.
“Oh, thank you, dear. You’re so kind. Yes, just put one on each desk for me.”
I’ve taken a box of boxes of drawing pencils from her. I set to work placing boxes of pencils on my desk, deliberately starting as far away from him as possible. I work my way around the U of desks and come to him. He stiffens as I draw near and dammit he smells good too. I hastily shove a pencil box at him and he takes it. His fingers brush against mine and I gasp, hurrying away from him. My heart is pounding in my chest and I can feel him watching me. I’m so ready for this day to end.
I set the empty box down on the desk and the art teacher is desperately trying to get the overhead projector to turn on.
“Do you mind?” She hands me the remote and I turn on the projector with one click. She laughs and takes it back. “I swear, technology hates me. I don’t recognize you so you must be…. Rey Nemo.”
“Niima.” I smile.
She clicks her tongue. “Yes, that’s what Rose said. Pretty name. I’m Mrs. Tico, the drawing teacher.”
“Rose’s mom?”
She smiles brightly. I can tell where Rose gets her sunshine personality from.  “The one and only. I hope my daughter hasn’t scared you off yet.”
There’s a light scoff behind me and I look back to see Ben concentrating very hard on his notebook. Did he know me? Did he recognize me from somewhere, too?
I turn back to Mrs. Tico. “Not at all. She’s been really nice and welcoming. I think it’s the best welcome party I’ve ever had.”
The door swings open and students start to roll in. Mrs. Tico smiles. “Well, we’re more than happy to have you here and I’m delighted to have you as a student, Rey. Maybe you can convince my daughter to take one class with her momma. I sure can’t.”
I laugh and head back to my seat. I don’t catch him looking at me the rest of the block, but for some reason I know he is.
The bell rings, signifying the end of the block and I gather myself. Rose is waiting for me outside the door, a petrified look on her face.
“You have class with him? After I told you all that stuff? Oh jeez, I’m so sorry.” Rose's eyes are wide.
I shrug. “Don’t worry about it.”
Should I mention the staring? The eye contact? The fact that I find him kinda hot? The weird feeling in my chest when he looks at me? Probably not. Probably should just chalk this up to weird teenage hormones.
“So the shop is a bit different. It’s across the parking lot because it has to be a separate building because of building codes or something.” Rose says as we walk through the hall, down the stairs, and through the double glass doors into the back parking lot. We head towards a building made of white tin and Rose drops me off at the door.
“I like your mom, by the way. She seems nice.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty cool. She keeps wanting me to take art classes but I can’t draw to save my life.” Rose shrugs. “Do you have any plans after school? I usually go to the coffee shop and work on homework or hang out until Finn gets done with practice.”
“That sounds fun. I think Maz wanted to take me shopping for some things tonight though. Maybe some other time?”
“Oh sure! How about tomorrow?” Rose raises her eyebrows. “I mean you can totally say no, but I think it would be fun to hang out outside of school.”
It was hard to not want to be Rose’s friend. She made it so easy. Don’t get attached. She’s just being nice. I pushed the thought out of my head. “Yeah! Tomorrow sounds great.”
Rose beamed.  “Sweet! I’ll see you tomorrow then! Bye, Rey!”
I watched her race across the parking lot back to school. I opened the door to the huge white shop and was greeted with a small classroom. A couple tables with benches faced a white board. And in front of the white board, staring at me again was Ben. Why me. Why today.
It looks like I’ve just interrupted a strained conversation between him and the man at the desk. Ben immediately takes a seat near the outside wall of the room. The man at the desk stands and saunters over to me. He’s wearing a white shirt and jeans with grease spots. He’s got greying hair and a twinkle in his eye. “Rey Niima?”
I nod.
“Han Solo, how you doing, kid?” He sticks his hand out and I shake it. I’m trying to put three and three together. The grungy man before me and the polished lady I met earlier and their mysterious son in the corner.
“I’m okay, thank you.”
“Nice to have a girl in here. Maybe it will teach some of these boys a lesson.”
Not sure what that means, but I catch Ben glaring grumpily at the desk in front of him.
“Have you worked with engines before, kid?”
I nod. “A little bit. Kinda. I… Stayed with someone who owned a junkyard and he let me take stuff apart. Mostly I think he just wanted me to learn how to strip cars for parts cause my hands were small.”
Is that too much information? My stomach twists but Mr. Solo seems delighted and Ben is staring at me again. He quickly looks away.
“Oh, yeah, Maz had told me she was fostering a new kid. Look at you. You’ll do fine here. Just pick a seat. We’ll start once the others show up.”
I sit down two rows behind Ben. Try to stare at me now. I smirk. But now you get to be the one who stares. I roll my eyes at my subconscious. It’s curiosity. And hormones. Pure and simple.
By the time I get home that night, I’m completely exhausted from the day and from answering a million questions. The moment I lay down, I’m passed out and dreaming of dark eyes and endless darkness. Flashes of him pass through, fleeting. When I wake in the morning, I can’t remember much of it.
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