#okay anyways i should go actually art hdjdjd
lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
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Rot wings concept featuring rot suns because I got bored waiting for my brother to finish grocery shopping
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suspiciouslyrics · 3 years
creator tag game
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work.
I was tagged by @larrybaits thank you!! 🥺💫🌿 i really didn't think i'd some day be a gifmaker in this fandom since i just lurked for so long but it's been fun so far 😌
I made/posted my first 1d gifset in july this year, so i only have 5 months of creations to choose from but okey let's see:
Beautiful war cover: this entire song had SUCH a strong red hue because of the lightning that it was tricky to correct but i think i did well, i really like how it ended up looking and i'm obsessed with the moment in the last gif when louis blends in with the mic stand (wanting to gif that is how this set started)
Golden mv: i finished this after midnight when i had been working on it for way too long, i was kinda blind to it and couldn't really tell how the colors looked and how the gifs worked together, but i posted it, went to bed and hoped for the best hdjdjd. Then i looked at it again the next day and was like 'okay yeah this actually does look good', it's probs one of my best colorings i've ever made ngl
Golden x eroda: water, some nice lyrics and some yellow, can't go wrong?? 👀 This was after a sudden inspiration hit and while the gifs were done quickly i did play around with the colors and the font a lot, i like how rich the blue looks and the ~vibes~ it has
MTV interview throwback: this was the first time i started to play around with the hue/saturation layer and i'm not sure how i managed to use PS for almost two years before i realized how effective and fun this layer is (someone in the tags said it reminded them of a lesbian flag and while not my intention, they are right and should say it)
The weekend throwdown throwback: it's a simple gifset and that's why i love it, i wouldn't change anything in the coloring if i remade them now (which is an unusual feeling hdjdjdkd) I really like louis' haircut here, and the oversized sweater and just generally how laidback this interview was. But my favorite thing is how i changed the green wall in the back to grey and it gave this set such a soft vibe imo
Honorable mentions:
Copy of a copy of a copy: my most popular set, probably memorized the lyrics while making this
Harry's hands: i mean hands??? and rings??? wheew, a quick set but i really like it
Lights up rainbow edit: i'm not actually sure why i don't love this much, i like it allright but it wouldn't reach the top5 BUT it's the most gifs i've ever posted on one set and took me an entire evening, so yeah i think it deserves a mention anyway
Popbuzz throwback: .......i mean.... I couldn't not include this
Louis in a yellow shirt sitting on a table: idk i just think it was sexi of me to have this as my first 1d gifset (okay it's just one gif posted twice but yeah, it's on brand)
I'm not sure how this became a 5 + another 5 thing???? But for once before this damned year ends i will honk my own horn ok 😌📯
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