#ok i lied i did draw carson again
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stargate kiddies phone wallpapers!! use them if you like but please don't repost or sell
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justjessame · 4 years
The Deal Chapter 37
Exhaustion, real true exhaustion can make things occur when you finally let your body relax that you wouldn’t do if you’d fallen asleep naturally. That has to be the reason, five nights after returning to the Sanctuary from Alexandria for the second time, that I finally succumbed to my exhaustion and completely ignored my bed-mate. And while you’re unconscious, finally letting the elusive rest take over your entire body, you may wake up in an awkward position. That HAS to be the reason that on the sixth day I woke up wrapped around Negan’s body. It’s the only damn reason that makes any type of fucking sense.
I woke up, feeling the heat of his chest pressed against my cheek, my leg thrown over one of his, and curled so tight against him that I felt the blush burn up my body from my toes to my hairline. Fuck.
His arm was wrapped around my back, holding me as tight against him as I was pressed, and from the steady rise and fall of his chest, and the snoring, I knew he was still asleep. The issue now? How the hell do I extradite myself from him without waking up the mocking asshole?
I couldn’t struggle while I figured it out, that’s the ONLY reason I stayed exactly the same as I woke up. It definitely wasn’t because of how warm he felt. I definitely wasn’t snuggling closer because he smelled strangely wonderful. And I sure as fuck wasn’t pressing tighter against him for comfort. Because that would mean that I was full on fucking insane. Period.
I was locked in my own thoughts of how to remove myself, and NOT about what he must use to shower with to smell the way he did, and missed as his fingers tightened on my hip. I was so entirely inside of my own mind thinking of escape options, really, truly, that I nearly missed feeling his head lower to the top of my head and inhale the scent of ME. I swallowed hard. Shit.
“Morning, sunshine.” Negan’s voice was rough from sleep, making him sound even deeper and darker than usual. “Sleep well?” I was listening for the tone. The one he used when he taunted people. I've learned it well over the past few days. And I couldn’t find it in his question.
I shrugged, but didn’t move. “It was OK.” I sounded so breathy that I wanted to fucking die. Not a suicide, more like could the fucking bed swallow me already, death.
His chuckle vibrated against my cheek. “Just OK?” His face was still pressed into the top of my head, I could tell, since I felt the warmth of his words ruffle my hair.
I propped my chin onto his chest and looked up. “Just your average Tuesday.” I was going for flippant. If I looked and sounded like it didn’t matter, then I took away his ability to tease and mock.
He was smiling. Not a smirk. Not a leer, but an actual smile. “This is what you do on Tuesdays?” His free hand found my cheek and the rough pad of his thumb brushed my skin. “Damn, might have to make every fucking day Tuesday.”
I rolled my eyes and started to pull away, but his arm around me tightened just enough to ask me to stay. It wasn’t restrictive, it wasn’t a demand or command. Just a little pressure letting me know that he didn’t want me to move yet, if I wasn’t against staying. Was I? Against staying?
I lay still as I pondered, letting my head lay back against his chest. His hand was still cradling my face, his thumb still brushing my skin. It was weird. The way he was holding me, touching me, was very different from before. From when Daryl and I first touched. From the first time we made love in the field near the Greene Farm, using the moon as our only guide.
The way Negan had begun casually touching me from almost the first moment we were alone. The way he held my hand in Alexandria during the first visit. The way he found me after killing Dr. Carson to find reassurance, understanding. I’d told myself that when he’d held my wrist and hand during that first time back, it was to remind me of my order not to speak to my people. Or to poke a hole in my dad’s softest spots. Was that the only reason?
“Why did you do it?” I asked, realizing that I wasn’t being nearly clear enough. “Why did you hold on to me when we went back that first time?” I looked back up into his face, feeling that if I held his eyes with mine, I could probably see if he lied.
He was staring into my eyes and I could tell he was weighing my question with his answer. A sigh. “I told myself it was to rub it into Rick. To the redneck. To remind them that they fucking failed you. And failed to do what they’d wanted so badly to do, beat me.” He licked his lip and his thumb brushed under my eye, tracing where the dark circles had been so dark. “That works for the wrist hold, right?”
I watched him and waited. He seemed to be dealing with some inner debate.
“Fuck if I know, but when Carl fired that shot, while your dad and I were trading barbs, I saw it. That look that crossed your face.” His thumb moved lower, over my cheek, down until it was right under my bottom lip. “You looked like you’d failed. That you offered yourself up on a silver platter to die, and they didn’t care. That it wasn’t enough to get them in line and that it was all for nothing.” A brush against my lip. “And damn it, Jessi, I couldn’t fucking stand to see that. To let you think that you weren’t enough. No matter what THEY did, or what THEY think. You’re worth a thousand of each and every one of them.”
I swallowed and nodded, then lay my head back on his chest. I’d asked, and he’d told me. And I could tell, from the short time I’d been his shadow, that he wasn’t bullshitting me. I knew because he looked as fucking confused by it as I was.
We got up not long after that. I couldn’t meet his eyes, not yet. I had too much to think about, about what he’d said. I needed to work through not just what he said, but what it meant. And how I felt about it.
He gave me the bathroom first, and after I’d showered and redressed, I came out to find him standing tense in front of the window I’d stood at days ago. I studied him as I put on my boots. And I waited for him to tell me what today’s schedule looked like.
“I’m gonna need you to come with me to the cells,” he was speaking to the window, not turning to face me. “We had a breach last night.”
I was biting my lip. His tone, it warned of something, but I wasn’t sure what. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He didn’t look at me as he walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day.
As we walked to the cells, a part of the Sanctuary that I didn’t recall visiting on either tour, he wasn’t whistling. He was holding Lucille as tensely as he’d stood at the window. I started to feel a blossom of fear building in my chest. Was this it? Had he finally shown me too much, or lulled me into a false sense of security, and NOW after toying with me like a cat does a mouse, he was leading me to the end? The fear was heavy, suffocating, and building as we walked.
He stopped before we turned down another corridor and looked down at me. I was studying the floor, feeling like my heart was pounding loud enough to hear, to remind me that I wasn’t ready to fucking die. Not yet.
“She came in last night,” his voice was quiet. “They brought her down here, but just told me.” Her? She? Who? “I don’t know if Rick was part of the plan, or if this was a search and destroy mission.” I swallowed, still staring at the floor. “Jessica,” I closed my eyes and waited. When his fingers slid to my chin and tilted my face up to his, they opened. “I’m not doing this to hurt you. If she sees you, it might help her make the right choice.” His thumb, as it had earlier, was tracing my cheek. “Just stand beside me, you don’t have to speak unless you want to.” Freedom to choose, he was giving me the freedom to decide if I wanted to talk to whomever had, once again, refused to just go with the new world order.
I nodded and we continued. I can feel Negan tense beside me and then he’s rushing forward to an open door. And there, on the floor with a disgusting man hovering over her, is Sasha. Her shirt is ripped, I see as Negan draws the man’s attention. Her hands are bound behind her. I can feel the rage rolling off the man beside me as the other man tries to explain. Tries and fails.
My eyes don’t leave Sasha. She’s glaring up at me, as though I did this. I put her in this room. I tied her up and left her to this piece of utter garbage. I’m so focused on the hatred and anger that she’s throwing at me with just her eyes, that when the man falls, knife wound to the neck bleeding fast and furious, I nearly miss it.
One of the others, I don’t know his name, is hovering just behind us. Negan calls for him to get Sasha a new shirt, after asking her her name and complimenting the beauty of it. He kneels, as I stand behind him, and cuts off her bindings. Apologizing for what she’d had to deal with from the attempted rapist. Apologizing for the necessity of the rope. And as she’s still shooting me looks that would stab me as surely as he’d taken down Davey, and a flicker of recognition lights up his face as he stands up, closer to me.
“Oh shit, I remember you. Yeah. You were there.” He makes the motion with Lucille mimicking Abe’s death, a knocking noise. And her glare at me grows hotter. “Hey, that’s unnecessary.” He caught it, and stepped slightly in front of me. He starts to divert her attention from me, mixing compliments about her toughness with questions about whether this was Dad’s idea.
“Rick?” I can hear the derision in her voice. “Your bitch? No.” Great, she’s acting alone, which means that even if Dad doesn’t come for Negan, the others, like Rosita, are going to try on their own.
Negan tells her she has a choice. That he doubts that she thought she’d survive, but since he’s down a man, she can decide. He hands her the knife and I feel myself still. Kill him, take her shot, even though he’s got Lucille to back him up. Slit her own wrists, die on her own terms, even if it would be a damn shame. I don’t hear the same concern in his tone that he’d had with me when he asked if I were suicidal, but maybe I wasn’t listening hard enough. Or, take the knife, kill Rapey Davey when he reanimates, or let him eat her face. If she kills him, she’s joined the cause.
And then he turns, takes my hand in his, and walks us out the cell. Locking the door behind us, Negan waits until we’re down the hall, the back up behind us. “Are you alright?” He’s being quiet, and I nod. “I’m gonna take you back upstairs. I’ll check back on her alone.” Another nod. “These fucking people, Jessi, they-” He stops speaking, but we’re still walking. “They don’t get it. None of them.” And I can’t tell if he means what I’ve done, or what he expects.
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survivorwonderland · 8 years
Roxy/Julia’s Jury Questions & Response
hello good game to the both of you!
ty hosts for hosting <3 i know how hard hosting is  I’ve just started hosting my own org and I’m struggling loloolo so gj you were great!!!
I will admit that i didn’t play the best game!  pre merge i was fine  but merge i let the numbers and tribal lines get to my head and was unable to  mesh into  any alliances and my only true ally ned was gone and w/e i tried to gain an ally everything i said got leaked ^^”  i was gonna go on an immunity run during f6 but  i was in 11 orgs and  i really struggled when in this org i knew i was so much on the bottom that even if i won immunities i wouldntve  won the game.
ok hi Nic you first
at first i was never going to vote for you to win. You didn’t seem to have a game.  you seemed like a sheep and saving all your friends.  But now I’m feeling diff. i want you to go into more detail. eviction one by one. telling me what YOU did and  explaining what happened.
at first i thought id vote you above everyone else. but your speech proved to me you might not be the guy i thought you were. all you’ve said and talked about is “voting in majority and won most immunities”  like…who the fuck cares?   a good player doesn’t NEED  immunity to survive. a BAD player DEPENDS on immunities to not get voted out! you have yet to mention your social game… if you had one? all i saw was you try boss ppl around making them vote what you want.  question is how much of that was you and how much of that was nic? tell me about your social  basically. cause thats whats important in survivor.
to both:
I want you all to do that thing you do how you  give  mssg to each of the  past players. only on top of writing them things, add a gif and a drawing for each. if you don’t do this i will not consider voting for you. I’m being serious here!
for bonus points: compliment the hosts. at least 3 lines for each.
Ty that is al from me
Rhea- For this vote, I changed the tides a bit. When it seemed like my majority alliance wanted Ricky to go, I knew I could not have that happen. So I changed the vote to Rhea. I wanted Ricky to stay cause I knew we had a bond and I could use that.
Ned- When I heard you were trying to form a coalition against me, I had to act on it. I heard from Isaiah/Jordan/Ricky that you were targeting me along with Ned. I decided to gather my troops and target Ned. I decided to make Ned the target instead of you because I was closer to you than him. I knew there was more potential with you then there was with him. Adam- For this vote Adam didn’t do much, so I decided tovote him out. We weren’t super close. Carson- In terms of big threats, Carson was definitely up there. He was smart and possibility had some advantages. This is a vote Jordan and I schemed together on. I gathered some numbers for this vote and we made it happen. Zorri-  This round, I heard people were targeting Ricky.. and I was not gonna let Ricky go home. I switched the target onto Zorri, who I pinned as a possible number for Isaiah to use and blindside me or Jordan later down the road. My plan went through, and she was sent home. Isaiah- Isaiah was someone who I wanted to blindside for a while. I knew he was eager to blindside someone and I wasn’t gonna let it be me. Once again, people were targeting Ricky.. and they had majority! I was informed by Jordan that Ricky had an idol, and eventually told by Ricky himself. I told Ricky about the plan to blindside him and told him to play his idol and work his magic. I went ahead and voted Ricky too, so that the next round I could pretend I was still with Julia/Jordan. ALSO I lied to Jordan about having the idol, so I knew he couldn’t try and pull some funny business and try and blindside me at final 5. Julia- Since Jordan had his idol, I knew voting him out wasn’t an option. Ricky and I decided to go with Julia, who at that point I was the least connected with and decided was the best candidate to go home.   Hunter- I knew, coming into final 4, the vote would tie if I wanted it to. No way would Ricky/Hunter turn on eachother, and I knew that for the majority of the game. Out of everyone left, Hunter was the biggest goat and smallest threat. However, I knew going into final 3 with Ricky and Jordan would be my best bet. They viewed eachother as the biggest threat and wouldn’t take eachother to final 2 if they won immunity/ (Kinda like how Natalie A convinced Keith/Missy that the other one was the bigger threat to win). Also, I knew I could claim responsibility for the fact that they were both there in the final 3 in some form. So I decided to tie the vote, and it worked and I got what I wanted. Ricky- I didn’t win final immunity, but I did set myself up in a position where I knew this would happen by taking Jordan to final 3. --So I KNOW it looked like I was being a total sheep and just taking my friends to the end, but it was all part of my master plan while influencing and manipulating everyone
Host Compliments: Katie. I played my first ever ORG with Katie. We weren't on the same tribe till merge, where she was the first merge boot. I don't think we got along TBH and she called me Evil Nic. Now though, I know she's an awesome person. Truly the queen of tumblr survivor and if anyone thinks otherwise they're wrong
Lauren. Icon.. a super nice person who also isn't afraid to speak her mind. I first met her in IHOS2 I think?? But I could tell she was an awesome person and I still hold that opinion of her till this day. Katie and Lauren are tumblr survivor's best power couple.. because name a more iconic one? -- Cast Messages: Nic: Pippa - https://media.giphy.com/media/LHiaX8RLGp3vW/giphy.gif Pippa and I have played a few games together but we’ve never really worked together. Which is weird. She’s cool though and I’m glad she won IHOS3. http://prntscr.com/e22epd I think she’s into theatre or something so here is her gold star on her dressing room. I think that’s how that works. - Rhea – I’ve seen her play a lot of games and also host a lot of games… She’s that person who can do it all. https://68.media.tumblr.com/1b3d9c10f208f2746dbe7c28cb3716d8/tumblr_o3ynvalzLE1r7nv9ao1_540.jpg http://prntscr.com/e22fpg an interpretive piece -
Danny – idk him that MUCH but why was he a fan if he played before? https://68.media.tumblr.com/6811546e27d428c6d84c69074cc9f8c8/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo9_250.gif
http://prntscr.com/e22hio aapple
Jay & Seamus – A duo. They quit. Icons? Perhaps. see yall on the other side https://68.media.tumblr.com/7560b08c098fd09f905c4eed917d807e/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo4_250.gif
Well theyre hosting TIBET so heres a map of where I think Tibet is http://prntscr.com/e22hxc
Jenna – Whom? Never heard of her. https://68.media.tumblr.com/5c2b0b3c509f7951d6906229fc25d5d6/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo10_250.gif
Anyway here’s a house http://prntscr.com/e22i9t
Shea. I hosted him and you played with him and I actually wanted to work with him at merge with yall but.. it never happen! https://68.media.tumblr.com/56025679c405b44b596b56e88ac00866/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo3_250.gif
This is lipstick http://prntscr.com/e22in3
Karen – RIP …. Robbed in Sweden. How’s secret redemption island? Can’t wait to see u there. U know how it is https://68.media.tumblr.com/32640f52dc18ed5fbabe04477b91c341/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo2_250.gif
Here’s a map of Sweden http://prntscr.com/e22iz3
Ned – We never spoke much. But we’re in Sweden together now so maybe that can change https://68.media.tumblr.com/65c29877f03ca6a5450ce7b02289c8c4/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo6_250.gif
A taco http://prntscr.com/e22jbp
Adam – We were never on the same side. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa https://68.media.tumblr.com/56025679c405b44b596b56e88ac00866/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo3_250.gif
Her’es a drawing of the place I call home  http://prntscr.com/e22jmm
Isaiah – We were in the same alliance the whole game but he had to goo so I’m sorry https://68.media.tumblr.com/80a4ea58f07dd64ed207c0b7eeef8549/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo5_250.gif
He has a youtube channel right? So bone apple tea http://prntscr.com/e22k7y
Julia – queen of CONSTANTLY coming for me.. https://68.media.tumblr.com/7b548927629cc996daf9dfa07bb966ce/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo1_250.gif
A flower http://prntscr.com/e22k3e
Zorri – We weren’t ever that close. She roasted me during that one challenge. https://68.media.tumblr.com/2bc52d067ad5f6d989a7217b45b748f8/tumblr_n98spv44YT1sq7sjjo8_250.gif
Heres a map of the world. RIP asia http://prntscr.com/e22knf
Carson – He was another person who I was always aligned with but had to go eventually. https://68.media.tumblr.com/38e28dc4333adefcd919f09db4c35355/tumblr_inline_okknp3CGR21srwt8s_500.gif
He made a comment about watching TV to me once. So here’s a drawing of it http://prntscr.com/e22l2e sorry for making ur posture bad I’m tired
Hunter: Ricky’s dynamic duo…… I played an org with him a while ago and when I saw him here I was? Shook. https://68.media.tumblr.com/d6e25c0f857f3e7952a73f538e71ad21/tumblr_inline_ok7gkoJmPo1txslph_500.gif
His name is hunter and hunters hunt with what? http://prntscr.com/e22lfh
Ricky: King. I’m sorry u had to get 3rd again idk why that happens. I hope u don’t hate me https://68.media.tumblr.com/5f5b212971fc6b22f927c3a7bf3f58ed/tumblr_ok5n0rKq0b1u25dr1o3_540.jpg
Aight so I’m not going to lie, I bossed people around a lot, I am a big narcissist and a bit of a control freak, anyone who knows me can justify that. However I think I had quite a strong game. Socially, I was always talking to people, who I needed. There are certain jury members who I had almost no relationship with because I devoted my time to people who I needed in the future, whether I was voting with them now or not, I needed people on my side and I believe my social game is one of the reason’s I always had options. yes maybe at certain points I was a bit controlling, but the fact is people had no obligation to do what I said, but they did anyways. And while I did mention that I won challenges, I didn’t need them to survive. I was never target whether I had immunity or not, and I think that it wasn’t that I needed the challenges but that I was able to use them to further my resume for the final 2. The only times I ever needed to win a challenge was at final 4 fire making and final immunity and both times I pulled through. Maybe I was a bit controlling, but I feel the fact that I was able to control the game and not be targeted speaks for the social game, as I was not targeted despite it being obvious my controlling nature. You asked what was me and what was Nic, but I can honestly say it was mostly me. When I had a plan I went to Nic and told him this is what I wanted to do and 99% of the time all he said was okay and then he did it. I knew when Nic was with me and I knew when he wasn’t. Even at Isaiah’s vote off when Nic told Ricky to play the idol I knew it was happening because he was being very obvious about it and when at final 5 you went home and he didn’t vote with me I knew it was happening because he was being very half assed with me. I refused to call him out however because I knew in the end he was supremely loyal to me and would vote with me 100% at final 4 because in the end despite how he was trying to play both sides I was always the controlling force in our relationship and I believe that is why I deserve to win over him.
Now onto your messages I decided that instead of doing gifs because I am not good at finding gifs I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to do something a bit different. So I decided to find a photo from the guide to troubled birds series that I felt represented each person’s experience in the game from my point of view. For the drawing I realized that for most of you i have no idea what you look like so I thought it be fun to do a drawing of what I imagine you all look like. Bonus points if I’m accurate.
Karen -  Karen AKA MinionFuckers. The love of my life. We have our ups and downs but it is always a pleasure playing with you I hope the next time we play together we can work together and go to the end together even. Anyways I hope you don’t hold your boot against me, you know I love you. Bird Photo: http://40.media.tumblr.com/d1f925ed9888ee28e06eade096282155/tumblr_n7nbl5XQH61qzfsnio3_1280.jpg - Needs no explanation Karen’s Drawing: http://prntscr.com/e2vylv
Ned: As this was our first game together it was truly a fun experience. Idk if you remember, but i remember talking to you right after you got out of canary islands and thinking you remind me of myself a lot when I first join the community and seeing you from then to now, you are a good player and it was fun playing with you and butting heads. Had a few things went differently I think me and you could have been amazing allies. Bird Photo: http://68.media.tumblr.com/327a88ae229b5e17876a61bdba9735c5/tumblr_n7nbl5XQH61qzfsnio6_1280.jpg - You when you thought you were blindsiding Nic and then ended up getting taken out. Ned’s Drawing: http://prntscr.com/e2w09o
Adam - So adam, we’ve known each other for a while just like through mutual friends but we didn’t really like meet meet till RRNBB which was fun for, well you know :) Anyways I like to think despite our record together in games we’re friends? I enjoy playing with you, I enjoy stealing your HOH and I enjoy voting you out. I think it’s the same for you too. Sorry we didn’t talk this game.
Bird Photo: http://68.media.tumblr.com/e5a51fe8097996ee04a17b9374858586/tumblr_nv40bnxH4t1rgrutto4_250.jpg - You deciding to play your fake idol. Adam’s Drawing: http://prnt.sc/e2w2f2
Carson - When we met in TAR4 you had one of what I call the classic meeting Jordan Pines reactions. AKA the standard Fuck you Jordan Pines. A reasonable reaction, very fair considering the circumstances, however I like to think that this game repaired that relationship as I consider us on good terms as of now. Also very sorry about blindsiding you like that but at that point very few people were submitting for challenges and the fact that you submitted for everything made you a threat and I wanted the least amount of competition for challenges. I hope you understand <3
Bird Photo: http://i.imgur.com/wTM9rLE.jpg - You coming online before tribal and realizing you were being voted out. Carson’s Drawing: http://prntscr.com/e2w3rp
Zorri - One of the few people I didn’t talk to a lot in this game, barely at all tbh. I am sorry our games never really seemed to mesh and we never really established a strong relationship together. I don’t think we had talked since B2B Pearl Islands which was a million years ago. I don’t really have a lot to say on this one cause we exchanged maybe 2 sentences together all game. It was a fun 2 sentences thought :)
Bird Photo: http://68.media.tumblr.com/b8615abdede895e51a3e4b75f09acdc0/tumblr_no9seuDq8x1rns8w5o7_500.jpg - Like I said we didn’t talk much but this reminded me of you Zorri’s Drawing: http://prntscr.com/e2w5im
Isaiah - One of my best allies all game, I am really glad the vote you went I was not one of the people to vote you so I never had to betray someone I appreciated a lot. I enjoyed our strategy calls as you were a good partner. In the end Nic was always my number 1 but I did enjoy workign with you as long as we did.
Bird Photo - http://i.imgur.com/9MdLOV5.jpg  - You seeing Ricky whip out that idol Isaiah’s Drawing - http://prntscr.com/e2w70r
Julia - Hey so as our first game it was a interesting experience. Our games didn’t always align but when we got together it was always an interesting experience. Sometimes we worked together sometimes we didn’t. Hopefully you can value my game for what it is and you are mean for doing so much for these questions :P
Bird Photo - http://i.imgur.com/3FPNme2.jpg - I say this with love but low key most of your game decisions :) Julia’s Drawing - http://prntscr.com/e2w7uq
Hunter - Damn Hunty, you know I love you. We played together (well not together but same game) in my first game I ever played so you always hold a special place in my heart as one of the few people to be there for original Jordan Pines before I actually got good at games and was legit a giant mess 24/7 instead of now where I am just a mess 12/4. It was fun working with you in this game, I really enjoyed it. Sorry about final 4, it was the only way to save myself I hope you understand.
Bird Photo - http://www.joiedevivre.net/joieweb/sell/imagessell/mincingmockingbird/magnet_WTH200.jpg - what I like to refer to as the 5 minute daily hunter visits in the alliance chat of me you and Ricky Hunter’s Drawing - http://prntscr.com/e2w93a
Ricky - Rip-ky truly. Once again I can only proclaim how sorry i am for doing that to you and I hope you understand you are an amazing player and it was an honour to play this game as close to you as I did. I hope you understand and please add me back to the easter island chat, I am sorry.
You get two bird photos you cool kitten Bird Photo 1 - http://www.anniesannuals.com/signs/d%20-%20g/images/gift_mincing_mockingbird_warning_signs.jpg - You aligning with me Bird Photo 2 - http://68.media.tumblr.com/ffe00d107a3277682e9b5cd3223f8aec/tumblr_n7bqvjf6yw1qga9r1o1_500.jpg - You making your pitch at final 3 and giving it your all Ricky’s Drawing - http://prntscr.com/e2wa0z
bonus points compliment the hosts: I love Katie and Lauren so much that I can barely put it in words. Let me try my best though. Imagine there was this moon. And this guy was like I love this moon so much. Like thats me with Katie and Lauren
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