#oh my god today i found out our guitar technician on this show is ALSO furious about go s2 i feel so vindicated
mobydyke · 2 years
the way that in the last couple years I've become a speed demon driver, fallen in love with the world in a new way every day, and acquired a small army of plants that I talk to...... who's gonna tell 16yr old avery that I have in fact grown up to be my favorite book character
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Pool side shenanigans; Brian May x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Okay everyone along with this being a request, I wanted this to be done by today because in honor of our beloved Brian May’s birthday, I have a fic to present to all of you. So to the anon who requested this lovely platonic fic with Brian May, I hope you enjoy it and also BIG shout out to the man himself, Happy Birthday Brian May I hope you had a great one and just know that you are always loved and an inspiration not just as a musician, scientist or animal activist, but also what being a human being is. You are a true star and we don’t deserve you. Happy 72nd Birthday Brian Harold May :)
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Queen Taglist:
It was 1975 at Ridge farm studios.  It was probably the hottest day of the summer and I could barely take the heat any longer. If you’re wondering who I am, I’ll tell you. The name’s (y/n) (l/n), I’m 16 years old and you could call me Queen’s official ‘roadie/makeup artist/mini-groupie’.  I’ve known the band since I was nine years old since my older brother Derek has been with the band since the beginning.
He’s real close with the band since he’s responsible for helping Deacy with his amp, even having a little cocktail bar installed behind it for his performances. And since my brother is close friends with all four guys, that made me close with them.  But even by being close with them, I always found myself drawn more towards Brian.
I’ve always had a fascination with the guitar and always wanted to play it, and the first time I saw Brian play, I was just in awe of what he could do.  It was like his fingers moved independently from each other and just molded with the guitar.  During one rehearsal I was spying observing him and just fell under the spell of the sounds that his famed Red Special made, I was so entranced that he had caught me watching him.
Now I wasn’t quite as close to the guys just yet at that point in time, so I shyly hid under behind all the crates and amps hoping that he didn’t see me, but he did. He talked to me and of course being that age standing before an upcoming rockstar being born I was a bit intimidated but he talked to me, just like how my brother does.  He even let me touch and hold his Red Special and even gave me a mini-guitar lesson and showed me how he plays, and from that point on the rest is history.
As years went by, my brother taught me the ins and outs of what being a roadie technician is and how the amps work out and every summer I helped him out with Queen’s tours.  Now when it came to this trip for the boys to record their recent album “A Night at the Opera”, my brother had unfortunately came down with a really bad stomach flu so he said that I would have to go on my own.
Which was no problem with him because he knew I would take care of the boys and help them out with whatever they needed me to do.  And of course all 4 band members equally agreed that they wanted me on the trip.  So after awhile of recording, we all now relocated here at Ridge farm studios to just relax and take the time off before heading back to Rockfield.
Now with it being summertime, the summers here in England get pretty hot.  I was in the pool along with Deacy just simply talking as we lounged on those pool beds that float, while Fred and Rog were goofing around trying to dunk each other in the water.
“When’s Bri gonna come out?” I asked.
“He said he’d come out whenever he got done checking his thesis.” Answered Deacy.
“But even a brain like his needs rest.”
“Ohh love face it, when Brian gets too involved with his studies, nothing’s gonna change his mind.” Freddie proclaimed as he had dunked Rog under the water before taking away the inner tube they were both fighting over, that was until he was pulled under the water and Roger now came through the tube as Fred now came back up for air only to see his prize taken away.
“Well good thing he always falls for me. Watch and learn boys.” I got out of the pool and dried myself off as best as I could and headed back towards the house.
Inside I saw Brian in the dining room with the portable fan on its highest setting and all around the table were papers and astrophysics books scattered around. Brian was sweating from the heat and I swore I could see smoke coming out of his ears and see the gears in his head working as he was editing his thesis.  I quietly walked up to him and just wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head up against his.
“Hey (y/n).” he said.
“How’s the thesis going?” I asked.
“Slowly but surely. Just found out there’s some points that I didn’t quite backup enough so I’m having to rewrite certain structures of it.”
“Uh-huh, and what’s your paper about again?”
“Interplanetary stardust. My thesis revolves around the radical velocities in zodiacal dust.” I just nodded along pretending to understand what it was he was talking about.
“Well I can clearly see the gears turning in your head, and I think I even see smoke coming out of your ears.”
“Ha-ha. Now what exactly do you want (y/n)?”
“Come take a break Brian. You’ve been working so hard lately not just with this but I’ve also seen you writing more songs for the album. Take a break Bri and come out and have a nice swim with us, please?”
“I’ll join in later (y/n), I promise okay.”
“Bo buts. Now please leave.” I pouted as he went back to his work but I refused to leave.  If there’s anything you need to know about me, it’s that I’m too stubborn for my own good. And I don’t leave until I get what I want.  
I walked back toward him and just leaned up against his back, lying my head against his curls.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Has anyone told you your hair is like a fluffy pillow?” I teased.  I buried my face into it, allowing his curls to tickle my cheek and nose.
“It would seem you’re the first one to tell me that.” He said.
“And I actually get to brag to Derek about one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“That I’m the first person ever to actually see what the top of Brian May’s hair is like. And it’s even floofier on top.” I wrapped my arms further around him and said, “C’mon Bri please. I’ll be your best friend.”
“You already are my best friend.”
“Just please take a break, you’re the one always telling me to take a break when I get stressed out from school. Want my advice, take a lesson from your book and know that if you keep going like this at this rate, you’ll only make yourself sick.” I quoted him using my best Brian impersonation while bopping his nose much like how he always does it with me.
He turned to look at me and I tilted my head at him giving him my best puppy dog pout.
“C’mon Bri.” He just stared at me and then I upped up the antic by saying sadly, “Okay then. I guess I’ll just go back out and be lonely. Maybe die of heatstroke because now I don’t want to swim with anyone but my favorite queen member.” I began to walk away from him when I heard him say.
“Alright love, you win. I’ll be out in a second.” I smirked and walked right out of the house but it wasn’t until I got out of the house that I had a spring in my step.
Works every time.
As I returned to the pool with a confident stride I proclaimed.
“Hello children.”
“So I assume by the walk, you managed to convince him?” Deacy said.
“Hook, line and sinker every time.” I said smugly as I got back on my innertube bed. “Guilt trip works like a charm. I’m so clever I even amaze myself.”
It was a few minutes later and I was the only one still lying on a innertube bed while the boys were going off on the diving board, mainly Rog and Fred were trying to outdo the other one in dives or flips.  As Roger managed to do a backflip I shook my head and muttered.
“Show off.” I rested my head back against the ‘pillow’ portion of my bed when suddenly I felt myself being flipped over.  I let out a shriek as I was now underwater.  I came up for air and I said as I turned towards them.  “Alright Rog! What was that about?”
“What are you talking about (n/n)?”
“Don’t pretend I know that was you who flipped me over!”
“Love I may play some pranks on you but that wasn’t me.” He reasoned with me.
“It’s true darling, the minute you flipped over, he had come up from his back flip, how could he get from there to here so fast?” Freddie questioned.  Okay so if Roger was just coming up from where he dove, Freddie was at the diving board as well as Deacy, wait that means……
Suddenly I felt something grab my waist and pull me underwater once more.  I opened my eyes and I saw the familiar face of Brian.  He took me over towards the innertube bed and I came up for air coughing out while his eyes and nose peeked out of the water staring right at me.
“Not cool Brian! Hasn’t anyone told you it’s rude to disturb a girl on an innertube bed?” It was then he did something I never thought he do.  My mentor, rock god of the guitar, astrophysicist Brian May actually spat water in my face like a whale breaching the surface.  “Oh you are so dead!”
It then turned into a water fight, splashing each other in the face laughing and roughhousing like children.  This continued on for a few more minutes until finally Brian had me trapped in his arms and he said.
“You surrender?”
“Fine, but not because of you. It’s only cause I’ve tired and I really want this tube off of my head.” Brian then flipped it off of us and he released me and I swam back towards the tube and got back on it.  “What was that all about Bri?”
“Well how else was I supposed to get back at you for interrupting my work?” I sighed and said.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted you to finally have a chance to relax. I know how hard you work and with this heat I figured you’d want to relax. Heat and hardworking brains don’t mix too well together.”
“I know you meant well love. And I thank you for it. Guess I got a taste of my own medicine after all the years I’ve got on you about stressing out over your own classwork.” He ruffled my wet hair and I slide off the tube and swam out towards the diving board to show these old guys what real diving is all about.
For the rest of the day it was hanging by the poolside, cold glasses of tea or water and just talking by the poolside.  By nightfall, while everyone was inside for the night, Brian and I had a scheduled a stargazing party for two.
We were ‘camped’ out just a few yards away from the house past the pool out to a wide greenery passage with a clearing of the sky, just barely underneath where the moon was.
“So you see (y/n) if you’re wanting to know where the brightest star in the sky is, just turn toward the Canis major constellation and there you will find Sirius.”
“Ohh, see I was told Betelgeuse was the brightest star by a friend of mine.”
“No that’s the 9th brightest star.”
“Well some astronomer he’s going to be, luckily for me I’ve got the best one I know.” I praised as I snuggled up closer to him.  He chuckled softly and stroked down my hair and kissed the top of my forehead.
“What is it?” he asked.
“What’s what?”
“I know that face anywhere, you’re thinking about something that’s making you depressed. So c’mon love out with it.” I sighed and said.
“It’s just—” I tried to find the right words.  Lucky for me Brian’s always so patient with me, while Derek would be telling me about now to just let it out and fess up.  “Well all my friends have officially decided on what they’re gonna do after graduation. Astronomy, biologist, teacher, librarian. All those important jobs, as for me I—I’ve got no clue on what I want to do with my life. I don’t even know what to study.”
“What does your heart tell you?” I looked up at him and asked,
“What’s my heart gotta do with choosing a major?”
“It’s what you’re interested in. Whatever passion you have, your heart will help determine what you want to do.”
“I—I don’t know. And it gets worse cause my parents are always hounding me about getting a better education and me away from this job since my brother chose not to go to college and just worked for a living at an autoshop before meeting you guys.”
“Believe me love I’ve been there before. My mum wanted me to be a surgeon and my father wished for me to have a career that would support me. He’s still peeved about me being in a band, thinking it isn’t doing anything for me.”
“Yeah, my dad’s the same way with Derek.”
“But listen love, I know you’ll find something to study. I know you’re a good story writer. Remember those short stories you would read out loud to me when you were first starting off secondary school?” I nodded and said.
“But I don’t know if mum and dad would approve of me being a writer. Most English majors think you’ll end up being a teacher and I suck at explaining shit to people.”
“Hey, first of all language. And second you are smart. You’re probably the most clever girl I will ever meet in my whole life. Now repeat after me. You are smart.”
“You are smart.” I mocked.  He glared down at me and said.
“Alright cheeky have it your way.” Suddenly he began to tickle my sides.
“Wah no!! Noo Brian not…..not that stohahahp!”
“Then say it.”
“Okay! Okay I’m smart! I’m smart!” he finally stopped leaving me breathless. “I am so gonna make Derek regret ever telling you guys that I was ticklish. You guys are sadists when it comes to tickling. Especially you and Deacy.”
“Ohh come off it darling, we only do it because we love you so much.”
“Yeah, too much.”
“Never enough.” He said as he nuzzled his nose against mine. I smiled softly and rubbed my nose against his as well, giving each other Eskimo kisses. “In all seriousness though love, you can be whatever you want to be. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to figure it out, so long as it makes you happy. And that’s all we ever want from you.”
“Thanks Bri. And I don’t mean just for this but for everything. You’ve taught me so much and—I don’t think I can ever pay you back.”
“There’s no need love. I’m just glad I got the chance to meet you that day, what was it seven years ago?” I nodded and he said, “And it has been my honor to see you grow into a smart, strong young woman. And I know you’re going to do great things love.”
“So will you Bri, I just know Queen’s going to be known by everyone after this album takes off, and I’m just lucky to see the four men behind the masks and see who they really are. And I’m proud to also call them my family.”
“And we’re proud to call you ours.” He brought me close to his chest and kissed the top of my head and the two of us remained outside stargazing throughout the night until the dawn came to greet us.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
You & Me - Part One
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2750 words
May 2017
Backstage was a hub of activity, sound check was done but you'd got a few things to organise before you could head for some food. People moving equipment around and finalising the details for the show today.
"I need some water." A very beautiful blonde bluntly said to you, an all access pass hanging around her neck.
"The food and drink area is down the hall, second on the left." You replied, more politely than you should have considering how rude she had been to you.
"Can't you get it for me?" She asked, looking you up and down like you were something she found on the bottom of her shoe. Apparently your skinny jeans and t-shirt were not to her standards.
"Um, no I have a job to do."
"Aren't you suppose to do whatever Niall asks of you? Isn't that what he pays you for?"
Oh good God, she was one of those.
"I'm a guitar technician, Niall pays me to maintain and set up his instruments for him. He certainly does not pay me to get people drinks." You replied slowly, making sure she got your point.
"Excuse me, who do you think you are?!"
"I'm Callie, Niall's guitar technician. And you are?!" You replied smirking.
"Don't you know who I am?!"
You couldn't help the massive eye roll that occurred.
The sound of someone coming down the steps from the stage had you both turning around. Niall came strolling towards you, dressed casually in dark jeans and a navy t-shirt. Ignoring the obvious atmosphere in the small back area that his guitars were set out in.
"This one sounds so much better since you put those new strings on." He said to you. "You alright?" He suddenly asked the stunning blonde.
"No, this girl won't get me any water."
Niall looked at you and you raised your eyebrows at him, a look of annoyance on your face as he handed you his guitar.
"She's my guitar tech love, and the canteen is down the hall."
"But she was rude to me, surely these people do whatever you want them to."
You shook your head in disgust, honestly what was wrong with her?
Niall looked over to you, he knew you weren't someone who would be rude without a valid reason. He also knew that Saskia was used to getting what she wanted and expected others to cater for her every need.
"Why don't we leave Cal to do her job and we can go get some water and some food?" He replied, placing his hand on the small of her back and guiding her away from you.
The blonde, whose name you didn't know and frankly didn't care to know walked off with Niall. He turned to look at you, giving you a sympathetic sorry look. You didn't return it, he needed to keep his pretty bits of skirt away from you.
Two Months Later
Lazing in the Portuguese sun with a cocktail in one hand and your phone in the other, you started to scroll through Instagram. You noticed that you'd gotten a notification, so opened up the page.
"Woah!" You said, the shock evident in your face.
"What?!!" Bex asked, clearly confused by your face.
"My phone has literally blown up with notifications, and I have like 6,500 more followers?!"
"Babe, seriously?! I mean our bikini shot was good but......" She laughed thinking you were joking with her.
"Oh for fuck sake Niall!" You mumbled. "He fucking liked the picture."
"Did he now?!"
You didn't reply but just rolled your eyes at her.
You scrolled through the comments and they were all from Niall fans. It had happened before when he had started following you. You'd been working with him since he went solo. His first single had been a surprise success, so his management had organised a team to support his performances. You were one of his personal guitar technicians.
When you had been celebrating the success of Slow Hands and toured around with him and his band in the early summer, you had instantly started following them all and in turn them you. Nialls fans were hot on stuff like this and you'd actually had to change your bio to say 'guitar technician, currently touring with Niall Horan' just to clarify who you were.
The fans had asked questions on your most recent post, wanting to know who you were. You had only got a few hundred followers and now your total stood at over 10,000.
You closed the app and started a new text.
"Ni, wtf, you liked my pic? My phone is blowing up with notifications!"
You opened up IG again and started reading the comments.
Oh God!
There were some weird comments.
You'd seen ones like this before. You started following each other and you were female, so everyone read way more into it than they should. You were just colleagues who were friends now, seeing as you clicked instantly when you met. He was humble, down to earth and you liked a lot of the same music. After he experienced problems with his guitar during a performance a few months ago when you'd had to help Jake with something and Phil, another colleague had taken over and messed up, he had insisted that only you helped him. You didn't mind, if you were honest. You preferred just working with him.
It was less than ten minutes later when a new message appeared.
"Sorry! But the picture was too good to not like. Fyi Willie thinks your friend is cute. 😉"
You smiled at his message. Lingering on the words of it being 'too good to not like'.
"Nialls cousin thinks you're cute." You said turning to Bex.
"He does? Is he cute? Have you met him?" She blurted out quickly.
"Bex......... you sound a bit desperate!"
"I've been single for a year and haven't even been on a date for 5 months!"
Now that made you laugh. Bex and yourself were not doing particularly well in that department. Having ended things with your boyfriend at the beginning of the year when you agreed to follow Niall and his team around the world. Having been with Jack for almost a year, you thought he'd understand your job by now. However working with someone as well known as Niall, who would be travelling a lot and heading as far as Australia, would be demanding your full attention. Jack wasn't keen on being left behind.
But at 24, scoring a job like touring and working personally with Niall Horan was as good as it got. You would see the world, get to do your dream job and get paid for it. The fact that Niall was gorgeous and great fun to be around was an added bonus. Being a realist you knew he was way out of your league, and instead a great friendship had been formed and he trusted you with your opinion musically.
"I've met his cousin a couple of times when he visited him when we were working. He's cute too and really nice." You answered, your fingers hovering over the keypad trying to decide how to answer Niall.
"Ask him to send a picture of them!"
"I want to see what he looks like!"
Deciding to ignore the things he had said about your picture, you just told him that Bex was intrigued to see a picture of Willie to see if he was a cute to.
"You don't want to see a picture of me then?!" He asked.
You guys had some great banter when you all hung out when you were working but you'd never text him like this before.
"Meh, I mean if you want to send one?"
"Cheeky! 😉"
A few minutes later he replied with a picture of Willie, sitting by a swimming pool with a beer in his hand. He looked slightly pink from being in the sun but definitely cute and Bex agreed.
"She thinks he's cute too. Are you guys on holiday?" You quickly replied.
"Yeah, this is my view of Ibiza today."
He had added a picture of his legs and feet with an amazing view of the hills and countryside. He was clearly lying on a sunlounger by the same pool as Willie.
Deciding to test the waters with a bit of flirting, you took an almost identical picture of your legs and feet with your view of the sea from where you were lying on the beach.
"My view in Portugal today."
You looked over to see Bex eyeing you up. "Are you sending him a picture of your legs?!" She asked with a massive smirk on her face.
You blushed when you saw his reply come through seconds later.
"Nice view. Great tan."
"Thanks, I bet you're as sun burnt as Willie aren't you?"
"I'm a little bit pink. The boys aren't exactly enthusiastic with putting sun lotion on me!"
The boys?! Mmm...... Your need to know if it was a lads holiday or if she was with him was burning inside you. Once again you hovered over the keypad before deciding just to ask him outright.
"Saskia not with you to assist then?"
The bubbles came up instantly showing he was replying.
"No, I'm not seeing her anymore."
"That's a shame."
"Liar, I know you didn't like her! 😂😂😂"
"I'm sure she was a lovely person, just not to me! But I am sorry it didn't work out. "
"It was just casual anyway. She ended up not being who I thought she was."
"Oh, well we've got tour soon so we will be busy with that. I'm looking forward to it."
"Me too. X"
"Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Let me know when you're back in London and we can try and set these two up."
"You too. I'll see you when we get back."
"And Ni, please stop liking my pictures, your fans are going crazy!"
"Well stop posting bikini shots then!!!!!!!"
"You're the one who follows me around!"
"I get paid to do that you arsehole!"
You were laughing now and Bex was still watching you like a hawk.
"Stop with name calling, I'm off to cry into my beer!"
"Missed our banter. Can't wait to see you."
"Looking forward to seeing you too."
You locked your phone and looked over to Bex. "What?!"
"Were you flirting with him?!"
"No, it was just banter."
"Really?! Then why are you blushing?!
"I'm not, the temperature is like 35 degrees!"
"I'm going to cool off in the sea." You said, avoiding her gaze.
Heading down to the shoreline you looked out across the sea, watching all the boats cruising around the bay.
You were blushing. His words had never had an effect on you before. It had been a few weeks since you'd seen him and the team and you were missing them all. Tour wasn't due to start for another month but rehearsals started in just over a week. You'd be back with them all soon and you couldn't wait.
The weather in London was beautiful, bright blue skies and blazing sun, not a match on Portugal though. It felt great to be home, for a couple of weeks at least. Rehearsals didn't start for a few days so you filled your time pretty much doing nothing. Bex had gone back to work the day after you got back from Portugal, so the flat you shared was empty. Lazing on the sofa browsing Netflix had been your daily activity.
Your phone bleeped from the coffee table.
"Fancy setting up Willie and Bex?" Niall asked. You hadn't heard from him since you were away.
"I do! What did you have in mind?"
"Start off with a trip to the pub later if you're both free?"
"Sounds good, I'll check with Bex and let you know."
"Ok cool, what are you up to now?"
"Don't judge me but....." You replied with a picture of your bare legs stretched out on your sofa, the tv on in the background showing Pretty Woman.
"Great choice. I'm watching golf highlights." He replied with a picture of his bare legs and his giant tv.
"Surprise surprise!"
"I know, I'm so predictable!"
You left the texting there and dropped Bex a message asking her if she fancied going to the pub to meet everyone. Her initial excitement shown on holiday had now diminished and she was unsure and incredibly nervous. An hour later and she had agreed.
A quick message to Niall and you'd finalised the plans.
The pub in Brixton that Niall had suggested wasn't too far from yours, you'd been in there once before. Bex ordered you both a beer as you looked around the pub and didn't spot them.
"Maybe they're in the garden?" Bex said as she paid for your drinks.
"Yeah, let's head out there."
Sure enough as you reach the door to the pub garden you heard his laugh.
Tara spotted you first and jumped out of her seat to run to you and engulf you in a hug. It had been ages since you'd seen her. As Niall's assistant she normally travelled most places with him, she would be joining him on tour to. Niall turned around at that point and smiled when he saw you.
Making your way over to the table with a very nervous Bex, you realised you knew almost everyone from when they had visited Niall at some point when he had been performing over the last few months. Niall introduced you to everyone and the only person you hadn't met before.
"This is Conor. His band WildYouth are performing with us the first night of tour. And this Conor, is Callie my guitar technician." Niall said proudly.
"Ah the famous Callie!" He said smiling.
"I hope that's a good thing!" You said, taking the empty seat next to Niall. Bex sat down next to you taking the last empty seat next to Willie. They looked at each other nervously and you caught Niall's smirk.
"He's been stalking her Instagram." He whispered to you.
"Has he really?!" You whispered back.
"Well I helped, there are some very interesting pictures of you on there."
"Yep there is! Just don't go liking them. My follower count is ridiculous and I've had to turn my notifications off."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Just didn't think." He replied, you could hear the sadness in his voice. A simple like of a friends picture can cause so much trouble for him.
"Its ok, I haven't had too much hate."
"Just ignore it, ok?"
"I am." You replied finally meeting his eyes, and you saw sadness behind them.
A couple of hours later and with the drinks flowing, Willie and Bex had exchanged numbers. Niall had nudged your shoulder when he saw them get their phones out. Both of you smirked, enjoying your match making skills.
"They can keep each other company while we are away." You whispered, and Niall agreed with a nod.
Making your way back from the toilet a little while later, you stopped before you came around the corner to the bar when you heard your name.
"So Callie is exactly as you described her." Conor said.
"Yeah, she's pretty great." Niall agreed.
"So, is she single?!"
"Yeah she is, but she's off limits for you!"
"Off limits? You got yourself a crush there Nialler?!"
"No!" He's scoffed. "It's just, she works for me. She's bloody good at her job and I don't want my friends leeching all over her."
"Ok fair enough. Shame though, she's beautiful."
"She's stunning, but off limits. Ok?!"
"Come on, let's get back out there with these drinks."
You left it a few seconds before rounding the corner and catching up with the lads as they exited the bar to the pub garden.
Laying in bed that night you couldn't stop thinking about what Niall had said. First that you were off limits to pretty much everyone you were likely to meet while working with him and second of all he said you were stunning.
Never in your life have you been called that. You couldn't read much into it. He's already said you were off limits and you assume that meant him to.
Part two
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chromium-siren · 5 years
Nightingale (Part 4)
(A/N: After writer’s block, I can finally continue the story! Yaaaay! Also, a big thank you to @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls for helping me with ways to continue the story!) 
TW: bomb threat.
Brendol’s visit brought us some reassurance, but of course, we didn’t know who to trust. What if Brendol was still working for Vader? No, that probably wouldn’t be reasonable, especially since I literally just met him today. Nonetheless, Hux and I waited for that Tuesday Brendol said he would arrive with the equipment. 
The days seemed to inch by, almost as if some higher power was intent on tormenting me- a fact made obvious by the nightmares I was beginning to have about Vader. He would loom above me holding a machete, a sadistic grin twisted on his face, or I would watch him set fire to Nightingale packed to the gills with patrons. Just as soon as he was about to push me into the flames, I woke up in a cold sweat to the sound of my alarm and Pudge’s concerned meows. 
“It’s okay, Pudgelet, Maman had a nightmare,” I cooed, gently petting him as I looked at my phone lockscreen. It was a picture I took of Hux, one of him in deep thought with his sax across his lap- until I took note of the day. Tuesday. It was here. Brendol was supposed to meet us at the club to set up the cameras at around four, which meant there was just enough time for me to prepare everything (mainly my costume) for Friday’s ball. Immediately, I slid my finger across the lockscreen and texted Hux. 
[txt]: today’s the day brendol comes 
[txt- Armie]: four o’clock, right? 
[txt]: yes. set up and everything, maybe a tech rehearsal 
[txt]: is your costume ready?
[txt-Armie]: working on it. making white tie look like a mess is tough. 
[txt- Armie]: also, fake blood and saxophones don’t mix. I think I ruined a mouthpiece. 
[txt]: ditch the blood or put it somewhere else?
[txt-Armie]: probably. see you, love. 
[txt]: xoxo 
Sighing contently, I made my way downstairs to have breakfast, feeling the satisfaction that we might as well be getting our revenge on Vader soon enough. Or so I hoped...
Life at the law firm went on as usual- meetings, marking sheet music, Krennic looking like his usual shifty self. Hold up- Krennic being shifty? This was new, even for me. Hesitantly, I stood outside his office door, expecting to hear music- instead, I heard a frantic phone conversation. 
“It’s at seven p.m., but we can afford to be fashionably late. Yes, Nightingale. I have all the information, I picked it up a while ago. Do I have to come in- oh, fine, it is a Halloween Ball anyway. I figure I’ll wear the cape. Yes, I’ll see you then. Thank you.” The phone hung up and I heard footsteps. Immediately assuming the worst, I tried to get away as soon as possible. Almost luckily, Krennic made his way out of his office in the opposite direction. But I was still so nervous, that when my phone vibrated, I almost yelped in shock. Looking down, I noticed it was my dad. Thank the Maker. 
[txt- Brendol]: Just checked into my hotel, will be at Nightingale at four. Athena reminded the staff ahead of time. 
[txt]: Thank you, dad. See you then. 
I put my phone away, but not before reminding myself about the meeting at four. 
“Yes, sir?” 
“I’ll be leaving a bit early today for, um... an appointment.” 
“Noted,” she said, typing away at her laptop. Obviously I couldn’t say what I was doing, otherwise someone would hear and get suspicious. At around three or so, I got out of my chair, shut down my computer, and made a beeline for my car. Within a few minutes or so, I was at Nightingale, facing my father. I noticed Kylo and Poe were there as well, they had explained that they were volunteering as wait staff to help catch Vader in the act.
"Okay, everyone, thank you for coming ahead of time. As some of you know, Nightingale is in trouble- Vader wants to take control of the club in the name of some Emperor," Brendol said. "We'll need to set up cameras throughout the club, because we'll have evidence to send Vader to jail. Sound good?" Everyone nodded and got straight to work setting up the cameras. For a while, I glanced at Finn, the staff supervisor and our maitre d', stealing a kiss with Rey, our tech person.
"Will you two be at the ball?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm letting Thannison have maitre d' duties so Rey and I can go on a proper date," he said before whispering in my ear. "I'm also hoping I'll propose to her, Maker willing."
"Good luck," I said, smiling at him as we both placed and set up cameras, making sure to keep them in inconspicuous places. But little did we know, we were being watched. 
After preparation, rehearsals, and all that jazz, the Halloween Ball finally came. Thursday's technical rehearsal went off without a hitch, and it was relieving to know the lights (and cameras) worked properly. As for me, I made sure my ghostly flapper costume looked fabulous- and it did. A white dress I found was tattered and stained with dirt and blood, with a high enough slit showing one of my garters- and the skeletal leg! At the center of my feather headband, instead of a jewel, there was a skull, and a strand of black pearls made for a fabulous lavaliere rather than the classic white pearls. But what I prided myself on was my makeup- I had made my face look pale, and painted my eyes and cheeks to look sunken in, and topped it off with a ruby red pout. 
The team was also ready for the evening, made obvious by their elaborate costumes- Rose wore an elaborate steampunk ball gown, Poe was dressed as a goth, Kylo wore hippie togs, Thannison wore an elegant pirate's costume, and Mitaka was dressed as the Phantom of the Opera. Now, I knew Hux and I looked good in our zombie Jazz Age couple costume, but Finn and Rey certainly took the cake. Rey's arms were wrapped in gauze, and a bejeweled white dress shimmered in the faint light. Next to her was Finn, a mighty pharaoh who commanded respect. Right next to Thannison was a skeleton toting a double bass, as well as Frankenstein's monster with a guitar. Along with a wolfman with a trumpet, an evil clown on trombone, and a ghost on drums, Hux introduced them to me as friends from a band back in his college days who would be accompanying us. I was glad to see everyone present, but I worried about Brendol. Why was he running late? Hux then took me aside, still looking handsome in his destroyed white tie and tails.
"My dad will be here in a minute or so, darling, so don't worry," he said, gently placing a kiss on my pale forehead. Like a miracle from God, Brendol's car pulled up to the curb and stopped. He emerged from the car with a bow, wearing an elegant baroque ensemble that would make him the envy of the Sun King or any other monarch.
"Forgive my lateness, but thank you all for arriving on time," he said with a nod. "Now, waitstaff," he said, turning to Rose, Poe, Kylo, and Thannison, "you are equipped with pens that can record conversations, which would come in handy when around anyone that seems suspicious. But remember, this is no easy task since everyone will be in costume."
"Understood," Rose said.
"Rey, you and Finn are our spies. Both of you have hidden microphones and cameras in your costumes, so as you mill around, you'll be taking pictures discreetly by touching the red gem on your collars." Both of them nodded. Brendol explained the rest of the plan to the staff as I made double adjustments to the cameras hidden within the plants. "Very well then, are we all prepared?" Brendol asked. Everyone nodded in agreement as we all got ready for the ball to begin. "Wonderful. I'll be helping tend bar ut needed. Best of luck, everyone," he said, as we all walked into Nightingale. All the staff (including Pudge, our resident mouse catcher) was equipped with cameras to see if anything suspicious was going on. Once the ball ends, we would probably be sifting through footage to see if anything of interest popped up.
I sat at my vanity, warming up my voice and putting on the last of my ghostly makeup when I heard a slight jingle and the sound of Hux's shoes tapping on the floor. The door then creaked gently open, and Hux appeared before me, his white tie and tails destroyed and covered in dirt and fake blood. His face was painted pale green and adorned with nasty looking scars, and a biohazard symbol was “etched” into his forehead. Hanging from his neck strap was an alto sax that looked like it had seen better days, the shine gone from Hux playing it so often. Despite that, I smiled sweetly at him. “You look dapper.”
"It's almost time," he told me, offering me his arm as Pudge nudged my leg, his black bowtie collar jingling merrily. I walked out onto the dark stage, the audience silent as corpses (ha, ha), waiting for what I had in store for them. I nodded at one of the backstage technicians, and he began to play a custom CD we had made for the beginning of the concert. With help from Hux's co-worker Kylo, we made a perfect voiceover welcoming out guests to the ball. Now an ominous voice boomed throughout the club, startling many of the patrons (I swore I even heard a few screams!). 
Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Gory Twenties. Blood flows like bootleg liquor, the jazz is hotter than Hell, and the dead walk the Earth once more. There is no escape from this possessed speakeasy- no one has survived to make it out and tell the tale! Keep your wits about you, otherwise you may be cursed to remain in this prison forever among restless flappers and murderous mafiosos! Like we said, there's no way out!
Psychotic laughter, followed by ghostly sounds played over the loudspeakers, along with clanking chains and cries of desperation. All was silent as a fog rolled across the stage. Then my disembodied voice rang out.
Those fingers in my hair/That sly come hither stare/That strips my conscience bare/Ooh, it's witchcraft...
The lights go up, and we are revealed with wild applause to the audience, creatures of the night welcoming our victims to an Art Deco bloodbath. I sang on, scanning the audience for some sign of Vader, but there was no gas mask in sight. During the bridge, I did my usual routine- flirt with Hux and anyone else in the audience, vocalize a little, and do a sultry dance in place. It was during this that Rose gave us a confirmed sighting.
"He's here. Do you see the mobster guy in the white cape?" she asked. I silently replied, making sure to step away from the microphone. "That's where Vader is sitting. I'll notify Brendol and the others ASAP. Tell Hux." I slid close to Hux, whispering in his ear about the bad news while Mitaka played a solo.
"Mafiosos, over at table twenty," I said, and then that was when I noticed his face turn pale as a sheet.
"The man in the white cape is Krennic. I know him, and I hate that bastard," he said angrily. "I have the great misfortune of him being my co-worker."
"Should Kylo investigate him?"
"I would think so, but he'll have to use a fine-toothed comb to go through it all." Mitaka cleared his throat at us, and that signaled me to start singing again, all the while shooting death glares at Krennic.
I was angry. Angry at myself for telling Krennic, angry at Krennic for having the gall to show up, and angry in general because I had an untrustworthy co-worker I had confided in who would probably betray me! Nonetheless, the police were called, and would be on their way to, eventually, remedy the situation. But for the time being, nobody did anything suspicious or out of the ordinary, and the performance went off without a hitch- the crowd loved it!
Despite our situation, we were having a good time and the patrons enjoyed themselves. The fun kept going when one of the other musicians handed Phasma his trombone. Knowing the direction this was taking, she smiled and laughed- as did I. 
“I only have experience with piano, ukulele, harp, and some percussion so I’d like to apologize for this trombone concerto,” she said with a joking smile. “Armie, will you accompany me and make this a duet?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes.
“Yes indeed, my love,” I announced, readying my alto sax with great ceremony. Both of us nodded at the drummer, who picked up a woodblock. The drummer began tapping out a light beat on the woodblock, keeping time. Phasma flashed a dainty smile, and raised the trombone to her lips. What followed was something that sounded like a Wookiee getting in a fight with a porg- I was the porg. From my spot, I could see that despite her lack of trombone experience, Phasma was having fun and getting into it. Inspired by her, I got into it as well, punctuating her notes with trills, awkward squawks, and glissandos, even adding an altissimo scream. I played the part of the stereotypical cool jazz musician, lifting my saxophone up, swinging it forwards and back, and swaying it from side to side with every crappy note we played. Phasma and I played our final sour notes, and the woodblock assumed the role of the metronome one last time. The audience applauded (either because it was funny or out of relief-maybe both) as I bowed and she curtsied, an angelic smile dancing on her face. She handed the trombone back to the original owner, a faint ring of lipstick on the mouthpiece.
“And for my next performance, I will attempt to play Armie’s sax,” she said jokingly, as I dramatically clutched the alto to my chest.
“Oh no you won’t!” I joked, and she laughed in response.
“Just kidding! I can't play it anyway," she replied, kissing my cheek gently. “Now we’re going to be a bit more serious for this number,” she said, lowering her voice an octave or so, perching on a bar stool. In her ruined white flapper dress, crystals and sequins glittering, she looked like a dove, but also like an angel. None of the other musicians played as I closed my eyes and played a slow, yearning (and in tune) melody. Like she tended to do during these sensual numbers, she closed her eyes and did a breathy hum before beginning the lyrics. The others joined in as I played a sensual phrase just as soon as she lifted her eyes and sang.
“The moon was all aglow, and heaven was in your eyes/The night that you told me/Those little white lies…” Just then, she stopped short and let out an audible gasp of fear. Standing in the foyer of the bar, looming like monsters in a bad dream, the mafiosos stood, smirking. In a stark black pinstriped suit, Vader stepped forward, dark glasses making him look even more sinister than he was.
"Lovely ball you've put together, Miss Phasma," he intoned.
"You don't belong here, the police are on their way," Phasma hissed.
"Not anymore," Vader argued. "We've brought you a gift." Krennic stepped forward, holding one of the cameras, and proceeded to pour his expensive glass of champagne on it, dropping it to the floor. It sparked like crazy, and burst into flames as Brendol ran forward with a fire extinguisher.
"You won't get away, Vader!" Brendol hissed, as they laughed viciously.
"I believe we have, and for that, your deadline got shorter and shorter. You have until the first of December to scrape up that ransom money. We'll be watching," Vader said, but not without leaving a suspicious box on his table. Immediately, I whipped out my cell phone.
"I need the police."
With that, Vader left the club, along with his goons. I looked nervously at the box, which began to tick ominously, fearful for what might happen. Police sirens wailed, and a squad car as well as the bomb squad showed up just in time.
My mind immediately went to Vader and Krennic. how somehow, he must have known- or someone had tipped him off. Who could I trust? After all, Vader wasn’t just a threat to Nightingale, but to the town as well. And frankly, not knowing what his plans were scared me. Desperately, I looked at the anxious crowd, my eyes meeting Brendol’s. I thought I was being paranoid when I assumed that Vader might have placed something like a bomb in the club, but the box confirmed my fears. In the best interest of the patrons (and because one of the police officers advised me to do so), I decided they would have to evacuate for their own safety.
“Ladies and gentlemen, due to safety reasons, we’ll have to end the celebration earlier than we expected.” I awaited the boos and demand for refunds, but no one said a word. Sure, there were a few groans of disappointment, but those were halted by firm words.
“Last call for drinks!” Thannison said, getting into his role of a Caribbean pirate, and a steady stream of people made their way to the bar, hoping to get in a last drink order before the fun would have to end. Immediately, I had an idea. I whispered something to Mitaka, and he played a longing piano line. The bassist and drummer picked up the tune, and Hux played a wistful tenor moan. Bowing my head and closing my eyes, I took a breath and sang into the microphone.
“I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places…” The party atmosphere slowly dissipated, thanks in part to Vader’s surprise appearance, and all that remained was a somber mood. It seemed more like a funeral than a Halloween celebration. I heard the sound of someone sniffling and holding back tears, and noticed that my own eyes were starting to mist and tear up. My voice quivered as I continued to sing the melody, making the song sound even more melancholy than it was. At the end of the verse, I composed myself as Hux and Mitaka took a solo. Pudge knew I was sad, and ended his mouse catcher duties to rub up against me and comfort me. The rest of the musicians fell silent as they were evacuated, leaving me singing as I made my way out of the club, makeup ruined by my tears- but I didn't care. Just as I sang the last note, the police came running out, the suspicious package being revealed to be a smoke bomb which was recently defused.
Patrons milled about outside, confused and desperate for answers. One of the police men handed me a megaphone, and I began to confess everything to the patrons.
"Ladies and gentlemen... Nightingale is in danger. Vader is demanding five hundred thousand dollars by the start of December, and if we don't make it," my voice began to quaver, "Nightingale will be no more." More murmurs resounded through the crowd, and I handed the megaphone to Brendol.
"But... we'll find some sort of way to catch Vader in the act and get the club back. Mark my words, it will be done!" he said, to the cheers of the patrons. Someone took up the chant of "Save Nightingale!" and the crowd roared the chant in unison. It was a powerful scene, one that empowered me- and sent the wheels turning in my head for a plan. If we were going to get Vader out of the way and Nightingale back, then we might as well have to do an old-fashioned heist. Because Vader should have known better than to cross paths with me.
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