#ok tbh idk if churches even hand out fliers for things
deanlombardi · 3 years
after being cooped up in his room for five straight days, dean had begun to feel an almost biological need for fresh air and sunlight. he’d woken up at 3pm, hungrily guzzled nearly three quarters of an entire container of orange juice, slipped on jeans and a tshirt (both dirty), and rode into town. parking near the square, dean began to walk without direction, just soaking up some dappled sunlight and breathing in some fresh spring air. fortunately he hadn’t drank much the night before, because a hangover would’ve totally marred the pleasantness of the experience.
he turned a corner and found himself just a few strides away from the church. normally he wouldn’t have thought much of this, but there was a smiling young man stationed out front who looked ready to proposition him to do something church-related. for a moment he considered just turning back the way he came, but it was too late; the holy roller was already extending a flier in his direction. as dean came to a stop in front of him, he realized that he knew this guy — well…knew of him. reggie jr, aka mr. perfect; dean had always considered himself lucky that their paths hadn’t crossed much, as he didn’t have a high tolerance for moralizing (something he kinda just assumed that all religious people did constantly). before even looking at what the flier said, dean held up a hand, “look…reggie, is it? i’m sure you’re doing the lord’s work and all, and that’s great. i’m happy for you, really i am. but the whole god thing? not for me. so, i think maybe you should save that for the next poor sap who walks this way.”
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