#ok to rb djjdjsjsj as disorganised as this is
cryptidcaptain · 4 years
things I want americans on tumblr to understand about the uk:
- no, not every single brit benefitted from colonialism. in fact, it was pretty much entirely the upper class, feeding slightly into the middle. it was the same now as it is today, the upper class and those in charge (which are in effect, pseunonymous) profited off the suffering of millions abroad and kept the spoils entirely to themselves
- this meant, in short, the working class in britain had no money, no foreign goods, and no influence to change any of it. AND through the show stoppingly brilliant power of blind nationalism, the upper class convinced the country (AGAIN, as they are doing today) that this model was absolutely perfect, and the envy of the world (please look up what victorian slums and workhouses were like. Britain profited hugely off its empire but these people saw none of it)
- tl;dr entrenched class system
- so what do you think they ate ? foreign fruits and spices ? FUCK no, no way in hell they could afford that shit
- and guess what ? still can't ! the recipes and base ingredients used have changed over the years but in essence, the "weird haha gross" foods (which, I might add, are almost entirely northern, scottish, and irish) are things people eat because they have no money to produce anything nicer.
- oh and what happened with scotland and ireland again ? oh right yeah, they were taken over by the english and treated like absolute trash (Irish troubles anyone?). their languages almost went extinct because they were banned from speaking them.
- guess what else is working class ? all those lovely accents you enjoy making fun of ! haha dont you just love when you talk the way everyone around you does and then get told in school that your accent will make interviewing for jobs and unis harder :)) (yes, that does happen)
- stop being classist
- boris johnson n the tories are right there, please, we'd love you to take the piss out of them as much as trump and the republicans, they're posh twats and are actively seeking to destroy our lives (particularly the working class) for personal monetary gain
- this isnt a fucking joke. i dont care if you're joking, I'm not. literally if you make a joke in poor taste and someone says "agh, maybe dont do that its reminiscent of the classism I experience" then maybe you. should reevaluate how much making the joke is really important to you ?
- clown on this post and I will block you, im not debating this im just ranting.
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