#ohhhhh okay i just realized why the scrambled eggs made me think of nightless city though
coquelicoq · 2 years
last night i dreamt that there was a new tab on the tumblr activity pane called Maldicts, specifically for when people curse your post in french (though that is not the french word for "curses"). i was making scrambled eggs using the entire surface of a table as a frying pan while my younger sibling and i listened to the beach boys song "409" and decided that the lyrics of the song (which are about a car and never mention another person) were addressed to the father of the person the singer was dating. i had previously made a tumblr post saying that wei wuxian had fed lan wangji scrambled eggs before nightless city and lan wangji got sick, thus never going to nightless city and missing out on the cliff scene (or cave scene, in the novel). even though i was completely focused on making sure the eggs didn't drip off the end of the table as they were cooking, i was also aware that my notes were lighting up with people Maldicting that post on tumblr at the same time.
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