#ohhhh and yeah—i'm not familiar with adeline the phantom engine!
meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
Thoughts on 'Duncan gets spooked'
Also have you watched WildNorWester's adaptation series? Adeline the phantom engine.
Needed more fog!
Or more shadows? Idk. I'm a real spoilsport. I know this episode is beloved—and I'm fine with it, overall!—but I do think they could have done more with the set to create a spooky atmosphere than to just use the usual night lights. Compare and contrast Clearwater 😤
Still, it's very nice to look at and I love the character work with Duncan. He is 100% the kind of guy to scoff at the idea of ghosts and then to get spooked. That's him. In RWS Mr Plain-Spoken is remarkably soft-hearted and susceptible to stories.
I do have some mild complaints about the other characters, though. Did we need another story where Rusty is the smart and perfect one? I'd have loved if their role in this story had been given to Duke or even Sir Handel—"you're going to have a go at our Stuart? well then prepare to be slapped down, punk." They could have even used Duke just for the scene where Duncan is told the story—he'd be stationary the whole time so it wouldn't matter if (as I assume) the model wasn't running well!
i'd love to upload pics but tumblr has cut me off for the day sry
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