#that’s gonna be such an undertaking 😩
hypaalicious · 2 years
Oh Yuna 100%. She was actually my first fictional crush. And remains the #1 Final Fantasy girl in my heart. Heck honestly possibly even #1 character for me. But Ignis may have taken that full title away from her... 👀
I couldn't get into IX for so long lol but I tried again about a year ago and ADORED it. I don't know what changed 🤷 for sure Seph is what got me to retry and also enjoy VII. It wasn't until I knew his whole story that I was interested though.
Honestly when I first saw things about XV I was so disappointed and uninterested because of how real it felt in comparison to like X and VIII (my faves at the time) but now.. I love that about it tbh lol I connect with the characters and the story so much more! Like. I can actually RELATE to Noct and Prompto and that's amazing to me.
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Honestly all the Chocobros being relatable saved the game. I think that’s why the fandom still persists to this day! If they were just normal JRPG protags then I don’t think it would have gotten traction the way it did.
Yuna, especially after I played the other FFs, remains the only female MC that I actually like. Not just tolerate or acknowledge as the main guy’s love interest LOL. Characters like Rinoa and Aerith annoy the mess out of me, and characters like Lunafreya I be forgetting exist until they show up. I think it’s a testament to how poor Squenix writes female characters 😂
Auron was my crush from FFX; I still have his figma rn proudly displayed on my bookshelf LOL. One of my old nicknames was actually Rikku, and I had a whole stint in college where I was doing my hair like hers. To this day, if I can get me a cosplay made of FFX-2 Rikku’s Warrior Dressphere I will be SO HAPPY
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saturdaysmp3 · 5 months
get to know you better game
thanks @moon-sun-thyme for the tag 💙💙
favorite song: right now I can’t stop listening to Too Sweet by Hozier 😩😍 ughhh so good !!!
currently watching: I’m so late to the party on this but I just started Queen Charlotte 2 nights ago and I’m part way through the 5th episode now aahhh it’s insane 🔥🔥 making me feel alllllll the feels!
Also I’m gonna say a movie I just watch too bc I loved it….I watched Plus One on Netflix and it was adorable 🥺🥺 would recc !!
currently obsessed with: NIALL !! I’m so excited for him to come to US for tour!!! Ahhhhh
Annddd the TOTAL ECLIPSE!! I literally still cannot get over how magical and amazing it was! I wanna see it again soooooo bad!!
also it’s not an obsession but I’ve been deep cleaning my house and going through phases of motivation so I’m gonna say that bc it’s currently really on my mind and a such big/time consuming project I’m undertaking. It’s so exhausting but I know it’ll be worth it in the long run
tagging (no pressure 🩵) :
@thelarrielouie @justthinkingaboutlouis @holyshit @wendersfive @hometothecanyonmoon @dreamersdivingheadfirst @pearlblue2 @biathecreature and anyone else who’s interested 💕
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giigil · 10 months
Are you ever gonna give us a bot tutorial? or how you got yours to be so accurate and zikejdudehdn amazing 😩
oh sure!! i'm very surprised to see people saying they're accurate 😅😅
putting under a read more bc this is preeeeetty lengthy.
uh let's see...
the greeting is everything. give it as much information with what little characters you have. you want to make it as clear and concise as possible so that the bot'll have a clear understanding of the situation you want it to undertake. this takes a lot of trial and error for me since the more complex an idea, the bot's more than likely to fuck up. if you want user to have a relationship with the character beforehand, try to define it in the greeting, too.
the way the character initially speaks and acts in their greeting will be that attitude towards the user at first.
long description is kind of iffy for me right now. in the past, i used to put the character's attributes like appearance, characteristics, and a small tidbit of the scenario they're going through.
but now, i've changed the formatting to the scenario in general.
*he tends to your wounds long desc.
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it's not like this for a lot of my bots, but i'm in the process of rearranging (reworking) things so that they're this way. ...in due time!
as for character definition, i typically take information from a character's wikipedia page and break it down into bits and pieces that make it easy for the bot to regurgitate/use in responses.
the way that i format the definition now is:
a brief description of the character (age, characteristics, appearance, what they're doing in the rp)
the character's relationship with the user: how they feel about user, how they met, etc.
character's relationships with other characters. who do they know? are they friends, how do they feel about them?, etc.
character's backstory. (if you're taking from wikipedia, again, break it down. make it easier for the bot to digest.)
*a snippet.
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character's outfit
extra facts i find about the character from their wiki page.
i use
{{char}}: info here
when i have the time and patience, i also do example messages!! (these are messages that bots send for my first round before i release.) this is completely optional.
formatted as the following:
{{user}}: whatever message
{{char}}: response here.
*he tends to your wounds example message.
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uhhh that's about it for what i usually do.
a lot of what i do is a shit ton of TRIAL AND ERROR and my brain being indecisive and going at mach speed.
if you have any questions... let me know!!!
thank you so much!! ♥️
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
2! 7! 14! 22! 26! 35! 41! 50! 63 [LDOMLK]! 72! 74! 77! / I'M SORRY 😭😭😭
these are GOOD questions 🫠🤠
OMG SARAH!!!! STICKING MOST OF THIS UNDER A READ MORE... YOU DEMON...... (thank you and i love you 😭😭)
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
legit anywhere, everywhere. sometimes in movies or tv shows, sometimes from songs, sometimes from random shit i see on the internet, sometimes from my personal life 🤭 and sometimes my brain just goes "hey wouldn't it be wild if X" so like i have to assume those come straight from god lmaooooo
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
one day i'll finish park and ride 3..... but for now i'll give you the intro ~under the cut~ 👀
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14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
in my mf bed lmaooooo or on my couch. i'll write basically laying down with my laptop on my stomach bc anything else makes my back hurt because i'm NEARLY 30 👹
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
this can happen anywhere along the line. sometimes i'll steal the title from a song, either one that inspired the fic ("party on you" comes from charli xcx's party 4 u, "heartless" comes from the kanye west song) or didn't but the specific song line feels correct ("the shape of your body" comes from taylor swift's cruel summer, which.... does not fit the plot at all but i thought it worked well for the themes of bodies/art). sometimes the title comes first and i build the fic around that theme ("babygirl"). sometimes i finish a whole fic and i'm like what the fuck do i call this and i pick something that feels obvious and fits with the story ("park and ride", "two in one").
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
the first draft 💀 i LOVE outlining, and i LOVE polishing/detail editing stuff once i have a first pass written, but getting that first pass out.... it's like pulling fucking teeth. every time. like do i even like writing 🤣
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME CHOOSE A FAVORITE 🔪 i love all my children for different reasons.... we'll go with the shape of your body for now just because i really didn't know if i could write something like that, it was such an undertaking, and i've reread it in bits and pieces multiple times because it's so comforting to me 🥰
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
i have an insaaaaaane soft spot for fratboy jk from the spins. i wanna write something else with him SO BAD. i wanna give him a motorcycle 😩
50. How would you describe your writing style?
ashdfjkadf this is hard !!! i strive for realistic, character-driven, humorous, thoughtful, accessible, poetic, honest, and horny. so hopefully.... some mix of those 🤣
63. What was the hardest part of writing [LDOMLT]?
heavy emotional bits aside...... it's probably going to be writing the fucking grammys like i have any idea what the fuck goes on there LMAO 💀 gonna need to watch some youtube videos for research
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
anytime i get compliments on queer aspects of my stories and specifically hear that it resonated with someone or allowed them to better understand/embrace a party of their identity, i just.... fucking melt 🫠 i've heard that several times with the shape of your body and it kills me every single time. it is the highest honor of my life 🙇‍♀️
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
babygirl lmao!!!!! justice for jk with his butterfly clips 😭 but i get it that one is uhhhh. deeply self-indulgent
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
so many reasons! i love to connect with people. i love to capture my thoughts on the world and the human condition and how we interact with and treat each other. i love to make myself and others feel less alone and more seen. i love to manifest the shit i'm trying to find in my own life 😩 and of course i love to pay my own little horny artistic tribute to OT7 given that their art has done soooo much for me!!! 💜
stuck in the airport ask game party: fanfic writing asks
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rainchyna · 2 years
Shawn interactions! He's really gonna be the "if he annoys you then he likes you" type huh😭
MY WIVES❤️‍🔥 Love it when women support women! They were so surprised too😭
Pat Paterson, doing the lord's work at lightning speed amen
The crowds love us as they should😌 Heel!Taker doesn't stand a chance.
Yk we're going all the way to Survivor Series. "If the crowd loves it" my ass. Was there every any doubt?
Atp everybody wants to be with y/n except for Vince, and even he's on the fence abt it😭
four episodes in and were only now getting some i know y’all were STARVING LMAO BUT WE GOT THERE 🤠 he’s so annoying 🤭
he makin sure the crowd gets what they want and that y/n makes that money 😌
heel taker could neverrrrrrrr i can imagine the you sold out chants going crazyyyy
you know damn well ☝🏽🤨 the crowd will devour the feast they’ve been delivered. it’s Y/N AND THE UNDERTAKER LIKE CMON NOW
you never know
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aberooski · 2 years
Haven't watched OG YuGiOh in years but omg you are so right about Tristan 😭
Fr that boy is such a ride or die and the biggest supporter and literally carries the squad on his back constantly. Tristan is the team protector, a voice of reason, a strong, steadfast, and steady rock for them to lean on. All he wants to do is help support and protect his friends and because he's not a duelist he has to sit on the side and let them do their thing and gets pushed to the backburner but that doesn't stop him from trying to help anyway if there's an available route for him to do so.
Like the whole Mokuba situation during the Pegasus duel (which according to my limited knowledge of the manga he does his little Metal Gear Tristan shit during the equivalent of episode 28 literally my favorite episode so like way earlier which is wild to my anime dominant brain), he undertakes that optional sidequest because he thinks it could help make the situation better for Yugi if Pegasus doesn't hold all of the proverbial cards in the event that he can reclaim Seto and Mokuba's bodies. Which of course he does manage to rescue Mokuba, but therein lies the Yami Bakura shit. That bitch is trying to get Mokuba too but for more nefarious reasons, and Tristan the absolute king fuckin HOODWINKS this bitch. Like straight has him believing he's gonna just hand Mokuba's body over, and thus he throws Mokuba's soulless little baby body at him, karate chops him in the neck, and fucking trebuchets the Millennium Ring into the woods like a frisbee. And Yami Bakura is D O W N. Literally everybody thought he was straight up gone for the longest time afterwords. Tristan really did that. Plus, he did it to stop him from controlling bby gud boi Bakura 🥺. A+ friend right there my guys.
Not to mention all the other shit he did for the squad during Duelist Kingdom alone, lest we forget the time he tried to punch a boulder that even though was fake, they thought it was real at the time and for the sake of
1: avenging Bakura who they thought was fuckin dead because of the boulder balloon
2: trying to save Yugi and Téa as well as himself so they could make it out to find Joey and make sure he was okay.
Like fr he was coming to Joey's defense the entire season. A trend of course that would continue the entire anime 😌👍
Also side note: if I needed somebody to beat up some guys for me you better believe I'd be calling Tristan. I'd sooner call up Tristan to punch a guy in the face than Joey or even Seto. Assuming the bastard would even take my call at all much less actually show up 🙄 Because seriously Tristan has a better track record for beating people up successfully than anybody else in that damn show. Mans took down a whole ass group of Rare Hunters BY HIMSELF in season 2 and Joey got his ass fuckin kicked by them. Granted he had Téa around at the time to protect and worry about but we're not talking about them rn This man would have gladly thrown hands with both Odion and even fuckin Yami Marik if he'd been given an opportunity, I have full confidence in that thought.
Also let us repeat that he fuckin took Yami Bakura O U T in season 1. Literally nobody else could ever. And that's not even the last time he’d throw hands with the man either, Tristan straight clocks Thief King Bakura in season 5 and like even impresses him in the process and gets himself possessed because he thinks Tristan could be useful to him like 😩😩😩 he has more run-ins with Yami Bakura than like anybody else on the show and like majority of the time comes out successfully safe or is even straight up helped out by the guy. Anyone else could never.
I'm calling Tristan if I need to be bailed out of a tussle.
If I rant any longer I'll never stop, so yes, um, I love Tristan. Joey may be my favorite character and the love of my life but Tristan is the best boy and he deserves the entire world and everyone takes him for granted and devalues him and he deserves a nap and a sandwich for carrying the group on his damn back for 236 episodes. Thank you and goodnight.
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writefandoms · 3 years
Y’all are gonna hate me😩 But I’m gonna start fresh and clear out my inbox, I just don’t have any inspiration for any of the requests. Sorry y’all 😞
But I’ll be taking requests for Silco, Viktor, Undertaker, Sebastian, Alucard (hellsing), Joel Miller, Aizawa, and Professor Stein ❤️
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bluepriestess · 2 years
I decided I want to pursue turning my story into an actual published book, but since it was a story that started as a irl fan fiction of me and my friends I obv need to go back and change names/specific personal details and also remove a character, as I am not friends with said person anymore+removing an additional character would make the story feel more cohesive lol 😩
it’s gonna be such an undertaking but I think that once that is done I’ll be able to finish it quickly since I’ll have had gone over the entire thing again so all details will be fresh
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