#okay NOW i can go back to watching thru the buu saga. this was bothering me royally
nekropsii · 4 months
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Guys, I don't think Vriska tried to fuck kids as an adult, though. I think the opposite happened to her, actually. She didn't try to bone her child relative either. That was all Cronus.
It's crazy how people will just ignore the Sex Pest aspect of Cronus just to try to hold Vriska at his level. I think a character being a sex pest - especially as a grown ass man, and ESPECIALLY one targeting children, ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY if any of those kids are RELATED to them - is going to draw immediate EXTREME ire from everyone, way more than anything else any other character has done. It's almost like sex crimes, especially against children, and especially against child relatives, as a grown ass adult, are seen as the most reprehensible crimes you can commit, ever.
Vriska's done some fucked up shit, but you can't call her a pedophile. That's not a title she can claim. You can call Cronus one, though. You cannot leave out the fact that Vriska is a 13 year old grooming victim and Cronus is an adult sexual predator who has targeted several children before, one of which he is literally related to. Key difference. Acting like Vriska Serket has worse morals than Cronus Ampora and saying you cannot fathom why people wouldn't want to afford Cronus any mercy is just kind of idiotic.
The literal point of Cronus's character is that he deserves worse. That's the point. There isn't a fate that's terrible enough for him to match the crimes against humanity he's committed as shamelessly as he has. Vriska's whole character is about how she's a chronic fuckup that the whole universe has failed. And she's 13. What are we doing.
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