#okay i am REALLY rusty so forgive me with this starter
shieldarchitect · 8 months
An Unusual Design Opportunity
Starter for @doctor-brucebanner
The car still smells new and Charlie wonders what the current catastrophic car death count is up to; the agent that was assigned to handling her vehicular misfortunes used to have a sign up in his workstation stating "It has been X number of days since Charlie's last car incident." She's about a half mile from the rather discreetly located fancy shmancy home of Dr. Banner - or well, The Hulk? Professor Banner? She would have to be sure to ask what he preferred to go by these days.
It was almost intimidating, having to work with one of the Avengers. Especially after all they'd done to restore humanity. S.H.I.E.L.D. apparently, recommended her specifically for this job, and she was thrilled at the opportunity to provide accessible design in a new way. She slows down as she nears the entry, parks, and gets out, slinging a messenger bag over her shoulder with her typical client introductory meeting supplies.
A quick check of her phone for missed messages as she walks up to the door gets her in proximity of the door, but she hesitates to knock, hand hovering above the surface for a few seconds. There is a little nervousness lingering in the back of her mind, and it pops to the forefront for just a few seconds, recalling seeing the man's larger greener form using her car as a type of baseball bat against the invading army of the Chitauri - surely her supervisors wouldn't have volunteered her for anything that would put her in danger. She shakes it off and finally knocks three times.
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