#ok well here is the edit i was talking about tee hee and lol >:^) zombie stories my beloved
ruvviks · 2 years
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'Look- Ghouls,' Layla quietly said, leaning over Mac as she pointed at a few rapidly moving dots in the distance. Mac gently nudged Gabriella's camera aside, the knot in his stomach tightening when he moved a little closer to the backseat window to be able see it as well. A small horde, charging with incredible speed at the opened hangar of the wall. They moved unpredictable; changed direction to the approaching vehicles, a view similar to a flock of birds going for a sudden dive. Several little flashes of light came from the cars, and the ghouls dropped one by one- the gunshots were too far away to be heard. || [x] + [x]
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manchasama · 7 years
@kc347890 had some more questions for us, so spoilers below the cut!
You asked me for some specifics, so here goes:
Why is AVALANCHE after them? They both are against ShinRa right? So wouldn't AVALANCHE dismiss them for the time being?
K: Fair warning:  Any an everything we say here is subject to change at the drop of a hat in the future.
S: Well, maybe not the DROP of a hat, but we do tend to get Ideas and screw ourselves over for editing lol (sob)
K:  Anyway, it's….more like they're after AVALANCHE than the other way around.
S:  Though Elfe is interested in Sephiroth's power, of course.  But Cloud and Zack are Not Happy with the way AVALANCHE does things, and aren't about to let it stand.  Not to mention that after Counter Crisis, timeline-wise, is when the Before Crisis Turk vs AVALANCHE stuff from that cell phone game happens, so we're borrowing from that.  AVALANCHE will be very active in doing terrible deeds, and they ARE trying to save the world, right?
K:  Also, Cloud kinda hates them for being shitty and using the AVALANCHE name even though they're where it originated from.
S: And Zack hates them for mutilating his friends, as well as being just in general shitty.
K:  And Sephiroth thinks they're in his way.  His reasons are petty, but in a good way!  Maybe.  Sorta.  Mostly.
S: Aerith certainly isn't a fan after her last encounter with them either.  Which will be coming up soon.  So yeah, it's less AVALANCHE paying them any mind, and more them going and fudging ship up for AVALANCHE.
Also, what about Holy? Do they need it to stop whatever is coming?
K:  Sorta kinda but not in a way you might expect?
S: This is book three territory!  Holy does come up as an option, yes.  Much like canon, Aerith does attempt to use holy.
By the name starting with "H," Hojo is the obvious answer, no? So what does he want with them? Is it Sephiroth, or Cloud, or both of them?
S:  There are other, perfectly acceptable names that start with H.  Like...Howie….or Harold...ok yeah obviously it's Hojo lol
K: …A better question would be "what /doesn't/ he want with them?"
S:  And don't forget they have Aerith.  He probably is still quite interested in her for his...experiments.
K: lol… yeah.  Experiments.
S: Because it's Good Science to throw to creatures into a room and just expect them to...idk, mate??  He's such a creeper.
And in one of your posts, I noticed you said that later in the fic, Sephiroth would see Advent Children Cloud and be like, "Oh, it's Cloud." So, does that mean Cloud gets Firsts Tsurugi back? But how???
K:  Well, I mean… technically speaking, Advent Children Cloud is the only Cloud Sephiroth has ever known.  Sure, he's missing a few inches and some accessories but….
S:  Right.  I'm not sure what post you're talking about, or we could clarify a bit maybe?  (Also yes.)
(Do they have to stop the WEAPONS again?)
S:  Yes.  :P
K:  UGLY LAUGHTER.  Stop is one word for it!
And what about Fenrir?
S:  Also yes.  :P
K: (Zack wants one SO BAD!!)
S:  Tee hee!
And for the final question: What are they calling their network of rebels?
K:  They're actually not super involved with that themselves, to be fair.  (Hehe, Fair.)
S:  Ironic, since it's done "in their name" sort of.  Hmmm, there's a thought.  Cloud's Angels, right?  (Don't hurt me)
K: I will murder you.  Edge would suggest it and Gibbs would shut him down so hard.
S:  Sounds about right!
K: Honestly, if anything I feel like they'd call themselves SOLDIER still--the /real/ SOLDIER, that embodies the honor and dreams of a hero.
S: (Though it's not just SOLDIERs mwehehehe)
K:  The Squad(™) has their hands in a lot of pies.
S:  *Nod nod*
Lol, sorry for the total overload of questions. And thanks.
S:  No problem!  I did ask for them, and it's fun to share.  I just need to have Koorii pull me back from giving away too much sometimes!  Spoilers are all well and good, but we want to show you through the story, not just chatterbugging about it.
K:  And I'm the kind of person who likes to be a giant tease so… :p
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