#oh noooo i forgot to add his earring. oh well just imagine it's there
2hoothoots · 2 years
I know that the Lover Archetype is mainly for Raz's main relationships between Dogen and Lili, but I also feel like the Lover is familial love. Like he comes up with all the birthday presents to give to the family or different friends and will have them on the back of his mind
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(the rest of the philosophy lecture under the cut!)
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unknowncountrygirl · 3 years
The New Chaser Pt.2
“Win or lose, you get better with every match, Iris.” Skye praised the blonde.
“Well, I've been told I've got a rather smashing coach.” Iris joked, with a bright smile. Before either young lady was able to say anything else, Madam Hootch approached.
“Miss Parkin, I need to speak to you immediately.” She said, leaving no room for back talk. Skye was pulled aside, and Iris waited patiently for her to return as she and Madam Hootch were only out of ear shot. Iris watched as Skye's body demeanor changed, and her shoulders slumped.
“Skye?” Iris called out as Madam Hootch left, “what is it?”
“My Dad. He got injured playing in a match against the Montrose Magpies.” Skye told her.
“Oh no! Skye, I'm so sorry.”
“I'm used to it. Happens to often these days, twilight of his career and all... I have to leave Hogwarts for a little while, and be with my family.”
“Of course! If I can do anything for you, please tell me.” Iris told her honestly. She had hoped that Skye saw her as a friend now as she saw her as one.
“You can. Keep up with your training. My mates will help you. I bet you'll have a tryout invitation by the time I'm back.” Skye told her with a sly smile.
“I meant, what can I do for you? This is no time to be thinking about Quidditch, Skye!” Iris explained to her.  
“Iris, I'm always thinking about Quidditch. I have to go, Madam Hootch will be waiting for me.”
“I understand. I hope everything goes well and that your dad makes a speedy recovery.” The blonde told her before she offered the blue haired girl a hug.
“Thanks Iris.”
Iris felt like Skye didn't give many hugs as she gave her an odd pat on the back before leaving to pack and leave for a time.
She let out a sigh and ran her hand over her hair, pulling the braid over her shoulder and freeing her curls, fluffing them and running her fingers through to comb them a bit and break them up.
Murphy took this time of solitude to approach her. He had practiced this a few times in his head and had the pile of books in his lap, ready to explain all he needed to.
He cleared his throat, alerting her to his presence as she flipped all her hair over her shoulder.
When she turned around to face him, it was as if the motion of the earth slowed down. Her profile was perfection against the sky, and then she looked him face on, the sun behind her created an ethereal glow about her.
“Oh, I recognize you! The Quidditch commentator.”
Annnnd he was screwed. Slap his ass and call him a harpy. This girl had to be part Veela, somewhere along her bloodline because normal girls did not look like her.
Oh God. Oh God, abort mission abort mission! He was never one to be at a miss for words, but he felt his mouth run dry and forgot everything he had practiced saying to her, and went with-
“Strategy!” And literally just dumped the books at her feet. She looked down at the books now laying at her feet and back up at him.
Her eyes were so blue, almost unearthly blue.
“Um. Ok?”
“You're going about getting a Quidditch tryout all wrong.”
He watched her eyebrows knit together and the slight frown that appeared over her lips.
Nope nope nope. Go now. Before you say something even more stupid. He rolled away from her as fast as he could get his chair to go.
A few days later he was in the commentators box, a friendly on the books, and knew that Iris would be arriving for the friendly soon. He was hoping she may seek him out, he had been able to calm his nerves and knew he could handle a conversation. She was just a female, he talked to girls before, no big deal. That and he figured he could just imagine a naked troll, that would squash anyone's physical attraction to anything.
He spotted her silvery white hair below on a broom and watched as she flew closer and closer to him. He decided to get the first word in this time.
“There you are!”
“You were expecting me?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I was 92.7% sure of it. I tend to make a string first impression.” He gave her a playful grin.
“Yeah... About that... Do you often introduce yourself by dumping a bunch of Quidditch playbooks and then just leaving?”
“That's not what happened.” Shut up McNully. His brain said, but his mouth kept going.
“Yes it was. I was there.”
“What happened was, first I dumped my playbooks... And then you said I recognize you. Then I said strategy, then I dumped the books, then I said you're going about getting a Quidditch tryout all wrong... And then that's when I left.” He effed up. He knew he did by the way her face was squished up and looking at him. Why couldn't he just kept his mouth shut? No, noooo he just had to keep going like a nervous child.
“Isn't that what I just said?” She asked. He should have just agreed, said yes and moved on but his insides felt like they wanted to be his outsides and to keep that from happening he kept talking.
“No, what you just said was, do you introduce yourself by dumping Quidditch playbooks and just leaving... Then I said, that's not what happened, and then you said yes it was, I was there... And then I said-”
“All right, all right!” She said, holding up a hand to get him to stop.
“This is what you get when you chat with a Quidditch Commentator.” He wasn't sure how she was going to react but she surprised him.
“Well,” she smiled. “I suppose it's charming once you get used to it.” He nearly fell out of his chair.
“That's exactly what my mum says!” Why the actual fuck did you just say that! He yelled at himself, wanting nothing more then to bash his skull against the heaviest playbook he had brought. “Murphy McNully, by the way.” He offered her his hand. “The wizarding worlds next best-ever professional Quidditch commentator. That's the plan, at least. Judging by the competition I'd put my odds of going pro at 3-1.” She took his hand and it was just as soft as he imagined it would be.
“Now that's more of a proper introduction, Murphy.”
“My friends call me McNully.”
“Are we friends now? I haven't even introduced myself-”
“You're Iris Rosewood. I know who you are. Curse breaker, rule breaker, and aspiring Quidditch disruptor. Untested, untried and untrained.” She gave him a look and he needed to add something so she didn't think he was completely mental. “Teeming with untapped talent! Speedier then a snallygaster.” Stop talking. “Faster then the swiftest snidget.” Really, stop talking now. “Greener than the greenest bowtruckle. Strategy savvy of a troll-” Why, what are you doing. Stop talking.
“Wait, greener than a Bowtruckle? Strategy savvy of a Troll?” Her voice was strained and her eyebrows couldn't go higher.
“I didn't dump a bunch of playbooks on you because I think you're a seasoned Quidditch strategist.” He laughed and that was wrong.
“Now you're laughing at me.” Her tone was now getting more and more irritated.
“Not at you. I've watched you practice. You're a natural, or I wouldn't have dumped anything on you.”
“Thank you?”
“You're welcome, but you're all might and fight in flight... No insight.” He told her. She shook her head, and ran a hand over her face.
“I don't understand. I've been training non-stop.”
“At the 'school of Skye', where you score full marks for launching a dizzy gnome over a stadium wall? No one is saying Skye hasn't helped you develop phenomenal physical skills in record time but you've still got a lot of tactical Quidditch knowledge to learn if you want to impress Orion Amari and-”
“Who's Orion Amari?” She interrupted him to ask.
“Orion Amari is Gryffindor's team captain! He decides who gets invited to try out for the open chaser position!” Had Skye not freaking informed her of this? How the hell was this girl going to try out if she didn't even know the name of the team captain! “Did Skye not tell you how all of this works?”
“Well, everything except for the Captain's name, she didn't seem to want to talk about him.”
Typical. Murphy thought. “That's likely because Skye and Orion mix like asphodel and infusion of wormwood.” She snickered, “which is to say, best to keep them separated unless you really know what you're doing. This is why you need my help.”
“Because you can get Skye and Orion to mix well?” She asked him.
“No! Because Quidditch is more than skills and drills! It's statistics and logistics! It's analysis and algorithms! It's strategy and mastery and history.” Her gaze was pulled away by the rest of the Gryffindor team arriving.
“Look, Skye's mates are arriving. I should go, we've got a friendly about to start-”
“It's learning from the legacies of the Daisy Pennifolds and the Barberus Bragges and-” What. Are. You. Doing. Stop. TALKING! His brain screamed at him. Her eyes went wide, looking very uncomfortable.
“It's my first practice without Skye here, I really must go-”
“And the Gertie Keddles and the Goodwin Kneens and the--” STOP.
“Murphy!” She finally shouted, and that seemed to get his mouth to stop running. “I can't keep everyone waiting! I have to go!” She turned her broom and began to fly away towards the pitch.
“There's a 94.4% chance you'll be back!” And then he slapped his palm against his forehead. What a way to impress the pretty new girl.
It was about an hour before the dinner rush, Murphy was sitting at the end of the table, reading a book when he saw an approaching figure. He looked up and he nearly jumped.
“I knew you'd be back! I told you, 84.4% sure of it.” He wasn't. “And you brought a chess set! Who told you?”
“I heard from some people.” She admitted as she sat the chess board down and sat across from him.
“Good. The commentary box is too soggy on rainy days, and I've got to get my brain working on something.” Murphy told her.
“So you're not cross that I left you for Quidditch practice before you finished talking?” She asked a bit sheepishly, embarrassed to have took off when he hadn't finished.
“I'm never finished talking, so it happens all the time! If I get cross about it, I'd always be cross.” He joked with her as he started to set up the chess pieces.
“Then I hope that you're still open to teaching me about Quidditch Strategy.”
If he could, he would have jumped up in excitement. “Finally, you're talking sense! Now lets play some wizard chess.”
“But, I thought you were going to teach me about Quidditch strategy?” Her facial features twisted in confusion.
“I like your enthusiasm, Iris. Lets see if you can keep it up after I beat you.” He teased in his best flirtatious manner.
“We'll see about that.” She retorted with a glimmer in her eye. It almost felt like she was flirting right back at him.
“Iris observes the board, what will she choose?” He narrated as she picked up a pawn and made the first move on the board. “Very nice, this set is quite, mine always tell me I talk to much.”
“It's Penny's, she let me borrow it because I don't have a set myself.”
“Really? We need to remedy that next time we're in Hogsmead.” He stated in an offhanded way that would assure him a trip to Hogsmead with her.
“If you can find me a good one, then fine.” She smiled as he moved one of his pieces.
“Could you please not pinch me so tightly!” Yelled the knight as she picked it up. She placed it down and muttered an apology to the small white piece. They made banter back and forth, and while he was no expert in romance, he swore that they're chat had all the elements of flirting. He was thrilled about it.
“Checkmate!” He said triumphantly as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Are you sure?” Iris asked scanning the board.
“Quite! Because first I moved my King to E3 and you moved your pawn to H6, then I moved my pawn to C3 and you moved your knight to C6, then your knight asked for you to not pinch it so tightly. Then I moved my queen to B3 and you moved your pawn to F6-”
“All right, I get it, you won.”
“I thought you found my commentary charming?” He asked.
“Your commentary is delightful, losing at chess is not.” Iris rested her face on her knuckles, tipping over her King.
“Have you ever played wizard chess before?” Murphy asked, feeling like perhaps she hadn't.
“How much I've played doesn't matter. I had never played Quidditch before, but you told me I'm a natural.”
“Yes, you're a natural, that's how you've been getting by in Quidditch with no sense of know-how. But lacking strategy is harder to hide in wizard chess.” He could see the gears in her head starting to turn, and he had to smile.
“So Wizard chess was a test to see if I'm lacking strategic instincts for only Quidditch? Or for everything?”
“Not everything, but yes, I was testing you. Think of it as our first training session. At least it's less sweaty than training with Skye, right?”
“It is. I can't say I miss getting covered head to toe in sweat. But, tell me this,” she looked at him with a piercing gaze. “What's your strategy? Why do you care so much about my chances of making the Quidditch team?”
“We're both Gryffindor's, and lets just say house impartiality isn't my strong suit. Got to keep it quiet in the box, if I want to be the next pro commentator. With that said, you're the Chaser we need to lead our team to the Quidditch Cup, Iris.” Her eyes searched his and he could tell she was looking for any deceit. “I know Quidditch! My whole life I've been eating, sleeping, breathing, studying it. From what I've seen, you could be an even bigger Quidditch star than Skye Parkin.”
“That's a bold statement.” Iris chirped with a little laugh that sounded more like a deep sigh.
“Hey, I mean it. I've never seen someone as absolutely clueless about Quidditch as you are come so far so fast.”
“Absolutely clueless? The compliments just keep on coming.”
“You're missing the headline, you're a Quidditch phenom, Iris!” He held out his arms in exclamation.
“Then could you tell Orion about me?”
“So you've heard I have Orion's ear.. Sure, I'll tell him about your brilliant wizard chess victory just now.” He smiled slyly.
“Murphy, I can't get on our house team if I can't even get a tryout.”
“And that tryout won't matter of all you know is Parkin's Pincer. Pull off a strategy I invented, and then I'll know you have the kind of strategic sense I can recommend.”
“Ok, fine. When do I start learning this strategy you invented.”
“You have practice after dinner right?”
“After practice then.”
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【Aaravos liveblogs The Dragon Prince】Season 1, Episode 1
(Note from the mun: Probably best experienced by reading it while watching the episode yourself? Unless you have great memory of the episode’s details, I assume. I didn’t flesh out the descriptions of the individual scenes because the following text alone took me more than three hours and is 12 pages in Word already. Sadly, I forgot to add time stamps. I might edit them in later if I have the time but I hope that it’ll be possible to follow the script without them for now.
With that said, have fun!)
 *The Intro plays. Magical birds are flying over the waves of an ocean.*
Oh, oh my stars… I’m getting a lump in my throat right off the bat…I can watch Xadia everyday thanks to my arcanum’s ability to see into the beyond. Yet, this feels…different. How long has it been since I’ve walked freely in its wonderful landscape, felt the soothing breeze of the Xadian s-
*His brain enters a state of frantic confusion.*
????!!!???!! This…this is so surreal. Forgive me but I’m – as you people say – absolutely losing it.
That is- I just can’t believe it.
That Is Me! I’m in the Netflix. My voice is actually, really, in the Netflix!!
*He burries his hands in his hair with excitement. His initial fear is forgotten.*
 [“…rich in magic and wonder.”]
No offense, but I sound GOOD. I mean, technically I know that. But hearing myself like this is so different from hearing my voice from my own perspective.
*He squeals in anticipation.* This is so awesome.
Oh, the music is so sweet…
That dragon is…well, I guess I can try to ignore him…
…Why is he in every shot? Do we really need him to explain the arcanums? He’s not that great. Believe me.
Ok, the flight effect is really spectacular. I have to admit that.
Still, stupid dragon.
[“…a human mage…”]
OHHHHH I remember that one *he growls*
[“…discovered new magic…”]
Yeah, I bet you “discovered” it. I wonder how you “discovered” it. I’d really like to know. You gotta enlighten me about that “discovery” of yours.
In loving memory of those poor birds.
OH! OH! OH MY STARS! There I am!! It’s me!!! Hey, I actually look decent for a change. Sigh, I miss my old wardrobe. That scarf was my favourite. So silky and soft.
Also, not to brag, but my hair? Nice.
Sigh, poor humans. It breaks my heart everytime I think of the split…
Still forever impressed that they managed to draw an actual lava line through all of Xadia.
That’s some true dedication to the cause of hating each other. But I guess if it fuels your ambitions…who am I to judge…you idiots…
Oh, Thunder…my cherished…friend…
[“But in the eve of last Winter’s Turn…”]
*He inhales sharply*
Oh…this is where the future begins…I have yet to experience what is about to be shown…
Unspeakable dark magic? *He rubs his temples, visibly annoyed.* Yeah, I already have an idea what that might have been.
You idiots. All of you. Dragons, elves, humans, all idiots!
I’m really carrying myself with a lot of grace in this narration. Good job, future me! I can assure you, that is probably not what I have felt on the inside.
Welps, guess there goes your family tree, Thunder. My condolences.
[“Now the world stands on the edge of all-out war.”]
I’m pretty sure I smashed my head on the table after that line. Again?! AGAIN?! HAVE YOU NOT LEARNED ANYTHING? You incredible fools?!! You like this, don’t you? This is fun for you, there’s no other explanation. Why else would you imbeciles continue to fight each other like little, immature, bratty kindergarden children.
The worst part is – I knew all of this from the very beginning. Why did I – why do I even bother with helping you…
*He takes a deep breath.*
Calm down, calm doooown… *he hums*
Anger is not good for your soul. You’ll just get bitter and start to come up with horrible revenge fantasies. It’s not worth it. Remember that. Caaaaalm…..
Ok. I’m feeling better.
Let’s continue.
Is-is that boy drooling on his glow toad? Poor thing…but that begs the question, why does he let it sleep in his bed in the first place. I would not recommend that…at all. *He shudders.*
Oh, that’s a very impressive drawing of a drag-………..marshmallow monster? Really?...well, I guess, that’s…human imagination…very…cute.
Yeah no, I don’t think the glow toad was scared…
Oh my, that poor guard is dead. So many moonshadow elves? Not a chance.
Aaaaand, of course he trips.
I’m about to eat my cloak. She let him go.
You might as well turn yourself in as voluntary dragon breakfast now.
HHHHeeey!! What’s that greasy dude doing in front of my mirror?
Don’t touch it! I hate it when there are grease spots on the glass.
Well, I guess those humans successfully raided Thunder’s lair. At least I’ll have more sunshine now.
Heyheyhey, I said don’t touch it!
It’s not like you could understand any of those runes anyways.
What? He is the High Mage? I have foreseen that the High Mage of Katolis will be important to me. But I expected something…else.
Can I never be lucky? Is that what I get for being so kind, so gracious, so willing to sacrifice myself to help you all? Couldn’t fate be nice to me for a change?
Sigh, guess that’s what I have to work with now.
This better not be too tiring…
I mean, he slew Thunder. That’s something. I guess…
Noooo, don’t cover the mirror. My sunshine, remember? At least let me have that. I’ve only seen cave walls for the last couple of centuries. I’d love to have a little change of scene.
*Harrow rising*
“I woke up like this.”
With perfect hair and perfectly dressed. Ah yes, very realistic. Just like me, every morning. (I’ll never tell you if that’s sarcasm or not.)
Oh yes, execute him!
Ok, sorry, I guess that came out a little too excited…*cough*
That bird’s nice.
That bird’s name is…well, I guess it’s a name.
He’s surprisingly calm considering he and his whole crew are about to be violently murdered by moonshadow assassins.
That’s some startouch-level coolness.
[“…we must find them today…”]
Yeaaaah, good luck with that…
Moonshadow elves are always so dramatic when it comes to their acrobatics.
Yeees, you’re very cool. A real ninja. Here, have a pat on the back. Now go back and play with the others.
Please don’t tell me you think veteran moonshadow assassins can’t tell the difference between blood and moonberry juice…
Aaaand, you think they can’t. *He slaps his forehead.*
I’m foresing that a great assassin career lies ahead of you. Yes, really.
*Cough* Wh-who is this very good looking fella, holy shooting star…
I mean.
Who is this?
He looks important. Like an important elf. Probably their leader.
Yes, that must be it. I just deduced that. I’m very smart.
*The coughing intensifies.*
*He sees the necklace.*
Nooooooooo, he is betrothed.
Whyyyyyyy fate. Won’t you let me have anything?
Did…did he just fall for the moonberry trick?
You’re very beautiful but forgive me, that was very dumb.
This face…my stars…
………..What on earth is going on with me? Focus you dumb, old startouch elf.
It’s not like you to be so easily impressed with others. There’s absolutely no reason for that.
He’s just a boring, average moonshadow elf.
Whatever those weird, inexplicable, mushy feelings in your stomach are, we are done with those.
No more silly touchy-feely emotions.
Ok, let’s get back on track.
Ha, see, you have no power over me, you ridiculously pretty moonshadow elf!
Glad we sorted that out.
Yeah, he can see that.
That human village looks pretty sweet actually.
I wonder if they sell bread.
I’d love to have some bread now.
Wait, what?
Ah, jelly tarts. I remember those. Never liked them. Not enough chocolate. How can they make pastry. Without chocolate. I will never understand.
Those are…some impressive lashes.
Apparently modern day humans in Katolis like to put make-up on their pets?
Isn’t that animal cruelty? Is nobody concerned?
That toad is definitely smarter when it comes to this whole jelly tart stealing business…
It’s a bit sad to watch.
Well, at least it helped the human kid out.
Enjoy your tarts. Your sad, little, chocolate-less tarts…
Ah, that knight looks like a very smart person.
He seems as enthusiastic about teaching the artist boy as I am about working together with the greasy wizard.
I relate to you, not very smart but at least good-at-your-trade knight.
Geez, this sword fighting lesson is a tragedy.
I’ve read startouch law books that were more uplifting.
Love amongst the dragons? Sigh, really? Such an overrated book. Too many dragons.
Ok ok, the love story part is kind of cute.
I guess.
Not that I would know.
As I have never read it.
I want to take a moment to thank the universe for not having siblings.
I mean, 300 years is nothing. So she’s kinda right? It’s pretty new?
*Slaps his face*
No you can’t do it now. That was a bad idea.
You’re noticing that yourself, aren’t you?
Is this how you humans court each other?.............
That explains….a lot….
Oh? What? He didn’t really stab you? You don’t say. I thought you were dead for real. What a shocking twist of events.
Hehe, pushing around those little figures was always the best part of any political meeting.
This conversation is off to a rocky start. Don’t do your children dirty like that.
You are evidently muddying the mood of your kids.
We have visitors from Xadia…unwanted visitors…look at mee…I’m the human mage…I’m so important…with my condescending voice…I’m so powerfuuuuul…for I am the human mage…
I feel the sudden urge to throw myself from the highest bookshelf in my library.
Yes. Yes, I think you’re an idiot, Soren.
[“…You’re saying they’ll kill the king?”]
Yeah right. As if Callum could have heard that down there in the courtyard.
He has human ears, not elf ears. *wiggles them in annoyance without noticing*
[“…’unstoppable: is just another kind of ‘stoppable’.”]
My head hurts.
Is this the future of dark magic in Katolis?
I’m very concerned now.
14 and three quarters?
This kingdom doesn’t need any enemies. It’ll take itself down all on its own.
[“Think fast.”]
As fast as you, three-quarter-boy?
Ah yes, the moonshadow elves. Their leader is talking. He sounds very distressed.
I mean. They murdered the dragon. I understand. I would be very distressed, too.
Uh-oh, no, please don’t bind your lives to-
Sigh……………moonshadow elves are so, so very dramatic. It’s painful.
Really annoying a thousand years ago, still really annoying today.
Yes, life is precious. Very good, very well observed. So why do you idiots throw it away with stupid binding curses like that? Your assassin career would be just fine without your silly, theatrical honour codes, that you cling to in order to give your life a deeper meaning but that are ultimately very useless and very dumb.
You really had to flex your arm like that just to illustrate the binding of the ribbon, didn’t you, moonshadow leader? That was totally necessary. Sure.
Ah….Runaan…that is…a nice name.
Which I just assessed factually, neutrally, in a very matter-of-fact manner.
I just noticed. Nothing more.
[“What if they know we’re coming?”]
That’s the face of somebody who messed up big time.
[“No, I don’t want a stupid jelly tart!”]
Ah, yes. Finally somebody who gets it!
Ok, I have to admit…I feel for them though… Poor children.
[“…closet full of moon sweaters.”]
*Bursts into laughter*
Closet full of moon sweaters!! That’s-OHHHH Curses! *he growls*
You got me there. Shame on me. Won’t happen a second time. I promise you that!
You know…the sound of the moon moth’s wings…right?
Yesssss, dramatic horse chase. Follow the moon sweater moth!
Well, guess he just…broke off that engagement.
Ohhhh, pretty sparkles!!
See? We’re perfect for each other.
He likes sparkles. I sparkle.
A match made in heaven!
Soren, they-they’re right in front of you!!
Is this the amount of effort you put into protecting your kingdom? When it is at the brink of freaking war?! Forget the moonshadow elves, you’re the biggest threat to Katolis’ safety…
God, I’m getting a headache.
I hope your father is a bit...brighter or I might have to let the elves and dragons win this thing.
[“You lied to me!”]
Ohhhhh, he’s so fierce when he’s angry…
I would never lie to you! *hums*
 Well, because I can’t lie. Which is very annoying sometimes…
[“Runaan, I’m sorry!”]
Something tells me that this won’t convince him.
[“You let him live but you’ve killed us all!”]
Whoa, Runaan, calm down. She’s a kid. I’m sure that’s not very good for her mental well-being. Cut her some slack.
If this was so important then maybe you should have taken out that soldier yourself. Didn’t occur to you back then? Nope, I don’t think so. Don’t blame her now because you were so bad at planning ahead.
*Shakes his head*
Moonshadow assassin leaders…
 Oh, that was it? Already?
That was…surprisingly fun. Not the soul-crushing existential crisis I was anticipating.
What does it say here? Next episode in five seconds? Well, I won’t say no to that…
Maybe I should get myself something to eat…
*He gets up, humming cheerfully.*
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 6 liveblog/review thing
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HEEEYYYY WHAT'S THIS?!?! I ACTUALLY DID MY LIVEBLOG ON TIME?!?!? yes, i actually did it!! i squeezed this into my schedule. also, i wrote a lot this time for my thoughts after the end of the episode. i wrote an essay!! so, um, please read??? well, i really want someone to read it!! ;__; i kept rambling because i was imagining myself lying down on a couch talking to a psychiatrist about all of my complicated emotional issues THAT WERE CAUSED BY THIS EPISODE. o__O *eyes twitch*
my previous liveblogs:  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5)
see this episode here!! http://www.crunchyroll.com/free-iwatobi-swim-club/episode-6-the-mermaid-of-the-abyss-775637
the first thing i see is a VERY REALISTIC image of a telephone pole. o__o what do you mean it's not a photo?!?!?!?
wow, that girl is impatient. XD
he has been making that sandcastle the whole day and all he can come up with is just a big lump??? maybe if you had better sandcastle-making skills, other kids would want to be friends with you.
he read "the little mermaid" for a reason... is he reading about himself?!?!? he's a merman????
awwwww ikuya is precious ;__;
THAT YODEL!!!!! MY GOODNESS!!!! IT WAS PERFECT!!!! he needs to make an album immediately!!! XDDDDD
"haru really is gone." well i'm sorry he didn't follow you to america to continue his lifeguard career???? lol
i feel like ikuya's constant thinking "i need to be stronger" and "i can't become weak" is actually making him weaker somehow. o__o
"what can i do for him???" you have to stop and realize that you can't fix everything, hiyori.
i love how he clearly heard ikuya speak japanese and he responded in english! kawaii desu!! XD
"we've met somewhere before, huh?" wait, you guys forgot about it?? -__-
abrupt scene change... o__O
"there is one book i like." HMM, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS.
yes, ikuya, it's girly. just admit it. XD
"what can i do for ikuya?" i just told you, you can't always fix everything. just because you saved ikuya before, you think you always have to be the one to "save" him from everything? but that's not realistic. you can't control everything, so you shouldn't feel like it's always your job to save ikuya.
...aaand i'm talking to a fictional character. moving on!!
HOW ARE THEY JUST HAPPENING TO ALSO READ THE LITTLE MERMAID TOO?!?!?!? i guess everyone in this area has a little mermaid obsession. okay, now i seriously want to go watch the little mermaid movie. that was not a joke. i actually feel like i want to watch it sooner or later. free! gave me the idea!!! <3
HOW IS THAT MOM JUST HAPPENING TO DESCRIBE HIYORI'S SITUATION?!?!?!?!? what the... is she psychic?? i am scared of her now. what other powers does she have?!?!?!
oh man, hiyori now has that classic look where you can't see his eyes through his glasses. that is never a good sign... lol
makoto's swimsuit <333333 i love it so much. when i think about makoto in that swimsuit, i feel like all is right with the world. i can breathe easy. i can go to sleep happy. i know that there is peace and hope in the universe.
MAKOTO'S LITTLE BLUSH!!!! <3 did you see that?!? did you all see that? he is such an angel!!!! ^___^
"what's ikuya up too? have you kept in touch with him?" OH NO, you done went there. you done went and asked the question. you done messed up, my friend.
makoto is trying to explain everything but it's not working ^__^UUU
"it's my fault." OMGGGG HARUUUUU NOOOO. STOP. NOOOOO. i'm done. i'm dead. his little quiet voice broke my heart. he feels SO guilty about all this!!! i want to give you a hug, my precious baby. <33333
oh now he's telling nao about the "suffering" thing. i thought i was already dead but now i have died again. this show is TOO PAINFUL!!!! .>___<.
"makoto and i haven't suffered at all!!" don't say that!!! the writers of this show will hear you say that and they will try to think of a way to make you guys suffer!!! that's how writers are. writers like to brainstorm ways to make our characters suffer. it's what we do. XD
having watched ikuya throughout this whole season so far, he seems to be feeling worse and worse, to be honest. =(
haha, ikuya is so clueless. um, hiyori is talking about YOU, dude!!!
haru doesn't even want to eat mackerel?!?! WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS THE REAL HARU??????
oh it's that shady guy again. i forget about him all the time!!!
*pauses to read all the crunchyroll subtitles for Shady Guy's blog*
haru is COMPLETELY COOL while the shady villain guy talks right into his ear. XDDDD
#cafeteriasoba #hidakauniversity #tanukisoba #sobarules
ryuuji??? he has a name? but i don't want him to have a name. i want him to continue being Shady Evil Villain Guy.
WHO IS HE?????????? now i want to know!!! >=(
i'm pretty sure you made up all those provers but whatever
wait, what?!? wait!!! what just... they are all talking about ryuuji?!?!
"he suddenly quit swimming competitively." why? i bet the reason is something bad...
haru has his excited face on, i see.
"he probably missed your calls because he's busy focusing on the next competition." sure, okay, i believe you... you've been 100% honest all the time, of course!!
hmmmmmm okay i can kinda see one reason why hiyori feels such a strong need to "fix" ikuya. natsuya has assigned that job to him!!
haru's been thinking about why he only swims freestyle... uhhh you're just now thinking about that after how many seasons/episodes??? lol
i love how makoto and haru act like this kid is a genius who just revealed a brilliant scientific discovery
*mysterious person appears* wait who is that???
i knew that wishing star thing would come back eventually. (well, duh)
"even if i sink, no one's going to save me anymore." he's talking about swimming? or... his emotions???
i had a feeling someone would start yelling soon. this scene was too quiet!!
"i couldn't become human." ha!!! that proves it. ikuya isn't human. he is a merman. like i have said before, free! is a fantasy anime <3333
hiyori??? i think that ikuya knows how to come down the slide on his own. it's not that difficult. little kids do it all the time. XD
he's on top of him. WELL THIS IS AWKWARD
that scene with their feet looks so weird o__o
"can you just forget about nanase??? i'm way more attractive than he is, so why don't you love me instead????"
ikuya finally gets aggressive toward hiyori!! i felt like that was going to happen!! but wow o___o you guys. just continue being friends already. ;__;
hiyori!!! you just told him to "forget about nanase." it didn't work the first time so obviously it's not going to work the second time!!
"sorry i just assaulted you. whoops"
omg, i want this episode to be over. it's too sad. ;__; *looks at time* uh-oh. there's time for another scene...
looks like Evil Shady Villain (i don't care what his name is) has evil plans for haru with his evil smile!!! haru... you've got to escape!! get away now!!!
that's all!!! now here are my thoughts: i was very emotionally destroyed by this episode because like i said, i noticed that ikuya kept getting worse and worse (not just his swimming times, but his feelings) and then he got into a fight with hiyori at the end. ;___; ;___; ;___; i'm so upset because hiyori is GENUINELY TRYING TO HELP and it's just not working. you saw the flashbacks where hiyori and ikuya's friendship formed. so you can see that ikuya means a lot to hiyori, which is why i said that hiyori is genuinely trying to help. plus, i pointed out that natsuya wants hiyori to watch over ikuya. so that's something that adds to the pressure on hiyori. so i felt so bad for him when first, he tried to invite ikuya to a cafe and he didn't want to go, and then, he tried to tell ikuya "stop thinking about nanase" and ikuya got mad at him for it!! remember, from hiyori's perspective, haru is just a bad person who's causing trouble. so from that perspective, it makes perfect sense that the solution to ikuya’s problem would be to stop thinking about haru. so i think it was surprising for hiyori that ikuya got mad at him. =( remember how earlier in the season, ikuya tended to be agreeable with hiyori? he went along with most things hiyori said/did. that's what hiyori's used to, and so that's why i think it was surprising for hiyori when ikuya got mad. he thought ikuya would just agree with his suggestions as usual.
ikuya actually has a positive view of haru and he does want to keep thinking about him. he is grateful for haru's rescue of him, and he wants to be "strong like haru." at the same time, he's angry at haru. but his true feelings toward haru are actually positive, which is why he rejected hiyori's advice to stop thinking about him. i don't think either of them are listening to each other. hiyori wants to fix ikuya instead of listening to him, and ikuya feels that doing things alone gives him strength, so he's not interested in trying to be fixed by hiyori or anyone else. he just wants to be "strong" on his own. ...it's not going well.
i loved the part where ikuya was on the slide and hiyori was on top of him. XD it was so dramatic. hmm, maybe i am beginning to ship them??? i don't know though, because they really need to work out their problems first. they're not quite at a point where i'm like "YEEAAAHHH I SHIP THEM, HIYORI x IKUYA 4EVER!!!!!!!" they'd be so cute if they weren't... you know... in a pretty damaged relationship right now. ^__^U actually, it's not just about this fight. even before that, their relationship was "off" to me. (not when they were kids. i'm talking about the present day) something about their friendship wasn't quite right. and so i'm not surprised that they ended up fighting.
...still, i'm hoping that they will soon work everything out and have some heartwarming moments!!! <3333
wait, i'm not done yet. i also want to say that it was so painful to me when haru said "it's my fault." there was something so broken in his voice. i could hear it. i think that every person has had situations in their lives where something that someone said or did bothered them and it continued to bother them for a long time even though it shouldn't have. you know that feeling when you can't stop thinking about something even though that thing keeps weighing you down??? it really shouldn't make you so upset, and you should let it go and not let it get to you, but you just can't stop thinking about it because you're taking it too seriously. what haru is going through right now is so relatable. 
honestly though, asahi and makoto don't seem to fully grasp how deeply this is hurting haru. asahi said that he and makoto swam with haru and were fine, and makoto agreed, but i was thinking, "haru's not going to instantly feel better just because you guys said that." when you're feeling that bad about something, one quick and simple answer isn't going to fully heal you. i expected makoto to understand how hurt haru is right now, but i'm not sure if he does!! (...which is weird.) the good news is that nao seems to have a plan, i guess. i don't have a clue what he's thinking of doing, but i'm sure that haru and the others will get through to ikuya somehow. right? RIGHT???
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Could I request an imagine where the RFA+V+Saeran are jealous of MC. Like they see someone flirting with her or see her treating someone with care and they just get really jealous?
okay this got way too long so i’m gonna put the rest under a cut after yoosung’s LOL i wrote freaking novels oh my god
he actually gets jealous really easily
never forget yandere yoosung
you visited him on campus once and a lot of his classmates got lowkey crushes on you
some had highkey crushes and worked up the courage to go talk to you they moved in packs cause they were nervous
“hey there, are you an incoming transfer student? ;)”
“ah, no… i’m looking for kim yoosung?”
their eyes went wide before they burst into smiles
“oooooh, so this is our yoosung’s infamous girlfriend? we almost couldn’t believe it. i swear, he never stops talking about you”
in the distance, you swear you heard feet stomping before yoosung practically threw himself between you and his classmates
“noooo!!! she’s mine, my girlfriend!!”
you and them are all laughing as he shoos them away before leading you towards the entrance
then he starts apologizing a billion times 
“i’m sorry, did they make you uncomfortable? they’re good guys, though. really!” 
“no, they seemed friendly… do you really talk about me that much at school?”
he goes red in the face and starts stammering like a madman
“n-no, i mean… yes, but it’s all… i like talking about you! but if you don’t like it, i’ll stop!!”
you laugh and say it’s fine, you think it’s cute, and he starts blushing even more
turns out it’s lunch break so he offers to show you around the school
although he holds your hand the entire time and doesn’t let go
if an oblivious male student tries to make conversation, you can literally feel him bristling like a little porcupine next to him
you think it’s cute though, lowkey
if he could, he’d carry around a swatter so he could bat away any guy that tried going near you
basically all of your dates in public are 85% you both enjoying the date 5% zen dealing with approaching fans and 10% zen giving major side eye to any guy that’s staring at you too long 
although his possessive instincts got worse after one particular incident
you two were taking a walk around the park late in the afternoon after his rehearsals 
 there were still people hanging around the plaza, so he wore a mask and tucked in his hair under a cap to be more discreet 
he noticed an ice cream cart vendor still hanging around nearby, so he offered to go buy some cones 
you ain’t about to turn down dessert so you agree and wait on a bench in the plaza while he rushes offuntil a pair of slightly tipsy dudes saunter over to you and ask for your number 
you’re all “sorry nope i’d rather not” but they’re annoyingly persistent and loud
they try to sit on the bench with you so you get up to move except they get up and block your way again 
at this point, you’re considering kicking them in the shins when it happens 
you catch zen stalking over from behind the dudes before he not-so-accidentally shoulders between them, ice cream cones in hand 
they both stumble to the ground, swearing at 95 mph 
zen’s too busy handing you both ice creams to hear them anyways 
now they’re pissed off, hauling themselves back up and ready to reach for him 
when zen whips around, yanks off his face mask and pulls off his cap 
you could literally see both men’s eyes widen at how good-looking zen was 
some girls in the distance are now screaming cause they recognized zen but he’s too busy glaring lasers into the two people in front of him 
you know he’s glaring because they both shrunk back slightly, and you swear the shock of it all sobered them up 
although some people were already racing up with their cellphones, so you finally step next to zen and tap his shoulder with your free hand 
“uh, zen? people are watching” 
zen finally glances towards you, a grin growing on his face 
he slings an arm around your shoulder before turning back towards the two, who were just blinking like who tf is this guy why are we being surrounded by screaming girls 
and then zen goes “thanks for keeping my girlfriend company while i was gone. i’d rather not be violent and ruin our date tonight, so consider yourselves lucky.”
his fans are good ppl and don’t chase after him as he leads you away from the park, to your relief
once you two were walking back on the street, you’re laughing at how funny the whole situation was
it was like some scene out a drama
zen was pouting for a bit that those guys tried advancing on you, but he soon loosened up and started laughing too
by that time, both of the ice cream cones had half-melted, but neither of you minded
she tends to keep things to herself, even when something’s bothering her
and usually, she dealt with it on her own, even though you always ask her to rely on you once in a while
one time you were communicating with a potential party guest, and you two really hit it off
he was a real friendly and fun person to chat with, so he sometimes called you up to chat instead of just messaging
one phone call happened in the evening at home 
you were sprawled on the sofa while she was at the dinner table on her laptop
you didn’t notice anything was amiss until she suddenly walked disappeared into the kitchen and reappeared with a cup of coffee
she marched over and placed it on the small table in front of the sofa next to you
you slightly tilt the phone away to look at her questioningly and whisper “coffee?”
“you looked tired, i thought this could give you a boost”
“but it’s almost 8pm, i won’t be able to sleep if i drink this”
jaehee looks slightly dejected, but nods
she says “apologies, i forgot how late it was” before taking the cup to her table for herself
now you feel bad for making her sad, but suddenly remember you’re still on the phone and hurriedly go back to answer the guest
you want to go cheer jaehee up so you’re trying to find the right time to hang up but he keeps talking
until suddenly jaehee pipes up from where she’s sitting and goes “could you come and check over this itinerary? it’s almost finalized”
you grab the chance and tell the guest you have something to do, and finally end the call
but when you march over, there’s no itinerary on her screen
“did you send it already…?”
“ah no, i still have to add some things to it, so there’s not much to review yet”
it slowly dawns on you and you grin really wide 
“jaehee… were you jealous?”
she doesn’t turn to look at you, but you ain’t missing the way her ears were going red
“of course not, you were simply doing business with a potential guest. although i must point out that upon looking into his financial history, he does not have a reputable credit…”
you laugh and hug her from behind, feeling her relax and bit and chuckle too
she was right about the guest he was drowning in debt too so you ended up not inviting him, and everyone was happy
look up “possessive” in the dictionary and a picture of Jumin Han will appear next to the definition
will not forgive any man who dares to make moves on you
god help them if they try it in front of him
he’s stuck to your side most of the time you two go outside on a date
although he gets especially territorial when you’re shopping at a mall or something
since you’ll be wandering around looking at the items on sale, you’re bound to encounter different people
but if someone - especially a guy - looks like he’s about to ask for that yung phone number, jumin pops up out of nowhere and literally shuts them down
one second it’s just you and some random guy hanging out by a store shelf as he starts to say “hey, i think you’re really cute. do you think we could exchange info and maybe grab a cup of–”
a wild jumin appears! 
he’ll just… pop up like a gopher before glaring at the guy and going “no”
this happens every time some guy tries flirting with you
you swear he has some kind of radar 
one time he accidentally did it to a salesperson he didn’t regret it though
although when he’s feeling particularly jealous, he copes by buying you everything
i’m talking rows of clothes/shoes/jewelry getting purchased in one go
you’re like “jumin NO” but he just pulls out his credit card and goes “jumin yes”
you end up returning almost everything the next day anyways
if he’s still sulking by the time you two get home, though, you’re sure to cuddle him and reassure him that you love him only
and that helps him stop the sulking and restore the happiness
this boy goes from Not Jealous to Jealous Hacker Meme Master™ real quick
it’s a rare mode that is not easily unlocked, but it’s memorable when it happens
one special moment was when you had to actually go and meet an RFA guest in person
he was fine with it until you mentioned that you two were having lunch before taking a stroll around town while you talked
“wait, this sounds like a date!!”
“it’s not, he says it’s just formalities so that we get along well”
“that’s a date!!!!!”
by the end of the conversation he’s actively clinging to your leg while you struggle to reach the door
you swear that it’s just a meeting, and even offer for him to check on you once in a while if it makes him feel better
he finally lets you go at that, sending you off with teary eyes and a kiss/hug
you and the RFA guest have a peaceful lunch
that is, until your phone suddenly starts beeping nonstop
you’re like wtf and unlock your phone when a pixelated cartoon of seven bounces around your screen
suddenly your phone starts saying “i love seven!” with some upbeat cartoon music playing in the background
okay it’s actually kind of cute but you’re in a public cafe and the thing’s so loud
thankfully it stops after like 20 seconds, and you two laugh it off
the guy’s like “i’m guessing that’s the ringtone for your boyfriend?”
and you’re all “hahaha… yeah… ringtone…”
the walk around town isn’t that eventful - you two just chat a bit about his occupation and you explain a bit about the party
but at the end, he asks to add your number so that he can contact you about any additional questions
you’re fine with it, but when he tries to save your contact information, he frowns when he phone suddenly blares on error sound
to your horror, you can hear seven’s voice from his phone
“Greetings, dear RFA guest! Unfortunately, this precious number is not allowed to be stored onto your cellular device! Please try again with a different phone number! By the power of God Seven, please accept this photo of Longcat instead! Goodbye!!”
there’s a loooong silence after the message as you both stare at his phone
and as promised, a photo of Longcat suddenly pops up on his lockscreen
you’re busy trying not to laugh apologizing to him, but he’s already laughing, finding the thing hilarious
he amends by saying he’ll email you professionally instead, and thanks you for the interesting meeting
also asks you to send his regards to your boyfriend
you go home to a smug seven sitting in his desk chair
you can’t even get mad at him, and he’s lowkey relieved you’re not
the two of you spend the rest of the night chilling in bed and watching cheesy movies together
a really jealous V is a one in a million moment
literally so rare
since he’s too pure to be tainted with such a thing like envy
so even when he does get jealous, it’s like a really mild form of it
for the most part, he’s the type to just silently sulk about it
if you two are out in public, he’ll do his darnedest to make sure he’s holding your hand or your shoulder
and then once you’re home, he asks if he could just sit on the sofa with you
by “sit on the sofa with you” he means “you sit on the sofa while he hugs you forever”
you can tell when he’s feeling jealous though, cause he goes extremely quiet and always wants to hug you 24/7 
during those times you like to hug him back and just continuously tell him why you love him to make him feel better
and it works, even though he always insists that he wasn’t feeling jealous
it’s hella cute when he does it though, so you just let him say that
he also goes on a picture-taking spree when he’s feeling a bit jealous of you chatting it up with another guy
makes sure that the flash is on when he snaps a picture of you
the guys all confused as to why he took a picture
and V just goes “ah, sorry. i was trying to take a photo of my girlfriend. she looked particularly stunning just now”
and at the point, the other party immediately realizes the situation and backs off
thanks to that, there’s lots of extra candids of you talking with some random guy hiding in a box in V’s room
um if you make the mistake of provoking a jealous saeran, you better start ordering a casket
he won’t even give the guy a chance to save himself if he tries flirting with you out in the open
he’ll just casually move you aside and take your place in front of the guy before going “back off before things get ugly”
that paired with his soul-destroying glare is usually enough to scare everyone off
except one time in front of a small movie theater, a particular brave soul didn’t back down
instead, he puffed up his chest and just smirked
“what’s with you, goth boy. her boyfriend or something?”
you’re slightly ticked off now, stepping forward and glaring at him
“he is, actually.”
the guy’s surprised, but laughs it off
“seriously? him? come on, i think i could be a better match for you.”
at this point you’re about the roast this guy to the ends of the earth when saeran places a hand on your shoulder and asks you to go buy the tickets for you two
you catch the expression on his face and know better than to stick around so you head to the ticket booth while whispering a silent prayer for the guy
and then saeran steps forward so that he’s nearly touching noses with the guy
proceeds to give him the most fear-inducing and heart-shriveling look
honestly, the guy was about to pee himself, but just barely held it together
“you have two choices. either leave right now and hope you never cross paths with us again, or i can ruin your life in every way imaginable.”
the guy knows saeran’s dead serious too, so he just books it out of there
and saeran simply walks back to the ticket booth where you’re waiting, takes your hand, and starts heading towards the theater room
you didn’t hear what he said, but you still loved watching it happen
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katrinawritesthings · 8 years
Jonghyun/Everyone; drunk and smol; PG-13
listen Imagine jonghyun being small and drunk and wiggly and giggly
tw for alcohol
“And for you, a fuzzy navel,” the bartender says, pushing an orange drink with a cute little umbrella in it in front of Jonghyun.
“This is… way too nice for us,” Taemin mutters to Jonghyun as they slip into the heated water of the pool. “Like, what the fuck.” This is so fucking fancy and cool. There’s a bar in the middle of the pool, all lit up with blue light under the water and real flames flickering up top against the dusk sky. There’s a whole DJ setup at the other end of the pool and fancy little appetizer dishes on tables by the building, and inside the hotel room they got personalized fruit baskets and super nice showers with name brand shampoos. “We don’t deserve this,” he hisses against Jonghyun’s ear.
“No, we don’t,” Jonghyun agrees. He takes Taemin’s hand and tugs him to wade over to the bar. “But Minho’s important business ass does, so. We get to mooch off of him like we do for everything else.” He gives Taemin a sly little wink over his shoulder as they float onto the underwater stools. Taemin breathes out a heavy breath of agreement. If Minho suddenly stopped being one of the best people in his life and switched personalities with a crusty, sticky, dried up sea snail that had washed up on shore two weeks ago and was just waiting for death, Taemin honestly would still stay with him if it meant he got to keep enjoying perks like this. An all-expenses paid, all-inclusive, week long vacation to a fancy beach resort. Holy shit.
“Hi,” Jonghyun smiles when the bartender comes over to see to them. Taemin smiles too, trailing his hand over to Jonghyun’s bare back, just to rest there. “We’re room number--um.” He falters, glances at Taemin, looks down at the water with furrowed brows and a little pout. “Fuck.” Taemin grins at his little lapse of memory. Cute.
“We’re number two--wait.” He frowns too, hand automatically reaching down to pat his hip for a phone that isn’t there. “Shit,” he hisses. He forgot too. “Two hundred and. Something,” he mumbles.
“Two eighty?” Jonghyun asks, turning to him questioningly. Taemin hums shortly. That doesn’t sound right.
“Two….” he sighs. Neither of them have the memory retention for this kind of shit. They need--
“No!” Jonghyun says suddenly. “Two-oh-eight,” he tells the bartender confidently. Taemin looks up to see him showing them his hand with a wide smile. “I wrote it down,” he grins, showing Taemin the number on his hand next. Taemin snorts, but tugs him a tiny bit closer and rests his chin on his shoulder. Good thinking from a good babe.
“Anyway,” Taemin says, turning back to the bartender. “Can I get a strawberry daiquiri, but, like, with vodka instead of rum?” he asks. Rum daiquiris give him headaches.
“And can I just get something, like. I don’t really drink a lot so I want alcohol but I don’t want to taste the alcohol, you know?” Jonghyun says. “I like oranges,” he adds as a bright afterthought. Taemin laughs softly, nodding at the bartender’s acceptance of their orders before turning to brush his lips against Jonghyun’s cheek. He’s so good and cute.
“Hey,” he says, leaning his elbow on the bar and leaning his cheek in his hand. He smiles lazily, relaxed by the warmth of the water around his waist, the pleasant atmosphere of the pool, and Jonghyun’s answering look. “Where’s your top?” he asks, reaching out with his free hand to poke Jonghyun’s bare chest. He slides that hand down to poke at the bottom of Jonghyun’s swimsuit, the second piece to his two piece, the pleated little pink skirt that flutters in the water. “I know you had one,” he says. He saw him packing it and everything. Jonghyun grins, a mischievous little thing, and shrugs his shoulders innocently.
“Somewhere,” he says lightly. Taemin chuckles softly. Somewhere. Somewhere hidden and not covering up the cute flower tattoos on his muscular chest, most likely. He draws his fingers over to the simple ink, tracing them gently the way Jonghyun likes. Four, one for each babe. Taemin pokes the dark purple azalea on the right lightly a few times. That one’s him. Jonghyun giggles at his light touches, pushing his hand away but taking it to hold a second later. Taemin squeezes his hand quickly. This is nice.
“Your strawberry vodka daiquiri.” The bartender interrupts their little moment, but it’s with their drinks, so Taemin can’t say he’s disappointed. He smiles a little “thanks” at them, taking his daiquiri and sipping through the straw eagerly. He even got a fresh little strawberry stuck to the rim of his glass. This is classy shit. “And for you, a fuzzy navel,” they say, pushing an orange drink with a cute little umbrella in it in front of Jonghyun.
“Mmm,” Taemin hums, nodding encouragingly when Jonghyun glances at him questioningly. That’s good. A good choice. “They’re, like,” he says. “Peach schnapps with orange juice.” He hates peaches but he’s had variations of the drink and he knows that they’re good in concept.
“Ooh,” Jonghyun says. He plucks off his little orange slice and sucks on it, smiling brightly at the bartender. “Thanks,” he says. Taemin watches, amused as he takes a tentative sip, smiles wide and giddy, and takes a bigger drink. “Holy shit,” he says after a thick swallow. He looks from his glass to Taemin with his crooked grin, the one that usually means trouble. “I’m gonna need a few refills of this,” he says. Taemin laughs, muffling it into the back of his hand. There are baskets of little wheat crackers and other drinking snacks every few seats at the bar and he grabs one, sliding it over for Jonghyun to take.
“Dude, I’m so… relaxed… right now.”
“Same,” Minho sighs. He’s so warm and content, sat comfortably on a ledge in the pool, the water lapping at his chest, gentle music thumping through the speakers a few feet away. Taemin comes floating slowly back to him in his inner tube, spinning slowly, dozing off in the nest of his arms with his lazy, tipsy smile. He catches the tube gently and pushes him back to Jinki on the other side of the pool continue their little game of catch. “Remember when you said it was a bad idea to come here in the middle of January?” he asks, grinning smugly when Jinki rolls his eyes.
“It’s still not as warm as it could be,” he says, but it’s a weak little grump of an argument at best. They all have to agree that Minho picked a great time to use his free vacation. They’re some of the only people here right now and it’s great. Tonight is so calm and peaceful. Him and Jinki, chilling at the end of the pool, Taemin content and sleepy between them, Kibum’s social ass in the big hot tub actually talking to strangers for some reason, Jonghyun…. Jonghyun. Hmm. Minho seems to have lost track of him.
“Where’s Jonghyun?” he asks Jinki. Maybe he’d been paying more attention--but, no, he shrugs as well. Huh. Taemin comes floating back to him, one eye cracked lazily open.
“I left him at the bar when I came here,” he hums. He shrugs his shoulders and closes his eyes again as Minho pushes him back to Jinki. Hmm. The bar. Minho doesn’t see him over there, but maybe he’s on the other side.
“I’m gonna go find him,” he says. He pushes off of the ledge of the pool and pats both Taemin’s bare back and Jinki’s damp tshirt before he wades his way over to the bar.
Just like he thought, he finds Jonghyun on the far side of the bar. Unlike he thought, however, he also finds Jonghyun in the lap of some pretty babe, arms around their neck and smile wide against their mouth. No less than five little cocktail umbrellas are in his hair and his cheeks and ears have the rare pink flush he gets when he’s too drunk.
“Oh, jeez,” Minho sighs. He sloshes over there, rolling his eyes at how positively pleased Jonghyun looks to have someone’s hands on his waist. “Hey,” he says when he gets close, tapping Jonghyun’s shoulder and tugging him back a tiny bit. His new friend pulls away first, eyes fluttering open in a daze, and then Jonghyun reacts a second or two after. He clings to them but turns to Minho, smile wide and eyes peppy.
“Minho-ie,” he says happily, lips curving up even more, and Minho grins in spite of himself. He’s so fucking cute. “Minho-ie, Minho-ie,” Jonghyun chirps, lifting one arm to tug Minho closer. “Mmmm, look at my umbrellas, aren’t I cute?” he asks, fluttering his lashes and tapping the blue umbrella behind his left ear. Minho shakes his head fondly but turns it into a nod, a shrug, because it’s not like he can lie. He’s adorable. Jonghyun giggles and flushes even pinker at the agreement. “Minho-ie,” he says again, “this is. This is. Um. Fuck.” He breaks into giggles, turning back to his pretty babe and slouching against them, muffling them into their neck. “I forgot your name, oh noooo,” he whines.
“Oh,” his babe says. They glance at Minho; Minho shrugs helplessly. Jonghyun’s memory isn't the best even when he’s sober. “It’s--”
“Apology kiss,” Jonghyun says, head popping up quickly. He tugs them forward and kisses them, oblivious to their few seconds of shock before they return it. Minho sighs, rolling his eyes.
“Alright, listen,” he says, tugging Jonghyun’s shoulder back again. Jonghyun pouts, but Minho scratches the back of his head gently, where his undercut is, to make him purr and scrunch and lose focus. “Sorry, um, about him,” he tells Jonghyun’s babe. “But he already has, you know, me and three other datefriends, and--”
“Oh, no, yeah, he told me,” they say quickly. “You and Taemie and Kibummie and Jinki… ie.” They rub the back of their neck a little sheepishly at the cutesie nicknames Jonghyun told them. “But, he also said--”
“There’s nothing wrong with kissies, Minho-ie,” Jonghyun pouts. He leans back away from his babe, nuzzling his head into Minho’s stomach. One of his little umbrellas falls out of his hair and he squeaks, fumbling to grab it out of the water. Minho sighs. That is true, he guesses, but still.
“There is when you’re drunk and unsupervised,” he says. He plucks the umbrella out of the pool, tosses it in a little garbage can at the bar, and plucks another from Jonghyun’s half-empty glass. Looks like some fruity orange drink. “How many of these have you had?” he asks, tucking the new umbrella behind Jonghyun’s ear. Jonghyun hums, wiggles his arm over to grab it, drinks the rest of it in one go and licks his lips with the laziest little smile.
“A few,” he says slyly. He pokes Minho’s bellybutton with a little giggle next and Minho sighs, taking the glass and setting it down firmly on the bar.
“Enough,” he says sternly. More than enough. Jonghyun pouts, but Minho shakes his head. He knows drunk Jonghyun. Any more and he’ll stop being wiggly and start being weepy. “Come here,” he says, tugging Jonghyun even further back until he wiggles off of his babe’s lap. “Oof. Come on. Up straight.” He gets his arm around Jonghyun’s waist and struggles until Jonghyun stops leaning so much on him.
“Up gay,” Jonghyun says against his chest. His giggles turn into louder laughter and Minho sighs again. He’s not even gay. “Minho-ie,” Jonghyun giggles. “Minho-ie, did you know that. If you add vodka to a fuzzy navel. It turns into a hairy navel?” His little hands grip at Minho’s arm and Minho sighs, shaking his head. That explains a lot.
“Bye,” he tells Jonghyun’s babe, giving them a little wave because he doesn’t know what else to do. They’re honestly welcome to follow and keep making out with Jonghyun if they want, but he doesn’t feel like telling them that.
“I’m here all week,” Jonghyun grins, leaning back in Minho’s arm to throw them a wink and a smile. They wave back, looking a mix of amused and baffled, and Minho smiles fondly as he tugs Jonghyun away through the water. Jonghyun leans against him, taking bouncy steps, staring at his skirt fluttering and floating under the water as the water creeps up to their chests. “Minho-ie, Minho-ie,” he hums happily. Minho bumps him with his hip.
“Yeah?” he asks. Jonghyun sways, giggles, swishes his hands through the water and lifts them up around Minho’s shoulders.
“Minho-ie,” he murmurs. Minho bends easily when Jonghyun pulls him down for a kiss. His mouth tastes like oranges.
Kibum isn’t keeping track, but this is the seventeenth time that Jonghyun has bumped him and he would be getting annoyed if he didn’t feel like a cloud right now. He turns his head, resting it on his shoulder, and watches Jonghyun’s drunk ass struggling to wiggle into someone else’s lap. Again. He rolls his eyes, lifting a lazy hand to tug on Jonghyun’s waist.
“Hey,” he says, pulling until Jonghyun sits back down next to him in the hot tub with a little oof. “What did I say about sitting on people without asking?” he asks.
“Mmmm…,” Jonghyun hums. It turns into a giggle, and Jonghyun turns into his shoulder, a little hand papping at his tank top. “To not to,” he grins. He slides his hand all the way around Kibum’s waist, nuzzling his little smile all up into his neck. “Sorry, Kibummie,” he says. Kibum snorts, tilting Jonghyun’s face up to press a fond kiss to his cheek.
“Don’t apologize to me,” he says, nudging Jonghyun away from him. “It was Joon you were all over.”
“Oh.” Another giggle tumbles from Jonghyun’s lips as he turns back around. “Right,” he says. “Joonie.” He slings his arm around Joon’s shoulder and nuzzles into his neck. “Mmmm, Joonie,” he hums. Kibum hears many little kissies peppered over skin before Jonghyun tilts his head up and leans towards his lips. “Apology kiss,” he chirps, shifting up even closer. Joon laughs, his wide smile growing even larger, but leans away, pushing on Jonghyun’s shoulder gently.
“I’m all kissed out, actually,” he says. “Sorry.”
“Oooohhh,” Jonghyun whines. His voice is tiny and high. He deflates, sliding off of Joon’s body and slumping in his seat, a pout big on his lips. Kibum tsks. He’s so cute and wiggly, but also so rude right now.
“Hey,” he says again, booping Jonghyun’s tum under the water. Jonghyun giggles, swatting at his hand. He splashes some water on himself and giggles at that next, and Kibum rolls his eyes fondly. “Hey,” he says again. “What did we say about pouting when people don’t want to kiss?” he asks. Jonghyun opens his mouth, pauses, and scrunches up his face in the most adorable way. Kibum leans over and kisses his cheek in spite of his attempts at control because he just can’t resist how cute Jonghyun is like this. As he’s fixing up one of the many cocktail umbrellas in Jonghyun’s hair, Jonghyun starts and gasps softly, eyes going wide in realization.
“Oh, oh!” he says, and turns immediately again to Joon. “Sorry I made you feel guilty for not wanting to share physical affection with me,” he says, surprisingly slowly and clearly. Kibum is impressed. Jonghyun breaks into giggles a second after he finishes, yeah, but still. Joon looks just as charmed as everyone else and picks up one of Jonghyun’s hands out of the water to press his lips to.
“Maybe later we can talk more about, uh, insomnia,” he offers. Jonghyun perks up immediately with eager little nods as Kibum snorts. God. He forgot that that’s how their whole little makeout started; a “Yeah, my insomnia’s been getting better lately” from Joon and an “Oh! I have insomnia too! We should kiss!” from Jonghyun. Honestly, Jonghyun’s drunk logic is pretty solid.
“Hey, I wanna kiss him,” someone says. Kibum cocks a brow, looking across the hot tub at the new volunteer. He doesn’t know them; they must have slipped into the tub when he wasn’t paying attention. They’re sitting with Luna and Sunny, though, so he feels like they’re good. He doesn’t stop Jonghyun when he makes his happy little noises and grabby hands at them. He just smiles, amused and enamored, as Jonghyun hops off of the ledge to let them sit there instead. He promptly sits in their lap and kisses them with the widest smile and Kibum honestly doesn’t think that Jonghyun could have possibly picked a more Jonghyun thing to do on their first day of this vacation.
With Jonghyun occupied again, Kibum turns his attention back to his group of people, continuing his conversation from before. He likes all of these goobers. They’re great and friendly and chill, and they all think he’s as rich and successful as the rest of them instead of just tagging along on his datefriend’s free trip.
Speaking of Minho, he glances up at the main pool quickly, just to check that he’s still there since he dropped Jonghyun off here in the hot tub. Yep. Lounging near the speakers, talking with Jinki, Taemin napping in his pool donut between them. He’s glad that they’re all having a good time. They deserve it. He sinks down lower in his seat, closing his eyes for a moment to appreciate the warmth and bubbles of the hot tub. He deserves this too.
Submerged all the way up to his neck, he smiles lazily as he listens to his new friends. He hasn’t really been talking as much lately; he was contributing a lot before, but he’s getting sleepy and too content to do more than nod and toss in a reply or so every so often. Maybe he’ll grab a little espresso shot really quick and come back so he can talk again.
He’s really thinking about it, glancing over at the little pool bar, when Jonghyun bumps him gently again. He rolls his eyes fondly. Maybe he’ll get him a little cup of fruit juice also. He watches Jonghyun kissing his new babe, amused. He’s not smiling as much anymore; he’s super into it, holding their face, sucking on their lips, rolling his hips forward--wait.
“Hey,” Kibum says, frowning. What the fuck. Under the water he can clearly see their two hands absolutely groping Jonghyun’s ass under his skirt and he huffs. “Hey,” he says again, and tugs Jonghyun back. He ignores Jonghyun’s whine and frowns at his soon-to-be-ex kiss partner. “What are you doing?” he demands. “Why are you touching his butt? He’s drunk. What’s the matter with you.” He tugs on Jonghyun’s shoulders and waist grumpily until Jonghyun wiggles off of their lap. He pouts but Kibum ignores that too and pulls Jonghyun into his own lap instead as they hold up their hands and splutter defensively.
“I wasn’t--I just--my hands always go to the butt automatically,” they whine. “It was a platonic butt touch. Really.” They actually do look earnest and sincere and guilty; Kibum squints at them suspiciously. Humph. Still.
“Trust me, there is no platonic butt touching with him,” he mutters. Jonghyun, who was pouting against his hair, immediately breaks into giggles again.
“Wanna let them kiss my butt too,” he says. He makes his flirty eyes at his babe and Kibum sighs, placing his hand gently over Jonghyun’s face. That’s just. Not gonna happen.
“Shoo,” he tells them, flapping his free hand gently to make them go away. They hesitate, make noises like they’re going to argue, look at Kibum’s stern frown, and sigh, getting up sadly and sloshing away back to their spot from before. Jonghyun is back to pouting, whining softly against Kibum’s ear. Kibum rearranges him to be more comfortable in his lap and tilts his face up for a tiny peck. “Shush,” he says this time. “You’re an adorable pretty princess.”
“Oh. Ooh.” Jonghyun brightens immediately, unhappiness apparently forgotten as he flushes at Kibum’s flattery. He’s so easy. Kibum grins smugly as he holds his chin steady to press more soft, slow, chaste kisses to his mouth.
A few minutes later, someone else slides into the empty spot next to them. Jonghyun turns with a wide smile to press their mouths together, but Kibum keeps him in his lap still. He can spend the rest of their time tonight right here.
Jinki finds Jonghyun right where Kibum said he would be, bouncing around the water in the four foot section of the pool with his slack, tipsy little smile. He smiles to himself as he wades over, amused at how Jonghyun twirls and hops and splishes his hands gently in the water. He’s giggling to himself, smiling down at his legs and his fluttery short skirt. A lone little pretty.
“Hey,” Jinki says softly when he reaches him. He lifts his hands to Jonghyun’s waist and Jonghyun turns, looks up, gasps, smiles.
“Jinki-ie,” he hums, immediately leaning forward and nuzzling Jinki’s wet tshirt. “Mmmm, hi, Jinki-ie,” he mumbles. “Jinki-ie,” he says. “Look at all of my umbrellas.” Jinki can’t look at all of Jonghyun’s umbrellas with Jonghyun pressing closer and closer to him by the second, pressing his face and soft kisses into his neck. He nods anyway, petting Jonghyun’s damp hair gently. He saw them earlier, when he was walking up.
“They’re super cute,” he says, grinning when he feels Jonghyun’s quiet little noise of happiness against his skin.
“Super cute, that’s me,” Jonghyun says. “Jinki-ie, i feel all floaty.” He bounces on his toes in the water a little and Jinki chuckles softly. The cutest. That’s him. Pushing Jonghyun back gently, he tilts his chin up for a little kiss. His breath smells like oranges.
“We’re all going back in now,” he says. He points at the other end of the pool, where Kibum and Minho are bugging Taemin to stop pretending to be asleep and walk back on his own. Jonghyun gasps softly.
“For sleepies?” he asks, squishing his cheeks. Jinki nods.
“Mmhmm,” he hums. Food and snuggles and sleepies. They’re all gonna order room service for breakfast tomorrow and snuggle some more, too. It’ll be good. Jonghyun beams, bouncing up to press more little kissies to Jinki’s lips and cheeks.
“Okay, Jinki-ie,” he chirps. He takes Jinki’s hand, tugging him purposefully through the water. Jinki follows, amused, as Jonghyun leads him halfway to the wrong corner of the pool.
“This way, baby girl,” he says, turning Jonghyun with a gentle hand on the small of his back towards the actual steps. Jonghyun pauses, looks around, giggles.
“Whoopsie,” he says. Jinki nudges his side playfully.
“Did any of your new umbrellas come with new drinks?” he jokes. He can’t have knocked back a few more in the few minutes between Kibum leaving him alone and Jinki getting to him. Jonghyun’s giggles turn more mischievous, though, and Jinki’s brows raise. Oh. He actually did.
“Mmm, Kibummie said only one more,” he grins, nuzzling it against Jinki’s shirt. “But the nice bartender babe gave me a whole lot of umbrellas with it.” Jinki’s shoulders deflate in an understanding little laugh. Oh. Okay. One more drink couldn’t have fucked up him up that much. As if to confirm that thought, Jonghyun tugs him gently through the water again. “I’m fine,” he says. “Super fine. I’ve been fine for like. An hour.” Jinki highly doubts that; he’s a huge lightweight and Taemin said he’d had a lot. They’ve only been at the pool for three or four hours. It can’t have worn off yet.
Still, though, Jonghyun’s steps are even enough as he pulls Jinki through the water, so Jinki guesses he’s right. He’s probably just used to it by now, to be honest. Either way, Jinki doesn’t have to worry too much about getting him all ready to go back inside.
He follows Jonghyun as he bounces slowly through the water towards the steps. He winds up on the side with the steady bar, but he holds Jonghyun’s hand anyway so they can get out together. He walks up the first few steps fine; when Jonghyun gets to the second one, he sways. When he gets to the third one, and the water is just up to his knees, he stumbles, and by the time he’s mostly out of the water on the fourth one, Jinki is holding his hand tighter and reaching for his shoulder to keep him up straight.
It doesn’t work; Jonghyun wobbles, grabs weakly at Jinki’s forearm, whines, and then half falls, half sits down on the top step. He’s still holding onto Jinki’s hand but his other hand is holding his skirt and he’s looking around at the water lapping around his hips with the scrunchiest litle pout Jinki has ever seen.
“How come I’m not floaty anymore,” he mumbles.
“Oh, jeez,” Jinki sighs. He should have known. The only reason Jonghyun was holding himself up so well in the water was because the water was doing half of the work for him. Now he has to deal with gravity and shit on his own.
“Jinki-ie,” Jonghyun says, and turns his big pout up to him. “I think I’m a little drunk.”
“Holy shit,” Jinki says. He laughs at the absurdity of that, pushes his hair out of his face, shakes his head. “Yeah you are,” he agrees. He’s super drunk. Jonghyun wiggles in the water and Jinki bends down to just pick him up. He doesn’t want to deal with trying to help Jonghyun walk first. He’ll just wind up carrying him anyway. “C’mere, pretty,” he says, fitting one arm under Jonghyun’s knees and the other behind his back. Jonghyun clings around his neck and squeaks as Jinki picks him up bridal style.
He’s an adorable little loaf of drippy muscle in Jinki’s arms, but not too heavy that Jinki can’t carry him to the showers. He’s smiley and nuzzly all the way to the little wall, but when Jinki sets him down gently, wraps an arm around his waist, and reaches for the warm water knob, he whines, wiggling away and shaking his head.
“Jinki-ie, noooo,” he says. He tugs on Jinki’s arm and pouts and mumbles things that Jinki honestly can not understand until he catches two words: “my umbrellas.”
Jinki closes his eyes and rubs his hand over his face, more endeared than he’s been all night. Jonghyun is so fucking cute.
“Alright, come here,” he murmurs, pulling Jonghyun close again. He plucks Jonghyun’s pretty paper umbrellas out of his hair one by one, holding them gently and pressing them into Taemin’s hands when he sleepily rounds the corner to take his own quick shower. Taemin makes an extremely confused noise but Jonghyun smiles against Jinki’s chest and lets him turn the water on, so Jinki counts it as a win.
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