#oh right i didn't include the name of the game in the hashtags
questfriendspodcast · 2 years
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We’ve put together another batch of Under the Neighborhood loadouts, this time to celebrate The Owl House Season 2 finale!
Under the Neighborhood is a collaborative storytelling game where you and your friends create your own cartoon Adventures; if you can't wait for The Owl House Season 3, it's the perfect game for you!
ALT TEXT: -Eda the Owl Lady is the Divided who Takes Up Attention. Her item is Owlbert. Her Move is protective talisman. -Luz Noceda is the Intuition who Casts Spells. Her spells are light, freeze, and fines. Her move is Can’t Learn Unless You Try! -Hooty is the Weird who Doesn’t Feel Pain. His skills are friendship and riddles. His item is Porta Hooty. His move is Roll with Weird. -King is the Animal Companion who is Particularly Small. His skills are leadership and writing. His item is Francois. His move is Puppy Dog Eyes.
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autopotion · 3 years
ok i wasn't sure whether i was going to keep this to just the original game or the entire universe of ffvii, including the remake, and decided i'm just going to answer the questions as i see fit
the character i least understand: remake jessie. i know why they made her, i know why she's like this, but the concept of a character that's just "yeah i'm an ecoterrorist but i come from an extremely suburban background and yeah i like making bombs but i don't want to kill people though )': also i'm incredibly spunky, have you seen my lovingly crafted boob armor" is sooo...... she (and biggs and wedge, though to a lesser extent) epitomize everything i didn't care for about the remake, including the defanging and caricature-izing of avalanche. "we're scrappy underdogs who would neeever actually hurt anyone, unlike the other, scarier avalanche" was the absolute Worst way to remake the original crew, and as a result i am so completely emotionally removed from jessie and what she cares about. she's a cartoon to me. which is hilarious because arguably the trio in the original game are more visibly cartoonish than she is
usually i'm the first person to go to bat for female characters but oh my god. it's less like i hate jessie (i'm apathetic about her deal) but i despise what she represents, and therefore i think i understand her as a character the least
interactions i enjoyed the most: cloud and aerith. their material in the original was already good, and the remake built off their banter and made it absolutely impeccable. peak ffvii right there. to me, cloud and aerith are the emotional core of ffvii, and they become each others' motivations for doing almost everything they do
the character who scares me the most: hojo. greasy boy scientist whose laboratory is definitely not OSHA compliant. i really like him as a villain though, much more than sephiroth
the character who is mostly like me: i know aerith is my favorite but tifa. thoughtful, sensitive, principled girl from a rural town who projected heroic fantasies onto her childhood friend (and with huge boobs that get in the way of everything =_=)... like this is one of the reasons why i interpret her as a lesbian, in part it's kind of projection lol. but it's also like. her story is more meaningful to me if she reckons with her fantasy of men / of cloud and realizes she needs someone who will meet her where she is
i had a friend from high school as well say i was a lot like cissnei, and while i have nothing in common with her backstory i can kind of see where she was coming from. i also had a different friend in high school really want to name aeris after me when he was playing through ffvii, but decided against it because she dies and didn't want any of his friends to die (all of the characters were named after his irl friends, tifa was named after his boyfriend), and i can kind of see that too. bossy and a little passive aggressive? i'm definitely that and so is aeris
hottest looks character: tifa was like kind of intentionally created to be this and that puts me off her a bit, so i'm gonna say reno cuz he's got his tiddies out. not attracted to the man but it's #gay rights
one thing i dislike about my fave character: that she dies?? (even though for ages i defended her death lol.) but uhh there's a bit at the gold saucer where barret's miserable after going through the remains of north corel and aeris is like look barret let's just go have fun! and get over it! (: and he gets understandably pissed about that. it's one of her flaws and i love her flaws (i love that she's a hashtag Nice Girl but she's not actually very good at balancing other people's emotions, she's too busy trying to escape her own) but that one particular scene i was just like... aeris. not the time
one thing i like about my hated character: is there anything to like about don corneo. also i used to despise tseng (mostly due to a friend who LOVED tserith when i find that to be just horrifically creepy) but if you take out any romantic overtures i actually really like tseng and aerith's dynamic. "the only person in the world i feel like actually knows me is the head of the evil bad guy organization trying to kidnap me since childhood" is such a fun one. (catiua and dark lans fall into this too lol.)
a quote or scene that haunts me: normie pull but: "then, i'll be going now. i'll come back when it's all over."
a death that left me indifferent: pretty much all the non-aeris ones across the compilation? (except for dyne, that one was actually rough. also i don't care for zack but his death does legitimately make me bawl.) everyone dying of jenova disease in crisis core i guess
a character i wish died but didn’t: do you actually kill don corneo in the wutai quest cuz if you don't then him. but if not then rufus & reeve
my ship that never sailed: as in, "ships that could legitimately happen but don't"? uhh i mean. aeris dies in the original so. i guess clerith. ): even though he's definitely in love with her i'm taking to mean "sailed" as in "they see their love through and have a happy ending." OH alternate answer to this question: cloud/barret! i wish the date option with barret was actually taken seriously, and he could be a legitimate romantic interest for cloud. as much as i love clerith, it's really shitty that cloud/barret amounts to homophobic jokes in the original. i hope the remake will address it and actually make barret a complete romance option. it's my second favorite cloud ship lol
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