#oh tomas
woahajimes · 11 months
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d3rpydoods · 8 months
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Now two individuals have fallen victim to the density of this man's chest alone, when will it end 😭
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turrondeluxe · 11 months
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sarcasticmothdraws · 5 months
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I'm back on my meds but due to the few days hault in between I feel icky. so im just drawing whatever sticks.
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tomaturtles · 8 months
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Can you believe there's an officially licensed kawoshin childhood friends au
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muirneach · 2 months
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gold for czechia 💙🤍❤️
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hidden-nowhere · 11 months
listen i had a really long and boring lecture at my college and *THIS* was born out of boredom
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they are besties your honor
they have the same hair
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long hair edition:
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S: sit still😡
F: it hurts dammit😖
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neadivana · 8 months
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the other two🩷
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it is my first time drawing the bros so please forgive me if they look weird!
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rikuamai · 6 months
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eyes-of-nine · 10 days
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I think this au was only a matter of time <- desperately wants to talk about it
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littleplantfreak · 30 days
Happy 100 followers!! For the request event, can I request the prompt "Bringing their bento to them at work when they forgot it at home?" As for the characters, I'll make that a dealer's choice! Pick between any 4-5 characters you like!
Hi foxx!!!! I kinda mixed it up a bit so they didn't sound to repetitive, but I hope you like them :D
I chose Sako, Hiragi, Suo, and Choji since I don't give them enough love.
Sako Kota
"Fujiwara, I need at least a draft of the contract by 2:00PM today or we'll have to cancel the meeting at 4:00PM." Sako sighs, his arms crossed as he looks at the paralegal, pushing down his irritation enough that he won't snap, although Sako's icy expression is more than enough to send the other man on his way in a frantic attempt to correct his mistake.
Sitting down at his desk, he checks the clock and sees it's about lunchtime. It gives the paralegal time to get the appropriate documents together, and he would never fess up to it, but he does tend to get prickly if he hasn't eaten in a while. He never fails to perk up when you make him food, and today is no different. You both usually make your lunches together, but work ran late for him yesterday, and he never got the chance. The guilt he felt was quickly wiped away when he came home to your sleepy face waiting up for him on the couch.
"Welcome home," You'd said sweetly before shuffling towards him in your slippers and pressing a kiss to his lips. "I already made us lunch, so don't worry about it and come cuddle with me, please?" The way you helped him with his coat and tugged the wrist of his shirt, leading him to your bedroom, had his shoulders relaxing and the stress bleeding out of him slow but steady. He didn't even think to check the fridge the morning after, having slept past his first alarm due to his fatigue.
Which leaves him here now, sitting at his desk with his head in his hands, wondering if he's got enough time to order from one of the food places on his block and get back in time to read what will hopefully be a wonderful contract that he has to do very little editing on.
His text tone goes off, the little chime specifically chosen by you when you two first started dating.
[Look out your window, please owo)/*!]
A quick spin of his office chair has him looking down at you from the second floor. Not even bothering with his phone, he's walking down to meet you. Before he can even open his mouth, you blurt out something first.  
"I didn't wanna bother you, but I realized I forgot to put it on the counter this morning," A bashful smile playing on your lips, as you try to collect yourself a bit. Sako's oncoming headache that was building up suddenly stopped like a TV being flipped off by a remote. The bento wrapped neatly in your outstretched hand felt more like treasure than lunch as he takes on the weight of it, two of his fingers slipping through the tied fabric before he settles his other hand under it for stability.  
"It's not a bother; you know you can come visit whenever you want." He says, but seeing your eyebrows knit together, he's sure you're still worried about it. He places a swift kiss right where the wrinkle's formed, and he brushes it smooth with a soft swipe of his thumb before stepping back a bit, cheeks starting to heat a bit. "If you have time...we can share it in my office before lunch ends?" He says, though the end sounds more question than statement.
"I'd like that a lot," you laugh, showing him your matching box, nestled in your backpack. He doesn't spare a glance at Fujiwara, but as he walks by with you, he tells him to take his time with the draft and go for lunch. His own is going to be a little longer today.
Hiragi Toma
The hours the boxing gym Hiragi owns are later than normal. He likes being able to run his errands in the morning, and then get to the gym by 11:00 where someone will always be waiting to come in regardless of the weather. Unlocking the door, he's greeted with the sight of his lunch on the counter, and he wonders briefly if he forgot to bring it home yesterday to be cleaned, settling the keys on the ring behind his desk and walking over to it.
"Did you miss me?" You ask, poking your fingers in each side of his waist, laughing as he jerks away with a jesus christ and a groan. His arms crossed around his torso, still hiding where you've stabbed at him just in case you try for a second attack. His eyes full of betrayal at you have you gasping for breath. He forgot he gave you the spare key in case he ever needed you to open for him, which he guesses is his own fault for not considering you might use it for evil.
"You're a menace," He's grumbling, straightening up to full height.
"Yeah, but you love this menace," Your voice singsongs before adding, "this menace also brought the bento you forgot this morning, so don't you think I deserve a reward?" The cheshire grin on your face has him shuddering at what you might want your reward to be.
He's heaving out a sigh, and before he knows it, "What do you want?" comes out a bit harsher than he meant it to.
"Rude way to ask, but Ume and his girlfriend are planning a camping trip..." You trail off, already batting your lashes at him, knowing he's getting the best angle for your puppy dog eyes, though he's pretty much used to them by now. You can see the gears shifting as he thinks while he cups the back of your head and just...takes you in. Either the eyes worked wonders or he's feeling needy today, because you usually only get those eyes when you're at home.
"'s been a while since we've taken a trip, huh?" He asks, smoothing your hair down, waiting on your answer.
"Yeah...I guess it has." You say, seriously now that you're matching his energy. The last trip you both took together was months ago; both of you just got busier with work, and never planned another one. Hiragi thinks it's about time to rectify that.
"I heard one of our bands is playing in the town over next month. I'll grab tickets for it later, and," He pauses for a second to hang his head, "you can tell Umemiya's girlfriend we'll go on the camping trip too." The look lighting up on your face has him almost feeling okay, though the thought of spending a trip with Ume has his stomach tying little knots.
"Oh my god I love you so much! Enjoy your lunch. I'd eat with you, but I've got a camping brunch to attend." Tiptoeing up to kiss him proves quite easy when he's actually leaning down for you instead of teasing and saying you've gotta work harder for it. The way his hand grabs at your hip, thumb digging in slightly, tells you how appreciative he'll be for you bringing him food later tonight.
Parting from you takes more willpower than he'd thought, but he catches the mailman coming through the door in his peripheral and knows he'll only stand there gawking if Hiragi doesn't grab the mail from him. He notes how you've waited till the day of this so-called camping brunch to attack him and nearly huffs a laugh at your strategy, knowing he would've bent either way. He watches you practically skip out, turning back to wave, before walking out the door. Mail thrown on the counter, he decides his best bet is to eat while it's still quiet, knowing later in the day he'll be too busy. Maybe he'll shoot a text to Umemiya thanking him for the invite, too. Maybe.
Suo Hayato
Your phone rings as you're on the train, and you look around you before answering it, making sure to speak softly so as not to bother anyone.
"Did you forget something this morning?" Suo's voice asks coolly from the other line. You tilt your head a bit confused at the question, and he laughs. "You look like a puppy when you do that head tilt," and you huff, looking around to make sure he's not actually on the train with you.
"I hate when you do that," you pout, leaning into the speaker to hear him better. "I have my purse. My keys...I kissed you twice before I left...can I have a hint?" The hand that runs through your hair pushes it back in exasperation.
"Last time you forgot this at home, you cried in the bathroom at work." A jolt goes through you, followed by a sheepish chuckle on your end. He knows just how much you value the lunches he makes you every day, and that day had been especially stressful, building up until your forgotten lunch was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. "Your train arrives in about...8 minutes right?" he hums as if to check the clock. "I'll be at the station when you get there."
"Hayato darling...it's snowing," It's not enough to delay the trains, but it certainly isn't warm out either. The concern in your voice is apparent, and that warms him more than anything else.
"I'll make sure to warm myself up when you get here," he teases, knowing you'll understand just how he intends to warm himself up.
"Wha- fine! If you get sick, I'm calling off to take care of you this time, though." You grumble before saying your goodbyes and hanging up. He's not particularly delicate, but the last time he was sick, he insisted he was fine until you found him face first on the living room floor with an insanely high fever.
The way the cold causes his cheeks to bleed rose-red is the exact same as that time, though you can see the clarity in his eye where there hadn't been when he was swaddled up to his chin being fed soup for three days. He's holding an umbrella, his long scarf wrapped stylishly around his neck.
"Can't have you going hungry, love." Smiling, he passes your lunch over to you before stepping closer into your space, bringing you undercover of his umbrella. "Mind if I escort you to work? I have a few errands to run, so I'll take my leave from there," he says, allowing you to wrap your arm around his own. It looks like a formal way to walk with a lover, but it gives you both enough flexibility to shift here and there, looking at storefronts or the snowflakes feathering down to the ground.
You grab his hand and kiss it before he does it to you, catching him off guard for a moment before his sly smile mirrors your own. "Pretty bold of you. Is this my thanks for bringing lunch?"
"Part of it, but really I just wanted to try it. You're always doing it to me, so I wanted to see if it made your heart flutter like it does mine." Oh, there's that blatant honesty he loves so much that he'd kiss you breathless right now if he could. He's a gentleman, though, so he opts to mimic your earlier move, watching your expression change to the sweet little fluster he's used to, even though you knew he'd do it. He knows when you dig in later, you'll also make that cute face that comes every time you eat his cooking, and he can't wait to be able to see it later tonight during dinner.
Choji Tomiyama
Choji's sleep schedule is screwed. Bar tending most nights would normally be rough on a person, but he can sleep pretty much anywhere and everywhere. Your sleep schedule is only screwed every so often when you get the urge to wait up for him. His meals are kind of everywhere too, since he wants breakfast when he wakes up in the afternoon, and then has his 'lunch' right before work.
Dinner comes around 8:00 or 9:00PM, and usually he'll just order something from the kitchen before it closes, but Togame brought over leftovers earlier that you knew Choji would love. Togame would've taken it himself, had he not had a women's self defense class to teach around the time Choji would normally eat.
So here you are, wading through people laughing and pool bets being made to your left. The bar is full of people, and it's not even a weekend. You never have trouble finding your boyfriend, though, because he's always got a crowd around him. When he first started, it was a part-time thing. Something to try while he figured out what he wanted to do as a real job. But once he got the drinks down, he started making his own, and with that came a trick or two. Leading up to the present, he's doing one of his easier tricks, flipping and spinning his tumbler with a shot or two of vodka in it around his back as the crowd of already tipsy people cheer. He makes excellent tips, and is content doing this full time for the foreseeable future. You figure you can always leave his dinner to one of his less busy coworkers, but a flash of blonde in the corner of your eye darting towards you has you bracing your leg behind you waiting for impact.
Impact is quite the word for the way his body veers towards you latching on with a big oof coming from your chest as your arms wrap around him. His pretty eyes lock on to you, and he's never been happier. Usually you don't come visit because of how loud and chaotic it can get, but when you do, his energy doesn't wane for the rest of the night. The containers you're carrying in your hand register to him immediately.
"Did you eat yet?" you half-yell over the music and laughter, and he shakes his head.
"There was a bachelor party who took up most of the bar until about half an hour ago, so I didn't get to put an order in."
"Good thing Togame made extra, huh?" you grin, seeing that he knows it's his favorite dish. You've tried replicating it, and while it tastes great when you make it, Togame must have a secret to making it just that much better. You agree wholeheartedly, not competitive in the slightest when he's been nothing but wonderful to both you and Choji. Handing it over, he gives you a big wet kiss on the cheek and then goes back for the other one, longer than the first.
"I'm glad you came, even if it's just to bring me food. I missed you yesterday when you went shopping, and I couldn't see you before work," and the little hold he's got at the bottom of your shirt, rubbing the fabric between his fingers, has your heart doing loops in your throat.
"I guess I can stay for a few, if there's an empty stool somewhere near you..." you say trailing off when a quick peek shows every seat taken.
"Not a problem," He grins, grabbing a chair from the back and putting it close behind the bar where he works. You think you'll be in his way, but he actually works around you just fine, asking if you'll feed him whenever he makes a drink for someone. A mouthful of food and a swipe of a wet cloth across his face keeps his hands free enough to keep working while also getting his dinner in.
By the end of the night, he's actually allowed to leave early, and you walk home swinging your entwined hands as he's telling you about all the interesting patrons he's met before you showed up earlier. There's no better way you'd want to spend your night.
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heavenlyhischier · 2 hours
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nikonoi · 3 months
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the triangle
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doki-doki-imagines · 9 months
could you do the lin kuei trio and how they’d bring down reader during an anxiety attack? if this makes you uncomfortable then please do not write. thank you!!
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author note: spoilers, they are all terrible but on different levels lol. Nice capybara!!!
Tomas Vrbada: -He notices that something is wrong, your muscles tense, and you are more annoyed than normal. -He notices the physical signs of your anxiety more than the mental ones honestly, too used to people being rude to him. -Tomas tries to talk about what is happening to calm you down a little. -As I said here (Letter C), he will try to teach you the techniques that he used to survive the Lin Kuei trainings. -But Tomas isn't that good with words, so he won't be able to make you relax during a peak, only able to be physically present.
Kuai Liang: -Another one that doesn't know how to act during the peaks. -And as I said here (Letter C), Liang would at least try to learn how to act to help you out next time. -He notices the sign way sooner. He hates how rude you reply to him, so Liang confronts you soon. -He never had to deal with anxiety attacks, but Liang thinks meditation may help you. -So be ready, because Liang will meditate with you every day from now on!
Bi-Han: -You become rude, and Bi-Han replies to you even worse. -It's an escalation that leads to him distancing himself and your symptoms worsening. -Bi-Han won't help you out, and if you try to explain what is happening, he'll just tell you you're searching excuses to be a weak crybaby. -He is that bad. -Ask for help to Lin Kuei's doctors, they understand better, and when prompted by Bi-Han, they'll tell him what is happening. -Maybe then, he'll try to have a bit more patience (still short).
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Hiragi: Are you fucking high?
Togame: Am I what?
Hiragi: High.
Togame: Hiiii <3
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