valerieayoade · 1 year
closed starter for @ohserene!
valerie had never been the kind of person to find one hobby and stick to it. most of her life she had been so dedicated to her studies and her strange career path, that when it came to her free time, she just didn't know what to do with herself. and yet, she found solace in a warm oven and the sweet smell of freshly baked goods; the fact that her experiments were rarely failures and her boyfriend sam actually seemed to enjoy being eating her creations... she couldn't help but grow fond of the craft. was she good at it? no, of course not, but she liked to think she was. she was often reminded that she wasn't, specially in times like these, where she found herself staring at the empty rack where the baking soda should've been. val looked around helplessly, spotting another female figure nearby, with a basket that screamed expertise. in desperation, she spoke. "hi, i'm sorry..." the woman called, hoping to get the other's attention. "you look like you know what you're doing. do you have any idea if I can actually use baking powder as a substitute for baking soda? google is giving me mixed signals, but i really don't want to get the wrong thing."
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kimxsiwoo · 1 year
Closed Starter for @ohserene
Half Moon Bay was not exactly where Sam expected to be after college, though he supposed he had a few years in Los Angeles as a buffer. In some ways, it was nice to be home and know where almost everything was, but in others, it was horrifying. There were a lot of people that didn't seem to recognize him and even more people that did and seemed utterly shocked to see him. Or to see what he had become. His confidence was already shrinking despite how hard he'd worked to get to this point. "Whatever," he muttered to himself as he pulled the door to the cafe open.
Getting a coffee seemed like a safe enough activity but Sam still balled his hands into the sleeve's of his crocheted lavender colored sweater as a defense mechanism. It was too warm for a sweater, but it made him feel safe. Since it was handmade, it was also slightly airy, so it worked for him. "Can I get a -," he paused, doing a double take and blinking a few times as he caught the glimpse of somebody out of the corner of his eye, "Sorry, excuse me." Sam left the line to approach the sort of familiar figure. "Serenity?"
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jackson-darby · 2 years
WHERE: cameron's pub, st. patty's day. WHO: @ohserene & jackson.
Cameron's had been ill-prepared to deal with the holiday crowd only the year before, so the owners had padded the bar with more than enough help to avoid another disaster. Mostly, that just meant that Jackson could flit around between his friends and regulars and leave the actual work to everyone else.
Sliding a too-full plate in front of Serenity, Jackson settled into the seat beside her, flashing a boyish grin. "I have returned from war," his eyes dropped to the plate and back, "these are my spoils. Please accept, enjoy, and appreciate."
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joaquinni · 1 year
@ohserene cont on new blog
joaquinn shook his head, "don't be silly.. what the hell kind of person would i be if i let you bleed out on my front door step?" though that wasnt entirely true. the scrape wasnt even bleeding at this point. "ok so maybe that is a tad bit dramatic.. but i would be a real piece of shit if i didn't let you leave here all fixed up good as new." he said putting some antibacterial cream on the cut. "i really think this will heal up nicely.. so mind telling me what happened that caused you to land in these cuts and scrapes?"
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halfmoonbayroleplay · 2 years
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liveblog: yugioh! s221-230
okay so i'm stupid and the perfume i had on WAS a rose-based scent and not whatever the fuck i thought it was because i read the wrong description. i still hated it. anyways back to the show
oh wow i dind't know yami knew how to use a phone
remember payphones?
kaiba is so d e s p e a r a t e to duel yugi and yugi is not focused on that since his friends are in danger
okay yes i was right that thre was a duel on top of glass in this season
kaiba and yugi are gonna duel umbra and lumis - real subtle names
kaiba thinking that yugi's gonna brig him down but also failing to realize that they do need to work as a team
"hold on, fool."
"you couldn't possibly make things any worse than you already have"
i mean .. i think that was really more kaiba's lack of teamwork but luckily yugi can pick up his strategy
so yugi's special effect literally allowed kaiba's blue eyes to defeat a monster with higher ATK points and kaiba thinks that yugi want sto take all the glory
like kaiba is talking like he doesn't know yugi's whole friendship MO
"yugi helped me.. again!"
wow he finally realized that he and yugi need to team up to defeat lumis and umbra
is it a duel without a life and death stake?
"whoa! is that duke devlin?!"
yugi told yami that he doesn't need his help, that he can save joey on his own
oh yugi gave joey his millennium ppuzzle in order to get rid of marik's mind control
the gang's all together, so the next episode is the last part of this duel!
honestly amazing how they dragged this duel out over four episodes
joey's, finally, having memories of all the good times he used his red eyes black dragon
and remembering all of the duels he had
a great way to eat up time in this episode
the one thing i did like about this specific duel was the one hour time limit, esepcailly because it implaies that a duel can take as long os it wants or needs to
"silence! no one can resist the power of my millennium rod!"
kaiba repaid his life debt so time to focus on the most important thing - winning the tourny
ohserenity's bandages are off
i wanna take a nap
"stop groveling; it's pitiful"
the cemetary is haunted by a headless horseman - which is just a card haha
i still think it's a great idea to have the charater "bones," who looks right at home in a graveyard, not be down with spooky shit
"earl of demise" what a cool name! but an ugly creature
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thisislaaura · 3 years
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@clubsodv-blog @l-ittlebirdie-blog @bl-acksun-blog @ohserenity @youremaieverything @runrunforthehills @m0nstrum-blog @live-laugh-fly-blog @oshion 
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