#drawing my favourite characters as small children brings me way too much joy
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stargate kiddies phone wallpapers!! use them if you like but please don't repost or sell
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Kinktober #13: can we always be this close? - Mirio Togata
In which you and Mirio spend a very romantic birthday evening together.
Characters: Mirio Togata / f!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ please!) Quirkless Mirio, aged up characters, fluffy smut, fluffy fluff, this is tooth-achingly syrupy, with the barest edge of heartfelt angst. Boxed-birthday cake sweet.
Notes: It’s my birthday today. This is extremely feelsy and self-indulgent. I offer no apology.
Title inspired by this song.
Kinktober Masterlist
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“Are you almost ready? Seriously gonna explode out here.”
You’re putting the last finishing touches on your hair as Mirio knocks on the bathroom door. Bless his heart, he’s been nice enough to give you full reign of the bathroom for the last hour and a half for the sake of your big reveal when you’re finally ready to go.
But you know Mirio well- big heart, small bladder.
“I’m coming!” You promise. “Thirty seconds and I’m outta here.” You take one last spritz of hairspray through your style, tousling the strands gently with your fingers. Then you unplug your styling tools, smooth on your favourite lipstick (the one that makes you look ‘the most kissable,’ according to Mirio) and pivot toward the door.
Your fingers hover over the handle for an instant. You take a deep breath.
When you pull the door open, Mirio’s standing directly on the other side of it. He looks polished as hell in a pair of well-fitting dark wash jeans and a turtleneck sweater that you bought him last winter. Your heart goes squish as you brace one hand in the frame of the door and watch his expression light at the sight of you.
“Aw, man,” he hums. His eyelashes flick downward as he takes you in. You’re dressed in the same fashion that he is- casual but polished, in a way that makes you feel the most comfortable and beautiful in your own skin.
“You sure it’s not my birthday?” He reaches for you, pulling you closer by the wrist. “’Cause lemme tell ya, that was worth waiting for.” He leans down and goes for a kiss, ducking sideways at the last moment to catch the corner of your mouth instead.
“Get in there,” you giggle, gently brushing past him and ushering him into the bathroom. “I’m hungry.”
Tonight’s dinner is something that Mirio insisted on. While the company you work for normally gives you a day off for your birthday, this year, yours happened to fall in the middle of the week. You decided to defer your day off until Friday, giving you a long weekend to enjoy instead. It means you still had to work on the actual day, but… you don’t mind. Not when Mirio’s been treating you like a princess from the moment you woke up.
He even stopped by your office earlier to drop off your favourite takeout for lunch. All your coworkers know him- he visits you at work a lot- and they’re completely smitten. You can’t help but adore how likeable he is, even if it tries your envious nerve every once in a while.
Your friends joke that he’s more like a golden retriever than a partner. But you know it goes both ways. You would do anything in the world for him.
You hold hands on the train like a new couple all over again, leaning against the doors and kissing between stops. You don’t care who sees. Mirio’s thrilled to be getting away with so much PDA. And when your stop finally comes up, you’re still grinning as you tug him onto the platform.
He takes you to your favourite restaurant, a ramen place downtown. You get potato dashi ramen, which comes with chewy egg noodles and a scoop of sour cream. It’s like a baked potato in a bowl of noodles. You know it’s not exactly the romantic evening that most couples would have planned, but there’s nothing that brings you more joy than cozying up in a little table by the window and slurping away on hot broth and noodles with Mirio smiling across at you.
As you’re finishing up, a slice of white chocolate cheesecake with a sparkler (and two forks) comes to your table. Mirio swears he had nothing to do with it, but he adores embarrassing you on your birthday. And the sparkle behind his navy gaze is a dead giveaway.  
It’s not until after you’ve both scraped the plate clean and you’re holding hands across the table that you decide to forgive him.
He’s brushing his thumb over your ring finger, toying back and forth with the sparkly diamond that sits there.
“Y’know,” he muses, “I was actually planning on saving that for tonight.”
You’re resting your chin in your other hand, but that doesn’t stop you from grinning. “Really?”
He nods, licking his lips to hide an indulgent smile. “I carried that thing around in my pocket for weeks. But then, when you said there was gonna be an eclipse…” He trails off and shrugs, smiling brighter. “It’s like it all fell into place.”
A couple of weeks ago, the moon fell into the Earth’s shadow for the first time in years. It was a beautiful clear night and just warm enough that the two of you could climb to the roof of your apartment building and huddle together under a couple of blankets.
It was there, under the dim glow of the eclipsed moon, that he’d dropped to one knee and promised you forever. To you, it was a complete surprise.
You’re still moony about it now. If you close your eyes, you can picture every single detail. But when you open them again, the look on Mirio’s face is not so different as he admires you across the table.
“It was perfect,” you told him. “That night was perfect.”
He pulls your hand to his lips, kissing your ring. “C’mon,” he mumbles. “Let’s get outta here.”
He takes you home and skirts you in the front door. Your apartment is still dark when he strokes your cheeks and kisses you, lingering and sweet in the hallway.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he whispers to you, soft and vulnerable in the low light.
“I love you,” you murmur, holding him tight. He gets like this sometimes. He’s lost so much, it’s easy to imagine you slipping through his fingers, too. You know he’s trying hard not to let it show tonight but you’re not about to let that stop you. You reach for him, cupping his cheek and pulling his shadowy gaze to yours.
“Hey,” you whisper. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he huffs, stealing another kiss as he scoops you into his arms. He whisks you into the bedroom, laying you across the sheets. He flicks on the lamp by your bedside and it casts a warm blanket of light across your body.
His weight descends on top of you and you catch yourself thinking if this is it, if nothing comes after this life with him, I’ll be okay.
He strips you down, piece by piece, kissing every inch of the skin he’s exposing. Every moment you spend together feels precious- you’ve both been reminded, time and time again, how quickly it can all be stolen from you. Not this, you pray when the night is at its darkest, take anything, but let me have him.
“Let me love you,” he whispers to you, sliding down your bare body, “with everything I have tonight.”
He loops his arms under your thighs, nuzzling the soft skin where your leg joins your body. His eyes stray to your face as he licks up your slit. He watches you sigh, watches you shiver, watches you fall.
But he’s always there to catch you.
He licks until you’re begging him to stop and comes back to you bare. His body is strong and sculpted but scarred, serving as a solemn reminder of the life he was forced to give up. Just another dream that had been stolen from him.
But you, the life that you’re capable of building together- that’s become his new dream. He’s promised to love you completely. He wants to raise your children. He wants to build you a home. Maybe he’ll never save a million souls, but if he can bring you happiness, if he can be good for you, that’ll be enough.
When you’re finally ready for him, he keeps his body as close to yours as possible while he pushes inside you. One of his hands grips your thigh, but the other is intertwined with yours, smoothing across the bedsheets as his thumb strokes your knuckles.
He’s steady and strong, but tender as a lamb, whispering his love for you as he fucks you slow and rhythmic. You clutch at his back and grab his ass, urging his rhythm forward. But he keeps it easy until he can’t take it anymore.
And when he breaks, he breaks hard.
He thrusts into you with a brutal rhythm, letting all the words die between you. The harsh breath that you share is punctuated by the slap of his thighs against yours. He slips a hand between your bodies, driving you to the edge one more time- whimpering and sighing and quivering through your climax- before he can’t hold out and slips into ecstasy alongside you.
When he loses himself against you, you hold him tight and savour every moment. The tremor of his thighs against yours. The way his voice jumps from his chest to his throat as his expression scrunches into one of sheer ecstasy. The spill of sloppy warmth inside you-sinfully satisfying. But more precious than anything is the way that he collapses on top of you and peppers slow, sweaty kisses across your skin before he’s ready to pull out.
When he finally rolls off of you, you’re quick to shift onto your side, reaching for him. You wind your arms around one another, and he draws you in close, letting you rest your chin on top of his head as your legs tangle.
“Happy Birthday,” he mumbles into your neck, for only the dozenth time that day. You close your eyes and try to suppress your laugh, but you know he can feel it vibrating in your chest.
“What a time to remind me,” you tease. “I’m getting old.”
“Oh!” He bolts upright, suddenly alert. “Your present, baby.”
“No way. Give it to me tomorrow,” you hum. “I’m not letting you out of bed.”
“But…” He turns back to you, pouting. “I can’t give it to you a day late. That’s like… like I missed it.”
“How about…” you trail off, “I open it first thing in the morning. You’ll know and I’ll know. Nobody else will. Please? I’m so comfy.”
Satisfied, he settles down again. This time it’s your head he tucks under his chin, kissing the top of your head.
Later that night, moments from sleep, you feel him stir in your arms. He kisses your head again, wraps his fingers gently around your palm. You don’t move.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he whispers to you. “I’m the luckiest man in the world, y’know that?”
You drop off a few minutes later in total peace. It’s not something you ever thought you would have, but… with him, it comes as easy as the morning.
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hiii what about a penelope garcia x fem!reader where she has a crush on reader has to come to terms with not being entirely straight? or even including the team supporting her too? :) x
Revelation - P. Garcia
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Hi darling! Sorry this took so long! Had some changes in my personal life and took a hiatus!
Hope you enjoy!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
For her entire life, Penelope had been discovering who she was. The death of her parents sent her spiraling, but that spiral took a course that helped her piece together the puzzle that was her being.
For some time.
Y/F/N was like a volcanic eruption. A beautiful disaster that, no matter what her intentions were, threw the life of Penelope Garcia through the ringer in the best way she could imagine.
She found herself drawn to the woman more than she had been to any other. Even Derek.
She worked in close quarters with the woman, allowing her to be the first being to share her space for longer than a single case. Y/N was a technical analyst on near equal skill level of Penelope, with a specialization in hacking and decoding. Her skills were utilized efficiently by the BAU, and she became fast friends with the Blonde Bombshell who had occupied a position for years before her.
Y/N was a stark difference to Penelope. All neutral colours, but with vibrant coloured hair. Piercings where Penelope had makeup. A large shaggy dog for a pet, where Penelope had a cat.
They were opposites, yet they got along like they had known each other for many years. And Penelope found herself longing to be with Y/N. More than she normally would.
Y/N always knew when a case was getting too much, and she would always lighten the mood or attempt to distract her.
“Hey Penny?” She would ask, eyes fixed on the computer in front of her but mind on the other woman. Penelope made a noise of acknowledgement, fingers working fast on the keyboard. “What do you call a man with a rubber toe?” The Blondes attention had shifted now. They were working on a case where children had been kidnapped and their parents murdered in their homes. Cases like that always got to Penelope more, and Y/N knew it. “Roberto.”
There was a beat of silence, Penelope looking at Y/N with a confused but humored expression before the other woman snorted loudly.
Penelope grew to love the sound of Y/N’s laugh more than normal. She was a people pleaser, she loved to make her friends happy and bring light into the world, but day after day, she wanted to make Y/N laugh and smile more than others. She would head straight to their office in the morning and greet her with a cup of strong, soy coffee with exactly three and a half sugars. She had Y/N’s order down pat, and fought to hide the butterflies when the other woman greeted her with a hug of thanks and a kiss on the cheek.
Her sexuality was never something that she had questioned. She had always just assumed she was straight, partially because she had never experienced attraction this deeply towards a woman. Or anybody for that fact. She spoke to Y/N any chance she could, but reminded herself that it was always good to be friendly with coworkers. She took the woman out to lunch, dinner, drinks, pet play dates. She longed to be in her presence.
It was as if her body were trying its hardest to convince her mind of what they already knew.
Penelope was falling for Y/N, and she was falling fast.
“Babygirl? Earth to Penelope? Your food’s getting cold,” the fingers of Derek Morgan clicked in her face, snapping her from her thoughts and forcing her eyes to zero in on the scene in front of her. It was a Saturday. No case. And she was in her favourite diner with Derek, Spencer and Emily. Her half eaten Waffles sat in front of her, looking up in disdain as they sunk in the puddle of syrup. “You look like you just went on a round the world trip in 10 minutes.”
If one thing could bring her joy, it would always be Derek Morgan’s smile. He was her best friend, after all.
“Pumpkin, I love you, but don’t snap your fingers at a lady,” she quipped pushing his hands down from their place in the air. “Rest easy, sugar bears, I’m back and ready to finish brunch.”
“What’s on your mind, Penny?” Emily asked. “You were spaced for so long.”
Penelope simply smiled, a warm gesture. She adored her friends, but as far as she knew none of them had ever experienced this. They were all sure of themselves, especially in their sexuality, so she knew. “I’m fine Em, just... have a lot on my mind at the moment.”
Spencer’s brow furrowed. Penelope had always been open with them, for every issue she had. He exchanged a concerned look with Emily, who sat across from him in the booth.
Derek frowned, “You don’t sound fine.” He reached across the table, clasping her hand. Over time he had learnt much about Penelope, including the fact that when things bothered her, she would seek out somebody to help her. If she didn’t, then it was extremely out of character. “You can talk to us, baby. You know we’re here for you.”
Penelope turned her head, catching the smiles of Emily and Spencer. She knew she could trust them. She knew they would be there for her and accept her despite anything. They excused her criminal past, after all.
She knew she could open up, but when she opened her mouth the words couldn’t come out.
She sighed, smiling awkwardly at the three. “I- um. I have feelings for somebody. And I... don’t know what to do about it, or how I feel about having feelings for them.”
Derek made an interested sound, squeezing her hand that was still clasped in his, “Ooh, who’s the lucky guy?”
Her eyes shifted downwards, a blush rising to her face from embarrassment: she had no choice but to open up completely now. She put herself in this position, she thought, time to confide.
She cleared her throat, “Actually, it’s a woman.”
There was barely a second of silence. A quick look of confusion from Spencer as he let her words sink in, and then his former expression laid back on his face. “Okay, so who’s the lucky lady?” He asked.
Penelope needed a moment to allow for their reaction to completely take hold. They didn’t make a spectacle of it, nor did they seem offended or angry. She had expected questioning, despite her friends being the most accepting people she knew. She had been so terrified and now... they were normal.
She was stunned, to say the least. “You guys, you’re... okay with this?”
It was only then that they looked offended, and even so, it was a feigning of the expression.
They all answered her with questions, directing sentences of “why would we be offended?” and “Why would we have a problem?”
It brought a smile to her face.
“But seriously, Penny,” Emily bumped her shoulder, drawing her attention. “Who is the woman who has captured your attention away from us?”
Now she could be open with her friends. “It’s Y/N.” She murmured quietly, a shy smile on her pink stained lips and a large grin stretching across Dereks face.
“Little office romance in the batcave, is there?”
A cherry was tossed at his forehead soon after.
The conversation left Penelope giddy. Even on her way home, her heart swelled with love and her stomach was filled with anticipation for what she planned to do when she arrived home.
The minute she was in her door, her kitten heels were kicked off and she was dialing a very familiar number.
After one ring, Y/N’s sweet voice travelled through the receiver.
“Hey, Penny. How are you?”
The smile on Penelope’s face was unmatched. “I’m amazing.” They chatted for a small while, Penelope gathering her courage entirely before the words fell from her lips. “Would you like to get dinner tonight, if you’re free?”
Y/N sounded shocked at the sudden outburst that interrupted their discussion about the best reincarnation of Dr Who. “Do you mean as a date?”
“Uh, yeah, if you’re okay with that,” Penelope stammered in reply, her confidence quickly fading.
“I would love to!” Came the quick reply, sending her heart skyrocketing again. “Around 7 tonight?”
A breathe of relief left her lungs as she let the words settle in her mind. “Sounds perfect, Y/N.”
Penelope Garcia had a revelation. One that she hadn’t had opportunity to discover before in her life, and she never wanted to look back. She was far too enamored by Y/F/N.
Tag list: @starshonerose @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3 @mantlereid @another-lonely-heart
If you would like to be added to the tag list send me a message!!
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wwounu · 5 years
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Children being cheerful bundles of joy, free in their own safe and innocent world, was what you enjoyed the most.
Despite your fatigue from the previous night, there was always that charming twinkle from the children that lifted your spirits, which magically gave you some energy to join in activities like playing shops with the kids (Playing shops was a favourite in the classroom).
As your energy goes down however, you start to lay back and loosen yourself a little — not a lot, as you were still working — and study the room for yourself: Children stacking blocks, drawing pretty scenes of their families, washing their hands and playing with the water, putting jigsaw puzzles together, and other activities to enjoy.
You notice the unoccupied book corner with its collapsed books on the floor, which highlighted the idea that you should teach the class how to clean up one day, and opt to restore the books back in its neat and pretty place — maybe to get some shut-eye too, until a kid, or Wonwoo, notices.
Whilst placing the books into order, Minguk surprises you with a loud giggle when he tumbles right into you. “Minguk!” You exclaim, picking him up rapidly and checking his face. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt?”
Minguk giggles once more and shakes his head. “No Miss Y/N.” A stunning smile paints his face while you scoff back, smiling a little (what a tough cookie he is). He continues to point his finger at one of the books and stares up at you with puppy eyes, “Can I have the book?”
“Gee I need to remind you about manners too…” You whisper for only yourself to hear. “What’s the magic word Minguk?”
“Please Y/N, please!”
His excitement cheers you up, carefully taking the book out and placing it in his hands. “There you go Minguk.” A smile mirrors his.
“Thank you!” He thanks before hurriedly running back to the centre of the classroom, where Wonwoo was at.
Wonwoo and Minguk have been getting closer recently, and you could obviously see that in the way the pair interacted, as well as the talks during breaks and lunch where Wonwoo would ramble about his cute little nephew. You were proud that Wonwoo was making progress with Minguk everyday, and maybe soon he can finally win the classes’ heart.
Minguk jumps into Wonwoo’s lap — Wonwoo tries to hide back the slight pain he felt, but the face is noticed by the younger and he laughs — opening the book for Wonwoo to see as the male clears his throat and takes the book into his hands.
You heard his voice loud and cleanly pronounced. “Once upon a time there were three bears who lived in a house in the forest. There was a great big father bear, a middle-sized mother bear and a tiny baby bear…”
His narrator voice was a soft version of his regular voice, but read more slowly for Minguk to be engaged; Regardless of the noise, his voice could be heard all over the room.
This time, you get up again to help the children by the sink to dry their hands and clean the wet surfaces, challenging them in a race to see who gets to clean the most areas first (your favourite tactic, you may add). But near the end of cleaning, you become aware of the children going over to Wonwoo and Minguk and sitting down in front of him.
Obviously Wonwoo doesn’t expect this small crowd nor attention to him, and kind of panics while the storytelling is disrupted for a minute or so. He looks towards you, eyes signalling in unease, before you make a gesture that translates to ‘Turn the book around’ in order for the children to see the pictures.
Wonwoo follows your motion, now showing the book to the class, and carries on reading. The more he gets back into telling Goldilocks and the Three Bears, more children come along and sit down, eventually turning into the whole class, with Minguk as his page turner (One kindly invites you to join along, and you gladly accept as you take their hand).
“Mother Bear said in a gentle voice. ‘Somebody has been sitting in my chair,’” Wonwoo mimics in a quiet and softened tone, “Then Little Bear said in small squeaky baby voice. ‘Somebody has been sitting in my chair and has broken it!’” His now-whiny voice brings some children to laugh in a mix of gasps, which transferred the giggles to you. “Then Father Bear looked at his bowl of porridge and saw the spoon in it and he said in his great big growly voice, ‘SOMEBODY HAS BEEN EATING MY PORRIDGE—’”
And the class erupts into a huge amount of laughter, one that Wonwoo wasn’t expecting. Maybe it was the heavy tone Wonwoo said it in, or the gruff and failed-deep voice tried to put on, but the appearance of the male’s bafflement was enough to say he did that.
When you clam the class a little, Wonwoo gets back into reading, and still puts on the silly voices he’s made for each character, letting the class get sucked into the story and its meaning, but simultaneously lulling them to sleep with the sound of his voice.
Even your eyes fall into a heavy trance when Wonwoo nears the end, and your head follows shortly after, bouncing up and down to jolt yourself awake before you give in and slowly fall asleep in an upright position.
Before you do doze to your dreamland, a light finger taps on your shoulder and signals you to open your eyes, which you do, and a blurry vision of Wonwoo carrying a sleeping Minguk in one arm appears to you.
“Wake up little Miss Goldilocks,” His gentle voice announces, which you lightly hit Wonwoo on the leg as you rub your eyes, “Come on, let’s put these kids to where they need to rest.”
Nodding, he helps you up and the both of you set out the sleeping mats and carry each child to where they’ll sleep soundly, and it was definite you needed that nap as much as they did.
Settling down in your own space after doing all the work, Wonwoo joins and sits next to you, yawning. “Man, that was some hard work.”
“But you got them really engaged Wonwoo, that’s great progress.”
“It was nothing, they’ll be scared of me the next day.”
“Yeah right. It’s a start to something, even if it’s just reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”
Wonwoo shrugs and spills into a laugh, passing it onto you before you look at all the children sleeping soundly and get the same energy too.
“Hey, you can, uh, rest on my shoulder if you want to sleep.” Wonwoo offers, speaking as if something has been stuck in his throat.
“Oh. Well, thanks Wonwoo…” You wanted to argue against it, but you were too tired to argue that you just went with it, and put your head on his shoulder.
Few more minutes continue to pass, where you’re at the the maximum point of going to sleep, and Wonwoo cautiously rests his head on top of yours.
“You worked well today Y/N.”
And you may not have realised, but maybe you’re falling for him.
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OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART FIVE — Intimidating!Wonwoo x Easy-Going!Reader
i have nothing to say other than i love wonwoo??? idk
one • two • three • four • five • six
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gottalovekidding · 6 years
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Day Two
Santa Baby: A fellow dressed in Red and White listens to your Christmas List but gives you one better.
Word Count: 1242
moi masterlist | 12 Days of Songmas
A/N: So, like, more fluff. More writing that is mine. Another song. Extra characters in the form of children. Enjoy!
Your boyfriend is dressed up, and the laughter in your eyes can’t be contained. He seems to be enjoying this way more than you thought he would, the joy in his eyes visible every time he makes eye contact with you over the head of the children sitting on his lap as they talk to him.
Tony had brought you all in to meet with and hang out with kids and their families at an event in the city, even going as far to bring in Clint’s family for the occasion. How he had gotten Bucky to agree to dressing up as Santa Claus you had no idea, but nevertheless, there the ex winter soldier was, decked out in red and white with a full white beard adorning his face.
“I still can’t get over the fact that Stark got him to agree to wear that.” You glance over at the superhero next to you.
“And I can’t believe he persuaded you to wear your suit either.” You look him up and down, taking in the red, white, and blue of a replica of his forties suit. “Like, the rest of us got to just come in civilian clothing, if not a little more dressed up than normal, but you’re the one standing out in the crowd somehow.” He gives you a small shove, smirking as you glance back at his best friend, your smile making its way back to your face.
“Auntie Y/N,” You glance down at the tugging on your skirt, seeing Clint’s youngest at your knees.
“What’s up sweetheart?” You kneel to look his in the eyes, he glances up at Steve still slightly in awe of the superhero despite how many times he’s interacted with him now. “Nathaniel?” His eyes are drawn back to you.
“Can you come with me to talk to Santa?” You furrow your brows, “Momma said you’d do it with me.”
“Of course I will.” You reach down and pick him up, “So what’re you gonna ask for young man?” You’re busy with your interaction, missing the pointed looks all your friends are making to each other as you head towards Bucky with the young boy. You wait in line with the boy on your hip, talking and giggling with him as you wait for his turn.
He giggles as he whispers into Bucky’s ear, the super soldier tickling him as he finishes talking. You go to pick Nathaniel off of Bucky’s lap when he’s done talking to him, but before you can  pull him into your arms Lila pipes up from her spot beside her father. “Auntie Y/N,” you glance over to her. “You should get a picture with Santa too!” Your eyes narrow at her father as you see him smirk.
“Yeah Y/N,” your head whips around to Natasha. “You should sit on Santa’s lap and tell him how good a girl you’ve bee this year.” The entire room makes their agreement known, in addition to your friends, telling you to talk to your Santa dressed boyfriend. You scoop up Nathaniel and hand him off to his mother, before perching yourself on the arm of the chair.
“Not how it works Y/N,” Steve is the one to speak up this time. “Onto his lap.” You glare at him as you glance at your boyfriend.
His hand rests on the small of your back as your perch yourself on his lap, “So what can I get you for Christmas this year doll?”
“I’d like a Benz in a dark blue, and maybe a yacht.” He chuckles as you pose for a picture, a smile plastered on your face at the ridiculousness of the situation. He taps your knee, drawing your attention away from the camera.
In the background you can hear Clint asking Nathaniel a question, “Hey bud, what’d you ask Santa for Christmas this year?”
“For Auntie Y/N to be the happiest she can be.”
Bucky slowly pulls a velvet box out from the pocket in his pants, watching as your eyebrows furrow in confusion at both Nathaniel’s words and the box.
“It’s no car or boat, but maybe a rock will suffice?” He pulls the lid back on the box as tears start to pool in your eyes. “I have a lot I want to say, but mostly it just revolves around me asking you to bind yourself to me in the eyes of the law.” You nod your answer, unable to answer due to the emotions you’re feeling. “Let me finish, loser, and maybe get the chance to actually ask.” You roll your eyes, despite the tears. “You’re my favourite person in the world, you make me feel safe and you make me feel at home no matter how far away from New York we get. You make the best chicken noodle soup I’ve ever had and you make some pretty good cookies too. You also remind me constantly that even when I don’t feel like I’m enough, I’m more than enough for you and our friends. Every day I spend with you is a good day and a new adventure, and I want to continue adventuring with you for the rest of my life.” You see him take a deep breath as his hand moves to clutch your side and squeeze. “So, Y/N, would you want to take this next step to our future of adventuring together and agree to put up with me and Steve for the rest of your life?” You can’t help the laugh that falls from your lips at the mention of his best friend.
“Of course I’ll put up with you forever, even if it means putting up with Mr Red, White, and Blue too. I love you."
You can see his smile behind the beard, his eyes smiling just as much as you can imagine his mouth is.
He slips the ring onto your fourth finger on your left hand as your friends cheer around you.
“I hate you all,” Is all you can choke out before you’re enveloped into a hug and pulled out of your finance’s lap.
“Fine, take my future wife away before I can give her a kiss. Not a big deal Steve.” You can feel Steve chuckling from your place in the hug. He releases you back into the arms of a still dressed up Bucky who places a quick kiss on your forehead before lifting your chin to plant a kiss to your lips. “This is going to be a fantastic start to our adventure.” You pull away slightly to smile at all your friends, who are still voicing their merriment at the events, he pulls you closer again, swaying both of you, kissing the side of your head. “So, will this ring really do as your Christmas present?”
You roll your eyes, not able to contain your mirth. “Of course love, this is just about the best Christmas I’ve ever had.” He chuckles into your hair.
“And you’ve given me the best Christmas present I’ve ever received, nothing can top this.”
“I still hate you all,” you address the crowd, but the smile on your face displays your joy despite your words. You make eye contact with Bucky, “We’ll check that off the Christmas list I guess.” You wink at him. “I love you Santa, baby.” He rolls his eyes.
“I love you too, my perfect Christmas gift.”
@notimetoblog @whitewolfbumble @buckysbeardliness @stupidsweaterwearingdumbdorks @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz @bibibucky @delicatelyherdreams @agentpegcxrter @captain-steven-rogers
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thfrustration · 7 years
You Have Witchcraft In Your Lips - Ch 1
TITLE OF STORY: You Have Witchcraft In Your Lips CHAPTER NUMBER/TITLE/ONE SHOT: Chapter One - I Hate The Media AUTHOR: Scarlet-Doll-13 WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: Actor Tom GENRE: Romance/Drama FIC SUMMARY: You have witchcraft in your lips’ (Henry V – Act 5, Scene 2) Eva was diagnosed with chronic illnesses in her teens and has struggled with her health. She is a costume designer and met Tom on the set of Thor and have been best friends ever since. Tom has always been a supportive friend with Eva’s health, being a confidant and a shoulder to cry on. Fast forward to after the ‘Swift’ moment, Tom found their roles reversed. Eva was the one to comfort him. After both professing their love for one another they settled in life together. Have a look into their life and the past moments that would unknowingly impact their future lives. RATING: Explicit (For strong language) WARNINGS/TRIGGERS: Swearing AUTHORS NOTES: This is a piece of fiction I don’t mean to offend or upset people. Eva is inspired by my struggle with my illnesses and also a chronically Ill YouTuber Chronically Jaquie (Go check her out, she’s amazing) . She has been a huge help for me to understand illness, disability and coping with day to day life.
June 2017 - London
 Bad news ladies the Night Manager Actor Tom Hiddleston was spotting kissing a redhead during Lunch in London. The actor and his companion sat outside the hip 60s cafe, the ‘coffee cup’ with a golden retriever at their feet.
 “Fuck. Shit, Wank. Balls!”
 Tom leaned around the door frame to the bathroom; towel round his waist and water from the shower rolled down his chest. “What?”
 I looked up at him over my glasses, “We’ve been discovered.”
 He ran a towel through his wet hair, “Well we’ve kept it quiet for 8 months, it was going to happen sooner or later.”
 He laid down next to me and peered at the laptop resting on my knees. He looked at the pictures of us taken from a few days ago. Tom and I were sat outside our favourite lunch place on a sunny weekday, with my dog under the table. There were pictures of us talking, one of tom with his arm on the back of my chair. We both were laughing at a photo book that had come that morning.
 “Well we weren’t overly clingy, just like we talked about with Luke, people won’t care. Carry on reading love.”
 He stood, dropping the towel and began rummaging through the draws for his boxers. I dragged my eyes from his pert backside that many of his fans had seen in the Night Manager.
“The 36 year old star was spotted with his arm around the back of her chair, both of them laughing at a book on the table. The golden under the table sat with his head in Hiddleston’s lap. Both of them were seen discussing something from the book.
 “They make us sound like we’re boring old farts.”
 Tom smirked, “Keep reading.”
 The presumed couple walked around Hampstead heath holding hands. Tom held onto the lead of the woman’s Dog, they retired to a bench where things got a little steamy.
 I slammed shut the laptop and placed it into the bedside cupboard. “Steamy! I’ll give them fucking steamy! There were children present! I bloody hate the media!”
Clad only in his boxers Tom fell into bed next to me, “Look we knew this would happen at some point, I’m surprised we got away with it for so long.”
I sighed and took of my glasses rubbing my eyes, “I just think I was living in a dream world.”
He pulled me too him so I was resting on his chest. He was still warm from the shower. “This article is nothing. The photos are shockingly bad, no-one at work will recognize that it’s you. They won’t even recognise Ragnar, he didn’t have his harness on. Even though he’s dashingly handsome, from those pictures he looks like any other golden retriever.
I leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you.”
Tom rolled us over so he was on top, “You are very welcome.”
Tom started to kiss down my neck and chest, when his phone rang. With Luke’s ring tone. I knew that he had seen the article. I slid out from under Tom.
 “Sorry lover boy, but that’s not a call I want to listen too.”
 Tom flumped on the bed and groaned.
By the time Tom had finished on the phone I had started dinner. He was now fully dressed in lounging trousers and a marvel t-shirt. His hair had air dried and now rivaled a labradoodle, as much as he hated it, I loved his curly hair. I slid his mug down the workbench. He took a sip.
“Was it that bad?”
Tom leaned against the side, Ragnar moved to sit at his feet. “Not really, we’ve managed to keep it under wraps for ages. Luke was just happy that we got all your privacy settings sorted last month. He knows that the press will keep digging to find out who you are.”
“I’m not worried too much sweetie, things happen for a reason. We’ll see how the next couple of weeks go, You never know I might say yes to Ragnarok.”
“I spoke to Luke about that. I just wished there was something a bit smaller for you first carpet event.”
I turned to look at him, leaning against the side. The low evening light shone through the kitchen window, igniting his blonde hair into a halo. His favourite mug clutched in his hands, staring into the tea like it would give him answers. I wiped my hands on my apron and stood next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm snaked around my waist.
“Sweetie I’m not worried, we have a long while to plan. Like Luke said we can always do a press release before the premiere. Which I think would be better. As soon as people google my name, they’ll find out who I am and about all my illnesses. How about you ring Luke back and ask him to pop round some time tomorrow.”
Tom nodded and kissed the top of my head, “Okay Darling. What have we got for dinner?“
I detangled myself from him and check on the pasta. “Bolognese. I found some in the freezer. He hummed in agreement, "I’ll go ring Luke then set the table.” Even though we still had our own places we spent most of the time at my place with the occasional nights at toms. It was easier to stay at mine then lug all my medical equipment to his. Being friends and lovers over the past 8 years put us at ease in each other’s company. I divided the pasta and Tom’s famous bolognese onto our two plates while Tom sliced the garlic bread. We took our seats at at the table and began to eat.
I took a sip of wine, “Was Luke okay with tomorrow?”
Tom nodded and reached for a slice of garlic bread. “He said he be round at 11. He’ll bring around some paperwork and stuff. Are you sure you want to do this?”
I sat back in my chair, “I’m sure Tom. It’s about time we took things seriously, I’m ready to start doing more events with you.
Tom smiled and patted my hand on the table.
“The only thing is Tom…”
He hummed round his mouthful of bread.
“I won’t be going to Wimbledon with you.”
Tom swallowed, tipped his head back and laughed, “I wouldn’t expect you too my dear.”
Tom and I snuggled on the sofa after dinner, Ragnor at out feet. We talked about what was going to happen tomorrow, all the different way we could announce relationship. Googling how other celebrities had released their relationships. Instagram looked like a strong possibility.
We laughed how no one had spotted us at Kong: Skull Island premiere in London, simply because it started raining and under Tom’s request Luke escorted me straight into the building under a large black umbrella. So no one really got a chance to take even one photograph me. Even at the LA premiere I walked down the carpet with relative easy. Tom arrived on his own and I caught Brie’s car as I had to quick fix her dress and lend her a pair of my louboutins. Brie always has a habit of stealing my shoes, handbags and clothes. Although I was three inches taller, definitely heavier and with slightly bigger boobs, we roughly wore the same size in most things. But I couldn’t talk I borrowed brie’s designer clothes to see how the fit and fabric feel for my fashion line. The joys of being of being clothes buddy’s.
Tom walked around the next morning like a bloody peacock, so proud of himself for giving me heart palpitations. It didn’t happen very often and the first time that it happened in bed, Tom nearly turned grey with worry and panic. Now it just brings him great joy and satisfaction. At 11 o’clock precisely the doorbell rang and Tom buzzed Luke up, leaving the door on its latch.
Tom popped round the kitchen door. “Is there anything that needs taking out?”
I nodded to the tray with cake and china on. “Just that please, I’m just waiting for the kettle to boil.”
I heard the lift doors open and Luke’s voice calling for Tom. Tom picked up the tray and took it into the dining room, I assume collecting Luke on the way. I was nervous about today, part of me still didn’t feel ready. Another was anxious about what people would say.
I poured the hot water in the large tea pot with earl grey for Tom and Luke. I poured water into the french press for my decaf coffee. I loved coffee so much, the smell and taste. That would be because of the Italian blood in me. But because of my heart condition I couldn’t drink much of the stuff and sometimes I couldn’t have it at all. Tom lovingly brought me coffee scented candles, so when I can’t have any I can still enjoy the smell.
I carried the tea pot and french press into the dining room, Tom stood took take the heavier teapot off me. Odin, my giant one eyed fluff monster, came and sat on the chair beside me. He’s partial to some cake, or any food at all. Tom had found his name hilarious when they first met, he spent the day calling him father and bowing I’m his presence. I still sometimes catch him doing it now.
Tom poured tea for him and Luke and coffee for me.
“So business first then cake?” Luke asked.
I nodded, “We talked about it last night and we think we should release something.”
“Just something small,” Tom added
“I just don’t want my presence at Thor Ragnarok premiere to over shadow the movie. I want people talking about how much they like the movie not who Tom’s dating.”
 Luke nodded and flipped through his diary and organiser. “So we have four months to Thor. So that’s enough time to release something and have it settle down again. So what were you both thinking.”
Tom took hold of my hand on the table. “We thought Instagram was good choice, not too formal. Just something to link us together.”
Luke looked at me, “anything else.”
I bit my lip. Tom knowing how I felt gave my hand a squeeze.
“I want to be out of the city when it’s released. I can’t be dealing with paparazzi and stalkers while I’m ill.”
Luke looked back at his diary. “Well Tom’s free for the next two weeks, I can’t see why not. It might do the both of you some good. A little R&R before you have to go on press tour and your new line comes out.”
I frowned and looked at Tom, “did you tell him?”
Tom looked guilty, “I did but there’s a reason. Anything big on your calendar Luke knows about so he knows what’s happen even if I’m away. That way if there’s ever a problem Luke has all the information to handle it.”
I rested my head on his shoulder, “Thank you.”
Luke wrote something on his note pad. “Just tell me when you’re leaving and I’ll leave the Instagram stuff up to you two, just give me the heads up before you post.”
Tom and nodded. I picked up the cake knife and cut us all a piece. Tom and Luke dug in.
Luke sat back in his chair, “Oh Eva it’s as good as always. So how did your hospital appointment go?”
June 2017 - London
Bad news ladies the Night Manager Actor Tom Hiddleston was spotting kissing a redhead during Lunch in London. The actor and his companion sat outside the hip 60s cafe, the ‘coffee cup’ with a golden retriever at their feet.
“Fuck. Shit, Wank. Balls!”
Tom leaned around the doorframe to the bathroom; towel round his waist and water from the shower rolled down his chest. “What?”
I looked up at him over my glasses, “We’ve been discovered.”
He ran a towel through his wet hair, “Well we’ve kept it quiet for 8 months, it was going to happen sooner or later.”
He layed down next to me and peered at the laptop resting on my knees. He looked at the pictures of us taken from a few days ago. Tom and I were sat outside our favourite lunch place on a sunny weekday, with my dog under the table. There were pictures of us talking, one of tom with his arm on the back of my chair. We both were laughing at a photo book that had come that morning.
“Well we weren’t overly clingy, just like we talked about with Luke, people won’t care. Carry on reading love.”
He stood, dropping the towel and began rummaging through the draws for his boxers. I dragged my eyes from his pert backside that many of his fans had seen in the Night Manager.
“The 36 year old star was spotted with his arm around the back of her chair, both of them laughing at a book on the table. The golden under the table sat with his head in Hiddleston’s lap. Both of them were seen discussing something from the book.
“They make us sound like we’re boring old farts.”
Tom smirked, “Keep reading.”
The presumed couple walked around Hampstead heath holding hands. Tom held onto the lead of the woman’s Dog, they retired to a bench where things got a little steamy.
I slammed shut the laptop and placed it into the bedside cupboard. “Steamy! I’ll give them fucking steamy! There were children present! I bloody hate the media!”
Clad only in his boxers Tom fell into bed next to me, “Look we knew this would happen at some point, I’m surprised we got away with it for so long.”
I sighed and took of my glasses rubbing my eyes, “I just think I was living in a dream world.”
He pulled me too him so I was resting on his chest. He was still warm from the shower. “This article is nothing. The photos are shockingly bad, no-one at work will recognize that it’s you. They won’t even recognise Ragnar, he didn’t have his harness on. Even though he’s dashingly handsome, from those pictures he looks like any other golden retriever.
I leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you.”
Tom rolled us over so he was on top, “You are very welcome.”
Tom started to kiss down my neck and chest, when his phone rang. With Luke’s ring tone. I knew that he had seen the article. I slid out from under Tom.
“Sorry lover boy, but that’s not a call I want to listen too.”
Tom flumped on the bed and groaned.
By the time Tom had finished on the phone I had started dinner. He was now fully dressed in lounging trousers and a marvel t-shirt. His hair had air dried and now rivaled a labradoodle, as much as he hated it, I loved his curly hair. I slid his mug down the workbench. He took a sip.
“Was it that bad?”
Tom leaned against the side, Ragnar moved to sit at his feet. “Not really, we’ve managed to keep it under wraps for ages. Luke was just happy that we got all your privacy settings sorted last month. He knows that the press will keep digging to find out who you are.”
“I’m not worried too much sweetie, things happen for a reason. We’ll see how the next couple of weeks go, You never know I might say yes to Ragnarok.”
“I spoke to Luke about that. I just wished there was something a bit smaller for you first carpet event.”
I turned to look at him, leaning against the side. The low evening light shone through the kitchen window, igniting his blonde hair into a halo. His favourite mug clutched in his hands, staring into the tea like it would give him answers. I wiped my hands on my apron and stood next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and his arm snaked around my waist.
“Sweetie I’m not worried, we have a long while to plan. Like Luke said we can always do a press release before the premiere. Which I think would be better. As soon as people google my name, they’ll find out who I am and about all my illnesses. How about you ring luke back and ask him to pop round some time tomorrow.”
Tom nodded and kissed the top of my head, “Okay Darling. What have we got for dinner?“
I detangle myself from him and check on the pasta. "Bolognese. I found some in the freezer. He hummed in agreement, "I’ll go ring Luke then set the table.” Even though we still had our own places we spent most of the time at my place with the occasional nights at toms. It was easier to stay at mine then lug all my medical equipment to his. Being friends and lovers over the past 8 years put us at ease in each other’s company. I divided the pasta and Tom’s famous bolognese onto our two plates while Tom sliced the garlic bread. We took our seats at at the table and began to eat.
I took a sip of wine, “Was Luke okay with tomorrow?”
Tom nodded and reached for a slice of garlic bread. “He said he be round at 11. He’ll bring around some paperwork and stuff. Are you sure you want to do this?”
I sat back in my chair, “I’m sure Tom. It’s about time we took things seriously, I’m ready to start doing more events with you.
Tom smiled and patted my hand on the table.
“The only thing is Tom…”
He hummed round his mouthful of bread.
“I won’t be going to wimbledon with you.”
Tom swallowed, tipped his head back and laughed, “I wouldn’t expect you too my dear.”
Tom and I snuggled on the sofa after dinner, Ragnor at out feet. We talked about what was going to happen tomorrow, all the different way we could announce relationship. Googling how other celebrities had released their relationships. Instagram looked like a strong possibility.
We laughed how no one had spotted us at Kong: Skull Island premiere in london, simply because it started raining and under Tom’s request Luke escorted me straight into the building under a large black umbrella. So no one really got a chance to take even one photograph me. Even at the LA premiere I walked down the carpet with relative easy. Tom arrived on his own and I caught Brie’s car as I had to quick fix her dress and lend her a pair of my louboutins. Brie always has a habit of stealing my shoes, handbags and clothes. Although I was three inches taller, definitely heavier and with slightly bigger boobs, we roughly wore the same size in most things. But I couldn’t talk I borrowed brie’s designer clothes to see how the fit and fabric feel for my fashion line. The joys of being of being clothes buddy’s.
Tom walked around the next morning like a bloody peacock, so proud of himself for giving me heart palpitations. It didn’t happen very often and the first time that it happened in bed, Tom nearly turned grey with worry and panic. Now it just brings him great joy and satisfaction. At 11 o’clock precisely the doorbell rang and Tom buzzed Luke up, leaving the door on its latch.
Tom popped round the kitchen door. “Is there anything that needs taking out?”
I nodded to the tray with cake and china on. “Just that please, I’m just waiting for the kettle to boil.”
I heard the lift doors open and Luke’s voice calling for Tom. Tom picked up the tray and took it into the dining room, I assume collecting Luke on the way. I was nervous about today, part of me still didn’t feel ready. Another was anxious about what people would say.
I poured the hot water in the large tea pot with earl grey for Tom and Luke. I poured water into the french press for my decaf coffee. I loved coffee so much, the smell and taste. That would be because of the italian blood in me. But because of my heart condition I couldn’t drink much of the stuff and sometimes I couldn’t have it at all. Tom lovingly brought me coffee scented candles, so when I can’t have any I can still enjoy the smell.
I carried the tea pot and french press into the dining room, Tom stood took take the heavier teapot off me. Odin, my giant one eyed fluff monster, came and sat on the chair beside me. He’s partial to some cake, or any food at all. Tom had found his name hilarious when they first met, he spent the day calling him father and bowing I’m his presence. I still sometimes catch him doing it now.
Tom poured tea for him and Luke and coffee for me.
“So business first then cake?” Luke asked.
I nodded, “We talked about it last night and we think we should release something.”
“Just something small,” Tom added
“I just don’t want my presence at Thor 3 premiere to over shadow the movie. I want people talking about how much they like the movie not who Tom’s dating.”
Luke nodded and flipped through his diary and organiser. “So we have ## months to Thor. So that’s enough time to release something and have it settle down again. So what were you both thinking.”
Tom took hold of my hand on the table. “We thought instagram was good choice, not too formal. Just something to link us together.”
Luke looked at me, “anything else.”
I bit my lip. Tom knowing how I felt gave my hand a squeeze.
“I want to be out of the city when it’s released. I can’t be dealing with paparazzi and stalkers while I’m ill.”
Luke looked back at his diary. “Well Tom’s free for the next two weeks, I can’t see why not. It might do the both of you some good. A little R&R before you have to go on press tour and your new line comes out.”
I frowned and looked at Tom, “did you tell him?”
Tom looked guilty, “I did but there’s a reason. Anything big on your calendar Luke knows about so he knows what’s happen even if I’m away. That way if there’s ever a problem Luke has all the information to handle it.”
I rested my head on his shoulder, “Thank you.”
Luke wrote something on his note pad. “Just tell me when you’re leaving and I’ll leave the instagram stuff up to you two, just give me the heads up before you post.”
Tom and nodded. I picked up the cake knife and cut us all a piece. Tom and Luke dug in.
Luke sat back in his chair, “Oh Eva it’s as good as always. So how did your hospital appointment go?”
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rc8illustrate · 5 years
Portfolio review 1 by Emma Reynolds
Emma Reynolds has kindly responded to my email. As she is very busy at the moment, a meeting may not be possible, but she has kindly given me the option to send over my work via email so that she can have a look through it to give me some advice, answer some questions and review my portfolio.
I took her up on this offer so that I can continue working on my portfolio, depending on the advice given, in time for my final deadline.
Hi Christine,
Apologies I've not had time to reply yet, things are very busy!
More likely I will have some time in May - or you're welcome to email me your work (low rez) and I can look at it that way and give advice when I get a chance? Thank you, Emma
Thank you Emma, yes I understand that you must be very busy I appreciate that. Thank you for your reply also. My final deadline is May 8th so it is probably best that I email you my work instead. I will put together my portfolio ready to send along with some questions that you may be able to help me with and I will have these sent over to you within the next couple of days.
Any advice and information will go a long way.
Thank you Christine
I sent over a PDF low rez file consisting of 16 images that I thought were what was required for a portfolio to show the work style that I do, work I like to do and what supports my field of work.
Some images I wasn’t sure about including, but did anyway. This was to give me an idea of what works and what doesn’t. ie, if I receive feedback on particular images that could answer my fears of the image etc.
Some images I held back on sending completely as I thought they may not be relevant or may confuse my style.
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Hi Emma,
I have attached my PDF portfolio, low res, for you to have a look at when you can, I understand that your busy so please don’t feel pressured to respond immediately.
I also have a couple of questions based around what to do after I graduate to be successful in children’s book illustration, so if you have any key tips and general information, I’d love to hear them!
Portfolio Review;
Would you mind letting me know your thoughts please in terms of my portfolio content & layout.
I have heard on the grape vine that illustrators of children’s books are sometimes required to produce two separate portfolios, one for character designs and one focusing on scenes. I’ve also heard that just one portfolio is adequate providing the character is shown within a scene in action. What are your thoughts on this?
Do you suggest any alterations within my images?
Have I put in enough or too much work?
Should I apply my logo to each page?
I have considered creating a concertina style portfolio to present, do you think that this idea would work for my style?
After Graduation;
To continue producing work and keeping my portfolio up to date, I intend re-visiting a previous project, (a children’s book regarding stranger danger) where I feel my skills have improved and I would like to improve the project. How did you continue to produce work after graduation?
Do you have any advice on how to go about getting an agent such as where to go and what may be required etc? (Any information in this area will be much appreciated)
Thanks again for your time. Christine.
Hi Christine,
Thank you for your email!
I'm gradually putting some advice together.
Can I ask who your favourite artists are?
Which artist's whose work you think 'I love that technique!?
What is your favourite thing to draw? (The thing that gives you genuine joy, not the thing that you feel you -should- be drawing for kids)
What do you find difficult to draw? What don't you enjoy drawing as much?
What process brings you the most joy?
Thank you!
These questions will help me advise you. Emma
Hi Emma,
That’s great, thank you!
The illustrator’s that are my favourite are Holly Hatam, Clover Robin and Natalie Merheb.
The work I most admire are possibly from Holly Hatam as the textures of backgrounds display great detail. I was inspired by Holly to try paper collage for my previous book which I enjoyed combining with my digital characters.
I have recently been inspired by helen_po_art found on Instagram for her latest few images consisting of brown outlines for her character designs.
I particularly enjoy drawing children, expressions and various outfits. There is something quite satisfying with bringing the emotions and excitement out in a child within a story. I like to draw animals, but the cute talking type, not so much the realistic animal drawing. I also enjoy drawing leaves, flowers, houses, furniture and household objects.
I think what I dislike drawing the most is cars and other vehicles, towns and city scape. I much prefer a colourful, and relaxed scene to draw and read about than a busy town.
I guess I find hands difficult to draw, it usually takes a lot of mistakes before I allow an image to be completed and even then, I’m never really 100% happy with it.
The process I enjoy most is line drawing characters with digital colour application where I can apply a pattern or texture, such as a print on a dress. I also like to combine media with paper even if it is only small parts to make up the completed image which creates natural shadow.
Hope this helps. Christine.
So there have been emails sent between Emma and I which have helped gain a bigger picture of the way I work and where I require advice to improve.
Emma sent me a very informative email which contained my portfolio review in depth along with some helpful links for other artists in the children’s book field all of which are completely relevant to me.
Here are some of the critiques for my portfolio:
I like your little girl (floppy hat) character, she has a nice face! It would be nice to see her from different angles though and with some different facial expressions though - expressing how a character is feeling and their reactions is really important. I would re-visit the sitting down pose, her legs look a bit disconnected! Look up some ref pics of children sitting down and see what you can do. Same with hands and feet - They are hard! But try not to avoid them or miss off fingers or toes. You can feet more easily (just draw shoes!) but you can't have characters hiding their hands in gloves or sleeves, so just do some hand drawing exercises (there's loads online a quick google away or on YouTube) and get practising :) Your other characters are expressing more which is great to see.
Have you seen Lauren Child's work, she made the 'Charlie and Lola' books.
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https://images.app.goo.gl/2BgVfBzB5r2AX2U86 I think she'd be a useful artist for you to look at. Her colours are 'flat', but she uses pattern and collage. And she uses outlines on the characters, but she also carries those outlines across into the background too, which makes the piece more cohesive as a whole, rather than - collaged background, and then outlined characters on top in a very different style. I think trying to have a more cohesive feel in your work would be good. Either making your characters also out of collage, or adding some line details also onto the background like Lauren Child does. You've done this on the bin which works well. Just make sure that the colours of the collage aren't taking over the character and vice versa, it just helps to work as a whole.
Other artists to check out -
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Kelly Pousette - https://www.instagram.com/kpousetteillustration/?hl=en
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Kate Slater - http://www.kateslaterillustration.com/
The email was quite big, so I won’t add it all, Emma had answered all of my questions really well which is quite helpful to me and has put my mind at ease with a lot.  Heres some;
Should I apply my logo to each page? No, I don't this it's necessary. And to honest, showing your physicaly portfolio is very rare these days. It's mostly all done online with some low rez jpegs attached and a link to your website in the covering email for the rest :) Also - I would maybe consider that you don't need a logo as an illustrator necessarily. Perhaps just a 'Cover image' for your portfolio front page instead, perhaps the girl with the floppy hat standing up holding the spade. I have considered creating a concertina style portfolio to present, do you think that this idea would work for my style? Keep it simple, A4 or A3 portfolio prints in a clean portfolio is fine. And as I say, degree shows place importance on physical portfolios, but it is very rare that I ever show my work in person printed out nowadays. Your website, and having a social media presence, is the most important thing. (don't have to have loads of followers! Just accounts with sensible usernames (avoid underscores))
How did you continue to produce work after graduation? You keep going!I worked part time while I built up my work. There are briefs you can do that can give you a focus, such as book illustration competitions like ones you might have done in University.
Keep going, keep learning and keep believing in yourself :)
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Since then I have thanked Emma for her time for such a detailed review and I will return to this information again as I find my feet after graduation.
“Thank you Emma”!
0 notes
ask-englat-blog · 7 years
♦ : A young child (age 7 - 9) for Arthur
Iggy as a young child was energetic and frantic, he liked sports and hiking a lot, mostly begged his father to take him for football games or lessons and even at that time he was quite diligent and into his studies. At that age he was into inventing different type of things. By the time Arthur was 7, Allister was 10 years old and younger twins were 3 years old. He also tended to be teased/pissed him off by his older brother Allister for fun. Sometimes Arthur was jealous of his older brother due to his freedom and his free willed spirit. You can say that Allister was one to influence Iggy and make him what he is today. Twins on the other hand - he was loving and protective of them like a good older brother he is….. even if they ate his homework. Other than that when Arthur was 8 years old his grandfather died. He loved him very much. They shared interests. Music and tea tastes. Everything. So it was big trauma for Iggy to learn of his passing at that age…… But he promised to be good and fullfill his last wish at all costs
♣ : A preteen (age 10 - 12)
At preteen age start Lia was happy young teen. Was by that time helping out parents and older brother at farm. It’s not like she didn’t do it before but from age of ten she was helping with all big animals like cows and horses. Most of the time she had to watch sheep and tend to her bunny farm. Boy… you can’t imagine how happy she was when she could hold on hands baby rabbits and feed them carrots. How fluffy those bunnies were. Cute, white (mostly) and fluffy, looking at you to tend to them.  One of them was her favourite one –Teacup! It was named that way due to him escaping rabbit farm and sneaking into Lia’s room and sleeping in her tea cup just like he was a cat. Besides happy memories…. there was also bad one in Lia’s life….   At age of 11 … Lia was kidnapped. Kidnapped into slavery of unknown to her people and location to do all dirty work for next 5 years. She never told anyone about what happened back then but…. it’s certainly wasn’t pleasant. Only thing that is left as a reminder from that time is two scars on Lia’s feet.
He was a pretty relaxed pre-teen. But it didn’t mean he didn’t take his studies just as relaxed! An A+ smartie he was. The way he could handle his free time and school put his older brother to shame and as we all can suspect…. Scotty didn’t like it…. not one bit. Making Arthur most beloved one in the family… and most hated one by Allister. Allisters hatred or jealousy to Iggy was reason for most of Scotty’s teasing and making fun of him…. and sometimes even beating him in the future.  
Arthur was a book reader since very early age and that would never change in his life. Especially love for certain detective books like Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew. Sometimes he would draw or write about characters from books. Imagine their backstories and write own little detective stories of his own.   At that time Iggy was too busy with his little life but it was at that time he had met such people as Francis Bon—- (MUN CAN NEVER SPELL ZAT SURNAME! FOR SHAME) and Alfred F. Jones.
♠ : A young teen (13 - 16) for both or who ever you wish to do ^^
Iggy as a young teen was really different from all his other childhood stages, From thirteen to sixteen he was a rebel, a loud mouth, a swearer and a rude, snappy rock obsessed kid for a long portion of his life at this stage, His parent’s were having turbulent times in their marriage and the stress and tears from his mother made him all the more rebellious, He dyed his hair black with a blond streak and had tattoos, he was the whole deal, He enjoyed bands like My Chemical Romance and 21 Pilots because the lyrics resonated with the same emotional issues he was going through, He also, regrettably, smoked and popped pills with the wrong type of people in a desperate effort to make his parents know what they were doing to him and his mind. All of this changed when he was around fifteen. Because on the day where they apologised to him for not understanding his feelings, He cried like a baby, he was their gentlemanly son ah
again, he went for a few months of tough rehabillitation and came out free of any addictions and long term affects, got all his tattoos removed and piericings taken out, and took his natural hair colour back.
Lia knows nothing about this because this stage of his life makes Arthur cringe like crazy. And he cant talk about it without bursting into nervous laughter or embarrasing blushes
Lia at that time was missing. She was kidnapped. And was missing next 5 years before she managed to escape from the place she was held in and lucky for her… someone found her and rescued her. Before long she was brought home but…. she wasn’t same small girl she was. She was 16 year old teen… with traumatized mind. Nobody till this day doesn’t know what had been done to her but it took whole year of therapy with therapist for her to get back mentally where she was once was. Probably that’s what made her obedient daughter and sister that she is today. She never rebelled or dared to think that way. She didn’t want to disappoint anyone so she did her best in life and studies. Only time she stated her mind was when she turned adult and decided to study abroad… in London. But it’s a story for other time.  
☻ : An adult (22 - 29) Basicly it’s the the age which they are at this blog! ~ Lia being 20 years old and Arthur being 22 years old I don’t want to spoil about this age too much because it will be shown eventually in the blog~ ;3 Hue But at least I think that I can spoil that somewhere in that age they are gonna marry~  and I imagine it looking something like this: —————– After a few hours they were nearing the end of the tea party when Iggy pulled Lia out in the middle of the room, taking her hands in his as he took a deep breath Lia, from the moment i met you, you have brought nothing but joy into my life. All the memories we share, are all extremely dear to me. You showed me love when no one else did, and you were there for me when i messed up. When you look at me you make my heart beat a millions miler per hour, and you easily make me flustered. Gave a slight chuckle You are one in 7 billion people, and i’ve fallen hard for you. Not only did you bring me the joy of having you in my life, you also carry my children, where i could never imagine anyone but you doing that. He paused for a minute to let her catch up as all eyes were on them as Lia blushed and wide eyed stared at Iggy - speechless and blushing at what he was telling about her…. every single word was like a magic spell to her . Lia, you have been here for me and that has made me extremely happy. But there is one question i have waited and longed to ask you. takes out the box with the ring, opening it before he goes down on one knee Will you make me the happiest man alive, and do me the honor of calling you my wife, Lia will you marry me? question made Lia blush deeply….. deadly red- not to mention her heart beating million beats a second as she stared at the ring and at Iggy. Her blue eyes getting lost or maybe… being seen better at the redness that it surrounded before quietly making out with lips the long awaited answer. J…….Jā………             ———————————–
The elderly one for both! (I'm on mobile sorry)
Stylish grey haired ROMANTICS who are your neighbourhoods bakers//tea shop owners and “GET OFF MAH LAWN STUPID KIDS!” from Iggy when he is annoyed Would Iggy have a walking crotch? He’d be able to run like wind at that age and after he would be laying on sofa grumping at back pain as Lia would be doing a massage on his back. Most of the days when he isn’t working at tea shop - he would work at their garden in the backyard. Taking care of flowers and after the long day of work - rest in rocking chair in front of fireplace while reading detective book What kind of grandma would be Lia? Lia would be typical grandma who would always make sure you are always well fed and okay. Would come to your room every 2 hours asking if you wanted anything to eat or drink. Would be usually cleaning house or cooking 3 course meal everyday and make savings for winter. Like make lots of jam, pickles and herbal savings for tea shop. In another words - busy grandma bee who would never let you starve
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tanmath3-blog · 7 years
Jasper Bark is infectious – and there’s no known cure. If you’re reading this then you’re already at risk of contamination. The symptoms will begin to manifest any moment now. There’s nothing you can do about it. There’s no itching or unfortunate rashes, but you’ll become obsessed with his books, from the award-winning collections ‘Dead Air’ and ‘Stuck on You and Other Prime Cuts’, to cult novels like ‘The Final Cut’ and acclaimed graphic novels such as ‘Bloodfellas’ and ‘Beyond Lovecraft’.
Soon you’ll want to tweet, post and blog about his work until thousands of others fall under its viral spell. We’re afraid there’s no way to avoid this, these words contain a power you are hopeless to resist. You’re already in their thrall and have been since you began reading this bio. Even now you find yourself itching to read the whole of his work. Don’t fight it, embrace the urge and wear your obsession with pride!
  Please help me welcome the amazing Jasper Bark to Roadie Notes….
  1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story? If you count comics, I was five years old. I saw a kid’s TV program in which other kids, a little older than me, were drawing their own comic books and I was beyond excited. I don’t think any idea has ever appealed to me so much in my life. The kids on the TV were using paper, felt tip pens, a stapler and their own imaginations. I had access to all those materials and I had more imagination than was healthy for a boy my age. I sat down right away and began making my own comics. I became so obsessed with doing this that, the next Christmas, my parents actually had to confiscate my pens and paper, so that I would stop drawing and come and open my presents.
If you count prose stories, then I was six. My dad used to bring home old log books, from his union (he was a shop steward at the local shipyard), to use as notebooks, and I began filling them with stories and illustrations. I was a lousy artist, but I got a lot better as a story-teller over the years.
2. How many books have you written?
I’ve written five novels, four novellas, nine graphic novels, three collections of short stories, twenty children’s books, countless pages of comics and even a couple of books of poetry (I was young and I needed the money, though if the truth be told, I’d have made more doing porn than writing poetry).
Now that I’ve counted them up, I’m quite surprised actually. Because I’m always beating myself up about not working hard enough.
3. Anything you won’t write about? Y’know, I’ve asked this question myself, on quite a few writers panels at events over the years and the responses vary. At first, most writers will say “no”, there isn’t anything they won’t take on. Then, when we begin to probe the subject, they all end up admitting that there are things that are taboo for them.
My own experience is, that, things will surface in one story, that I will find I’m unable to write about, so I will consider that topic, out-of-bounds. But then another story will start to go in that direction and I will find myself writing about something I thought I could never address. So whenever I think I’ve found something I can’t, or won’t, write about, I end up finding a way to address it.
As writers of dark fiction, we are often confronting the darker sides of our nature, the things we fear most and the things we’re least proud about in ourselves. The same is very much the case for readers of dark fiction too. Dark fiction, whether it be gritty crime, weird stories, or out-and-out horror, is a way for us to face up to, admit, and examine that dark side to our nature in the controlled, and a safe, environment of a story. As a psychologist friend of mine once said: “If you can play with it, you’ve got it. If you can’t play with it, it’s got you.” Fiction is the best way to play with out dark sides, and we should approach it, with as few limits as are comfortable for us.
4. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), married, kids, do you have another job etc…
I’m in my late 40s, I’m married to an amazingly clever, talented and beautiful woman called Veronica, but every calls her Ronnie. She runs her own Marketing and Communications business, and she’s a wonderful role model to our two teenage daughters – Freya and Ishara, who are every bit as indomitable as their mother.
I write full-time and have done since my kids were born, having previously been a national film and music journalist and a professional stand up. I’ve been in and out of trouble most of my life and, in spite of my age, have yet to develop the wisdom to avoid this.
5. What’s your favorite book you have written?
That’s like asking me to pick my favourite child, they’re all special in one way or another. However, like most writers I know, my favourite book is always the one on which I’m currently working. It’s my chance to redeem myself for all the books I’ve already written, for which I had such high hopes, but which, inevitably came out flawed. The book I’m currently working on, still has that possibility to be great, to be my legacy to the world, so, for that reason it is my favourite.
6. Who or what inspired you to write?
Just about every book that I’ve ever read. The great books inspire me to reach similar heights myself, and the lousy one make me think: ‘wow, I can do better than that, maybe I’m not so lame after all’.
7. What do you like to do for fun? I recently joined an all female, octopus mud wrestling team. I’m not actually female (as you probably guessed) and I can’t wrestle for shit. But I think the other ladies let me join because they find it hysterical to see me getting my butt kicked by all manner of octopi. Recently, they’ve taken to replacing the mud in my bouts with avocado puree, jut for the hell of it. It certainly seems to please the crowds, but it leaves me picking green goo, out of unmentionable places, for at least a week afterwards. Mostly causing my poor, long-suffering wife, to raise an unamused eyebrow at my antics.
8. Any traditions you do when you finish a book?
Yes, I sacrifice a virginal avocado, on altar of mud and avocado stones, in front of a select audience of pre-eminent Octopi. This is mainly to increase my standing within the Octopoid community. As you’re probably aware, octopi don’t read, so they have no clue about my literary reputation, they only know me as the short, strange guy who constantly gets his ass whupped in a big vat of puree. So, these rituals help me gain their respect a little more.
9. Where do you write? Quiet or music? I have a study at the bottom of the garden, that used to be a garage until we converted it. It’s full of thousands of books, and hundreds of spiders, who sometimes like to descend onto my keyboard, in the middle of the night, when I’m right in the middle of a particularly disturbing passage.
I sometimes write to music and I sometimes write in silence, it depends what I’m working on. If do write to music, it has to be something without lyrics. Like many writers, when I’m working on fiction, I like to use film scores, as these are composed specifically to support a narrative art form, and as such are really good for getting you in the right mood to write.
10. Anything you would change about your writing? I like to think that through the daily act of writing I am already changing it and growing as a writer. So if there is stuff I’m not satisfied with, I trust to the process to eventually fix it, and allow me to grow out of it. In fact the wonderful thing about being a writer is that, right up until the point of publication, if there is something you don’t like about your writing, you can always go back and change it, and even change it some more.
11. What is your dream? Famous writer?
Over the years, so many amazing writers have had such a profound and life changing effect on me, have written stories, essays and books that have meant to so much to me, that I can’t begin to list them all. They’ve totally changed the way I view the world, and my place in it. They have given me hope in dark times, joy in sad ones and entertainment in periods of unimaginable boredom.
My real dream, as a writer, is to be able to write something that will affect a reader in the same way, that will move them as I have been moved, so many times in the past. If I can give something back, like that, to even a handful of readers, then I will have fulfilled my dreams ten times over.
12. Where do you live?
Why Becky, don’t you already know? Isn’t that you at the bottom of my garden watching me through binoculars?
Wait, no… sorry, that’s my FBI handler, they’re easy to confuse with a stalker, but they’re usually a little more polite.
To go back to your question, I live in the small medieval town of Bradford on Avon, in the UK. It’s quite close to places like Stonehenge, Glastonbury and the Georgian city of Bath, only it’s less well-known, but no less beautiful. If you’ve ever read a novel by Jane Austen, or Thomas Hardy, you’ll have encountered the corner of the world in which I live. It hasn’t changed much in the preceding 200 years and you still can’t get a good broadband connection.
13. Pets?
Well we do have a couple of cats, and the disembodied spirit of a lobotomized gorilla hanging around our cottage. He was a bit unnerving at first, but we’ve taken to leaving out bowls of warm ectoplasm for him, and he’s actually become quite endearing. He even has his uses, such as scaring away Jehovah’s Witnesses and other door to door tradespeople.
14. What’s your favorite thing about writing? It’s that moment when the writing really begins to flow, when you sink fully into the world you’re exploring and time stands still. When the story itself takes over, when you hear the characters voices so clearly in your mind it’s as though they’re there in the room with you. When you’re as utterly surprised and delighted by your work as anyone else who is going to read it in the future. When it goes places you never foresaw, and reveals things you knew nothing about until you began to type it up. When your fingers can hardly keep up with all the words that are tumbling out of you.
Those are the moments we all live for as a writer.
15. What is coming next for you?
Hopefully the shambling hordes of the undead aren’t coming for me.
I have a new novella out, called Quiet Places, which is a story of cosmic folk horror with overtones of psychological horror, set in the wilds of the Scottish Highlands. Unusually for me, it’s an entirely bloodless affair that depends more on atmosphere and dark folk-lore. There is no sex, no violence, yet it is probably the most disturbing thing I’ve yet written.
You can grab a copy here:  https://www.amazon.com/Quiet-Places-Novella-Cosmic-Horror/dp/1640074708
I also have a new graphic novel out as well, it’s called Parassassin and it’s a dark blend of sci-fi and horror. Politics, parody and paradox collide in a tale of time travel and attempted assassination.
It’s available here in the US:  https://www.amazon.com/Parassassin-Jasper-Bark-ebook/dp/B074Y5NGPS
And here in the UK:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Parassassin-Jasper-Bark-ebook/dp/B074Y5NGPS
Aside from that I have a novel and a novella due out next year, a lot of different anthology appearances. I also have a graphic novel starting on Comixology in 2018 and a couple of hush – hush projects, I’m going to allude to in an annoyingly vague way.
I am launching a new webcomic, called ‘Fear Fix’ on my website. It’s very much in the tradition of those classic black and white horror comics from the 60s, 70s and 80s, like Warren and Skywald, and also EC horror comics. Like those comics it has a horror host, but, in the tradition of Rod Serling, I am the host of the comic. It has some of the best artist from both mainstream and indie comics and it will be running monthly. You can read the first story – ‘The Bad Girl’s Guide to Making a Killing’ here
I’m also turbo charging my YouTube channel, with monthly updates, the first of which you can see here
And I have just launched a Patreon page, why not check it out and become a patron here You can connect with Jasper Bark here: 
Here’s the link to my Patreon Page again:  https://www.patreon.com/JasperBark
Here’s a link where you can get a free eBook, a free story and an exclusive video of my blooper reel, by signing up to my mailing list:
Really, you’d be foolish not to.  
Some of Jasper Bark’s books: 
  Getting personal with Jasper Bark Jasper Bark is infectious - and there’s no known cure. If you’re reading this then you’re already at risk of contamination.
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