#ok bye ! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
ito-alphonse · 3 months
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So First time with Sharpie...✨😳
Yeah, umm...so I know it did not come out good. Like...what the hell was I thinking making the right child a fire ball (like girl- please...learn colour theory) and the white outline for black hair (I was probably high while doing it)
But I like it for my first ever try and I like it for what it is. I'll correct it (maybe-) but yeah, I feel like it's good.
Also btw my load finally cleared off. So I plan to draw daily and share with you guys my progress.
Thanks for having me 💕☺️
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Oh~ jumpscare!
(back side of the same page, I like the eyes👀-
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