#okay apparently that tag already exists but not formally LMAO
flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
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[image description: my new Greenpath Vessel doll. They have two black, oval eyes, two short horns on each side of their head, and a dark blue cloak with a slightly frayed hem and some tears in it. They are supported by my hand. end image description]
babby real :)
no brain cells for a ramble about the process right now, but man crochet is Not the right medium to get that ripped clothing look
also behold, the twins:
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[image description: my Ghost and Greenpath Vessel (Orchid) dolls sitting side by side, supported by my arm. They are roughly the same height. end image description]
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atopearth · 6 years
Ikemen Sengoku Part 4 - Tokugawa Ieyasu Route
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It’s going to take a while for Ieyasu to soften up but from the things he does in other routes, he’s definitely worth it even if he’s rather cold right now. I mean, when he saved the heroine from danger when she was trying to run off (since she was being used as bait with Nobunaga lol), he was really cool. It was his duty but dangg, he’s not only cute but he can be so cool too!
Aww he’s going to be taking care of her in his palace! She doesn’t even need to move there in the future then hahaha! But dangg he’s so cold and icy I think I’d be too sad to keep trying like the heroine does, although he is right in calling her a weakling… But I’m rooting for her to melt his cold heart that’s shutting her out right now! We all know Ieyasu is actually a super fluffy marshmallow that is soft and sweet to people! HAHAHA I love how he called the little fawn he’s nursing back to health emergency food supply, he’s so tsundere😂
I love how determined they are towards their respective goals. Ieyasu is so determined to keep the heroine at a distance and she is determined to get to know him. They’re so cute lol. Learning archery would be nice and useful. I love how the simple interactions Ieyasu had with the heroine made everyone else (besides Mitsunari and the heroine) totally tell that he’s embarrassed and softening up to her but unwilling to admit or face these feelings of his lolol. It’s so cute when he can’t be honest with his feelings even though it’s so obvious!! He’s so adorableee! Especially when he touched her cheek telling her that her silly and happy face is the one he likes to see and then he gets all embarrassed! Kyaa, kill mee, he’s too cute😂 how dareee they capture the fluffball of cuteness?! I wanted to see more of Ieyasu’s and the heroine’s awkward but cute interactions like when he gave her a pair of earrings as reward for her hard work in archery! I don’t want him to be hurt :( I’m so glad that he felt comfortable enough to faint in her arms though, you can see that he was concerned as to why she bothered to come here to save him but also happy that she cared so much about him despite feeling useless that she had to.
Omg Ieyasu’s childhood was spent being a hostage? No wonder why when the heroine came here he told her to accept her fate as a caged bird and a weakling because he himself understands that feeling of helplessness and torture the most. But this incident also made him feel weak for becoming a hostage again. Thankfully the heroine tried her best to convince him that he is actually very strong since he sacrificed himself to protect his soldiers and he has time and time again saved her, he has fought his way up here and everything, he’s definitely not weak at all!
He’s such a sweet guy and I love how Masamune made a 3 tiered lunchbox for Ieyasu and the heroine so he’ll get better soon, he even put Ieyasu’s favourites! Everyone’s so sweet! Seeing Ieyasu apologise for the trouble but also thank them for visiting and caring for him made me happy that he’s being a bit more straightforward and honest today hahaha. It’s sad to know that she’ll have to go back to the castle to Nobunaga though. I’m so used to life with Ieyasu😂 I like how he hated that the heroine is always formal with him and not with Hideyoshi and the others when he’s the one she knows the most well. He’s adorable.
HAHAHA, Ieyasu’s excuse for carrying her bags was so cute😂 He said he should carry it because she’s so clumsy that she might fall down and if she falls, the bags won’t break her fall and she’ll get hurt and if she gets hurt, he’ll have to take care of her😂 it’s so convoluted, it’s hilarious. I’m happy that he seemed really happy that the heroine said she’ll go back to visit him because she wants to see him again hehe. Such a considerate gift to give her though! To give her cloth so she can make her own kimono with it! He really understands her. Omg, she used the extra cloth to make a toy Wasabi (the fawn he saved) as a safety charm and I’m glad that he’s finally melting his ice through the heroine’s straightforward personality. About time!! Who could bear to not hug her when she says something like she’s waiting for him to return from the war? I love how she asked why he’s hugging her and he’s like just let me hug you and she’s like okay😂
Mitsunari is so hilarious though, I love how he can handle Ieyasu in his own way where everything Ieyasu says just goes over his head like it’s the most natural conversation in the world. I guess that’s why Ieyasu doesn’t like him hahahah but it’s so funny. As usual, the heroine takes off to the battlefield in concern of him. I can’t wait until Ieyasu finally admits to her importance in his life~~ I mean she’s confessed already and desires for his happiness above everything else so I want him to acknowledge her love soon~~ hopefully her kidnapping will trigger that hahah. I really like Yukimura though, he doesn’t care about the heroine but he works according to his principles and so because he recognises that she’s important to Sasuke, he helps him on breaking her out of her cell. Kenshin is crappy for using hostages but I guess his one track mind for focusing his only priority on defeating Nobunaga is admirable.
Ieyasu is so cute 😂 he calls the heroine a fool and yet when Yukimura says the same thing, he reprimands him saying that only he can call her a fool hahahaah. Really cool of Ieyasu to acknowledge that the heroine is not property and that she is her own person, when it comes to this era. Lmao, Kenshin is so cute for giving the heroine seaweed in apology for chopping a bit of her hair off since it’s apparently good for hair growth LOLOL. I’m very curious as to why Sasuke is so loyal and caring for Kenshin though, since he says that he owes Kenshin so much and enough that he’s willing to stay in this time period for him.
Hideyoshi and the heroine are right, Nobunaga and them can only fight with no worries because Hideyoshi is there to take care of the base, whereas the existence of the heroine going about her day to day life is reminiscent of the fact that she and all the other people are preserving a home for all the soldiers to come back to. They are all important roles for a country, town, city or whatever because everyone needs a home to return to as their motivation and their happiness.
It’s so cute how Ieyasu has turned from an ice block into a guy that would let the heroine jump into his arms and hug him in front of everyone as they return from war. I guess he’s not embarrassed anymore ayee. I guess he was kinda embarrassed after everyone started teasing them hahahaha. It’s probably because he knows suffering so well that Ieyasu can be so kind. He recognises that these decisions may be wrong considering he is letting people who tortured and tried to kill him go but he doesn’t regret it either because he wants the cycle of hatred to end and I’ve gotta say, he’s so admirable and kind I don’t know what to do. He’s such a gentle soul despite the era he lives in.
On another note, I love how much of a fanboy Sasuke is for the warlords especially Ieyasu, he’s so cuteeee hahaha. It kinda made me want to cry when Ieyasu told the heroine that she has already become the home he longs to return to all the time. She worked hard to create this home of comfort for him and he can finally see and appreciate her feelings instead of rejecting her now. There’s just so much acceptance and progress that it makes me so happy and touched😭 I love how she knows everything he says is contrary to what he feels, like “I hate you” is “I love you” and so when he said “I don’t need you”, it was so sweet when she was able to translate it to “all I need is you”.
(Dramatic Route + His Perspective) Great to see Ieyasu’s perspective! He’s always so not honest with his words that everything comes out harsh but when you see it from his perspective, it’s so cute how he tries so hard to hide that he’s nice lolol. Especially when the heroine notices so he acts even more mean. I see, when Ieyasu saved her from that ronin when she tried to run away, she reminded him of the young him who was locked in a similar cage with no freedom and wanting to run away so he really understood her feelings well even back then. It’s really nice to see that Ieyasu warmed up to her quite a bit already and her coming to the battlefield for him made it hard for him to hide how he truly feels too.
Omg so funny when Kenshin wanted to see the heroine during the peace negotiations and Ieyasu grabbed her hand and ran off lolol. Luckily Sasuke stopped Kenshin otherwise they really would have started playing a game of tag until Kenshin could see and talk to her lmao. So adorableee of Ieyasu being so honest saying she’s super cute and is oblivious to other guys being interested in her lol. Kinda like the drama with Kennyo sending units to kill off Ieyasu’s group and the heroine since they’re trying to call for reinforcements but having to end up fencing themselves in some sort of abandoned castle to defend themselves. It’s so sweet that Sasuke came, risking his life to help her out after noticing the oddities in the battlefield. He’s really looking out for her as he promised. How convenient of the wormhole going back to the future to be opening up inside these walls but I guess it’s so kind of Sasuke to come all this way just to say this so he can save her life. He really cares about her.
It’s super risky but I’m happy that Sasuke acknowledged her feelings and the reality of the situation to get her to ride alone back to the castle and get reinforcements from Hideyoshi to save Ieyasu and the rest. It was so brave and cool of the heroine to use the bow skills she learnt from Ieyasu to shoot an arrow preventing an enemy from attacking Ieyasu when he didn’t notice an attack from behind. But omggg Ieyasu being jealous is the cutest and sweetest thing ever! And it’s so cute that he’s thinking of children and grandchildren already and wanting them to take after her instead so they’ll be more honest and straightforward hahaha. I definitely prefer the dramatic route more, it’s so much better! XD
Overall, I love the change the heroine brought about in him to be a bit more honest. He’s still as cute as ever with his words that are contrary to his real thoughts but it’s really nice how everyone around him understands what he really means and I think that’s just how Ieyasu is and it just goes to show how adorable he is. It’ll always be a part of him but it’ll always be a good part of him that everyone can happily indulge in.
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