endfght · 1 year
🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲 i want more <3
tod waggner & kinsey oliver: tod b like 🧍 prrrety grill. dating christa or not this man is still blushing and stuttering and fumbling over himself in front of pretty girls im sorry theres nothing that can be done to change him. idk truly theyre both survivors of a tragedy??? both were/are incredibly fucked up for a Long Time after said tragedy..... emotional support friends when tod is just like a golden retriever he can be ur esa dog kins.
kirby reed & kinsey oliver: i had this in the tags originally and then was like?? idiot what are u doing sO : kirby is in the fbi now....... and probably would have been (or would have been in training but we can fudge the details ok) just starting out when everything happens with kins and mal the second time,,,, so What If she were to have helped mike (and his team) find them???? i simply think that these girls as her first case is sexy and would be exactly what she needs to throw herself into her job to rly stop ppl like charlie<3 and the man that took kins and mal.
bethany bixler & kinsey oliver: ok so it was a no on the hell priest with a love for pain and pleasure but.... what about deadites. totally different from creatures from hell........... but also we can go Not That and beth could meet kins while shes on tour w a band or something like that. kins if ur nice to her for one (1) second beth can get u backstage to meet the band for free ok just one (1) kind gesture.
jules louden & kinsey oliver: mal is related to the loudens,,, there is not a doubt in my mind that they attended parties at mals house for holidays/special occasions and to think that kinsey would not also be there is absolute insanity. jules/mal/kins (and stef too if she would like to join ofc<3) were probably an unstoppable trio when they were rly young,,, just annoying the absolute hell out of their relatives and gossiping. complete menaces if u see them walking towards u RUN. u know those holidays at ur aunt n uncles where u beg ur parents to sleep over for the night.... yeah thats them. their campouts in mals treehouse<3 but immediate Not Sweet jules comin Back From The Dead.. the first holiday that she attends and maybe mal brings kins with her.... how different their interactions would be.. but also so the same bc they all went through this horrible trauma and still came out on the other sside blah blah u kno. i think they could be neat.
michael roth & kinsey oliver: YEAH BOI. theres so mcuh that we can do with that but what can i write here that we havent already talked about???? what i cAN do is tell u some of my favorite ideas ok. im a sucker for letter threads so ,,,, if kins wants to keep writin mike letters he will answer them. or like. The FIRST letter she sends to start it off. the mental debate he has ab answering. mike interviewing them at the hospital but lowkey having the Worst Time bc he looks at kins and sees hannah and wants to scream and cry but also hug her. IDK i can keep goin i just we need to write them ok. kins (and mal) visiting mike and the others at the station a few months after theyre found to say thanks or smth idkidk thats probably dumb and a bad thread idea. they just have so much potential and the fact that we havent written them yet is a crime @graecland.
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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Say You Won’t Let Go
a Sidney Crosby wedding series
Part Two
a/n: here’s part deux! read part one here. this will have at least one more part, probably 2! worth noting that I know next to no French and am relying heavilyyyy on our pal Google Translate in this story.
summary: a little more background throughout, as Juliette and Sidney meet up with their families and hockey star-studded bridal party for a rehearsal at their iconic wedding venue. if you’re not familiar with the location (it’s honestly incredible), click here for a look!
warnings: mention of deceased father. otherwise, so damn fluffy it’s practically cotton candy.
Sidney and I arrived at the church exactly on time, much to Lauren’s satisfaction, with two cars carrying Mario’s crew pulling in at the next moment. I closed the passenger door of Sidney’s steel grey Range Rover and turned to take in the sight of our wedding venue, Heinz Chapel on Pitt’s campus, reaching a hand up to shield my face from the early evening sun as I gazed. Sidney did the same, coming to stand next to me and snaking an arm around my torso.
“Not a bad place to get married, eh?” he teased, kissing the crown of my head. I smiled and shook my head. “I’ve dreamed of this since the moment I first saw this place,” I told him. “It’s perfect.”
He took a step forward, offered his hand to me and grinned, quite pleased that we had been able to reserve the coveted location last summer despite it typically being booked three or more years in advance. I didn’t often request many special favors in the name of my uncle or fiancé, but this was one that seemed a necessity. Taking Sidney’s hand and walking toward the cathedral-style landmark, I said a silent prayer of thanks that I’d gotten even more than what I always dreamed of, in so many ways.
My family and Sidney walked into the chapel to find his parents and our bridal party already mingling near the pews, excitement palpably buzzing beneath the magnificent arches and towering stained-glass windows that decorated the exquisite interior. As we stepped through the doors, they turned our way, and I let out an echoing, very French-Canadian-sounding, “Allooo!” making them all laugh.
I first greeted Troy, Trina, and Taylor with hugs and warm hellos. Sidney’s parents were staying at his former townhome on Mt. Washington, which previously served as his bachelor pad and now housed Taylor in light of her recent move to Pittsburgh. We had spent much quality time with the elder Crosbys since their arrival from Nova Scotia a few days ago, helping us with final preparations and enjoying each other’s company ahead of my official entrance into their family.
Both Trina and Nathalie had accompanied me earlier in the week to my final dress fitting and pickup appointment at the bridal boutique where I had selected my gown. Though my mother did plan to attend the wedding ceremony as a guest, she was uninterested in playing the traditional mother of the bride role and joining me for such commitments, which hadn’t surprised me but still stung sharply, especially when I was fastened into the gown and presented by the salon attendant to a waiting Trina and Nathalie.
Bitter tears pricked my eyes as I allowed myself to feel robbed of sharing that moment with my own mom. My sadness was quickly overcome, however, when the women, sensing my sadness, warmly embraced me and fawned over me, admiring the perfect fit of the gown, both becoming emotional when Nathalie tucked my headpiece and veil tenderly into my hair.
The three of us stared at my reflection in the mirror for a few moments as we let tears of many complicated emotions fall, with joy prevailing above them all. I couldn’t keep the enormous smile from my cheeks when Trina squeezed my shoulder and whispered, “Oh, sweetheart, just wait until Sidney sees you.”
Now, we were less than 24 hours away from that moment, with our bridal party and family bustling around us in the chapel.
As our officiant, Father Antonio, announced that we would be lining up for the rehearsal momentarily, Lauren approached me with a grin, extending a bouquet she had made of the countless ribbons and bows from my bridal shower gifts acquired a couple of months ago. I giggled at how cheesy yet adorable the arrangement looked, thanking her as we huddled at the back of the aisle with my bridesmaids and Sidney’s groomsmen.
“This place is a little beat up,” Nate MacKinnon, our best man, ribbed Sidney from between the two of us. “I don’t know why you guys picked this dump,” he added, pulling me to his side. Sidney shoved lightly at his chest before the two of them laughed and embraced.
“Yeah, the old barn in Cole Harbour was booked this weekend, so we kinda had to settle for the next best thing,” Sidney played into Nate’s teasing, as his longtime best friend Mike, also a Cole Harbour native, approached us.
“Kind of a shithole,” Nate whispered, earning a warning glance from me as Austin tried to hold in hysterical laughter. “You can’t say shit in church!” Austin forced out from under his breath. “Oh, we’re going straight to hell,” Mike commented softly. Sidney gave me an apologetic look and I smiled up at him.
“It’s fine. These are our people!” I said to him, flicking Nate’s elbow as I passed him. “Besides, we’ve already been living in sin,” I added, winking at Sidney. He gave me a look of mock disbelief and insisted, “No. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m a nice Catholic boy.” I giggled and pushed onto my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, which smelled of his fresh aftershave.
In addition to Nate, Mike, and Austin, we greeted Sidney’s other groomsmen as we prepared for the rehearsal — his current teammates Kris Letang and Evgeni Malkin and former Penguin Marc-Andre Fleury. They had all graciously accepted the invitation by Sidney to play this special role in our day, with Geno flying in from Russia and Kris and Marc-Andre from Quebec.
Marc-Andre had brought a few other important components to our day along with him — not the least of which was his wife and my best friend, Veronique. She and I had first met when Sidney and I were only casually seeing each other, and she had predicted this wedding long, long ago. She had been one of our biggest cheerleaders since the day we met, and despite her and Marc’s eventual move to Las Vegas, the four of us remained the closest of friends, visiting each other when the men’s respective teams played and whenever else possible.
With Lauren as my maid of honor and Stephanie, Alexa, and Taylor as three of my other bridesmaids, my friend Jacqueline, a Pittsburgh transplant with Canadian roots whom I met while studying at Duquesne, rounded out my crew of six ladies who would stand by my side on this long-awaited day.
To up the cuteness factor, Sidney and I had selected Marc-Andre and Veronique’s daughters, Estelle and Scarlet, as our flower girls, with Geno’s son Nikita and Kris’s son Alex as our ringbearers. Nikita was still a bit young to understand his role, but grinned broadly when Sidney told him when they arrived just how important he was to our day. On the other hand, Kris told us that Alex had cried after his parents had asked him to be in our wedding, because, as much as he adored and was attached to Sid, Alex had been under the impression that I was his girlfriend, not Uncle Sidney’s.
Eventually, after Sidney and I made the rounds to greet them all, the entire bridal party was grouped together to begin the walk-through. The venue’s wedding planner wrangled the children as the priest noted that Sidney needed to leave my side to approach the front of the church alone, in preparation for his emergence from one of the side doors at the front of the sanctuary tomorrow.
Playful “oooh”’s erupted from our groomsmen, who teased Sid about having to pry himself away from my hip. Sidney rolled his eyes, nodding and smirking, before turning his full attention to me. He tucked some hair behind both of my ears before caressing my cheeks with his thumbs.
“You gonna be okay, Jules?” Sidney asked, eyes wider than normal as he searched mine carefully.
I knew he wasn’t asking if I would be alright once he left my side to stand twenty yards away for the next five minutes, but rather if I would be able to contain my emotions as Mario walked me down the aisle, even during a practice run, in place of my father.
We had talked about this specific part of our day a number of times, with Sidney even pondering aloud whether he should walk me down the aisle himself because walking with anyone except my dad felt impossible to me. His sweet dad had even offered to do so, should I desire. After each conversation, Sidney and I both kept arriving at the same conclusion — that the best and most appropriate plan of action was for Mario to give me away and also to join me for the traditional father-daughter dance at the reception.
I nodded, holding onto Sidney’s wrists. “Yeah,” I whispered. “I’ll be okay,” I promised. He nodded solemnly in return and kissed my forehead before pulling back with a wink.
“You can do this,” he encouraged. “I’ll see you up there.” I gave him my best smile as he turned and walked to the front of the chapel.
As our wedding party lined up in front of me to take their positions, Nate stopped me for one of his signature bear hugs, resting his chin on top of my head just for a moment before releasing me. The rest of our group squeezed my hands and rubbed my arms lovingly as I walked to the back door of the sanctuary where Mario waited, hands folded in front of his hips and a tentative smile on his features. He, too, gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead before holding my shoulders at arm’s length.
“Listen, princesse, it was one of the greatest honors of my life when you asked me to walk you down the aisle,” Mario said, soft enough that only I could hear. “But if you’ve changed your mind and would rather do this some other way, please, just say the word.” I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his waist just as the piano music began.
“No, you are exactly the person my dad would want doing this if he couldn’t,” I told him confidently. Mario let out a small exhale, and I could tell he was trying to remain composed. As we parted, he said, “Then let’s go make him proud.” He offered his arm to me and I wrapped my hands around it firmly, leaning my head into his shoulder briefly.
We watched pairs of our party head down the aisle toward Sidney and the priest at a relaxed pace: Jacqueline and Geno led off, followed by Veronique and Marc-Andre, Taylor and Kris, Alexa and Austin, Stephanie and Mike, and finally, Lauren and Nate. Alex walked down the aisle in a near-skip, holding a fake pillow very carefully just as his mother, our beautiful friend Catherine, had instructed him, with Nikita by his side mimicking his every move. Their fathers gave them thumbs up and everyone clapped lightly when they reached the end of the aisle.
Next, after a bit of prompting from both their parents at the front, Estelle and Scarlett followed the boys’ path, scattering fake rose petals in place of the real ones they would have tomorrow, earning their own quiet round of applause. As the children were seated at the ends of the front pews on either side, the music shifted, and our wedding planner turned and gave Mario and me the nod.
“Ready, Juliette?” he asked softly. My eyes traveled down the long red carpet in front of us to the steps where the love of my life stood centered in between our closest friends and family, waiting for me. He gave me a warm, adoring smile and at that moment, I felt my unease melt away, just as it always did when Sidney was near.
“I’m so ready,” I whispered.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Holding Out for a Hero- Steve Rogers x Reader Pt.8
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a\n- Hey lovely people! Are you ready for another mission? Enjoy!
summary:  You were all gearing up to "go beat the shit outta some gang members," as Isabelle delicately phrased it.
part 7
"So," Jules started, "Have you and Steve… you know?" she waggled her eyebrows at you.
"No," you stated calmly. "Why the heck not? Isn't a week enough?" you laughed at her response. "Believe me, I thought so too at first. Steve wanted to take things slow and 'woo me properly', whatever that means," you giggled. "But I've found I don't really mind it. He wants to go on a date before, but I don't think that could really happen soon. The mission is in a week and we've gotta prep till then. Anyways, I enjoy his company nonetheless," you said airily.
"That's a mighty high horse you're riding on," Jules imitated your haughty speech, "but I tell you from experience there's something else you'd have a lot more fun riding," she winked at you and you threw the pillow at her. You were both in the common floor, you reading and her reviewing some documents, although evidently, she got tired of it and preferred gossiping. It has been a week since that night in the training room, and you couldn't have been happier. Whether it was a sweet good morning text or insistently carrying you around, even though your leg has healed enough for you to train properly and go on a mission, Steve always made you feel cherished.
You shook from your sweet reverie by the whole gang getting in the room, and by the gang you meant the newbies. Even though you all weren't really newbies anymore, now that you settled into your individual lives at the compound, you still hung out quite often.
"What's up guys?" Mike asked. A chorus of fines and greats was the response. "Great! I myself had a really productive day down at R&D. We finally got that new formula to work out, and now Stark's new weapon should work. You're supposed to help make it, aren't you Oliver?" Oliver just hummed in response. The new Stark weapon was a secret project. No one really knew what it was but everyone trusted it'll be worth the wait. As for Oliver, he never quite got over his quiet tendencies even among the cheerful group. At first, they tried to bring him out of his shell, but now they just accepted it. They all complimented Mike and each one of them told the others about their day, which was pretty uneventful, except for Oliver of course, who kept up his broody silence.
The week went by quickly, with Steve and you being too busy to go on a "proper date", as you predicted. You made the best of your limited time anyways, stealing kisses and watching old movies together. As much as you teased Steve about being old, you couldn't help but admit many of the greatest movies have been made before your time. One night you were watching The Princess Bride, and you asked Steve how is this not a real date. "Because on a real date you go out of your house," he replied, "now hush, you're missing the good part."
"They're all the good parts," you huffed and cuddled into his side.
The day of the mission finally came. You were all gearing up to "go beat the shit outta some gang members," as Isabelle delicately phrased it. Since the previous mission was a bust, they got word of a new location from a reliable source, and intended to keep it a secret where they were going. "Last time they knew we were coming," Tony said in the briefing, "Which means either someone in here or someone out there knew and told them. Now, I'd rather have good faith in all of the people we work with, but that's a luxury we simply don't have. No one besides the people in this room right now should know about the details of this mission, am I clear?" he looked everyone in the eyes and continued. "Right now, our priority is to take them down, but we'll be looking into who told them later," he informed you all.
You were understandably nervous, but you still wanted to go, and no one made an attempt to stop you, not even Steve. You were going with the same people as before.
You managed to stay still on the Quinjet, and you flew speedily to your location – another warehouse. You broke in quietly, same as last time, but this time you were going to stay with the rest of the Avengers. You got further into the warehouse, which had mechanical sounds coming from it but not human voices. When you could finally see what was going on in the middle, you saw a sort of production line for what you assumed by the mechanical looking parts were guns. But as your eyes drifted across the line, you realized what they were making. Metal statues, hollow. You frowned. Why would they need that? At the end of the line, they stuffed white powder into in. At least that makes sense, you thought. You couldn’t see what the statues were of, but you could see it was a sitting man. Buddha maybe?
You all split up to surround the man working on the statues, and you and Steve went together. Once you got closer, you could get a closer look at the men, who seemed to be in a daze, assembling the parts automatically. You noticed none of them had the fiery look in their eyes you had observed in the last mission. When you and Steve got in position you noticed a man you hadn't seen before. He was standing aside and observed the other men. He didn't see you yet, but when he watched the men there was a glint of victory in his eyes, but what threw you off the most was his smile. It was unsettling, because it was… perfect, you thought, a perfect smile was never a good sign.
You called Steve's attention to the man. "He's dangerous. Keep an eye on him."
"Ready to strike?" Tony asked in the comms. "Go."
Once the Avengers started shooting, the man ran. "Steve!" you called out. He understood you and went in the direction the man had gone in. The rest didn't break their dazed state and were easy to take down. When you were done, you got closer to the line and took a closer look at the statues. The face staring at you startled you. It was the man from before. "Tony!" you were breathing heavily, your hands clammed up, "Steve's outside! I think he got the man we were looking for."
You all rushed outside, and what you saw made you stop in your tracks. Steve was on the ground, his shield tossed away from him, his gaze hooded and dazed like the men inside. The man holding a gun to his head, and talking manically. "—and then the world will understand. They'll see how much power one man can have over them all. You all think you're so strong," his eyes shone angrily, "but I will prove you wrong. You have nothing on a god." He put the gun to Steve's head. Steve's eyes cleared and he shook his head as if waking up.
"Maybe," Steve said, "but you're not a god." He reached out his hand and the shield flew into it. He disarmed the man, laying him on the ground. You all rushed towards him.
"He spilled his entire evil plan," Steve stated. "He was gonna distribute the drugs to make people susceptible to his lies and make an army." Steve raised his brow, "but we stopped him in time." He gripped the man harder. "By the way, thanks for the new shield again Tony. Works great. I'll tell Thor about it."
"Great," Tony said, "Glad I can finally tell the people down at R&D what 'the new Stark weapon' is." He took the man and gave him to the authorities. You realized what Thor and Tony were talking about that first dinner, but all you cared about right now was Steve.  
You rushed into his arms and gave him a crushing hug. "You okay?" he asked, his voice and gaze soft and warm. "Yeah, but really I should be asking you that! You took him down by yourself!" He looked down, smiling "I'm fine. He tried to drug me with whatever that was, but you know," he gestured to himself, "super-soldier. I do have to admit it's really strong, because it did affect me for a few minutes." His eyebrows furrowed.
"Whatever it was, you stopped it, and that's what matters." You exchanged smiles.
Back at the compound Jules, Bucky and the others greeted you all. Someone already filled them in about your success, so they were already waiting for you with smiles on their faces. "Glad you made it out okay this time," Jules hugged you. "Yeah, I am too," you laughed.
The next morning, you and the newbies were sitting in the common floor. Oliver wasn't there, but no one really felt his absence. Mike was in the middle of a story about how he and a cute girl from R&D had a date last night when Jarvis spoke. "Hello. Your presence has been requested at the meeting room by Mr. Stark. And by you, it means all of you. " You all exchanged confused glances, but got up and went to the big meeting room on the second floor. Because it was used for all official Avengers meetings it was known simply as "the meeting room".
Tony had apparently called an Avengers meeting, since they all were already there. "We got the guy that set us up the first time, he stated bluntly. "Last night when the news we won reached the compound he tried to escape." There was an expectant silence.
"It was Oliver." You all frowned. Sure, neither of you really liked Oliver, but you never thought he was capable of doing something like this, of betraying the Avengers. You wrecked your mind for signs about his sinister intentions. When you thought about it, you really know much about the guy, not enough for living in the same building as him and hanging out with him for the last couple of months. The only thing you could think about was that he was quiet, but that didn't necessarily mean anything, except in this case he actually was hiding something. It was actually pretty smart, you realized, since instead of inventing a story to potentially mess up he just… didn't invent anything. Also, he did live in the building without any real need to – as a mechanic he didn't have to be here 24/7. Then again, he could've just wanted the housing opportunity. But why did I never know anything else about him? Why did I never ask? You beat yourself up. You always tried to know your co-workers and be nice to them, how is it that this time you failed to do it so miserably?
"I know it might be a little hard to digest," Tony continued after a few moments with no verbal response from them, "but at least we caught him and it turned out for the best. Don't blame yourselves, newbies," he added after seeing the solemn look on your faces. "He passed our security check. You couldn't have known." After another minute of silence, Tony realized no one has anything else to say. "Dismissed."
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Runaway - Part Fifteen
Concept: Hazel Richards is a twenty-year-old woman living in London. When she meets a mysterious time-travelling alien known only as the Hunter, she’s thrust into a world of wonder she could only have imagined.
Warnings: swearing, follows S1 of Doctor Who.
Mike Denman stepped off the train at Cardiff Central railway station and headed to the Roald Dahl Plass. He smiled when he saw the TARDIS parked just in front of the huge water tower, walked up, and knocked on the door. It swung open to show a handsome man with dark hair and a confused expression. "Who the hell are you?"
"What do you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?" Mike demanded.
"Captain Jack Harkness." He flashed his signature brilliant smile. "Whatever you're selling, we're not buying."
Mike narrowed his eyes. "Get out of my way!" He pushed past Jack and into the TARDIS, making the man roll his eyes as he closed the door.
"Don't tell me. This must be the pikey you were telling me about."
The Hunter beamed down at them from a ladder, where she was fixing a light fitting on the wall. She was wearing a white t-shirt with blue skinny jeans, and ankle boots. "Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Spike?"
"It's Mike!"
Hazel rolled her eyes, sipping from a cup of hot chocolate. Judging both by this and her thick hoodie, she wasn't planning on running around much today. Maybe they'd be able to have a quiet day together for once? "Don't listen to her, she's winding you up."
"Damn right, I am," the Hunter muttered in the background, smirking.
"You look fantastic," Mike told Hazel, hugging her. Startled, she held her hot chocolate out of the way and hoped it wouldn't spill.
"Aw, sweet, look at these two," Jack sighed, leaning against the console next to the ladder. "How come I never get any of that?"
"Well, you'd have to buy me a drink first," the Hunter told him, winking.
He sighed despairingly. "You're such hard work."
"Yeah, but worth every bit of it," she smirked.
"Did you manage to find them?" Hazel asked eagerly.
"There you go," Mike smiled, handing over the fake IDs and passport. Little did he know, the IDs were in for a cathartic burning session later - it'd been Jack's idea.
Hazel grinned. "I can go anywhere now."
"I told you, you don't need a passport," the Hunter rolled her eyes, making her way down the ladder.
"It's all very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it," Hazel pointed out. "You see, I'm prepared for anything."
"Sounds like you're staying then," Mike noticed. Everybody looked at him, and he changed the subject. "So what're you doing in Cardiff? And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with Soulless Samantha over there."
"Oi!" the Hunter exclaimed.
"Listen to yourself," Mike sneered. "But this guy, I don't know, he's kind of -"
"Handsome?" Jack suggested, grinning.
"More like cheesy," Mike corrected, clearly not impressed.
Jack looked to the Hunter. "Queenie, early twenty first century slang. Is cheesy good or bad?"
"It's bad," Mike deadpanned before she could get a word in.
"But bad means good, isn't that right?" Jack shrugged.
"Are you saying I'm not handsome?" the Hunter asked, nudging him.
"You're not handsome, you're beautiful," Jack told her, making her grin.
"We just stopped off," Hazel cut in, seeing Mike looking at them with disgust. "We need to refuel. The thing is, Cardiff's got this rift running through the middle of the city. It's invisible, but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions."
"The rift was healed back in 1869," the Hunter continued.
"Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth," Hazel added, "because these creatures called the Gelth, they were using the rift as a gateway, but she saved the world and closed it."
"But closing a rift always leaves a scar," Jack explained, "and that scar generates energy, harmless to the human race -"
The Hunter nodded. "But perfect for the TARDIS, so just park her here for a couple of days right on top of the scar, and -"
"Open up the engines, soak up the radiation," Jack continued.
"Like filling her up with petrol and off we go!" Hazel cheered.
"Into time!" Jack exclaimed.
"And space!" they all shouted together, high-fiving.
Mike just stared at them for a moment. "My God, have you seen yourselves? You all think you're so clever, don't you?"
"Yeah," Hazel nodded.
"Yep!" Jack agreed.
"It does seem to be the general consensus," the Hunter shrugged, leading them out onto Roald Dahl Plass and locking the door behind them. "Should take another twenty four hours, which means we've got time to kill."
"That old lady's staring," Mike noticed.
Jack smirked. "Probably wondering what four people could do inside a small wooden box."
Mike stared at him, looking horrified by the mere suggestion. "What are you captain of, the Innuendo Squad?"
"Well, actually -"
"Jack!" Hazel exclaimed, and they both burst out laughing, the Hunter watching fondly.
"Wait, the TARDIS, we can't just leave it," Mike protested as they started walking away. "Doesn't it get noticed?"
"Yeah, what's with the police box?" Jack asked. "Why does it look like that?"
"It's a cloaking device," Hazel told them.
"It's called a chameleon circuit," the Hunter explained. "The TARDIS is meant to disguise herself wherever she lands, like if this was Ancient Rome, she'd be a statue on a plinth or something. But I landed in the '60s, she disguised herself as a police box, and the circuit got stuck."
"So it copied a real thing?" Mike asked. "There actually was police boxes?"
"Yeah, on street corners," the Hunter nodded. "Phone for help before they had radios and mobiles. If they arrested someone, they could shove them inside till help came, like a little prison cell."
Jack shook his head slightly. That didn't sound too pleasant. "Why don't you just fix the circuit?"
She pouted. "I like it, don't you?"
"I love it," Hazel grinned.
"But that's what I meant," Mike said, pulling the conversation back to him. "There's no police boxes anymore, so doesn't it get noticed?"
The Hunter smiled, standing in front of him with her hands on his shoulders. Despite being an inch or so shorter, she still intimidated him, and he didn't even know the whole of what she could do. "Spike, let me tell you something about the human race. You put a mysterious blue box slap bang in the middle of town, what do they do? Walk past it. Now, stop your nagging. Let's go and explore!" They set off walking again.
"What's the plan?" Hazel asked, looping her arms through both Jack's and the Hunter's.
The Time Lady shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. Cardiff, early twenty first century, and the wind's coming from the east. Trust me. Safest place in the universe."
They ended up in a small restaurant on the jetty, where Jack was telling them stories from his previous adventures.
"I swear, six feet tall and with big tusks!" he was saying.
"You're lying through your teeth!" the Hunter accused, laughing.
"I'd have gone bonkers!" Hazel cried, holding onto the table to keep her from falling out of her seat with laughter. "That's the word - bonkers!"
"I mean, it turns out the white things are tusks and I mean tusks!" Jack enthused. "And it's woken, and it's not happy."
"How could you not know it was there?" the Hunter demanded, her eyes wide and filled with happy tears.
"And we're standing there, fifteen of us, naked -"
"Naked?!" Hazel echoed, crying with laughter.
"And I'm like, oh, no, no, it's got nothing to do with me," Jack continued. "And then it roars, and we are running, oh my God, we are running! And Brakovitch falls, so I turn to him and I say -"
"I knew we should've turned left!" Mike cried.
"That's my line!" Jack exclaimed as Hazel burst out laughing all over again.
"I don't believe you!" she sighed, wiping her cheeks. "I don't believe a word you say ever. That is so brilliant! Did you ever get your clothes back?" The Hunter borrowed a newspaper from the next table, her good mood swiftly dissipating.
"No, I just picked him up, went right for the ship, full throttle. Didn't stop until I hit the spacelanes. I was shaking. It was unbelievable. It freaked me out, and by the time I got fifteen light years away I realised I'm like this."
The Hunter sighed disappointedly. "And I was having such a nice day." She showed them the newspaper, the front page of which showed Margaret Blaine as the new Lord Mayor of Cardiff.
In the foyer of the City Hall, Jack began to outline what they already knew about Margaret. "According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit." He nodded. "Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Queenie, you go face to face. That'll designate Exit One. I'll cover Exit Two. Jules, you're on Exit Three. Mike, you take Exit Four. Have you got that?"
The Hunter raised her eyebrows at him pointedly. "Excuse me. Who's in charge here?"
Jack bit his lip to hide a smile. "Sorry. Awaiting orders, your Majesty."
"Right, here's the plan." She paused, smirking. "Like he said. Nice plan. Anything else?"
"Present arms," Jack ordered. Each of them pulled out a mobile phone, except for the Hunter, who was fixing a Bluetooth unit to her ear.
"Ready," she nodded.
"Ready," Hazel stated.
"Ready," Mike agreed.
"Ready," Jack smiled. "Speed dial?"
"Yep," the Hunter grinned, sonicing the device.
"Ready," Hazel seconded.
"Check," Mike nodded.
Jack flashed a brilliant smile. "See you in hell."
The Hunter followed the signs through to the outer area of the Lord Mayor's office, where a young man was sitting at his desk just outside the door. "Hello," she smiled warmly. "I've come to see the Lord Mayor."
"Have you got an appointment?" the young man asked politely.
"No, just an old friend passing by. Bit of a surprise," she grinned. "Can't wait to see her face."
"Well, she's just having a cup of tea," he stated.
"Just go in there and tell her the Hunter would like to see her."
"The Hunter?" he echoed.
"Yeah, it's an inside joke," the Hunter lied. "Tell her exactly that. The Hunter."
"Hang on a tick," the man smiled, and went into the office. The Hunter waited patiently, smirking when she heard a teacup smash on the floor, then smiling politely when the man came back out, looking flustered. "The Lord Mayor says thank you for popping by. She'd love to have a chat, but, er, she's up to her eyes in paperwork. Perhaps if you could make an appointment for next week?"
The Hunter looked at him pityingly. "She's climbing out of the window, isn't she?"
"Yes, she is," he admitted, sighing in relief.
"Slitheen heading north," she reported, pushing past the man, through the office and out onto the balcony.
"On my way," Hazel replied.
"Over and out," Jack agreed.
"Oh my God!" Mike wailed.
"Leave the Lord Mayor alone!" the man cried, trying to pull the Hunter back from following Margaret as she climbed down a ladder on some scaffolding on the side of the building.
The Hunter rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on." She telekinetically threw the man back into the office, locking the balcony behind him. "It's like you're not even trying."
Margaret reached the bottom of the ladder and took off her brooch, starting to run. When she saw Hazel running towards her, she snarled, removing her right earring. Then Jack came running from the opposite direction.
"Margaret!" the Hunter taunted, seeing she was running in the only available direction - across the front of the building. She joined Jack and Hazel at the entrance to the alleyway at the front of the building, seeing Margaret running away from them.
"Who's on Exit Four?" Jack demanded.
"That was Mike!" Hazel supplied.
"Here I am," Mike announced, running out with one foot in a bucket.
"Oh, you pikey," the Hunter scoffed.
"Be fair, she's not exactly going to outrun us, is she?" Hazel pointed out, at which point Margaret vanished.
"She's got a teleport! That's cheating!" Jack complained. "Now we're never going to get her."
"Oh, Artie's very good at teleports," Hazel assured him.
The Hunter buzzed the sonic screwdriver in the direction of Margaret's disappearance, and she reappeared, running towards them. She frowned, turned around and vanished again, but the Hunter just brought her back. The next time she was brought back, she was standing right in front of them, and panting hard. "Do you know, I could actually do this all day," the Hunter remarked conversationally, looking down at Margaret with no pity.
"This is persecution," Margaret accused. "Why can't you leave me alone? What did I ever do to you?"
"You tried to kill me, my friend Hazel here, and destroy the entire planet," the Hunter pointed out bluntly.
Margaret blinked. "Apart from that."
"So, you're a Slitheen, you're on Earth, you're trapped," the Hunter mused, leading them into the presentation room of the City Hall, in which the centrepiece was a model of a nuclear power station. "Your family get killed, but you teleport out just in the nick of time. You have no means of escape. What do you do? You build a nuclear power station. But what for?"
"A philanthropic gesture," Margaret shrugged airily. "I've learnt the error of my ways."
The Hunter scoffed. "And it just so happens to be right on top of the rift."
"What rift would that be?" Margaret asked innocently.
"A rift in space and time," Jack answered. "If this power station went into meltdown, the entire planet would go -" He mimed an implosion with his hands, adding the appropriate sound effects.
"This station is designed to explode the minute it reaches capacity," the Hunter stated, looking at the model.
"Didn't anyone notice?" Hazel frowned. "Isn't there someone in London checking this sort of stuff?"
"We're in Cardiff," Margaret deadpanned. "London doesn't care. The South Wales coast could fall into the sea and they wouldn't notice." She made a face. "Oh, I sound like a Welshman. God help me, I've gone native."
"But why would she do that?" Mike asked. "A great big explosion, she'd only end up killing herself."
"She's got a name, you know," Margaret pointed out icily.
"She's not even a she, she's a thing," Mike countered.
"Oh, but she's clever," the Hunter smiled. With her metal hand, she yanked the middle section from the model and turned it over to reveal circuitry. "Fantastic."
"Is that a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator?" Jack asked excitedly.
The Hunter grinned, handing it over. "Couldn't have put it better myself."
"Ooh, genius!" Jack exclaimed. "You didn't build this."
"I have my hobbies," Margaret shrugged. "A little tinkering."
"No, no, no, no," Jack shook his head. "I mean, you really didn't build this. Way beyond you."
"I bet she stole it," Mike accused.
"It fell into my hands," Margaret said defensively.
"Is it a weapon?" Hazel inquired.
"It's transport," Jack told her, grinning. "You see, if the reactor blows, the rift opens. Phenomenal cosmic disaster. But this thing shrouds you in a forcefield. You have this energy bubble, so you're safe." He put the extrapolator on the ground. "Then you feed it co-ordinates, stand on top, and ride the concussion all the way out of the solar system." He stood on top demonstratively.
"It's a surfboard," Mickey realised.
"A pan-dimensional surfboard, yeah," Jack nodded.
"And it would've worked," Margaret grumbled. "I'd have surfed away from this dead end dump and back to civilisation."
Hazel frowned. "Isn't there supposed to be something about meddling kids in there?"
"You'd blow up a whole planet just to get a lift?" Mike asked, wondering why the others weren't too shocked.
"Like stepping on an anthill," Margaret smirked.
"How'd you think of the name?" the Hunter asked. She was looking at one of the banners with an expression of concern.
"What, Blaidd Drwg?" Margaret shrugged. "It's Welsh."
The Hunter rolled her eyes. "I know, but how did you think of it?"
"I chose it at random, that's all. I don't know, it just sounded good. Does it matter?"
"Blaidd Drwg," the Hunter mused, frowning.
"What's it mean?" Hazel asked.
"Bad Wolf," the Time Lady replied.
Hazel flinched, and Jack put his arm around her shoulder's - much to Mike's annoyance. "But I've heard that before. Bad Wolf. I've heard that lots of times."
"Everywhere we go," the Hunter narrowed her eyes. "Two words following us. Bad Wolf."
"How can they be following us?" Hazel whispered.
The Hunter shared a look with Jack, both of them clocking how scared Hazel actually was. "Nah, just a coincidence. Like hearing a word on the radio then hearing it all day. Never mind. Things to do. Margaret, we're going to take you home."
Jack blinked. "Hold on, isn't that the easy option, like letting her go?"
"I don't believe it!" Hazel exclaimed. "We actually get to go to Raxa - wait a minute. Raxacor -"
"Raxacoricofallapatorius," the Hunter told her in amusement.
"Raxacorico -"
"- fallapatorius."
"Raxacoricofallapatorius." Hazel's eyes widened. "That's it! I did it!" She and the Hunter hugged in celebration.
"They have the death penalty," Margaret cut in, ruining the ambience. "The family Slitheen was tried in its absence many years ago, and found guilty with no chance of appeal. According to the statutes of government, the moment I return, I am to be executed. What do you make of that, Hunter? Take me home and you take me to my death."
The Hunter regarded her coldly with those steely blue eyes. "That sounds like a not me problem."
Night had fallen by the time they got Margaret to the TARDIS.
"This ship is impossible," she exclaimed as Hazel shut the door behind them. "It's superb. How do you get the outside around the inside?"
"Like I'd give you the secret," the Hunter scoffed.
"I almost feel better about being defeated," Margaret admitted. "I never stood a chance. This is the technology of the gods."
The Hunter smirked. "Well, now you mention it..." She turned her attention to the extrapolator. "Jack, how's it going?"
"This extrapolator's top of the range," he told her, glancing up at Margaret. "Where did you get it?"
"Oh, I don't know. Some airlock sale?"
"Must have been a great big heist," Jack translated. "It's stacked with power."
"But we can use it for fuel?" the Hunter asked.
"It's not compatible, but it should knock off about twelve hours," Jack nodded. "We'll be ready to go by morning."
She sighed, but nodded. "Then we're stuck here overnight."
"I'm in no hurry," Margaret piped up.
Hazel smirked, sitting cross-legged on the jump seat. "We've got a prisoner. The police box really is a police box."
"You're not just police, though," Margaret pointed out. "Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you."
"Well, you deserve it," Mike shrugged.
"You're very quick to say so," Margaret noticed. "You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood, which makes you better than me how, exactly? Long night ahead. Let's see who can look me in the eye."
Mickey looked away before she even met his eyes, and neither Hazel nor Jack held her gaze for more than a few seconds. When she looked to the Hunter, though, she gasped, seeing the woman casually making several paperweights float about her head with her metal arm.
"You're a -!"
"A what?" the Hunter asked, smirking. "A mutant Time Lord? Now, now, Maggie, don't be a bitch. You're hardly my first dead body. How's about you sit down and shut up?" Stunned, Margaret did so.
"It's freezing out here," Hazel complained as she joined Mike outside the TARDIS, keeping her hands cosy in her hoodie pocket.
"Better than in there," Mike huffed. "She does deserve it. She's a Slitheen. I don't care. It's just weird in that box."
"I didn't really need the passport," Hazel confessed. "Or the IDs."
Mike smiled. "I've been thinking, you know, we could go have a drink. Have a pizza or something. Just you and me."
"I guess," Hazel shrugged. He was still her friend, she just didn't want to deal with the awkward 'are you staying' crap.
"And I mean, if the TARDIS can't leave until morning, we could go to a hotel, spend the night." Hazel raised her eyebrows incredulously, and he backtracked. "I mean, if you want to. I've got some money."
"Mike, can I ask you a question?" Hazel bit her lip.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Are you seriously still labouring under the impression that I'm straight?" Mike blinked, and she laughed. "Oh, come on! How many times have I told you? It's been four years!"
"Oh, shut up!" he complained, not meeting her eyes. "Of course I knew. I just... You never know."
She narrowed her eyes. "What part of not attracted to men are you not getting?"
"Well, you know, I'm different," he shrugged. "I'm your mate."
"Yeah, and I'm gay," she stressed, raising her eyebrows.
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. There's a couple bars around here. We should give them a go, you know, before we go for pizza." He saw her glance back at the TARDIS. "Do you have to go and tell her?"
She shook her head. "She knows."
Inside the TARDIS, the Hunter shook her head, watching them walk away on the monitor.
"What?" Jack asked, coming to see.
"He's trying so hard to get in there," she told him, snorting. "It's pitiful."
"Does he know she's gay?" Jack frowned.
"Oh, yeah," the Hunter nodded. "She says she's been telling him for four years."
"What a dick," Jack muttered.
"I gather it's not always like this, having to wait. I bet you're always the first to leave, Hunter. Never mind the consequences, off you go. You butchered my family and then ran for the stars, am I right? But not this time," Margaret smirked. "At last you have consequences. How does it feel?"
The Hunter scoffed. "I didn't butcher them."
"Don't answer back," Jack complained. "You know that's what she wants."
"Well, I didn't," she shrugged, before turning back to Margaret. "What about you? You had an emergency teleport. You didn't zap them to safety, did you?"
"It only carries one," Margaret explained. "I had to fly without co-ordinates. I ended up on a skip in the Isle of Dogs." Jack and the Hunter snorted. "It wasn't funny!"
"Sorry," the Hunter apologised, then snickered. "It is a bit funny."
Margaret rolled her eyes tiresomely. "Do I get a last request?"
"Depends what it is," the Hunter shrugged.
"I grew quite fond of my little human life," Margaret admitted. "All those rituals. The brushing of the teeth, and the complicated way they cook things. There's a little restaurant just round the Bay. It became quite a favourite of mine."
The Hunter frowned. "Is that was you want, a last meal?"
"Don't I have rights?" she pleaded.
Jack scoffed. "Oh, like she's not going to try to escape."
"Except I can never escape the Hunter, so where's the danger?" Margaret shot back, before looking to the Hunter. "I wonder if you could do it? To sit with a creature you're about to kill and take supper. How strong is your stomach?"
"Strong enough," the Hunter assured her.
"I wonder," Margaret mused. "I've seen you fight your enemies, now dine with them."
The Time Lady snorted. "You won't change my mind."
"Prove it," the Raxacoricofallapatorian snarled.
"There are people out there," the Hunter pointed out. And Hazel. "If you slip away just for one second, they'll be in danger."
"Except I've got these," Jack stated, holding up two bangles. "You both wear one. If she moves more than ten feet away, she gets zapped by ten thousand volts."
The Hunter eyed them. "Do I even want to know?"
"Not in the slightest," Jack promised, smirking.
She rolled her eyes, smiling, then turned to their captive. "Margaret, would you like to come out to dinner? My treat."
Margaret smirked. "Dinner in bondage. Works for me."
"Here we are, out on a date, and you haven't even asked my proper name," Margaret sighed as they settled in their chairs, the Hunter grabbing a menu.
She rolled her eyes. "It's not a date. What's your name?"
"Blon," Margaret replied. "I am Blon Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen. That's what it'll say on my death certificate."
The Hunter smiled politely. "Nice to meet you, Blon."
"I'm sure." Margaret pointed towards the window. "Look, that's where I was living as Margaret. nice little flat, over there, on the top. Next to the one with the light on." The Hunter turned to look, and Margaret emptied powder from her ring into her wine glass. "Two bedrooms, bayside view. I was rather content. Don't suppose I'll see it again."
The Hunter turned back around, eyed Margaret, then swapped the glasses. "Suppose not."
"Thank you."
"Tell me then, Hunter. What do you know of our species?" Margaret wondered.
"Only what I've seen," the Time Lady replied, looking at the menu.
"Did you know, for example, in extreme cases, when her life is in danger, a female Raxacoricofallapatorian can manufacture a poison dart within her own finger?" She shot the dart, and the Hunter crushed it between metal fingers without looking up.
"Yes, I did."
"Just checking." Margaret leaned forwards. "And one more thing. Between you and me." The Hunter leaned forwards too. "As a final resort, the excess poison can be exhaled through the lungs." Margaret made to exhale, but the Hunter spritzed a breath freshener in her mouth.
"That's better," she grinned, before going back to her menu. "Now then, what do you think? Mmm, steak looks nice. Steak and chips."
Hazel and Mike had been to a few of the bars and were now leaning against the railings on Mermaid Quay. "The Hunter took me to this planet a while back," Hazel was saying. "It was much colder than this. They called it Woman Wept. The planet was actually called Woman Wept, because if you looked at it, right, from above, there's like this huge continent, all curved round. It sort of looked like a woman, you know, lamenting. Oh my God, and we went to this beach, right. No people, no buildings, just this beach like a thousand miles across. And something had happened, something to do with the sun, I don't know, but the sea had just frozen. In a split second, in the middle of a storm, right, waves and foam, just frozen, all the way out to the horizon. Midnight, right, we walk underneath these waves a hundred feet tall, made of ice." She smiled at the memory.
"I'm going out with Trisha Delaney," Mike blurted.
"Right," Hazel said, blinking. "Okay. That's nice. Trisha from the shop?"
"Yeah, Rob Delaney's sister," Mike clarified.
"Well, she's nice," Hazel nodded. "I thought you said you'd never date her."
"She lost weight," he shrugged. "You've been away."
"Well, good for you. She's nice," Hazel smiled.
"So tell us a bit more about this planet, then," he requested.
She shook her head, blowing out a breath. "That was it, really." No way was she telling him the stuff the Hunter had confided in her that day.
"Public execution's a slow death," Margaret stated conversationally as their steaks arrived. "They prepare a thin acetic acid, lower me into the cauldron and boil me. The acidity is perfectly gauged to strip away the skin. Internal organs fall out into the liquid, and I become soup. And still alive, still screaming."
"I don't make the law," the Hunter shrugged, stabbing a chip with her fork.
"But you deliver it," Margaret pointed out. "Will you stay to watch?"
The Hunter sighed. "What else can I do?"
"The Slitheen family's huge. There's a lot more of us, all scattered off-world. Take me to them," Margaret pleaded. "Take me somewhere safe."
"Yeah, and you'll just start again," the Hunter deadpanned.
"I promise I won't," Margaret stated hopefully.
The Hunter shook her head, scoffing. "You've been in that skin suit too long. You've forgotten. There used to be a real Margaret Blaine. You killed her and stripped her and used the skin. You're pleading for mercy out of a dead woman's lips."
"Perhaps I have got used to it," Margaret sighed. "A human life, an ordinary life. That's all I'm asking. Give me a chance, Hunter. I can change."
"I don't believe you," the Hunter stated, cutting into her steak.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Mike asked.
Hazel shrugged. "Don't mind."
"We could ask about hotels," he suggested.
"I'm just as gay as I was an hour ago," she rolled her eyes. "'Sides, what would Trisha Delaney say?"
"Suppose," Mike sighed. "There's a bar down there with a Spanish name or something -"
"You're not dating Trisha Delaney!" Hazel interrupted.
"Oh, is that right?" Mike scowled. "What the hell do you know?"
"I saw her three days ago cradling her firstborn child!" Hazel shot back, remembering when she'd got takeaway for herself, the Hunter, and Jack. "So who the hell do you think you're kidding?"
"At least I know where she is!" Mike shouted.
Hazel scoffed, shaking her head. "There we are, then. It's got nothing to do with Trisha. This is about me again, isn't it -?"
"You left me!" Mike cut her off. "We were nice, we were happy. And then what? You run off with her and you make me feel like nothing, Hazel. I was nothing. I can't even go out with a stupid girl from a shop because you pick up the phone and I come running. I mean, is that what I am, Hazel, standby? Am I just supposed to sit here for the rest of my life, waiting for you? Because I will."
Hazel stepped back, her eyes wide. "I'm... sorry?"
"I promise you I've changed since we last met, Hunter," Margaret implored. "There was this girl, just today. A young thing, something of a danger. She was getting too close. I felt the bloodlust rising, just as the family taught me. I was going to kill her without a thought. And then I stopped. She's alive somewhere right now. She's walking around this city because I can change. I did change. I know I can't prove it -"
"I believe you," the Hunter cut her off.
"Then you know I'm capable of better."
She shook her head. "It doesn't mean anything."
"I spared her life!" Margaret protested.
"You let one of them go, but that's nothing new," the Hunter shrugged. "Every now and then, a little victim's spared because she smiled, because he's got freckles, because they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind."
"Only a killer would know that," Margaret accused, making the Hunter roll her eyes. "Is that right? From what I've seen, your funny little happy go lucky life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on because you dare not look back. Playing with so many people's lives, you might as well be a god. And you're right, Hunter. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you let one go. Let me go," she pleaded.
"I'm not asking you to leave her, because I know that's not fair," Mike said. "But I just need something, yeah? Some sort of promise that when you do come back, you're coming back for me."
There was a deep rumble in the distance, and Hazel looked up, frowning. "Is that thunder?"
"Does it matter?" Mike huffed, exasperated.
"That's not thunder," Hazel realised, hearing it again.
"In the family Slitheen, we had no choice," Margaret explained. "I was made to carry out my first kill at thirteen. If I'd refused, my father would have fed me to the Venom Grubs. If I'm a killer, it's because I was born to kill. It's all I know." She huffed impatiently as the Hunter looked around, frowning.
"Can you hear that?"
"I'm begging for my life, you could at least pretend to listen," Margaret complained.
"No, listen, shush," the Hunter muttered, pointing to her empty wine glass, which was vibrating. Suddenly the windows shattered, and the customers started screaming.
People outside ran cover as windows and street lights exploded. Hazel made a decision, running towards Roald Dahl Plass.
"Oh go on then, run! It's her again, isn't it? It's the Hunter! It's always the Hunter! It's always going to be the Hunter! It's never me!" Mike shouted bitterly.
Hazel turned on him. "Yeah, because she and Jack, they're more my family than you ever were. You call me when you've decided you're going to accept us." Then she turned her back on him and ran for the TARDIS.
Margaret wheezed as they ran across Roald Dahl Plass, tugging on the Hunter's arm. "The handcuffs!"
She rolled her eyes and took them off, depositing them in her back pocket. "Don't think you're running away."
"Oh, I'm sticking with you," Margaret assured her. "Some date this turned out to be!"
The Hunter's eyes widened when she saw the blue energy streaming up from the TARDIS into the sky. "It's the rift. The rift's opening." She ran in, Margaret close on her heels. "What's happening?" she demanded, seeing things sparking and almost exploding on the console.
"She just went crazy!" Jack called from under the grating, poking his head up from where he was working.
"It's the rift," she told him, trying to stop the explosions from the console. "Time and space are ripping apart. The whole city's going to disappear!"
"It's the extrapolator!" Jack exclaimed, climbing up to her level. "I've disconnected it, but it's still feeding off the engine. It's using the TARDIS. I can't stop it!"
"Never mind Cardiff," the Hunter bit her lip, her eyes wide. "It's going to rip open the planet!"
"What is it?" Hazel questioned as she ran in. "What's happening?"
"Oh, just little me," Margaret smirked, ripping the arm of her suit so she could grab Hazel around the neck with one of her talons. "One wrong move and she snaps like a promise."
The Hunter scowled. "I might've known."
"I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it," Margaret snapped. "You, fly boy, put the extrapolator at my feet." She tightened her grip on Hazel's neck, making the girl gasp. The Hunter nodded, her eyes on Hazel, and Jack did as ordered. "Thank you. Just as I planned."
"I thought you needed to blow up the nuclear power station," Hazel croaked.
"Failing that, if I were to be arrested, then anyone capable of tracking me down would have considerable technology of their own. Therefore, they would be captivated by the extrapolator. Especially a magpie mind like yours, Hunter," Margaret smirked. "So, the extrapolator was programmed to go to plan B, to lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift. And what a power source it found. I'm back on schedule, thanks to you."
"The rift's going to convulse," Jack realised. "You'll destroy the whole planet."
"And you with it!" Margaret cackled, stepping onto the extrapolator. "While I ride this board over the crest of the inferno all the way to freedom. Stand back. Surf's up."
The TARDIS console cracked open, and a bright light hit Margaret and Hazel, making the girl screw her eyes tightly shut.
"Of course, opening the rift means you'll pull this ship apart," the Hunter pointed out, leaning against one of the coral structures.
"So sue me," Margaret snapped.
"She's not just any old power source. She's the TARDIS. My TARDIS. The best ship in the universe," the Hunter said proudly.
"It'll make wonderful scrap."
"What's that light?" Hazel asked, wincing.
"The heart of the TARDIS," the Hunter replied. "This ship's alive. You've opened her soul. And she really has got a soft spot for our Hazel."
"It's so bright," Margaret whispered.
"Look at it, Margaret," the Hunter encouraged.
"Look inside, Blon Fel Fotch. Look at the light."
Margaret relaxed, allowing Hazel to get free, rushing to Jack's side. "Thank you," Margaret smiled, then disappeared into the light, her bodysuit crumpling atop the extrapolator.
The Hunter moved immediately. "Don't look. Stay there. Close your eyes!" She closed the console up. "Now, Jack, come on, shut it all down. Shut down! Haze, that panel over there, turn all the switches to the right." The turbulence and the sparks stopped as the TARDIS settled, and she sighed in relief. "Nicely done. Thanks."
"What happened to Margaret?" Hazel wondered.
"Must've got burnt up," Jack guessed. "Carried out her own death sentence."
"No, I don't think she's dead," the Hunter shook her head.
Hazel frowned, rubbing her neck and wincing. "Then where'd she go?"
"She looked into the heart of the TARDIS. Even I don't know how strong that is. And the ship's telepathic, like I told you, Haze." The Hunter glanced over at her, flashing a smile. "Gets inside your head. Translates alien languages. Maybe the raw energy can translate all sorts of thoughts." She knelt by the skin suit and pulled out a large egg with dreadlocks. "Here she is."
"She's an egg?" Hazel frowned.
"Regressed to her childhood," the Hunter nodded.
"She's an egg?" Jack echoed.
"She can start again," the Hunter pointed out. "Live her life from scratch. If we take her home, give her to a different family, tell them to bring her up properly, she might be all right!"
"Or she might be worse," Jack suggested.
"That's her choice, Mr Pessimism."
"She's an egg," Hazel repeated.
"She's an egg," the Hunter agreed, smiling.
"Oh my God, Mike!" Hazel realised, getting to her feet and sprinting out the door.
The Hunter and Jack shared a look when she returned not five minutes later, looking dejected. "We're all powered up," the Hunter told her, making her look up. "We can leave. Opening the rift filled us up with energy. We can go, if that's all right."
"Yeah, fine," she nodded.
"How's Mike?" the Hunter asked carefully.
"He's okay. He's gone," Hazel muttered.
"Do you want to go and find him?" the Hunter offered. "We'll wait."
Hazel took a deep breath, then smiled, shaking her head. "No need."
"Off we go, then. Always moving on."
"Next stop, Raxacoricofallapatorius," Jack smiled, then nudged Hazel. "Now you don't often get to say that."
"We'll just stop by and pop her in the hatchery," the Hunter said, setting about flying them there. "Margaret the Slitheen can live her life again. A second chance."
Hazel smiled sadly, gripping the railings as they set off. "That'd be nice."
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worldcafe · 8 years
The perfect song choice can make a film scene absolutely unforgettable, and the perfect movie moment can change the way you hear a song forever.
Since none of us are members of the Academy, we'll leave celebrating Original Songs and Scores written for movies to the Oscars. Check out our Spotify playlist of tunes from some of the most magical musical moments in cinema over at World Cafe on NPR Music - and come on back for your answer key below!
“This Is Not America” – David Bowie & Pat Metheny, from The Facoln and The Snowman “Bohemian Rhapsody” – Queen, from Wayne’s World “Lust For Life” – Iggy Pop, from Trainspotting “You Should Be Dancing” – Bee Gees, from Saturday Night Fever “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” – Simple Minds, from The Breakfast Club “Tiny Dancer” – Elton John, from Almost Famous “Just Like Honey” – Jesus & Mary Chain, from Lost In Translation “New Slang” – The Shins, from Garden State “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down” – Nancy Sinatra, from Kill Bill Volume 1 “Louie Louie” – The Kingsmen, from Animal House “The End” – The Doors, from Apocalypse Now “Eye Of The Tiger” – Survivor, from Rocky III “Johnny B. Goode” – Chuck Berry, from Back To The Future “Fight The Power” – Public Enemy, from Do The Right Thing “I Got You Babe” – Sonny & Cher, from Groundhog Day “Layla” – Derek & The Dominos, from Goodfellas “Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Now” – Urge Overkill, from Pulp Fiction “Jessie’s Girl” – Rick Springfield, from Boogie Nights “Sister Christian” – Night Ranger, from Boogie Nights “Hip To Be Square” – Huey Lewis and the News, from American Psycho “Still D.R.E.” – Dr. Dre, from Training Day “Stuck In The Middle With You” – Stealers Wheel, from Reservoir Dogs “Where Is My Mind” – Pixies, from Fight Club “Tubular Bells” – Mike Oldfield, from The Exorcist “Mad World” – Gary Jules, from Donnie Darko “Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)” – Kenny Rogers and The First Edition – The Big Lebowski “Born To Be Wild” – Steppenwolf, from Easy Rider “Careless Whisper” – George Michael, from Deadpool “Hello Stranger” – Barbara Lewis, from Moonlight “Late For The Sky” – Jackson Browne, from Taxi Driver “Please Mr. Postman” – The Marvelettes, from Mean Streets “Everybody’s Talkin’” – Harry Nilsson, from Midnight Cowboy “Don’t Be Shy” – Cat Stevens, from Harold and Maude “The Sounds of Silence” – Simon & Garfunkel , from The Graduate “As Time Goes By” – Dooley Wilson, from Casablanca “I Wanna Be Loved By You” – Marilyn Monroe, from Some Like It Hot “Puttin On The Ritz” – Young Frankenstein “I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow” – The Soggy Bottom Boys, from O Brother, Where Art Thou? “The Rain, The Park, & Other Things” – The Cowsills, from Dumb and Dumber “Runnin’ On Empty” – Jackson Browne, from Forrest Gump “These Days” – Nico, from The Royal Tenenbaums “Unchained Melody” – The Righteous Brothers, from Ghost “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” – The Rolling Stones, from The Big Chill “My Sharona” – The Knack, from Reality Bites “Perfect Day” – Lou Reed, from Trainspotting “Didn’t I (Blow You Mind)” – The Delfonics, from Jackie Brown “In Dreams” – Roy Orbison, from Blue Velvet “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” – Richard Strauss, from 2001: A Space Odyssey “Playground Love” by Air, from The Virgin Suicides “Born Slippy” - Underworld, from Trainspotting “That’s Amore” - Dean Martin, from Moonlighting “Lose Yourself” - Eminem, from 8 Mile “The Only Living Boy in New York” – Simon & Garfunkel, from Garden State “Cat People (Putting Out Fires)” – David Bowie, from Inglorious Basterds “Amoreena” – Elton John, from Dog Day Afternoon “The Harder They Come” by Jimmy Cliff, from The Harder They Come “Motion Picture Soundtrack” by Radiohead, from Romeo + Juliet “Anyone Else But You” by Moldy Peaches, from Juno “Expecting To Fly” by Buffalo Springfield, from Coming Home “How It Ends” by Devotchka, from Little Miss Sunshine “Brazil” by Geoff & Maria Muldaur, from Brazil “Sisters Of Mercy” by Leonard Cohen, from McCabe & Mrs. Miller “Making Time” by The Creation, from Rushmore “Rebel Rebel” by Seu Jorge, from The Life Aquatic “Heroes and Villains” by The Beach Boys, from The Fantastic Mr. Fox “Seven And Seven Is” by Love, from Bottle Rocket “Summer Noon” by Tweedy, from Boyhood “Fox On The Run” by Slade, from Dazed And Confused “Edge Of Seventeen” by Stevie Nicks, from School Of Rock
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