#okay but who would win hottest camp counselor because willie and luke are two very specific flavours of teen crushes
innytoes · 2 years
For the trope mashups! What about Summer Camp AU + First Kiss for Rulie?
Reggie had never been a Camp Kid. While he was pretty sure his parents would have loved to send him away all summer, there had never been any money for it. He got sent to his grandparents to help at the ranch until they died when he was twelve, and then they just told him to get the hell out of the house if he got on their nerves.
So it was a little daunting to become a fully fledged Camp Counselor at Camp Bright when the only experience he had with summer camp was what he remembered from cheesy 90s movies. Especially when it turned out some of the other Counselors had been going to the music camp since they were ten. Still, he liked kids, and the management had been very excited when they found out he knew how to ride a horse.
The other counselors were really nice, though. His bunk mate Luke was super enthusiastic about everything, and showed him around. Alex filled him in on what nights to avoid eating with the kids because the counselors were going to do take-out later. (Against his advice, Reggie had tried Meatloaf Monday one time. He had Regrets.) Willie was the other counselor who rode horseback, who led them on the trails while Reggie took the rear to ensure no kids fell off their horses. Flynn was funny, and told the best ghost stories (saving the really scary ones for after the kids had gone to bed).
And then there was Julie. Julie, who was so pretty that Reggie had tripped over his feet the first time he saw her. Julie who had the voice of an angel, and the patience to boot, gently coaxing even the shyest kid out of their shell. Julie who, on Beach Day, wore a very modest bathing suit with a pair of ridiculous oversized floral trunks and still managed to make Reggie flush so hard he had to pretend he forgot his sunscreen and it was just a mild sunburn.
Julie, who'd very much saw through his ruse and had started flirting with him any time there weren't any kids around, just to see his cheeks go red again.
They were sitting around the campfire, Luke with his guitar, just riffing and singing and finishing up the last of the smores-making supplies. Alex and Willie had been in charge of making sure everyone did lights out, though by the way they took half an hour longer than usual, and going by the twigs and pine needles still in Willie's hair, they might have taken a detour on the way back to the fire-pit.
When it was time to make rounds, to check on all the cabins (and ensure nobody was sneaking around), Julie grabbed his hand and volunteered them, dragging him away, but not before he saw a few knowing looks around the campfire. He followed, happy that in the dark of the night, Julie couldn’t see the blush on his face, at least.
They checked in on the younger cabins first, where everyone was sound asleep. The older boys’ cabin was surprisingly quiet, save for a few telltale signs of people hiding under the cover with their flashlights (probably working on songs to show Luke tomorrow for his songwriting class). It was the teen girls’ cabin where the real drama was. 
“No way!” one of the girls whisper-shouted. “Willie is totally hotter than Luke! You’re blind, Katie!”
“I’m not blind, but Willie’s dating Alex,” Presumably Katie defended. “And they are way too cute together to break up. So clearly, Luke is the better choice. Elena, back me up on this.”
“I’m a lesbian,” Elena deadpanned. “The hottest counselor is Flynn.”
“Should we be breaking this up?” Reggie whispered.
“No, I wanna hear who wins,” Julie whispered back, her grin lighting up in the moonlight, and for a moment Reggie was too distracted by the little gap between her front teeth to worry about being a good camp counselor. “Besides, this is kind of a camp rite of passage.” Which, Julie had been going to camp since she was ten. Maybe that was true. Maybe she was lying because she was just curious who would win. Either way, Reggie was willing to follow her lead.
Katie groaned. “Fine. Claire, who do you think is the cutest counselor, Willie or Luke?”
“Reggie,” Claire said confidently. “He’s just so sweet.”
The surprised shrieked ‘what?’ and the resulting frantic shushing from inside the cabin was probably the only thing that covered Julie’s little giggle. She clapped her hand to her mouth, and pulled him away just as Claire started her impassioned defense of Reggie. (Apparently his freckles were a major selling point.)
When they were out of earshot, Reggie chuckled to himself. “Poor Alex, he wasn’t even in the running,” he said. Julie laughed too, but then shivered. The night air was cold, away from the fire. Without a second thought, he slipped off his flannel and draped it over Julie’s shoulder. She came to a stop, surprised, so he stopped too. “Sorry,” he said. “You looked cold.”
Julie smiled, pulling the flannel closer around her. “You know, Claire was right,” she said. “You’re so sweet.”
“Yeah,” Reggie quipped, before his brain could fully process anything other then ‘wow Julie looks really hot in my flannel’. “But am I the cutest counselor?”
“That too,” Julie said, leaning up to brush her lips against his. 
And if they came back to the fire-pit a lot later than was usual for just a round of checking on the cabins, well, nobody said anything.
Send me two tropes from this list and a pairing and I’ll tell you the fic to go with it.
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