#oh no sweetie he's not mad at you he's just doing panic attack prevention and you're a woman that's why he's trying to get rid of you
gayofthefae · 3 months
"I used to have panic attacks, here's how you turn a woman off" is so logical coming from the man who was hospitalized because his girlfriend was mistaken for his wife.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
SU/Lovecraft au
N/A: Not sure what to say here, I have this idea of Zaorva doing what Rose did, except she didn´t get pregnant or anything like that, the truth is...her death did cause panic among the others, outer gods, because if someone of higher rank as her can be killed...then what´s the next step? I also see the Outer Gods as sort the Greek Gods(the betrayal, occasional incest and then back at the dinner table, no consequences) and FUCK Lovecraft!!
Soundtrack for This au
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
If Kitty can pinpoint when her life starts to change the answer would be in her first leading mission in Japan, Nagano. The townsfolks are being attacked by deformed and mutated creatures akin to a demonic bunny with no eyes and a big mouth.
Kitty creates a crystal blue shield and this makes the creatures go after her. Her team, Piotr, Boom-Boom and Morph hurdle together as they wait for a plan, what Kitty did should have shocked after all.
The creature starts to bang his mighty fist on the shield causing pain for himself until his loud scream suddenly does not seem angry.
"Hey!" Kitty calls out for the what seems to be the leader who seems to respond to Kitty and only Kitty " let´s talk, why are you attacking the city and its citizen?"
The creature has no ability to speak but as putting his claws on the shield, the mutated creature starts to tell their story. They are called the Elder Bairns, they were created by a Goddess who put on this land and give to them, all they want is to slepp...as they already feast...however, the humans destroyed their home in order to create a pathway.
Kitty opens her eyes and speaks firmly. Like a mother should with her children.
"If I fix this, you promise to leave the townsfolk alone?" Kitty asked and the Elder Bairns promised as all they want is to sleep if that´s what Kitty truly wishes they won´t harm any human as long they leave them alone.
Kitty uses her magic and the pathway is disbanded as the Elder Bairns have their home back.
It was easier to convince mutated bunnies to follow an order than humans as they have problems to deal with and of course, no one takes kindly to Kitty talking so friendly to monsters that devoured humans like it was nothing.
Ever since that day, things did change. Kitty Pryde feels eyes on her, several on them are analysing her in everywhere, every time. Her azure eyes would merely look at the thousands of eyes until they all morph into a big moon, a big eye that is looking deeply at her.
She should be petrified, yet, Kitty can walk as the eyes vanish into thin air.
Kitty Pryde returns to the mansion as Ororo is talking with someone, not a noisy person by nature, but Ororo is remiscing the good old days and Kitty loves to hear stories with her favourite X-men...yet, the person she is talking is new to Kitty.
"Ah Kitten" Ororo smiles brightly and gesture to Kitty to sit too "I was telling Kurt the time we and Scott freed those mutants from the Friends of Humanity and make Grayson look like the fool he is"
Kitty looks at the man called Kurt, blue fur and golden eyes and a smirk and Kitty step away.
"Who is this?" Kitty asked a bit rudely as she knows every mutant that is associated with the X-men and she knows this story that Ororo is telling, however, there´s no version with a man called Kurt.
"Kitten!" Ororo admonishes her and asks Kurt to forgive her, Kitty usually is not like that.
"And how is our Kitten? Likes to play with magic?"
Kitty looks into his eyes and summons the soulsword to cut Kurt, nothing happens, except that Ororo is now angry at Kitty and even though she is a grown up woman...Storm has no qualms in grounding her.
"I´m sorry about that, she usually is not like that, you know that Kitty is such a sweetie person," Ororo says now confused.
"And...how is our Kitten? How long has she play with magic?"
"Since she was born"
Kitty didn´t get any favours by questioning Kurt´s existence, therefore, the woman decides to play this game and apologise to Kurt saying it was a crazy mission and of course, she remembers good old Kurt.
The man does not seem to attack any of the X-men. As normally he is just...there. Sometimes asking questions behind Kitty´s back about her powers.
(It does not go unnoticed how everyone seems to cater his demands, even Jean who dislike helping, seems extra helpful to the point she even works with Rogue if that would please this Kurt)
Only when Kitty touches and concentrates hard enough, she seems to manage to break Ororo, Scott and Rogue from this spell as they believe in her.
"Shadow King?" Rogue suggested readily to take her glove out.
"No...I think it is someone else" Scott said and Kitty agrees.
Suddenly, the X-men starts to feel changes(all that didn´t side with Kitty) Jubilee becames a vampire, Beast goes insane talking about spirals and Jean gets quiter and quieter.
Logan was not forgotten by this madness as the man starts to think he is a real animal, not in the sense of being a rustic man, in the sense of being a real animal. Ironically or not, the man got shot by a hunter thinking he really got a wild animal and the wound didn´t heal as it should.
Kurt, meanwhile, merely stays in the mansion watching and taking notes as Kitty uses the shield once again.
Mr and Mrs Pryde are used by this point to have people to talk with journalists as their only daughter is a celebrity now. By this point, they know what to answer and what to not answer.
So, when Jennifer Goodwill shows up, the Prydes know what to say, the woman with her blonde hair and white skin makes questions about Kitty, nothing unusual and the Pryde saw no problem in answer all of them.
"She is a miracle" Mrs Pryde replied fondly "you see, I did get a grave form of cancer and I was supposed to die, however, the Stark industries along with Doctor Banner, a cure was created with dire consequences... I wasn´t supposed to be pregant...and yet, here is our Kitty"
"That´s a quite story"Jennifer replied.
"When Kitty was born" her father stated "she did born with intense blue eyes, crystal blue, but now...they are just brown like us"
"Oh, that´s interesting"
Lilandra is a fair queen if nothing else, so, when Kitty asked for help, she saw no problem in giving information as long Xavier is out of the picture(he too is quiet, no, gone and no one has the mind to worry about it now)
"This creature is named Kurt, a fake name, and I know he uses masks, I was wondering if you know who this person may be and how we get rid of it" Kitty stated and Lilandra hummed for a moment until she askes.
"Can you tell me how he really looks like? Maybe is a Luntranox, they love to play this prank" Lilandra suggested and Kitty did mention, or try to, how is Kurt´s real form...Lilandra cut the transmission right there and all the others closer to Kitty step away in fear.
"Sugah...A piece of advice, never repeats how he looks like" Rogue said and she is now trying to call back to Lilandra.
One day, Kitty realizes she is not in her bed nor in her room or the mansion. She is elsewhere, drifting in the space and time("I hate the space, is cold, silent and no one can hear you scream") until Kitty realizes that she is not alone. She is in some sort of space castle.
The doors are huge and small, nothing makes sense, though maybe it wasn´t to make sense. She is now in a room, a throne is easily spotted as the doors open with great fanfare and Kitty has the right mind to hide.
Is him...Of course is him. In his real form.
"Why do you hide away from me?" Kurt´s tone is sombre and Kitty panics until he adds "My Belasco, I called you here to talk and not to play hide and seek"
And she saw Belasco, bowing to this Kurt and does not dare to look at his real form.
"How are the dire wraths?" Kurt asked a bit regal and cold and Belasco merely shivers and that is enough(more than enough) to make Kitty feels fear. If Belasco is afraid of him...This creature is another league of its own.
"They are ready as you wish"
"Good, you did make a mistake with me, once, and you will not want to repeat the same mistake, Am I clear?" the creature speaks and only now Kitty notices how his voice rings through the place.
"Of course"
"I want to see this planet destroyed, I want it gone, " the creature speaks full of malice "if you fail me, again, I will found a new use for you, my Belasco and you won´t like it"
Belasco is dismissed and vanish. Kitty watches as the creature now looks to a pink bubble and puts his hand(tentacle to be exact) to cover his eyes as he begins to cry.
"Zaorva" the word was spoken as it is sacred and the pink bubble remains where it is.
Kitty somehow is back to her own bed. Degusting what she saw and no one ever saw him crying.
"You are a very interesting human" Kurt once speak as they are in a cornfield. Kitty is trying to dialogue with an Outer God, Nyarlathotep, to spare this planet. "I'll give that, but, nothing will prevent me to see this planet gone forever"
"But...wasn´t that a planet Zaorva created?" kitty reasoned with him "Don´t you want to spare for her sake?"
"This was the planet where she was killed!" Kurt scream angrily "it does not deserve compassion or mercy,  and how do you know about Zaorva?"
"I ...just know, but, if you are dead set in destroying this planet, I´ll stop you"
("I´m dead set in protecting this planet, Nyarlathotep" it causes a flashback and Kurt can´t believe he remembers this memory because of a human)
"I know you will, but Katzchen, I´m the crawling God of Chaos and I´ll get my wish, but my offer remains, you are interesting ...Human, I have no problem in spare you. You can learn many things outside this planet"
"Pass," Kitty said and Kurt look at the west and a smile plays on his face, his mask, as a huge explosion of fire caught Kitty´s attention.
"The Pheonix has wakened, Katzchen, my offer still remains as you...are interesting," Kurt said as Kitty goes to the where the fire starts.
"I´m life, I´m the force. I´m Pheonix" Jean or what used to be Jean scream to the bodies on the ground. Kitty arrives in the scene only to see her friends almost dead on the ground as Pheonix is gleefully to see Kitty Pryde.
"Finally, after all those centuries, we´ll finally resolve our conflict, Zaorva" Pheonix points at Kitty who is confused but in position to attack.
"I´m not Zaorva, I´m Kitty Pryde"
Both women clashes against each other, fire and water as cliche as it sounds. Fire against Kitty´s magic. Pheonix seems to laugh at the fight and not caring for the casualties.
"I must say, while your new body is strange, you still remain the same, I´ll want to defeat you," Pheonix said, "Zaorva"
"I´m not Zaorva" Kitty declares with her crystal blue eyes shining as she now has the upper hand and is making the Pheonix back down, losing the ground, Pheonix decides to leave to fight another day, after all, she got a new body today.
"My name is Kitty Pryde...I´m not Zaorva," Kitty said to no one and suddenly all the other X-men starts to move and rose from the ground.
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