#ok hear me out w tod
endfght · 1 year
🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲 i want more <3
tod waggner & kinsey oliver: tod b like 🧍 prrrety grill. dating christa or not this man is still blushing and stuttering and fumbling over himself in front of pretty girls im sorry theres nothing that can be done to change him. idk truly theyre both survivors of a tragedy??? both were/are incredibly fucked up for a Long Time after said tragedy..... emotional support friends when tod is just like a golden retriever he can be ur esa dog kins.
kirby reed & kinsey oliver: i had this in the tags originally and then was like?? idiot what are u doing sO : kirby is in the fbi now....... and probably would have been (or would have been in training but we can fudge the details ok) just starting out when everything happens with kins and mal the second time,,,, so What If she were to have helped mike (and his team) find them???? i simply think that these girls as her first case is sexy and would be exactly what she needs to throw herself into her job to rly stop ppl like charlie<3 and the man that took kins and mal.
bethany bixler & kinsey oliver: ok so it was a no on the hell priest with a love for pain and pleasure but.... what about deadites. totally different from creatures from hell........... but also we can go Not That and beth could meet kins while shes on tour w a band or something like that. kins if ur nice to her for one (1) second beth can get u backstage to meet the band for free ok just one (1) kind gesture.
jules louden & kinsey oliver: mal is related to the loudens,,, there is not a doubt in my mind that they attended parties at mals house for holidays/special occasions and to think that kinsey would not also be there is absolute insanity. jules/mal/kins (and stef too if she would like to join ofc<3) were probably an unstoppable trio when they were rly young,,, just annoying the absolute hell out of their relatives and gossiping. complete menaces if u see them walking towards u RUN. u know those holidays at ur aunt n uncles where u beg ur parents to sleep over for the night.... yeah thats them. their campouts in mals treehouse<3 but immediate Not Sweet jules comin Back From The Dead.. the first holiday that she attends and maybe mal brings kins with her.... how different their interactions would be.. but also so the same bc they all went through this horrible trauma and still came out on the other sside blah blah u kno. i think they could be neat.
michael roth & kinsey oliver: YEAH BOI. theres so mcuh that we can do with that but what can i write here that we havent already talked about???? what i cAN do is tell u some of my favorite ideas ok. im a sucker for letter threads so ,,,, if kins wants to keep writin mike letters he will answer them. or like. The FIRST letter she sends to start it off. the mental debate he has ab answering. mike interviewing them at the hospital but lowkey having the Worst Time bc he looks at kins and sees hannah and wants to scream and cry but also hug her. IDK i can keep goin i just we need to write them ok. kins (and mal) visiting mike and the others at the station a few months after theyre found to say thanks or smth idkidk thats probably dumb and a bad thread idea. they just have so much potential and the fact that we havent written them yet is a crime @graecland.
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 2 years
"Of course, he's even perfectly capable of finshing off my...?" "DEREK!"
"Ok, omg for the third time we're back in this tod-and-ranson ass place, I swear to god w-" Kiefer complaining again.
"Ok ok ok lessgo, boss!" Tempest reminded him after Grandmaster boom boom bakudaned and short-circuited the robots.
But then they forgot about one major thing. Even with masks on, these bastardly brainwashed citizens are still going to recognise them somehow.
But that's precisely what they need. Well basically their plan was to distract the Heavenly Lord with their traitor presence, then while he's busy with the "uglies", someone sneaks into his palace, finds the medicine, and then peaces out leaving the distractor there on his own to fend for himself
So the gang quickly gathered in the remote corners of the backyard of a lady like some creepy old stalker, and then the animal-faces briefed them on the plan, and handed them walkie-talkies.
"Ok so these will basically help us to communicate with ya'll and give you instructions on what to do," Unicorn-face said.
"Wait you're not coming with us? Like to do the actual operation?" Tempest asked.
"What, no, I'm supervising and giving you moral support,"
"Like I said, my powers don't work with gods, and god indeed, the entire castle is god-protected and foolproofed, ok, not my fault,"
"Ok ok fine, whatever, I guess it's time for me, Zhi Hua, Juqla, boss and Six to go distract them, like the more the merrier, right?" *Tempest's most sarcastic tone ever*
*aforementioned few check that their walkie-talkies are working, then head out to lure out Heavenly Lord*
*Heavenly Lord and COM actually come*
*again, big crowd forms as Heavenly Lord comes to punish the "uglies"*
The following scenes that play out shall now be written in play mode:
Unicorn-face: Ok yes very good! Now just stall them for as long as possible, while the other team goes to steal the medicine! *in a softer voice* ok ok now go, go steal the thing, be careful not to get caught ah!
Xiao Ming: Time to go and commit Mission Impossible!
Heavenly Lord: *menacingly stares down and breathes down necks of "uglies" I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME BACK AGAIN!
Wolf-face: *muttering under breath into walkie-talkie* Respectfully sir, you didn't and never had time for that.
*Heavenly Lord immediately glares at random space on the wall*
Heavenly Lord: UGH.
Unicorn-face: Wait something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong.
*Xiao Ming and gang who just reached the castle entrance trying to find a way to get in without triggering the guards*
Xiao Ming: Uh oh. I don't like the sound of that.
*stealing medicine team ducks into an uncut bush and hides there while awaiting instructions*
Unicorn-face: Yep. You know, Heavenly Lord and COM have tapped into our media frequency and are completely capable of hearing our conversations SHIT! Well we can't just make another one, so...Traitor and ugly team stay QUIET! DO NOT RESPOND TO MY CALLS! INFILTRATION TEAM DO YOU COPY?
*by this time Heavenly Lord and COM got themselves a chair to get comfortable while they listen to the conversations like some movie liddat*
Xiao Ming: Infiltration team here! If I may, I have a suggestion to offer that will bypass Heavenly Lord hearing us!
Unicorn-face: Go ahead, Black Rainbow!
Xiao Ming: What kind of code-name is that bruh...but anyway, I have noticed that due to the dystopian upbringing, all the citizens speak perfect queen's English! And therefore I conclude that we should switch to Singlish as they will not understand us!
Unicorn-face: Ah, that is a great idea, Black Rainbow! Ok! Singlish mode everyone! Also you're called Black Rainbow cos like a rainbow, you're not straight, and you're also bla-
Xiao Ming: HAO LOH! Unicorn-face, 帮我把那些 chao ang moh robot 给我滚!
Grandmaster: Aiya I already dong them liao, your kacheng safe liao, I always cover one!
*At this point Heavenly Lord is visibly confused*
Xiao Ming: Ok! Going to parliament cabinet house liao, go in then tell you lah!
Xiao Ming: Ey walao why you never faster say! Lucky I cong ming, know how do thing one! Ey, we there liao, that drug drug like what ah?
Wolf-face: Look like a kar zhua kena cher scolding cos wearing too obiang shirt then kena mati by kopi uncle!
Xiao Ming: Ok found it! It look like kopi kosong right?
Crow-face: Yeah yeah yeah yeah liddat one! Ok you faster faster run away, you don't gabra ah!
Xiao Ming: Ey but the Singlish mode got good one leh! Big chao ang moh like catch no ball liddat!
Crow-face: You don't ya ya papaya first, haven't win yet!
Crow-face: EY YOU NEVER FASTER TELL ME THEN YOU THINK WHAT? I SUPERMAN AH? Aiya, I got good idea, so later we all go and 装要 mati them, but then actually we mati Six and Tempest, and then they will blur liao, and then we can tau pok them steady pom pi pi!
Xiao Ming: Ok! Copy!
*they all rush to carry out emergency plan*
*then after retrieving the medicine and running away safely, they complete their mission successfully*
*confused Heavenly Lord and COM still catch no ball*
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lexiy-dreyar · 4 years
baby bean birthday~ (prt1 maybe idk)
words: 1361
characters: ivey, el, amaniz, phe, vivi, sinwa, lexiy, star, void,nkita, monos, chara, ???
a/n:yeah sorry for posting this late i’ll add the art later
Amaniz hummed happily as she eats her breakfast as her mother did her hair, she looked to the side seeing the blue-haired bear walk-in “hey uncle nkita how are you today?!” she asked cheerily “eheh im doing well im gonna go visit void” and star tod-” he was cut off by his brother “star?! Your gonna visit her?” he asked excitingly “yeah you both wanna join?” nkita asked “hmmm can I mom?” she looked up at her mother “yeah sure we’ll all visit her” the blonde agrees “yay!” amaniz cheered running up to her room to get dressed 
“You ok lex?” nkita sat next to her “yeah im fine…..just….thinking” she sighs into her hands “have you slept?” he asked “no…” “have you eaten?” “...bearly…” “have you drunk water?” “...kinda?.....” nkita frowned at her answers “lexiy...you have to take care of yourself if not for your ideals but for amaniz” he sighed helping her into her wheelchair “I will just need to know a few things before im sure I can get back into the swing of things” she smiled “Ok let’s go!” amaniz smiled as she started pushing her mother’s wheelchair
They all walked to the sixth floor into the room “knock knock” Monos peaked in seeing a sleeping void and still under intensive care star. They walked in “hey uncle voiiiid wake up” amaniz harshly shook him pouting “hmmm….” he pulled amaniz onto him “soft..” he smiles softly making the small girl laugh “uncle it’s me! Time to go” she booped him “uh? WAIT-” he shot up flinging the young girl off the bed “oof!!” “wait it’s May 16?! I get to leave to celebrate her birthday yay!!” he cheered like a little kid “eheh has star woken up yet?” Monos asked “umm yes she did actually it wasn’t for long but she did laugh at one of my jokes-” Monos rushed over to stars sighed “you look like your getting better” he smiled softly as lexiy frowned “is something wrong?” amaniz asked her mother “yeahh... I know I was first to clock out then void but there were only two monsters left and when I clocked out I took down the second one and im sure void easily bet the last before he got flicked…...but star is as powerful as me so even she could have finished it off….and she took the least amount of damage...which means she was using her magic power for something else….presumably to keep me and void breathing before back up arrived….and yet” she was cut off by Monos “she’s still low on magic power which isn’t normal...if she had an anti-magic tumour they would have told us about it” he rubbed his chin 
“Looks like we got our selves a mission~” void smirked looking at lex making her smirk “yeah~” “Heyyyyy!!! It’s my birthday can we go to my party now?” amaniz whined “im sorry sweetie lets go~” lexiy cheered “hm” void was helped up by void “eheheheh i finally get to go outside again” (2021 mood) void smiled “you guys go on ahead I’ll stay here for a bit” Monos pulled up a chair “OKI! We’ll be at the beach house!” nkita called out as the group left the room.
“Woooow look at her big cousin what happened?” he heard the hellish voice of his little cousin “this is the love of my life sadly hurt because of my incompatibility to protect her” he mumbled “oh you fool its so obvious why this year was so tough,” she said annoyed “you d-” he looked behind him then noticed she was gone “damm...come on Monos use your brain,” he told himself before hearing the tv switch on “breaking news emergency request for guild wizards to help solve the recent town massacres. But with are powerful wizards out of commission we are calling out to any willing wizards to guard the following cities!” the news anchors voice rang through his ears “the wizard saints are out?...wait job season is for every wizard alive that’s in a guild or group which means…” his eye widen “you finally noticed with job season being impeccable hard for everyone so that mea-” he was cut off by his phone ringing “huh” he picked it up “Hello?” he answered “mono dude you’ve been at the hospital for almost an hour you good?” void asked his voice coming through his phone “oh I’ll be there soon hold on” he hung up. He looked back at star then looks back at the tv before picking up his bag and rushing out the hospital.
Amaniz gently hugged ivey “I am no regretting giving you those hug coupons” he groaned as she hugged him tighter “eheheh deal with it ivey” phe smirked as she had a slice of cake ‘you kids are so cute too bad’ they all looked at amaniz “did you say something?” el asked “hmm? What no I didint..did I??” she panicked sightly “no I dont think so” vivi mumbled “oh well movie time!!” amaniz cheered as the other kids joined her cheer before crowding around the tv.
Nkita smiled upon the seen thinking back to when something similar happened- flaaasshhhhhhhh back by like id years-
He slowly woke up to the soft snores of his brother and little cousin. He slowly sat up hearing the soft crackling of the fire “hmm..chara? What’s up?” he slowly crawled out sitting next to the white-haired demon “I dont know what to get for your cousin for her birthday….” she frowned making him laugh “ a flower would do fine..she loves them” he pat her shoulder “you sure?” she looked at him nervously “yeah of course” he smiled before shu hugged him “oh thank you nkita!” she smiled softly, the bluenette blushed before gently running his fingers through her Pure white hair, soft purrs slowly turning into soft snores. -~~~~- “Hey i called that snack” phe tried to grab ivey “too slow bitch” he taunted snapping nkita out his memories “eheh you kids have fun ok?” nkita yawned “where are you all going?” el asked “we have to go check on a few things you guys stay here ok?” lexiy ordered as they left.
“So do we sneak out”ivey sat up “negative” vivi glared at him “oh come ne were in the magic part of town! We should explore the forest” phe smirked using her creepy voice. Making el cling to the birthday girl “i-i dont think we s-” “only for an hour” amaniz slimed wanting a little danger for her birthday “ok so how do we get out” ivey said ignoring sinwas and el’s protests. “Follow me!” amaniz chimed as she walked upstairs the others right behind her “my mom’s room~” amaniz opened the door revealing the blonde dragonslayers bedroom “oh wow...less sluttier then i thought it’d b-” amaniz smacked him “shush you!” she glared “any way we can climb out her window, and get into the forest!” she explained to her boring magicless friends 
“I-i dont think we should i-it seems like a bad idea” el chimed in with vivi and sinwa nodding in agreement “you scaredy cats we’ll be back in an hour vivi time us ok?” phe pouted before climbing down the window the other following in suit.
Much to phe and Ivey’s disappointment there weren’t any magic monsters “g-guys I think we should-” “split up! Great idea” phe an ivey interrupted him making the young boy cry inside slightly “i dont know about splitting up this place could be a death trap for all I know” amaniz warned “pfftt you, big baby, you just dont know how to have fun” ivey smirked at her “well I thi-” crunch-, a loud crunch scared the group making them all jump “w-w--w-w-w-w--wwait was that,” el said in fear clinging to sinwa “oh its just this” ivey shoved amaniz out the way picking up a small necklace with the ying-yang on it “oooo pretty” phe smiled at it “we should return into its owner you cretens” vivi scowled as ivey mimicked her.  Amaniz slowly picked up the necklace…..
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zdysimps · 7 years
Osomatsu-San Story:
“Twins Forever…”
I’m just going to write these for fun Bc I’m bored no questions plz.
I’m going to add some of my ocs too if you don’t mind.
Chapter. 1 -The Beginning-
Ditrikz’s Pov
Yeah, it was real sunny that day, like something was getting worse, I was sitting on the roof with my favourite brother, Karamatsu. Him playing his guitar and me singing some kind of random lyrics, when one of the most unlikely sibling to come up, Osomatsu. The one elder one than me,
“Can Karamatsu and I have a little chat please?”.
And like that they left, and so, I do this every time he goes off to do some thing, I play his precious guitar. I don’t know, I just watch and copy, like a twin should. A few minutes into playing my favorite song that karamatsu can play, I hear glass being smashed. I grab our stuff and head inside.
“Karamatsu! Osomatsu-niisan! What happe-”.
Right then and there, I saw something that would be key to a murder…
Karamatsu’s murder.
Chapter. 2 -Cut It Out!-
Jyushi’s Pov
Later, Todo was treating a big red slap mark on Osomatsu-niisan’s face, I don’t know what happened but Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan and Karamatsu-niisan went back on the roof again. I later went down stairs and practiced my swinging, counting each one, I got to about 150-something when Choromatsu-niisan told me to come inside for Dinner. Karamatsu-niisan and Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan didn’t come down yet and Todo told me to go get them,
“Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan!Karamatsu-Niisan! Time for dinn-Eh!?”.
Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan was playing guitar for the first time, And she was so great at it!
“Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan! Whoa! You’re so good at that!”.
“Thanks Jyushimatsu, is it time for dinner already? Well thank you for getting us…”.
It sounded so shaken, Her Voice, I wonder why. We came back down to the others and ate, While we were eating though, Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan gave Osomatsu-Niisan Her death stare the whole time and I don’t know why, still.
“NIISANS! (Ahem, and Oneesan) WOULD YOU ALL CUT IT OUT!”.
We all blink and looked at Todo,
“What’s wrong with you all!? What’s going on!? Huh!? And why in the first place, did Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan Slap Osomatsu-Niisan!?”
At that moment Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan stood up and now gave Todomatsu a ferocious look, then, She jump on top of the table, spilling the food, and later had Todomatsu in her hands. We Split them apart immediately, hoping that would protect both of them…
Karamatsu’s Pov
After Ditrikz Was asleep we had a talk, about her behaviour.
“I’m sorry about that you guys…”.
But Choro had other ideas,
“You should make sure your twin doesn’t act like that again! Karamatsu! She almost hurt Todo!”.
“I said ,I was sorry!”.
Me,banging my hands on the table too. As if a fight was going to break out, Jyushi grabbed me, and Oso grabbed Choro. We never Once tried to break from their grasp.
“Please don’t do this now! Please Karamatsu-niisan!”.
“Cherrymatsu! Don’t you dare!”.
Yes, I wanted to fight Choromatsu very badly but, I couldn’t afford to hurt Jyushi in the progress. We sat back down, we were quiet until, screaming coming from the bedroom so we rushed there immediately. She was gone, widows were smashed, and I, we, just lost our sister…
Chapter. 3 -A girl still stolen-
Choromatsu’s Pov
When I woke up I thought it would be like every other day. Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan would be cooking breakfast or playing one of Osomatsu-niisan’s games on the Xbox with Jyushi. Karamatsu-niisan would sleep in, as usual, Osomatsu-niisan would be out shopping with Todo or playing cards with ichimatsu, but no. They left a note for me and Karamatsu but he was gone, I wonder where. It reads,
“Dear Karamatsu and Cherrymatsu, We went out to look for Ditrikzmatsu, if you want to help you wouldn’t mind to wait at home just in case if she comes back. Love your very immature older brother Tod-Osomatsu”.
“Ok so maybe Todo actually wrote this”.
I thought to myself, I wonder if Karamatsu’s going to be fine…
Osomatsu’s Pov
We were shouting, calling, and looking for Ditrikz. But Karamatsu was the most a train wreck after she disappeared, he didn’t care about his looks, wore a hoodie most of the time, didn’t even bother to impress the ladies, nor did he ever go back onto the roof. He and Ditrikz are the closest since they share so much and are so alike, they even sleep beside each other sometimes!
“Ditrikzmatsu! Ditrikzmatsu! Ditr-”
Someone was calling me, it was Ditrikzmatsu! I immediately answered the call,
“Ditrikzmatsu! Hello!?”.
“Osomatsu, where’s Karamatsu!?”.
“We split up he should be at the bridge, why?”.
“Karamatsu, he’s going to die!”.
“If you care about him you should call the others, hurry!”
I immediately called the others and headed there straight away and nearly dropped my phone multiple times, but I was too late… at the small heart shaped pond with a golden and pink bridge… ’“Lovely Pond”, Dizz was on her knees banging the ground…
“This can’t be…”.
Ditrikzmatsu looked up at Karamatsu’s corpse and Todomatsu crying on Jyushimatsu’s shoulder,
“KARAMATSU!!! W-we failed you… I failed you…”.
Ditrikzmatsu, was now changed…And so were we, Karamatsu… Was Dead.
Chapter. 4 -Ditrikzmatsu, I’m Sorry-
Todomatsu’s Pov
About a week later we got to see Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan’s last ballet performance, yes, Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan and Karamatsu-niisan did ballet together though we never came to any of them. This time Ditrikz did even bother to tell us, and this performance was to honour Karamatsu-niisan and to honour Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan’s leave. They were the best, and always Danced together, if they had to be spit or one would be unable to dance the other wouldn’t do it. Oh, and how’d I find out? Osomatsu-niisan saw an article and begged Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan for tickets. At this at this point Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan didn’t care and just gave Osomatsu-niisan the tickets.
We made it there just in time, The performance had already started! We took our seats and watched, we didn’t see Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan until the end, she was wearing a sparkly blue and bright cyan tutu, and wearing Karamatsu-niisan’s ballet jacket. She looked so beautiful up there and I’m guessing Karamatsu-niisan wouldn’t be so painful up there. We immediately regretted not coming all those times and made excuses. The music started to play, She was so elegant, graceful and so light on her feet. Once the Performance was over we went backstage to Tell Ditrikzmatsu-niisan how great she was but she already left. The others went home and I went to Lovely Pond,
“What the-”.
Someone spray painted the sign above that said “Lovely Pond” now said “Death Pond”. Workers were currently cleaning off the “Death” on the sign, I just sighed and walk in.
“*gasp!* Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan!”
She was there at the bridge about to drop something, it was a gun she pulled out of Karamatsu’s jacket.
“D-Ditrikzmatsu-On-oneesan… What are you doing with th-that?”
“It was Karamatsu’s…he told me if he ever died then I had to throw this into his favorite pond to pick up chicks…”
I felt so sorry, She was the closest to Karamatsu-niisan. She threw the gun in the pond and said sorry about scaring me, we also went shopping for groceries. All of a sudden Osomatsu-niisan called,
“Eh? Niisan whatcha call for?”.
“Cherrymatsu isn’t doing too well”.
“Eh? Choro? Why?”.
“Well he can’t stop vomiting”.
“Oh that’s just a disorder Karamatsu told me about, just look in the medicine cabinet and look at the top shelf in the right corner hidden by all the cold medicines”.
“Oh, than-Wait how did karamatsu know first!?”
“Well he woke up in the night and bought the medicine for Choromatsu, I kept Choro company when Kara went out”.
“Well, ok, thanks Ditrikzmatsu!”.
“*sigh* Come Todo we need to hurry up the others are waiting”.
I nodded and wondered, what other secrets did Karamatsu-niisan and Ditrikzmatsu-Oneesan share?
Chapter. 5 -Karamatsu...-
Jyushi’s Pov
Just bored and hungry, I was just counting how many grapes would be Sweet or sour though, I ate a few. Choromatsu-niisan was occupied by vomiting, ichimatsu-niisan was taking a catnap so I could ask him later, Osomatsu-niisan was helping Choromatsu-niisan, Ditrikzmatsu-oneesan and Todomatsu were coming home from buying groceries, and Karamatsu-niisan is-
Pictures of the murder scene flashed in front of me, I had forgotten Karamatsu-niisan was…Dead…
“*sniff* Karamatsu-niisan…K-Karamatsu-niisan!!”
Ichi’s Pov
I heard Jyushimatsu crying and I awoke from my catnap and rushed to Jyushi,
“J-Jyushimatsu! What’s wrong!?”
“*sobs* K-k-Kara-m-matsu-n-niisan!!”
“Oh Jyushi…”
–To be continued…–
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