#oh lord I should port my FFVIII fic over to ao3 before ff net kicks the dust
hypaalicious · 2 years
Oh Yuna 100%. She was actually my first fictional crush. And remains the #1 Final Fantasy girl in my heart. Heck honestly possibly even #1 character for me. But Ignis may have taken that full title away from her... 👀
I couldn't get into IX for so long lol but I tried again about a year ago and ADORED it. I don't know what changed 🤷 for sure Seph is what got me to retry and also enjoy VII. It wasn't until I knew his whole story that I was interested though.
Honestly when I first saw things about XV I was so disappointed and uninterested because of how real it felt in comparison to like X and VIII (my faves at the time) but now.. I love that about it tbh lol I connect with the characters and the story so much more! Like. I can actually RELATE to Noct and Prompto and that's amazing to me.
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Honestly all the Chocobros being relatable saved the game. I think that’s why the fandom still persists to this day! If they were just normal JRPG protags then I don’t think it would have gotten traction the way it did.
Yuna, especially after I played the other FFs, remains the only female MC that I actually like. Not just tolerate or acknowledge as the main guy’s love interest LOL. Characters like Rinoa and Aerith annoy the mess out of me, and characters like Lunafreya I be forgetting exist until they show up. I think it’s a testament to how poor Squenix writes female characters 😂
Auron was my crush from FFX; I still have his figma rn proudly displayed on my bookshelf LOL. One of my old nicknames was actually Rikku, and I had a whole stint in college where I was doing my hair like hers. To this day, if I can get me a cosplay made of FFX-2 Rikku’s Warrior Dressphere I will be SO HAPPY
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