#okay i learned how to edit gifs and i couldn't resist
sugarpasteltmnt · 8 months
everyone after hearing me say "time for the real fun to start" after already tormenting Leo for the last 19 chapters
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xinyuehui · 3 months
Link Click live action drama EP1-4 thoughts
Where to watch: Bilibili (no eng subs at the moment) Bilibili English site (Releasing on Jun 22, assuming it will have subs)
After seeing the atrocious live-action adaptation of Fox Spirit Matchmaker, all hope is lost. But the Link Click drama is produced by the same team who adapted Hikaru no Go (Qi Hun), which was good. Let's see how this goes…
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The screenwriter said this is a prequel, but I disagree. I would describe it as taking the Link Click universe and creating a canon adjacent edition of it, an AU to the original. The outline of the story is very similar, but the finer details and premise are very different from those of the donghua.
In the donghua, the boys were already engaged in time travelling, and we learn later on that they met at university. So far, it has never been explained how they discovered their superpowers.
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Whereas in the drama they changed the premise, Cheng Xiaoshi meets Lu Guang for the first time when Lu Guang rescues him from being beaten up by a fish vendor...interesting choice of first meet...Cheng Xiaoshi explains that he was born with a natural instinct, but it's not exactly clear what the superpower is. Qiao Ling is also unaware of Cheng Xiaoshi's superpowers.
Instead of Emma, we have Zhang Xueting, a corporate worker that face injustice. But in this case Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't take over her body, but some other guy. The relationship she has with her parents and the iconic line "Dad, mom, I miss you" is no longer in the drama. I feel like this one is a miss since the family aspect has been shifted.
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Then the noodle lesbians...haven't appeared, unless they moved that to a later episode???
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Following the donghua, the next one is Chen Xiao who went back in time to say final words to his loved ones before the earthquake. This one made me cry once again 😭
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Everything has changed. OOC at some moments in my opinion. Since season 3 of the anime is not released yet, I'm taking a wild guess that the drama will have an original ending as well. The donghua team appears to have no involvement with the production of the drama.
Qiao Ling is not just a landlady, she is also a journalist at her day job. By the looks of it, helping people will be executed through her reporting profession, and it seems like she will have a lot more involvement compared to the donghua.
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Her parents also comes into the story, her parents on the right in the screenshot below. They run a restaurant. Cheng Xiaoshi is very close to them and helps out some times.
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Cheng Xiaoshi is portrayed as someone with no real job, he hasn't gone to university and uses idioms incorrectly. Obviously Lu Guang couldn't have met him at uni in this universe. He's a lot more exaggerated and cartoony. I have mixed feelings about this.
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Because of the casting, Cheng Xiaoshi is shorter than Lu Guang. I'm sorry to all the girlies who were into canon tall Cheng Xiaoshi 🙏
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Lu Guang now has a back story, he has a teacher who passed away that taught him about time travelling?? He briefly mentioned he found the Cheng Xiaoshi they were looking for. Looks like they will unveil the superpowers origins in the drama.
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^ A glimpse of the teacher in his memory. Can you believe it's Yuen Kingdan?!?
The overall acting from the cast is fairly well done. There are several actors acting as Cheng Xiaoshi at the same time, and it still feel like it's the same person. Anyone who watched the Hikaru no Go live action will find familiarity here, as some of the actors from that production are also part of this one.
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It's okay so far, although that might change as it airs. It's difficult to digest if you treat this as a faithful adaptation (I know the none cdrama fans have been questioning why Lu Guang don't have white hair). However, if you watch it like it's an AU, and resist the urge to compare it, it's not unwatchable.
I do have one small complaint, the drama should have had a different title because now it's going to get mixed up with the donghua content when people look it up.
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One last thing. The ending song slaps hard!
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sshewonders · 8 months
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Chapter 09: Spill the beans
chapter synopsis: Questions swirled as you dozed on Daryl's back, returning to camp. Bonding over hunting, Carl's request to use your bow surprised you. Contemplating motherhood while teaching Carl math, Carol reassured you of strength found in unexpected places. As you headed for another hunting lesson with Daryl, camp gossip arose, but you assured Carol of your safety.
chapter warnings: Contains mild language, survival discussions in a post-apocalyptic setting, including danger, self-defense, and familial loss. Themes include bonding, mentorship, and relationship complexities. Reader discretion advised for emotional struggles, romantic tension, and camp gossip.
word count: 1.2k words
author's note: Okay, as of now, I'm editing everything on my blog to make it look aesthetically pleasing. However, I will be posting chapters as much as I can since I had a lot of drafted works last night at 2 am due to a sudden burst of energy and inspiration to write. By the time I had written over three chapters, each with over 2k words, it was already 4:30 am. Anyway, enjoy reading! Mwah.
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You did, in fact, dozed off on Daryl's back, emitting soft snores with your head nestled on his shoulder blades, peacefully lost in slumber.
Upon Daryl's arrival back at camp, a curious crowd, particularly Shane and Lori, gathered around as soon as Glenn spotted him carrying you. Before he could even catch his breath and ease his tired muscles, a barrage of questions erupted. Concerns about your well-being, potential injuries, bites, and speculations on what happened bombarded Daryl. Annoyed and on the brink of yelling, he hissed at everyone, trying to keep the peace while your gentle snores tickled his neck. He demanded they shut up before offering a brief explanation. Daryl glossed over the embarrassing details—how you got stuck in a tree overnight because the deer you tried to shoot waited for you to climb down, the dramatic moment where you declared you'd become one with the tree, and the frustrating instances when you resisted jumping despite his reassurances. He omitted nearly everything you had said to him during the journey back.
It dawned on him that those words were meant for him and him alone. It wasn't just a feeling; Daryl knew it. The intimate moments and revelations shared during the trek were reserved solely for the ears of Daryl Dixon.
Weeks rolled by, and you and Daryl fell into a routine of bonding over hunting, with Daryl taking on the role of the reluctant mentor. The mornings were predictable – breakfast, chores, and the familiar call from Daryl for you to get ready. Then, off you both went into the woods, the same place where Daryl found you when you were missing.
While you absorbed the lessons on hunting, there was one incident where you tried to showcase your tracking skills by circling through the forest, only to end up with no tracks at all. Daryl, unimpressed, made you watch as he hunted rabbits for the camp. You, fighting back your emotions, skipped that night's meal and settled for mushrooms.
Currently, you found yourself occupied with an unexpected task – teaching Carl some basic maths around the campfire. Although it wasn't scorching hot that day, the idea of teaching algebra in a post-apocalyptic world perplexed you. You couldn't help but wonder why Carl needed to learn this when survival skills seemed more essential. Yet, you dismissed your thoughts, attributing it to Lori's unique parenting style that you hadn't quite grasped.
You, not a mother yourself, recognized Lori's intent in teaching Carl something beyond the realm of immediate survival. Or was it really?
You were in the middle of explaining the wonders of basic geometry to Carl, sketching shapes in the dirt with a stick, trying to make it sound as exciting as possible. "See, Carl, geometry is like understanding the language of shapes. It's not just boring numbers; it's about exploring the world around us in a different way," you said with enthusiasm.
Before you could continue your enlightening lecture, Carl interrupted, "Math is boring. Can't you just teach me to use your bow instead?"
Your eyes widened at the unexpected request. You hesitated for a moment, then firmly responded, "No way, Carl. That's not a toy."
A slight pout formed on Carl's face, and he questioned, "But why not? I need to learn how to defend myself. What if something happens?"
You let out a small sigh, your mind racing with reasons to dissuade Carl from the idea. "Kid, it's dangerous," you began, your tone laced with concern. "I mean, I'm no expert at teaching, but that bow isn't a toy. You can't just go shooting arrows around like it's some kind of game."
You looked at Carl, your expression a mix of seriousness and a hint of worry. "Plus, your mom, well, she wouldn't be thrilled about it. She wants you to be safe, and shooting arrows might not be the best way to achieve that, you know?"
You rambled on, realizing you needed to drive home the point. "And, uh, I'm not exactly a great teacher. I might end up confusing you more than helping. We don't want you shooting arrows in the wrong direction or anything."
You paused, searching for more reasons to dissuade Carl. "And what if you accidentally shoot someone? We've got to be really careful with these things. It's not like shooting cans in the backyard; it's serious business." You hoped your explanations would make sense to Carl, even if he found math a bit dull.
Carl nodded, disappointment evident on his face. He leaned back too, and a silence hung in the air for a moment before Carl broke it with a quiet comment. "If my dad was still here, he'd teach me himself."
You felt a pang of sadness, knowing Rick would indeed have taken on that responsibility. Instead of dwelling on it, you offered Carl a deal. "Tell you what, if you never spill the beans, I'll let you crash in my tent tonight, and I might even let you touch my recurve bow. I'll throw in some stories too."
A bright smile broke across Carl's face, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Deal!" he exclaimed, perhaps a bit too loudly.
"Shush," You quickly shushed him, casting a cautious glance around the camp. "Keep it our secret, alright?" you whispered.
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You sat cross-legged beside Carol, your eyes wide with curiosity as you observed the intricate dance of fingers weaving through Sophia's hair. Braiding had always been a mystery to you, an art form you never quite mastered. You remembered the painful attempts at braiding your own hair, resulting in tangled knots that brought tears to your eyes.
On the other side of the camp, Daryl diligently cleaned his arrows, occasionally glancing over at you. He couldn't help but notice the mix of curiosity and awe in your eyes, a look he'd grown accustomed to whenever he taught you something new. Teaching you had its challenges, though. While you were an attentive listener, your stubbornness often led you to forge your own path instead of following his instructions.
Today, Daryl planned to teach you the proper way to hold a hunting knife and perhaps introduce you to self-defense basics. Sticks would suffice for practice; he couldn't risk real knives causing harm.
Meanwhile, Carol skillfully braided Sophia's hair, and the little girl scampered off to play checkers with Carl. Yoh, impressed, couldn't help but applaud. "Well, isn't that something," you remarked.
Carol chuckled, dismissing the accomplishment. "Nothing fancy," she said modestly. "Just a skill I picked up along the way."
You, genuinely intrigued, decided to share your own struggles with braiding. "Honestly, every time I tried, it was like a war between me and my hair. And trust me, my hair won most of the battles."
Carol laughed, a warm sound that echoed across the camp. "You're not alone. I had my fair share of battles, especially when Sophia's hair started getting longer."
As Sophia happily played with Carl, you continued, "I never thought I would and will be able to braid someone else's hair, let alone a kid's. I mean, I can't even do it on my own hair."
Carol smirked, a playful glint in her eyes. "You never know. Maybe one day, when you have a daughter, you'll become a braiding expert."
Your eyes widened at the suggestion, and you let out a chuckle. "Me, a mom? Now, that's a scary thought."
Carol nudged her gently. "You might surprise yourself. Life's full of unexpected twists."
You shook your head, a faint smile playing on your lips. "I never thought about having a family in this world. It just seems... unfair, you know? Bringing a child into a world that's so broken."
Carol nodded thoughtfully, absorbing your perspective. "It's true, it's a different world now. But you know, kids have a way of bringing hope, even in the darkest times."
You sighed, a hint of sadness in your eyes. "I get that, but it just feels like I'd be bringing them into a world that's broken."
Carol placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Sometimes, bringing a new life into the world is a way of showing that we won't let this world break us completely."
"Yeah, what new life? What kind of life is that? A life where danger lurks at every turn, where 'normal' is just a memory? No, thanks." You shook your head.
Carol gave you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You know, maybe in all this mess, we find strengths we never knew we had. Having a kid? It's like saying to the world, 'You won't break us completely.'"
Your gaze softened, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed to ease. "I never considered it that way. It's just... so different from what I imagined."
"Life's full of unexpected twists. Sometimes, the very thing we fear becomes our greatest source of strength." Carol said.
You sighed softly, your gaze fixed on the ground. "I guess you're right, Carol. But it's just hard to imagine finding strength in a world that's taken so much away. I never thought I'd be living this kind of life."
"Sometimes, strength emerges from the unexpected. It's what keeps us going."
Intrigued, you shifted you attention to Carol. "How did you find the strength to go on after everything happened?"
Carol smiled,  "Well, Sophia's the reason why I had to keep moving forward, you know?"
You nodded, absorbing Carol's words. Before you could delve deeper into the conversation, Carol steered it in a different direction.
"Speaking of moving forward, what's going on between you and Daryl? Spending time alone in the woods, coming back just before sunset. People are starting to talk."
You blinked in surprise, not catching the teasing undertone. "Oh, we're just practicing. Daryl's teaching me to hunt. Nothing more."
Carol's face showed momentary surprise before she composed herself. "Well, that explains it. I can't blame people for wondering. In this world, spending time together can be interpreted in different ways."
You chuckled, realizing the misunderstanding. "Yeah, it seems that way. But trust me, it's just hunting lessons."
Carol couldn't hide a mischievous smile. "Well, you know how people love to gossip."
You rolled your eyes. "Tell me about it. The last thing I need is camp drama. I'm just trying not to get eaten by geeks, you know?"
Carol laughed, but then a more serious expression crossed her face. "On a serious note, are you comfortable being alone with Daryl out there?"
Your eyes reflected a mix of confidence and trust. "Yeah, Daryl's not like his brother. He may seem gruff, but there's a lot more beneath the surface. I feel safe with him."
Carol's gaze softened. "Just be cautious. People might talk, but your safety comes first."
You grinned. "I've got it covered, Carol. No worries. Daryl's a tough teacher, but I'm learning."
Carol joined in the laughter. "Alright, just watch out for those raised eyebrows and whispers."
You nodded playfully. "I'll try not to let it bother me. Geeks are more of a concern, anyway."
"Hey, c'mon!" Daryl's voice cut through the camp, calling you to action. You swiftly grabbed the hunting knife Shane had given you, exchanged quick goodbyes with Carol, and playfully ruffled Carl's hair as you made her way to Daryl.
Walking alongside him into the woods, you couldn't resist making a quip to lighten the mood. "So, Daryl, think we'll run into any friendly geeks today?" You teased.
Daryl, in his usual gruff manner, shot you a glance. "Shut up."
You chuckled, undeterred by his stoicism. "Alright, Mr. Serious. Lead the way."
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( divider by @cafekitsune )
@celtic-crossbow @maackiimoo @duckmania127 @xmaeyonaiise @richardsamboramylove55 @snailss
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inyourkindness · 7 years
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And the old king fell from grace, while Lola fled, To save face and her career
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY @mondefantastique: thanks 🤔 maybe something like Hank taking the reader to work with him (something like that stays in Nadia's place) to take care of her closely because they are going to have a baby 🙏
❚❙ WORDS: about 800.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to my amazing @sonsofeorl.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @sophie-writes @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13 . If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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Hank has been pretty quiet since you left the District to your way back home, once your shifts have finished. As soon as you arrived, he locked himself in his office. No music or any noise inside it, and you can't help but feel worried. He hasn't said anything about Nadia yet and you know that he's trying to hide his feelings and his emotions about it. You want to help him, however, but you're afraid that he pushes you away.
Knocking twice on the door, you open it to come in and close it behind your back. Your husband is sitting on his chair, leaning forward and his hands covering his face. You haven't seen him like that before. It hurts seeing him trying to be strong for everyone around him the whole time, as if it's somekind of obligation, without caring about himself. Walking closer, you place a hand on the back of his neck to leave sweet caresses through his scalp, causing Hank to sight softly and sit up to raise his eyes straight to yours.
“What can I do for you?” Whispering with a honeyed tone of voice, you sit on his lap bringing his hands to your four months belly.
Lying back against the chair, he licks his teeth rubbing his cheek. There are some words stuck on the tip of his tongue and you know that it means he has done something without consulting you. And he doesn't want you to be mad at him.
“I had a conversation with Platt, about your future”.
You don't say anything, just arching a brow with confusion.
“I got you off the streets”.
“I can't let you patrol, (Y/N). There are too many risks I ain't willing to take”.
“You? You took that decision for me?” You can't believe it, getting up from him and moving away his hands from your stomach. “So, what? I'm gonna stay here for five months? Doing nothing? It's my job, my decision, not yours! I talked with Platt to take a break in two months”.
“I'm your husband and your boss. I can, and I did. I'm sorry”. Standing up, he tries to take some steps closer. The same you go back. “You will not stay here. I've a job for you in my Unit”.
“Doing what, Hank? Being your fucking secretary? The errand girl? I'm the officer who has caught more criminals this year and… you want to put me on the phone?”
The tears fall down from your eyes like a furious storm, barely breathing, flooded by the rage. You can't avoid closing your hands in two fists, feeling your nails dug in your palms as you try to not lose your calm.
“You'll work in Intelligence like another inspector, but you will stay in the District to keep you safe till we have our daughter; learning, practicing”. Your husband stretches a hand towards your lower back, to not let you push him away, placing both arms around you when he's close enough. “Every day you leave to patrol the city, I can't even think properly. I'm scared, checking my phone every five minutes. I can't concentrate on my job”.
“And what happens after that time, Hank?” The mistrust in your voice makes him smile for a reason you ignore, increasing your angrier.
“I already said so. You will work in Intelligence”.
All your plans change in a sigh. Your furious disappears, turning into some kind of illusion and pride. This is not just to keep you safe, this is something he was thinking about for a long time now. You proved to be a good cop, unstoppable, constant, resistant to any kind of situation.
“I need to protect you. To protect our daughter. My family”. Hank rests his forehead on yours, closing his eyes as he holds you tightly. “I don't want to lose you, can you understand that?”
“And you also need someone to help you with your Unit, isn't it?” You add traveling your hands up by his chest to his shoulders.
“I have a good signing, I ain't gonna lie”. The raspy chuckles make you laugh too, still processing what he has done and why. “I'm sorry I took that decision without your opinion, but I just want the best for you. These months you can learn about how we work, doing interrogations, investigating… And then, I will return you your badge and your gun”.
“I love you, (Y/N), you know it. Let me take care of you… please”.
Just nodding, your fingers tour his arms to find his hands and lace them with yours. Now you understand it, how couldn't you? You would have done the same in his position. At least, it means having the same schedules, more pay, more action. And to not stay at home from the sixth to the ninth month of pregnancy. You'd go crazy doing nothing.
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