#ok more of like a prologue to another thing. hence the ending alskdfj
joysmercer · 2 years
ok but what if (more s3 canon div coming uppp)
“eric. I think we should tell the children.”
“tell the children?” eric looks up at victor, confused.
“TELL THE CHILDREN?” harriet screeches before he can explain himself.
well, at least she appears to have enough braincells to figure out what he’s getting at. victor sighs. 
“they know about robert. I think we can get them to come willingly.” 
(goodness, could she speak a little quieter?)
“Not that he’s in a tank. but the children are quite familiar with his…contributions to anubis house and the school,” eric explains, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “mr. lewis would certainly be easy to persuade, but i’m not sure about—”
“williamson. she’s causing problems in my classes already and it’s only the second day of school,” harriet interjects.
“what on earth is she up to? I certainly hope my son has no part in it.” 
“your son will also be the death of me, if i’m quite frank.” 
“stop that, stop that,” victor says, rubbing his forehead. it’s like herding sheep that really don’t want to be herded with these two. 
seriously, he swears eric was more mature as a teenager than he is now.
“this ceremony is of the utmost importance. we cannot have the children meddling and ruining it before it’s time! surely the easiest way to ensure that is to tell them what we need from them?” 
“miss mercer would immediately refuse, and harriet’s right—patricia is unlikely to listen to her elders on a good day, which this conversation you’re proposing would certainly not be a part of.” eric shakes his head. “I’m sorry, victor, but as Seeker I cannot allow—”
“as Seeker, you have no jurisdiction anymore. the Descendents have already been Sook. Seeked. Found. Whatever.” harriet turns to victor. “As Keeper, responsible for Robert’s safety, I must put my foot down.” 
Victor wishes desperately he could assign these two detention for all eternity. “as Enabler, I am telling you that the Ceremony will be damaged in some way by November. The children are already aware something is up, with the missing parcel—I’m certain they had something to do with it.” 
he takes their silence as agreement. 
“I’m sorry, sir, you have— you want—” Jerome shakes his head, his long hair flailing violently (just as his father’s used to—never a good sign.)
“I’m with him on this one, actually,” Joy says, grimacing to herself as the words leave her mouth. “I’m sorry, this just seems—”
“Is no one here worried about Zombies?” Alfie, who had been sitting in shock until now, suddenly jolts up. “You want us to awaken a dead guy in a tank, something that’s never been done before, and you’re not at all worried that he’ll want to EAT OUR BRAINS or something?”
luckily, patricia whacks him on the head before victor has to. “we have more realistic problems, dumbass.” the glare she shoots victor makes him regret his earlier thanks to her. 
“this man left death traps all over this house and made a god so angry he got cursed to live in a tank. not to mention the fact that he has indirectly tried to murder all of us”—she gestures around the group as they nod in agreement—“like three times each. I’m not doing it.” 
Victor draws himself up to his full height, towering over the children slumped on the couch before him. “I was not asking for your permission, miss williamson. you were brought to this school, on scholarship, for one purpose only. I’ve seen your grades—why else do you think Eric would have offered to pay your tuition?” he nods at the others. “You will lose your places at this school if you don’t comply. I don’t anticipate that being a conversation you would want to have with your parents.” 
with that, he turns and marches up the stairs, leaving the children behind him in silence. 
“Fabian, Eddie, I hope you’re fully-clothed because we’re coming in,” Jerome announces, ignoring the girls blushing behind him. He forces open their bedroom door and marches in. “Victor’s making all four of us participate in some crazy plan, except he doesn’t even know what the plan is or when it’ll happen, so we’re all going to get kidnapped some time soon.” he stops and stares at the Nerd and the Osirian before him. “well?”
“I’m sorry, I’m going to need you to repeat all of that again,” eddie says. “Yeah, me too,” Fabian agrees. 
Joy steps in this time and explains what’s going on.
eddie, understandably, freaks out over his father’s involvement in everything. It’s not until patricia says something like “all of us except fabian have problematic dads, get over yourself” that he snaps out of it
“Wait. A great evil. This must be why KT was sent here!” he exclaims. 
Patricia looks about ready to commit a murder. “KT was sent here? and you just trust her? she could be working with sweetie and victor!”
“I don’t think so, trix,” alfie says. the others stare at him. “she seems cool!”
“you also said that about—”
“joy, you swore—”
“I’m not going to tell, but I’m just saying—”
“wait, joy, now I want to know—”
“never in a million years, jerome, get over yourself,” joy says, then turns back to alfie. “point is, you don’t aren’t always the best judge of character.” 
“yeah, I mean, most of us could tell meredith from the parent trap was evil the minute she came on screen,” patricia adds as jerome cackles next to her. “you’re the only one who thought she was nice.”
“okay, okay, stop,” fabian interrupts before jerome could say something that would make eddie say something that would make alfie say something that would derail this entire meeting. “I think victor’s parcel has the instructions. we’ve just got to decode it.” 
“wait, you had victor’s parcel this whole time???”
fabian sighs. this is going to be a long day. 
anyway, with ample time to figure things out, they perform the ceremony correctly and the rest of this happens and (mostly) everyone lives happily ever after the end <3
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