#ok thats my pathological need to write a little review of things i go and see on here satisfied xoxo
severalowls · 1 year
This isn't exactly damning because I have since 4 operas in my life (all in the last couple of months) but the version of Die Zauberflote I went to see at the cinema tonight was a little bit meh. Did some really cool stuff with effects conceptually but it wasn't like Mindblowing like the stuff I'd seen before and most of the really clever or impressive bits in both the production design and performances were... Literally in the trailer which made me want to see it in the first place. And the mystical magical forest cult had all the excitement and dress style of like, a particularly stuffy american suburban protestant church. It just wasn't that interesting narratively which can be fine if the production is cool as fuck, but all the really cool stuff was pretty minor and didn't make it for it...
Like the Don Giovanni a few weeks ago was grey but it was stylistic and weird and saying something and was used to convey things about the characters and story. This was just grey because.
I felt kind of bad for the group of teenage girls sat in the same row as me because they seemed to be bored out of their minds and left in the intermission before any of the notably good bits, and if they were just poking their heads in to see what the fuck the deal was like i did a few weeks ago, they were probably put off forever and I probably would have been too.
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